HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-11, Page 6A6 — THE HURON px0osiToR. FEBRUARY 11, 1987' ELA ,LA • We have added a aaai TOLL FREE NUMBERI • For qualified technicians to cervicci all your appliance invade call: 1-800-265.8589 • or 3934180 aura Afastki Satellite Reception Equipment ' SPECIALISTS ' • DEMONSTRATIONS • INSTALLATIONS • SALES B ANTENNA SALES 482-7129 BriamMcAsh , °Additions 'Windows Alterations "Doors , or 1 • • • ,,'. • , ' ,. • - .. Grahain.KeYS4COted:01•081,Si''Orr2O11; Weiss ' ': 04 every opportunity tfl,'kl'ilg-4,1,040,•lt . . . - •. HenapItCerieSpendeht - ','' ' , • • three and Chris' &OS; two,. Singles wee ' '", tliF,NStyLLARIOrs . '•• . SusANHARTKAN1 . • " • seo0cl,byl)eii0p NoalOs Jeff RathWelrend ,' The tobogganing party . for the Bever . ' •' ..zog-z44?: ' . .. ....- '11)".5 MUM),"• , . Cubs and families Was. cancellecton Sunday - ,•,- ' - - • " • '1110'NnYigete.4111*Crnthe firstof their three ' bur will. he.re-scheduled, The Beavers win,be .' Mary: brintriell opened • the February genies, at, 'a - tournament in Howick . on -' taking • treats ..and a • giant '. Valentine 'hi ' Meeting of Unit 111. united Church Women ' Satilio4y, 'The04100 . wisely 'made a Queensway tomorrow night,• with a Poe178".1)8ily Valentines. • All joined in - decision not to- •travel' the roads during The Messengers visited QueenswaY yea,. .,, . the singing of the theme song renewed. by - Sunday's storm so the Sunday•garnes were terday afternoon with. Valentine treats, theme prayer.' The worship was taken by not played. , .. - ,'. „ Hensall Figure Skating ClUO, , held a Redo Boa on ,,Trtlisc„' „ Stoririggoals against Wallace on Saturday test-day.Iast Tuesday: Congratulations to all ; 4 . A thank you card was read froth Vera Ross. •• were Blair. ,Moir with two; and Dan Taylor the skaters who have worked so hard. - - ' • -A' report of the Presbytery Was given,' ,• with two. Singles came from Brad. Hartman . ' MINOR HOCK EY NEWS • .. nmthy Brintnell„...goeSPOY....Lorria..Taylor; _ 1. •, : ' - ' The 1:806,-417 4..mon is now•mOte-tilatt,hal i • Conunon Bonds" with -World Council of On February' 2 the Presbiterian, Church over. This year 71 children are participating • ' hidigenous Peoples: Beatrice Munn read two - Women met at the home of Elizabeth Faber: • and although not always.. victors, - teams' .poems. • - .• Marg HQgarth• read an appropriate .oetii • continue to provide excitement in a sports - Vera and Alf Ross were congrattififen on entitledmFebruary' '7 -Thirteen mernhers matOire manner arid deserve support and ': their 52nd wedding anniversary, " answered the roll call. ' . ' , attendance at games. , • . - ' . • : - The meeting was closed with ;prayer, • Elizabeth Faber conducted the worship. . . The Annual 'Recreation League .Tourna-; . HOstesses were Marg , Cole and Ardyth. Anyone wishing to save Knee -titer s grocery - ment was held in January and raised almost '.• Glenn... , •. tapes for Presbyterian Church may give them $3000 to help cover the increased cost of ice ; •' ; • SHUFFLEBOARD ' - to Winnie Skea. The PCW will be taking .... rentals. ' Thursday's- winners in shuffleboard•were treats to the ,Queensway Nursing Home for In conjunction with the annual potluck . high ladies,. Anita Bengough 321; Lorna . Valentine's Day. The March meeting will be supper on April 5, photographs *ill be • • Spencer245, PearlMcKnight23fi. MCKnight 236. High men •• held at Florence Slade's. There will be a presented to each participant. The pictures were: Dave Kyle 306, Alf Ros's 299, John- demonstration Of cake decorating. . • :, will be taken this Saturday, February 14 at ' • Pepper 284. . - ' The meeting was closed with a reading the Arena. Kids - don't forget to wear all your ', , NORTHCrtEST NEWS • • ''•God's Love." : • , . gear .for your picture'. ., . . '-A- potluck supper last Monday night was ' SKATING PARTY • • IIOCKEYDANiT • : .' attended by 14 residents, ' Hensall United Church .held their. Congre- . The annual Minor Hockey •Dance will' be., - Wes Heywood is a patient at South Huron' gational Skating Party, on February . 1. held Saturday, March 7 from 9 p.m. tel a.m.. Hospital, Exeter and the residents wish him -a Everyone- enjoyed skating - from 4:30-5:30 at the Community Centre . ' • - ' speedy. recovery. • , p.m. at the Arena followed by a potluck ‘• There' will be a cash bar and. music by -- Olive Heal has returned home after a few supper back at the chureh. George. Cowan ., "Mozart's Melody Makers." Tickets are $10:' weeks spent in hospital. Welccime home: ' asked the blessing. ' - per couple ad are 'available from Minor Viola Taylor of -Seaforth . and Hazel Following a meal which was quickly . Hockey parents. ' • Matheson; Clinton, visited with Pearl Mc- • devoured by a large arid hungry crowd; prizes .On the third Thursday of 'each month a - Knight and Ida Dickert on Saturday, . were given for; most members of one family parents' meeting is held at the Arena. AL • • The February meeting of Unit W, United on skates: won by-Glen'Hayter family (5) and these -meetings all 'activites are discliSsen, Chinch Women was chaired by Nan Britton, the David Brock family -(5 ).- Oldest person on Your participation Is needed and required. To Sadie Hoy read the devotions. - - skates, -Doris Cowan; youngest person on share the responsibility is only fair. . - . Eleven members and one guest answered • -.skates, Sonya Deeves; person, with closest PLAYOFFS NEAR • -... - the call and 32 visits were reported, birthday,.Mark Bell, Lucky seat, Tim Brock. ' Playoffs are fast approaching. Come to the . Two birthday cards and two get -well cards • SCHOOL VISITOR Arena and cheer on your local- teams. -You . ' Were sent. The date for the annual Beef Kim Genttner. of Hensall delighted an wont be disappointed. ; . , . • : , - . Barbecue was set for April 8. - Nan, Britton • -audience of grade 1-3 and kindergarten Happy Valentines Day to everyone and •' . • gave a report on the Presbyterial. Th -theme students on Thursday. The children loved her remember .- "Love isn't Love till you give it i Was "Called to Respond.' ' • up -beat rendition of folk and gospel tunes and away:- . . Nan Britton used "'The -Vital. Role' of - .- • ' . - . _ N Aboriginal Women in Australia" for the topic ew minister welcomed. of the study. The women are- the Erwin bread winners, They. also serve as, community Things have been moving along just fine at exciting- time of exercises, Residents had two' . leaders and assume the role as' head of the' Queensway Nursing Home in Hensall. terrific sessions, and had an enjoyable visit at • family and the -home. ' - For the Tuesday church service, residents the sarne time. . - Hazel, lArther and Audrey Christie served had the pleasure of welcoming for the first lunch. s. • . . .. time to Queensway Reverend Duke Vipper- In the afternoon residents had their Card - . TYKE HOCKEY - . „ man. They look forward to Rev. Vipperman's and Games Party which they have been • The Hensall Tyke Hockey team trounced future visits very much. looking forward to for several weeks. They = .. would like to send out many thank-yous to- all Bayfield ,on Saturday by a score of 14-0. Thursday morning once agai ught the . who came in from the senior apartments•to' Energetic .Eight gather , games party will be held in the near future, so participate in the afternoon of hid Another - . .. please keep eyes open for the future date. Water; Well 'DRILLING Hopper and Sons ODER N-ROTA-RY-FttGSNelln • Dud • Jim - 527 -1737 527-0828 527-0775 , THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO. Faculty of Part -Time and Contlnaing Education We want to- hear from'you!... • Our summer calendar will be available March 2 and will be sent to Western students registered in the past•year. We're also planning our fall program, and we want your input. Come to the counselling/information session: Wednesday, February 25,, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Room 30, Goderich District Collegiate • 260 South Street, Goderich • Wednesday, February 25, 6:45-7:45 p.m. Room 132, Central Huron Secondary School 165 Princess Street East, Clinton If this visit is cancelled because of weather problems, it will be held at the same place and time on Thursday, March 5. You may also call collect to (519) 661-3631 on Wednesday, March 11 and April 1, 5:00-8:00 p.m. AMA/000f ...111/1111I• THE MORE -FOR -YOUR -MONEY ItitS1) MORE "INTEREST Standard Trust consistently offers higher interest rates than the banks. MORE SERVICE • No fees • On -the -spot fax receipts • Dial the RRSP Hotline MORE OPTIONS Per Annum, 2 *es' Rate Choose your term, choose your plan, Standard Trust offers you more:• GIC Plan • Special Savings Plan • Short Term Plan • Self- Administered Plan STANDARD TRUST Member - Canada Deposit insurance Corporation opeiti StakInt)011, 138 The Square, Goderich RRSP HOTLINE 524.7385 Save time & avoid line-ups • Kippen Correspondent MARGARET HOGGARTH 262-6902 Finally, even though on Sunday there was a . Rev. Lorne Keays' sermon 'was a continuation superstorm, residents still had the incredible of the series of letters to the churches found in pleasure of welcoming the Hensall United • Revelation, this week's letter was to the over Church Sunday School children who put on a tolerant church in Pergamos. The congrega- special service for. those at Queensway. A lot tion is reminded of the annual meeting, on of hard, honest work went into their hour On Wednesday, February 4, the Energetic - Sunday, February 22, following the regular production and they all did a super job. Eight gathered at the home of Phyllis and ' Harold Parsons for a social evening and a church service and a poticuk. lunch. • . Well that's it for this week, hope all , . game of euchre. Winners Were: ladies high, enjoying this fine winter weather. Take care Doris Hamilton, ladies low,. FMtes Kins- ' and keep smilin'. . man, men's high, Bev Hamilton and men's ' low, Al Hoggarth. . On February 7 and 8, Paul Hoggarth, participated in a broomball tournament at ...,. Clinton. PauTsMtn w?s,runtie,ELIP•ill, .4.4finals. / KIPPENUNITED CHURCH On Sunday, Februaryli. in spite of the bad weather, several members of St. Andrews congregation made it to the service. Mary ' Moffatt accompanied the hymns at the organ. tier 4 Stir° to Gett4w- Vacligige $999M5us Tax Includes • 2 Nighlt Deluxe Accortimodolkin • '15,00 Rettaurant letouthtis • Rotted inddOr Pool & Whirlpool ' Relaxing tamale taunt 1 Night Package 559,95 Luxury Racial/et Also Available Fdr Retervalions Call. (519) 273-1150 Box 811 1144 Ontario SL, Stratford, Ontario NSA 6W1 YOU THE SEAFORTH BROOMBALL LEAGUE would like to thank the following merchants and individuals who &Mated prizes for our tournament You have assisted us in making our tournament a success! Browns Repair & 'Wrecker Lyons Food Market McKill6p Mutual Insurance Sills- Hardware Pizza Train Shirtere's Mens & Ladies Wear Trerneer rottmercial Printers Town of Seaforth Seaforth Automotive & Industrial Stepply State Earth Insurance AMU'S, Dress ShOPPO CarripbelPS Home Centre Bob'' Be Betty'S Variety Luite's,Machine Shop Beckers Hoffrneyer Mill Seaforth InsuranceBrokers Ltd. Stecirn'ans Seaforth Co -Op Archie's Sunoco Alf Styles 11 Winthrop General Store . Dixie Lee Fried Chicken & Seafood topnOtch Feeds Ltd. Itathweli & Rathwell Canadian tire Tasty Nu Bakery Rib:I-Pros Thomas J. Devereaux Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce /Saafortte—&- Blyth Brand -m=5) ' Queen's Hotel BlakeS Welding Everything Good B.A.S.F. Gana& Inc. oOk's Division Of Gerbil!) Inc. Hildebrand Paint &,Paper K.M.M. Drainage McGavin Farm Equipment Hostess Chips Cornmercial Hotel Hildebrand Flowers Seaforth Sewing Centre Fisher Auto Supply Leo's Auto Sales TO/tAcq • . yith Bosnian Fuels betty GlativiUe MoKilforl Township EMA Food Stores ' Milton Dietz O'kciurke TratespOrt • Auctions Untimied (Mavfayte Shoppe) Advertising helps you -make a choice. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION • Our continues to SAT. FEB. 14 BIG SAVINGS. PAINTand WALLPAPER "Free water tray with wallpaper buys" ' ALL WALLPAPER 1M0i,„ BOOKS (04,,,, / 4•,/ OFF Selected Lot of IN s.R. WALLPAPER 1.99 Benjamin Moore • PAINTS, 10% STAINS & VARNISH OFF THOUSANDS of Yg50% 1N -STOCK ROLLS opr — SAVE WITH THESE CASH PRICES --i' HILDEBRAND PAINT & PAPER "Interior and Exterior Decorators" MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 527-1880 BIRTHS REIMERS: Mr. and Mrs. John Reimers (nee • Hoegy ) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son Nicolas John Louis born January 29, 1987 at Stratford General Hospital. A wee brother for Emily. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilbur Hoegy. Brodhagen and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reimers. Strathroy. VAN DEN IIENGEL: Jack and Mary Anne are pleased to announce the birth of their son Lomas William, a brother for Michael, on January 16. 1987 at Ajax -Pickering General Hospital, Proud grandmother is Jeanne Blake of Brussels and great-grandfather Andrew Kirkconnell of Winnipeg. MclEAN: Glenn and Yvonne welcome with love and great joy the arrival of their second daughter, Danielle Claire, on February 1, 1987 at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. Danielle is a new playmate for big sister Connie. Proud grandparents are Iona McLean and John and Irene Blake all of Brussels. . WIIIIEK: Keith and Gloria a RR 1, Walton, are pleased to announce the birth of their second child. a boy, Mark Andrew, weighing 9 lbs. 8 -oz. at Stratford General Hospital on January30, 1987. A brother frit Kevin. Proud grandparents are Les and Marg Hart, Seafortlfand tan and Elva Wilbee, RR 1, Walton. PEOPLE • M. and Mrs, Stanley Preszcator of Crediton visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robley. Visiting the sarne home were Mrs. Terry Ward, Mrs. Bryan MeClure and Amy. THE SEAFORTH BROOMBALL LEAGUE WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU to the following merchants and individuals who donated Medallions tti the Junior players at Our tournament. Culligan Real Estate Ginette's Restaurant Stewart' Bros Seaforth Gulf Service B & L Auto Repair lEtifier TfaVel O'keurke Transport Seaforth' FinatiCial Services Custom Art Designers Canadian Tire - Seaforth BO* Furniture Cronin Silos Jim & Ginette Nat'l Vineerit Farrit EquiPtnetit Ltd. SteVe Murray Insurance • Frank Kling Ltd. Keating's Pharmacy David LOngStaff Toronto Dominion Bank Dave Stlientk Auto Body Boner Sink -1i Lid Midhael Lane • 'Verberrie Appliance Servite W.G. Thompson & son Ltd. - Seaforth Wayne and Harold Smith Construction Ltd. Flower Magic by Jean Seafdith' OPtfittists Hilton Fabricators 76m Phillips ,t.