HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-15, Page 1324., PROPERTY FOR SALE KEEP YOUR JO8 and raise hogs, small farrow to finish Operation ,squateden county road; 100 acres drained, rno§fly"systematically; barn 36'. x„ 80', apprgx. 4 y,ears Old 'with colored, steel .and stable cleaner. Contact Tom Reidy,' Realty Ltd„ Realtor, 347.23.58. 24-)5.1 11/2 Lots For Sale 67 Ord St. Seafort h .48 acres '8,500.00 Phone 235-2369' 53 West St., Godorich 524-7316' OPEN HOUSE Monday, April 20 2:00 - 4:00 'p.m. GODERICH STREET Must be seen, 3 bedroom, raised ranch, cir- cular drive, picturesque bush, 2 decks, laun- dry room, family room and much, much" more. MARKET STREET Reduced to sell. 3 bedroom ranch style home, excellent location, friendly neighbours, scenic yard. Interested in trade or'2nd mortgage call Sharon 527.0560. HOLMESV ILLE 3 bedroom, 1', storey home with a new ad- dition which includes family room. kitchen, dining room 8 entrance. both 8 large lighted deck. Beautiful lot. large insulated shop with pit. EXETER AREA - Ranch style bungalow with horse barn on 3 . acres, Hwy. 4 location. NEAR:BAYFIELD 3 bedroom -ranch located on 1.3 acres, modern kitchen. central vac, large rec room, priced right. We now have a wide selection of Dairy & Poultry, Hog and Cash Crop Farms listed for sale. WATCH FOR OUR OPEN HOUSE -AT OUR NEW OFFICE 11 Victoria Street, Clinton ' Sharon Medd 527-0560 482=3669 Peter Damsma 482.9849 8i11 Steenstra 482.3780 Aileen Craig 25. PROPERTYFOR REI T 56 ACRES of plowed Ignd for •rent Phone 527.1748 8 - 10 a.m. and 8 - l0 p.m.' 125 '15-i ' 26.,. APARTMENTS FOR RENT'; HEATED APARTMENT, one and two bedroom, newly decorated, Phone 527.0828. '26.15-tf APARTMENT 2 bedroom. Newly renovated; Coll 345.2701.. " ' 26;15.3 ELIZABETH COURT' APARTMENT -S 1, 2 & 3 bedroom available Utilities. included. Located at 176, Oxford St. 'Hensel) I "Ask about special bonus Phone 262-3542 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. REPRESENTATIVES HENRY MERO , 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 • EGMOND,VILLE:.3 bedroom 1' 2 storey home in excellent condition -with large shop, 'car: port, nice lot and more. '47,000.00., REDUCED "'39,500:00: 'Egmondville, 3 bedroom bungalow, full basement, large lot. EGMONDVILLE: Duplex, .excellent condition,, good income. ''47,000.OQ. • . 2 STOREY BRICK 4.bedroom home in Walton, Excellent•condition. '57,500.OQ. MARKET ST.: Duplex, 3 and 2 bedroom units, very.good Condition.'Cell for details. RAILWAY Si.: Tri-plex, 3-2 bedroom'units plus , extra lot, well rented. GODERICH 57.: 4 bedroom frame home inex- cellent condition, '38,900.00. • NEW HOME: Under construction bn West William'St. 3 bedroom -Cape Cod. -style, Can purchase•at any:stage of construction. MARKET ST.: 1 floor 4 bedroom bungalow with approx. 2 dc. of land. and many -extras. '50;000.00. INCOME PROPERTY in Seaforth. 3 apart•" ments and 2 store fronts' bringing. in approx. imetely''16,000 annually. Call for d-etails., TUCKERSMITH TWP.: 2 acres with 3bedroom home. large barn, near Hensall..Low '30's. 5 AC. with a 3 bedroom brick home in good condition: born, shed. etc. Hensall-Zurich area. '57,000.00. HARPURHEY: 3 bedroom I' , storey home on, 4 large lots. '45,000.00. 1800 SQ. FT..; ranch 3 bedroo'rns,' •2 fireplaces. inground pool. double garage, . much more. ' LIKE NEW: 10 year old 3 bedroom I floor• home, finished rec room, attached garage, nice. '72,000.00, BEAUTIFUL 3 level split on a well treed 1 acre lot. 1200 sq. It. shop. Must be seen. WALTON:'1' , storey. 4 bedroom home, good condition '32.000.00, MARKET ST.: 4 acres' market garden, 4 bedroom home, remodelled, '89.000. EGMONDVILLE: 3 bedroom. 4 level split, on executive style home with all the amenities for a luxurious lifestyle. VANASTRA: We hove a good selection of 2.3 bedroom homes available. HERITAGE HOME: 4 bedroom solid •brick 'home, 2 fireploces, double lot, excellent con - clition: CaII for appointment, ,,BUILDING LOTS: We haye a very good selec. tion of lots in Seaforth. Egmondvilleend area. Coll for your choice. AREA FARMS We have many areo farms and country homes available. 'Cali for your choice of a •good selection. Canada Trust Realtor 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO BEDROOM apartment includes heat .and hydro. Available ' immedia.tely, Phone; 527.1577. ' 2d.1$•tf,." NEW 'LISTINGS 153 SPARLING AVE., SEAFORTH ' HERITAGE HOME on Double Lot. One and % storey brick, 4ledge' bed-oom-s, grans( entrance hall. elegant living room Willi 2 29lf st29I. 400,, Foe interrelationtai Norm Wiidiryg 348.8021 or Brend M. Jec)isori' 371-6493, 145 ONTARIO Si` iTRA�FORO NORM WILDING 8484621 56 s. 58 ORD ST, SEAFORTH OPPORTUNITY kNocKs - This' is an excellent Opportunity, live in one side. have 'rental income coming in from the other to' help with niort"gage payments. ,1% Y n. suibnck home on nice size lot. For mOre information, call North Wilding 2464621 o'r John Segeren 393-8838. MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE TO THE COUNTRY - 1V2 storey 3 bedroom sided haat:. large Workshop; 15 acre hobby farm, located On Hwy- 8, east of Seaforth. For more infoentatlen,ci;ll John Soren 393-6838 Or Norm Wilding 346-8621. MLS Realtor 273-3350 The Canada Trust Company -.......".... Real Estate Ltd. Broker Claxton Phone: 482;9371 Residence: 523.9338 BRUSSELS: 3 bedroom frame home with oil -. heat. CLINTON: On.Hwy. 8, fieldstone home and small barn on 6 acres. • INVESTMENT PROPERTY: 2 apartments. plus , commercial space. RESTAURANT: and good home, highway location, Huron County, 1'/z ACRE: Building lot on Bayfield River. WALTON: Mini -form, 1 acre "with good 3 bedroom home, steel shop, and small barn. Under $40,000.00. COMMERCIAL moi] TY: on main street, ."Blyth. 4'/, ACRES: Near Family Paradise, with 11/7 floor sound frame home in need of repair, and an exceptional large steel barn. IDEAL STARTER HOME: Horpurhey Road,'2. floor frame home, !, `acre lot. Only 524,500.00. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick home; finish- ed basement, inground.pool, large 'lot. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The easiest way to keep up with the world, is stand In the way of progress. Culligan • REAL ESTATELIMITED MAUREEN WILDFONG 482-3224 HEATHER BENNEWIES 345-2432 8 MAIN STREET NEW LISTING: 1' : storey, 3 bedroom home, completely refurbished. Situated on '', acre 'lot'. List 585,000.00. A MUST TO SEE: 1.f loor brick ranch style home, 3 bedrooms, family room, tastefully decorated. Garage plus more. EGMONDVILLE: Owner anxious to sell! 1' storey. home, 3 bedrooms, newer addition,. detached garage. 550's . CHALK ST-: '4 bedroom aluminum clad home with extra lot at rear Renovated kit- chen. located close to school's. List 550's. CLINTON:'Commelprilding, 2 bedroom apt above, ext ocation'S30's. BRLJCEFIELO: 1 storey home on 1 acre with building - lots. List 540's. HERITAGE ESTATES: Two mobile home's for. your choice. 1 - •2 bedroom completely renovated.' i'• 3.beelk6nt. ' • BUILDING LOTS:. We have many serviced and unserviced lots in Seaforth and Egmondville. NEW HOME: 2 bedroom brick bungalow with attached gorage with excellent loch- . tion. Presently under construction. STANLEY TWO.: 72 acre form with '5 bedroom brick home In excellent condition. Located. on the lakefront on Hwy. 21. DOWNIE TWP. 50Agkillarrow to finish operation. 100 ad% riled and workable. ongoing operation, steel clod born, remodelled 3 bedroom home. DUBLIN: 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick home an quiet street in Dublin. List 538.000.00. 31. NOTICE ARE YOU living with o drinking problem? Al Anon can help 527-1650. 31.-15.1 34 AUCTION SALES AUCTION Tile drainage equipment, dozet with plow. 40 ton float; tractor, 1985 Car, etc.. to be held 2 miles south of Myth Ontario for George Nesbitt Farm Drainage, SATURDAY, APRIL lath AT 1:00 P.M. DOZER: HD 21 A Allis Chalmers dozer with 34" .pads, undercarrlage Is 90% and Zor 0100 drainage plow equi0'ped p with raiser Iain traeking receiver and APP transmitter; D8 Caterpillar Doter series 13A with cable control. TRAILER, FLOAT. TRACTOR:, 40 ton tandem floa-flwttit. beau -Ha f ift goad condition; 1964 White tab over tandem drive tractor with 250 Cummings diesel. 10 'speed transmission with deep setae, tide, reedit -0g as it: Fifth wheel triaxle fife trailer with 24 ft. bed. tAtit.1465 Chevette. 2 door hatchback With' Pioneer ster2o, ran 12,000 km.. lolling certified, For Ron Nesbitt. EQUIPMENT: Oxford Eddy tile spinner, fatly hydraulic 100 gallon, tank for plck Wheel *rafter for fittings; MF 9 hay John Deere power waffrer; Honda G i50 3% H$ i" water pump; drill press; tut off saw; Wayne Stationary- double piston air cons, pressor; W' electric impact wrench; large vice; 28' olein'. extension ladder; 121 step ladder; collection of tools; wrenclie's; shovels. chains, end nit*. too numerous' to mention. PERMS: CASH AUCTIONEER �Ichard Lobb 519-482-1898 01NNER Geof'ge' Nesbitt RICHARD 00 AUCT ONEERS THE;F1-RON ,Q(POS1TOI3 APRIL, 15,',)9874- i1A Sponsored by Seaforth-Dublin-Mitchell L ons Clubs SATURDAY, APRIL 18 STARTING AT 12 NOON - - " To be held at the - DUBLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE Featuring NEW MERCHANDISE and NUMEROUS VOUCHERS donated by local merchants. PRE -AUCTION VIEWING OF ITEMS AT 10:00 A.M. Proceeds for community projects of the sponsoring Lions Clubs. .PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT AFFECTING THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH TAKE NOTICE,that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, May 20, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. in the Seaforth Town Council Chambers to consider a proRosed Official Plan Amendment under Section 17 of the Plan- ning Act, 1983 and a proposed zoning amendment under Section 34 of tho Planning Act, 1983. , The official plan amendment proposes to change the land use designation from "Residen- tial". to "Industrial" on the following property - Lots 1-49 and Blocks A & 8 in Registered Plan 408. The subject areo is shown on the attached map. The proposed zoning by-law amendment proposes to change the zoning of the same subject parcel to "Light Industrial (M1)" from the following zones: "Residential Low Den- sity (R1)"; Residential Medium Density (R2)"; "Residential High Density (R3)"; and Future Development (FD). The approximate area of the existing lots is 10.8 acres (4.4 ha). These amendments would permit the establishment of the uses permitted in a tight Industrial Zone. For the list of permitted uses in an MI Zone, please refer to Section 14 of Seafortli's Zoning By-law 52.1964 or contact the Town Hall. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal represen. tation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed official plan amendment and zoning change. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed official plan amendment and pro- posed zoning amendment is available for inspection during' regular office hours at the Town Clerk's Office to Seaforth. . DATED AT THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH • THIS 13th DAY OF'•APRIL, 1987. James Crocker, Clerk Town of Satgforth Box 610 Seaforth. Ont. NOK 1WO Tel.: 527-0160 (Clerk) 524-2188 (Planning) TOWN OF SEAFORTH Q Proposed designation th'ange to ''in- p,,,_. dustrfdl' from "Residential" and pro, .posedxOne chang&:fo"Light Indu'ttrlal' (Ml)" from the. following zo'nos: "Residential 'Low Den -SHY St "Residential Mediiist Density' (R2)"; Residential High Density (R3)";' "Future Development OD?: a 9' Scants Aao siY 36 to tr t® Mit kited