HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-03-25, Page 14HELLO SPRING . CANADIAN TIRE SEAFORTH ONLY ,r,.......... . .., , .... . ITN TH S COUPON '"' — ----"--1 I. • . - . ' ' ' MARCH ' ' 1 THURSDAY-- 26 ' 0 I I' - 1 01YOOFF • ' EVERY .ITEM ... , , IN. STOCK, ' I r ONE DAY ONLY I Not g - I ONE .DA -Y ONLY = YOU ,IViUST PREST— EN ,. THIS' o0OPON TO RECEIVE mis DietouN-r ' (NO CTC COUPONS WILL BE GIVEN) . I II START YOUR SPRING OFF WITH A KICK! • .. - CLIP 'THIS COUPON and SAVE $$$$$$ • ..• • • •• • •. . ,. • ...,.... . • •-•• . -'--- II titlebythire MerChandiaing °§fitikE • 126 MAIN ST, HOUR'S hifort.41i:ors. .t.:s�l. .,...,..,.,_. ,......., ,ild.avo,li;30'49:00' , J , tgAF9137r” ' 5aterdAO'34645:30'.. - *Collurnbanwin tourney The progra' m was in the charge of Leon man expressed a sincere thanks to the teams, Maloney, Youth Chairman and was assisted coaches and those who attended each day to by several' committee members: The chair- make the annual tournament a success. . • Brodhagen MINOR BALL REGISTRATION at the BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, April 4 10 a.m. -2 p.m. Any questions please call: Maynard Hoegy 345-2941 TRIM -A -SIZE FITNESS CLASSES SPRING SESSION BEGINS Tues., Mar. 31 7-8 pm Thurs., Apr. 2 7-8 pm Seaforth & District Community Centres INSTRUCTOR:' CHERYL PHILLIPS CALL 527-0765 For more information . 8 wks. once a wk. - $25 twicea wk. - $40 LADIES RECREATIONAL. SOFTBALL Registration Wed., April 8 7-9 Seaforth &. District Community Centres Forinforination call 345-2458 (' MINOR BALL ANNUAL MEETING Tiesdy, March 31 7:30 P.M. Seaforth & District Community Centres THE-FUTURE-OF—OUR-BALL. 'SYSTEM DEPENDS OW YOUR ATTENDANCE The SERVICE OFFICER • will be at LEGION BRANCH 156 Seaforth, on Tuesday, March 31 From 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. FOR AN APPOINTMENT Please Call . CLEAVE COOMBS 527-1155 TNT Spring Session Monday & Thursday, 8:30 - 10 Seaforth Public School ADVANCED AEROBIC WORKOUT 30.00 for'10classes 50.00 for 20 classes STARTING APRIL 6 AT THE STUDIO.. AEROBICS at .a Gentler Pace- - MONDAYS' & THURSDAYS. • 5-6:00 P.M • WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS - 10:30,11:30 A.M. 30.00 per month unlimited classes 4.00 single.visit • • STARTING NOW • Phone BARBARA ALKEMADE 537-0365 To Register DO IT. YOURSELF! CLEAN YOUR CARPETS THE PROFESSIONAL WAY TREWAX Rent the fantastic new UP & OUT Hydro -Mist Machine for superior carpet cleaning, Loosens and removes dirt, previous shampoo residue, and up to 90%' of the moisture in just one step. Lightweight machine and- pop-up handle makes this' Model 625 so easy to operate. Save money gel results just like a professional. WE STOCK CARPET CLEANING CHEMICALS rr• . • MMP' ST, SIBAFOIMTH, 7..1420 ' • " .. ' ''` ""P- '" ' o'"'" '" ''' ' '' ''. 'TT"T''''''''°', ''''' l''''''''It.''''' I ''''' . .'''" ' ''''''''.1tYr', '''.'"‘1,,, Vs'T)". '"fr, • , ..kr4-174-1-" •''' - -.. •, .,.•:;5:,1-.....,...,0,f,x-••-•70!, ,.^r,r,11...-,,..1,-17,;11",Arrqr,71?,.77,,i".7,, v'•f•';•';';''.'"','"tt'•".1r.'.'iltr.'It'''''',F"'n't,';'1"..,t1L",1:",''..-'1.',. ' '''•'.',"; r'""".." '',',1.7):'1•"4::,',,,"',1!".,.•1:......,m ..„;,',", f;,,,,,r,r,,,,4,r,.-t.;.:..,:, .•. , . . . . . , , . • . . ,. I i s in the air Sprig is almost here and baseball isln the air. The Western Ontario Baseball Associa. tiontas prepared a number of events to help encourage growth both in the number of teams and towns, and in the quality of play. Umpires should take note that OBA Clinics are scheduled for Exeter (South Huron DSS) on Sunday, April 5 from 12 to 4 p.m. and for Hanover (Coliseum) on Sunday, May 10 from 12 to 4 p.m, The clinic fee of $10 can be paid "on arrival. • NCCP Level 1 Baseball Coaches Clinics are also-scheduled,---One--is-in-Exeter-(Exeter—J. - Public School) on Saturday, April 11 from 9 to 3:30 p.m. The second clinic is in Hanover ' (Coliseum) on Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The fee for either clinic is $15. Those interested are requested to notify their town contact or Reg - Daze,- Kincardine (396-3152)by April 1 if they plan to attend the . . ' - Coaches Clinics. The Ministry of Tourism and Recreation, SPECIAL TOURNAMENT - St. Columban did not fair we in 'the on the weekend at the Seaforth arena. The St. Cbiumban crew were through its "Best Ever" program has made senior division of the Knights of Columbus hockey tournament, held trounced 4-1 by a bigger opposition.' (Mcilwraith photo) available to the OBA some funds for Player THE HURON EXPOSITOR', M'AR61-I'26 1987 SPORTS ,seafo, rict re1-4' ,14. kf V , .. development clinics. The purpose of these clinics is two -fold: to assess the talent of young baseball players in Ontario, and to improve the skill level of the players who participate. To book One of these excellent players clinics for your corrununity contact Ron Pegg, Flesherton (924-2574). The deadline to register baseball teams for • ". 1987 is fast -approaching. All towns must declare their intentions by April 12. New towns who wish to join the WOBA should contact the secretary, John Gates, Kincar- - dine (396-2119) by April 10. The Baseball Committee of the W OBA will hold its next - meeting in W alkerton at the Board room of the..Town Hall on Sunday, April 12 at 2 p.m.. New members are encouraged to attend. '• Petites play • final series Tonight the Petites will play the second game of a final series against the Exeter Petites. Game time is 8 p.m: in Seaforth. This' series is best two out of three. Seaforth won the first game at the start of the • . March Break in Hensall by a 4 to 2 score. The girls could bring. home .the trophy and championship with a win tonight. The girls have a busy schedule this week as ringette is coming to an -end. If the girls happen to lose tonight they would be forced -to. play Exeter girls again on Saturday, March 28 in Seaforth at 1:30 p.m. Also the local girls are in the Regionals in Stratford. Their first game is at 7 p.m. Friday against Dorchester, Saturday against London at 6 p.m. and again on Sunday at.7 a.m. against Lambeth. Please! Come out and help support the girls and help them bring home the trophy and the Championship. "Go get them girls. Seaforth, St. • Ten teams were entered in the 21st annual" Knights of Columbus 'hockey tournament held Saturday and Sunday at the Seaforth Community Centres. The taumament is sponsored by the Father Stephen Eckert Council of Seaforth and District Separate Schools inthearea. The teams vied for Junior '"A" and "B" trophies while the Seniors vied for the Senior "A" and "B" trophies. The. trophies are donated by the Father Stephen Eckert Council and remain One year with the winning teams. A special feature this • year, sponsored by the Hensall Co-op was the. donation of crests to the players participating in the. tournainent. Seaforth captured the Senior "A!' and Junior'A" trophies while St. Columban won the Senior "B" and Junior "B." IVIembers.of the senior Seaforth,team were; Adam Agar, Ted Sills, ,Jill Betties, Mike -Etue, Kim Rau, Rob VandenHengel, Brian Little, Steve VandenHengel, Mike Dever- eaux, Boyd Devereaux; Jason Henderson. Junior team -members were; Adam Agar, Mike Devereaux, Boyd Devereaux,. Colin Devereaux, Steve VandenHengel, Mark Van Dooren, Cris Marian, Jared Monroe, Andre Dale, Kate' Craig, Mike Poland and Jason Henderson. The St. Columban senior team consisted of -Brian-Melady, Steve: Hieknell, Sean Melady, Wayne Schoonderwoerd, Steve Ryan; Pat Maloney, Craig Murray, Mark Vogels, Terry • Kelly, Mike Cronin; Dean Murray, Kevin Murphy, Mike Moylan, Mike Coyne., On the St. Columban Juni& team were Mike Moylan, Wayne Sehooriderwoerd, Kevin Diegel,, Jason Murray, Derek Maloney Bill Ryan, Pat Coyne, Lawrence Flanagan, Adarn•Nolah, Jim Crowley, Jeff Ryan, Greg Visser, David Ryan, Darrel Diegel. Mites travel to Fergus Sixteen local boys out of 31 were picked to travel to the second annual Tiny Tot Tournament in Fergus on March 21:The local boys had to get up early to get to their first match, leaying at 7 a.m. to be in Fergus to play at 9 a.m. against Elora (Whites). After losing their first game the boys then had to play again at 11 a.m. against the hometown Fergus Bumble 13 ees. They came away the winners. With a win and a loss Seaforth played again at 1 p.m. against the Elora (Blacks). The third game was no match as Seaforth came away with a landslide victory. One boy was chosen after each game for the "hardest working player." Seaforth players receiving that honor included Scott Van Dooren, Ben Murray and Jason Hulley, although in the coaches 'opinions all the players were hard working. The Tournament was enjoyed by all the players, coaches, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas and friends. The boys came home with a medal and a record of two wins and one loss. Goaltenders were Evan Eckert, Michael Nigh and Scott Henderson. The rest of the players were; Mark Vock, Scott Van Dooren, Ryan -Van Dooren, Ben Murray, Jason Hulley, Michael, Murray, Jared Murray, Jeff Murray, Mark Beuerman, Sean Ludwig, Daryl Young, Tim Sills, Jared Carnochan, Coaches were Rick Wood, Bill Carnochan and IVIurray Henderson. On March 28 the Mites have their last, practice. It will be an hour in the form of a game with all 31 boys playing against each other. Two teams will be picked and will entertain the parents, grandparents, rela- tives and friends for the last time for this season. Please come out and see the players of Town of SeSforthts Future Hockey Teams, Remember: Parents have your child in the dressing room 1/2 hour before the game (12 noon) to get the teams organized. Pee Wees ousted from OMHA playoffs The Seaforth Pee Weis have been defeated by Forest in' the OMHA semi-finals. The Seaforth boys worked hard, but they were out sewed Thursday night in Forest 6-1 and on Saturday night in Seaforth 4-1. Soaring for Seaforth in the two games was Kevin MeLlwain with two goals. Assists went to Jason McNichol, Brad Schroeder, Jasen Muir and Brent van den Akker each with one. Congratulationsis extended to each member of the Seafotth Pee- Wees for an excellent 1986-87 year. Thanks goes out to all the parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who came out to support the boys this year.