HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-04, Page 9ATTENTION: NON-PROFIT HOUSING ORGANIZATIONS
Create non -pro&
•housing in your
Get your application
Meeting Ontario's
housing needs.
Applications are being invited for the de-
Velopment of 6,700 new non-profit housing
units across Ontario. Construction on these
units will begin in 1988,
Groups should start planning their
proposals now to meet preliminary appli-
cation deadlines early this coming Spring.
The Government of Canada through
Canada Mortgage and Housing CorpOration,
and The Province of Ontario through
the Ministry °Mousing, will be costAliaring
assistance directed to needy holiseholds.
Market unitwill be fully funded by the
Province of Ofitario.
The program is open to all municipal
• nort.profit, private non-profit and non- •
• profit CO -operative organizations.
, Local community organizations wish.
ing to sponsor non-profithobsing projects
can apply for government grant S to cover
the Costa of establishing non-profit housing
Affordable housing
for those.in need.
be subrnittedby Friday, May 15, 1982;
to be considered for the 1988 allocations.
This program heips non-profit agencies
to Create affordable housing for households
-irrneed-of hougingtassisUince:These•include
famiuieseiiiorcitizensOrr phySicAllyf
deVelopmentally and psychiatrically handi-
capped patens able te liVe independently,
. plecipitopogdOldtis calegbry,
completed prelitnifdr4 Opplivoliong Mist
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Novice are runnersup in Silver Stick
. After capturing the Regienals .in Parkhill before.,Pornpoins and bow,horn were the
• last month the Seaforth Novice boys went on, order of the day. One of the'dads even offered'
the• road to compete in the North, American to de the write-up of the first game since they
•Silverstick Tournament in St. GlairShores, were right. intathe game theinselves.
• Michigan, GAmg IrW 0 '
On Friday, January. 30, Seaford] met
After a long day Put in at the arena,
W wen; Michigan at mitre lea at.9.;00. aja• Seaford] played their second game at 4:30
[ ' , The boys Proved the saying the early bird January 30 against Berry's Bay. This
, gets the worm" by starting the garne off with . game proved to be a little tougher. It wasn't
• the first pal. At 8:16 Of the first,' Steve until only one'ininnte left in the first period
. M clnally assisted by •Jason Henderson. that Boyd Devereaux found a few openings on .
knocked the dust out of the top corner of the. the ice surface to pop one by the goalie•and
net. Still in the first period, at the 5:50 mark, score the first for Seaforth. There was•lots of
Jason Henderson assisted by Steve Mclnally action in front of both nets but neither team,
. , heacould catch- either -goalie -off -guard..-- :-
Seaforth, only to have Boyd DeVereaux snake.
Mark McNichol got the idea at the nine
his way by four bewildered opponents to minute mark of the second perkid. he knew if
count numero three to zip! .• hP itigt waited (n_frant-Of-theL.Bay's 'net,
CI 11 $ 1 I 1 111' *I
• . — The second period consisted of a lot of back somebodywould pass him the puck; and sure(
and forth h ockey. But in this type of hockey, enough it. was Mark who got a hold of the
"each period won" meant another Valuable loose puck in the open and counted Seaforth's
point for the team. With time running out, second goal, Scott Wood, playing a super
Boyd Devereaux decided to put the score- game, proved the fans saying Of "Wholie '
keeper back to work and trip the score up one •Molie we've got the goalie!" It was 'only
more to lour with only 59 seconds, left on the, Seaforth who scored against Barry's Bay in
board. •• • the third. Jason Henderson's speed paid off
'The third period started off With peace in after a pass from Mark Van Dooren from
.• the valley and the smell of victory.in the air; • Royd Deyereaux, scoring number three for
the boys settled down to semi -offensive -de- their team, Then Boyd Devereaux had togive
, : Pensive play. But again, 'where there's spark the fans some more action to cheer about with
,,, ' • - there's fire.' JaSort Henderson assisted by •some great • stidt-handling. He got two
Steve McInally revitalized at 8:07 to count the unassisted goals, one at the 4:16 .mark and
i : fifth and final goal of the genie; Seaforth won one with only 34; seconds left inthe game, to
• 5-0 over Warren, Michigan. •: Mint himself a well-deserved hat -trick
• It was great to see'that all moms and dads. Seaforth again won their second game of the
• of the fifteen players were able to make the tournament with a 5-0 score.
- , tournament, ' Even an aunt, a grandma, . , , •
• cousins and most:brothers and sisters came ' . GAME THREE
along to cheer. Throughout the game, the • Since the team ended up in first place after
, Seaforth fans certainly made their presence the round-Mbin, Saturday was a day off but-
- known. Spurred on by the:terrific play on the the boys were up again bright and early
ice. the fans cheered and chanted like never • Sunday, February 1 and met Warren, •
Michigan again in the semi-finals'at 8:30 a.m.
They were well rested and felt positive they
could beat this team again,
Mike Fhigill with a burst of speed scored an,
Unassisted goal early in the game at the 8:01
mark. Steve Mclnally rUShing, up from
defense scored Unassisted at the 2:13 mark.
' The face-off of the second period saW Jasoh
The face-off of the second period saw Jason
Henderson walk away With another for
Seaforth: Steve McInally at 4:55 and Boyd
Devereaux at the 4:20 mark, both with great ,
sticlt-handling, added points to the soire- •
, board. Then Jason Henderson, again unas-
sisted, countetinumber for,Seaforth,..Only.---
• Winthrop deserves: pat -on -back
. LADD'S RROO M BALL •" two teams would have drowned. We are
•' • • VW INTHROPO PARRLINE0 ' talking lack.of motion here. We are talking
• / • 7 Take a bow ladies from W inthrop. You ungraceful. But enough of that, I say. •
" . . certainly deserve to. The gals from the north, thiess who outplayed who during the first
south. east and west and other - places that period? The Commercial ladies, who have
i make up this team, astonished the broomball been horrible, were lucky not to be down a
.univerte by holding mortal Parrline to a 0 to 0 goal or three after the initial frame, and they
draw last Wednesday night. Nothing to nil? know it. . .. •
So what you retort. - Bev Shea's late first period score saved the
How exciting can a match be that doesn't club from a ridiculous embarrassment. They
• even produce a single score, you inquire. did, to their credit, manage to turn it around
• Well let me tell you, silly persons. These two ! in the last . frame and widely outplay the
..squada served up outstanding- netminding, Farmettes.
great passing and simerlathie defense to - 1 shudder to think what would' have
simply,, give us the finest ladies meeting of - happened had the opponents- been Queens,
• our dying regular season. Winthrop or Parrline. This is a team that
• Yes indeed, it was an inspired Winthrop' should be much better, ' •
group, that .took to the • ice this night. For the Junior Farmers it was a big Moral
Everything from Norah Eckert's solid, clever triumph. Unfortunately moral wins don't_
goaltending, Marg Flanagan's remarkable , count in the standings. It was undoubtably,
blueline play to Donna Arts' termite -like their last clearchance at a win this year. They
nibbling at the Parrline big house combined have come out each week to be thumped on
• to give Winthrop a more than equal billing in the scoreboard and do it somehow with
this .broomball play. dignity intact. The girls deserve the purple
It was Arts that nearly gave W inthrop a heart forgoing into battle unarmed. They get
shocking upset in the dying seconds. She my vote.
• punched the sphere towards the net and only M ENS BROOM BALL
. a splendid goadine save by Parrline ball EASY RIDERS 5 GRADS 1•
, stopper, Sandra Morrison, prevented Arts' • The Grads might. remind one of the jittery
squad going home with a stunning conquest. field mouse poking his nervous nose out of his
• , Morrison was very good in this game as she hiding place. While checking all around for
• had more quality shot S to handle including a . his abundant natural enemies, he neglected
• clearcu t breakaway by Liza Preszcator which, to take a peek at the sides. Just when the little
• ' of course. she took care of nicely. pest thinks its A .0.K . , a large owl swoops out
Meanwhile. at the other end. Eckert and of . the heavens and eeeeek! Lights out.
Flanagan -combined to form a line of defenSe Hittoryilxine.h time. Yum, ,um.
that Pardine just couldn't solve' this time The Easy Riders made like taloned hell
pall us for your custom slaudhterrng needs
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one ininute into the third, Boyd DevereaUx
assisted by Henderson added another to the
score, All the boys were determined to add a
point of their own to the board. Determina-
tion paid off • for Pat Gridzak when !Mark
McNichol and Jason Henderson assisted to
show 8-0 .on the board. But they weren't
finished yet. Boyd Devereauxcame back with
two unassisted goals at 4:47 and 1:02 marks
of the third.
Remember, all •you defensemen, just
because your name doesn't appear on the
score sheet, you still get a pat on the back for
helping keep, the: puck out of your end. The
third .game ended 10-0 for Seaforth over
Warren. .
The Championship Final in the Silverstick
Tournament saw Seaforth and Lucan out on
the ice. Lucan came on strong right from the
face-off, but it wasn't going to be that easy.
Seaforth livened up in a hurry and held them
off unti16:30 when Chris Hask,ett started the
scoring for Lucan. It wasn't until 1:55 of tbe
first that Mark McNichol assisted by Pat
Gridzak and .lason, Henderson tied up the
game. Both teams, evenly matched made it
tough for either team to score.•
At the .5:36 mark of the second, Jason
Henderson and Steve IVIcInally assisting
brought Seaforth ahead 2-1. Two minutes
laterJosh Appleman of Luean again tied the
• The third period remained scoreless for
both teams. It was a very nerve-racking
period, and fans could almost see the puck in
the net numerous times,.but the goalie just
wash't going to let it be. The final game, at a
2-2 tie afterthree periods, went into sudden
death overtime and Seaforth lost, out4o a
neighboring town (Liman) when Denton
Hackney scored 31/2 minutes in overtime.
Super genie players, coaches and fang. The
game couldhave went either way.
• around. What Flanagan wasn't letting
through (which wasn't much), Eckert was
posing a major obstacle to any scoring
advances made by the Red shirts. She wasn't
tested as sharply as her counterparts &tit
' came up big when requested. She also halted
a breakaway threat by Parrline's Sharon
' Whitfield, It was a stylish effort by both
• organizations. Both deserve an A.
You gotta know that after that first
swashbticlding show put on by Parrline and
Winthrop that ail else this evening would be,
shall we say, dull by comparison.
For the Queens, it was takin' care of
business as usuasi as they romped to a 7.0
whipping of an understaffed Perth -Misfits
O bunch. The Royal !wales have been the best
of the women's league in '87 but looked every
bit bored in Ong ,one.
• They held a trethendous edge in Play, but
for all intent purpcise.S, looked content to run
around the Misfits` end. It wavonly two to iviornson ati h d slngles
For the Grads, Craig Kerslake was the Ione
You could tell before the opening face off
that the Knights had other things on their
TW were indeed, fortunate 14 escape with
a tie against a tough Winthrop dub. It was the
second meeting in three games between the
two organizations and the Knights .should
kiss their lucky horseshoes in thanks.
It was a fast paded affair with a minimum of
whistles and it was easily the shortesfrnatch,
timewise, of the Season. .
Kinkora had three power play opportuni-
ties and, except for Joe Dorssers pretty extra
nian effort did not really threaten.
Brian Pryce connected` tor Winthrop on a
very tare backhand shot
• (Continued on Page A13)
froth the great blue yonder and pounced all
Over the Grads by a 5-1 toll last Thursday
night. •
It was another sloth -like beginning for the
losers and a past history of these relaxed
game starts came back to haunt them.
It was a mild upset of sorts, because the
Easies were awful a week earlier in a -match
against Kinkora while the Grads had been
rolling along nicely. Heck, the last time they
had lost a contest. Mulroney was popular.
When things go bad, they often have this
irritating tendency to be very bad. Murphys
law - sort of. Witness the Grads Ione
powerplay chance; two horrific passes sent a
pair of enemy Riders in on breakaways. They
didn't score but you get the idea of the losers
showing this eve.
ilvedifferent chaps produced the goals for
the winners,
Dick Robinson, John Bicknell, Ed Van
Miltenburg,- Rob McGregor, and Roger
• goose egg after the first and five final frame
stores gave us that 7-0 score and a truer
indication of play.
In fact, Perth didn't get a shot on net until
7 36 of that last period and it was Vicki
Nothgang that managed that dubious feat. It
was a slow roller that goalie Norah Eckert
• (her agaireh had little. no , and absolutelyno
trouble with.
So let's get to the scoring, okay!
Cheryl Kruse. Teresa galayson and Jeer*
ilaggitt had a pair each for the 'Queens.
13tenda tiripey had the other and set up
• three othei5 for a rather nice four point
If you thought the Queens vs Perth was a
tad uninspiring you shblitti have seen this
1 one,. We are talking -Gothic here. It's a good
thing the playing surface is frozen or these
We're so convinced that Honda:Is the best brand ori
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• Housing for
law -income singles.
Some of the units will be specific*
targetted to low4ncoine singles.O •
Organizations interested ins.ponsor,
ing such projects must submit their
prelimina* applications by May 1.5, 1982:
}lousing with
support seivices.
A portion of the units will be set aside for
groups interested in -developing housing
for people With support service needs.
These include physically, developmentally
or psychiatrically handicapped persons,
• the frail elderly, battered women and other
• socially disadvantaged persons.
• Groups interestediii developing this
O type ()Mousing are invited tn spetial °Aetna -
don sessions - to be held in rebniary'at each
• Regional Office of the Ministry of Housing. '
Frelinzinam applicctlions indicating
an intent to develop a hotaingproject
un'th support services are to be suinnitted
O by March 31, 198?E1gibWty depend1
"Mae degree dildhitture of eOrejiriVitled
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information and application packages,
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