HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-04, Page 4• • ,,,,,,,,,,-erewon•e,M,..-.",...-.1.A-ar,,---fr,,,,•.'",vy'------ -----,----- -:- -. ' , - - . .. . . -- . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ,. . . , , . . . A4 -,THE.HVRON. EXPOSITOR, FEBRuARy.' 4, 1987.' • ' -''''''''''' ' ' tafildit Nirittiirtitt er•ttitletl • • Doug Elliott ' • . Harry DeOl4lien 96 Main St. S. 527-0420 Seaforth *N. . , 0 Do you bUy'y.Put—FIRSI? frorri bank becqueeit's cenvenient? • 0 Is your RASP just a tax Saving? 0 Doyou letyour 'bookkeeper:look after your. RRSP? CI Is your RRSP working hard for you? Or is it sleeping? • Ask us about our Bonus Interest rogiamtha! can Increase your RRSP DOUG ELLIOTT, B. Math earnings by up to 1/2% • . For a free assessment of your current •and .Past RRSP . and for *best rates Canada wide, drop in,and see us now. 521-0420 "For Best Rates Canada Wide" Oa!' Now and Avoid the February Rush Huron Tax ConsultuitSerinces • Reasonable Ratep •"4. Personal Services * No Advance Payments. • Registered Tax' Consultants • OFFIRR Applications Prepared 527-0557 FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL PERSONAL TAX RETURN Good from Feb.7-21,1987 900 D 7111ANG LE DISCOUNT.. chow Nice & Easy Hair Colour • .• Only Only • Alberto European • Styling • Hairspray 300 ntl 2 49 Only e Scope Mouthwash • 375 rnl plus 125 mi. bonus69 • Only* Beyer Aspirin 106 Tab 19 Only • Warnpole Smiles 60's Children Chewable Vitamins 269 Only "pi , Wliad Air • Freshener mpg Spray 89 41, Only. Plantar, Fry Roosted Peanuts 325 g. '199 Only Static Guard 110 g. spray 239 oniy 0 172 The Swan*. GedarIch • DOING THEIR BIT Cha.d:Verberne, left, took a turn sifting and his cousin Chris Verberne a turn stirring when theirclass made bread last week. The two boys.are,Grade 1 students at St. Patrick's Separate School in Dublin. Their teacher is Rita Core. They maile.the bread as a follow-up actiVity to the reading of the book, "The Little Red Hen." (Mclhitiraith photo) Seventables'in0110y1 cif K ofC euchre • St. Coliuriban Correspondent • , . • triRS. CECILIA RYAN • . • • , " 34520.28 ' • , The Knights of Columbus held their secOnd eutlire party on Friday evening in the Knights of , Calumbus. Half, St. Columban with seven tables in play. • , The winners were: ladies high, Rose • iiserrlo*TEileen-.-Sloartrinerk-highr-Steve Murray; low, Jerome Murray and the prize for the .most lone liands•went.to Joe Visser. • • Irlopefultyihir, weather wilt he better for the next game on Friday, February 6 at 8 p.m. in cthoehunKbrian.ights of Columbus hall , t :S . Everyone is welcoirie and lunch is pro- : • pEOPLE • Catherine Janossy of Mississauga spent a few days last week visiting with her mother Mary Moylan, ' ' " ! Don and Brenda Ryan, Matthew, Stephen ' • • arid -David of, Melbijume and. Clarence and , • Cecilia Ryan Visited on. Sunday with Gerry. and Karen Ryan and family. • Dori Moyfan returned home on Thursday • night from Santa Domino where .he spent, two weeks visiting with Father Frank • Moylan.. . • . Dave and Joanne Regier and family of, • • Kitchener and Leo andiviary Smith and Sonia • of Action visited on the weekend 40 Eileen Cronin and they also visited with Albert Cronin who is a patient in the • Seaforth: ' Community Hospital. January 24 Weekend, with his parents, Ron visited' On January 25 with Claire and Marie Oldham of Lendon. and Jeremy aid Delaine Cronin of Dublin Pte; Joe Ryan of Camp Bordeh spent the: Gerry • and Karen Ryan, Jason, Amanda : • and Mary Ryan. itchell Police Chief speaks in Staffa Staffa Correspondent MR.S..10 H N TEM PIEM AN 345-2346• Police Chief Bob Mitchell, was guest speaker at the .safety meeting of the Staffa W omen's Institute, hosted by Mrs. Bill Mahon, at her home Wednesday afternoon. • Chief Mitchell spoke on crimeproofing, listing many ways to crirneproot oneself and one's home, and how to take the necessary steps to ensure a safe lifestyle. Chief Mitchell was introduced by Mrs. • John Templeman, and thanked by Mrs. Bill Mahon. In the absence of the President, Kay Smale. Mrs. Templeman presided. opening with a New Years poem. the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Fifteen members township banquet served in the hall • in answered the roll call. ' December, and Mrs. Charles DouglaS,-Hazel Mrs, Bill Kerslake gave comments on hard • Harburn and Mis, Bill Mahon, volunteered to . hats and helniets. During business thank be a kitchen committee.. youS Were read from Optimist Home and the • Mrs. Bill. Mahon conducted a thought Perth County Children's Aid.' provoking quiz on Safety Signs. Information was read . by the ' secretary, Mrs. Bill Mahon, regarding the upcoming 90th anniversary of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, to be held in North Bay • from July 6 to 9, 1987. Anyone wishing an • application form should contact, Mrs. Bill Mahon. • • PEOPLE Members.also heard about the Safety.W ork Mrs, Rob Templeman and baby son, shop to be held in Perth. County on February Robert Cohen, arrived home from Stratford • 14. Fees for the workshopare $5 per person General Hospital on Monday. and anyone wishing to go should register by SpencerJeffery is recuperating at his home February 11. following surgery, after a fall on the ice while Mrs. Arthur Smale reported on the walking his dog. Following a review of the February meeting, the meeting closed with the singing of 0 Canada and lunch served by the hostess; - Mrs, Mahon, Mrs. Cameron Vivian and Mrs. John Templeman. Mind -of God is Cromarty church theme , Cromarty Correspondent R.(AING 345-2326 . Lucie Milne was in charge of the Sunday • church service in Cromarty. She spokepn the theme Tile Church and the Mind of God, noting people can become too attached to one certain minister or one style of ministry. The children's story was that of a frog who had problems learning to jump and to speak, , but was able to overcome them When his parents and friends worked and latighed with him instead of at him. Following the church service. lunch was enjoyed. It was followed by the annual meeting of Ctomarty Presbyterian Church • congregation., Rev. Milne of Mitchell. interim moderator for the Crornhenex charge. opened the Meeting with scripture and prayer Larry Gardiner was elected chairman and Ruth mg secretary. A moment's silence was observed in memory of Mis. Calder MeKaig, Mrs. Wm. 1)/tiller and Lloyd Miller. A motion was made to include in the minutes recognition of the • Rev. Kenneth Knight's dedication to Crom- . arty Congregation during his term of office: Reports from the following organizations were read and approVed: Session, Marian • Ritchie Evening Auxiliary. Women's Mis- • sionary Society. Ladies Aid, Sunday School, Cradle Roll Superintendent, Cemetery Board, Board of Stewards. and Crorrthenex ' Board. The session report showed one baptisin, one marriage and three deaths. Three I Hove your machinery serviced now and receive... *-REDUCEELLOWERLRATES. • * REDUCED PARTS PRICES. *I YEAR WARRANTY ON INSTAL -LID MPT PARTS. • *REDUCE PEAK SEASON. DOWNTIME. sciyoliiito your Mathinery today - Offer expires Feb 21. •*THIS OffER APPLIES TO OUR 17. POINT TRACTOR INSPECTION, - 65 POINT COMRINE INSPECTION & OUR BALER INSPECTIONo . . Russel:dale FARM EQUIPMENT Limited RR. . 1. MITCHRILL . W6641561/4iiitt ie as iaiketiefol PIL 22941975 • WOW' G0100Stliitlek memberships were transferred. The church treasurers reported that over $22,000.00vas raised with a current balance of nearly $6600.00. The sum of $3101.50 was sent to the General • Assembly • budget and an allocation of $3150.00 was accepted by the congregation for 1987. as was one of $539.00 for Presbytery and Synod dues. SLATEOFOFFicEits The nominating committee's slate of officers for 1987 was accepted as printed: Trustees: Gordon Scott, Otto Walker, Robert Laing: Auditors: Glen Elliott. Robert Norris; Cradle Roll Superintendent: Carol Ann Scott: Sunday Schaal Superintendent: Alice Gardi- ner: Assistant Superintendent: Cathy Elliott: S.S. Sec.-Treas.: Cathy Elliott: Record Sec.: Pearl James; These Days Sec.: Mary Elliott: library Committee: -Muriel Scott. Roberta Templeman; Cemetery Board: Larry Gardi- ner. Ivan Norris. Carter Kerslake, John Templeman, Gordon Laing, John Scott; Nominating Committee: John Scott, Gordon Laing, Jean Carey. Cathy Elliott: Board of Managers for 1 year: Gordon Scott, Elaon Allen, Pearl James: for 2 years: Joy Scott, Laird Huston. Isabel Kerslake; for 3 years: Front page contained An article which appeared last week on the front page of The Huron Expositor contained an error, The story, about a Seaforth man sentenced to eight years in jail. said co -accused Gary Melhuis, iva.s put over for a judge and jury trial, after the. preliminary, court hearing turned up insufficient evidence against Ina Mnlayscin, Ron Miller„ Richard Temple - A vote of thanks to Mrs. Larry Gardiner foil her work with the Sunday School was passed) Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Glen Elliott will bd _caretakers for the month of February or until the Board of Managers secures a new caretaker: Rev. Milne reported for the vacancy . committee and Cromarty Church agreed to enter into an interim ministry ran iect with' the Rev. Robert Johnson, Baden. Mr. Johnton will work with the congregations on a half-time basis, and preach two Sundays a month. Rev. Vane will remain as Interinl Moderator for the Cromlienei charge. The Meeting closed with the benediction by Rev, Milne. A Bible•Study group.is being formed with, Mrs. Milne as leader and the first session will • be held in the church basement on Tuesday night at 8:30. Margaret and Jeff Allen. Guelph. visited ,Sunday with her parents. Bob and Ruth Lain and Tom. A very successful snowmobile rally was held on Sunday by South • Hibbert Athletic SOciety, errant statement -That statement was wrong. In fact. the . accused was put otter for judge and jury trial bedause there was sufficientevidence against him, Had there not, the ease would"probably have been &missed. Our apologies for any iticonvertience this enol- Might have caused. • ,,,,, ....... ..... .... 1 FRESH CHICKEN 89 LEOS LBI. . mi FRESH PORK SPARE, RIBS • L8, 1 • STORE SLICED."‘k COOKED ..v Lg. . STORE SLICED RREAKFAST BACON LB, . . _ . - ..... i:31:1?filin* ."'N-Witi*,....•.: w•'4.::.:4m:W:::*:*p§.at..;.%..., • - --*:::. Pone W 1.'.•"l.rW-::ii6:ii:: •::::•ii.::Z:3i,iff::;13:iNi• ... t17,1440 rrAh Hook, RN. 10i 690' ittiStea tot SE, • fiettv you enjoy an indeOrtdelit retirement lifestyle RI/ICES D FEATURES • All endal, tiacks. • cmp ipttsh1t,Security • Laundry, houeekeeping • Private 4-ifitete bath • 24 -Hour Staff On Duty .4 RN or duty ., • Long tem, Short took vacation & cOnvalestent tare