HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-04, Page 8.--T.-T-7 - 'AB — THE HURON EXPOSITOB, FEBRUARY 4, 1987 Ping pong and badminton to go handinhand .- RECREATION BADMINTON will be held , . . • . Centres, every Thursday evening frorn 9 to 11 n7ECIIEATION PREVIEW . at the Seaforth and District CornnuInity p.m," Conte out for an, evening of fun and Participation, bring a friend, play on your , ' 'by Marty' Bedard ' . SPORTS own. The Community Centres'.min atiditor, „ rum will be blocked. off eVery Thursday . ‘ , evening for two hours. for a Recreational ' steps, and teach couples h� w to ballroom Congratulations to the SEAFORTH NO- • Badminton program. This program will be a dance: New couples, old couples - everybody VICE TRAVEL TEAM. They travelled to pay as you play set.up, With the fee being $2 is welcome, Come out for a fun and enjoyable • Michigan 'left weekend to play in the 61 6 . per person, The Recreation Department will • night. To register please call the Recreation. International Silver Stick and were finalists. • supply racquets and birdies- for those 'Office at 527-0882. ,.•Our boys lost to Dican 3-2 in, overtime. Nice . ' without. If the participation is good, and you • SHUFFLEBOARD WINNERS: Ladies:..try. Good luck in the playoffi, • . . .. ._ . _ ... WI1 1 A . will have - u. JO. ,4 . p. • : i . • ' Van. Bakel 30 Lookin for a SUMMER, • JOB? le ,a _ • the ping-pong table set up. For .mote Peggy Perkins 34.. .Men: Charlie Perkins' lifegu7 ".-PortElgin Reereation seg.", ' merit . ' information • call the Recreation • Office at 344, Lloyd Hoggarth 302, Lloyd Pipe 270: • will be offering aquatics courses for you to 5274882. " - • HEY SENIORS!" Are you looking for become or recertify yourself. Call 527-0882 W ant - to earn ow . 0,. ii • WV . e 'something else to do on W-e-dr—iesclarafteforrtioreinfOrmation. . " DANCE? Come join the Recreation Depart- noons while waiting to:play shuffleboard? Help the Seaforth " and District Ringette ment's Ballroom Dancing program by 'Lou ' At' the 1987 ' Senior Games CARPFF . Club celebrate' sttINGETTE WEEK on Satur- Morello. This program will start on. Thlu-s-BOWLING will be held, so Seaforth is going day, FebruarY 7 from 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. All day, February 12 at 7:30 p.m at the Seaforth - to praCtise. I will set up the carpet foranytine teams will be playing exhibition, games and, and . District Comniunity Centres, upstairs wanting to try this new sport. It wiltbe set-up the Jr. Belles will be playing' a mystery team. hall; Registration fee will be $30. per couple On Wednesday afternoons - come out and Come out and enjoy the fun. For More for a • nine week program. During the. nine - give it a try. Carpet bowling is 'just like lawn information please call Joan Wood, Presi: weeks I.M1 will guide you through all the bowling except it is indoors.. , : dent, 527-0184. • ' ' ;.- Seaforth Tweens record first ringette shut out e of year, win 774 - , ! . , -•'On the eve of Ringette Week, the Seaforth - Saturday night in conjunction with ringette season is on home ice Saturday at 1:5o p.m. • Tweens had their first shut outof the ,season • week against a mystery team at 8:45, free against St IVIanis. The play offs -will start the against St: ' Marys in St. Marys 7-0; admission. Their next and final game of the ' following Weekend. '... - ' In Youth BowlingCoUneil bowling this Standings this week are Warriors 51, first period and also received a hat trick in the Robbie Holmes takes high. single in YBC • ,Tracgy, Fortune wasthe net minder for the • second period, when she played .Wing. • Lisa Henderson Slamined three past the St. . week Robbie Holmes took high single at 162 "Flyers 47, British Bulldogs 42, Turbo Mary's goalie in the first period for a hat trick ' while Gary Glanville bowled. a 145. Robbie Chargers 40, Jets 39 and Strikers 36. then settledin net for the second. This was- also took :high' double "at 301 while Robin .. fine Rantam team N;'ill be howling in the , the fit -St game this year for these girls in net. Searrow hit a 256. High averages are Robbie ,Four Steps to Stardom tournament M Owen Jill Betties counted the other goal in the at 122 and Robin at113. Most improyed for Sound on February 22. These boys are, Robin • . Second. • ' ' the Bantams was kevin Barry. • ,Scarrow, Kevin•Langille, Gary Glanville and • , Assists wentiOStisanRoweliffe; Sara Teall - For the Juniors Kevin Dick took everything Craig Hairis. ,•• • ' • - • ,and Jill Betties. - „ • . with' a 165 single:, 328 double • and" -a 164 • . Outstanding defensive play warrants men - average. - • ,.. . _ Single representatives Will be bowling 'in Itioning For Rowcliffe, Janice Rodney, Melissa Seniors stars were Richard Love with high • Mt. Forest the same day. They are Bantam W hitmore, centre's, Keri Stanley and single at 250 and high average of 190, but boy, Robbie Holmes; Bantam .girl, Wendy Betties, • ' - - Scott Johnston squeezed in to take high triple Gridzak: Junior boy is Kurt Lindeman while The 'girls have a' fun game scheduled for .nt,625 and •mrist impfnVorl tor Jruprv.. . the Seniors is Scott Johnston,. • Jo, MUSCLIN' IN — The Seaforth Pee Wee All-star squad paid &visit to Mitchel! last Tuesday night to battle the Mitchell Pee Wees In the first game of the WOAA four -point -series. Seaforth opened a 4-1 first period lead, but had to settle for h 5-5 overtime with Mitchell. (Bader photo) Pee Wees tie first play off game 5-5 • On Tuesday night,"the Seaforth Pee Wees Brent van den-Akker with two goals and travelled to Mitchell for their first play-off Jason McNichol•with one goal Assists went game, The game ended in a 5-5 tie. - to Kevin NI cLlwain•with two and Sean NI elady • Scoring for Seaforth were Ted Sills and • and Steve Papple with one each. DI • ,. • .P111101111K: :$27-0240 Seaforth' JEWELLERS for — .. • *DIAMONDS *WATCHES *JEWELLERY .FINE CHINA *ENGRAVING SERVICE Gifts for every occasion All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL 1,A CONTRACTORS . SILLS AZ= Seaforth 627-1620 Papnting and pecoratieg ' Dublin, Textured .Ceilings Afiless Spraying Paperhanging . • Residenhal/Corn mercial- Industrial ' • Division of 805880 Ont. Inc." • . . GBAILEY8 • . - MILL STREET, HENSALL 262-2020 , • Specicilitts in Pulse COmbustion,Heating • .Lennox PultaFuraoces .Hydro Palle Pollan • • 51.aftwate central Alt catailtionIng . • I., WE'RE PROUD TO BE YOUR LENNOX DEALER . .....,_ _ _ BALL & FALCONER FUNERAL HOMES LTD. offering DIGNIFIED SERVICE at Box FUNERAL CHAPEL 47 High St, Seaforlh 527-1142 Funeral Director: Clarence b. Denamme .MCKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE •COMPANY • 91 Man St, South, Seafotili OfEce527-9400' • O'AFIV, HOME, ' • , COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES -ttilv* burst. 527-145e Bob NidNaugtitott 527-1571 Graeme Craig 887-0881 Banter & MacEWan Ihatitalide Brokers , , 61441116 SeittiAVISe Media& Bitikett •• Lid. „, . ' 482A401 FIX -IT FAST! =ExESZ§it or BUSINESS DIRCTORy 527-0240 SEW AMUSAVE • CENtikELIMtittO Sewing Piadfires tostallete Repairs to 811 makes 4FREE EttiMMIS • •ALL WORK dtiAtIANTEtt SALES Huattvailift, Wriffet SItIget,: • Eine, Iota of • uSecf mahines ivisarstabsiels. Vies • Closed Mondays • 140.1500/n1e St, • f2 doors south of Hui:kens]: STRATFORD THIS SPACE • RESERVED -FORYOU! CALL 5274)240 LOW • CONTRACTOR PRICES Full Selection Of WINDOWS -Storms -Replacement -New DonstructIon DOORS -Entrance Systems -Mirror & Patio ' -Aluminum Storms RESCREENING- PLEXIGLASS ALL GLASS WORK 'SALES -- SERVICE • hystA LLA VON D & D GLASS -Located In Vaiiitairt 482-7869 REG BADLEY CARPENTRY -Vinyl Eavestroughing RenoVations -Pole Structures , -Siding Pitt4E- ESTIMATES _ 6 BrionAGEN KKN CONSTRUCTION Liquid Minute Tanks • SoIidcr Waited Tape Barn Reriblialkiht. 14000 Foundations & Finished Fiona Dublin • • HURON TAX ' CONSULTING - SERVICES -Reasonable rates -Personal service '• -No Advance Payments -Registered 'rax Ccnsultant HARRY. DEN IMAN 52741557 DOMESTIC SERVICE for all • APPLIANCES AIR CONDITIONING COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION CALL VERBERNE APPLIANCE & AIR CONDITIONING 344-2262 „262,3101 HOME SHOP DAVID LONGSTAFF Ltd. Optician a/ Main St.S Staturth OPTOMEIR ISIS and OPHTHALMOLOGISTS Preserlptions Filled Promptly REGULAR HOURS: Men., Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 5:39 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Saturday Mornings 9-12 TUESDAY EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY COMPLETEOPTIcAL • SERVICE . 5274201, .Whititepaibey Funeral Horne CEMETERY • MON Wan ROSS VV. fli8E-Y Oiktffeitt atekiderro St. &lawn; , Phone 5274190 Sincere and • Courteous Service Expert interior & • Exterior Decorating Walicoverings Benjamin Moore Paints - Window Shades Hildebrand Paint & Paper Phone 527-1880 15 Main St.. Seaforth Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR • SERVICE JimBroadfoot 4824032 co-op Peed, Seed, Pertilizer Farm Supplies, Petteleutr tupplies, • Heating Oils Seafoi-th Co-op 527-0770 PAINTING EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR EXPERIENCE. • REFERENCES NIELSEN BROS - • SEAFORTH • 527-0603 FREE ESTIMATES SEAPORT''. • INSURANCE skim:ER LIMITED 59'sMeatifotiinst.,,s. •Home'Btsines • *FarrileAutti. egicklias At.cideitit8 alibi0161611ft 5271610 SEAFORTH ••• PLUMBING ands HEATING so 'dein Si HILL HOLMAN 521-0505 ,- Informative advertising helps lower the price of goods. . CANADIAN ADVERTISING • FOUNDATION FLANAGAN CARPENTRY •• cotioth Built. Hornes. Roofing and • Renovations Buildings PETER FLANAGAN • 527-1399 or "•••••o' Bus, 527-124 Rex, 5274 041 tit.' DEVEREAUX. Hitt, D.C. Chtroptdcfor fl sum St sektotifri. tri. Reit I • NEW Mow, ' 1:Ao-6:60 • tires,. Thurs. 8:30-12 3:30-8:A0 •ed.,Fri, Sat. 830.41 •