HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-08, Page 16•
Crop Insurance
Produotion,cotts are higher
than ever before.,You should
insure that investment
• You stand 10 lose more than you might think
from unexpected hail, (cos(, 'drolight2flood,
wind, iniect damage and disease.
' Crop Insurance makes better sense every year.
-Gilbert & Ricki Vansteelandt
Agent (McKillop & Hibbert TWO
Dublin, Ontario NOK 1E0
Telephone (519) 527-0648 .
EA. Agriculture 0 Contend Midistry of
• '1r Canada . Agriculture and Food.
OUR sincere thanks to all relatives, fiiends, and
neighbours for the beautiful flowers, cards, gifts
and visits. All were greatly appreciated. Sincere-.
ly. Melita and Christopher. 39-14-1
• We wish to thank all our relatives.meighbours,
nd friends Mi. their acts of -kindness shown to
aur sitter Mercedes McCowan. Joan and Keith,
. • 39.14.1
would like to soy thank you to Dr. -Rodney,
• ,
nurses and staff for the excellent core 1 received
• : while a patient in Seaforth Hospital, also to my
friends for flowers, gifts, cards and vishs. Vera
Hillebrecht. 39-14x1
'‘ ROE.
Wesley and May.Roe thank relolives, nei9hbors,
former neighbors. and friends for gifts, cards 6f
. congratulations, telephone calls,' .and hand-
-}fakes, congratulating them on their fifty -years •
of -marriage. Most of all we thank out family for
takirig us out to dinner, then back.to the home of
Leis and Bill Prrs, for "Anniversary Cake". Later
in the day a luncheon was served_Plannect by our
four families,. Your kindness will always be
remembered:. • 39-14-1 .
Karen and Sheeno would like to thank Dr.. D.
Allen. Dr. Wong. and the nurses of Stratford and
Seaforth Hospital. Thanks - to 'friends and
relatives whit brought gifts.' Karen and Sheena
Mclarnon. .. • 39-14-1
GRAY • •
In loving memory of My husband, Gary Earl
Gray, who passed away April 13. 1586.
Times will change and years go by,
But memories stay intact.
When things:go wrong and times are tough,
My mind still brings you back.
We always -knew together,
We'd face and ityld thermal!,
But now when things go slightly off.
It's me who must stand tall.
Your strength I often borrow.
Each day I start anew. •
My heart still stays so warm and full,
Each time I think of you.
Lovingly remembered by his wife Marlin. 40.14,1
In loving memory of our father and step -father,
Gary Sad Gray, who passed away April 13, 1986.
Dear Lord, *tote take 0 message. ,
To our loved one up above,
Tell Dad how much we mist him,
And give him all our love.
We do not need o special day.
To bring you to our minds.
A day we do npt think of you.
Is very hard to find.
They say_time heals all sorrow,
*And itt to forget.
But time so far has only thown,
Haw much we mi St you yet.
Lord, if ,there are rotet in heaven.
Please pick a bunch with tare,
Place them in bath hit arms.
And tell him we still tore.
Sadly.missed by Terry, Becky and Brion..- 404 4-1
- - - -
In. loving memory of o dear husband and father,
Donald McItaig, who passed away four years
ago. April 7. 14983.
They say time heals 011 sorrow.
Perhaps some day it will,
BO so far time hot only shown, •
NOW much we mitt you still.
Always laved and deeply missed by Helen. Jean
arkfttruce. 40-14x1
In loving memory of 0 dear wife and mother.
ken Jones, who passed away April 4, 1986.
Month carries with sod regret
11 brings back a day we'll never forget.
hi Win 10-W ya'u striktrig
We watched you fade away.
Our hearts were sadly broken
As we watched you tight to stay.
God saw yOu getting tired.
A cure Was riot to be.
He of His cairns around you
whispered. "'Come with Me. -
We SOW you lying there
$0 peaceful and free of pain,
We Could not wish you back
Suffer that again.
Feted& loved Grid (ratted "by Mardi& Mithciel,
Michelle and Mork. 40-14-1
In loving aleatory of o dear wife and mother.
flettiaJontzt, who 5i0Ssed away ifirae yearn ago
Apia 00. 1984.
A 'Silent thought. 0 sweet tear.
Keeps her mei-eery ever cleat,
tate takes away the edge of grief,
But memory, tunis back every teot
ee'mebeiad dad secily Missed icy Miran
and faintly. 4044*1
In foiling memory of our dem. 56114r -taw dory,
whom God soddenly calle'ci Kiddie ofle year age
today April 13. 1986.
May the winds of heaven blow softly
On the quiet.and peaceful spot
Where the or* Uve love is steeping
,And will never 104 teorgid.
Sadly. mitted Dad Eyre. 4'0444
Jessie Gray, a resident of the Mitchell
Nursing Home, Mitchell. and formerly of .
Hibbert Township died at her residence
Tuesday, March 31, 1987 in her 93rd year.
She was the former- Jessie Schlotzhauer
and was born in Ellice Township on August
24, 1894, a daughter of the late David Schlot-
zhauer and the former Elizabeth Whitney.
On March 10, 1914, she was married to Alma
George Gray who predeceased her on
,January 15, 1955. Following their marriage,
the couple farmed at lot 8 concession 5 of
-Hibbert Township until their retirement to
Mitchell in. 1950. Mrs. Gray was a member
of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of -
Latter Day Saints, Stratford:
Survivingis_orie_son_Gmge and his wife
Marjorie of Hibbert Township, three
daughters Erma and her husband James
Williamson of R.R. 3;Walton; Margaret and
her husband Ivan Thompson of Mitchell and
Lula and her husband .Clarence McDougall
of Hibbert Township; one brother Fred
Schlotzhauer and his wife Vi9la of Stratford
and one sister Clara and her husband Alvin
Dobson of Port Elgin. Also surviving are 15
grandchildren and 24 great•grandchildren..•
She was predeceased by one son Harry
(1927) one son in infancy, one daughter Myr-
tle (1933) and one brother Henry (1953).
Friends were received at the Lockhart
Funeral Horne, Mitchell where funeral ser-
vices were held on •Friday - with Elder
William, T. Leney Of Stratford officiating,
Spring interment will be in Wooaland
Cemetery, Mitchell. Expressions of Sym-
pathy were shown through floral tributes
and memorial donations to the Stratford
General Hospital-Ruilding Fund,, Arthritis
Society, Heart and •Stroke Foundation,
Canadian Cancer Society, Gideon Bibles,
Auxiliary of the Mitchell Nursing Home and
First Lutheran Church Memorial Fund.
J. Brown Higgins, of 13ayfield, died Mon-
day, March 30, 1987.
Mr. Higgins is SurViVed by a son James of
Thunder Bay and two grandsons.
He was predeceased by two Wives; Lillian,
Higgins, of Bayfield and the former Mary
Fled, of Seaforth.•
Friends were received at the Beattie
Funeral Home in Clinton and a funeral ser-
vice was held, On Thursday., April 2. The
Reverend Aubrey Bell officiated. Interment
Rayfield Cemetery. • •
R. Canadian Legion attended at the
funeral home. , • •
Meicedes McCowan; of Eginondville, died
Monday, March 30, 1087 at University
HospitS3 in London; She was 49, ,•• ,
Mrs. McCowan ' is survived by her hus-
band, Peter McCowan Jr.-; son Michael
Eugene and his Wife Sandy of Seaforth and
daughters Michelle and Kelly Lynn at home.
Also, surviving • ,are brothers, George,
Peter, Adolph, 'and Richard; sisters,
Susanne, Joan, Theresa; Laverne,Irene,
Geraldine and Betty . Lou; and grand-
children, Tracey and Geoffrey.,
Mrs. McCowan was predeceased by her
parents, Adolph and Mary Alexander.
• Friends called at the Whitney••Ribey
-Funeral Home, Seaforth and a- Mass of, the
Christian Burial was held Thursday at -St.
.James Roman catholic Church, Seaforth.
Pallbearers were Don Muir, Ross
Nicholson, JIM McGrath, Stuart Banner,
man, Bob Costello and. Carl Cooper.
Flowerbearers were Brian and John
McCowan •• grandparents are -George and Rosie Smitjes
Foresters hold family bowling
The.CanailianFOrreSterS, Court Constan-
tine No. t1842, held a family bowling session
at the Seatotth HoWling. Lanes -Sunday.
Thirty-three persons, young „anti old
comeeted, ,
Prizewinners for hidden scores were; 4148.
drea Ribey, Elgin Nott, -Lindsay Anderson
and Shelley.Pewell, ;- •
• II0111 gage 6A
table, Staff Wonien's Institute are responsi-
ble for the "In Memoriam" at the District
Annual and are also to assist at the bake
Members were reminded of the Daffodil
alR ieet United-Clau-Vi
on Saturday, April 4 from 2 to 4 p.m. A (Wil-
ly lunch followed the meeting served by
Helen Parsons and Mr. Douglas.
Seaford] Bowling Lanes donated ptizes
for Ladies High; Barb Jewitt, and Mens
High, Ken Jewitt.•
.461) went to Kinburn hall after where they
enjoyed pancakes and syrup and a treat for
the children.
Thanks to everyone who participated.to
help make the afternoon a kuccess.
Sorry that Sherri Elliott and Robert Dear,
ings names were omitted as Glee Club
members from this community that travell
ed to British Columbia and presented
several concerts during the school break.
People •
Carrah and Cain Templeman accOm-f
panied their aunt, Carol Stewart.of Kit-
chener,'to Goderich on Saturday, where
they visited with their grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. ChuckEbel.. • "
'CRONIN - Wayrle. and Melita are proud to
announce the birth of their first child,
Christoper Emmanuel, born March 24, 1987,
weighing, 9 lbs, 7 ozs at Clinton Public
Hospital. Proud grandparents are Delaine
Cronin ofDublin and Sunny and Carmen
Harmsworth of London. Proudgreatgrand-
Mother is 1VIelita Pace of London.
DURCHARME - Melissa is proud to an-
• Ounce the arrival of a little sister. Her
name is Tracey Kathleen. She was born at
Stratford Hospital on March 28 weighing 8
lbs, 7 dz. Proud parents are Murray and
Heather Ducharme of Mitchell. Proud,
of Mitchell,and. Clara Ducharme of
'• Seaforth. Great grandparents are .Myra
saw= NM .
I am .,. Think big...fortettor results . .• 1 Loaldortolthe Ritz -Villa and Elma Ryan of,
1 , Send YOUR message iler*Sfithe proalnce or coast to coast ' 1 - - -
1 • . LAvERTY
• I - James and Shirley are pleased to an-
- -
a E. \ . I " notince "-the birth Of their first daughter,
I c n g Melissa Mary, born on Thursday, March 26,
I , _
CLASSIFIEDS . i_ 118s71:tortbeGMrain7iipsasraeugtos aare Hospital,
ilt weighing
E --
I , It's fast! Ire 0880..40.0011.one bill; does It alit . 1 Mississauga and William and Anne Laverty
Imo ...iii............. am ism ow amiss. mew E.n lop feel'imor -- ...a of Seaforth. Great grandmother is Anne
' - Kennedy of Huronview. -
men,. Send resume to Clarksburg Contractor, .
Box 130, Clarksburg, Ora, NOH 1J0.-0-14 -
SU SACRIFICE SACRIFICE US Buildings priced for im-
mediate liquidation. „All items in stock. 28.40,04TUDENTS' APPLICATIONS are.being accepted now for
$3.99-6, 40x60x14 S6.500, 46x80x14 89,250. 7090s24 • summer employment at ChMeau Woodland Resort.
$21789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide: ' Haliburton. Accommodations available. For inform.
Factory , direct clearance. Serious !aquas only, All ' Non write 1 Sulgrave Crescent, Willowdole, Ont, M21.
buildings priced Tor ithniediale delivery, call toll free IW5.. 314'
t -800-387'-21t5 or 1(416) 858.2446.- 0.14.
• MA CHERIE Horne Fashion Shows Est. 1975. Join our
-EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS factory dm:trendy: 1986 .- - succeishil family of independent representatives'in-
9,9 'H.P, 51,299. 1985 Evinrude 90 14.P. brand new. presenting quality' lingetie a leisurewear at in.homa
original factory carton. from 53.499. Coll Kings parties for domen. Calt toll 1 re e
• Marina, Box 98 Familiar.' Falls, KOM INO (705) 1800.263.9183. • 314.17 ' -
887-3321,- 0-14
' . irs GETTING SUNNY Think of making monpy. 11
PIANO SPECIALS from Village Peoria Shop: Elmira. selling children's wear at home parties partilinte Ills
.High gloss or oil finishes. Outstanding furniture. burl. Your lifestyle cull Polly•Rogs (416) 336.1507 for
ed walnut. oak. mahogany. Heintz...mann, Nordheimer, information. 0-14 , .
Mason 8 Rische, etc. Slatting hem 5895 delivered,
(519) 6692280. .0-14 , ' FRAGRANCE 8 HOSIERY Consultants wonted: Market'
SEASONS exclusive Replica Pure Perfumes 8 Fashion
• GREENHOUSE 8 HYDROPONIC Equipment, supplies, Hosiery. Earn hundreds. saving others thousands.
- Everything you need. Bestquality, super low prices. SPociol, 5315 Reloll.P.r? 1-800'38.74875. 0-14
.i."..-.....1 '4: 14L -Li. -eli 1
Greenhouses 5169 Halides 5105. Over 3.000produco4
in stock! Send 52 for info pock 8 FREE Magazine to OVERSEAS POSITION: Hundreds el top -paying 'post,
Western Water Forms 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, tions. Attractive benefits.; All occupations. Free
8.C. V68 3N9 1-604.682.6636. -.014 details. Overseas Employment Services. Dept. CA.
• .
• Box 460. Mount Royal. Oue, H3P 3C7.-314
STEEL BUILDINGS -- Spring clearance - Wo have a
limited amount of steel left from out largest winter
sale ever • SAVE thousands - all styles are available.
PIONEER? ECONOSPAN 1.800-387-6896. 0.1417
MIRACLE SPAN Number I in steel buildings. Check
these prices: 25132 $2.597. 40460 $5,797. 3204
53.497, 50x80 58.897. Other sizes to choose from. All
buildings are complete with large doors. Sale ends
April 30th, 1987, 'or when allocated steel is sold. Call
toll free 1-803387.4910. 0.1447
NORTHERN, FOOD TREES. Old fashioned apples, pear.
write', nut trees, shrubs, evergreens. seedlings.
Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prites. Catalogue
Si. Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario 1(0K
210. No Phone, 314
SWIMMING POOL Sole 1986 inventory, ingrounds,
ongrounds, abovegrounds. Limited supply, save hun-
dreds. Don't buy Until you compare our, guaranteed
lowest prices. Book early (613) 547.6434. (519)
65841221. -0.1 I •14
LAS VEGAS MARINA HOTEL. Moy 15.18.5399 Can. Los
Angeles • San Francisco Worn Detroit). 8261Cdn
Return.' includes tox. 1 & S Travel
1.8032654900. -0.14
EARN 54:0430 per month part -lime. International Steel
Building company is (poking lot on radar:les in.
dividual who likes money. This person must be Bush
anchor Spray Pilot willing to Ily in o given area. No ex,
porience necessary, company will provide full troirt.
ing. Call 1-800.387.4961.-0.14 .
• EARN 15*. per yr. in U.S. Dollars. Guaranteed! By
way of 'Nosing Marine Cargo Containers. Rental in-
come • 5 marine Corgo Containers pay 52.328 pet
year. TO pay 54:650 per year. 25 pay 511.625. Length of
lease 0 up to 15 years (5 Year increments). Minimum
investment 53,100. All above in U.S. dollar'. Ask
-about our Capitol Appreciation program. Coll (416)
,368.3585. Wrote. Pacific Rim Container Sales Ltd. 2nd
Floor, 33 Yange 51 ,Totonto MSC 159. 0-14
FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or
are no using all the tax breaks tivailoble. Phone us
today! Appointment limes available to proteSs 1486
tatt returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS COth
SULTANI•S, 2109 Oxford SI E. London N5V 210. Cell
toil free 1.803265.1002. In business yearnoundlat 35
years, -0-14
NEWLY ERRLT in 1985.87 featuring roorny houtekeep.
109 cottogas with Sun deck and lakeview. Sandy
beo:ich: Boats ond alt water activities, playground.
Resort includes Hotel Black Forest Nouse with dining
teem, lunch bot. patio, tucksheo, edriference teem
and hotel units. Call (705) 3753208 or 3/8.2311.- 0.14
Book now for your SUMMER VACATION. Over 40
housekeeping cotteges. Sale sandy beach, adult and
children's pools. tapir playgrourid, rninialute golf.
tennis. Free brochure write Hospitality Inn, RR 1.
Minden, /Ontario. KOM ?KO. •Plierve (708)
FAIRFIELD BAY COTTAGES family housekeeping
resort on Mountain Lake. From 5329 weekly:Sandy
beath, tennis. Shuffleboard Weekly ditcaurits to lune
26th. Reserve early for summer Vacation (108)
2136-2137. RR 2. Minden. 1(061 21(0 0.14
010 WRISTWATCHES WANTED - Men's only - Old
ROLEX and Patek Phillip wristwatches wanted, Also
Wanted Eotons 'Quarter Century, squares Wristwat-
ches (25 yeort service). Will pay 5750 end up for this
Watch. Phone 1-416-365-7240 or write B. Welsh, 173S1,
East, Toronto, Ont. 445A 152. 0-14
REWARD. 850. ssoop.ia ter obi matfixticol banks marl
pte 193311n toys. etpectolly those marked LEHMANN.
Call collect anytime. Bill Hogan (416) 641-1420. 0-84
TRAIN FOR A JOS With 0 lefore...with TN -County
truck privet Training. ziiti Sectith attitytnite
available. Kitchener 120 kieg E., (5)4) 7434011. Warn -
ford 300 Caseate E., (519) 756-0223.-314
101/9 aDOSEPIANts? oemoustrate itydrocuiture fofl
or part-time. Canada's fastest growing network 60*
ready for Ontario 86 1066018,1.'. no &liven'eS.'S:Wren
high inconie prograin. PLAitiTOASIS, 2215Walitley
Montreal Hild /14' (5('4) 480.8861.-12.124.4
EXPERIENCED COOK (Year-rotilia).. Kitchen help.
WoiIieSSeS A. waders. recreation' staff. May Oc-
tober. Experience nal nateStark. Accaeueuridatico
rieentnite. Apply neer lodge Resort. 88 2. Histibuno&
Ont. KOM
AIRLINE r CRU IS (St ilP j0B8. Woii' taring, 'Big Money.
Will Frain (4161 461.1500 EXT., 507.
Days. Eveditigi Weekends -414
tupatimiced. Web-011ier Peds person.- Maaired' for
$00eteiStity foleparteiti peahen Apatite:Mt Moil be
Mature. teiptinsitile and demonstrate
Adis. Apply: Community Doan* Oat.
findinn (519) 80-8468.-44
. ET . A. C. 8 i• Ott e Rio h On 35 y eat
dieiherecot.electritol firm Vacated tit Southern de-
testi° requires full-time Mechanic. i°4ikytkir opprwe
rice considered. CominerCial restifeatial eiperietite
ragweed. Bulk storage chi iliSet. Pat bated OO
ist.or4ace A company 10tet. flak:Cohan reinitiate;
DATES GALORE, For all ages & unattached. Thousands
al monitors anxious to Meet yttu. Prestige Acquain.
lances tall toll free 1.800-262-9161 Houis noon till
0111.....-0,14 •
SIMMENTALI live calves horn! Heovy calves
weaned! l'rolitable colves marketed! Use Simmeatal
Bulls' Breeder directory available. Ontario Sharnental
Assrvaation, David Chambers. HastingS, Ont. 1(01 POI
(705) 653-4716 0.1417 ,
EREE:**987 guide to stady-al-trinte correspondence
Diploma (daises for prestigious careers, Attoonfielo.
Af.tondifioning. Bookkeeping.
CaSnielology. Elettranits. tegoltMeditril Setrearty.
Psythology, Jraval Grantee (5A)`,.163 Adelaide West,
Toronto 1-800.268-0121.-0-14 •
EARN MONEY1 SAVE MONEY! Learn lflcorne fax
preparation al home. For FREE eirtithare write: U 46
Tax schools. 1345 Pembina Hwy.. Wnflipeg MB 838
06 No obligation. 014
BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hots of MOP/tile&
Next cans May 88-.tene 6 Oz. Contact Sautlibiallern
Ontario Stheol of Audi -orienting. P.o. Box 145. l0-
nokip, Ontario NO1 IMO, (519) 469-2636.
01. -It 16. 0.14
respondence atlases. Oor Diplattio COMMA ate TOM
Yak dediatible and help get ow 0 mb 01
Microcomputer Servicing. T.V., Robalks. Video
Technology, Aute Diesel. Capita& 'COMrot & 81057tromiics ,
col Schools, 517
flOherrita ties. dialwilie, bat. L6J 21d (416)
ede-veil 'aid Sidi ail Afoot
The Only way to get
.II • ...
ad in t5 million dines .1
1 eamitia.fOr ..1
S48.°° • i
Of in 1824itatithiiii186 R1
OritatiO fitit
celliffe onedif dikt.haffifiliefefiliffied
If...410....Y.V.#,:!n:lattril4:t1441.470.' by
bloprovietwakityydaritititatiairtil. tiffilisiititionowisewl1,50P2080:20r
• 410-1146 MOVIDOO:11.
• .'i,S*.e.litOit..t0440: '•84114431j
CHAPPEL - Ed and Cathy are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of -their son, Cory Don, -on
April 1, 1987, weighing 10 lbs. 71/2 oz. A little
brother for Jason. Third grandchild for Reg " .
and Nadine Chappel, RR 2 Staffa, and Ross
and' Leona Cottle of RR 1, Woodham, Ont.
Sampa - Madlindima is pleased to an- -
nounce the, birth of his sister, Jamie Ann
Kape, on April 1, 1987. • Proud parents -"
James and Cheryl -Ann. Proud grand-
parents - Mrs. Kabengele Sampa of -Zambia -
and Mr. and Mrs. Alex- Stadelbauer of _
Mitchell. -
- •
Jack and Dawna: Our lives have been
enriched by the birth of our daughter An-
drea Lynn. She was born March 26, 1987 at
K-WHospital and weighed 8 lbs oz.Her
proud sisters are Cara and Susan. Andrea is
welcomed with love by grandparents
Amelda and Frank Reynolds and Jean and.
Bill Durst and great grandmother 'Clara
54A ick nAsR. N 0
N - John and Karen (Noble) of •
Seaforth are pleased to announce the safe
arrival of their daughter, Sheena Judith, on-.
April 1, 1987 at Stratford General Hospital,
- weighing -8 lb., 2f•2 oz. Proud Grandparents
are Walter and Sharon Noble of. Thomdale
and Ray and Shirley McLarnon of Lakeside.
Great grandparents are Gladys McLarnon
and Alvin' and Blanch Stevens, -all of
. TUESDAY, APRIL 74th at 12:00 P.M.
Brenda. Dale and Paul would like to thank
all our staff and customers for their supE•o.-4
• • • for the past 3% years.
126 Main Street •
• , .
Omen Get It! at
Annive sa
Ara 8 Aprli 20 _ e:oold 8:30
Closed Tuesdays k 581 8 to 12 Ilelated Good Fit
Shop Eatly
Keg. Sirloin 20 lb. bagl
TOP Boneless
our Own [No., 883O91atEF PATTIES nits
Lean Ground
BEEF (b. 1.69
Our avirt by the loin
Plain on Oatlid
Our tiivii paid perk
, MapFa reef
25-21 Ib. box .89
Seitneidet's drd Petition Or
our own smoked liaMt
6 to 7 ib. Av. Well Irina -bad,
and bonelets LB. 3.49 •
mole Leal iReslatiraell
ptotesteti fb.
2 kg. 6.9 4( Ib. pkg.
STEAKS lb. 2.49
SIDES 1.61
BACON 12.99
Broken Sliced 11 Ib. bolt
Sliid pet Ib.
5 lb. be* 17.99
'[Kiddies tavourffel
lb. 3.69
Oilers Best
rh. 2.49
HIPS 1.79
Minim*to modem
nietliatis ttift
4- 2i SAYS
SIRES lb- ttig'
LOIN tIFk.l 1.89
APPreit; 3&lo 35
„god pet fn. SLISECS
•only- 1.69
free fragoefrYs for ilUr Own dressed
• ° •
With every S50.08 order or more „,
receive one 515. bap Of frozen peat
,4 owe
We're located east of
Watch Fry Sign
RESERVE THE Mt At to LtImideAN111111.,„„.„...