HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-18, Page 151 44. LOLL t .. 23. REAL ESTATE 23. REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENT "Agricul'tural .Real Estate. Limited would -11.1ee-Co-welcam-e`Kirn-Rathw.eli-to-o- Ur - sales staff. Kim Rathwell 482-3120 AGRICULTURAL REAL . ESTATE LIMITED. 8 HURON STREET CLINTON 482.3981 Doug Chubb, Broker Bruce Rathwell 482-3120` Pat Norman - 482.9911 REPRESENTA f IV E REPRESENTATIVE Dawn Rathwell , 482.3120 Liz Feltham REPRESENTATIVE RECEPTIONIST 482-3981 53 West St., Goderich, Ont. 524-7316 FARMS - RESIDENTIAL VACATION - COMMERCIAL - RURAL 3 YR. OLD RAISED RANCH QUIET COUNTRY LIVING Extremely well built 3 bedroom brick and aluminum home, featuring custom built kitchen cabinets with 54 units, centro Island and double & single sinks. This 1521 sq. ft. home Is -situated on a largocountry lot, minutes from Seaforth'or Clinton. 11/2 Storey, 3 bedroom brick homi features main floor utility room and built in library in living room, located on 1.34 acres. Cell today for more details. MARKET STREET BUNGALOW: Maintenance free 3 bedroom busigalow. only 7 yrs. old. Featurod on 66' x 132' lot, close to school. VACANT LOT: Excellent building lot zoned M1 on Birch Street. Seaforth Agent: Sharon Medd 527-0560 The Mus ToSN 9s Lovely remodelled home with mainte- nance free exterior. Large family room with patio doors that lead to deck. For more information call Marie at 527.1931 REDUCED TO SELL: 3 bedroom bungalow, maintenance free exterior, Ideated close to uptown.' • SOLID INVESTMENT: 2 storey brick dup)e1i, 1-3 bedroom and 1-2 bedroom; self contained apartments. Fireplate in , - her fr rent Live in one, , living room of front rent the Other' 'nt both. DUPLEX: Potential 1311.1k extra Tef Check but the pot' 1b)lities elf the • pro . `perty with 9 rooms, two 4 -pc. baths,• and 2 surf rootfls, tooted on a lot 1221' x 31EV'. Marie Sutherland. 52%1931 :.,�.tsiS'. ��,��yy We kno'Lv. the sit ci„of a good neighbourhood 31, NOTICE ARE you living with a'drinking problem? Al Anon. can help, ,527-1650... 31.07-1 134. AUCTION SALES LARGE New. flea market opening inside on _Main SSCeet in Brussels, Booths available to rent, Call for more information 887-966 . 34-0712. RICHARD. LOBB Clinton. 4827898 AUCTION CALENDAR FEB. 28 at. 10 a.m. Furniture, appli- ances, 'household effects at Richard Lobbs. Auction Barn,' Clinton. DOUGLAS " WALLIE JACOB o ROSS AUCTIONEERS 271-7894 or 539-5077 "Two for the price of one." X WORKMA REAL ESTATE LTD CALL HENRY MERG 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089. REDUCED 539;500.00: Egmondville, 3 bedroom bungalow, full basement, large lot. EGMONDVILLE: Duplex, excellent condition, good income. 547,000.00. 2 STOREY BRiCK 4 bedroom home in' Walton. Excellent condition. 557,500.00 MARKET ST.: Duplex, 3 and 2 bedroom units, . very good condition. Call for details. • RAILWAY ST,: Tri-plex, 3-2 bedroom unit plus extra lot, well rented. GODERICH ST.: 4 bedroom frame home in excellent condition, 538,900.00 NEW HOME: Under construction on West William St,`3 bedroom Cape Cod style. Can purchase at any stage , of construction. MARKET ST.: 1 floor 4 bedroom bungalow with app. 2 at, of land and many extras. $40,1300.00. INCOME PROPERTY in Seaforth, 3 apartments and 2 store fronts bringing in approximately 516,000 annually. Call for details. TUCKERSMiTH TWP.: 2 acres with 3 bedroom home, .large barn, near Hensall. Low 5305. 5 AC. vacant lot near St. Columban. VENDOR WANTS AN OFFER: North Main St. , 3 bedroom home in excellent cotldition. S AC. with a 3 bedroom brick home in good condition, barn, shed, etc. Hen= sall-Zurich- area, 552,000.00. HARPURHEY: 3 bedroom 1/A storey home on 4 farge Tots. S45,t)00.00,. 1800 SQ. FT.: ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, ingrown pool, double gar- age, much more, LIKE NEW: -10 year old 3 bedroom 1 fl`oOr borne, finished -ret room, attached garage nice, 572,000.00. BEAUTIFUL 3level split on a well treed 1 acre lot, 1200 sq. ft. shop. Must be seen. WALTON: 11/2 storey, 4 bedreoni home, good condition 532;00000. MARKET. ST.: 4 acres market garden, 4 odelled, 589',000. b'edroofn librne re'm EGMONDVILLE: 3' bedroomj 4 level split an executive style home with all the amenities fora iu'xurious lifestyle. VANASTRA: We have a good selection Of 2.3 bedroom homes available. IIER1tAGE HOME: 4 bedroom solid brick home, 2 fireplaces, double lot, excellent condition. Gall for `appoint- meet BUILDING LOTS We have a very good selection of Ibis to Seaforth, Egmont, vine and area. Call' for your tin:Ike. • NREF AARMS . live have many area farms and country bemet available eatt'foe yoit'r choice bf Doug Jlucob &'Walie Ross 271-7894 or 393-6214 " • . • AUCTION REGISTER WED. MAR: 4 at 10 a.m. Clearing farm sale 6 mi. S,W. of Woodstock for the Estate of E.G. Chamberlain. SAT. MAR. 7 at 11 a.m. Auction of appliances, ' antiques, and household effects at the Jacob Auction Centre In Mitchell Consignments welcome. '• WED. MAR. 11 at.10 a.m. Clearingfarm sale north of Thamesfard for Mac and Doug Young. ' • WED. MAR. 18 at 10 a.m. Clearing farm sale, two miles N.W. of Innerkip for Larry Allison. . SAT. MAR. 21 at -10 a.m. Auction of Implements and household effects, 4 mi. S.E. o1 Plattsville for. Donald Harrison. WED. APR. 1 at 11 a.m. Clearing farm sale, south of Russeldale for James and Dennis Grinney. THURS.. APR. 2 at 11 a.m. Clearing farm sale east of --Stratford for David Hodson. ty. WED. APR: 8 Annual equipment consignment sale to be held at the Jacob Auction Yard in Mitchell. Please consign THURS. APR. 16 at 12:30 p.m. Auction sale of farm equipment, west of Stela for Jade Butson. . LftTL L", ILL THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY l8t 1987`., A15. 35. TENDERS WAiVTED 5.' TENDERS WANTED ,,,,, FIRE Ai,ARM SYSTEM; REPLACEMENT I FOR: :SEAFORTHCOMMUNITY HOSPITAL Seaforth, Ontario Tenders; from Electrical Contractors will• be received by: MR. GURDON-McKENZ11_ • Executive Director Seaforth. Community Hospital; 24 Centennial Drive, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 100.0. or by: SMYLIEIS CROW ASSOCIATES INC. Consulting Engineers. 93 Maple Street London; Ontario, N6A 1K3 or by: , KYLES, GARRATT & MARKLEVITZ Architects 165 Huron Street,, Stratford, Ontario, NSA 519 until 12:00 noon, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1987 Work involves the replacement of the Fire Alarm System, and other fire safety remedial work, General Contract and Mechanical trade work, The Electrical Contractor will be the prime contractor'. Tender documents can be obtained at the hospital or at the consultants' office on deposit of a 5100.00 certified cheque per set, maximum two sets: Lowest or any, tender not •necessarily accepted. MIOLMIOX Vii. MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON, COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. [H,C187.03 For Landscape and Site Maintenance at' Huron County Housing projects, listed. -on. tender Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00'a•m• local time, WEDNES- D'A f ARCH -11 198.7-by-the-Hufon .County Housing ;Authority, 48 The Square;' Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637. from whom details and specifications may. be obtained, quoting reference number as above: THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 38. SERVICE• DIRECTORY SEWING MACHIN.EREPAIRS to all makes and models, 19, years' experience, all'repairs guaranteed. Contact Ryans, Roost, ...St. Columban, 345-2750... • 38-07-tf ' HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. All classes. of livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 482-7511 Clinton 262-2619 Hensall Barry Miller 236-2717 Exter & 229-6205 Kirkton. st�FrW.•.ti�rtrlrwrww,�mysrylra.rswsrla wA ww -7171 IItl1Dica.'$, • -1 1 Final Clearout Auction Thursday Night February 26th , 7 P.M. [PREVIEW NOON] DAY OF SALE at the old location of Campbell's Crown Hardware, 9 Main St:, South, Seaforth. Final clear out of overstock and • remaining goods to be sold by auction. Partial list only includes 2 color television sets, new appliances includ- ' ing toasters, frypans, hair dryers, 2' food preparation machines, convection ovens, electric razors, 2 AM/FM multiplex stereo systems, hockey sticks, tape, fluorescent fixtures, shelving, 50 gallons white & brown spray,laquer, 16 speed drill press, set antique balance" scales, wrench sets, socket sets, air tools, air hammers, air paint guns, bulk ' nails, hinges, bolts, screws, hammers, saws, woodworking tools, tool holders, gift items, cranberry glass, brass accessories, fireplace set, duck decoys, toys, glass, china, hardware items, hack saws, paint brushes, cookware sets, knives, plus complete list in next week's paper. TERMS - CASH, CHEQUE AUCTIONEER ART LARIVEE Auctions Unlimited 527.1847 ,4 35. TENDERS WANTED TOWN HALL SEAFORTH • REBUILDING OF FRONT PORCH Bide are nivited from local builders for the Rebuilding of the former Front Porch on the Seaforth Town Hall. Drawings and Specifications May be , picked tip at the Town Hall Offices after February IMtr. B'rd period closes on Monday; March 9th at 4:00 • .,..NICIit 4:$141154„ Ar"chitecf , . • late r)ti`ti4�til1'tr ;r ARTICLES FOR SALE ,elti eetr ser lice lisle riertttr 1.0 ENTREPRENEUR - OPPORTUNITY. Enjoy high eornings in Auto Club and/or advertising; Flexible hours • full MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Workshirls 52.75. '.or part-time., Contact: Kelly at Head Office • toll free workponts 53,50. workboots $15. For catalog, send 52 ,I •BOOr265.1235 (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.). - 0.7 Timothee, Quebec JOS 1X0:-0.7 (reimbursed iorder): Military. Surplus. Box 243, St. DISTRIBUTORS port time or full time selling our high quality Lino of distillers. filters and water softeners. for residential and commercial opplicattons. Be your own boss and eam extra income in this growing in. dustry.,For more information contact: Woter'Purity Systems, 537 -Brunt Street. Burlington. Ont: 178 206. 416.639.0503,-0.7 SSS SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SSS Buildings priced for im• mediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 $3.996, 40x60x14 56,500. 46x80x14 39,250. 70.90.24 $21,789. Various sizes available up to 12041. wide. Factory direct cleoronce. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery cull toll Tree 1.800.387.2115 or 14416) 858.2446,-0.7 SWIMMING POOL SALE. 1986 inventory. Ingtounds, ongrounds, obovegrounds. Save hundreds, limited supply. Book darty. Don -,buy until you conq,ore odr guaranteed lowest prices. (613) 547.64134, (519) 658.8221. (70S) 472.7850. -0.5.8 - WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing Now Technology for treating wells and cisterns. offering source to faucet protection throughout entire water system. Rusty,,. Smelly... Bad Testing,.,. Water. bacteria, staining, and more. No Salt or Messy Chemicals.., maintenonco Tree. Seo the results for yourself with our 6•month triol offer. Coll now tall free 1.800.268.2656 or write Astec Water Purification Systems. No, 203 • 1030 Kamoto Rd. Mississauga, Ont.. L4W 486, Area code 807 call 1.416.624.4344 (collect). -0.7 Quality Aquarium Supplies by mail now available in Canada. Detailed catalogue (120 pages) 33.50 in. eludes postage. Calgary Aquarium Supply. Box 366, • Station 0, Calgary T3A 2G3.-•0.7 SUPER CHIP now available. Receive HBO, Showtime, Movie Channel, Ecstasy... Chip • $300, Decodes • 5896. Receiver 5125, 11911 S99. (604) 873-3295. F.M. Satellite Corp., 837 West 7th Ave, Vancouver, B.C. VSZ 1C2.--0.7 PRECIOUS MOMENTS FIGURINES, 275 dillereot figurines, plates. ornaments (some discontinued). Save 17% to 27%. Send SASE for complete list to The Homestead, 3905 Route 147, lennoxville, PQ. JiM 2A3 or telephone between 7.8 a.m. when rates ore cheapest. Quebec's largest collectible store featuring collector plates. figurines, wildlife prints of discount prke6.-0.7 - - NORTHERN FORD TRIES. Ohl fathlo wd apples pal , apricot. nut treat, shtubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prkes. Catalogue 51, Golden boost, tree Farm. Maribank. Ontotto KOK 210. No Phone. -034a. 51EEL BUItOIHGS Noll Prke Sale. Buy ono building' et regular Otte and get double leegth for 50% more. Phone Pioneer[Econospan i-800387.6896 or (116) 678.1585.-0.5.8 MIRACLE SPAN INTERNATIONAL equipment Chow specials tot February only. Exompte 25x22 0.767. 3234. $3,714, 40x42 34.871. 461190 59,887, 70x120 Sites/. Other '. sites available.. Call toil free 1.800.387-4410.-0.7 SPRINGIS COMINOI Gardeners • Everything yeti need Is here. Over 1.000 products, 1000W Holides 5179. Greenhouses S14 .Everythingforthegreenhouseand hydroponic gardener of incredibly low prices, Send S2 for infrnpack:• Western Water I1arnii: 1244 Seymour Streel, Vontouver, B.C. V68 SW,. (604) 682-6636..-07 VACATIONS • Five days of spectacularstenery CRUISING MEAD or TRENT•SEVERN Waterways on comfortable cruise ship KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. Write Oratorio Waterway Cruises'. pox 1540. Peterborough. K93 fHT--0=7 FLORIDA MARCH BREAK TOMO 3289,Lauderdale 5309. Plus 10k Tox51/6 !tinnedspete. ls Vesta Marino Hotel Alar7510omptettpoc7toge,T teas I.800-265.0900. 07 WANTED TO SLIT REWARD 3150 paid for Addison Two-colour ptosfi'c radios. Sorry, none needed with wh'it'e plosIk. Cott Coiled (416) 641.142D:-0.7 01.0' WRISTWATCHES WANTED Any make mens on• 19. One or one firdietrect. Old ROLEX Wristwatches Wanted. Also wanted Eotons "Quarier Century'" si(, " twotches (25 year service) Will pay 5750 up For this watch Will also buy strops crystals, parts arc, tot old wnstwatches (416) 365.7240 or write B Walsh. 172 Queen St. E, Toronto OM M5A 152.-04, WANTED 1 will pay 110 16 5150 CASH for 1940's AD. blst N` 2 C'olo'ur P al she Radio's 'Colt75t 9) 647 2052 ar write, Don 0.!??.01k 2, :lynden. OMoxiO LOR libµ 451 HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A 108 with o ttlfure ':vith Tn County Trues Driver, Trommg. Job seortts' osststeece o°vaiioble ltitchener720KtngE , (Stl§)713.5011, 81631- ford'100 Cotborne E (519) 756 0223 G7 MA 0.1881B HOME FASHIONShows Esl 1475 Join our succe'sstul form y of independent repre58nt6lwes 'In preteMtng 4ualHy Img'erie' orad Ietsvieweor at tn' • Nome parties for wort en, Cell Solt tree • at 1 8'00.263 9ia3 0.7 • ... AIRttNErXRUISESHIP1085aawh,rrng Bigitaoney will train (4i ')" 4138 IS00 Extension 501 pons/E, ei+ings tlMr@@ltMds -01 „ i y!', OVERSE?:S"POSITIONS. Hundreds of tap paying pose• tions. Attractive benefits. All occupations. Free details. Overseas Employment Services. Dept. C.A. Box 460. Mount Royal, Que. H3P 3C7.-0.7 . HIRING NOW! Construction (all phases); Drivers. Machinists. Mechanics. Welders, Airlines,• (up to 537.60/hr) (303) 452.2258. (we know who's hiring). TransConlinontol Job Search, Fee required. -04 MECHANIC CLASS "A" experienced with Scope and Front End. Rental' accommodation avoiloble. •We're still looking • QUALIFY? Contact D. Mese. Port Carl. ing, Muskoko (705) 765.5864 days (705) 765.5618 eventn'gs,-0'7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DEALERS WANTED for well oilobiishod home security business in your areo. Excellent potential using our wireless system. For details contact BOLT Security Systems. 1251 Northside Rd. Burlington. Ont. L7M 1147 or phone (416) 336.7747,••-9.7 EARN 15% per year in U.S. Dollars. Guaronteedf Buy way al leasing Morino Cargo Contoinera, Rental in. come • 5 Marine Cargo Containers pay 32,325 per year, 10 pay 54,650 per year. 25 pay 511,625 per year. Length of lease is up to 15 years (5 year increments). Minimum investment $3,100. All above in U.S, Dollars. Ask about ow capital Appreciation program. Call (416) 36133985, Write Pacific Rim Container Solos Ltd. 2nd Floor 03 Yonge St, Toronto. MSE159.--0.7 SERVICES OFFERED FARMERS WANTED who are paying too mutts lax or ore not using all the tax breaks available. Phaio us today) Appointment times available to process 1986 fox returns in your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Ottfor''tl 51, East London, NW 2129 1•1100.265.1001,-0.7 PERSONAL DATES GALORE: For all eget R uCOttOched. thousands al members anxious to meet you. Prestige Atquoin, fences call toll free l.800.263.9163. Iletin noon tilt 8 pm. -04 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1987 guide to study-dt•home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting. Airconditioning. Bookkeeping, Businets, Cosmetotogy. Electronics, LegOUMedical secretory, Psychology, Travel. Gronton (5A) 263 Adelaide West. Toronto 1.800,268-1121.•,-04 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. Canodion Champion in- structors. Classes sterl.Merch 1987 Jordon 8 Mttean School of Auctioneering. Box 94, Kitscoty, Alta., 106 200. (403) 846-2211. (403) 8424828.-0.4.7 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 Hours of instruction. Neil doss Me'r, 14.21st. Contact Southwestern On. forio School of Auctioneering, P.O,Boi 145. Innerkip, Ont. 101 IMO 1519)' 4693936; (519) 537.2115.7.04 GASH kr en INCOME TAX. Eton money doing tox returns. team money -saving Pips. Free Brochure. 0 & R tax schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy.. Winnipeg: MB. R3T '286. -0.7 - • • COMING,EVENTS RtPtEY-HURON CRAFT FESTIVAL. May„16. 1987. Ap= plications from Mrs. Gail van der Hoek. RR 4, Ripley, 1400 2R0 (519)3954497; should be submitted by April 1. Ha'iidcrarted ortittei onty.-0-7 k • r®ese'®erre®'r® ale Mei nisei gide• I The Only. Way to' get 1YOUR I I ad in 2.5 million hbrfles I I' da for ' I' in Cana 1 $D5g00 1 i' .ii ..r , , 8.• 7 hotrtes 1 or in 9,241,50 in" Okla "Pio fOr : s ... aoa. `1 195 kite You'► Blsnk®t .ci .uifted Ad by la I. " ' 1` hiisallled .a'd- =1 ealling ate of due Mlptu c I idiom a, your nIMrestWaekly nmwep8pe 1' I dtflce tot dslells. ' Woitiiotir 528 2822- - 6odsdch514,0ei4 klncOrditi 39e -2a63 Elliston 4823443 Walkertoti� 88t iB � :1. $s lath rat' 440 '1!'iilt`ctisH '348.843] • . �fa�e®�le�lli rms riff eie vatic eswi" .