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THE 1',ItiRON, PPPSIJQR,.;•,.&;-.,6— ;7-
APait • 2 0987A3
GUEST FOR LUNCH Premier David Peterson had lunch with
residents of Seaforth and the surrounding area Thursday during
his tour of Huron County. After the lunch Mr..Peterson made some
remarks, then stayed long enough to meet with those. present.
• ,
Wassink photo.
COUNTRY BOY AT HEART — A trip to the Eckert Dairy Farm, RR 1 Seaforth, brought
Premier David. Peterson in touch with rural living. - .
Wassink photo.
WELCOME TO SEAFORTH Seaforth's Deputy Clerk Luanne Phair pins a corsage on
Premier David Peterson on his arrival in Seaforth, Mr. Peterson also donned a "i4o,ve
Seaforth" button. Wassink photo. ,
Landfill .and highway
area's major concerns
"The single most imporuom aces 6 is
Highway 8. There needs to be four lanes
fromiCitchener to Stratford and a passing
lane, where needed, from Stratford to
Goderich. As it is now, there is a bad bottle
Mayor Balfour told the Premier that bet-
ter access to the county would benefit the
towns in two ways,
"We all talk about industry—but there is
tourism in this area. Good access to us by
Highway 8 would help." •
Premier Peterson asked Mayor Balfour if
he was talking about cottage development.
"You can otily support so many cottages
in the area. There are other attractions.
-"We shouldn't just look at one type of
development, we'd be narrowininded, " said
Mayor Balfour.
He then pointed out the difficulties the far-
ming community is having saying they have
supported Hugon County for a long tinie and
are nowlOoking to the county for help.
Mr. Peterson agreed, saying, "To farm to-
day you' need an off farm income."
Landfill Assistante
One of the most lithely discussions cen-
tred arotirid- the landfill site issue. Mayor
Palmer told the Premier that "you no
sooner meet the requirements (of the
Ministry Of Eiwirotiniemt) then you're
thrown back to Vinare ono (because of
policy changes)."
Alf Ross, Mayorof Seaforth, used his ex-
periente as ati example forthe Preolierile
said Seaforth and Tuckertinith Township
had been trying to find a Solution to their
landfill site problem for 60 months, and
"once we found it, we couldn't afford it."
He said Mr, Riddell's office worked elate.
.ly with the two municipalities and are now
becoming part of thelleitneaville site.
concerned with the funding (of land-
fill, sith operatimis). It's very, very aim -
Sive. govethit ent needs to tit-dewo with
-the vitt icipalities and diseuts funding -.W's
quite a challenge for yougovernment,"
said Mayer BOSS,
The Goderich Mayor agreed, stathig,
'This issue has t� be addressed immediate.
ly. There are 26 thohicipalities in Moth
County and alieut half Of those are in
distress now or will be in distress,"
The Premier answered by tayirig, hear
you but I den't WAS *hat tO do With it—You
delft wait to pay more taxes but Vie can't
treat it as irrespensibly at We have in the
Another problein the Premier admitted to
not haring 4 gelation td WAS • that of
gullett Reeve TOM Cithilitighairt ent-
pliatited the fannete situation, .
"Being a rural e -ere 1 hope you don't go
away thinking trete not trouble iii
agileillinte, Were," he ibid.
10 tere
plY, p ihier Peterson said, '"/ don't
minimise the prOblein, biil there are some
who 6 -re woad- off (than the Buren County
"The prObletil fa IVe 4011 baize any
'Other areas tended on irielinlettKrantt
. WOW OA, iv
CLINTON - After touring Champion Road
- Machinery in Goderich, Ontario Premier
David Peterson was greeted by handshakes
and hecklers when he arrived in Clinton to
meet with county municipal heads and
discuss their concerns.
The Premier's visit started off rather
shaky as a crowd of Pro -Life protesters
gathered, raised their signs and told
Premier Peterson to "remember his pro-
mise" when he stepped out of his car. The
Premier did not acknowledge the protesters
with an answer, but turned to spot "his
favorite bakery," which is Bartliffs.
Inside, the decision was made to open the
proposed closed meeting to the public as the
Premier's office thought the Huron County
• officials wanted it closed and vice versa.
The meeting brought out the major con-
cerns of the county, which included
economic -develtipmeitt, the widening of
Highway 8 and the present landfill situation.
"I want this to be an open, frank discus -
Moil," said Premier Peterson. "I want to.
hear your concerns."
Goderich's Mayor, Eileen Palmer, opened
the discussion by telling the Premier, and
MPP Jack Riddell, that the five mayors of
the county get together to discuss their con-
cerns. One of their more prominent con-
cerns is that of economic development.
Exeter Mayor Bruce Shaw said he saw
part of the the economic problem sternmin' g
from government grants.
"Some municipalities get grants, while
those who hold their own, don't," said
Mayor Shaw.
As an example, he used the Protective
Plastics company which had moved from
Huron Park to Brantford. By doing so; they
received a grant. •
Mr, Riddell further 'enlightened the
Premier by explaining the company was
either to consolidate or Move from their
Ideation in.Huron Park.
"They decided to consolidate when they
knew full well Motley was available (if they
Went te Brantford)," he said.
- lbw -ever, Mr. Riddell said he had been
talking to a representative of the HUM
Park industrial area and he said they did not
have any problems bringing Mist* to that
area. ,
Mayor Shaw said he felt a poliey should be
devised to distribute the grant money so
that the communities don't have to compete
to the extent they are now.
To that Premier Peterson Said, "I can't
fight you on that.
"We don't stick our nose itt economic
development," he continued. "We dein say
'You must go hete or there,' Witty tokeep a
neutral hand." •
Mayor Pelmet then switched the topic to
improving aecess to Huron County; which
she believe$ will help: tittractindettry,
On this subject, the five mayors presented
a brief to the Minister- of titiiii0Orthtion and
edrialMicationS who, in turn, Suggested an
&Witte development plan be prepared for
the county, been Slatted,
• „,CUflton Mayor John Raftedvoiced his
ophuon on Attlfirton County, saying,
1 , •
MILKING PARLOR - Part Of Premier David Peterson's tour of
Huron County included a visit to the Eckert Dairy Farm, RR 1
Wassink photo,
Peterson met by Pro Life picketers
Ontario Premier David Peterson did not
get as cheery a welcome as he might have
expected when he toured Huron County on
Thursday. •
Mr. Peterson was met in Goderich, Clin-
ton and Seaforth, by Pro Life members
picketing his failure to keep campaign
promises. •
"The least Mr. Peterson could do is keep
the promises he made to the people who
elected him," saidMark Lalonde, a
representative of the Goderich and Strat-
ford Pro Life group.
"When he was elected Mr. Peterson told
us he &imported the government's measures
to Close existing abortion clinics, Now he
says the government is powerless to step the
illegal activites of the Morgentater abor-
tuary in Toronto."
Mr.'Lalonde added that When the liberal
government carne into power 66 per cent of
its members said they were in favor of clos-
ing free standing abortion clinics, yet none
have stood up and opposed them.
"If a man makes campaign promises,
when he gets elected, then he should, uphold
them," said Mr. Lalonde.
Mr, Lalonde says Mr. Peterson has said
the government is powerless to stop the il-
legal activities of the Morgentaler abor-
tuary in Torento, His group is saying the
provincial government could stop the law-
breakiog tomorrow by applying for bail con-
ditions. They say that only once, in 1983, has
the provincial government applied for bail
conditions. That application was refused
because the presiding judge was satisfied
the accused abortionists would not continue
to violate the law.-
"The judge went on to say that if the abor-
tionists again Wilke the lawbe would have
no alternative' other than to grant the
goverzunent's request."
"If the Premier is going to ignore this
remedy, those pushing pornography and
drugs can follow the Morgentaler prece-
dent, They could hire jury selection experts
from the United States and obtain an acquit-
tal from a stacked jury, Thereafter they
could appeal the Matter all the way to the
Supreme Court and be free to break the law
for up to three years."
Town to have
The ttiwn of Seaforth is to have three
weeks use of a Huron County IMA program
university student, to do a 'specific task for
the dowritoWn improvement strategy.
The town has been made aware that a stu-
dent, hired by Huron County and the Village
of Myth, would be available forthree wee.ks
at a more than SU per cent subsidized rate of
Seaforth wilting
to enter into'
Seaforth town council will advise the
fleitrietville tothinitthe of its wish to
be included in the Site, &hid its willingness
of share in the costs deteriiiiiiing that
hichition. .
That decision was Made folloWitig receipt
Of CorteSpOrittetted trent the Heleiresville
driiiiiinittee, whichstated it had "appoved itt
principle the use of the landfill site by
Seafertk McKillop and Tiiekertinith, sub-
ject to costs analysis and negotiated
agteetrient.s between theinunicipalities.
Seefetth coillicil Will tell liolthesitille it is
willing to enter into 0 erind Qt. -demerit
tegarding negotiations and coats analysis.
that will inctudi rak? Oath hietifted to
determine the &eels, of,kittiCedtitet to be
(0116Wed on the piteible Those
enettate not eXpeeted t� lehigfa
temporary use of student
$121.15 per week, and that Seaforth could
Make use of his services or phut -ling and
development related wOrk.
The student Ai go to those towns which
are Seaforth's primary competitors in the
consumer market and in tends of tiew job
'creation, inventory theth, take slide photos,
collect additional information, and then
prepare the materials for presentation to
the ecolfornic development committee, to
council Mid th the BIA. Tice idea is tri hive a
good vista' presentation that would clearly
illustrate some of the things Se.aforth's com-
petition it Ding tight,
A budget of $363:45 for salary and benefits
and $240 for film travel and report produc-
tion, has been prop -cited. That amount will
be split equally between the economic
development coriinlittee, the community
planning for the doWntown inipteveingit
strategy and the BIA. Bach share would be
11 youvie &Orating a 0n-proth event Of interest to tithe geaketh area tetideete. phone the
teeteatilfie office at 07410 or the Expositor at 621-O4O, �r maO the iefeitiiiation 10 ornmuni-
ty Caterlder, The Retie &Oak/0;130geafortli. totems. WOK iWnweit to -advance -of the
sofiguled date. 8000e fO the 'doniniutiity Defender is donated by the Huron E*Ificieitot
Wednesday April 22
1:30 . 400 fxiii,'Seitioi-Sliotileboani
1:00 - 83O p.m toittes Donee ketteite
ituid - %intp.m fitness tt Fun
Thursday, April 23.
9:30 - Fitness 1S Fun
Friday,. April 24
6littio.zo„ X13' h' ghtitt' net at St. %What
Anottion •C'hoziti
6 tiA6.. Immo and 66-tileit Snow at.
• Atelia
Saturday, April 25
/tin crit. Tidal:jet* timyt
iiOO pin.
The Mit of Sher
'kaki 61 eli614666-oet kotiptiatiOavit iiiionio
tak iflf�rma*f� c�Il Marg�retOejoflg
Iop.m. Heine riled Garden Show
2 Ojai. 8 leatiebny Kings Spring
8 p.m. • toticoo
Sunday, April 26
1_ 4 *in. Horne and dialled Sbew
Monday, April 2.
Tuesday April 2E .
9:30 113r3ti dais: fittiett, Frio
Wednesday, April 29
Senior 0164(660okt
700 - 8:30 p.tw. tallies Dante
MOO - 9:00 p.m. Fitness is tan