HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-04-08, Page 3- EVENT WORTH RECORDING - While most peo- p.le. (List came out and, watched The. annual, Op- timist Canberace Sunday. Sarah Risler took home movies of the event. Mcllwraith photo. 'THE HURON gxposrroR, APRIL 0, ptimist Canoe races gr,P; Plwrowecowe • LIQUID REFRESHMENT - The rain wasn't enough to wet the whistles of some of the paddlers in the Optimist Club'il6th Annual Canoe race Sunday. While the number of participants was down in. comparison with otheryears, the river conditions were ideal. Mcllwraith photo. V • •1 .• • ••"4„,„ . . ..o. .. .4, ''..;,. ... . .HELPING HAND - When one kayaker found himself nearly upside down in the Bayfield River Sun- • day, another one canie to his aid. Mcllwraith photo. ' . UNWANTED CARGO A kayaker participating in the OPtimist Club's canoe race found himself submerged inthe Bayfield River even before he had started the race. That meant a quick dump of -the kayak. Mcllwraith photo. 555 :5 '5`1.:?....;5",L,51( e.Vr" [ P.* . ARE WE NEARLY THERE - For some participants In Sunday's canoe race the end just WaSn't soon enough. While rainy weather conditions made the river high and fast. k appears to have dampened the spirits of at least wept these paddlers. Mcllwraith photo. • Dip, dip and swing 0 READY TO QUIT Debbie Dinsmore and Tracey,Gowan were about ready to quit when they tipped their canoe only minutes after starting. Out in the Optimist Club's 16th Annual Canoe race, Sunday. Mcllwraith photo. Pioneer Museum contract awarded to London firm • Huron County Council last week award- ed the contract for the Huron County Pioneer Museum redevelopment project to a London firm. • At its regular meeting last Tuesday in Goderich, council gave its approval to a museum committee recommendation to award the contract to Bach -McDougall, Engineers and Contractors at a price tag of $2.4 million, That figure, however, is more than $200,000 lower than the firths original tender - the lowest of three submitted - of $2„606,800. Following the opening of tenders at a meeting on March 19, the committee authorized Project Director Claus Breede and Architect Christopher Borgal to meet with the lowest bidder to negotiate reduc- tions in the total tender price. The $2.4 million price is the result. To meet the hew price, a number of substitutions and deletions were made in the original tender, some of which could be put back in at a. later date should addi- tional funding be confirmed prior to com- pletion of work by the contractor. Mr. Breede, following couneilys approval of the reeoinmendation, had difficulty sup- pressing his pleaSure. "I feel this is a good day for the county," he Said, "A dream ap- pears to be on the horizon." Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston express- ed some concerns over the changes in con- struction materials from those originally specified. Both Mr. Borgal and the project director agreed with his observation that although some of the deleted items could be re -instated at a later date, sortie changes were; however, itreVersible. To the question of why it was decided negotiate the adjustments rattier than go through the procedure of re -tendering, Mr. Breede told council it would be far too costly. Mr. Borg4 said the county would have been fated with an increase in canstruc- tion costs of as high as 25 per Bent had re- tendering been necessary. In addition, there would have been extra costs incur, red in order to redesign the project. "What you see when you look at this fist (the negotiated changes) is the 'nice to ' have' items that are being deleted, " he said. These items have been deleted, he added, "because we felt we had an oblige - New equipment ordered for Tuckersrnith STANLEY TWP. — The Tuekerstnith Municipal Telephone Syetetii is going high- tech..A motion to borrow $14-Millien to pur- chase digital switching equipment to replace the older Bayfield office was ap- obved at the annual meeting held in the S1 Complex OnIVIAteliZi. An additional 066#000 will be spent to set tip remote ftiuly automatic Substations in Clinton, RenSall and Seaforth and connect alf by Cable. Once the equipment ia installed, the local telephone company will be able to offer 4...1 customers fast touch tone, call forwarding •.(transfetring a call to another location When yon kilt& yO0 are net going to be home), call Waiting, wake -tip service, three -ay con. fetnee cailing revert tinging (calling bet. ween the lionand the driving shed, for ex,. antPle), and a 'd0 not cliaturbff feature which IS an alterfiatiVe to taking the phone Off the halt, The electronic systemWill previde automatic ideatifitatirin on long distand'e , . calla on all , and m k available toall Wh� want theiit The &Wed calling great will rettlaitt ..601400d. Secretary -treasurer Mel Graham said the $1.1 -million loan will be on a lease Agree, merit whereby monthly payments are made for five years, and a final payment of 10 per cent 011ie loan value 411(l,000) is made at the end of the term. , • Ily owning their own_ equipment the Tuckersinith system SAW the annual switching fee pteViOUSIY paid to Bell Telephone and other systems: This anuntrited to $461461aat year. Mr. Graham also expects the increased cbinthiasitin from 25 to 65 per cent On wog distance tolls to br- ing in. an additional $150,066 to $175,000 annually. The new ;equipment will replete What is rieW fri the Bayfield Offie-e, Negotiations are ftow mid way for sites for the substations. Linesman Ken Steel& i iii Orlando, VItiritia taking.a SeVeil-Weth course to learn how to maintain arid Service the neW etthiptiterit, „ Mr. Graham Said A tentative timetable would see the tifillifergion of the Bayfield of - fie by August, with the Clinton substation 111 operation in Novetiiiiet; Hensel" hOolted iit by Januar Y 104 arid t Seaiertli entopieting the tcarrier system by next March. The -18th entitled report presented ' to subscriliers showed a droptii earnings from $201,42 iti NM to $181,135 teat year. Mi. dtahath attributed pal of Una to a decrease • itt intereSt on investnients of $15,000, and M. eteased de' pretiatiori of $20,009. Enid -soh' Coleman arid Hon eattipbell were reappointed to second three,yeat terms, T C H hire new coordinator -- At the regular monthly Meeting of Town and Criutitty Homemakers held at .the , 0.M.A.F. office in Clinton tin -Match 25,140 " Brown Was hired as c� -ordinator for the Hemel:840re. Progratri of TOtsrti and 'COM,. tpy Hotheirialters: Her office Will bd iti the wileitifirianiaketa Oti Vittoria Street itt This ttewposition Was created becatiSq.of • a treinendotis increase in business for T.C41, 0- a result of the l‘leAV integrated Tarn to page 13 • • tion to bring this project hi on target." During the 'museum committee report, presented by Goderich Reeve Harry Worsell, council was told demolition has already begun to make way for renova- tions and restoration to the museum. Mr, Artede said he is confident the mi- tred& will be on the site and ready tovro- teed in 10 days.. , in other busine.a.a related to the museum, • Iloward Harris of Gedericli, Friends of the Huron County Pickle0 MUseuni preSidenL appeared before council to aritiOntite a fund-raising project , the group is 1 • undertaking. Mr, Harris said the , project involves building blocks to be used itt the reitovation and restoration work, at a price of $6 each. The group hopesto raise at least $10,000 for the museum through the sale, he said, although the ultimate target is twice that figure. he thanked council for its diligence in giving its attention to what was needed at the irthaetim. "Your forethought will go a long way in- to the future," he sea "Our children and grandchildren will reap the reward." commUNITY 'CALENDAR if you're organizing a rien‘prOfit event of intereat to 6ther-Seaforth area residentS, phone the recreation office at 627-66E12 or the Expositor at 6V -024076t mail the information 10 Communi- ty Calendar, The Hared Expositor, Box 6g, Sealant, Ohtani,. NOK advatree'ef the - • scheduled date. Space for the Community Calendar is•denatett by The Huterr Expositor. Wednesday, April 8 1104:00 pm. Setter Sfiutol–ebeard t00430 Ladies' Dante-prOgrarn 7:60400 p.m. JOINT REGISTRATION -Miner Ball -Mirror Seeder -Ladies! Retreationat BalI -ReCreatien SuMiner Programs 8:00 p.m. Seaforth Horticultural Society • Meeting: Seafortft Public School Speaker from PlOyai Botanical dardens. Topic Companion Marking Thursday, April 1:10-0:60 rm. ballroom banding ' Tilesd5 ay April 14' &M. Fitnett Fun - Arena "An p.flt. Senior dames Heat bOthitilttee • platent:Euehre et the Legion tion. tvetybridy 'Welcome Tuesday, April 14 2:00 pm. Seeforth WOniert'S Inatitute Annual Meeting will be tied at the herne of Mra. Sart Scat Tuesday, Aptii 14 1106 torn. Hospital Auxiliary Meeting, Board ' Room. Please bring an Eager card. Guest sPeaker. Gard McKenzie, Wednesday, Aptii. 15 1:30-4:60 Senibr Shofilebeard ' 7:00-8:30 p.m. Ladies' Dante PrOgrarn 1:30 prn. Lioness DesSert Ellett at Anglidan Ofturdir Pariah' Haft , $2,56 pet Porton 16646:60 pYt.Bt. John's First Aid Course at the High SChee( contact Art MeNaughtbri LiidiedlileaSe,bting • •