HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-04, Page 3• • l'IM,"7).VI!",r1r.g":"If3";,,,,•:,--1,,,,••,•••••,' • • • ••• • - • • THE HURON EXPOSITOR FEBRUARY 4, 1987 A3 Tuckersrnith 'Township council completes list of aripointed officials for 1987 term • .. NV W IIM A ONE- , . Councillor Rowena Wallace', May Butt, ' Thernunicipal solieitor, McConnell,Stew- ' wieren of' Etceter and the anirnal- thiitIOU anti remote on part of lot 42, -plan 134 at. • rkkeestiiith TownshiP Couneil withite.eve :Barbara Hodgins, Rosemary Evans and Don art and Devereaux • Barristers, Drainage ()nicer is Hobert Argyle. ' ' -",' Vaiiastra. ', . " • . . Robert, Bell, RR 2, Kippen; Deputy,itceye, ,Voting, of, yanastra;• Vanastra Recreation Fughieer, RJ. ' Burnside and AsSoeiates, .Council ' approVed that the Township of • •• , "'.... ' ' • Robert aroadfootRR IBrUcefieldCouncilBoardall council members .. , . StratfOrd. Property Standards Committee: Tuckersmith will enter into diScussions with • ,, , Council endorsed the report of the I futon , ., ; - ,, • • • intii-tieorge Cante100,. RR 4, SeafOrth; 13i11 Council Members on, area fire boards: LJ 'Finiayson, , BR .3, Kippen; Henry the.,Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone Sy ConntY Planning DePartitent from their Ctirnochan, RR 4, Seaforth And „ Rowena Councillor RoWena W.Allace on Seaforth Fire Rinnendyk, Fd12, KiPPen and Harold Smith, . stem tor the inStallatitin of a -digital switch review .of the right to frirrn legislation. „: • Wallace, RR 4; Seaforth, has completed its 'Area Board.; Reeve Robert Bell on fiensall ' RR 4, Seaforth .. 4 . , lig ii( appointed officials for the 1987 term. Fire Area Board and Councillor George Township employees are as follows: fralt Page K2) (Continued ... • ' They 41re: fence viewers, .Emerson Cole- Cantelon on Clinton Fire Area Board. clerk treasurer Jack Melachlan, RR 3, . .. mon. RR 4. Sektforth :and Robert McNaugh- TheNeed Inspector is Joe Gibson of RH 2, Kippep; road superintenclent, Douglas Poul cornThPeorlipsgrolwtillys6aMdPoiwoyneseisi'itiol beeve)rynitlgoof4. . . the de ogni!'tishainVetht: tbealleaknSyhoole what at computers , . de ton: Itlik 3, Kippen; livestock evaluation, ' Seaforth.. • '. • . - ' ton, Egmonddlle; recreation director at ' Kenneth Ournochan; RR 4 Seaforth; Rea- • On the Committee of AdjuStment, „ Jim Vanastra; Diane Durnin; supervisor of baything that 'haPPens. It means 1 won't be are doing to our society. We're getting things • neth•Gernr011and ,AI lloggarth, hothof RR2 Papple, RR 4, Seafortb; Steve HathWell, "Care • Centre at . VanaStra, Cheryl , Nuhn; werking. With. dedicated . employees . like done faster and more efficiently. But ve, "KIPPeti,; PolnackeeperS. SeaRTRIMPIder- .,', YanaStra anC.I7Jack • Bell,' 11 pen-7eT-----!rile"---derfairriff7Jiiirce Alidrews; ptiblgirdiik".7` Cathy, ,Marlene, DiariarcTand ParwItetrtlie----ealwaYs-aSk-, at -what cost -Even farmers -ate ich Veterinary clinics; Seaforth I1bsPit0 ..draMage inspector. Deptityl.lfeeve.• Robert ers, James Knights Egmondville and Kenusing computers more and nioro. Take a look • paper is put together. Even though I only Board. Derwin Bannenhan, Eginondville; 13toridlobt; Seaforth-'17uckersmith Landfill Miller, . RR 4; -Seaforth ; recreation staff, worked with them two days a week; itqtill felt at your financial institutions stockyards, and qrforth Arend 13datdteounciflot-Bill-Carrto- Site -committee; Deputy Reeve -Robert Bread Brenda jarreit—vanastra—Dareard-std-f--aa-i•f-they--worked-every-dayr-eight--hotus4i graCerY-StliteS ne.3e-re-111.41Sillg,-COMpUtPis; • , • • Nes WOR1010gy is changing lite in the than , and ratepayer. Allan Carter, RR 4, foot and Councillor George Cantelon; Pat* , Nancy Sue Swan, Brenda Ftegier, Tenuity day. . • , ,' Clinton; Ausable-Bayfield Cokservation. 'Safety Board, Councillor Bill Carnochan. • •• Driscoll, Brenda lyfcavitt, Tracey Wilson and ., The computers are supposed to be installed • Workplace by leaps and, bounds each day.' Authority, Reeve • Robert 1301; 'Day Care • The appointed auditors are Diegel, Mal- Cheryl BlYdgessometime in April. Till they're in .Place; I'll While itseemed an impossibility 20 years ago • ' ' Board at Vanastra; Reeve Robert• Bell,colm and Hagey, Stratford. • ...The building inspector is 'Berman Van. make the host of the time -remaining with computers have become a fact.of life. ' . . . . , . • . . . , . ,.. . _......, .._ . . . . • hy've,:got Ilegt and they. know how to use- them"- kick for funds ,.•• - • The Seaforth-Mitchell karate club put its kick-a-thon, and the•bake and rummage sale prograins: 'and possibly, even some weight scheduled and offered to the public. ,The Anyone whiiiveuld like further information " . iiiiMired skills to good use last week. The scheduled for later this month, will go to pay training,' he said.. ' 'karate club currently operates Tuesdays and about thisMartial Arts club can contaet Mr. • club had its members kicking for two hours 'the rent and taxes 'on the new "studio, The club's new location is expected to be. Thurday nights in Seaforth and two other 4M8a21.1507ch3uatt night during the day; and Thursday night in an effort to raise funds. .• which is really a very renovated "Linskis" ready for use by March 1; and during the . nights in Mitchell: . • opening days wili probably be open from -late , ' .. , .:,. . ' ' • Approximately 40 members between the restaurant. , - , . ... ages ot six and 40 took part in the kitic-a-thon, Once the renovating — some painting, afternoon • until approximately to p.m. at. 1 • •-;,,• .. - - „ . the purpose of which was to .raise enough " resurfacing the floor and turning one wall to ' night As things progress hoWever, Mr. ' money to allbw a sizeable donation to the Man mirror is done, the Seaforth Club will be the Malloch expects the club's hours, to be . . . . in Motion campaign. and still finance some of only permanent club in the area: • ' longer, as more and more •daSSes :are . the club's special projects. W hile' it will cater to the needs of the. • ' . • . Members collected sponsors. then in two already50 members of the club, Mr. Matlock ' " • - '.' , , ...shifts performed as- many consecutive kicks says be is hoping the club. will ' be able to over waist -height in a one-hour period, , • . expand and offer new avenues to the public: . • • "The people were keen." Said club "W„e are a martial artsclub, but we hope to ; .. instructor Rob Malloch. • ' be able to offer self defense -to kids, aerobic W hat .happened Thursday night wasn't - , me at all. It was the guys in the club that made . it. Theresponse and the support I. got Irom • the guys and the parents was phenomenal. I wouldn't even have had to have been there at all."' he said. : : But response to Thursday's fundraising •- event is onlya small indication of how well the '.club is being received by its members: ' After tittle overone yearof operating ant of • the"Seathrth and District Community Cen-- ' ties. this dub will open up its own "studio". ' on Seaforth's Main Street. An entirely non-profit club.all- money raised 'through special events such as the 4 • • TOTAL CONCENTRATION Zanye Has- son of Seaforth was one of the participants in last week's Kiek-a-then. (Mellwraitti phbto) f • . Mk KICKS Ray Conti:Rs performed a variation of kick t Thursday when the Mitchell-Seaforth Karate Club held a kick-a-thon to raise funds for Spinal Cord research. (Mcliwtaith pribto) Locals celebri terin February 2 - Pebttlary 9 is Ringette Week and although the week has it's ettieild .designation ;the sport 'itself will continue throughout the winter- months providing • Much eiljOyfrietit forgitls of all age& Ringette it a unique learn Sport played on ice and it was developed especially fat girls Many people compare it to ice hockey tit Boot hockey bbt after obSertirig your hist J-11..4.06 game you will see that thiS,ganne has.tilies Of its own. - flingette -Wi ASinvented right hete itt Ontario, Nottli Bay ha be exact in 1963. In the last 24 years it hat, undergone many chanes to ease the gr wing paingtharare so often a problerhWithdeffeleping games. At thestime time the game liar Sitread in popularity right around the WOrld. COMpetititint now range from !heal events right through to regional, national and international levels', Who knows perhaps ringette be an Olympic event in the future?' Before ringette was developed th' ete IVAS really no. only" team sport that could be played in the winter. GitiS, that Wanted to participate in Wint4 sports had to resort to individual sports likeskiing or figure Skating, dr play 'on' a girl's ice hockey team with Modified rules, Even bitOroball was a mere fledgling sport when ringette wa's inyenten. —siesseileeirealleat etteLweeki•- • Ringette tido? pitiVideS girl's 01 trIf ages with game they tttt tit their own. ht Seaforth trod area the -Seafertti and Distrid Ringette i•issOciatibn" is an organization that ptifdAtbig the planning, coaching, funding and all the elates needed te allow local girls the &ani partieipatein ringette ki the last iittinber of years many girls of vatsring ages have enjoyed the sport and Many parents and other Volunteers have worked hard to provide the opportunity. It is not an' easy task. Teams need equipment, coaches, referees, and the Most experishre of all ice time. Sponsors are a great help but More often than not fund raisin is a must. The local ringette association has held Minn -age sales; bake salet, raffles -„And of course the ever ritiptitat biannual faltiOn show. 11ttle is spent attending teaching clinics. eteeifi, sod, haft. and organizational rileethigS, Like arty ritgaiiiptitin the net**, of liattlWdtkifig peOple keep the- the, alive At a Sped:A-kir Sport. ringette has not yet come into its owri. take teeny Sport9 11. is trill& chore fun to oak theft lit Wadi. gteategt percentage of tingetta f> -in the Stands, a parents' of playett-tibt -many thefirtt fetirgairieS-watched rilosfieeitt 'Onto** and there is always a tendency to tot -00W thiS unique With the fee spittt, Mete fttthiliar to us. The ringette OS:Sedation. On a national level is Working at improving the gait* kohl a Site-dataStand point tit efitiatiage;fair trippOO and greater interest by theritiblidattatge. If you've never Seek a game vv.* ittit Vigil the local nnk this Week and Cheek it out'? YOU will bepleagatitlY sutptise-tt to see the skins', the ape:AS-Mail- ship. the team work,. and the fhb that young girls in the Seaforth area Alt enjoying through ringette. Gaine tirneg ate listed in the I'MMum-lay Calendar. It's tingette week so crime out and Support your local teaim • „. • , - JUST PRACTICING— Five-year-old Nicholas Bayley of Hensall was net a participant in the Kick -a -then held Thursday at the Seaforth and ()Istria Community Centres, but he wat, inspired by the event. (Ntellwraith photo) COMMUNITY CALENDAR 11 yOu're organizing a non-nrofit tivent of Interest tej other Seaforth Area residents, phone the recreation r 2•703882 or the Expositor at 527-0240. or Mail the information to Con ender, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seatteth, Ontario, NM< IWO welt in advance of thescheduled date. Space for the Community Calendar is titillated by The Huron Expositor. Wednesday, February -4 9W-10:30 a.m. Fitness is Vbil at Mena MOMS And Tett Skating I :30-4 p.m. Senior Shulftehoattl and Carpet Bowling 4:30-5O p.rti. TiVeett Ringette Practise 515-5:45 p.m. Dance 3-5 yrs. 545-6:45 p.m. Dante 6-10 yrs. 620-6:20" pv,iti. Atom 1 vs Mitchell - Playoffs 6:30-1:30 tik.ni. CefiterfaireS PrattiSe 7:30-p.rn. Mitibr'Briabtriball 8-10 p.m. Mixed Volleyball At ThghStho�l 9-12:30 a.m. Mens and Ladies moball Thursday „ February 5 • 1:30 p.frr. The Seaforth Happy Cititeris No. 365 Will be holding their regular Meeting in the Legion Halt 4:15-5;15 p.m. Atom Pit -t1 515-6:15 p.m.Ba9tan-1 Praetis-e :3O p.nt. Miner Bitotilliall 1:30-12:10 Merit Brothriball Friday, February 8 9:30-10;10 A.M. PitheSSts Ptift 4-5 pim Senior Ilouteleague - 5-6 pin. joiner tiraiSeleaglie piiiiotce Piattite- 7-8 p.tit, Petite RingettePractite 8:90 prn.CeliteitaireS :Metal . Didtithe &n&. titang6hall, eint- . tan, Usit by titighie Racigas, Lictias • please tig.sandwieltes. Sattirday„ February 7 7:30-100 a.m. Cariadialit,"Vt• Oilet* 8:36-9:10 arm BrUinSvsNaar Stait 9:30-10:30 a.tn: Leafs vs Flames 10:30-11 30 a.m. Whale 't Ala • 11:30-12:30 p.m. Penguins vs Plots .12:30-1:30 p.m. Mites 1:30-2:31) p.m. Tweeri tungette . Vs bt,., Marys Saturday coned 1:1:215 Story flour at the fibrar-y 2:344531i p.m. Olititnst Tourney 'IV' Final - Clinton vs Land -telt 3:30-4:30 p.m. Atom Playoff if tik * 410-6 p.m. Bantam vs Mitchell,- Playoffs 6-5 p.m. Midget Playoffs if nec. .8-10:50 p.m. Ringette Special Games Sunday, February 8 -• CotiterranitsBrussolt 5-6 flirt Petite Ringette vs Gederich 64 p.m. Jr. Belle Ringette vs Huron Park tit Canadians vs' Btitilit • 10640 15.M. Flyers VS fiarigert IVIonday, February 9 . 4:30-It5lb p.tit Figure skating Tuesday. February 1.0 2 p.m. Seafdith Verrietes itiStitite wiul - thee at the holt* of 11-re1rria Date. 6,:h...6:3015,01. Pet WO Pit (lite 3:30-8 Olt BanthISPIttyoffs 3:311 Celiterialret Vs Clinton 8 p.tit Ifittpital Auxiliary meeting in. hasplatV_Alen ti7e, card. t Speaker Nancy Ilatiiiffe 0 if A fitieniter's &Sege.: Wednesday, ebruary 11 0. 0 a.m. t1tne9 *f4 frAit. Meths and. 'r'ots Skating :304 p.m. Safer Shlittlebilard arid Carpet Sowing: • 4:30-3;34 p.in; l'weert ttingetta Practise ft.ril. Dance 5-5 yiS. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Danee 6- 1 0 yit • 5:30-6:30 p.m. Atoin Practise 6:30-7:30 p.m. Centenaires PrActise 8 p.m. Seafm-th HOrticultitral Society Meeting, Seaforth PublicSchoof.Speaket, Trith,terrion. Everyorie •