HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-22, Page 4"!4HURON tXPOSIT9R, APRIL 22; 1987 xfor,,u• Mr6 • • • • • , .• • • • , • • . ' • • • • *tafortil 3fritlItztrial Doug Elliott 96 Main St. S. 527-0810 .. • ertittes Harry D,enl-laan P9afortn ' • ,. 8 A CO.. PARE BEFORE A, YOU INVEST. :Guaranteed burestment Certificates TW 7 46 DAYS P8 6.y. A}., 3 YEAR 9 Other rates available on request ' ' All deposits Insured within limits, RATES EFFECTIVE APRIL -i3,, 1987 w, Al . ' 't ,k .. A, ' • 'DOUG ELLIOTT, • B. Math , tQap 527-0420 taillIOMMONINIEVIONINISMEMI0111101210 ...., Huron. Tax: Consulting SerVjces • Reasonable Rates • Personal Services • No Advance Payments • Registered Tax Consultants • OFFIRR Applications • Prepared 5274557 FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL PERSONAL T A X RETURN 1900 Ok.M.WRETEZZEKNOSPERFARTOURIENSAImmellealatifillifte WE'LL DO YOUR SPRING. CLEANING FOR YOU! Let us take your silk arrangements -and spruce them up! Or we'll create a new arrangement that's just right for that treasured dish. FOR THAT LITTLE 'EXTRA' TO BRIGHTEN THAT ROOM ... Have Flower Magic design the perfect accenting and complementing arrangement. 527-1110 1. by Jean SEAFORTH • oti• 'PMAIMPES•APPtiOViE.P. ' Seaforth TOWii Connell has aPPrOYed the 1987 estmates Of revenue arid eXpenditure for the Mainstreet ' Canada project; as recommended by the Mainstreet , committee. • • . The 'committee 'had reviewed the to cost 0.5 million, should be completed in estimates as.presented to them by ffie coor- the spring of 1990, dinator and the clerk. These estimates Were ACCEPT OPTION also' reviewed in conjunction with the 1987 Seaforth's clerk -treasurer has also been -BIA budget to ensure compatibility between authorized to pay $270 to the CNR to Cover the two, given their close association. The rent on a pipe crossing in the town, for a committee recommended approval of the period of 10 years. A copy of the new licence estimates be2ause they are Within the is also being requested. ' budget-frarnework-set_by_counciLand_the ,:.Qoangirafir_mtme and general government BIA, and because the breakdown of expen- was advised rent on the pipe crossing, now dit Vehicles. parking in the re t t &par area adjacent •to4the easterly elid Of the boottig-wat3e ticketed *the futurp;., That•deciiion came afterthe prOteetiOnto persons and .property conunittes 05004 enforcement of parking"zones, in par Ocular the area located at the Main Street door of the Seaforth Creamery where, employees are constantly parking in a restricted area andblocking theline of sight of cars exiting -Railway Street. ATTEND CONFERENCE ' Seaforth PoliceChief Hal Claus has been' granted permission to attend the Ontario Police_Chiers_conference_in:Sarnia_froM, ures seems appropriate. .,„$1 per annum, would increase to $30 per an - UNDERTAKE IMPROVEMENTS • June 21 to 25. num effective December 31, 1987. Seaforth Seaforth. Town Council has adopted a was given the option of making a payment of recommendation from the Mainstreet com- $39 .each year, with rent payable frozen at mittee, to support the proposal to undertake the $30 per year, for five years, or, make the downtown streetscaping and aesthetic im- full $270 payable in advance, 'ensuring the provements. Council also agreed to review $20 per year figure for.10 years. the section of the Town's application for The $1 'rent has been in place since PRIDE . funding that covers downtown December 10, 1904. streetscaning and take the necessary steps ' PURCHASE CHAIRS to secure the town's share of that funding. • Town councillors will soon find the council The committee is aware the project itself chambers a more comfortable place to be. will require some pre -planning and design During its budget deliberations council's work, as well as an overall commitment to finance and general government committee funding and the timing of implementation; • agreed on the purchase of 12 new chairs for As a result a "streetscapmg committee" the council chambers. is to be .formed to get the project off the The chairs are to be purchased from Box ground. The Mainstreet committee itself Furniture at a total cost of $3,413, including will form part of this committee with addi- tax. tional people from the community invited to PURCHASE TRACTOR sit on it as well. Seaforth town council has authorized the purchase of a CASE 580SE Tractor loader • ATTEND CONFERENCE • from C.G. Farm Supply Ltd. at a total price Mainstreet Coordinator Tom Lemon will, of $29,489.20, including tax. be sent to the Ontario Association of BIAs Seaforth's transportation and environ- (OBIAA) conference in Ottawa from April ment committee obtained quotes from four 25 to 28, on behalf of the Seaforth BIA arid different equipment dealers. The public the town of Seaforth. • works staff, after trying out the different `Town council agreed with Mr. Lemon's tractors, preferred the CASE over the other reasoning that the conference would be an makes and models. The • CASE quotation excellent training opportunity and would was also the lowest of all quotations provide a good chance to get Seaforth's received. • ' name before people in the business improlte- • PART-TIME HELP ment and business development field. Authorization has been given for the Ilk - Cost to attend the convention is estimated ing of a student for part-time summer help at $475, and includes a $225 registration fee for the public works department. An adver- and approximately $250 •for travel and tisement will appear in The Huron Ex, meals. Mr. Lemon would stay with friends positor and will be posted at the highschool. in private accommodation to reduce the The student would help with such 'things hotel costs. as sidewalk construction, cutting grass and Her,itage Canada has agreed to pay the watering flowers. Qualifications , required first $200 and it was proposed the remaining for the position are, possession of a valid portion be divided evenly between the BIA, driver's licence as well as submission of a the 1Vlainstreet budget anil the Economic resume. Development budget. The divided share • ' NO PARKING would be $92. A town by-law has been amended to pro - RENT INCREASE hibit parking- on the west side of Victoria Seaforth Town Council has adopted a Street from Goderich Street to the southerly recommendation from its finance and limit of the Gulf Service Station lot. general government corrunittee, to increase The by-law change came following a re - the monthly rent for the Public Utilities quest from the Seaforth Gulf. Commission office from $225 to $250, effec- WEED INSPECTOR Joe Gibson has been appointed Municipal tive April 1, 1987. . Weed Inspector for the town of Seaforth. ' . FORWARD FORM VVITHREGRET • Seaforth's clerk -treasurer has been Seaforth Town Council has accepted, with authorized and directed to forward a grant regret, the resignations of two members of conf,tionAorf akcamplAtiatile. its recreation and parks committee. - !el tft4E ronment. Replacements are being sought for the —The orradeseri es tVe 1987-Kfr'orki tOta 'positions vacated by Betty Felker and completed On -'the prof sewage works George Hildebrand. program. The 1987-88 works include comple- WILL TICKET tionof an environmental Iludy report at a Seaforth Police Chief Hal Claus has been cost of 475,000. The project itSelf, expected directed to advise the Seaforth Creamery • MEETING ATTENDANCE • For meetings attended during the month of March .Seaforth Town Council members were paid a total of $2,920. • , • Mayor Alf Ross received $805 for atter ding 14 committee meetings, one council meeting and one all -day conference. Reeve Bill Bennett received $330 for five commit- tee meetings - and one council meeting. Deputy Reeve Hazel Hildebrand received $255 for four committee meetings and one council meeting. • Cotmeillor Peg Campbell was paid $210 for .three committee meetings and one council meeting; Councillors Bob Dinsmore and Carolanne Doig $255 for four committee meetings and one council meeting; Coun- cillor Harry Hak $300 for five committee meetings and one council meeting, Coun- cillor Bill McLaughlin $165 for two commit- tee -meetings and one council meeting and Councillor Garry Osborn $345for six com- mittee meetings and one council meeting. By -LAWS PASSED A by-law was .passed by Seaforth Town Council to fix the salaries•of members of the Public Utility Commission. , Effective February 1, 1987 the PUC chair- man will receive $80 for each regular meeting attended. Other members of the commission willreceive $75. All members will be paid $45 for attendance at special meetings. The per diem rate will be $75. The town passed a by-law for raising by way of assessment the sum of $524,973 for general municipal purposes. To achieve that 198.539 mills on. $924,100 cor,nmercial, industrial and business assess- ment($183,470) and 168.758 mills on 2,023,623 residential and farm assessment 4341,503) will be levied, raised and collected. A by-law was also passed authorizing the sale or disposition of land of Eagle Cycle In- dustries Ltd. • The property, fronting on the north side of Crombie Street, Seaforth (described as Lot numbers 112, 113, 114, 1155 and easterly half of Lot 110), will be sold for $5,000. The land, whieh ,has a frontage 01 198.66 feet and a depth of 179.52 feet (approximately .82 acres) is no longer needed by the town. • Councillor Peg Canipbell was paid $210 for three committee meetings and one council meeting; Councillors Bob Dinsmore and Carolanne Doig $255 for four committee meetings and one council meeting; Coun- cillor Harry Hak $300 for five committee meetings and one council meeting, Coun- cillor Bill McLaughlin $165 for two conunit- tee meetings and one council meeting and 'Councillor Garry Osborn $345 for six com- mittee meetings and one council meeting. SEAFORTH SEBRINGV1LLE ROTTAPITIT8WS SEAFOUTH OPEN: Mon. -Fri. 8-12, 1-5:30 Saturday 8-12:30 SPRING SPECTACULAR Cash and Carry Only! Pressure. Treated Lumber 40 YEAR GUARANTEED 1x6 33.5c Ha'. it. 2x4 38.7c lin. ft. 2i6 59 H. ft. 2x8 lin., ft. 2x1I0 1.1711„: ft. 4x4 '81 lin.- ft. 4X6 1.15 lin. ft. 235 LB. ROOFMASTER sHING LEs 15 Year Guarantee 1199 • • 1 BUNDLE HURRY a SALE ENDS. APRIL 30th QUALITY & SERVILE SINCE 1906 . • 3ic4V3,0 ;Malt, .3 eRP-1- tEA0i4TH, 'ONTARIO Mil< INO tEL PONE 621 -fill ill Efforts of Attorney General recognize I by transition houses —fie Ontario Association of Interval Tran- sition Houses is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of Ian Scott, Attorney General and Ontario Minister for Women's Issues and John Sweeney, Ontario Minister of Com- munity and Social Services recently when they expressed the government's commit- ment to "stem the tide of family violence in Ontario". The Ontario Association of Interval Tran- sition Houses (OAITH) welcomes the an- nouncement of the additional $7.1 million providing a total of $12.5 million to address primarily legal enforcement and victim assistance. OAITH is pleased to note that $3 million has teen allocated to further support the Pioneer hydrids...The leaders year after year! 18 BAGS OF CERTIFIED No. 2 0889 TRY OUR HIGH YIELDING CORN 3881 5 BAGS 3902-004 (XCC50) 5 .BAGS 3929 -CD4 (XCC54) ALL VARIETIES or ALFALFA AVAILABLE Your Pioneer Sates Reptekinfoffirels - HAROLD. PRYCE SEAFORTH • PHONE 52* -1017 PIONEE titibbke riN isioNtdr4 'Baird-pa:dads daidliAlbreet Id the, tern* alfdt of tale that iit•pifrOtthir Iabelliflg afld sale .rni,gi•tiredad�mrkliensed roPronartHI,Bad • work of existing shelters for battered women. However, the organization is concerned that 'bray 9300,000 has been provided for shelter expansion as this will not meet the demand identified by shelter workers, par- ticularly in view of the increased awareness anticipated by the upcoming public and pro- fessional educational awareness eanipaig,n. OAITH is encouraged by the enthusiastic acknowledgement of their expertise which leads OAITH to expect that the increased dollar allocation will allow for improved salary scales and staff ratios in, the propos- ed new funding formula. OAITH looks forward to co-operating in a consultative manner with the Ministers In the design of this new funding formula, .;••••••1 SEVEN GOOD REASONS TO Invest In The'lVlutuat Group Of Funds • Mutual Money Market Fund • Mutual Dividend Fund • Three Mutual Diversifunds • Mutual 8quifund • Mutual Arnerifund Fritt Steigmeler. Eginotidvilre 52141905 , IN :YEW° Inc frii:Oeto•isiokai LET'S KEEP IN TOUCH. • . tit,Riddell MPP tOteittittitiket oteltitt „.„ EXETER 235-0170 GODER(CH 5249444 tratird• the toll teiti b�ofchnj, b asbhtgtheapiiiiitoi