HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-25, Page 9k • .• A8,- THE HURONEXPO5ITOR, FEBRUARY 25, 1987 , • . • " • , • %1.1 1 .COMING EVENTS • CPR Certification. Next co.trte, SaJUrdaY, February 28, 8:30 am. to 4:30 Seaforth Hospital , Board RoOrn. phone • 527-1650 to register. Please leave your name and phone number , 1-06-3 MICROWAVE COOKING • DEMONSTRA- TION, Thursday, ,March: -5, at Seaforth- District High ,School, 7 pun, Door prizes. • . TIckets $5.00 at door or 14.50 advance. Available at "Box Furniture and Bob &, Betty's Variety, or phone 527-1102or 482-3326. Microwave.oVens cciurtesy of Box Furniture, Sponsored by The Van Egmond Foundation, : 1-Q6-4 SEAFORTH And District FigureSkating Club presents "Holidays On Ice"; MondaY, ' March 9, 6:30-8:30 -p.m. Seaforth and District Community Centres. Donations. acc_eptecl at the door.. ' 1-06-3 BINGO; Vanastra Rec, Centre,. Tuesday, 8 p m. First Regular ,Card - $:1,00; 1$ Regular $20.00 games; three Share -the -Wealth. Jackpot $200 m-ust ge, Lucky 'ball $120 (if not on).,LLicky ball increases 820 per week. Admi.ion. restricted to 16 years and over. -1-22-tf NEIGHBORS and friends of ,Bonnie Larone . .invite 'you to a miscellaneous shower at' • Egmandvilie United Church, 'Monday,. ; March: 2 at 7:30.p.m. 1-07-2 86TH BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE. The . family of Mrs.. Adeline Bennevvies invite • lamily and friends to an Open Hou'se in honor of he'r 80th birthday to be held at Ritz Liitheran Villa, Mitchell, Sunday, March 8,- 1987 from 2-4 p.m. Best wishes only. • • • 1-08x2 ODDIELLOWS and Rebekahs Euchre, , Wednesday, February 25, 8 Oddfel- lows Hall. Lunch provided. • 1-08,1%. VHir Radio. Operators Course, with DOC • ' exam, for a "Restricted Radiotelephone Operator. Certificate." Conducted by God- erich Squadron; la Unit of CPS, at Victoria PUhlic • Schad] i Goderich. To register, • contact Lavern Clark 523-9659 or Fulton Charlton 524-2578 by March 12. 1-08-3 • STRAWBFRRY and Ham Sunder, June 17 .Rod.1 Beef. Supper: October 21 for Bruce - 1 told United Church 1.08-1 SEAFORTH-MITCHELL Karate Club are putting on a giant flea market and bake sale • on Sat. Feb 28, -from 12 to 5 p.m. at Seaforth and District Community Centres. 1-07-2 3. LOST, STRAYED 1 I DID you grab the wrong jacket from the buck and clog' in Broclhagen Saturday, February 21? Mens black leather jacket from Old Mill. F Would appreciate its return. Phone -565-2827 130,4'44, Bayfield . 3-08-1 • LOST DOG A large black Lab has gone missing in the •Winthrop -Walton area 'Please call with any information 527-1165. 3-08-1 5. HELP WANTED 1 RFT •' IANACER nee ied for gas station ip Sys, i•• Apply Rowe Fuels, Box 1120 or in person at Seaforth Texaco. 5-08-1 III Lia WANTED catching chickens, night work and travelling involved Make up to •$250 00 per week Pail or lull time positions ,ivailable Call Clinton Stumpf 4,82-5523 • 5-03-11 HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT has a vacancy for a --• _ -Public Health Nurse . " to do six months maternity relief at the Clinton office. •QualificatiOns- 13 Sc N or diploma in ?wattle fie;11th Apply 10: OR. j.k. McOREGOR, Huron County Health Unit, Court House, OODERICH, Ontario N7A IM -2 HELP WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned for Two Leaders. for the I'March teak Program Forms ate available. at the Recreation Office. headline for submission of. written applida= hobs IS: Friday, Feb, 27th Please submit to: Marty Bedard :-------6/il-Seaftirth: Recreation. Offide, Duke SL. Seaforth FULL TIME help for. farrow to finish farm. Phone 345-23.37 after 6 p.m.: ' -01373, , - MALE OR FEMALE egg gatherers neecred for weekend work 'in Seaforth area;,, Must have own . trariSportation.' ,'Good 'starting - wage. Apply' to P.0, Box 614, Seaforth, Ontario.. - RESPONSIBLE , live-in, self' "starter for mothers. helper 'position •beginnirig..May 1 -May 15, non-smoker, drivers licence and • ' references 'required. Phone 527-0535. • • •• 5-08-2 COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES Huron"Cciunty requires Male -Female work:. ' • et•S'to provide individual support to"children with a developnientel • handicap on a part-time. contract basis . throughout the county. T.raining provided, . Send . resume including experience . and . references . to GJ•vt.B. 148; R.R. 5, Clinton,- Ontario, NOM Ontario, bY March 20, 5-07-2 , INSTALLATION service person required,. mechanical skills es;ential, . and 'welding, kills an asset. Phone 527-1935. • . 5-08-2 . • "A Career ,in Trucking': Transport drivers deeded.. Now is the time to train for, your class A licen.se. -For prescreening interview' and job placement information., contact- 'Mery Orr's TransportDriver Training, London, 1-800-265-1260. ' -5-24-tf • STORE CLERK • Part-time, could work Into full time for retail store in Seaforth with bookkeep- ing experience preferred • Apply. to Box 3851 'c/o THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth, Ontario , TURF andIANDSC-APE 'STAFF . 'required for Spring and Summer' ' - Candidate must • be. responsible, .hard working, • neat in appearance, 'enjoy doing above average work. Experience and education in this field an asset, but • not, necessary. Send resume to, THE LAWNMASTER RR 2,-Seaforth,Ont, NOK 1W0527-1750 7. SITUATIONS WANTED 14. ARTICLES FOR. SALE 70" Sanyo color TV goad working order, 5200.00; pair of size 11 Bauer 'skate's, $25,00, Phone 527-0582 after 6 P,m. 14-06-3 , • PRE INVENTORY CLEARANCE -• Huge savings 'on rifles, shotguns, scope•s; down• • .riggers, V.H,-F,: radios, fish finders. Lake Huron Rad ard. GO, 368-7182'. Open :7 .• 'days. 14-06-4 " • , 21. WANTED -TO BUY • STRAW. Phone 527-1871. 21-08-2-.' 20 tons. of mixed grain. Gerry O'Reilly, • 345-2878. 21-08-2 WIRE dog cage suitable for small dog. P.hone 527.-0925. • 21-08-1 , •MIXED GRAIN. Call 345-2869. 21-07-2 • 23. REAL ESTATE 1 YOUNG woman willing to babysit • -and provide tender loving ,care in .,my home. • Phbne 527-1095. '- ' -08-3 9. FARM STOCK • CATTLE We pay good prices far poorly doing, unthrifty,- crippled or recently injured cattle (init. of drugs) Callcollect 24. hours a day 1-218-27.96 Ansvms Livestock 9-05-8 1i USED CARS, 70 Ontario Government Vehicles and Others: 24 1980-86 automobiles, Chev, Ford and Dodge, 4, 6, and 8 cylinders; 1 1981 Cadillac Fleetwood; 25 1980-84 %, Yr, % and I ton trucks; 25 1980-82 4 wheel drive pickuPs, jeeps and AMC Eagles; 5 1980-82 vans and station Wagons, 10 van bodies, caps and utility bodies Mikhtori's Car and Truck Sales, 4 miles west of Durham on No. 4 highway or 6 miles east of Hanover on No 4 highway. Phone 369-3136 12-08-1 1 I14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 26" Colour floor Mode) EleCtrOhdrriV TV. Phone 52740547._ _ 14418g CANADA 140. 1 Double cut red clever grown horn certified Arlington seed $1 50 lb Phone Verne Alderdice 262-5988. 14-04-2 ONE brown shaft saver golf bag 530.00 or best offer. 527-0751. TRUCK LOADSof firewood Prompt delivery Prict4 from 876-00 Phone 348-8477. - - _ • 14-084 CIRLS white bedroom' suite, 3 yeattPlcr, like new bed, night table, dresser with rairrer, chest, and cleak.with chair. 5450.00. PhOne 345-2851. 14-2 CHIP WAGON equipped with a deep fryer, grill, frig arid a sink. 729-0874- 14-0.72 USED appliances at Phelan's Place, Sea - forth. Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced. tiltOne 827-12b. 14-48tt1 FOR SALE: Potatoes, 4 mirles vi7t1t- -of-- , HefisATI, solidi side of 84 Highway. Canc. 6-7 Ph -One z36 -4o16. 14-02-tf 21. WANTED TO BUY. $-$ vs$ rs-s-s-- CASH PAID Antiques., complete Or partial . estates, dining, bedroom, I iving room.„ suites, old jewellery, cloCkS, furniture CaliSeaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633. '25. PROPERTY FOR RENT DUPLEX for rent, 2 bedroom, 3 pc, bath, all one 'level, downstairs. Available March 1. 527-1095. , • . 25-08x3 Canada Trust Realtor NEW LISTING' RENT MONEY NEVER ' COMES BACK 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey sided home, well insulated for comfort 'and economy. Not ' N fancydust homey. Priced to sell at 836,900. For your private showing call Norm 21 JOHN 'Si'., DUBLIN Wilding 348.8021. , NORM WILDING 340-8021 441 ,99 MILL ST., DUBLIN • . ' NEAT AS A PIN 3 bedroom vinyl sided home, like now, modern kitchen, full basement, small barn can be used as combination garage and workshop. All situated on large double lot. Priced in the low 40's. For • your private viewing call Norm Wilding 34843021.' DESIGNED FOR HAPPY . • LIVING This Wastorey homeiteasts - - N" 3 bright carpeted bedrooms . , • , • with built.in closets, living ,,, room will become favorite spot for the family fun and ,, informal entertaining, a ' step saver kitchen without that crowded fooling with ' handy enclosed utility room. . ., A family ,'eons, play centre A. keeps the rest of the house neat. Located close to tM1; downtown ort a large lot ...*$ --".`4.',0: (this home bort:3m et instant. W ` 'ty appertiing). For your NORM WILDING • ' ' " 48- . private showing ea Norm 0021 101 MAIN St, SEAFORTH Wilding 3404021, BEING'OFFERED FOR SALE IN ST, COWMBAN , 61/2 aerosol vacant development land. Street attest off thdIrt Hwy. v.Ith 8 potential bUiclinp lett. kir more Information call•Norrit Wilding 148-8021. 145 ONTARIO ST.* • MLS Realtor 273.3350 'STRATFORD tt ' FOR 110MES,111tRWS NO PLACE LII(E CANADA TRUST Ai THE CANADA 1RUST COMPANY _ . • ,.. • -..61111•11M t. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS , 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWMPAPERS IS MONDAY NOON 22 words - one week, $4:35; two weeks. $3.85; three -weeksr$3,35.4.dditional Words 18 cents BIRTHS - No,charge. • ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of $71,,with,.pictre $12 prepaid: MARRIAGES -- Free for 8 weeks after date of wedding. After this time,.photo and outline only, $15. Complete wrIte-up $25. IN MEMORIAMS - $4.35 phis 35 cents per line of verse. , CARD OF THANKS - 30. words, 84.50: Each additional word .06.cents. ' 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK • FOLLOWING INSERTION. . BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE = $3.00, each additional week - 51.50 • , . • CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Corning Events 23. Real Estate .2. Yard, Garage Sale "-24. Property for sale 3. Lost, Strayed' 25. Property for rent Fou6d4. ' 26. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27. For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent 30. Room and Board 31. Notice 32. Vacations 33. Educational 34. Auction Sales • 35, Tenders wanted '36. Legal notice 37. Notice to creditors 38. Service directory 39. Card° of .thanks 40. In memoriam 41.. Personal 42. Engagements 43. Marriages 8. Custom work 9. Farm Stock 10. Farm machinery 11. Hay and straw , 12.. Used cars • 13. Wed trucks 14. Articles for We' 15. ,R.V.s for sale . 16. Mobile homes 17. VCRs for sale 10. Computer corner 19. Pets 20. Swap or trade 21. Wanted to buy 22. Wanted PHONE' 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 4:30 a.m. 10 5 p.m. •1, 25. PROPERTY FOR RENT ,3 bedroom house for rent, 56 Goderich Seaforth $325,Month• Phone 527-1312. 25-08-tf I26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1 TWO bedroom apartment/half a duplex, 2 blocks from uptown. Phone 527-1027 after 5 p.m. . 26-08-2 •• ONE bedroom apartment in duplex near downtown. Please reply stating references to E3ox 3853, c -o The Huron' Expositor, Seaforth 26.08-2 1& 2 bedroom apartments. close to uptown, .newly renovated with appliances Refer- ences required Phone Culligan Real Estate 527-1577 26-081 LARGE One bedroom apartrrldnt in quiet adult building, includes frig and stove,. available immediately. Call 527-1379. • • 26-504 ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 bedroom available • Utilities included. Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensel! *Ask about special bonus PhOpe 262-28418 31. NOTICE . One or 2 boarders, mature person preferred, CU 527,-0499. 3048-1 • • _ • 4,7. vefr - 7MazwAr - ANALYSIS awarzrz Gdbil for one market evaluatinnof-yOUThtne Bearer t entitled ta a Market amide thetytit of fat residential property by • a CENTURY 21 agent Retottrthit certificate cw aIf for an appointment issued by' Marie Sutherland CENTURY 21 phone: 5274931 Again this valuable certificate with your household doctarients. -,... 21. CRI180'S largest. Heal Estate Network • ash office it IndeperidetatY owned and operated !1,..F.Viabi:i_ilt•TWY6V4,<066,0waxeNti.r.rmar..1.*V6ros N • - 17777 ; 77t17i .7.7 7 77777 7 - 1 POSITION: Secreta -Treasuter/Manager fot McKillop Muttial_insurance Office in SeaforthSend resume by Mardi 13, 1987 to: MARwitSoN, tut t1 Brucefieki NOM , . Cash In On E'Visitor Cash &. Carry CLASSIFIED Comer 41 Ile as Many words as you like110 -One' ern pe d • Drily for pnvate incinnduals, telling • Ben tritiat be priced at under $40 and fitite ritiSt 68 the ad I •Payment must be enclosed with ad Ottifteit on The tipdgfor coupon PnitOnal pok§egMeitig 1 1 itn(Abi,i4,,i4.4,1,...,41•41.1Wii,M1ilioilds,11r4W41,4,..14,11d1w14*W46.4WWIPIVW1Wkiiii.,4,16-,W*ii.1,6.4.1W.141f,04.1.• I 40.6664464641144,66**6*46466640.6. .46,44-1 . 0 446.4414•461644.44.4464.404464444**6666464 466-i' 1.• 1 I 1 1 . I 1 1 1 I. 40W4W444W44.V44ai4.1.44V4we4a6a.awsi.v. w &iiiii1414ie,f1iirioyiliWW6Viv..g4i4.&*1Filfire.11i,e1o0,111 1 . • 1. &kg ei wag tzi.: . 1 I . . itte, itumit Egoviifkit • tY 118;1i16 • itge,.ift9; I M • 0#65sed I 1NP.11"tegiti,trtal;11. .:. Wt0 I I ............. f