HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-22, Page 13. , • , 7W.NT.WoWnii.W.244.W.ONTANN.N.,444,W...414WW04,10ion,. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 22, 1987 -- 13A Elston announces $6.5M to develop energy centre . An announcement is expected today 'or tomorrow naming the first company to locate at the Brirce Energy Centre, follow- ing the announcement by Premier David Peterson and Huron - Bruce MPP Murray Elston Thursday that the provincial govern- • WO Will provide up to $6,5 million to On- tario Hydro to bring water and sewer ser- vices to the boundary of the energy centre • site.. Premier Peterson was oh a pre-election campaign swing through the area Thurs., day, when he toured Champion Road • Machinery in Goderich to mark the cpm- pany's 100th anniversary, met with town of- ficials in Clinton and attended' a BIA lun- cheon-in-Seaforth In the announcmenet at the information centre at the Bruce Nuclear Power Develop- ment, the provincial government said it had directed Ontario . Hydro to develop the energy centre in 1982. Since then; the utility built a seven mile medium pressure steam line from 'the BNPD to the energy centre' itself in an effort to attract new industry to ' the area. Hydro is offering companies special rates' for the steam as well as for electricity while there is "locked -in" power at the Bruce station. , • • Premier Peterson said the steam is an enormous natural advantage and the • development d the energy centre fits the provincial government's diversification plans, developing new industry throughout • the province rather than just' in the metropolitan areas. Mr. Elston said the services are the last • piece of the puzzle making sure the in- frastructure is available :for the develop- • ment of the centre. . "This brings tcta happy state the ability of • the area to diversify and provide employ- ment," he said. ' The .province's health Minister, Mr, Elston thanked his colleagues in cabinet fo• r' approving the Money to bring services to the •centre, and commented the premier is the leader of 'a government ' interested in pro- viding for people in all parts of.the province. • The preinter also made special mention'.of •the efforts 'of developer Sam IVIagGreger `or the kind of dedication 'it takes to drive through a difficult, controversial and expen- Sive project such as the energy centre". "I commend Sam MacGregor, who Made it happen over many obstacles and many' administrations," said the, premier, referr- ing to -the change in government during the years Sam has worked to make the centre a reality. "The, merits are here. It is a uriiqUe business park, There's not one like it in the world." said Mr. Gillies who has talked with European clients who are interested in the' centre. '.'There're• more companies looking. et - this type of facility. It's an idea whose time • has come." • „• Developer Sam MacGregor told The News. Monday the premier's announcement puts • the Bruce in the league for economic growth With any part of the North American continent. "Not, only is there the capacity for in- dustry to take actvantage of low cost energy, but now they have the infrastructure," said Mr. ; "What is redly important is the prefilter's. obvious recognition of the potential (of the centre) which is something We've neverhad before," said Mr. MacGregor. is• • • "It unbeheveable the recognition of the potential and commitment of the' provincial potential to make it happen. Now we • have everything Industry needs,"he said. Ontario Hydro chairman Tom Campbell who was also on hand for the announcement •said, while there is some skepticism about the centre because of the drop in oil and gas prices- which makes energy less expensive to'industry, Hydro remains positive about the centre,,• The distance from markets la a disadvan- tage fpr the energy centre, said Mr. Camp- bell, but low gas prices and the low cost steam compensate for this, making the cen- tre more attractive to companies. • Kincardine mayorChuelt 1Vlann said he is glad to see the energy centre will go since it • is a positive move to create jobs in the area. He. said a fair number of people are looking for work including retired construction workers from BNPD and people who are commuting 'to the nuclear genarating sta non at Darlington who are not serious about moving out of the area. • • • Ment of the centre would bring stabilization Premier.Peterson also predicted deVelop-• a. SCEPAP11 Seminars April may and diversity to.the community where the nuclear power plant once employed 8,000 construction workers but now employs a permanent work force 01.3,400. • Announcement of industry this week • More than 1,000 major prospective' customers have been contacted and Archie Galles, economic development commis- sioner for the South, Bruce Lakeshore Economic Development Corporation said announcements will follow this week and again in three weeks about industries which will be locating at the centre. • Greenhouses, a plastics firm and an ethanol plant have been mentioned as possi- ble types of industry which would locate at • the centre. • Mr, Gillies said that between 15 and 20 firms • have expressed real 'interest , in locating at the centre and he expects- ap- proximately 50 jobs will be created by' various industries locating there. The, first company to locate at the centre will create 15 jobs, said Mr. gillies. ' • • • . . - • . • There will be joint' meetings of Soil Con- of Simcoe, Dufferin, Peel, York, Wellington, " . 'ton, Kent: and' ESsex.. There will 'be a .• ' servation Advisors, Agricultural Engineers Waterloo, Perth, Huron, Bruce and Grey: meeting; on April 30 in Winchester at the • and Drainage '.Superintendents during the . The meeting on May 8 will be in Mount. Winchester Community Centre, and it will . weeks' of April; 27 and May 4..The 'main Brydges at the .Caradoc Township Hall. It cover all of the:comities in that area, • • , . topics of these seminars will be the updated will cover the counties of Niagara , Hamilton -Wentworth; Brant, Haldimand- For further; information and a detailed . • ' Ontario Soil Conservation and. Environmen- Norfolk,. Oxford, Elgin, Middlesex, Lamb- • agenda, .contact.your local O.M.A.F. office.. . • ' . tal Protection Assistance 'Program (OSCEPAP). ' ' • .• , , . • The; purposes of the seminars will be: to . . ' ' •• review and expand OSCEPAP II; to review 1, the Ontario Drainage Works Erosion Con- 0 S . ' - ans go f • tourney. .. • pita! 'pi_ trel Program (0D,WECP); to provide H discussion time for local staff to interact on •. . a county basis to work out local program. The Seaforth CommunityHespital is plan- trip for two to Bermuda to anyone who gag procedures and to .Prrivide an erosion con: ning.a nuinber of special events to help raise . a hole -in -one on the riinth•hole: • , trol workshop for structures near a funds for an addition to the hospital. • : ' • • "It'll be a -fun day, and fun in the sense . • Municipal drain under' either OSCEPAP H On June 12 there will be a golf tournament , that fun is. 'a three -letter. word,!! said or ODWECP. , • • . . • held at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club. , Hospital Administrator Gordon MacKenzie. .' Thefull dayagenda will run from 9:15 The tournament is open to everyone, but due Tee offs will be staggered throughout the , a.ni. to 6:15 p.m. and willinclude lunchand to -the size of the golf course, only the first. day and all proceeds from the golf tournar i. . dinner. Each of the three meetings is for the' • 100 entries can be accepted. A$35 entry fee • ment will be turned back into the hospital. area in Which .it.is• located. The meeting on .covers the cost of the 18 holes of golf, a• beef Three keeper trophies will beawarded, for • , • May 7 will be in Listowel at the Listowel barbecue' and the prizes. The. organizing low:gross, low net and the most honest • Agricultural Hall. It will cover the counties • committee Fs working at providing a10 -day; • golfer. • • Farmer::,, This spring let Thompson's supply your 1987 Crop Inputs • Expert advice by a qualified staff to assist you in your plarining. Backed by over 65 years of serving the'agriculture sector ' P We offer: Computerized Soil Reports Micro Nutrients Distributor for all major farm chemicals • Forward Grain Contracting Grain Marketing through our own Brokerage Department SOW HYLAND BRAND CERTIFIED 'SEEDS • "Forages" "Soybeans" "Seed Corn" "Cereals" "Nitragin" Soybean Inoculants "The Best"! Get all your farm inputs at any one of our 6 locations. You will find our prices very competitive whether it is seed, fertilizer, chemicals, inoculants, or our many other services • we have to offer 14 Floater units to serve you withGranular or Liquid products • Sales - Service - Satisfaction 6 Locations to sOrve you *, 1 F € 505 SEEDS FERTILIZERS • Seuforth 3454345 Mitchell 3411-3433i Hensall 262-252/i.. — ,Pt Anteet Pir#111Pre p •