HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-15, Page 16• Al6 HURON EXPOSITOR APRIL 1'5 1987 /ITN? PiliV 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" FINANCIAL CENTRE, GODERICH 524,-2773 1-800-265-5503 Clinton Klompen Feest 1987 QUEEN CONTEST • Saturday, April 25 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. at the CLINTON ARENA MUSIC BY: "Rockin' Country” TICKETS: $6.00, AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR OR — 7 CLINTON: • 08011 & Mutch Furniture • •Mary's of Clinton •The Dutch Store .C17,17,11iF „....; .res• Manor7.. • • savP • - ••••••• . . III • • Ill III II II II • • • MI II II II HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Exeter Takes pleasure in welcoming RON RADER to their sales team Ron Rader 235-0363 or 1-800-265-3476 • BP • II NI IN MI • MI • II • II MI II II Join us For. EASTER DINNER Sunday, April 19th 2 -SITTINGS - 4:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. 4t ROAST TURKEY at DRESSING or BAKED HAM Soup or Juice, Tossed Salad or Cole Slaw, Mashed or Scalloped Potatoes, Your Choice of Any 2 Vegetables:Turnip, Can. died Yams, Green Beans or Broccoli. — Bread Basket . 5 Types of Desserts, Tea, Coffee or Milk. . ADULTS 57.95 CHILDREN under 10 '3.95 RESERVATIONS ONLY - Ph. 348-8741„ WE'RE LOCATED AT THE STOPLIGHTS IN MITCHELL 25 Ontario Road • Phone: MITCHELL 348-8741 There's Something for Everyone at •The 2nd Annual a 10, at Goderich Arena ...THREE $10.DAYita• • • Friday, April 14 6 pm§ pm, SatUlday April 25 10 am -8 pm Sunday, April26 12 ratibt-6 pm FEATURiliG •teaGamin 'Door Prizes fiFite Efitertalimititt ikatikii Shows •Denionstethioos iMuch motet ADMISSIONi ADULTS 1.00, CHILDREN UNDER 12 OHM (adocinipinitid by a dUlt) gOonsofelg.* THE GODER(CH PIGURE SkATING ctha '.i4 to Maple syrup festival 4.,4117, ! Residents, of The Seaforth Manor travell- visited his brother Harold. 4 , . ed with Jackie Racho, to the Belmore Maple Tom and Heather Nigh and son Bill visited Syrup festival last Thursday. Margaret grandmother and great:grandmother, Helen v Smale also accompanied the residents on Morris.. Lamont visited Kelly Lamont. the trip. It was enjoyed by all. In other activities during the week Barb Alexander visited her mother Cassie residents went bowling at the Starlight Nicholson. Lanes on Monday, with Patrick Ryan : ShirleyverdaCameron yvisitedae xria iCt eadr Carol byh Geddeser two, •; Dinsmore w emerging the winner. Highschool students from Miss Brintnell's sisters, Esther Makins and Frieda Scot - class visited with residents on Tuesday and, chmier, and their husbands, Lloyd and Roy, played carlls and checkers. - all of Bayfield. CLARE AND GLAD REITH of Church • Street, Seaforth celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary on April 10, 1987 with a family dinner in Kitchener, The Reiths have one son Bob. • Photo submitted. q4A.I.ktitf „, • On Wednesday the Reverend 13b. -Erb' ll bucy-Bezzo-was-visited-by-her-son-Bill-and a worship service. Henrietta Brown accom- his wife, of Stratford and by her grandson, panied the hymns on the piano. • Pat Nigh, of Seafortli. On Thursday afternoon euchre was played Mr. and Mrs, 'Ross Nicholson visited his with the volunteers running things. Winners mother Cassie Nicholson. • I were; Ila Gardner, ladies high;. Alfie Sykes, Tom Handy visited his wife Mable Handy. mens high; Gertie Taylor, ladies lone Pat Jordon, of Stratibrd, and Mary Lewis hands; Pete Tremeer, mens lone hands; visited her mother, Helen Morris, • tciaensswieinNaiecrhaolson and Jim Nolan, consola- .' .-David Alexander was in to visit his grand- • • mother Cassie Nicholson. • Harold Walsh, Lawrence -Young, Eva Net- Audrey Cameron was in to visit her zke and -Irene Omand (twice) were the' win- mother-in-latv Verda Cameron. hers in Friday's bingo. • Bill Morris -took -his-rnother-Helen-Morris,PERSONALS • - out for a drive. Frank and Marjorie Maloney of Stratford Clare Reith sent in daffodils. • • Maplewood. residents . .. • This week the folks at Maplewood enjoyed • tion is greatly appreciated and will be con- - both beautiful :weather outside and tinually used. • .•, . thoughtful donations from the community Friday. afternoon residents enjoyed • the , for their inside pleasure. .. • ' movies from the library. Gail Hill was in On Monday, Jean Hildebrand donated a charge and was accompanied by her three lovely -knitted afghan to Maplewood. Her in- daughters. The movie, 20,000 Leagues under structions were "to use it however we would the Sea, was exciting. . . . like to". It is now adding a very homey at- This week Ethel Dennis put the finishing =sphere' to the lounge' area upstairs. touches on the baby quilt. Since the first Monday morning the grade 11 students of _part •of March Ethel and a friend would SDHS were in visiting the residents. Some of • come to Maplewood and have a quilting bee. the resident's' received practical assistance There is a raffle on it. planned for the • from the students in appropriately marking Seaforth Home Show. • their clothing for laundry day. , -. PEOPLE On Monday Maplewood' welcomed Elva Jean and Ed John's visitors were Lorne - Ellis. She .Was helped with the move by her Lawson, Jim and Ena Cox, Paul Rose and daughter Lorna and •son and daughter -in- Beth Rose. law Wayne and Peg Ellis. Ethel Saliows' visitors. were Joan, Lillian, And in .the afternoon Pete Tremeer 'vas Irene and Chris. off to Starlight bowling lanes for his weekly Gertie Taylor's visitors were Patti and hour of enjoyment. • Anne Taylor. Tuesday morning. a group of residents Charles Benister's visitors Were Mr. and joined Kathy Binnendyk for an impromptu Mrs. Cumming, Mr. Prudham and daughter exercise class. It was a good warm-up for and Greta and Wes Hoggart. regular class the next day. • . May Habkirk's visitors were Libby, Wednesday morning Deb. Melady and Jackie, Jane, Julie, Tami, Fran Simpson Glen Rose led the exercise group. During and Bill Rqbertson. . . the class, exercises and visiting are given May celebrated her birthday on Wednes- equal time. • . day with a birthday luncheon at her family's At 11 a.m. Wednesday Rev-. Vanslyke con- • home and a birthday supper at Maplewood. Edna Doyd.. and Anna Sherrin's visitors were Mr.. and Mrs. George Rock, Mrs. and Mrs. Bill Bemmewies and Joyce Hugill. Helen Dallas' visitors were Preston and Ruth Dallas and Tracy Gowan. Pete and Will Tremeer's visitors was Vicki Tremeer. Elva and John Pulhnan's visitors were Marine Pullman and Gordon Pullman. ' Ross Scott's visitors were Ronald and Graham Scott,. Mrs. Bud Burt, Shirley Hargreaves, Clare Reith, Gordon-Papple, Alec Campbell, Edga Allan Howard, John Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McClinchey, Mrs. Bruce IVIcClinchey, Iva and Ella Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Garness. PRIVATE JEFF RYAN, son of William and Shirley Ryan, graduated, from Basic Train- ing in. Cornwallis,' Nova Scotia. He • is presently stationed at Wainright, Alberta. WINTHROP SUPER • MONTHLY DRAW April Winners 1st prize - Garden Tiller, Bob Regele, Dublin 2nd prize - '25.00 Jim •Bosman, Winthrop 'TENDERS for operating Winthrop Ball Park Booth are sfill being ac- cepted at McKillop Township Of- fice, Winthrop. Dublin & District Athletic Association BASEBALL REGISTRATION For Boys & Girls Of All Ages • FEE - 55.00 per child REGISTER BY CALLING: • 345-2260 or 345-2223 EVENINGS The Best Seat in the Neighbourhood • When John Deere Builds an economy rider only the price is stripped down If you're looking for a depen- dable rider look at a depaidable name ...John Deere, buideperi- dable tidete feature a 40.yeat warranty. John Deere riders alto have a reputation' for lasting a long time ask anyone who owns one. HURON TRACTOR, mormismom BLYTH ElfEtER 034244 235-1115 • ducted_the morning worship service. He was accompanied -by Edna Bell and Connie and Jim Robertson who are members of the congregation. Wednesday evening it was time for Lion's T.V. -Bingo. May Habkirk and Ed John tied for having the best bingo cardsihat night. Anne Downey and Marj Maloney were. the volunteer helpers and Lynda Feagan, the Junior Farmer, brought them to Maplewood. Each week since we.started playing T.V. Bingo we have used card tables on loan from the Oddfellows and Rebecca's. This week the two lodges donated four card tables to Maplewood. Their generous dona- Egmondville independents have busy session The Egmondville Independents 4-H club Mr. Floyd showed club members the parts' has had a busy session, increasing their under the hood of a rear and front wheel knowledge of cars, cooking, cleaning; safe- drive car, explained recharging batteries, 4, food and personal values. ' refilling the water and oil. He alto explained At the most recent meeting the,In- replacing a worn out fan belt with a pair of dependents met at the home of arg nylons, starting a flooded car, and changirql Ungarian, where they discussed travel and of a flat tire. Members were relieved to find the dangers of hitchhiking. out all new cars come equipped with instruc- Following the discussion memhers were tions orpfixing flats. taken to the Gulf Service Station where Jim Floyd gave them an introduction to the: Members then had refreshments at the parts of a car, and tips on servicing a Ungarian home, and manuals for the sewing vehicle. club were distributed. Seaforth and District PRE-SCHOOL LEARNING CENTRE Registration .1981-88 Pick up applications at the Nursery School, Market SC LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE: Morning;, Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons Phone 527-0682 or 527-1617 HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY BENJAMIN RAPSON tioita Grandma & Oftiottiso ogicogl0000tiosacooalooc0000i000r 44, BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN • 169 BEECH ST., CLINTON elPFN AT 8:00 P.M. - FIRST SHOW AT DUSK 482.1030 • GRAND RE -OPENING THISItifEEKEND ---IturrS*tqttriAit, SUNDO AORIL-1,14-8.1-9 "-kir** lethal Weapon'. . . tight target . blOW you away'. CALGARY SUN • MEL C/BBOlit -:ILETHAIL PLUS 2nd FEAfRE 'COARSE 1.,4NOLIAGE BRUTALVfOLENCEI • ri t\ IiVC r3 • go co e# a 14 ao tr!. 6 10 lo 1,040 0 #0 0 0 40 40 WS