HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-18, Page 14A1.4- THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 10 19$7 ,.;,.., I t INSW TOWN AND COUNTRY. 1.COMING EVENTS CPR Certification. ,Next course, Saturday,' February 28, 8:30 a,m'. to 4:30. p.m., Seafcirth Hospital Board Room. Phone •527-1650 to register. Please leave your name and phone, number.. 1-06-3 • MICROWAVE. COOKING DEMONSTRA•- • TION;" Thursday, March 5, at Seaforth District High School, 7 p.m. Door prizes. Tickets 55.00 at door or $4,50`'advance, Available at Box Furniture and. Bob '& Betty's. Variety, or phone 527-1102. or 482-3326. Microwave ovens courtesy of Box Furniture. Sponsored by The Van Egmond Foundation. 1-06-4 SEAFORTH And District Figure Skating Club presents ''Holidays On Ice", Monday, March 9, 6:30-8:30 p•m. • Seaforth and District Community Centres. Donations accepted at the door. 1-06-3.. -SENIOR CITIZEN 'Euchre Party, Sea ,rth Legion, February 23, 7:30 p.m. -- 10 p m. Sponsored by Seaforth Junior. Farmers.. or ride call Lynda after 5:30 527-1209.. 1' 06-2 BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, T sday, 8 p.m: First Regular Card - 51.00; 1. Regular • 520.00 games; three' Share-t•e-Wealth. Jackpot $200 must go.'Luckyb. 5140 (if not won). Lucky ball increases :• 0 per week. Admission -restricted to 1 years and' over. 1-22-tf •NEIGHBORS and friends of Bonnie Larone invite you to a miscellaneous shower at • Egmondville .United Church, Monday, March 2 at 7:30 p.rn. 1-07-2 SHROVE TUESDAY: Pancake and Sausage Lunch and. Supper, March 3. Sittings • 1130-1:30 and 5-7 p.m. St. Thomas Parish Hall. Adults 53.00 Children under 12, 51.50. Sponsored by St. Thomas ACW. 1-07-1 DANCE, Crystal Palace, February 21. 'The Blenders'. Lunch: 55.00 per person. Spon- sored by. Mitchell Agricultural Society. 1-07x1 SEAFORTH-MITCHELL Karate Club are putting on a giant flea make and bake sale on Sat. Feb. 28, from 12 to 5 p.m. at Seaforth and District Community Centres. 1-07-2 3. LOST, STRAYED KEYS at Dodds I9i1I -on black label .key chain. Reward given, 527-1611. 3-06-2 5..HELP WANTED PART-TIME store clerk. Sewing experience an asset but not necessary. Apply to Box 699, Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1WO. 5-06-2 5. HELP WANTED SEAFORTH LAW FIRM requires Secretary. Legal experience preferred. Knowledge of word processing an asset. Please forward resume to Box' 758, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK. . 1WO, All replies kept in confidence. • 5-07-1 GIRL GUIDE CAMP ,KEEWAYDIN, near Gone rich, requires the following ' summer staff: Camp Director, Camp Nurse, Quar'tet- master,,. Waterfront Director, Waterfront and Camp Assistants. For information and applications forms, please write to Box 236, Walkerton, Ont. NOG 2V0; , 5,07.1, WILL babysit in my home. Apply to Box 3852 c -o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ontario, 5-07-1 HELP WANTED. catching chickens,. night work and travelling involved. Make up to 5250.00 per week. Part or full time positions 1available. Call Clinton Stumpf 482-5523. 5-03-tf STORE CLERK Part-time, could work Into full time for. retail store:in Seaforth with bookkeep- ing experience preferred, Apply to Box 3851 c/o THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth, Ontario TURF and LANDSCAPE STAFF required for Spring and Summer ' Candidate must be responsible, hard working, neat in appearance, enjoy doing above average work, Experience and education in this field an asset but not necessary. Send resume to: THE LAWNMASTER ' RR 2, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1W0527-1750 HELP WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned for Two Leaders for the "March Break Program" Forms are available at the Recreation Office. Deadline for submission of written applica- tions is: Friday, Feb. 27th Please submit to: Marty Bedard c/o Seaforth Recreation Office, 122 DukP St., Sep`nrth OPPORTUNITY Reliable couple or person needed to run small retirement home in ,the town of Seaforth. Live-in accommodation wilt be provided for the right person. Retired couple preferred. Write to: - BOX 760 SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK 1Wt3 or phone 627-0748. Seaforth CAREER OPPORTUNITY The Co -Operators, Canada`s largest all -lines insurance company, has an opening for a Customer Service Counsellor in our Mitehelt.office.' The duties would include: selling auto and travel insurance promoting other lines of lousiness, updating policy information for *Ur Custorners, taking' claim reports, handling windshield claims and other general office doted. Full training will be provided. If you possess +a university degree / college diploma, enjoy variety and challenge, send resume • Kim Wedderburn 0 II Onyopeth Insurance Services 100 Erie Street, Box 879, STRATFORD, ONT. N6A2R5' ■ O'SITION Secre ry-Tr asurer/Mara er _ for ...ter McKillop Mutual Insurance Office in Seaforth. Send resume by March 13, 1987 to; STUART WILSON, • P .1, itruceaeld NOM 1jO` - 5. HELP. WANTED COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES - Huron County requires; Male -Female, work- ers to provide individual support to children with a d'evelopmental handicap on a 'part-time contract basis throughout the county. Training. provided. Send resume including ''experience and references to C.M.B. 348,'R.R. 5, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0 by March 20.. 5-07-2 •"A Career in Trucking'• Transport drivers. needed, Now is' the time to train for: your class A.license•• For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery-.Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800-265.-1260, • 5-24-tf ACCOUNTANT Exeter business requires an experienced bookkeeper/accountant to handle all accoun- ting functions up to and including financial statement preparation. Computerized accoun- ting experience is, essential. Please send resume including salary expec- tation to Box 40P - Exeter Times -Advocate • P.O. Box 850. Exeter. Ontario' NOM iSO 9. FARM STOCK CATTLE We • pay good prices for poorly doing, unthrifty, crippled or recently injured cattle (free of drugs). Call collect 24 hours a day. 1-238.2796 Ansems Livestock. 9,-05.8 13. USED TRUCKS , 1975 Ford' truck, rebuilt motor; for parti; 1977 Ford 302 with flatbed, ready forthe road, certified;' 6-900 x 20 tires. Pone 345-2006 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 13-06-2 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 20" Sanyo -color T.V., good working order, 5200.00; pair of sire 11 Bauer skates, 525.00. Phone 527.0582 after 6 p.m. 14-06-3 5500 Blizzard Ski -Doo, 1979, in good condition. Asking 51100.00. Phone -262-5471 14.06.2 PRE INVENTORY CLEARANCE -- Huge savings on rifles, shotguns, scopes, down - riggers, V.If.F. radios, fish finders. Lake Huron Rod and Gun, 3684182. Open 7 days. . 14.06.4 1979 Artie Cat 5000 EI Tigre. New track, cleats and it;e spikes. Re -built motor. 51500. 527-1009. 14.06.2 USED appliances at Phetan's Plate, Sea - forth, Guaranteed 90 days. Reasonably priced, Phone 527.1213. , 14-48-tf 4 x 8 pool table, complete with accessories. Phone 524,8602,GGotlerrch.,..., td -0Y-1 FOR SALE. Potatoes, 4 miles west of Hensall, south side of 84 Highway. Conc. 6-7. Phone 236.4038. 1402-tf 21. WANTED TO BUY $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $• • CASH 'AID. for Antiques, complete or 13artial estates; dining, bedroom, livingroom suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Call Seaforth 327-1847 or 527-1633 i 1 l I' My name ish 444, In , On i 14. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1 CHIP WAGON equipped with a deep fryer, grill, frig and a sink. 229-6824. 14-07-2. STEEL BED and double' mattress, 535,00; foam mattress, twin size, 535.00. 527-0365. 14-07-1 21. WANTED TO BUY MIXED GRAIN. Call 345-2869. 21-07-2 23•. REAL ESTATE Cuiligan REAL` ESTATE'LIMITED MAUREEN WILDFONG. 482-3224 HEATHER BENNEWIES 345.2432 8 MAIN STREET NEW LISTING: 1% storey brick home featuring modern kitchen with ample cupboards, main floor laundry, pine floors, completely redecorated down, full basement, gas heat, slate• roof. Must be seen to be appreciated. NEW LISTING: Trade up into this split • level home with brick and aluminum, spacious family room, loads of cupboard space, very unique in style and mint condition. Att'd garage. 5100,000. NEW LISTING: Under construction ranch style home, 1400 sq. ft., oak cupboards, main floor laundry, 11/2 baths, 3 bedrooms, combination living and dining room, att'd garage. NEW LISTING: 100 acres, Tuckersmith Twp., 20 acres bush, 2 bedroom one floor home, L shaped barn. List price 5126,000.00. NEW LISTING: Gibbings St., Clinton, 1% storey, 3 or 4 bedroom home, carpeted throughout,,,' main floor laundry, att'd garage. 547,900.00. REDUCED: Brick bungalow, 2 years old, 11/2 baths, spacious living room, patio door off of kitchen, main floor laundry, att'd garage. Try an offer. NEW LISTING: n/aoant' building lot, 82.5 x'151. NEW LISTING: "Mint" describes this one floor brick home, 7 years old, tastefully decorated throughout. 570s. NEW LISTIN " - Ioor 2 or 3 bedroom home det'd garage. Paved drive. 530s. GOUINLOCK ST.: 11/2 storey, 4 bed- room home, newly sided. 540,,s. HARPURHEY: Aluminum, 11/2 storey 3 bedroom home on one acre lot. JAMES ST.: 1V2 storey 2 bedroom home,eprivate backyard. $30s. BRUCEFIELD: 115 storey frame home with shed and extra lots. S40s- R.R. 114 SEAFORTH: 2 bedroom brick bungalow in mint condition. $60s. EGMONDVfLLE: Sided Ph storey home ort extra large lot. 550s. GORDON ST • '"h ^•'p�rey home in excellent concSOLOEdrooms, elec- tric heat, att'd garage. RAILWAY ST.: Duplex showing good income on large lot. 550,000.00. • WALTON: Alum clad 2 or 3 bedroom home with large backyard. $17,O0O.00 CHALk ST,: 4 bedroom bailie dote to schools with' extra lot. 550s. BIIWUCEI IELDt 10 yr. old raised bunga- low. List 580s. MILL ST.: 4 year old brick and frafne bungalow. List 550s. GODERICH ST.: 3' bedroom frame home, With woedstove. List 529,500.00. GEORGE ST.: Oriel: split level with 1 bedrooms. Let's make a deal. CLINTON: 3 bedroom brick and alum. split level home. List $503. ORD ST-: 11/2 storey dupiex, well rented. List $29,900.00. 48 ACRES: 28 acres hardwond, Re- duced to' sell. 50 ACRES, split level home, 24x72 barn, close to town. 50 ACRES: 10 yr. old ranch style home plus shed, McKillop. 100 ACRES: genera{ fault, on patted road • 75 ACRES: no buildings. • 50 ACRES TTuiletf no buildings meek and hardwood bush iI IE X +0s1Y' �a ,.-F $ i j ► 1 1 l ...:....•..:.•4464:: :I I 41 .:iii .' ] ..'. 1, .:..4 ... :............i• .: ... .........i.4.......... ... ....�.......:.:........... 4444.., i. i.,. I DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS 18 4:30 P.M. MONDAY DISPLAY ADS FOR OUT OF TOWN PAPERS ' IS MONDAY NOON ' 22 Words - one week, $4.35; two weeks, $3.85; three' weeks,• 93.35.,Addltlonal word° 18 cents. BIRTHS - No charge. ENGAGEMENTS - Flat rate of 97, with picture 02 prepaid. ' MARRIAGES - Freefor•8 weeks after date of wedding. After this time, photo and cutllne only, $15• Complete write-up $25. ' IN MEMORIAMS - $4.35 plus 35 cents per line of verse, CARD OF THANKS' - 30 words, 94.50. Each additional word .08 cents. 50 CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON OF WEEK FOLLOWING INSERTION. BOX NUMBERS TOTHIS•OFFICE - $3.00, .each additional week - $1.00 • CLASSIFICATIONS 1: Coming Events 23. Real Estate .. 2. Yard, Garage Sale 24, Property for Bale ', 3. Lost, Strayed - 25. Property for rent, 4. Found, 28. Apartments for rent 5. Help Wanted 27: For sale or rent 6. Business Opportunity 28. Wanted to rent , 7. Situations Wanted 29. For rent - 8. Custom work 30. Room and Board 9. Farm Stock 31. Notice ° 10. Farm. machinery 32. Vacations 11. Hay and straw 33. Educational 12. Used cars r 34. Auction Sales 13. Used trucks 35. Tenders wanted '14. Articles for sale 38. Legal notice 15. R.V.a for sale 37. Notice to creditors 18. Mobile homes 38. Service directory 17. VCRs for sale ' 39• Cards of thanks 18. Computer corner 40. In memoriam 19. Pets 41. Personal 20. Swap or trade 42. Engagements 21. Wanted to buy 43. Marriages 22. Wanted PHONE 527-0240 MONDAY TO FRIDAY -8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 21. WANTED TO BUY B.B.Q. pigs, ruptured etc. Also calves. 482-3361. - 21-06x2 24. PROPERTY FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Egmondville on large lot in very good condition, 7 years old, attached 20' x 30' garage,•good location, finished rec room, 2 full baths, central vacuum, 'built-in dishwasher, plus more. Phone the owner, 527-0493 after 6 p.m., . 24-06-tf 26. APARTMENTS FOR RENT LARGE One bedroom apartment in quiet adult building, includes frig -and stove, available immediately. Call 527-1379. 26.50-tf ELIZABETH COURT - APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 bedroom available • Utilities included. Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensali *Ask about special bonus Phone 262-2846 Real Estate Ctd. Broker Clinton Phone:482-937' itesideice.523=338 NEW LISTING: 41/2 acres, near Family Paradise,' with VA floor sound frame home in need of repair, and an exceptionally large steer barn. 15 ACRES: Hallett Twp., farrowing" operatidn& good barn, frame horse. SEAFORTt=I: 1 floor, 2 bedroom home, very neat, finished basement, reduced to sell. IDEAL STARTER HOME: Harpurhey Road, 2 floor frame home, e/r acre lot, under 5331,000.00. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: if more than one mouse is mice then more than one spouse thus -Ube spite. 1 ®.®;gym corner. t; kern niu be priced be cat -i der be pnoe8 at tinder 1;4b and encs must 6e in the ad em atust with ad vntten on the 13tpositor ooup00 MY AO el e OOnDl1 or private individuals, selling personal possessions' • l9slittg or Maly 'to ''Oe HDran *positor 12 Mala 5L- Box 69'4 SEAL R`rJI-- Ontaii'o Noy fifer __ $i 'enclosed'ri