HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-18, Page 7the 1,835,325 RRSP.
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Thoughts of love expressed
Hensel] Correspondent
• '462-2449
Florence Slade welcomed Hensall Unit II
ladies to the recent United Church Women
meeting. and read 'a Valentine's poem,
Eleanor Mansfield opened her devotion •
• With everyone repeating Psalm 1, which led
• . her into thoughts of love and sharing, The
was taken and de.dicated b
Eleven members and two guests answered
the roll call by naming their favorite hymn,
Shirley McAllister6howed-sli-cla-oTher triro to
• Scotland and the Hebrides taken •last
the 49th anniversary of Canadian citizenship,
The prize is an all expense paid trip hi Ottawa
for the winner and family on July 1,
The theme of the 'contest is. J'W hat ft
Means To Be A Canadian.'"
The rules are: EVery Canadian citizen can "
enter. Only 1 entry :per person. Posters
should be 15 in x 20 in. Three dimensional
materials are not allowed. Photographs may
not be used., Print your name, address and
phone number on the bac* of the paper and
include a short note -explaining the image or
Y__t,heme_of_your_entry• •
Mail to Department of the Secretary of
State, "Canada Day Poster" Suite 200, 25 St.
Clair'Ave. E., Toronto, Ont, M4T 1M2; Mail
ifb-e-fincd-firglit-February 21st (SruTday)
and good luck.
There will be a special meeting ' at the
Nursery School next Tuesday evening,
February 24, There will be guest speakers
dealing with the theme —The Transitions
From Nursery School to Kindergarten."
Helen MacLean conducted the business.
There will be a General Meeting March 2.
The annual beef barbecue will be held April
Florence closed the meeting with a reading
W here There is Love" and all repeated. the
Mizpah benediction. • .
A silentauCtiori Bake Sale was held to raise
funds for our "Project." Shirley McAllister
won entrance to the University of. Sfobovia.
Dorothy Corbett and Hazel Corbett served
a delicious lunch.
100F M EETING . •
The 100F of Hensall held their regular
meeting on February 5 with an official visitby
District Deputy Grand Master Fred Del -
bridge who gave an inspiring. message.
Fellowing the business a delicious lunch
was served. The next meeting will be
Thursday, March 5: An O.P.P. officer will
Visit to speak about' breathalyzer tests.
.Hensall Tyke Hockey team won against
Zurich on Saturday. The final score was 5-4
with Mark 13e11 scoring -all five Hensall goals.
The Hensall player of the game award went to
goalie Eric Groot who _played an excellent
The Novice teamlost an exhibition game to
the Blyth travelling team last W ednesday in
Blyth. The score was 5-2 with Hensall goals
by Chris 'Taylor and Blair Moir.
The Novices defeated Bayfield early
Saturday moming by a score of 0-0, a shut -out
for goalie Philip Ingram. Hensell goal scorers
were. Greg Keyes, Ryan Kyle, Ray Beirling,
Blair Moir, Chris Taylor and Dan Taylor.
Hensall PiibIicSchool held their public
speaking competition on Friday. Winners
took part last night, February 17 in the Royal
Canadian Legion Speaking Contest,
The department of the Secretary of State is
sponsoring a nosterrontest to commemorate
Everyone is welcome. .
The Hensel] Volunteer Fire Department
will be holding, a RuChre Tountament
S. Saturday, February 21 at 12:30 p.m. in the
Fire Hall, You inay enter as an individual or
team and everyone is:welcome, •
Winner of the firs draw for one year's
worth of .free groceries is Betty Jinks of
Hensall. Cringratulations. Also, Florence
Slade won. $50 cash. "
The Happy Pushers were pleased to have 6
members of Exeter Shufflers joining them on
Thursday, February 12. High ladies Were:
Irene Finlayson,..4, 438; Betty__
Grenier,, 405. Men's high scores were:
Walter Spencer 375; Alf Ross, 360; John
Pepper 357. •
TEEThree linf&Senlors1—e-gTliar
meeting February 10 with a good attendance
by rnerribers. They were welcomed by
President Aldeen Volland.
' • The Annual Rally will , he held at the
Dashwood Community Centre orrApril 7. The
Three links will sponsor a euchre on
February 24 at 8 p.m: in the Club Rooms.
— , , . • ,
THE.HuRON,EXPP$11011, FEBRI*Iirlp,,,11/87 •
col ua foe your cuateM'SleyohleflOq needs
'For ydur. freezer, *Idea et fleet, Pork; Larrib or
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Alt meat 'Gov't, (nsooted ‘;
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Would the ladies please, bring , lunch.
Everyone is welcome. Some games of cards
and a delicious lunch followed the meeting.
Residents welcomestudents
Residents have been pretty busy • at
Queensway and would like to share their
activities with you.
To begin, Queensway had the pleasure of
welcoming the senior students from the
• Hensall Public School ,who are taking part in
the activities during the month of February.
Residents look forward to their participation',
and truly hope they enjoy themselves as well
as gain•an understanding•of activation and its
importance to everyone. '
Monday, was once again time for Bingo.
This month residents have the pleasure of •
having the Kippen United Church group into
run the February -bingos.
, Tuesday afternoon once again brought
residehts to their weekly church service. This
week they had the pleasure of welcoming
Rev. Alles into the home and he presented a
beautiful service. Reverend Alles was ac-
companied by Gerti Fleischauer who played
Wednesday began with the favorite
activity - exercising. Residents can't think of
a better way to wake up. Then • in the
afternoon the Auxiliary held a .1uncheon
meeting at Queensway .for the month of
February. Remember, anyone who would like •
to become a member, should call and
Queensway 'Would be happy to answer any
Thursday afternoon 'the Queensway. Bak -
nig Club got together to make heart shaped
sugar cookies for the Valentine Day Dance,
on February 14 They turned out super and
.for those with a "hearty" appetite, these
were- just the ticket. •
Thursday evening residents were 'very
lucky to 'welcome two super groups into the
home, The first one was the Presbyterian
Church ladies. Thanks goes to Marilyn
Campbell, Pat Pollock, Jan Baker, Bev Moir,
Lola Nixon, Marg Baker and Erlene Stewart
for coming. The second group thanks goes to
is the Beavers. Residents enjoyed listening to
thein entertain with several songs. Between
these two groups, one couldn't help but have
a terrific e.vening.
'Friday afternoon- there was a. Fun and
Games Hour where residents played several
games ie: euchre, shuffleboard, checkers etc.
It was a super hour of games and fun.
Saturday, was a fantastic day 'at Queens-
way. Residents celebrated Valentine's Day
with style with a super dance. The Huron
Strings came in to entertain with their special
style of music. There was a super heart
shaped cake made by the dietary staff and it
was delicious. Thanks tothe members of the
auxiliary for coming in and helping out. The
whole afternoon was' very enjoyable, a perfect
way to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Kippen UCW had stewardship, and love theme '
• .
• the residents of Queensway at Bingo during Kippen church for hot dogs and hot
ppen Correspondent the month of February.
NEWS OFST. ANDREWS chocolate and dessert. Please note each
2Q2-6902 ••• • family is to supply their own hot dogs and
On• Sunday Barbara Cooper accompanied dessert. The hot chocolate will besupplied by
On Tuesday, February 10, Mildred Mac-
Gregor opened the Kippen United .Church
Women meeting with a Valentines poem.
Frances Kinsman had the worship with. the
theme on Stewardship and love. Helen
MacLean based her' topic on Stewardship and
explained what happens to the 'M and S'
funds 'wherpthe leave A .. The topic
Was conclUd th a skit:A:100)cyle, Fttl
Love and Helen MacLean were the cast. Mary
Broadfixit accompanied the hyrmis en the
piano. Pat Love and Lauren Love were the
hostesses. Lunch followed the meeting. The
roll call was answered by bringing a treat for
Queensway. 'The U.C.W. group entertained
Place. to live
(Continited from Page A2)
La -Z -Boy the last guy left here, so it's all
I could go on, but you get the pictUre.
Actually the best way to discoverohere are
real jewels of the apartment world are, is to
take the first one that comes along.
invariably, the next issue of the local p'aper
will contain at least a dozen places
ideally -suited to your budget and lifeStyle.
Which bring us to the second newspaper
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the hynnis on the organ. Rev. Lorne Keays the Sunday School.
sermon was on the fourth church in the series PERSONALS
from ' Revelation, "The Compromising Seeing as 'Greg Hoggarth,. a part time
Church." resident of Kippen, receives a copy of The.
The annual congregational meeting will Expositor, while he is teaching at a school in
take place on Sunday, February 22. It will be the Ottawa area, 1 Must make mention of the
held after a potluck lunch. The lunch will fact that he paid a brief visit to his parents Al
follow the church service. Congregation and Margaret Hoggarth a couple of weeks
11,nreqjhtteditiiaseplan to attend tis important back. Also he phor(ed 6s on Valehtine't Day:
event in the chunat • Hi Greg. See you In the March break.
St. Andrews is going Id have a toboggan -- Al and Margaret Hoggarth paid a visit to
party on Sunday, March 1 at 3 p.m: at Lyle
Kinsman's. To get to Lyle's turn east at the
Big '.'0" and drive for 214 mile. After
tobogganing everyone is welcome back to
their daughter Janet in London on Sunday,
February 15. Janet was unable to get home to
Kippen for several weekends because of
exams and the inclement weather.
article I was telling you about. Seema
Winnipeg man has been told by a Provincial
Court judge, that he can continue to live in a
city bus shelter, while he awaits processing of
welfare application.
Judge Charles Newcombe suggested the
transient, who had been arrested for fighting
in the bus shelter, try the Salvation Army, but
since Canada is a free court try he can continue
sleeping there as long as he refrains from
Chev-Olds Ltd.
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'• Service • Selection • Savings
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punChing out people who enter the shelter.
The article didn't say. but f assume the
shelter's occupant pays no rent, has little
concern for the heating situation and now,
has no, fear of eviction. This could Catch on.
If you see an ad boasting "Accommoda-
tions for one person. Reasonable rent. Close
to public transportation." be wary. The
Winnipeg transient may have decided to
Water Well
W. D. Hopper
and Sons
Neil Dun Jim
527.1737 527-0828 527-0775
The Select Committee on Retail Store HOurs, an all party committee of the Legislative
Assernbly Of Ontario, Will meet to review the issue of_Sunday Shopping end Retail Store
HOurS, Specifically, the Committee will be addressing necessary aniendments to the
Retail Business Holidays Act in respect of Sundays and Holiday openings, exemptions,
employee protection and penallies. The Committee will conduct public hearings in the
LegistatiVe Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario and other locations, as may be
required, commencing February, 1987.
The Committee invites written or oral submissions from individuals, grdups or organiza-
tions wishing to dortirrient On Sunday Shopping and Retail Store Hours, Written submis-
• sion§ must be deposited with the Clerk 0:if the Committee not later than Friday, March 6,
1987. etlueatt for en appOitittrieht before the Cottirnittee for orallJtesentations should
be directed to the Clerk of the Cdriltrlitted not fater than Friday, February 20, 1987.
• When such a request is made please indicate whether the presentation will be in the
English or French language.
Chairman Clerk of the Committee
Room 110, Legislative Building
Queen's Park
terbrita, Ontario M7A
• ^'•• COied.66116iiviltbe adeepted
Are you interested
in Seaforth and area
and your newspaper?
The Huron Expositor is looking for
to be a member of its
Press Advisory Board-
. Meetings will be every 3 months
This is your opporiunity Jo have a voice
in your communitY newspaper,'
The Huron Expositor
If you are interested call
" Ed Byrski or
Ron Wass ink
• at 527-0240