HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-18, Page 11•Ladies dance prograni to start
•... The Seaforth Reereation.,Department pre- •
• ' • ..i
B n, a DeprbyshirLAIFS DeASILVng Pon LdniViesdabyy, 'RECREATION PREVIEW .
setho ren
.. , Mardi 11, 187' at the Seaford) and District•by Marty Bedard
. Comniunity Centres from 7,to 8:30 p.m, This '..=...• •in '.....iiminnummo.mmiummilmiamm.
program will include introduction to three A' , 1 •
.. . dance 'forms - ballet; folk and jazz with the
' . .
greatest emphasis on jazz; incorporate . currently selling tickets tailed SCRATCH -A- Francis Teatero at 527-1979.
. ,
Stretching, • flexibility, endurance. and aero- PATCH, pay, what y� scratch, scratch. Amounts . Attention all minor hockey parents: come
bits and.teach dance, technique,' terminology • range from two cents tO$2.. You can buy a out to the ANNUAL MEETING on VV ednes-
and. choreography. ticket from any committee member or at the day, March 25, 1987 at 8 p,m, at the Arena,
following -stores: Bobls Barbershop, nonna's Nominations-for-the-ne.w_executiv.e_wilLbe.,......
This is not dancercize. It is a structured Hairstyling, .the Legion, Hildebrand Paint taken. Let's see everybody attend and form a
'dance program. No prior dance experience is' and Paper,. the. Sewing Centre, Starlight strong system. '
necessary, just a genuine enjoyment of Lanes .Fred Tilley's in Blyth, or Merle's • On Wednesday, Fnhritaty_18 at.27 .3.0 p.m
moving. to current music. The BM nigIrt-will Coffee Nook in Mitchell. • ' There will be. an "ENERGY CONSERVA-
be a trial night for anyone, to see if it is the BUS. TRIP TO COPPS COLISEUM,in TION" IN HERITAGE BUILDINGS W ORK
program .you are looking for. For more Hamilton to watch North Bay Centennials vs.SHOP" held at the Town Hall. For more
information or,, registration call Brenda at .. Hamilton ,Steelehawks on Thursday, Febru- '
52.7-1485 after 4 p.m. or Marty at the inforrnation please call Luanne Phair, Deputy ,
Clerk at the Town Hall 527-0160.
• Recreation Office at 5274882 between • the ary 26, 1987. Cost will be $10 per person, bus leaves the Arena at 4 p.m. and we will need a
'hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.Registration fee
will be $30. • '-- minimum -of 40 people t� go on this trip. SENIORSHUFFLEBOARD AND CARPET•
Leave your name and money at the Arena: BOWLING continues 'every W ednesday
• . The Tri -County District Senior Gamea Host Manager's office or call 527-1272 for more afternoon at the Arena. Come out and enjoy '
• Committee will be sponsoring a 'ST. PAT- . information. Game tickets will be available at from 1 :39-4 p:m. Last week's winners were:
' RICK'S EUCHRE on TueSday, March 17 at 7 the door. •- . - Mary Coleman 313, Rika Van Bakel 271,
• p.m. at the Seaforth and District Community ' ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN 'CHURCH Betty Felker, 247. Men: Theo Van Bakel 288,
Centres. This will he a • fundraiser for the W OMEN are hosting SHRO,VETUESDAY on Charlie Perkins 263, Lloyd Hoggarth 211.
games which will be held in Seaforth on June March 3, 1987..Paneakes and sausage from Don't forget Recreational Badn inton held
. 22; 23, 1987. Come.out for. fun, prizes and •it:304:30 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. 'at the Parish at the Arena every Thursday ev,..:ing from 9
••refreshments, . .• • , Hall. Admission is $3 for adults.and children. to 11 p.m., $2, per. Oerson, equipment
The Senior Games committee -are also under 1 P ic $1 50 for more -information call. supplied. .. '
Atom. 'lis. playheartbreak playoffhockey
• Heartbreak hockey was the name of the fighting to hold the lead throughout the •Tan Seatorth Atom lls challenged th8 Atom
game when Seaforth Atom Ils,met up with ' -remainderof the third period to their success. Is to an exhibition hockey game on Sunday
. Lucknow, Tuesday and Saturday, to vie for Final score 3-2 Lucknow. afternoon. Ken Hildebrand of the Atom Is
advancement in All -Ontario "DD'! division. , ,.- . , scored the first goal midway in the first
Tuesday's game, played in Lucknow, saw Seaforth fans saw a fantastic, tough game period. Early in the second Dan Dalton
Seaforth get on the scoreboard first when of hockeyWhen Luckanw came to play the - passed the puck Co Matt . McNichol who
•'Derek Gridzak scored from a deflection off - second game of the series on Saturday. Both flipped the puck into the Atom 1 net, tieing
the Lucicnow defence. There was an more teams were fired up andaction in both ends the score. The Atom 1 s came back with Mike
scoring in the first period a both goaltenders kept everyone holding their breath. It took Weber and Ken Hildebrand:Sewing.
• blocked any efforts by either team. Lucknow until the end of the second period before •' „ .
capitalized in the second period with a goal in Lucknow jammed the puck in the corner of. Midway 'in the •third period . Jeremy - -
the first minute. Then Scored again with only Seaforth's net to take a 1-0 lead. Seaforth Somerville scored for the Atom Hs from Mike
• eight seconds left in that period. pressed Lucknow throughout the game but Etue and Dave McNairn. Goals scored for the
• Early in the third, Steve Van den Henget could not .get the puck past Lucknow's Aom ls in the third were by Mike Devereaux,
• slipped the puck through Lucknow's defence goaltender. It wasn't till 3:30 left in the third Wayne Schoonderwoerd, and two more by
• to Scott Jervis who slammed in Seaforth's when Lucknow saw an opening and scored Ken Hildebrand. Assists for the Atom 1st
second goal. Two minutes later Lucknow. their insurance goal, followed by a third soon went to Brad MOore (2), Mike Coyne (2), Joe
came bac.k to take the lead, Determination , after. Final score: 3-9.Lucknow. Congratula- Murray, Steve Hicknell and Pat Maloney all
• and hussle by the Atom Ils kept Tucknow tions for games wellplayed Atom Ils. •• with one. Final score 7-2 Atom 1st
Novice win last season game '2-0 -.. _
• , . . . ,
the end of the second, • Seaforth was ahead
2-0. Even though Mike Hugill was down flat a
few times, he took it for the team and came
back with a goal at the 8:20 mark assisted by
Shaun- Anstett. Boyd Devereaux scored
number four for Seaforth at the 12:44 mark of
the third. Jason Henderson with quite a few
speedy break awdys finally managed to count
a goal at 13:32 of the final period and again
scored another one minute later on his own
' Devereaux, with great stick handling, flipped Jason Henderson worked on number two. At • , rebound.
J The two wins this weekend guaranteed the
.unior houseleague teams
Novice first place in their division. The
playoffs start next week. Good luck team.
Mitchell and Seafc)ftb
• .65 Main Street, Seaforth
.(FormerlY Linski's Restaurant)
Also Now Offering.
DAYS 262-3000 ---
CONTACT: Robert Malloch EVENINGS 482-5713
at Rob .MallOCh's StOdio'
• • Torrnerly Linski's)
• Light exercise to tone and slim turrirny, hips and thighs
:TUESDAY; THURSDAY. — 730- 8:00 a.m:
• • Stretch and,Flexibility Program; Neck and Back Care.
• MONDAY, WEDNESDAY,•FRIDAY 1:00.41:30 p.m.
• On Saturday, the Seaforth Novice travelled one in bythe goalie. The game ended 2-0 for
' to Clinton to play their second last Season - Seaforth. - • • •
'game. It was slow going for both teams all On Sunday, Mitchell hosted Seaforth
through the first period. It wasn't until the-' Novicelor the final season game. Again the,
second period that Shaun Anstett scored . boys were.off to a slow start, but it appeared
single-handedly at the 9:27 mark. The fans that both teams were very evenly matched.
• continued to watch the puck go back and • At the 7:05 mark of the second period Boyd
'forth; up and down the ice with neither team - Devereaux single handedly popped in the
, getting away too many clear shots. However, , first goal for Seaforth. One and a half
with only41 seconds left in the game, Boyd minutes. later, Shaun Anstett assisted. by
. FIA M ES 2 W HA LERS 3 scored_for the Flyers_ Time ran out for the
• The Flames started the scoring and ended Leafs but goals by Chris Marion assisted by
the scoring but the Whalers tallied three Brent Hulley and Mike W eber 'assisted by
goals in-between to win 3-2 in houseleague Mike Devereaux keptthem in the game.
, hockey action Saturday. Scott Jervis, Shaun OILERS'S NORT11 STARS3 .
Anstett and Adam Agar 56:wed. for the. The Oilersrn
Icae out on top of the North
' Whalers with Matt Vock assisted by Mike Stars 8-3. Jason ,Beuttenmiller (2), Brad
Etue and Steve Hicknell assisted by Kevin Carter (4), Shane Taylor and Jason Schoon-
• Van den Neucker scored for the Flames. derwoerd scored points for the Oilers with an
JETS 4 PENGUINS 0 assist to Brad Schroeder:, North, Stars Mark
The Jets led the Penguins to a 4-0 decision Smale assisted by Kevin Cardno, Steven
with goals by Lawrence Flanagan, Janice Papple and Jason W heatley broke the strong
Rodney and Pat Gridzak (2). Assisting were
Mark ,Van Dooren (2), Harold Hugill and • Oiler defence and scored goals.
Jordan Nuhn.BItUINS 5 CA NA DIA NS I
FINERS 3 LEAFS 2 Jason' Muir (3), Sean Melady and Aaron
David McNaim's goal gave the Flyers a 3-2 Broome assisted by Brian Little overthrew
• win over the Leafs. Dean Finnigan assisted the Canadians 5-1. Sean Cook assisted by
by Danny Dalton and Jason Henderson also Steve Ralfourscored the lone Canadian goal.
First Stumblers Cup held
• The first annual Stumblers Cup took place Sunday. Jim W atson was heard to quip, "Can
Sunday between the Firemen and the Sunday you stand a two week layoff, Ozzie?'
morning hockey bunch. Someone said that Doug Anstett was the
The SmokegobblerS pulled off ahuge upset best Fireman forward but many felt it was
when they came back to win aihrilling 14-13 EkSunday skater Bill Pinder. Some had the
overtime victory. • . nerve to suggest George Reeves was the best
01; Don Hulley, a late cut from the Sunday Fireman defenseman when we knew all along
Slimmers scored the winner at 19:58 of the it was Ex -Sunday skater Vern Scott. Then a
- extra frame when he took a long pass, that the person thought Harvey Dale was the best
losers bitterly complained was a three line floater but it was Ex -Sunday morning sniper
Offside, slipped, got up, slipped again, got UP Dennis 'McCauley. In fact thd Smokers had
again and poked the puck past a startled five Ex -Sunday players that combined for 11
Garry Osborn who thought the whistle had of their goals. So in reality the Morning men
gone and was talking to the tqrernen's Ralph won 24 to 3.
Wood at the time. Incensed that it was 1111110y I. Jack fledarcL another Ex -Sunday fellow,
thatscored and notsomeone elSe, Osborn left was outstanding in the Ftrernen's net and
the ice vowing not to return until next (Continued on Page A13)
Tri -County District
Host Committee
To th6 following merchants for
their donations towards the
Senior Games to be held in
8eaforth on June .22, 23, 1987.
• Se -golf( Creamery CO. Ltd.
• Sills Hardware
•-•MoKilicib-lriabrahee Co
• Tasty -Wu Bakery
• Bauer Travel Agency
• Ken Lingelbach
• Image .0 loners/Foto Pros
• 6 Wong's Grill
• Seaforth Chiropractic Centre
(tom DeVereaux) •
• Stewart Brothers
Stedmans (Deidfiton Variety
• Ltd.) '
8eafOrtb Insurance Brokers
• John 14. MeLlwairt Ltd.
• Prank Kling Ltd,
• Box Furniture
• Grocery
• B� )( Fliri5rat GtjaPrel
(g&11' Falconer Funeral
• Lytilia Fded.,Market
8tewart &
beveredux , Oar* iststsc
Foranyone interested in playing
this summer
March 3
7:30 P.M.
Seaforth & District
Community Centres
• I
Recreation Office
We're so convinced that Honda lathe bestbrand on
the market, that we went out and bought hundreds of
Honda everything. We're now up to our nada in
Hondas. Every one of theta It nosy �n sale.
All At Crazy Honda Price's!
Plenty of Power Fot
• Light Wei& • 4•Stiokt Speed
3 engtiitttktilPeed.E14setrfo'n
Work and Play
Honda Cray Price
A Great CCM -minter ikel
450 Nighthawk
Hondo ctaty Pride
pit mixt &tax
Born OnThe Racetrack
Arid Made Street Legal
• $419900
Pies r).o 1. g. Tax
• • ,i0.4%,,,• .•
Itgoulte thinking Of
goirVe got to
. in:V.6E11a fritzae.106iaWfi8lietiektti.8--.
. All Classes Start March 2
Try all claSses or just ifew (25 classes to choose from)
Any combination $30.00 a mOnthor single class $4.00
Seaforth Recreation Department
by Brenda perbythlre
Seaforth & District Community Centres
7:00 p.rn . to 8:.30 p.m.
• •Introduction to 3 dance forms - ballet,• folk and jazz (greatest
emphasis on jazz) •
• incorporate stretching, flexibility, endurance and aerobics.
• Dance technique, terminology and. choreography. -
This is not dancercize, it is a structured' dance program. No dance .
experience necessary, just a genuine enjoyment of moving to
current music, ..
For more information or registration please call: Brenda at 527-1485
after 4:00 p.m. or Recreation Office at 527-0882 between 8:30-5 p.m.
Registration Fee will be $30.00.,
Ytut ' two
taleastke» Bni1oIwnt$2.5 treasitte.,
Silkience Shampoo
400 mL
.• Gillette
Foamy -
300 ML
only2 -
Personal Perms
• only •
• lky Idea
Spray Deodorant
200 mL
or'Roll-on 75 mL
or Stick Deodorant
only •2
• Adorn
Hair Spray
400 niL
Good News
Disposable RazdrS
, 4's
only8 90
Trac 11 or
Atra Razor,Olades.,
Tattle Shampoo
or Conditioner 500 mL
dr Hairspray 400 mL
or Noriaetotor Spray