HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-08, Page 7EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE
• • In Huron County call...
• Dandelions
• Creeping
• Charlie
• Plantain
• Chickweed
• Black Medic
• Clover ...Li
Weed Control witts
Liquid Fortliner
Average Lawn”
$3.00 per 1,000 sq.
ft. thereafter
• '4,000 sq. htreated area
• Average Lawn
Walton:, UCVY hoid Thi. hkdff�rihg Sur ay
Sunday afternoon the United Church •, ..• •, recently •with Bill and Louise Smith n
Women's spring thanksgiving service was • WaltCorrespondent • Mitchell.
heid hi the„auclitoritun of Duff's United' MRS.,BETWOIcCALL , April, is Cancer mouth. Just a reminder a
Church, Walton.canvasser will be calling on those in thee
Gusts were present from, surrounding 88776071
chiirches. An organ prelude was given by 4-11 Club . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Craig were in Bolton
Margery Hupther. Ushers were Olene Den- By Heather Baan last Thursday to attend the funeral of their
nis,•111axiiie Marks, Dianne McCallum and The Sixth and final meeting of, the 4-11 aunt, Mrs. Wes McCutchion. •
Kathleen Williamson. . , Club, "Handy Dandy's was held at thd home , Mrs., Larry (Dena) Kale and children,
The, 17CW President welcomed everyone of Mary Bean on March 3L Carla and Cameron of Ednionton, Alberta
• ark1 called on Marie 1V1cGavin who introduc- After the opening 4-11 pledge, the roll call: are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
ed the special guests from Alma College, St. "Where would you like to go for a holiday? - Campbell Wey, calling on Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas. Along with her daughter Heather was ansirered by all members,' The dif- Nelson Reid on Saturday.
McGavin there was Lillian, Michelle, ferent types of transportation were discuss-•
•Crystal -and -their -religious -instructor -Ms. ed-and-took-place-about-the_oar-and-costs Congratulations to Bill and Valerie Shor-
• Scott. These quests conducted a brief dem- involved. --treed on their new ba abyprborn in liliton
tional service with each girl telling different A demonstration was given on how to Hospital last Friday. Valerie and baby are
• hapOnings at Alma. ' check the oil, how to boost a battery, how to, a
t Westminster Campus in London at the.
•Miss Scott showed slides on Alma, giving change a tire and how to check the lights. time of writing, hope they will be well to
• worthwhile facts of the 11 year old building An achievement program was announced return home real soon. •
• and what went on at Alma College. • to be held on May 7 at Londesboro. • The WI' annual meeting is planned for
• Helen Craig presented Courtesy Remarks.. People April' 15 with supper at the Golden Lantern
to the girls and Ms. Scott for sharing their • Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wilbee visited for a few in •• Brussels at 6:30 p.m. •
time and knowledge. •, • days last week • with Mr. and Mrs. Ken The ladies. of Walton I unit are busy
• Ms, Scott accompanied with her guitar for Wilbee, Napanee. quilting again the first of the week in the
the closing hymn. Isabelle Shortreed spent a couple of days church basement.
• , .
Couple arrives home ahead of snowstorm
• ding a month in Florida and Alabama. They
were very fortunate to arrive home a couple
• of hours ahead of the snowstorm. . ,
Cranbrook Correspondent
' 887-6645
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Strickler returned to There was a good crowd at the Communi-
Cranbrook on Monday afternoon after spen- ty Centre for the Forester's -old tirne dance
Philip Andrewes to speak at conservative
At this year's 'Progressive Conservative • • May 17 1985 he became the Minister of
• nomination meeting on April 14 in Clinton,
the guest speaker will be Philip Andrewes.
The meeting will be held at Central Huron
• Secbndary School starting at 8 p.m.
Philip Andrewes was first elected to the
Ontario Legislature on March 19, 1981,
representing the riding of Lincoln. Two
months after his election, he was appointed
Parliameritary Assistant to the Minister of
Energy; a position he held until assuming
the responsibilities of Minister of, Energy,
July 6, 1983. He was named Minister of
Agriculture and Food, February 8, 1985.
Higher prices offered at Stockyards:
The market at Brussels Stockyards trad- Three steers consigned by Ross Jeffray of price of 84.63. Eight heifers cbnsigned by
ed actively at higher prices on both steers RR 1, Wroxeter averaging 1277 lbs. sold for Keith Miller of RR 2, Bayfield averaging
and heifers. Cows sold easier and feeder cat- 88.95. Seven steers consigned by Howard 1034 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.78
tle were higher. There were 849 cattle and Martin of RR 3, Brussels averaging 1233 lbs. with a sale at 88.25. Five heifers consigned
408 pigs on offer. sold for 87.45 with a sale at 93.00. Twenty by Gerald Grubb of RR 5, Mildmay averag-
Choice Steers - 85.00 to 89.00 with a sale to steers consigned by Mac Ross of RR 3, Em-, ing 1004 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.77 •
$1.00 per lb, Good Steers - 81.00 to 85.00. A bro averaging 1220 lbs. sold for 88.20 with his with a sale at 89.00. Eight heifers consigned
steer consigned by Geoffrey, Darrell and offering of 37 steers averaging 1168 lbs. sell- by Joe Smith of RR 3, Brussels averaging
Alicia Dalton of RR 1, Walton, weighing 1150 ing for an overall price of 87.1u. Six steers 1073 lbs. sold for an overall price of 84.65.
lbs. sold for $1.00 per Ib. with their 3 steers consigned by Keith Johnston of RR 2, Five heifers consigned by Bev Schenk of
averaging 1217 lbs. selling for 94.79average. Bluevale averaging 1225 lbs. sold for 86.80. A RR 1, Neustadt, averaging 1056 lbs. sold for
Twelve steers consigned by their father, • steer consignment by Doug Welker of an overall price of 84.59 with a sale at 87.75.
Ken Dalton, averaging 1316,1bs. sold for an Belgrave weighing 1170 lbs. sold for 88.25. Seven heifers consigned by Glen Kerr of RR
overall price of,88.86 with sales to 90.60. Two Eighteen steers consigned by Glen Johnston 3, Palmerston averaging 1086 lbs. sold for an
-steers consigned by Alvin Ritz of Monkton of RR 2, Bluevale averaging 1274 lbs. sold overall price of 84.14 with sales to 86.75.
averaging 1335 lbs. sold for an average of for an overall price of 86.46 with a sale at Eighteen heifers consigned by Doug
89.53 with 2 steers with his son, Jim, averag- 91.75. Forty-two steers consigned by George McPherson of RR 27 Wingham averaging
ing 1125 lbs. selling for 87.40. Eight, steers + Underwood Farms of RR 1, Wingham 1121 lbs. ,sold for ,aniVyeall ,price•/of 83.84,
consigned by Allan Thornton of RR 1,'Gorrie averaging 1230 lbs. sold for an overall price with a sale at 89:irelfoi6e Cam td
averaging 1200 lbs. sold for an overall price of 86.04 with a sale to 90.50. • 63.00 with sales to 64.50. Good Cos - 55.00 to
of 88.07 with sale to 90.25. Twelve steers con- Five steers consigned by Paul Johnston of 59.00. Canners and Cutters - 50.00 to 55.60.
signed by Allan Dunbar of RR 1, Belgrave RR 2, Bluevale averaging 1244 lbs. sold for Heavy Bulls traded to a high of Thirty to
averaging 1158 lbs. sold for an overall price an overall price of 86.26 with a sale to 88.00. 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of $1.25 per Ib. 40
of 87.82 with sales to 91.75. Thirteen steers Choice Exotic Heifers - 84.00 to 88.00 with a to 50 Ib. pigs to a high of $1.19; 50 to 60 Ib.
• consigned by Hodgins Bros. of RR 8, sale to 94.50. Choice White -faked Heifers - pigs to a high of $1.10; 60 to 70 Ib. pigs to a
Parkhill averaging 1231 lbs. sold for an 80.00 to 84.00. A limousin heifer consigned by high of $1.07 per Ib.
overall 'price of 87.89 with sales to 88.75. Elwood Fitch of RR 1, Wroxeter topped the Brussels Stockyards are booking cattle
Forty-two steers consigned by George heifer market at 94.50 with his offering of 24 for their Special Stocker and Feeder Sale to
Adams of RR 2, Wroxeter averaging 1254 heifers averaging 1110 lbs. selling for an be held on Tues., April 14th at 1:30 p.M. To
lbs. sold kr an overall price of 87.35 with a overall price of 87.21. Six heifers consigned consign cattle, please phone 887-6461.
sale at 03.25. A steer consigned by Ham- ,by Tim Prior of RR 3, Brussels averaging
mond Bros. RR 1, Monkton weighing 1110 1068 lbs. sold for an overall price of 88,54, Heavy Butls traded•to a high of 70.50. Thirty
lbs, sold for 90.75. Twelve steers consigned with a sale at 89.75. A heifer consigned by to 40 Ib. pigs traded to a high of $1.25 per lb.
by Lorne Forester of RR 1, Lucknow Lloyd Weppler of RR 2, Ayton weighing 1030 40 to 50 lb. pigs to a high of $1.19; 50 to 60 lb.
averaging 1295 lbs. sold for an overall price lbs„ sold for 93.75 with his load of 10 heifers pigs to a high of $1,10; 60 to 10 lb. pigs to a
, of 87.36 with sales of 90.75. averaging 1134 lbs. selling for an overall high of 81,07 per Ib.
on Friday evening, April 3. A good time was
had by all, dancing to the music of Tiffins or-
chestra. .
• Proceeds go to the Games of the
Physically Disabled. On Friday; April 10 the
• Hall Board is sponsoring a card party.
nomination meeting
Andrewes was an active fruit grower and he
• Health. •still retains an interest in the family farm.
As an MPP for the riding of Lincoln, Mr. He served on the executive of the Ontario
• Andrews represents a constituency in the Fruit and Vegetable Growers' .Association
Niagara Peninsula with some of the finest from 1968 to 1972 and held a number of key
vineyards and speciality croplands in positions on the Ontario Tender Fruit
Canada. ' • Marketing Board and the Ontario Farm
Products Marketing Board before resigning -
A native of Beamsville, Mr. Andrewes at- to run for public office.
tended public school locally and graduated Mr. Andrewes has served on a number of
from Ridley College in St. Catharines in 'Cabinet Committees including the Board of
1960. He later earned a Bachelor of Science Industrial Leadership and Development
Degree in agriculture from the University of (BILD) and the Legislation Committee. Mr.
Guelph. Andrewes is presently the Chairman of the
Until his election to the Legislature, Mr. Select Committee on Energy.
Ask For Reg Smith
or Ken Brown ...
White & Grey
cf. dit.01.111S AVAILABLE
SHOE S ORE HaVit your dolobe'pfinfldniSdavei6Pett and'printecf and
receive a dadand :Set Of fataalie 61664 punts feed...
I • • at Oafireilialdeverootrig And piTritinit 6f dal dolour pear Oro.
00E4: Mon. Z Siii. V = 5i30 -
, •
, ,
• 28 Marla Stn. Mitcheri
,'000E18; EROIREs APRIL 22, 198ti
• Let Cook's help you
stop this area's toughest
problem weeds
Whatever weed control problems you face—
broadleaf, grassy,,both; whatever spray program you
prefer—PPI, pre -emerge, post, spot—Cook's has the
products and piofessiOnals to help you protect your
fields ... and your profits.
• A stop at Cook's is a stop to your weed
control problems.
'Where you can trade
with confidence"
Division of Gerbro Inc.
Hensall Centralia Kirkton Walton
262-2410 228-6661 229-8986 " 527-1540
" ATV - Tune up s
Prom 49"
• Chains
Redd light guards
Most Hondo ATC's
Coil be book
your appointment
toddy -
We'r6e Honda Crazyi\t
Change oil and filters
- Chock fuel system
Adjust valves
- Adjust ccim chain
- Check ignition tinling
- Check air filter & clean
- Check curb adjustment
- Check motor & exhaust
- Check wheels, axles &
- Check all controls
- Lube all cables
- Check lights 14 battery
- Adjust drive chain
- Check fluid levels &
'• Clean unit & tett drive"-
Vaairrto 262-3'318 •
. .
FT:;;Pr,1514141i1IN,WY" ;
__ ,.„, ,....
.7—'''r,44,' '
it V, ,,.
. frgforipste-40'\
9-t•ou,se .
Bed" de Breakfast
11 - ,
... .....„ !H -1:-I •
, • •
%•I , -
'dui and Gwen Tatterson • PD. illinc1125
.(519) $2 74040 Seafortfit Onprio NOK1 1+0
Ask For Reg Smith
or Ken Brown ...
White & Grey
cf. dit.01.111S AVAILABLE
SHOE S ORE HaVit your dolobe'pfinfldniSdavei6Pett and'printecf and
receive a dadand :Set Of fataalie 61664 punts feed...
I • • at Oafireilialdeverootrig And piTritinit 6f dal dolour pear Oro.
00E4: Mon. Z Siii. V = 5i30 -
, •
, ,
• 28 Marla Stn. Mitcheri
,'000E18; EROIREs APRIL 22, 198ti
• Let Cook's help you
stop this area's toughest
problem weeds
Whatever weed control problems you face—
broadleaf, grassy,,both; whatever spray program you
prefer—PPI, pre -emerge, post, spot—Cook's has the
products and piofessiOnals to help you protect your
fields ... and your profits.
• A stop at Cook's is a stop to your weed
control problems.
'Where you can trade
with confidence"
Division of Gerbro Inc.
Hensall Centralia Kirkton Walton
262-2410 228-6661 229-8986 " 527-1540
" ATV - Tune up s
Prom 49"
• Chains
Redd light guards
Most Hondo ATC's
Coil be book
your appointment
toddy -
We'r6e Honda Crazyi\t
Change oil and filters
- Chock fuel system
Adjust valves
- Adjust ccim chain
- Check ignition tinling
- Check air filter & clean
- Check curb adjustment
- Check motor & exhaust
- Check wheels, axles &
- Check all controls
- Lube all cables
- Check lights 14 battery
- Adjust drive chain
- Check fluid levels &
'• Clean unit & tett drive"-
Vaairrto 262-3'318 •