HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-03-25, Page 1INDEX Births /A10 . . Legion /A20 Classified /A18, 17,-18 • Obituaries /A10 Dublin /A7 , Sports /Al2, 13, 14" Entertainment /419 Walton /A8 Family /A10, 20 Weddings /A10' .. _Hensall. /A9 Serving the communities andareas of Seaforth, Brussels, Dublin, Hensall and. Walton • •Foodiand Hycdro .may appeal decision: '.See page A5. SEAFORT•H, ONTARIO,. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1987 50 .cents. a' copy MUSICAL STORY — Members of the Cascade. Theatre Company performed a musical - rendition of "That Scatterbrain Booky" to approximately 100 children Thursday at the Community. Centres. Sponsored by the library, the performance was based on the story of a 10 -year-old girl growing up in Toronto in the 1930s. (Mcllwraith photo). Public inputon. Wur. on. Since early July, a committee Health Services Study Committee was set consisting -of doctor's, operating supervisors, up in February of 1985. Those sitting on the a medical.officer, firemen, a police officer committee include Clinton Public Hospital- anda hospital administrator have been Administrator Dan Steyn , as chairman; working on a comprehensive review of the operating room supervisors Ferne Schwart- emergency health services within Huron zentruber and Joan Chesney; Constable and Perth Counties. And now, in the final Roger Dumas of Sebringville; doctors M. stages of their study, they would like input Leser and James O'Rourke„ ambulance from the public sector. supervisor Reg O'Hagan; Ministry of According to co-ordinator Barbara Wor- Health representatives Deanne 2erbecki thington, the study was put in place when and James Bain; Stratford Fire Chief Keith the Ministry of Health listed emergency Orchard and Deputy Fire Chief Sid Creek; health services as a,top priority. Medical Officer in Stratford, Susan "They strongly encouraged the district Tamblyn; and Bev Skinner, a public health councils to study the services," said representative. Ms. Worthington.Areas which have been studied thus far in - Huron and Perth do not have health coup- elude what training those who respond to dig, but the administrators working group' emergencies have received. felt this study was too important to not be in - eluded in. so the Huron -Perth Emergency "One of these questions would be do they Two i ni u red, forced• off road HospitaIfo•gef Although Huron County Council decided to issue a $75,000 grant to the Seaforth, Public Hospital over the next four years,. some councillors expressed a ;willingness . to .curb hospital grants citing it was a pro-. vincial responsibility. In a recorded vote of 21-10 at the coun• - cil's 'budget meeting on March 19, the county approved a 'grant of $75,000 for a 'new addition to the Seaforth Public Hospital for 1987, 88, 89 and 90 with the last two'years subject to .the new council's. approval. . Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnstonsal d he giving didn't have any problem with the Seaforth Hospital the grant mon as Clinton, and goderich hospitals ha been given generous grants by county the count n the past..However, he said the county is tting the province off the hook with grains to et' ve le au hospitals: . - "As I understood it, the province- of On- tario ivas responsible for hospital services, yet here we are as local municipalities picking up the tab for $300,000, and rightly so under the policy we have...But.sooner or later, we're going to have to say whoa and a A mother and daughter sustained mini- mal injuries when they pulled off Huron County Road 12 in Walton, to miss another vehicle, and struck a hydro pole. Wingham OPP say Sharon Blake, who was travelling southbound at the bine, was forced to the,right when confronted with a vehicle travelling north which had crossed over the centre line in preparation for a left turn. Mrs. Blake's 1983 Oldsmobile then struck a hydro pole in front of McGavin Fann Equipment in Walton, The accident occurred at approximately 3:15 p.m. Friday and resulted in approxi- mately $2,500 damage to the Blake: vehicle. An RR 2 W inghani man, the driver of the second vehicle, has been charged for driving on the wrong side of the road. The incident is being investigated by Constable Andy Rassay 'of the Wingham OPP detachment. Fire destroys livestock by the fire. Mr. McClure also lost half of his barn in the blaze, The fire was discovered at 9:50 p.m. when flashing lights in the McClure home prompted an investigation. Seaforth fire- fighters arrived on the scene minutes later, and had the fire under control by the time the Blyth fire department arrived and took over. The firefighters were on the scene for two hours. A fire late Saturday night caused between $47,000 and $50,000 damage to a barn and livestock belonging to a McKillop Township farmer. Blyth FSre Chief Irwin -Bowes said more than 200 wearier pigs and 35 sows, on the tot 28, Concession 12, McKillop property of Lavern McClure, 'had to be destroyed because they were so badly smoke damaged nd. Perthlh know CPR? Ambulance attendants would have to know CPR . but what about the volunteer firemen?" explained Ms. -Worthington. - Those surveyed within the health system were ,also asked if they thoiight the 911 emergency cominunicatiop,systems would be beneficial or 'if a paramedic system would be of benefit lithe -area. They were also, asked if they felt theretwas a need for -an air ambulance service which would see the plane located in London but service this area. Now that the physicans, hospital ad- ministrators, emergency, roont head nurses, ambulance services, police forces, fire departments and municipalities have had fell the ..hospitals there's only so -_many .. dollars," he said. However, -the majorityof,eouncillors felt the hospital had been treated unfairly in terms of county grants with the county's five ether hospitals receiving substantially more grant money.over the past 10 years than the Seaforth-hospital. Over the past 10 years, . Alexandra - Marine and General Hospital,in Goderich received $403,184 in county grants; Exeter received ;$199,624;• Wingham received 213,900, Clinton received $195,539 with another .$190,000 grantslated for renova- tion work, this year. Seaforth Public Hospital, during this time, received a mere $8,700. , Tuckersmith Reeve Robert Bell, who supported the grant allocation, said he felt the county should look at "getting- out of the hospital business", but not at the ex- pense of leaving one hospital without the benefit of a county grant. ' "We have to treat all our .hospitals reasonably fair. I think ft would be grossly unfair to Seaforth to withdraw our services at:this time when they're right at the bot- tom," he said. • , McKillop 'Reeve Marie Hicknell also sup- ported the.grantrequest "I speak in favor of Seaforth as we should treat our hospitals all alike' in+the county. The rest 'have been 'copping in regularly for their piece of -the pie," she said. • ' However, ' Exeter' Reeve Bill Mickle spoke against the argument to prop up the" ' "Iow matt on the totem -pole" with 'county ' grants as it would perpetuate the giving of hospital grants instead of using financial restraint. • • - - "If it's council's intention • to- get out of the business (of hospital grants), we've got to look very seriously at what we're really • intending to do. It's got to be based on equi-. ty throughouthe system," -he said. Seaforth Reeve William Bennett said the county should be willing to maintain the high standards set by'the hospitals and he hoped council would vote in favor of the Seaforth grant for the $2.8 million building project. "I think all hospitals are important to the county.' We do have good hospitals," he said. ealth services wanted. an opportunity to proVlae mput, the commit- tee would like.to hear from the public. "We want to know how the system is working. We want to know if there are any problems getting a hold of someone," said • Ms. Worthington. "Or we want to hear. praise. We want to know if someone is over- ' *henna with the system: -,1 ' = ' "The public are the ones who are most aware of how the emergency system works." ' °In defining the'term emergency, Ms. Wor- thington said, "What is an emergency to one person may not be an emergency to.another person. What I'm looking for isn't someone who was brought in with a cold, but people who have had a fracture, or someone who brought their husband In with a heart attack." However, she did say she was willing to read anything that was sent her way. "If it is a valid complaint; maybe something can be done about it," said Ms. Worthington. ' • For those who would like to make a sub- mission to the study, simply writes letter tc the Huron -Perth Emergency Health Ser- vices Study Committee at 105 Shipley Street, Clinton, NOM 1LO by 5 p.m. on April 15. All letters should.be signed. • ' Once the results have been gathered they will be put into a report which will be sub-' mitted to the committee and then on to the Ministry of Health. Huron County o continue grant °of ,.6,240 to Vanastra Recreation Stanley Township -peeve" Cla,e-.Raft--orbit.feitavtdotinciitois ien_he=told his .had good cause When he spoke in support . tale. - of continuing a $6,246 recreational grant Wlien lie was a young lad Mr Roti said for the indoor swiniftiiiiipool at Vanastra. Toward the end of **eclat meeting of • dt beard WS a "d t 1 t ' Huron County C' llncil • last Thursday, Stephen Township Reeve Tom Tomes sug gested cutting the grant from this Year'S confessed. he never had an opj tirtunity, as children o' nowt' o ar a n rave o an lir, door pool for swimming lessons. "I never did learn how to 'swim," he consolidated Midget. However, all that hat clanged as a result of recent minima** `' ` . _ : , p trig- the Vanastra lessons he Anumber of councillors s oke on the g issue; some supporting. Mr. Tomes' Stig received at pool. gestion for a variety of reasons, while I learned how to float; Mr. Rau ,told others presented an equally varied assort- the meeting. , ment of arguments for continuing the When council regained their compos , grant However, it was Mr" Rau who turn- a 23-8 recorded vote approved the $6140' ed the tide - and brought about the collapse grant. I JRST PURCHASE — Barb and Al Bragg of Brusaals W01100,000 in' the March 13 Provincial lottery draw. With their winnings they treated then -waives to a new truck. The Braggs say they may drive a better car, but they don't intend to act any differently and hope people will treat„!then the same as they always have. (Mcliwralthphoto) Cpuple sill •i.n shock after dig win . • Contrary to the superstition which sur- rounds a Friday the 13th, Friday, March I3, was a lucky day for a Brussels family. It was on that day that Alan and Barb Bragg and their three children became the winners of the $$00,000 grand prim in the ovincial lottery draw Neither W. or Mrs.Bragg had ever purchased a Pro'vin- rs ticket before” "The neighbors two doors down just won a ear in the Supertotte, and Al was going up- • town one day, so I told him to buy a provin tial ticket," said Mrs. Bragg. "It's the first one We've ever bought arid I don't know why it was I suggested lie get •og except that Brussels has been•lucky lately." Despite the fact the draw wasmade ori the Friday it wasn't untll.the following Tuesday; March 17; that the Braggy found out they held the winning ticket. . Mrs Bragg said she went into the store oti St. Patriot's rsay, anted for the winning: littraber, then brought it hohie to check. "We er'400times,"Said Mrs. Bragg. "Then we called all our relatives who live close by and got diem to check their newspapers to make Sure there wasn't a Mistake," added Mr Bragg. , K/ They know we won a • lot of money..." the Money to make a big difference in their liVes, "We may drive a better vehicle and live in aabetter house, but we're' still us. lifestyleOur won't be mach different," they said. Mr. Bragg, who currently works Demolition, says he intends to k 'rig. Mrs Bragg,too, mterids t babysit m her home on a pa And the tangly, who had been Finally convinced that there wasn't, the a larger, home prior to winning p for Total, cep on work- o continue to pm -thine basis. searching for the covin= gg... ylottery stay in the Brussels area: Bra 5 chose W'ednesda to travel to cral draw, plan to headquarters to pick up their. check. On "We feel extremely lucky, but weave' had Thursdayy petruck.not me reallyanything,"to tunk about said • "That as out t eat'said MrsBragg, M. g adding the tangy has he otter triune -date —---atverything happened so fa"sf.''t plans for its winnings: "$500,000 i5 a lot of money, but it's not The children, aged seven, four and tWb, etiotigh thh't We,our children and toe nekt ..a. _ y . f r tions on retire f "r the rest are aware; .said Mrs. Bragg, that the family four. generations,. Stilt 4 of has won a lot of money, but 8110 said, have fie our liven, Ilte're still going to Went. nqt tour •- -4. ...feiirlive'a," conception of the Magnitude, around the tvoritl for the test o "Theyon a lot of money., bat Both the Braggy said, winning the lottery thedn't Iron* how much. Tiro has given then a lot to think abouts blit adds dollar's a week is a lot of money, to them All ed they are content acid happy' With• :their the ri iddle one asked was if he could haft a liteatyle now. ' . andnew „ ., 'We'rerid' Barb Bragg from his oho vance_the.oldest asked' for a raise in Brussels. sWe el in no rush to Change ..w g ..y yt g e to know we earl do The •Braggy admit to being: happy with -anything, ,but it'S me their good fortune, but soy they don "t want something if we want,'' added Mrs Bragg,