HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-25, Page 13LEGION - NEWS by Gordon &ott . . , . •, t ' .. . . • . . , . .. .. . , Al2 THE HURON EXPOSITOR FEBRUARY 25, 1987 .0 1701. "".1.,ZpVar ATI KIM 1ft rfrr"1.0 t MAU 410 RRAD WW1 Aintt.tirY 11111.1111L0E-t .1 MUM KAMM, t"1". `, THE LEGION has found a way to rem,ember past Veterans and auxiliary members Who reside at Huronview. They have donated k plaque, the wooden frame made ,by Harold • Chambers, whiCh will carry the names rif such residents. Presenling the plaque are, left to right, Gordon Scott, Zone PRO; John Deeves, Barbara Scott, Huronview ''Administrator., Wayne Lester, and Harold Chambers, Zone Treasurer, (Anne Narejko • photo) c) -ARP., THURSDAY NIGHT'BOWLEBS ' VVomen's weekly high single, Connie Marion "245, • - --yVomen's weekly -high triple, Carol: BenneWletI__629- WPfflOn's high, average, Connie Marion 196: Women's season high single, Carol, BenneWlea 285. Wornen's ' season's high triple,410. • . • , Men's Weekly, high sIngle and triple,' Murray " Bennewies 380, 816. Men's high averaga, Neil •Beuerinan 252, Men's season's high aingle, Murray Bennewies 380. Men's season's high triple, Murray BenheWies 911. -Standings: C -P's 88. Fir/Deters 83, The Strays 71, The Bears 68, B-Bppr64. 'Alley Cats 61r,' SENIORS BOW,LING LEAGGE ' Ladles -high scores •this week; Betty .Htaley 567,, -Dorothy-McC/uside-521,-Blanrhn.Hoegy 498. '' • Men's high score's; Bill Harris 764, Oliver Pryce 584, Art Finlayson 581. High team was lhe Americans with 2637. ° , Standing's: Canadians.30, Eskimos 29, Fur Traders 29, Americans 24. Explorers 24, Indians 11. . . • EGMONIWILLE, BOWLING LinciUE ' Ladles high 'single, Betty Taylor 241. To date: Carol Kuzmich 304. Ladies high triple, Belly:Taylor 611 -To, dale: Betty Taylor 759. Ladies high average, BettIrTaylor' ,, and Betty Johnston 189. . . • Men's high single, Randy Griclzak 316; To date: Willie Fraser 370. Men's high triple, .Randy Gridiak, George , Johnston 730. Yo date: Harry Den Haan 826. Men's high. aVerage,' Randy Gricizak 213. , Draw winner, Harry Deh Haan. • StandIngs:.013d Balls 62,'Our Gang 79, Bocrzers.74, Bad Ones 80,, Raiders 73, Buatin' Loose 82. ' . ' ST. JAMES LEAGUE Ladles nigh:, single,' Karen; Hoegy 256. Ladies. high triole, Cathy Broome 637. . ' . 'Men's higtrsingle and triple„.Murray Bennewiea 286, Standings: Angels 52, Derbons 75. Devils 78, Hellions 71, Omens 126, Satan' 81. • " COMMERCIAL BOWLING LEAGUE Ladies high single,Claudette Elliott 258. triple,,Wilha Vandenbetk 569. ,Average, Patti •Fuhr 188.. Men's high single, Hank Dorssers 288: Triple, Ed • Sorenson 727: Average, Cor Dorssers 226. aand,ings: Asters 92, Petunias 82, Tulips 80, Orchids, • 72. Poppies 57. Rosebuds 46. . - 13,IRTpS. PUALIC SFIAKERS -- The Seafort.n Legion played host to the area's annual public- ' speaking contest' on Sunday. Winners in the senior division were back, Fayeanne Love, " Huron Centennial, second; Shelly_Nigh, SDHS; Carol Arin McQuaid, St..James, first;,and lain Maillaux, St. James, third. In the junior division Sharon Kelly, S1.• Colum,ban was . . ' first; Keill Rathwell, Huron Centennial, second; and Sarah Johnston, Seaforth Public School, third. ' • - (Mcl lwralth Photo) On- Sunday; afternoon. the Bralteli, under . the capable leadership of chairman Bruce W jibed held ,its annual Public Speaking. Contest.- The schools' taking part include Seaforth DiStrict Nigh School,. Seaforth . ,Public School and St. James Separate School ' and St. Columban SeparateSchool. On behalf ' of the membership I would like to thank all the students Who participated; the judges Who always haVe a difficult job tO do and the parents who gave the encouragement to the . contestants in their homes. congratulationa to the respective winners, listed below. ' Secondary Sehoolt Junior . Gr: 9-10 . S..D.H.S. Shelly Nigh. Senior Gr. 11, IC 13. Kerri Shephard. Elementary School: Junior Gr,, 4 -5 -6 -1st • .„ Sharon Kelly. St, Celtirithan School; 2nd Kelli. . • Rathwell, Huron Centennial School; 3rd , 'Sarah Johnston. 'Seaforth Public School. • Senior Gr. 7 -8 -1st Carol Ann McQuaid, St. Jairles School; 2nd Faye Anne Love. Huron ' Centennial 'School: 3rd lain MaIlloux, 'St.. James School. "Ilie first place winners are ,irt;rited to • participate at the Zone CI contest Saturday. . March 7. 1987 at Branch 140 Clinton. A. tiarri of six bowlers -competed at the District C contest held in Goderich last Saturday. Although the team gave a good account of themselves, they were not successful in getting to the Provincial finalS. Better luck next time. At the meeting held last week seven new members were initiated to the merithership of the lloYal Canadian Legion. The following are the names of the new members, Barbara Cook. Mary Dalrymple. kla Earle, Elizabeth Felker. Donna .0osterbosch, Bill Pinder and , Jim Ziler. Rodney Gale transferred from Woodstock to Seaforth branch. The Service Officer will be in Clinton, Thursday, R.R.S.P. 19.6% FROM US or 9.2% FROM THEM No Load .. 75",, Guaranteed 524-2773 1 800-255 5503 INVESTMENTS b iNSuRANCE AGENCY tIO DID YOUR_ RRSP EARN 34,6%* OVER THE LAST 2 YEARS OURS DID!' Call ut for a prospectus andmore information thit investment fund, RRSP, • Based on Diversified 40 Jan. 1/85 te Deo. 81/86 • Muniol I NVESTCO Inc tjt,”, Cattedi p...:,cotratettst Frita Steignieier Egrnondvilla 621,0066 February 26 and -March 31 in Seaforth. Anyone wishing an intervieyr please contact Cleave Coombs. the Branch Service Officer. The Child yideo Identification project sponsored by the District Cof thedLegion will be in this area in March and April. The schools to. be covered by Branch. 156..are Seaforth Public School. St. James Separate School andSt. ColumbanSchool. A picture of each child will be taken and in three years will again be updated: If any child shouTd suddenly disappear there will be a picture for identification purposes. The cost will be " borne by the Legion'. Don't forget Brotherhood Night this Thursday. On March 7 there will be kpotluck .'supperand euchre. A beef and pork barbecue will be held March 14. • Nominations will be held at -the March meeting with elections to be held in April. Anyone wishing a job be at the March meeting. PEOPLE LET'S KEEP "IS :TOUCH Jack Ridde I MPP HURON -MIDDLESEX CONSTITUENCY OFFICES: „, • oODERItELasoie.....524i.9444 if Vou're, aiiiiiitter the ton-ireo areas: call tiee otiOrfie by asking the operafor far . ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ilubley Seaforth were visited Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Ilegele of Princeton and by Mr. and Mrs. Startley-Preszcator of Crediton. - VAN BAKU,: Casey aid Helen Van Bakel are .pleased to announce the birth of their third child; CaseyShawn. Shawn was.born on February 17 at Stratford General. Hdspital. He is a brother for Michael and Melissa. Proud grandparents are John and . 1VIary Devlin of Stratford and Martha Van Bakel of Dublin. .. • • .. • GILBRIT: Robert and Gloria Gilbert are happy • to announce the birth . of their daughter, Kendra Dawn, born February.15, 1987. at Seaforth Cornmunity Hospital weigh- ing,5 lbs. -12 ozs. A little sister for Douglas, Colfeen, Trevor, Kent, Duane, Craig and Daniel. Proud grandparents are Walter and -Muegge and Melinda Gilhert. FISK - M ELA BY: Jim and Jeanne are thrilled to announce' the arrival of their. chosen daughter, Sarah weighing 6 lbs. 12 ozi. horn February 1, 1987. A special sister for Jesse. Proud grandparents are Ted and Rancts Melady of Dublin and Jim and Trudy Fisk, of Calgary, Alberta. BROOKER: Hi! 14 y name is Shaun Ran- dolph. I arrived' on February at Seaforth Community Hospital at WO weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. 1 have an excited big sister Shannon and proud parents Randy and Shirley of Egmond- ville. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MeNall of RR 2, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. William Brooker of RR 5, Seaforth. Great grandparents aie Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Atkinson. of.Goderich. (*ARNIM:HAN: Brad and Sharon Carnochan are tfirilled to announce the birth of their son Matthew James on February 13. 1987 weighing 9 lbs. 4 ozs. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A little brother for Erin, Kevin and Steven. Proud grandparents are Laird and Ruby flfilayson and Ken and Doris Carnoehdn. MAPLEWOOD MANOR Seaforth 527-1440 Fran Hoek, R Let Our Administrator SE VICES AND FEATURES hel you enjoy an independeni retirement lifestyle • All eals, snacks • Companionship, security • Lau dry, housekeeping • Private 4 -piece bath • 24 -Hour Staff on Duty • RN on duty • Long term, short term, vacation & cOrivalescent care, ; . _ . 1, 0 A lEs pREv RmkB WHY1 tx-rc uf the most effective ways to pitiverit human cantact to rabid animals -over nearty the past half century has been the iminunization of family pots. Veterinarians serving Huron ourity in-etweperatiOn_Witklbe Huron County Health Unit have_ _ established "HURON COUNTY RAINES PREVENTION WEEK" WHEN:, Wednesday, Makh 4; 190 1 pan.- 6 Ara. Saturd4, March 7, 190 A.M., 3 P.M. COST: Rabiet VaCcine will befiratilded to aft pets ter $6,80 per anintal. .ERE. cam your Iota veterinarian far more mformation, littiort. County involved in this project filyth Veterinary Seri/ices Oueen Street North Eili,th 523-9551, ititisSels Veterinary Clinit thrgrets. 80* -684.1 keier littspitat SOU* itinon Veterinary tlinit Condon' Oak soilth (HAI. 4) 44 Main Street, Zurich 23§4662 "236-430i . Chtitan-Scatortti Veterinary SerVicet Witigham Veterinary Clinic rialw ft Alfred Street, Mid:tare 462-3558 ' • dodertell Veterinary Mk • • Box 26S, Giaderich t24 -261i Seaforth Veterinaty ttinie Maki gtteet ("lettlt, Seatflth Kirkton veterinary -Clink , , Kirkton, „ 229-8911 - • KegiAtilrgiMiX1-ititagai‘ia 1 :1 ' , ; ,. TA - NU BAKERY PRODUCTS - Our experienced; skilled' bakers sfart early each .rnOrning , • to provide you with- the. fing.th, Iireads-r011s-pastries-donuti-tookies. ; : "This' efsfe'ar Feb. '26; .27,, 28. % • While Supplies Lest' • • HAMBURG - .ROLLS 8's 111 OLD FASHIONED 79 1 DATE SQUARES 6s 6 ‘A/FuTE supEb 'BREAD - : 9 20 0. LOAF 11 Now Available , HOT CROSS. BONS Day 2" DONUTS Every Low Peice DOZ. Tasty Nu Store ' Only A WIDE VARIETY OF CANADIAN • AND IMPOFITED CHEESES "pr,sh Off The Block" Old Cheddar 3.59 Onion & Parsley .2.99.. THAT HosigmADE TASTE! v ' •• • . Effeciive S4t. FOb. 28 PART BACK ON; FRESH CHICKEN LEGS LB • BULK PACK MAPLE LEAF wiENERs. LB. al FRESH SLICED BEEF LIVER LB. BREADED FULLY pOOKED 2'1E1 .1 .69 STORE PACKED uggg L..1..99' SEMI BONELESS WS .1.99 SEMI BONELESS - SHORT RIB negi • ROAST LB, Jog UU CANADA GRADE A' BEEF 101ASSI R!. 2.59 FRESH CUBE ' -STEW BEEF 0.1.99 1.79 • Reguiar LB" . GROUND BEEF • c9 Medilm, II L Ott 099 PURR LB. 4 thda SIDE RIBS 11.11uu FRESH QUARTER LOIN L.13.4 Ark PORK cops i,a7,7 FREEZER SPECIALS ..C-ANADA .GRADE . . • FRONT SIDE , , . BEEF BEEF JBEEF: LB. * CB, , 153 tri: Trim, Bone Included - CUtting & WrariPing DELI SPECIALS COOKED HAM °Lb FASHIONED, COOKED SLICED HAM LB. PILLARS • • POLISH SAVSAGE" , _ . La, FOR THAT SPECIACOCCASION _ : MEAT, CHEESE & VEGETABLES 'TRAYS ' MADE TO ORDER _ CANADA NO: 1 EMPIRE • BAG. • ,