HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-22, Page 9• Potluck kiegiii..':. Throe 1..inks •teiliors: SHUFFLEBOARD SCORESknocking ea doors asking' a, .iikonSora at, a Wheal, CerteSPonclent . , Shuffleboard'scores for Thursday April 16 certain Mount for each tree, p anted. , • SUSAN. HARTMAN • ' • were; ladies illgh; Dorothy Hriiitnell 345, ' • CONGRATULATES WINNERS 582-2440 •-. Eileen Rowson 343, Olga Chipchase 340, The Hensall Branch Library,would like to ' • , • ,. . Men's high scores, John Consitt 408, Ernie congratulate the winners of the Easter col - The Three Links Senlers began their 4011 Chipchase 356, Jelin Pepper 348. oring .contest and to thank .all the children ., meeting with a potluck supper., After . ucwaigmmlci • who participated. • Welcoming everyone, the president Aldeen Unit II of the United Church Women mat The kicky Winners in the under eight meeting THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL22, 1987 A9 • MCMaStqrSienlOn Cowan leading the service, and Immix pro- vided by both junior and senior choirS. M a prelude to the service a medley of Easter hymns was played by Belva Fuss on organ and Joyce Pepper at the piano. The Easter message, "Easter and You" explained tile Meaning of Easter as Life. George Cowan sang a sOlo; "How. Geat Thou Art." The opened meetingmeetlng. in the church parlor April 13 with eight: category were Ryan Mann and Jeff Reid. . junior choir director is Debbie Wood and A report was given of the Zone Rally Members present . Taking top honors for •the 8-12 year-olds Organist and senior choir director is Belva whiCh was held in Dashwood on April 7. The Jean Wareing, who . presided for the, were Mindy Bell and Jennifer Groot. Pima. Yell Rally Will be, in. Holmesville on Thurs- Easter meeting, welcomed everyone and asirmeatuncesEnvicEs ABOUT PEOPLE • day, October 15. read a poem "God so Loved The World." Maundy Thursday service was conducted. I .Harry Klringel returned home last An, invitation was received from the Helen, ' 1VlieLean gave the devotion and at Hensall U,nited Church by George Cowan • Wednesday from a visit with members of his ' INSURANCE BRONEas 'INC. • AUTOc*ABLUipclQN. LELSESc•TFA RM Bus,: 348.9150 or goo.: 345.2050 Call us for a quote on falrin insurance • No rebuilding clause on buildingaintise 68 Ontario Read._ ' Mitchell V ' Zurich seniors. to attend their euchre party presented the poem "This Glorious Easter and Rev. Gordon Pickell of Goderich. The :family in the Netherlands. _on_May-11-at-8..m.-in Season:" storrof-JesusLlast day on earth was read -by Mr. and-Mrs.,Robert-Cook_returnedlast_ Zurich. . p The medit,ation was "Planting and Reap- the two Ministers. In his sermon Mr. Cowan week from an enjoyable winter spent in the everal games of euchre were played ing." - sewing seeds of friendship, love, described the laws and customs of the . sunny south. • following the business portion of the work, and good health habits, and she xlosed Roman and Jewish 'people at that time in '•Turn to page 15 • meting. . with the poem "Package of ' Seed and history, explaining how unfairly Jesus was • REBEKAH LODGE _ Prayer." The roll call was answered with an condemned. .Mr. Cowan closed by singing, • Amber Rebekah Lodge held their regular Easter thought. "Dear Lord, forgiee." Rededication of lives meeting on Wednesday when D.D.S. Sister Grace Drtunmond spoke on the topic and followed with the Sacrament of Holy Com- . Lila Smith made her official visit. All en- Shirley McAllister presented the film "If We, munion being conducted by Rev. Pickell at • joyed a delicious beef dinner at the Carmel Lose Our Lord," •, the front of the church, assisted by George • Presbyterian Church prior to the meeting. Jean closed the meeting with a poem and Cowan and Cecil Pepper. The senior choir N.G. Sister Bonnie Upshall presided for prayer.. An Easter Egg Contest concluded •• sang "My Savior went to Calvary." the meeting with assistance from V.G. the evening and Helen served a dainty A joyous service was held"at sunrise on Sister Ruby Bell. Sister Hazel Corbett gave lunch. • Easter morning. Opening with the hymn• • a report of the district meeting held in Ex- CUBS AND SCOUTS ' "Welcome Happy Morning" the scripture eter and Sister Olga Chipchase told about The Hensall Cubs and Scouts are par- was read by Sharon Wurm: George Cowan the banquet she and her husband attended in• ticipating in the Trees For Canada Project. • and Joyce Pepper sang two duets "In' the Thunder Bay for Sister Connie Humby, The members in the district are going to be Garden", and "Have Thine own Way, ,President of the International Association of planting 600 trees on April 25. Lord." The meditation was called. "Do you • Rebekah Assemblies. This planting improves ecology in the really believe?" and the congregation join - The district church service will be held on community reduces soil erosion, establishes ed in for two more songs: Following the half- • Sunday, April 26 in Centralia United wind breaks, and helps to conserve waste •hour service, breakfast was served to more Church, , ''' areas. It also helps to raise fundi for local than 86 people in the Fellowship Hall. Joyce • A social hour followed the meeting and the programs. • Pepper was at piano for the service. committee in charge seined Birthday cake Each boy will plant a specified number of At 11 ' a.m. the congregation .gathered and ice cream. • - young trees on planting day and will also be again for an Easter family service with Mr. Kip 'Gun Club has grand . . •. April. Rena CaldWell gave a report of the • Kippen Correspondent .. District Board Meeting held on April 7. MRS. MARGARET HOGGARTH Tuesday, May 5.at 8 p.m. was selected the • 262-6902 • night to arrange the program for 1987/88. It • • - ' . - • is to be held. at homeof CO -ordinator - ' . Jamie Caldwell, president of the Kippen' Margaret Hoggarth. • • • - • • Gun Club, along with helpers Dan Crerar; • . Hilda Payne Directed the installation of • Bob Baker, and Al Kyle arranged the grand ' officers. Frances Kinsman gave the report • opening on Tuesday, April 7. There was a of the nominating coinmittee. good turn out for the first shoot of the year.The following, is a list•of 1987/88 officers: Following is a list of shooters and their past President, Ruby Triebner; President, scores: Paul' Middleton - 50, Al Ayle - 24, Grace , Drummond; . 1st .Vice President, • Brad Mann - 29, Bert Mahaffy - 23, Jamie Margaret Hoggarth; 2nd Vice President, Caldwell - 23,•Lloyd Haskell -•23, Lloyd Ven- Mona Alderdice; Secretary, Helen ner - 23, Neil Voskamp -' 23,. Jack Mills - 23 MacLean; Treasurer, Mona . Alderdice; Ed Steegstra - 22, Glen Mogk -. 22, Jody Public Relations, Margaret Hoggarth; Mouserinjohn - 21, Dennis Steep - 21; Bob Branch Directors, Phyllis , Parsons and Baker - 21, Paul Mellor - 21, Roger Haines - Charlotte McDowell; Co-ordinator, 21, Ken Whetham - 21, Brent Dawe - 21, Jim Margaret Hoggarth; District Director, Butcher - 20, Kevin Clark - 20, Harrison Hilda Payne; Alternate District Director, Schack - 18, Paul Lanb - 18, Al Edwards - 18, Ruby Triebner; Resolutions, Mona . Alder-. Shanon Miller - 17, John Glazier - 16 and dice; Sunshine, Grace Eyre; Assistant Sun - Bart Postern - 11, . •shine, Charlotte McDowell; Education and WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Cultural Affiars, Helen MatLean ' and The Annual Meeting of the Kippen East Dorothy Bell; Family and Consumer Af Women's Institute was held on Wednesday, fairs, Rena Caldwell .and Charlotte . April 15 at the United, ,Church Hensall. It McDowell; Agriculbire and Canadian In - started with a supper served by Marg Cole dustries, Grace Eyre and Phyllis Parsons; and her group. Grace Drummond thanked Citizenship and World Affairs, Margaret " thedies and they were each given a _us. Payne; Pianist, Mary Broadfoot; Assistant Kik . Hoggarth and Thea Wisch; Curator, Hilda Pen Marr 11 apt Cook Book as an added bon '' Ma Broadfootaccompanied the Institute Pianist, Verde Sinclair; Auditors, Phyllis Grace and opening ode on the piano. Secret Parsons and Margaret Hoggarth. pals were revealed and exchanged gifts. Hilda Payne was made a member of the • Grace Drummond read a poem . "I'm , Historical Society to represent Kippin East. Special". The fine for not wearing the In- Grace Eyre conducted an intersting pro- stitute Pin was 45 cents and six members gram for Canadian Industries. Mary Broad - had to pay . -: Mary Broadfoot, Ruby foot aliened with a poem "Home". Most Triebner, Thea Wisch, Evelyn Workman, members handed in a topic for a short Charlotte McDowell and. Rena Caldwell. speech and spoke on various subjects such Mona Alderdice was thanked for the quilt as, Spring,LA Stormy Day, Sex, Free Trade, block she had made to be sent to Erland Lep. P.D,Days, Education, Favourite Trip, Fun - Rena Caldwell presented'a silk flower ar- ny Movies, and Favourite Dress. Two con- • rangement to Grace Drummond in ap- tests were conducted by Hilda Payne, these preciatian for presiding oyer Kippen East were won by partners - Grace Drummond for 1 years now.and Helen MacLean, Frances Kinsman and Margaret Hoggarth presonted a farewell Margaret floggarth. gift of a glass bowl to Frances Kinsman who Helen MacLean gave courtesy remarks. is moving away from the area at the end of Mona Alderdice and Frances Kinsman, • "RETURN OF THE GIANT MONSTER TRUCKS" "TA UR U S" woautes ONLY 4X4 SCHOOL BUS CRUSHING MONSTER tram • 2 Giant Bus And Car Crushing Shows Pius Big, Bad & Bouncy Canada's Newest Monster Truck and Giant ATV Racing Spectacular Sat and Sun. Starting Time 3:00 each day Sat,Aptlift 3:00 P,M, Sun. Atoll 26 3:0011.14.' Mos 3 buildings Of Canada's best Hot Acids, thee* Machines, Corvettes, Race Cats dustbin Trucks and Vans. Piet knit Toronto Sunshine this (appearing Friday only) P016 $1iitt Kida T.Shitt with each Friday admission only. 9th Annual .Custom Car and Hot Rod Show APRIL 24, 25, 26, 1987 COMPLEX CENTRE. ARTHUR, ONTARIO SHOW HOURB , . . Friday, April Apn124 5p4s. toll p.m, AdinisSion: tkoti Aden2.5O Childre Saturday, Apia 40 alit to 11 OA, Adina�n S0 Adult - 4.0o Chadian •45,00 Adult Children (6:00 p.m. OM Sunda , April 26 4 10 A.M. to 7 p.m. • Admission: s1,56 Aden 44.06 Children • (tkkinaprice tatty SetakrOnY AftoilitiOtkand sui•aay • opening • hostesses for the evening served tea and cookies. Perfect end to a perfect evening. ENERGETIC EIGHT The Energetic Eight met at home of Bev and Doris Hamilton on Monday, April 13. An engraved silver tray was presented to one of the couples, Bob and Frances Kinsman, who are leaving the area at the end of the month. An hour or so's drive isn't far these days, members promised to keep in touch. There will be an open house at Kippen Church on Sunday, April 26 between 1 and 5 p.m., for anyone wishing to bid farewell to Bob and Frances Kinsman. • UNITED CHURCH On Easter.Sunday the Easter Lilies in the sanctuary of St. Andrews were placed there by Lloyd, June and Scott Cooper in memory of, Morley and Florence Cooper. The choir sang the anthems "Hodie' and "Easter song" Rev. Lorne Keays sermon was ' on "The Meaning Of The Resurrection" Help the minister please by letting him know of parishioners who are in hospital: PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" W.J. Feeney Construction Ltd. Introduces' THE. WINDOWS & DOORS In our continuing effort to offer our customers good selection & service. We are proud to introduce The Window Shop Hwy. No. 8 Dublin • Union Street . . . . . ,t ft'Itlit • VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM at 58 Union St. Dublin Phone 345-2405 PUBLIC NOTICE MARTEN'S FURNITURE (EXETER) Has Retained FEDERAL CLOSE-OUT LIQUIDATORS INC. to Co -Ordinate The Complete and Total LIQUIDATION of Marten's Entire EXETER Showroom LIMSI NJS EXPI Brand name living room suites, bedroom suites, dining room suites, mattresses and box springs, occasional chairs, dinet- tes, wall units, lamps, pictures, accessories, including office furniture and fixtures s180,000 Furimiture Inventorif oupigement.ii TERMS OF SALE: Cash, cheque, VISA, 'Mastercard, on the spot credit - Delivery available. Everything is disposal priced, but is strictly being offered on a 1st come, 1st serve basis. • ILIC)11130 ATICON SALE HOURS: 3 MAIN • E1ETE PHONE: 235-1964 SALE CONDUCTED AT MARTEN'S FURNITURE EXETER, ONLY a • w . . 4: . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 4......A...;....,.i.,....L'. .w....;...4.......i.:........,,,,.L........,..,.........,.........,..................................,,........4.....4.44-.....A.•'......-..,:44.:‘,..i.k.................ira......-,;. - 4-.4i4.-.....',....,,.....;...i14:..!....ii,....,.i...S...,................1,......., .. : .......4..............i.:,-.L.aa...L '-" ''...4......- . • •