HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-25, Page 6Steven William Webb ordained " by Presbytery Cranbrook Correspondent MRS. MAC ENGEL 887-6645 • - • A number of members of Knox Church, attended the Service of Ordination of Steven William Webb, B.A. M. Div. by the esbytery—of—Stratfordauron, Sunday, February 15 in St. Marys Presbyterian , Church. Rev., Webb graduated from Knox ttr, Colle e on Janua 25 and recently accepted • a to the pastor arge of-Rnox Monkton and Knox Cranbrook, Congratulations go to several area young people for their recent achievements, Gerald Knight, son of Leslie and Yvonne and Murray Smith, son of Larry and Elaine competed in the. Senior Math Contest in. Perth Math League. L.D.S.S. took top spot. Gerald and Murray were in the top three scorers.out of 92 students, Peter MacDonald and his partner Kerrie Shepherd. of the Blyth. area finished Ilth in the Novice Dance Category .of the 44„, ' .c Canadian Figure Skating Championships in,• JUST ROARING AROUND — 131110Anclerson, of RR 1, Seaforth spends a lot of. time on his Ottawa, Peter is the son of Graeme and Faye snowmobile. He recently finished as the 'Canadian Champion in the C Stook ,class. MacDonald. • , • - . • (Mcl !wraith photo) Mr. and 1VIrs. Ken MacDonald, Graeme MacDonald, and Kate McNabb, Listowel, Universal prayer.:..day abServed .. , the Brussels Youth Group at the .Brussels WaltonCorrespondent • - tlnited enirnb BETTYMcCAIJ . • . CEIEERRATES BIRTHDAY. - ' • 887-6677 ' , Supper guests with Nelson and Annie Reid , on Monday evening February 16 were • .Universal Day of. Praier for students. was Campbell and Edith 'tVey, Douglas and observed -Sunday Morning at both .Dtiff's Marjorie Fraser and. Ruth Thamer. It was • United Church, Walton and Bltievale United • . . Nelson's 91st birthday.. Congratulations • • . Nelson from all your friends and neighbors in • At Walton Jim and Linda McDonald were_ the Walton. conuntinitt . •• ' greeters. Margery Httether wasbrganist and • . _ W INTER GAM ES ushers were Paul McCallurn, Brian Wilbee Ron Verciuysseri of RR 2,. Blyth, near " - and Ray .Huether. . , ' . • Walton, a senior student at Seaforth District, Rev.Honriie 1..aMble's sermon was "What High School' is participating this week on the • God Has United. ' '• The Junior choir sang. _Ontario basketball team in the Winter Carnes at Sydney, Nova Scotia. Good luck from all . ' Announced was the cancellation of - Junior your friends and neighbors, hope you bring; ' . Choir practice Thursday, The Official board home the gold medal, ' . • i - .1..",:..,7::::„Meetillg,W1112.11e.held,S1Mday at. 6 p.,111,41,the.,... home f Dianne and Paul McCallum. March 4 The Walton W omen's Institute nerd a yery at 7 0 p.m. is the United Church Women's successful turkey, luncheon in their hall eral meeting. March 6 is the World Day of • W ednesday..Over 100 people attended. The ayer in Brussels,. Sunday, March .8 is the next luncheon is set for March 18. • First Sunday of .Lent and the Sacrament of - Institute members met later for some Holy Communion. •business. Plang were made for two meals that The confirmation Class met Sunday after- are to be served 'for Cook's on Thursday, , noon lrerri 2 to 4 pan. The Youth „Group February 26 and Monday, March 2 at the met at 7:16 p.in. at BlUevale Public School for -Brussels Conlin'unity Centre. The next a volleStall game. They later had lunch" with• .euchre is Thursday in the _hall at 8 p.m. attended the funeral of the late Lloyd Badmen in Cambridge. Galt on February 20. _ His wife, the ' former Helen McNabb, predeceased -him in January 1985. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conley were guests at ' the' Remley-van,. wedding on Saturday, February 21 in Zion . United . . Church, Morriston.. • Leanne Minielly underwent Surgery. in Stratford Hospital on Thursday, February 19. Danny Dickinson is also a patient in Stratford. The Foresters card party Flidey. night had ' 16 tables playing. High score went to. Becci Ruppel and John Subject, low. Mary • Huether, Hill Craig, lone hands, • Roberta • Simpson, Stuart Stevenson, . least -moves:, 'Wilda Baillie, Elgin Adams, lucky number points Mel Jacklin, Lois Hart, highest score,. In 1 gaine, Ken .Crai ord,Altee Stevens. -,. at lucky table 7. vu a-il3artliet4imslyA41*,t AlloydSmith, Donald, laittatrlucity-tatilerp.;'* 11, . Helen Dobson; Dorothy Cox,, Chuck'', • Nowak, Joe Martin, birthday, Mildred 'Gilt The Hall Board is holding a euchre in the • Community Centre, February 27 at 8:30. . i . . . . • - Wroxete'r man wins trip • ... St. Columban Parish Hall. Everyone IS welcome. BABY BAPTIZED Katelyn Margaret O'Reilly, infant daugh- - The 8eafortli Council of the Knights of ter of Pat and Mary'Margaret O'Reilly was Columbus held, a draw at the Knights of • baptized on Sunday by Father Andrew Sipek Columbus Hall. St. Columban during their at SL Columban Catholic Church. regular monthly meeting. Members of the Robinel and O'Reilly •The winner of a trip for two to Las Vegas families were guests .at the ceremony and plus 8250 spending rnoneyor $1,250.00 cash. later at the OtReilly home. Father Sipek was was Gordon Hislop of Wroxeter. Proceeds also a guest with the O'Reillys. from this draw are for charitable work. , ' BRIDALSHOW ER EUCHRE W INNERS Rita Moylan hosted a miscellaneous bridal Thirteen tables were in play on Friday "showerat her home on Sunday afternoon for • evening at the Knights of Columbus euchre Kathryn MacMillan.. Hazel MacMillan of game in the Knights of Columbus Hall, St. , Muirkirk. Ontario, relatives from Kitchener • Columban... and Stratford, neighbors and friends attend - The winners were: ladies high*, Mary ed. hig Gary'Cronin, low. Claude Gelinas and of Gordon Moylan on Saturday. February 28 111 ney, ow, Charlene Delaney, men t's • • Kathryn MacMillan will become the bride Russe Smith won the prize for the most lone in Ridgetown. , hands. Bill MacMillan. Kathryn's father spent the The next game will be Friday. February 27 afternoon sightseeing with Don Moylat. at 8 p.m. in the knights of Columbus Hall, St. •PEDPLE Columban. Everyone is welcome and lunch is Janet and Dave Greenwood and Christo- provided. pher of Sarnia spent the weekend with Jack CARD PA wry and Margaret O'Reilly. • The St. Columban Catholic Women's Gary and Joanne Schleen of London visited League are holding a card party and potluck on the weekend with Roy and Angelina supper on Sunday, March 1 at 8 p.m. in the Stvart, • "Let there be light" is topic with tarry and Alice Gardiner and Wilily. Marilyn and Alex Zimmer and family. Stratford, visited on Sunday with her parentst the Bob Laings, and Tom. Agnes Lamond presided for the FebruaryLucie Milne of Mitchell is leading a Bible • meeting of the Marian Ritchie worneres , Study group en Tiresday nights at 8:30 p.m, [ Missionary Society last Tuesday afternoon in following the cub meeting. • SI Columban Correspondent • MRS. CECILIA RYAN 345-2028 Cromarty Correspondent . R. LAING 345-2326 the church basement. She opened With a The Rev. Robert Johnson, Baden, was in Charge of Sunday's churdi service arid . reading, 11S levet arid elettet Members answered the roll call. Mary Elliott read the explained what he and the three tongrega- scripture, gave the meditation and led in tIons hoped to accomplish during the prayer. The offering was received and ministerial vaeandY* I dedicated by Muriel Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Scott had a pleasant The president. Betty lou Norris was irt Surprise last Monday when Mr. and Mts. charge or the business when piens were made 11 Id Roebuelt of lelay. Alberta arrived at forthe World Day of Prayer service to be held their doorstep. in Hibbert United Chorth. Stella, on March ' • 6. 'This is the 109th anniversary of the World Walton area Day of Prayer celebration. . - The January minutes, were read by Edna Stortertien arid the• treasurer, Maty itiliott•ma- n•injured repdrtOd$400 had been sent to the allocation. • • . . A . letter was received Morn the Leptosy • MittiOri Stating that a repreSentative would in accident. . be in the area in October and the group decided to invite him to speak and shoW A Walton -area man remains in stable pictures of the 'work done by the Leprosy condition in Seaforth Community Hospital Mission. Anyone who has been saving used following a three -ear accident on Highway 6 • Stairips will be able togire them to hilt then, betWeett Mitchell and Dublin It Tuesday . For the topie, tillfan Douglas read air tirotiiing. . • ' &Tele, let There Lle light, that stafed we Gordon'.i. Peters, 21.ofRiTri. Walton, vitas • - should use our light so people can See Grid . injured in the accident which happened at 8 Shirting throughus. Roberta Templeman had a,m, yeSterday. A pasSeriger in the Peter's the Study book describing the political . vehicle,. Blake Peters 31, Of 290 Ranee St., influences that have affected the co:tilfriV. Of Stratford was treated and released frith the Sri. lankly Wilk Afghanistan and 8angla- Seafofth hospital dealt One of Vatigladeth's,higgest problerris ' The drives Of the other vehicles. Brian cornea from the Millient of Afghanistan Salter, 28, of 8 Chestnut §(.. Ste.tford, and itlitgees theyete attotrutiedating.. Mark E. ViSteher, 18. of WI 2, Wallefitteiti, SHORT ANDID THEPOINt were not injured: • Thurstfayillght's,sadden blustery weather " • - - i a .... i _•. ' tKitiop visited Made the business at the Boy SCOut group NI . . committee Meeting short and to the point so , , the hietiitiett,65111d be sure of getting home. • • •' . The fildesitAft held at 'the Kerrie of the _Mekillop_COrresporident___L chairinan, Bill Mallen. t - " , • IDELLA HUBIEY •• . Plane were finalized for the potluck dither W=66t1 in Dublin followipg the annual Boy &Mit i _ ., , , .,_ .. .... „........._. &itch servieetiri Pebitaty22 in Crottlarty. A Mr: Mid Mit. moldy ptesteator Of. Written reSigtiatien WAS received from Bill Crediton visited at the horned Mr. and M. earrierimi; who has been a Cub and Scout Harold MCCalluip Of.MCKilltill Townehip. ` leader for several years. The committee Mr. and M. Bryan McClure and Amy of Writild appreciate hearing from anyone who McKillop TriWiiStrip visited with 'retry Ward could assiSt'Whiii the Scout beep net year.. at Merikten ThriNday eVeiring, • ' . lieldetiedalreatliet thatitiabeiori Marth 11 at day iiiiitti their graminheir Pearl MCCallifitt 1.1.4.tiefit,g4,660. -65..itgiiittee meeting will be Cindy and C011edri76Callurit spent Satilit • 8 riint •• iii Mcitilitiji Townatim, • :PEOPLE. quipatliy is extended to Margaret Benet- iingh and Hefei Cottle visited recently torifiAti'd tteaiirof her hibtherlittalt. . , . 19,6% FROM US or 9.2% from them No Load — RRSP INVESTMENTS "Er INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. Financial Centre 122 The Square, Godench 524-2773 1-800-265-5503 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. FEBRUARY 25. 1987 "".-A5• you wish to secure a lifetime income from an RRSP or "are interested in other RRSP• investments at very competitive rates, call Arnold' J. Stinnissen• -527,04/4) , Tony Arts 577-0794 Income from an RRSP: is no limier restricted to the minimum age of 60. BOOK NOW . Spring 1 OFF ALL. RENOVATIONS . SHEA'S HOME RENOVATIONS All Exterior& Interior Renovations- ' FREE ESTIMATES • • 345-2307 After 630 p.m. The Seaforth •Waits For! • , 157. " - OFF and more on all Footwear • ONE,. DAY, ONLY. •• ,-March 4 . • • „ SEAFORTH STORE ONLY • DON'S SHOE PLACE Now Open VVed, 9-5:30 BecatiseYdu'reWorth It 60 MAIN Sf. Mon. -Sat. 9-6:00 . . ' •.SEAFORTH ti:... da.,............w.smem000ro• :to1' MARKET HOMEMADEPLAIN OR GARLIC RE PORK 69, SAUSAGE ' • LB.. • , - • POLISH 29 SAUSAGE LB. ' STORE SLICED BREAKFAST59 l'COOKED BACON. . i.B, STORESLICED .- 9 HAM . LB. ... \.FISII.i AVAILABLE KILDMNTAILS, • PERCH FILLETS, °SMOKED FILLETS ' • Intialkiiiiiif.,..,:p Taken , B 8i BETTY'S VARIETY & GIFTS MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1680 INTRODUCING THE FULL NEW LINE OF HIGH QUALITY RT -7085 Double Deck rti'/AtttIPIA Siete° Radio Cassette Recorder 4bouble cassette deck Odafatitin with auto- reverse *High-speed tedording capability 45 -band graphic eaualiter *Ante revered mechanism with IC logic teethet4oeCh tOtitrid ISotl Egeti eassetle methartisin .Detachable 2 -Way, 44epaaket system *Phone, in jack for MM cartridge . , 1 SL -3086 Amt Om sterDakibie GatWte Sitterft &coed rest Sever said 3,Band &aphid Edualtier TOSHIBA 50 MONTH WARRANTY ' Onto .4 11A..1.4ionit n• &kir iish•to 4.ta,.a CX4066. • FST' WOW 'TV with Mere° Mrs Broadcast Rededtlititi, Addle/Video Moira& rennin:Cs. and Random Medea Reinete coning 41 Chi (21') rST * picture tube •MTS leterebibiliiiitiallitbadcattretedliiiii) with dbx' tidied reduction eyefern 4121' -channercasle taitipatible comarit4t4UNS, electronic syncretized tuning out Channel Relent 42 AP inputs ter cable feed Vette atehing 41 -abbe -kat system Ninth sw + 5W audio Walt . 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