HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-02-04, Page 1Births,. /A16.
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BroombaU tournament a success. See page A7'
Serving the ;communitles
and, areas of Seaforth,
Brussels, Dublin, .Hensel)
and. Walton
50 cents,a copy
Plans go
Under consideration for a timber of years •
a renovation program for Seaforth Commun-
ity Hospital to provide. improved hospital and
health service to the community is now under
way.. •
Approval' for the basic program; including
- renovations and new construction which
amount to $1.800,000, was received from
Health Minister Hon. Murray Elston, M,P.P,
Huron -Bruce last year. Since then the•Board
has.named Kyles, Garratt and Marklevitz of
Stratford as architects for the project.
Consultants are Agnew Peckham of Toronto
• who acted in that capacity when the present,
hospital 'was built in 1963. On several
occasions since then the firm -has carried out
studies of the hospital role in the community
and made recommendations asr•to how best
they could- be met, The . proposals were
updated in 1984,
' "For some years the board has 'recognized
improvements to the hospital facilities - •
particularly in connection with out-patient
and emergency facilities have been re-
'quired;" James Etue; Board chairman said
and added that with completion of the present
program he was"satisfiedthat not only Would"-
• the public be better served but that pressure
on the, medical staff also would be eased.
improved facilities also could be the means of
attracting locum tenens to staff. the emer-
gency and out-patient areas en ,a continuing
basis. Mauch of the complaint concerning
accommodation . that recently has arisen
regarding the out-patient facility, would he
eased. he said.
Planning for updating the hospital plant
and the addition of needed facilities has been
under way since 1972 when Agnew Peckham
prepared a master program for the hospital.
The present project will incorporate many of
the proposals advocated at that time as well
as other requirements recommended in an
updated Master Plan prepared by Agnew
Peckham -in 1989.
The reports saw the Seaforth, Community
Ilospital continuing as a typical community
hospital but with increasing emphasis as a
community health centre with at ditional
communtiy services. included in this would
. be provision of a professional building
adjacent to or in conjunction with the
hospital. This is seen as' a means of relieving
pressure not only for the medical and hospital
staff but also In the provision ,of emergency-
Planning for professional accommodation•
as a feature of the present program is under
way and details being worked out between
the medical ' staff,: the hospital and the
architects and consultants. Fred Tilley' who
heads the. building Committee said' other
features planned' for the project include a
mental health clinic and an enlarged
,physiotherapy department, increased x-ray
and :laboratory. accommodation. In addition
the present fire.alarm•system will be brought
/Up to. date to reflect requirements introduced
in recent years and to ensure it complements
the system that will be installed in the new
addition. Consideration also is being given to
provision in .the future of accommodation for '
extended care beds on the hospital site with
complementary geriatric services.
•The program will include necessary
increases in various hospital services to
reflect the additional demands of the new
'facilities and services, The road pattern and
parking, requirementrare-being•reviewed:
Financial details are being worked out and
will be arrived at shortly according to Marlen
Vincent who heads the committee.
Based on an approval of $ for the
project the ministry Will provide a two -:thirds
grant amounting to $1.200.000. • Additional
grants are assured for special projects such as
the fire alarm system. According to hospital
administrator Gordon McKenzie it is antici-
pated there will be Huron County support
particularly since Seaforth has not benefitted
from any Huron capital assistance -since the
present hospital was built in . 1963. Mr.
Vincent added while amounts had not yet
• been determined itis expected the public will
be asked to cooperate in raising the
difference between grants and the project
Mr. TiIIeysaid the building committee was
meeting on a weekly basis 'to ensure the
program was being advanced as quickly as •
:sible. until basic plans are determined
..,gyre precisely, it would not bp possible to
suggest a starting date Tor actual construc-
tion, he said, •
THIS IS THE WAY WE.....When the Grade 1 students made
bread last week everyone had a hand in the preparations. Here,
Jeff Van Bakel, does some Olney mixing while two. classmates,
Nicholas Vink and Linda Vlsser watt their turn. The exercise was
a follow-up to the reading of the book, "The Little Red. Hen_" •
(Mcilwralth photo)
ctif2ENS LtybeE coM1 LA1NT _ A petition Was circulated ahiong Main Street trierthatita
last rek, to The have
e town is f et is take
Stiffer a resent d rest people Mid hang out on the Street
' g
.p p. to Oral and to the local police
dependent. - -' (Mcllwraith.photo)
Merchants want
A petition that asks town officrialss to take
more drastic mea'su'res to relieve the problem
, ` 'et rnlaiera was o
of kids Banging out vii sire
be presented
to the towns
Persons and Property Committee last eight.
Approximately 45 Main Street tnereliantti
tired of having their establislithents used as
lounging posts" by local youth, signed the
petition, which was circulated last week
We've been ptitttng tip with it tery'eats,;`
Saki Linda Goffar. of Bauer 'Travel.
el- the kids Stand right ut .our
deoi= waysd people cant get in and they'can"t
get out. It's really; aggravating, The'ianet'age
is quite bad. and they,leave behind' --A I'S"' of.
garbage� They pick the paint off the side of
the _.
e u
ildings they have brokenourrailingp
hVlmber of hetes arid: they have scratched,._
p broken our front *nide*. I
spit on, and even
consider all those things vandalism. But
we've been yelling torso king, and it' has done
"absolutely no g6o
"Its a definite detei?ent to business;..
iii bell of Cain -plied s Horne
Charlie Ca p p
Centre '
`A lot of clientele are 'very nervous about
going by large groups, and, what the
merchants would like to see are some
changes. Hopefully the petition will Urge the
town and the police to take a closer look at the,
bl and mak effort to control 'the
vandalism the obscenities and the hanging
outs'! he said.
It'shot a very good advertisement for the
Main Street,'' sale another me%clialit, rho
if d for feat' of
identified asked not to be ,
'It doesn t rfivite you to corrie down Main
Street. W ho Wantsto gointo auyof the stores;
Whet" iliere are guy's Ott the stairs or the door
ways -'r
-When 1 was a kid ore used to have a
curfew. At 9 p.m, t`ltey'd ring a bell and any
lad not accompanied by an adult Would have
-tdgetetttheMa 'Str et.MUfaybethe-yshould:
--tnng that back" ,
In add tion' to their concern about the
town 'roj -ted bythe
negahermage;�f the to P jec„
"hanging outs' and the mess they leave
behind, Me'r ';,atttsafealso afraid they pose
danget',topeo'plewalking on the IVfain Street
They are bloating the sidewalks a1id
that's' dangerous Someone could get hurt,
The elderly people c6tild conte afnuhtf t ie`
corner" and run into their- tricycles Or
SnolOilebiles, said Mrs. Goffar:
tfifortunately though the consensus to
tdwfl is that it has always been this way, and
thatitlCvillalwaysbethis Way. Well, whydoes
it Kani'e to be this way9"
(belches final settlement
The Huron County Library Board has
.reached a settlement with its chief.
librarian, accepting a proposal'that called
for his immediate resignation and salary
' payments extending to September 30 in
lieu of notice.
The board unanimously endorsed a mo-
tion ata closed session following its Jan. 27
meeting that said although the library
board and council was prepared to work
properly and productively, it was in its
best interest to accept a proposal from Bill
Partridge to resign forthwith and that
salary would he provided by the county un-
til Sept. 30. The board will also provide a
letter of reference Mr Partridge.
Paartridge has effectively terminated his
employment with the county and final
terms of the separation are before the
lawyers. Partridge said he will hand in a
letter of resignation.
"There are a few detailsleft to be work-
ed out between the lawyers," he said. •
"These things, hopefully, have some 'up'.1
will miss Goderich' and some close
Library board chairman J.B. Robinson
said the severance was completed under
"amicable circumstances" adding that it
was not in the board's or Partridge's'best
interest to have him work until June 30, a
term that was previously discussed by the
"He hasn't actually resigned but the
matter is finalized as far as we're concern-
' ed;" he explained. "We did not ask for a
resignation. We've been in the Middle of
this thing all along and it's been difficult. l
think the matter has been • handled
satisfactorily for all concerned."
County administrator, Bill Han1y,• said
Pavr•tridge's employment was terminated
as of Feb. 1. The county will pay Partridge
a Lump sum of $26,197 as per the terms of
the separation agreement.
The motion passed at the board meeting
was endorsed by Robinson, G.D. D'Arcey,
Dave Johnston, Warden Brian McBurney,
Isabel Elston, Janis Bisback and Martina
Huron County Council meets Thursday,
Feb. 5 at 10 a.m. and the matter will be
brought before the entire council. The•
library board will meet again, Monday,
Feb, tl in the council chambers of the cour-
thouse at 10 a.m. '
The. Expositor: is not leaving Seaforth -
Huronto talk on the Street The Seaforth in the waythe newspaper is put together, biit in Goderich.
lLscpositor is not leaving Seaforth, • will not cause any changes in the way the Headlines too, can be prewtitten, and
last week, Signal Star. Publishing, which news is covered and.ot written up. The stored on the disk, and if too long or too short,
owns•seven weekly newspapers in the area, newspaper will still be located iii Seaforth and
including The lacpositor. decided to move news events will still be attended by a local Merely run through another machine whichwill magically shrink or enlarge them,
production of the Iotal paper to Goderich reporter, aril reports written up from inside , Customers will still without the hassle of+retvfites. •
doing Mais~h irn il1y Toe reason fdr be abExpositor
e toplace an ad, d op off a news article, newspaper merely In effeet, means tthe he coniine of age
doing this was prfrr,arily economic; roduction of the
call or .just drop in to the offfee. of the Seaforth Expositor. Machines which
But there will be changes. are growing antiquated will be finally put to
No ldngerwill the reporter have to type the rest and more modern and more ettiet'ent
storiesontoilewsprintthen hand them over,to machines already inuse t5ythe htajotityofthe
another party to have Wen' typeset for the weekly newspapers in the province. will be
newspaper. instead the stories will be typed used to their best advantage.
On a Mini disk terminal, the disks stored, then
run through another machine already in use
Of the Seven newspapers owned by SSP
The Expositor is the last to move production
to Goderich, although the movehas been
something that has been contemplated for a
number of years; ever since SSP purchased
the newspaper from AA'. Mcteari in 1982.
The Move' will mean a number of changes
1�reaman is appointed
ministry general manager
Centralia College of Agricultural Techriol- streamliner the delivery of quality education
am> p5iricipal Doug Jamieson is in tine
,_._.._..._ $ programs," said!tido;lvti'u'e out, execs
ppo ecation . programs director of the Ministry's education and
appointed the Crrrt Ministry et gnetil- research division- a rings withhim
generalmana erfdrthe
•A similar change in the production of the
paper took place in the early 1900s with the
advent of the linotype. Up until that time
there had been approximately 25 typesetters
employed by the paper. for the purposes of
readying news articles for printing. The
arrival of the linotype meant the task could be
performed with a' Lesser expenditure of time
and-orenergy. Afterthe linotype came things
slowly progressed to the current mode of
production. Bttt with the advent of even rrtere
sophisticated Means of production. it is time
A 1f b ' ,. once again for the Expositor, to bow to the
and Food: Mi. irtiesOn liVes t- of several years of expen'enoe`-as-an-assistant wheels of progress:
Seaforth- agricultural representative lecturer at two The hope is. that with the new means of
The new "position, feechtli tended by a ricultural colleges and adn%inistrative production. in time, what the public will See.
ministry-wiide educational task force, will expelled& as Atetlege principal,'"•is a better'tBan-ever Huron t tpositor.
td -ordinate all ministry educational b-
pains and adrnimster aI' educahoii
g I�
`The appo»itment of air education pia -
'o attend -small business
grains„ eneraf rnana errs the in aseries .` by
g g e
of steps we plan to `take to increase our se rte i n a r hosted BIA
eDepllasis ori education,` said Assistant otcu'rmcluditf` atoilf >,'
Deputy Minister Clare Bennie. "The .task The Seaforth and District Cofnmunity ., _ _ ,,, g ree hot line det' to
itt e ' .. needs of the" �._ ". Centres .was the sitting. last Wednesda handle a most Common
force examined the various ,.,.._. .,.::_?` . ,,.. _ .. �..:. _. piichilliris tJlat
- p eople beginning or operating a• . sili'ail
Client -8 of the Ministry, our current progi'ayns night fora Small Business Seminar resented p
aqd '"--• ices " . •by .the Ministry of Tiidtistry,. Trade and buSiti'ess may`encounter. .
Mr. Jamieson, wiio' Joined -the nuniktty m Technology in cooperation` -With-the TOW Along itr p'eFson"nneliivin filie 1Vlimss of
at Cep " Business im rovement Association.
principal • D gV
f463, has been nnci altralta College'
r ` e neo le attended the two-hour` indust Trade and Technolt ,there Were -
Since 1979. His new appomtmentr base�hat Ove , P , P local represenfatnf s from the banks, ..,We
the' Guel h A .".culture' Centre'- is effective seminar designed to give• small business BBIA, and the Mainstreet Co-ordinator Tom
P "
..anuary 5, 1987. hopefuls mtormation on subjects ranging Leyn'oh, alt who indicated their , wish' fo
Nein Liskeard 'Coll; a of A g ricultural from' financing to Iegal termntelogy .and provide assistance to area residents interest-
1`e'chi oro": 'riiici ' thlilliarn (Bill)) Allen has almost everything in between. ,; ed` in getting into bii'siness for limitSe1ves.
beech "pointed rifler alof Centralra.Colle a Those whd attended 'received kits contain ,-,..,. - ,.. , ,
,•,civ ,,a 11 _,l ,.. i Dr ion, s beginning a Itwasavett'practicalsefiiinar. said!tir:"
effective Ma ], t987. m the interim, Dr. mg information helpful to those beg g
Violet Currie, assedate principal and head of new business, purchasing an existing busy Lemon
franchise: There was also itia5 geared at anyone' who even at the'
act foods technology section at. CCAT, is tioinfo or leasing a back :of their minds have thought of small
acting. principal for the college; „ information and application forms forgovem- business. This is a great- way of getting that•
I m pleased that Doug Jameson Will be mentfunding•thatispresentlyinplacetohelp idea rornofes With all' the of gece people
heading up this •hew 'focus in agnctiltural the entrepreneur get off to a good shirt. P
education. He will begin implementing the Important phone numbers` were noted �o available the seminar provided a good forum
recommendations of the task force to help arising problems could be dealt with as they for answering any questions-"