HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-11, Page 15WEDDINGS THE'HU,RON EXRQSITQa ,, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 - A1'5 DISC JOCKEY SERVICE First Women :s Institute forme 1� 7. 'Without vision the; people perish.' Certainly the idea put .forth in .1897 had. vision, it was also practical, forthright and a brave venture, Those who caught the vision could not have known howfar reaching the organization to be known as the Women's Institute, could be in the influence toward. better homemaking and good citizenship.• Un. February 19, 1897, the first formal holding adult leadership courses through an organization that quietly without fan fare meeF, having up to date speakers at -their is doing just that t ng', looking after the needs of their If yeti are interested in finding out more community; through donations of money, about Women's Institute or the nearest time and enthilSiasm, Oxford County have ,Women's' 'Institute -contact the nearest initiated the Butler project to 'provide all Ontario' Minrstryof Agriculture,and Food schools in Ontario and hopefully Canada With . (OMAF). ' a series of pictures of farm animals, the • Tweedsmuir Histories provide an up to date organization of . a Women's Institute took and accurate history of the community lot by place in Saltfleet; Township, Wentworth lot, a valuble source of information, The Elgin . County, through- the combined efforts of ° Pioneer Museum and the Southwold'Earth- Erland Lee and+his wife Janet with the worka are there because Women's Institutes —enoourageMent-of-Adelaide=Hoodless:--The-has-a-visionrthe•seholarship project provides--' branch was originally known as the Stoney much needed funds to students to complete Creek .Women's 'institute.. From there the post -secondary education, The list is Much organization -has -spread -throughout _the --longer world. The Women's Institute own the An unjustified criticism levelled at the', Erland Lee Museum Home which is open to • Women's Institute is that it is not meetingthe the public,needs of the younger member:' One fact is The W omen's Institute organization pro- correct in that those who join remain formally vide rural women with the .opportunity to years because they believe in the vision. broaden the scope of their knowledge and However each branch makes up their own abilities through participation in meetings program to suit the needs`' of their own organized•by.the local branch. community. There are many young women Women's institutes in Ontario for; many joining Women's Institutes because they see years have helped Women • improve their what Women's' Institute has accomplished in homes and communities;' Working for the the past and what it will accomplish in the good of all, regardless of creed, race or future. Maybe the younger members are not political beliefs they have flourished in in all the executive offices at all levels but almost every community in Ontario. they are there. As young. parents they will in Special educational sessions are organized time take a more active role. After all the. at District, Area.. and Provincial levels to motto of Women's Institute is "For Home encourage women to expand their outlook and Country." The training and skills learnt and learn to extend their influence as a. at Women's Institutes meetings are applic- motivating force in todays world. Such an able to any women at any walk of life. example is the upcoming Community Out- The Women's Institute is very active as reach Seminar to be held on February 28 at', they work to 'assist network all the rural Southwold School. Women's Institute mem- Women's ,Organizations in Ontario. Their. bers are•encouraged to take a public stand on magazine Home and Country.is available to the broader issues of the day through any woman and is used to promote all rural resolutions and briefs. organization not just . Women's Institutes, The Women's Institute provides a, vehicle When the first Farm Women Network and an environment to challenge women who Newsletter was printed itwas distributed seek self improvement' and personal enrich- ' through all Women's 'Institute branches with ment. They belong to a network that connects copies of Home and Country. Branches to Districts, to Areas to Provincial,W hen' the Women's Institute . had their National and International organizations. Free Trade Seminar, all rural organizations. Within the London area there are 114 were invited. However not all bothered to branches in 10 Districts, who are active in attend as a vehicle to network the rural many ways; leading and financing 4-H clubs, women in. Ontario, the Women's• Institute is PRiESTAP- ROW LAND ' Michelle. Lorraine Rowland, and Steven Murray Priestap were united in marriage' Saturday, October 4, 1986 at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Dublin. Rev, J.J. 'Carrigan officiated the ceremony. The bride is Me daughter of-, Edward and Margaret lieWland,:Dublin •and the.groom is the son of Edith and the late Carl Priestap, Bornholm. Laurie K. Rowland, Dublin,'sister of the bride' was maid .of honor. The bride's' attendants were Jayne •Delaney,. Dublin, friend, of the - bride; Tammy De Jong, Mitchell, niece of the groom; Cynthia Rowland, Fort St. John, ' B.C., sister-in-law of the bride and •Barb Sloan; Seaforth, . cousin of the bride. Joe'., McIver, Mitchell, friend of the groom was best man. Guests. 'were' ushered •by Jack Chaffe,- Mitchell, friend of the groom; Stephen Rowland, London, brother of the bride; Brian .Priestap, Mitchell, brother of the groom and Ken Cook, Bornholm, friend of the groom. Tanya and Tara Priestap, nieces - of the groom,• presented• the bride and 'groom's rings at the. alter Lucille Delaney, Jayne:Delaney and. Ted Gorski provided the music for the pass. Following the reception at the Mitchell and District Community Centre, the couple honeymooned in Northern • Ontario. Steve and Michelle now reside at207 Coulton Drive in Mitchell. Day- ~of Prayer set : for March 6 One hundred' years of'ecumenical prayer and action will • be celebrated around the world on March 6, 1987 when World Day of .Prayer marks its centennial. People of all major denominations in 170 countries and regions will gather on that day to pray for global concerns. This event will continue a tradition that began in 1887. The poverty and miserable living conditions of immigrant families touched the heart of Mary Ellen James of ,„Alropkiyn,• New,York. She called, fora national • .udayrofGpraYRr,and actapz►., .. Since then the movement has spread •.around'the World and on the firat Friday of March each year people gather to pray for peace and justice. • This world prayer movement is unique in its leadership. From the beginning lay women have written and organized the service in local communities. In Canada alone over 3.000 services will be held across the country. Inthis community the World Day of Prayer Service will be held at St. Thomas Anglican Church. March 6. 1987 at 2 p.m. On the same day, people will be gathering • in Africa, Asia. Latin America,' the Middle East, Europe and the Pacific Islands. It is a time to be linked with others around the world on a specific day praying for the same issues and hopes. 'Services are translated into thousands of -languages and dialects. Offerings are used for social service projects and education programs both nationally and internationally, In Korea aid has been given to A-bomb victims and to a .halfway house for women prisoners. In Sudan a school for the blind is supported; Sweden provided scholarships for women in developing countries. New Zealand ,has sponsored medical aid to Gatitemala, anti Argentina has set up soup kitchens for children. In Canada, World Day of Prayer is spotls'ored by Women's Inter<Church Council cif Canada. BUCK & DOE FOR i John Braecker AND ►' • Karen Finlayson FEBRUARY 21 COMMUNITY t3itt DHA EN IL,KETSOtilMUNITY CENTAE. - (S3�D - Lunch, Provided Happy Citizens meeting attended by 53 members The Seaforth Happy Citizens No. 865 held have reached their 62nd wedding anniver- their regular meeting in, the Legion Hall sary. • February ,5 with 53 members and eight. . A bus trip to London is being planned to go visitors in attendance. 'to the 'Musical of 1950'. on May 6: For President Grace Broadfoot opened the particulars call Grace Broadfoot. meeting. A moment's silence was observed in memory of Ivy Scott. Everyone was encouraged to read the After welcoming Mrs. Broadfoot, due .to Senior Paper that comes as there is•a lot of the rumors of the rural routes phasing out, ' valuable information there. read an appropriate poem on the "Ode to the Euchre 'was then enjoyed followed by a Mailman.” •social hour. Business was attended to and an invitation Winners were: ladies high, Velma Adams, was given to everyone, to visit Hazel ladies low, Irene Bisback, ladies lone hands, • McNaughton on February 8 on the occasion of Ma'gn'et Taylor. Men's high, Ethel Haist (as her BUth birthday. Congratulations were also a man ), men's low, MaryChapple (as a man ); extended to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Felker who lone hands, Elmer Townsend. Ladies Aid hold meeting which has a quilting theme • • • The "Ladies Aid" of First Presbyterian Church h.gld a meeting Tuesday, February 3 in the church. The theme was "a quilting bee." The meeting opened with President Viola Lawson reading a poem. Mary Riley was at the piano Tor the hymn. ,•, 77re ilreasurar's••report was given.byAliee • Reid and scripture was read by Ann Agar. ' Roll call was answered by "My favorite quilt pattern", and some of the patterns named were: Double Wedding Ring, Hearts, Oak Leaf, Colonial Lady, Dresden Plate, Rose of Sharon, embroidered designs, Grand- mothers Fan, Log Cabin, and Tulips. Twelve ladies were present and after the meeting we ...continuedquilting.•Luneh.was .served by Ann Agat'arid'Vidla Logan: • News 'deadline Monday 4. p.r 30th ANNIVERSARY ; CARD• PARTY 1 . ' Tor, 1 GWEN e, ERN -III HARBURN I February 21, 1987 -.8 p.m. 1 STAFFA HALL Best Wishela Only Please; _ j Country Goid & Rock9 f n Roil_._ DISCO, , POLKAS, WALTZES, 0000 • RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS, DANCES, .ANNIVERSARIES, PARTIES, ETC. ' 10 yrs. experlenee'No mlleags charge• " 'BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME OR EVENING$' ••.ts••••••e•••• •• i. CHIP BINGO- • in .. a •.... FRIDAY,. FEB. 13 • .• 'BEEF .BARBEQUE And presentation of O'HA Champion- shipBanner and.Picture, Seaforth_and District Community 'Centres FRIDAY FEB. ' 13 5p.m.-7p.m. Prior to. the .game of AND CENTENAIRES EXETER HAWKS TICKETS - ADULTS $6,50, $7.00 AT DOOR •CHILDREN 6-12 -.$4,00 5 & UNDER -FREE FOR TICKETS CAL1•527-0750 • ' $.15,00aganie •' •• 3 SQECIALS PLUS :. 1' • •JACKPOTr. • in 54 calls - • CONSOLATION - $100..00 ' • BONANZA • $425•i. . • in 53 calls .• • CONSOLATION 550.00 •; • ▪ Players must be 16 years or over • • ., • Doors Open .at7:00 P.M. • • Bingo Starts at 8:00 P.M. • . • i•••••••••••••••••••• ' !QUEEN ' S SEAFORTH KEEPS ON ROCK'N THURSDAY TO SATURDAY SYRE• NO COVER 1'1,R 'THURSDAY HF RB � Y Ey G , DON'T MISS GIRLS NITE OUT Fun & Surprises For ..The Gals +VALENTINES:` d PARTY C� Saturday Night Fun for everyone, come in and PARTY HEARTY at the Queens OUR VALENTINE TO YOU Friday & Saturday, February 13 & 14 To •',one First 200 Ladies 15 Places 99 of Tender . 'gr Golden Fried 10%°F Chicken / for Senior Cltlzens Good for Month of February SEAMITH 527.0180 "TREAT YOUR VALENTINE" FREE COKE ,Saturday & Sunday Pebniary 14 & 15 With each large uiZZa purchased OPEN DAILY AT 11 A. M. SUN. & MON. TILL '11 P.M. TUES., WED. & THURS. TILL MIDNIGHT FRI. & SAT. TILL 1 A.M. 750 ml Bottle • BUY ONE PIZZA GET ONE RAMC PIZZA FREE `.-•••••..,..Liza's sport PARr1CJPACTIDN MAKES PERFPCt .s THE SQUARE Liza's snack Liza's Smile T s R R K_ TH EITRE 4-7 2" QtiE7 0 e Mt IAA SOW & Q jSUN.' 1i1 A L .pry'. e a s .' 1 iIEtVIEMBER S25O TUESDAYS ARE ST(LL: AT THE ;1, PARK t a, Some frgiit rot money Some i,gr,t frit glory He $ ngat,ng for tits son s love Appearing Yhs Weekeriii;i' "FRANK SODA" `thursday, Friday and Saturday Join the fun of our VALENTINE`S PARTY This Saturday Night' THE GOLDEN R E�iDR'T�IUSID�11� • kitibi idllURt+HY I'S BAdit 7+30 • CHILD„M ADULT ACC6MPAPIIFl1Ei4T 000.0r001.i s•••41,6**eii•• •t•eAiti A'Ass"l 0)00®em•rtotit Feb*IAT, 131A 14 'For. More Ttiforffiatfol 1 alT 621=09116 . . Party 'With Us and IE DEVI FEB. 19, 20 & 21