HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-03-25, Page 4A4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 2S, 1987 v ��r,:"1�... �/..acr'ha ,✓..,<s? eufiar . .3tinanc al erutte Doug Elliott•p Harry DenHaan `96 Main St. S. 527-0810 Seaforth "AA COMPARE -BEFORE YOU INVEST. anteed Inyestment Certificates o DAY EAR EAR 93/4,4 2 YEAR . 9' 4 Other rates available on request All deposits Insured within limits, ATES EFFECTIVE. MARCH 23, 1987 • 527-0420 G x°¢ Huron Tax ' Consulting Services • Reasonable Rates • Personal. Services • No Advance Payments , • Registered Tax Consultants • OFFIRR Applications Prepared FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL PERSONAL TAX 527-0557. RETURN 1900 . The Corporation Of The Township Of Hay requires a . SPECIAL PROJECTS OFFICER Applicants. are invited tosubmit a confidential resume to the undersigned by: 12:00 Noon, APRIL 10, 1987 for the position of Special Projects Officer Qualifications 1, Some construction experience with respect to water work facilities. 2. Ability to keep good records. 3. Ability 16 communicate with public. 4. Some drafting experience or, ability to interpret drawings is valuable, and to make own sketches if changes are to be made. 5. Accounting, typing and filing -procedures. Wages will commensurate with qualification and experience. (Mrs.) Joan M. Ducharme, Clerk -Treasurer, P.O. Box 250, ZURICH, Ontario. NIiM 2T0 Tel. (519) 236-4351 cksrnit� moves tc� Holrriesuill MARCH 3i, 1887 Mr. William Mulholland, blacksmith, is leaving Walton for Holrnesville,where he,will continue his business. He is complete master of -the grimy.craft,-andlhas-j!vorked-athis_trade._ for about 12 years in Walton. A football match was played between the boys of Walton school and those of W inthrop, together with a couple of suitable verses of hasbeen materially, reduced following a at.Leadbury. The, game was a tie, butthere poetry in English and also,in.trish dialect. Mr: systematic collection drive. • was considerable` grumbling on both sides. Davidson, who is a genuine son of The MARCH 22, 1962 Mr. Abraham Crich, who sold his farm Emerald Isle, although born in Canada, is little change in primary school tax rates in near Leadbury; has removed to Tuekersmith, very proud of his present. Seaforth is anticipated this year, Angus where the locates on the old homestead. MARCH 26; 1937 .• MacLean, chairman of the council's finance On Tuesday last' a ewe belonging to Mr.. One of the 'earliest established businesses committee, said. On instructions from Council John,Rentte ast, of"Tucke th-gave-birth-in-Hvron-County-charged-hands-hast-weethe finance coni lttee Iran -conferred -with to four Iambs, all of which are living and when W . Scott and Co., Brucefield, sold their school boards to emphasize council's concern doing well.., Mrs: Chesney has purchased the .Pashley property at the head of John Street for $650. She has sold the house to Mr. W m. Gray, who intends 'removing it to another lot and fitting it up for a tenement house, and she will erect a handsome brick residence. on the lot during the coming summer. Mrs. Smith has removed her restaurant to the store first door south of the bank bf NE INT -4E, 'YEARS; AOO, fromthe.-Arch>~ves__-._.._: stock and trade to Mr. A.C. Brandon. Established in 1857, W . Scott and Co. has been a household word in every home throughout the district for many years. A miscellaneous shower was. held last Wednesday night at the home of,Mr. and Mrs. William Kerr, in honor of Miss Ruth Scott and Mr.. Kenneth Harrison whose marriage is, to take place shortly. Seaforth hockey schedules ended some Commerce..• weeks ago but the final period.was not played MARCH 22, 1912 until Tuesday in Policecourt here when"two The Shop ---license of the late Edward hockey fans appeared before Magistrate J.A. Dawson has been transferred , to his son Makins. The St. Marys youths pleaded guilty Charles Dawson,Charles for or the estate. removed his to disorderly conduct charges and.paid; fines y of $5 and costs. shoe shop to the store recently vacated by Mr. Little Bobby Edmunds, nine-year-old son A. Oke, as a harness shop, Mr. Oke having of Mr., and Mrs.. Jack Edmunds, Mitchell, disposed of his stock to' Mr. M. Broderick. ' and grandson' of Mrs. W .G. Edmunds here, Mr. Blyth Stevenson, who was for some had a narrow escape from drowning. years in the employ of Messrs, Chesney and Members of the Public Utility Commission Archibald of this town, but who has-been in were advised at the Commission's regular W innipeg for some time has been, promoted meeting that the, drive to reduce the number to the position of traveller for Manitoba for of water accounts in arrears is meeting with -splendid 'success. At the end of the year arrears amounted to $1,814 and 'this figure the Winnipeg Paint and Oil Co. Mr. Alexander Davidson received a nice present from Old Ireland in commemoration of the seventeenth. This was a letter from .a cousin, Mrs. Thomas White, of Dublin, which contained a sprig of genuine Irish Shamrock HAVING A PARTY? WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, GRADUATION or. BANQUET' Choose from our selection of READY TO SERVE ERVE TRAYS of TR • ROAST. BEEF • TURKEY • VIRGINIA BAKED HAM • ASSORTED COLD MEATS • CHEESE TRAYS • RELISH TRAYS • SALADS !, BUNS & DINNER ROLLS • BUTTER Call SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET • Main Street, Seafprth 527-1821' HandlS1 UPDATE • NEW 900 SERIES PLANTERS •5100 GRAIN and SOYA- DRILLS *SERVICE SCHOOL FOR OWNERS Featuring ,t i®1 1_.4/` +'. '. .linjiti ' (•1?"<c ccc C 0' .' Case IH 5100 Drills "Get more beans per acre" Case 1H 900 Planters "Assured fast germination and emergence" ues ay, arch '31 7:49p.m ook Your Drill & Planter Service (at the meeting) SPECIAL April 44 iscount AT .i C::1III. SPECIALIST ON NAND Mr..Gary Lisson Mr. Bert Dayren OI !TE Take Advantage of Spring .Planting Parts Specials (at the meeting) FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED HAEI EM.,�a at continuing increases in education costs: Bodniln bridge, on the fourth concession of Morris Township, was officially opened last week by N.E. Neilans, Municipal engineer, Department of Highways, Stratford. He cut the ribbon for the new $52,000, three -span structure, the third to be erected at this site in, over 50 years. The first bridge was washed- out by flood in 1912, Entry fees in certain instances will .be increased at the 117th,Annual Seaforth Fall Fair,' directors decided at their March meeting Thursday night. The present fee of 10`percent of the winnings will continue on prize money amounting . to $10 or 'less. W innings over that amount, however, will be assessed 20 per cent. The Department of Economics and Devel- •optnent has been asked to carry out a survey to determine the requirement for rental housing in Seaforth. • Council acted to bring in the provincial department following a meeting with a representative of the department. It was indicated the survey would be undertaken towards the end of May. Airport grant eliminated Huron County Council originally voted to eliminate a $23,000 grant to the Goderich Municipal Airport in their 1987-88 budget. However, a request by Goderich Deputy Reeve John Doherty for a lesser grant of $15,000 wasapproved by the county at its budget meeting do March 19. Deputy Reeve Doherty said he .was disappointed to see the airport's grant cut from the budget as many county people and industries use the airport. He explain- ed the Town of Goderich is sincere in its bid to' build a new 5,000 foot runway with the town applying for an 80 per cent pro- vincial grant for the first 1,500 feet of run- way with Goderich responsible for the con- struction costs of the remaining 1,500 feet. "That $23,000 would be a big -help in that last 1,500 feet,"'he said. He further asked for an explanation from the Executive Commitee who set the budget' as to why the $23,000 was cut from the budget. He urged the councillors to reconsider and reinstate the full grant. Stanley Township ReeVe Clarence Rau, the acting chairman of the Executive Com- mitee, said the county had no signed com- rhitment with the Town of Goderich £or the , grant. He said when propostA runway' was built, then the town . coufdtapproach the county for a grant. "I voted for taking it out and I still feel that way." Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston' question- ed the wisdom of taking the $23,000 out of the budget as Goderich had lived up to cer- tain commitments to the county, especial- Let our ly waving an $8,000 banding permit for the Huron County Pioneer Museum renova- tions. "I wonder if we're asking and expecting too much of the .Town of Goderich to' reduce their grant completely to the tune of $23,000, then smile and say, `By the way, will you waive the $8,000 building.permit.' "In fact, we may be opening ourselves up to a situation here were we're creating a feeling of animosity between the two. As for the 23,000, it may cost us $23,000 anyways, but on the different side of the ledger," said Reeve Johnston. Exeter Reeve Bill Mickle said while he understood the feelings of Goderich as the airport has served the northern part of the county well, he said there was some "serious rumblings" out of the southern part of the 'county regarding the Huron Park Airport. - "If we're going to be into supporting air- ports, that southern airport is very'impor-. tant to. the south part of Huron County. Someday we •may have to consider its needs," said. Reeve Mickle. "We're going to need airports more and more as industry comes in here for the 'transportation of goods and services out of this area." Colborne Reeve Russell Kernighan said he has no choice but to support the airport as it is in the township. "But I'm glad to support it as I feel It's important to the' area." iContinued on Parse Al91 MAPLEWOOD MANOR Seaforth 527-1440 Fran kook. R N. Administrator SERVICES AND FEATURES help you enjoy an independent retirement lifestyle • All meals, snacks - • Companionship, security • Laundry, housekeeping' • Private 4 -piece bath • 24 -Hour Staff on Duty • RN on duty • Long term, short term, vacation & convalescent care CANADIAN TIRE SEAFORTH ONLY ------ WITH/FOS CO I ONE DAY ONLY 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 26 EVERY ITEM • IN STOCK 'NOTE ONE DAY ONt -YOU MUSt $RgSEl i-- THIS- COUPON TO RECEIVE TH't8 DISCOUNT I, 'NOC'CGOUPbNS1NILLBEGIVEN) ®®® 1 t _ RING 0'F°� �� STI[Iifi OUR SP ITH tattle HIS 'COOP N' and SAVE $$$$ $„ D Dt"bbyshlre Merchandising STORE 126 1111M4 Shay ' HOURS 6iton Thurs 8:30-540Frid' SEAFORTH Saturdays s s s bo ' 30-5:3U