HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-04, Page 10441 • • A101 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, • COME OUT AND • HELP CELEBRATE Ringette Week SATURDAY, FEB, 7 •See How T110 Sped is Played! . 8:00 Petitesvs Moms 845 -1-• Tweeds vs Mystery Team ' -49÷30-P Mystery TeaM • ;, EVERYONE:WELCOME , FREE, ADMISSION • i•i• .141.; FEBAUARY. it, 1987 WALTON AND AREA HARD RED 4 44 WHEAT PRODUCTION SEMINAR Valeamtv Loveable, Huggable, Collectable GUND BEARS "GOTTA GET A GUND" MUGS• Ou'r selection includes • 'Glen Loates' ••(.. - Knitterl • 37 Main St. S Seaforth NOT SURE? GIVE A •. GIFT: . CERTIFICATE Anne James ' Prop. 527-1030 Sponsored by C & M SEEDS in association •with crop health Product companies. MONDAY FEB• 9 10 a.m. -4 p.m. SEAFORTH &' DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES laegistration Fee - $5.00 • For More Information call 343-2126 WY' Willett 0ouncillots::.0et$50. raise.,...:',.:::,,...,.. " list of toWnthipappointments and the various Jim Schneider and Don Schultz. RePresenta- , ing,hparel.rneetingS"bas been set at $40 per rates of remuneration for township personnel tives' from the Auburn 'Women's Institute meeting. • readings. at the regular council meeting on • The salary for the Reeve of tfuliett has drainage inspector and livestock evaleater; Ala the result of by-laws January .6. ' Hullett TownsliiP coinicil has, released,the Board,, along with Rhea.Hamilton-Seeger, , per km, Rernuneratien for fiemtulhet attend • given third and final ' have yet to be . named. •• '- •• George Hoggart has been appointed as' • been set at $1 ,650 per annum up from $1;600 Nerro. Alexander will be drainage superin- Reeve, Tom Cunningham, councillor Row.: M 1986; deputy reeve and councillors will get tendent; Darlene McClinchey Will act as ' Gross and FrankSzusz will'represent council $1,450 and $1,350 reSPectively,. each up $50 animal control officer ; and Charles Brandon, ' on the Blyth •District :Arena 13oard; Mr, from -the- previous,:;_year. The township Jack Tairiblyn, Gordod;Daer, Stewart Dale Cunningham and councillor Harvey Stewart clerittreasurer will receive an annual wage of ' and George Hogged will serve as fence, will, serve on the Blyth District Fire Area $25;800, up from $25.,000 in J986. • • - • viewers for 1987. . . Boardtanci Ton1 Leiper will act as representa- Other rates and remunerations haye been ' In other business, doucil 'has .accepted a . • tivto„thejilyth._cometeryi3 i . 4. • approved • as follows: assistant clerk-trea- • petition for a municipal dram for residents of COuncillors Stewart and Ro,bert Szusz will surer, .$9.40 per hr; road .SUPerintendent; • •iktiburivand7has instrileted-Bre-erignmering ,• - represent the' township on the Hullett •$11:35, per•hr; grader. operators, $10,70 per firm of Burnside and Associates to bring in a : • Recreation.. Board, along with , township hr.; part time snowplow operator, $7„.70 per report on the matter. • ' • • • " representatives George Collins, Frank Sztrz7-111M1r-airragTsfflierintemient7$7715Per-hr:-;•-elerk-Harrriear-waS-ifigtNeteci4e-notif Bill BrOmley, Neil S4verda .and Marjorie drainage inspector, $47 per tile loan.; animal', the residents of Lonclesbore and Auburn of Anderson. • • , • control officer, -$12 per call,"plua 22 cents per, • public meetings -to -consider' upgrading • Reeve and councillor Gross km. in travel expenses; livestock evaluator village streets, .No: dates were set for the Cunningham_ will serve on the Auburn Community Hall and fence viewers, $29 per call phis 22 cents meetings: . • .. :. ; • . • . .. Walton . .1 sponsors January euchre' W ‘ .• Canada's best long-term RRSP record. We 11010 twiny atly Wier ItItfiliolipilileowestiiwiti Plat 1,in 1111 1114, ft,‘,111 - ., • , . . ' 1 iVer'1114, 1144 i 9 p:01,, IlidtPaTI,11 (lniwill litijul has aLliiewitl total growth of alituot 201111;fi; (with dividends remeestelill Mat wean:, that 4111,111)11 invelted 10.1967 is nuke worth 1110re than 5209„W •' •• . ' kw ifearly too ileoiies, that's a 1711,• Uyerapt; annual i. out- pountliraie (11 return - .11111411 result 01 the conservaiNe but growth-iirointed money management strategy 01 Mackenzie . . P1111111 111 (iiirpouttion . . Wiiiiii your liltill'tleniimilsrlie h,,,,1‘111µ-terin perlonitaiwe, • , why 4.1111, lOr Anyiliing ley:: . Fora full package ol tolornfation. Including specific 40111.; paroomo with othei invesimialts. 0/11011 the.ctitipon orsall.. Industrial Growth .Fund Looking both way7..To plauat yourTIRSE 0 Please send mom inlomuulop pi an Industrial Growth Fund'IIRSP and us 200041,• growth -word. 4 • St‘11 A011,10.m. POSTAL 1.14, • MOW; • C001 1.11A1 01114,1 41.1...o;;Ort 1 1.0 ...ihJaulend•frunemed IPVA, smilgnottli 1.....ChtetrAt mum *W. ;anyone ...kir • MIKE THOMAS 5274539 or • • (519)673-3521 •• Representing TILLCAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION . another euchre Feb.. 26, • • . were sOld With 233 door prizes from donations. Walton Correspondent •. • In last week's issue the date for the next were drawn for later. noon luncheon 'was,. the wrong Month, it . , MRS. ALLAN McCALL . , ,,. 897-6677 • • should have read Februhry 18. . • . • Brian W ilbee, •Waltom captured the first . prize of $f 50 with the second best hand held, The Walton Women's Institute sp'onsored The new dusk to davin light at the outside by •Trevor. . Hall, Toronto; winning •.$75. the euchre on Thursday, January 28 in the of the hall has been installed and the new. Marilyn W illems, R13. Seaforth eame in third' community Hall- • light. in the downstairs entrance, making it to win $50 and Howard Rackwell; Walton • in . . more convenient for those coming to the hall.' took $25 in fourth place. 2• Ten a es were play p by: . . , . high lady, Iona McLean, Brussels; second , AREA SPORTS 1100 SUCCESSFUL . ' ' •4.41 NEWS . . , . • • . Brussels; low man, Sharon Godkin (playing A great'number of snowmobiles gathered at touch with either Karen Hoegy at 887-9018 or as a man). Special - Rachel Riehl, Seaforth. the hall from 11 a.m. till 2 p.m. to begin their Mary Baan at 88;7•6S67, The first. meeting is high, Alice StevenS, Ethel; low lady, Ann „, RALLY''' Any •girl or -boy between the ageS of 12 and - Smith, Brussels; high man; Viola Kirkby Sunday was mild with stinny_skies for the 21, interested in taking the new project, Birthday, nearest to date: Ruth Sheilds, Blyth. 23 mile'course over fields and through bushes February 17 at 7 p.m. The leaders attended (playing as a man ); second high, Mel Jacklin, Walton Area Sports ChM Annual Poker Rally. "Sun:riving with Style" are urged to get in , Hostesses. were Mary Humphries, Elva 'on the Pokerltally. . • training' school in Clinton last Thursday 13olger and Helen Craig.. There vill be There was a good turnout when 527 hands evening. • , ' " . . Cranbrook church hnnual . olds a. meeting . •..• . .. curling in Wallaceburg and was unable to "born•January 25..He is the son of Gerald and • Lranbrook Cortespondent ' • attend.• •- • ' Patti Rathwell and grandson of Doug and • • • "' • MRS. MAC ENGEL • Garnet Starr, Chatham and his son 8teyen,' -Wilma Rathwell and Earl and Wilma Hicks. the weekend. -• S 887-6645 •Owen•Sound visited Don and Mrs. Cotton on , FORESTER'EIUCli RE Nine tables plaYed atm ,Forester'S card Mrs. 'Wm. Milne, Mitchell, conducted the . Mr. and Mfs, Jack Conley had the pleasure' party on Friday, evening. Winners were: service . in Knox Presbyterian Church on of celebrating the Chinese New Year's Eve as.. high, Isabelle Bremner, John Subject; low, Ja'nuary 25. . guests of Margaret and Tien, Sung Wong on Isabel Craig, Lloyd Smith; lone hands, Jean Wednesday, January .28. They enjoyed a Conley, Adrian Verateop, birthday ,-,Lourdes - The annual congregational meeting of, wedding" ers '- Llo d and • .delicious Chinese dinner. ., Knox Church was held on January 27 in the ' Beryl Smith, tallies - •Harry Jacklin, Ken . • church basement, beginning with a potluck Mit. Earl Dunn, Listowel, , visited with Crawford, Eleanor Stevenson, Helen. Alex- • dinner at 12 noon. The interim -moderator, , former Cranbropk neighbors on January 29. •, ander, Kathy Bridge. There will not be a Rev. Byron Nevin, Atwood, opened the ;, Jack and Jean Conley are proud great euchre February 6 when the Foresters are meeting with a scripture reading and prayer. •grandparents of their fourth great grand- ' holding a family dance with Tiffan's orches- • Rev. Nevin acted as chairman and Mrs. child. Jeremy Douglas Rathwell who was tra. • meeting. The minutes were read and. the Cindy .McClure celebrates fourth' birthday Stuart Stevenson was secretary for the reports discussed. The printed reports had • Pearl McCallum of RR 1. Walton has been received by members and these were. McKillop Correspondent. returned to her home after being confined to adopted as printed. The board of managers is . IDELIA 11 UBLEY Seaforth Hospital. Mrs. Leslie Knight, Joe Smith, Jack Conley, 527 . 196 •, • Terry Ward of Monkton . entertained her Patsy Dickinson, Lloyd Smith, StewartSteiss Larry Smith, Wilfred Strickler and Jack • . family Bill and Annette Ward, Billie Joe, Knight. Trustees: John A. PerrieLeslieMr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McClure and Shane David and Mathew of near Brddhagen, Ron - Knight, Auditor - Gary .Morrison; Ushers, , entertained at a birthday party for their and Kathy Ward. Jennifer and Michael, of Doug Conley, Stephen Steiss, Heather daughter Cindy's fourth birthday. The guests Staffa and Bryan and Sharlene McClure and Perrie, assistant- Steve Jeff and Rick Knight. included Keith and Velma Robertson. Judy, Amy of McKillop Township to bowling at ars. Stewart Steiss is the organisLand Mrs. and Kevin Elliott, Jeff • and Angie from Mitchell Lanes and then to supper at Mothers Stuart Stevenson, sec.-treas. , Rev. Nevin Mitchell, Fern and Nelson McClure of in Stratford. • * Egmondville and Mr. and Mrs.' Bryan • Wayne Hubley of Londesboro and Ruth closed the meeting with prayer. McClure and Amy of McKillop Township. Mannings of Clinton visited on Sunday with • ' ' '''' 'INSOLE . Sharlene McClure and Amy of McKillop • Bryan and Sharlene McClure and Amy. The family of Jack Conley had a dinner at Township visited her mother Terry Ward at . Mr. and Mrs, Norman Hubley l'Asited with . the Golden Lantern on January 24 iri honor of Monkton and also visited with Ruth -Ward. Mr. and Mrs, Harold McCallum on W ednes- his birthday. It was planned by Wilma Melinda Johnson of FIR3, Walton has been day, Rathwell and attending were Margaret and a patient in Clinton Hospital. , Mr. and Mrs, John Jensen of R.R. Clinton j larvey . Clark and Paul. Doug and Nancy Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol of RR 4, and Audrey De Coo have returned home after Conley and family. Doug Rathwell was Walton had been holidayingln Mexico. . holidaying in Florida for three weeks. • AFTER INVENTORY cle rrice -sa e ALL DRESSES 50 % % TO OFF . WINTEFI ' SCARVES IVIMGLOVES • LADIES KORET r2 PRICE • LA ores WFAT It's Our From Ian, 29 to Feb. 14, 1987 • ALL WALLPAPER 2 0AIN-STOCK , ov,r 100 Patterns BOOKS OFF to choose from /- t•• Selected Lot of IN -STOCK .99 WALLPAPER sir:tile( Benjamin Moore PAINT, STAINS & VARNISHES Free water tray with all wallpaper purchases VOL -PRO FLAT LATEX 4 SAVE WITH THESE CASH PRICES! • N.!",, .• 7. „ % OFF and more 1 10.99 • 0011A1- • DANCING STARTS FEBRUAiti * • SeAftittly & DiStridt COMitritinity Centres UPSTAIRS HALL 7:30 to 9:OOprnt FOO: Sgli•Sk per couple - 9 week prograrrt • Td reotste please don the_ RECREATION or -no- '2 RECF' BADMINTON Carib Out arid ploy badminton THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Seaforth & District Community Centres 9:00-11:00 p.m. Main Auditorium PAY AS YOU PLAY POr more information please call Offkie 527-0882 *Additions *Windows *Alterations !Doors lohone 345.2405'0 • ROSS RISEN' FUNERAL DIRECTOR HOW SHOULD 1 CHOOSE AN EXEduTORI - - The choice of an executor is One of the most important decisions you will ever make. Consider some of the duties of ao executor. Among other things he must: 1. Locate vete will. 2. Carty out the funeral artangettents, if no pee -at-, tangements had been made 3. Probate the Will and be appointed executot. 4. Keep accurate words of • all estate fratisacti 69s. 5. Open the safety deposit box, if arly. 6. Assume control over all • outset -rat property. 7. Chi, Whatever it necessary to liquidate or 10 catty On the , _ business. 8. Determine the debts due the estate and see that they aro paid. 9. Arrange for the coffeepot of all insitatice payable to Rio estate. 10. Pay all taxes aticf other expenses of the estate. 11. Have all ptoperty, real and personal, appraised for fax purposes. 12. Defend the estate against any stritt. ' 13. SubMit a final accounting to the tetra. Obviously, this is a substantial lol. requiring skill, patience, exporiente, fudgeniefit and intelligence. Making a • will, goof* your affairs 16 Clyde?, aria c'tifeitiTinti-Wthe funeral will mike your execetot's job easier. Pott shoullf consult your attorney before Making a final &titian orr whOri Cha-�sea your executor. IIVHITNEY-iRIBEY FUNERAL HOME 87 GiideriCh St. W. ' • 'tiatiiiitt 527-1390 • 1,1,