HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1987-01-28, Page 9• .: APARTMENTS FOR RENT 31. NOTICE LARGE One bedroom apartment in quiet' ' WINNER of the Winthrop Monthly Draw - • adult ,-building, includes. frig and, stove,.' Merton Keyes, V C R,; Cathy; Nigh $25:00. available immediately, Call 527-1379. • 31-04=1 26-50-tf •_ ELIZABETH COURT APARTMENTS 1 a Ut I t es in ud eavaid. Located at 176 Oxford St. Hensel) *Askabout special bonus Phone 262-2846 THINKING OF SELLING YOUR! HOME INTHE"SPRING? FIND OUT WHY 'YOU SHOULD-•. DO .IT: NOW Call' MARIE SUTHERLAND . for Free, No Obligation Market Value Analysis of Your Home Today. 527-1931 OniU0/01 r� U � jJ t i I 1 oe ALL POINTS REALTY LTD. Member, Broker Member Huron Real estate Board Multiple Sistine System WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL'McNICHOL 527-0089 NEW .LISTING:- 2 ac. country home, scenic 3 bedroom home, 2 mi. from Seaforth ..$51,000._00. NEW LISTING: 20 acres of bush, small. creek. Ideal retreat. 11 CHURCH ST.: Good value in this 4 bdf.00J�1, t#cstoreyi,ltor a $ _,„.41�' rerAVVI .trCkiectk'o`ii °'t 's"'au'te 3 ' bedroom bungalow and you will find a very spacious home with full finished basement and So much more. 3 BEDROOM brick bungalow, highway, location, 2 mi, from, Seaforth, inground .pool, garage, electric heat, much more. 5 ACRE building lot near St. Columban. 524,000.00: • LARGE commercial building, Main St. location. CLOSE TO UPTOWN and priced right, 3 bedroom frame home in excellent condition. 542,500.00. S. MAIN ST.: 3 bedroom bungalow, garage, close to uptown. EGMONDVtLLE: 2 storey brick home, completely and tastefully decorated ' throughout, large lot, garage, Must be seen, INVESTMENT PROPERTYI Try this duplex 1 block from Main St., excellent condition. S25,000.00: 3 bedroom 1% storey home, 2 blocks from uptown. BRICK BUNGALOW: 3 bedroom, full basement, attached garage, excellent location, close to uptown. LOOK AT THIS: 15 ac. vacant land, dose to Seaforth, S ACRES: in McKillop, 2 Storey brick 4 bedroom home. Paved road. S9 SEAT RESTAURANT: and take-out. Call for details. COLEMAN 51%,14 bedroom frame home Oft a double lot. 07,000,00. WILSON ST,: Excellent . 4 bedroom, very modern, 570,000.00. AUTO BODS': . Repair shop, very modern shop' with or without all equipment. inquire. REDUCED: 575,900.00 10 acres,. 2 storey brick house, 2 shed's, pond, very nice. BUILDING LOTS: We have a very good selection of lots in Seaforth, Egmonville and area. Call for your choice. & COUNTRY PROPERTIES HULLETT-TWP.' • AC, hog. operation, 450 capacity,' Hulled Two. $79,900.00. LAYERS: Modern operatlori,. 8700' quota, 50 acres, fine 4 bedroom brick home. 100 AC,: 92 workable, 56' x 10R' Shed, excellent (table home, very scenic. 5110,000.00. • ' MCKILLOP TWP. 100 AC.: Good house, shed, barn, near Seaforth, - 3.50 ACRE PARCELS, no bulldfrlg5, filed 565,000.00 each. IDA AC. of hardwood bush. 519,900.60 50' ACRES: Systenfatically tiled, n'o buildings. 'Reduced, 555 000.00. 115 ACRES: Partially tiled, no buildings Reducer', 5150,000.00 75 ACRES: NO buildings. 5120,000.00. 69' ACRES: No buildings $55,00000. 51 ACRES: No buildings $85,00000. 150 AC.: 140 workable, brick kin*, excellent financing availabl'e'. GODERICH TW'P'i 00' ACRES: Near Bayfield, Tice hiSh' with spring creek,, $680000. • -A,ny-Seat rth rntr.pa)ier•intprP.tPd -in serving as the TOWN REPRESENTATIVE on. the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, please contact the Town Clerk's Office by' 'Friday, January 30,, 1987, LUANNE.PHAIR, BA, AMCT Deputy Clerk 34. AUCTION' SALES RICHARD _LOBE Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR AUCTION SALE Of construction: materials', and equip- ment to be held at the Jacob .Auction Centre, 185 Herbert Street in Mitchell, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31st AT1:06PM. 'INCLUDING: Dewalt radial arm saw, HiISi hammer drill; Rockwell eight Inch' skil saw; Milwaukee worm type skil saw; bench grinder; 101/: ft,. aluminum brake, electric heaters, cement• wheel- . barrow; Rigid pipe threader and cutter;. heavy duty 32'ft. aluminum extension ladder; six horsepower gas motor; steel - off ice teeloffice desk; steel shelving; Underwood electric ' typewriter; • new and used hardware; new airtight .stove; panel moulding; legal size filing cabinet; new bathroom fans; coloured plexiglass; layin ceiling tile; 'eighteen sheets . arborite; . nine full sheets of Y4' inch arborite; electric motors; • inside and outside doors; aluminum storm win" 'doves; new trim; two double hung windows; eight ft. fluorescent light fixtures; floor tile, and miscellaneous items. Consignments welcome, Calf 271-7894. DOUGLAS JACOB 271.7894 and WALLIE'ROSS 839.5077• AUCTIONEERS• • 1 37, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of RAY McKINNON All persons having claims against the Estate of Ray McKinnon, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, who died on the 4th day of December 1986 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February 1987, after which date the assetswill be distributed having, regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 6th day of January 1987. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX ,Barristers & c., Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 38, SERVICE DIRECTORY fuel Oil Furnace 24 HOUR SERVICE Repair and Cleaning. Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 3452320. LOSE WEIGHT NOW -Safe and Effective -All Natural Products -NO Calorie Counting -Naturally Suppresses Appetite -100 percent Money Back Guarantee tC(55T 1d'tR5 1N 2 WEEKS CALL BARRY 527=03'73 HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Every Thursday at 12:30prn. All classes of Wesfock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Greg Hargreaves 48.2-7511 Clutton 262.-2619 Hensall Baaiy Miller 236-2717 Exner & 229-6205 Kirkton' ,I\ Appliance & TV G.E. and ZENITH Phone:348 9033 Opeit 6• Days a Week MMN'S'T MITCiIELL 38. SERVICE, DIRECTORY PLUMBING HEATING and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SILLS HOME HARDWARE -iJFi.+ �•T•�•.- Seaforth ?z/..:1'62 Ai1l __ Home VEALS Abattoir and Meat Market.. ' Hwy,, 83 - 3% miles ,east of Exeter 235-1123 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING , • Kill Days - Tuesdays OUR SPECIALTY. Home cured and smoked meats. processed exactly the way you like it. 39. CARD OF THANKS. McCALLUM I'wish to thank those who remembered me 'with flowers,.' fruit, cards, v,isits, to Rev. Lambleand Rev. Vanslyke, for their prayers. Thanks to Dr.. Rodney, Dr. Wong, . Dr.. Underwood and the nursing staff. Your kindness will always be remembered. Pearl McCaIIum 39.04x1 . DALE. Most: sincere. thanks; to all . my friends, relatives and •neighbours who visited.•. and • -sent cards and gifts to help brighten my stay. in Seaforth Hospital and during my recovery at. home. Special, thanks to Dr. Rodney and the nursing staff. Your thoughtfulness was, greatly appreciated. Clarence Dale . 39-04-1 E'ISLER" I wish to thank Dr. Rodney, Dr. Underwood; the nurses and kitchen Staff for ,their, excellent cane given to me while I 'was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, also to Dr. MacNaughton and nursing staff at Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to my family and many friends for their, visits cards and treeat's" Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. •Jack Eisler 39-01x1 PETHICK• We would like to thank all our relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers, gifts and cards, during our stay in the Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McCabe, Dr. Leung, Dr. Shuh and the nursing staff on 3 south for all their advice and support. Val and Ricky 39-04-1 'THE HURON ;EXPOSITOR, "JANUARY 28, 1907. -- 4+1'. PERSONAL WANTED: True stories from. "Family no fee, no t;ommissions, etc,, No royalties, on Trees" fof'book publication. Y ' ,. hist. recogfliti for some deserving people - our ancestors p,copple,or weeks ago the Branch hosted •-Typed,or legible hand-written. submissions, g None. are returnable. Mail to: Miss Kathleen the Loneei•f3owhngTournament. Oneof the Bryne, Reg, N., 158 Garside Ave., N Seaforth teams entered 'cane in• fourth Hamilton, Ontario, LBH 4W6 31-04-1' - overalJ so will now go on to the District • Tournament in the Spring; Congratulations go to Don Eaton, Jack. Muir,' At Slnale, A•I Nicholson, Bill Harris and•Den tChipI Wood ('nod Iuek atm JliJi�riet t gmrades - Congratulations also go out to Dave and Eva'Netzke on their 73rd Wedding Anniver- LEGION NEWS. • by Gordon, Scott A 4NnAr±[6A •-�4z rt�t.v�•�F.tEfJ-1'S.. "--BE'N'N'EWTE5'='R•AW WING'S The engagement. is. announced of. Tracey Rawlings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rawlings of Burlington to Gary Bennewies, son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bennewies, •Bornholfn. The wedding . will take place, February 14, 1987 at St Eliiabeth's Anglican Church,' Burlington, Ontario. • 47-041 [100 LATE TO CLASSIFY NOLAN My thanks to Dr. Underwood, the nurses and all who helped, for their kindly care during my stay in the hospital. Also thank you to my family and friends.for vis)fgl cards and flowers while there and since coming home. It is all greatly appreciated. Mary Nolan 39.04x1 NO•LAN • Thank you to Dr. Malkus and the nurses for their care of me while in Seaforth Hospital. Thanks also to Dr. Anne Underwood and the ambulance attendants. and to my family and friends who visited me. Jim Nolan 39-04x1 MURRAY• 1 would like to thank Fr. Carrigan, Fr. Caruana, my family, doctors, nurses, Knights of Columbus, neighbors and the card players while 1 was a patient in the Seaforth Community Hospital. Cod Bless You All. Jeremiah John Joseph Murray, Mayor of Dublin 39-04x1 saty. _ '75 Dodge half ton, pick up, automatic, safety checked, $1500 or sell as is: 527:0151.. ' 13-04-2 Advertising helps plan your budget. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION Work has started on the renovations of, the ladies.w.ashrooms in the branch. Please* bear with the .workmen while, this work is in progress. The finished result will be a big improvement. . •' .' . Membership Chairman Al Nicholson re- ports the following were the winners of the' • December Early -Bird draw., Angus 'Barker, . Gord De Jong and John Mero. He also says • .. .that the membership' cards, are -new al. fhe Branch. Please, pick yours' up •as ,soon. us possible. . • Entertainment around the Branch is still • going strong. Monday night cribbage is , attended as are ' the Stag •Euchres • on W ednesdays.'There is a pot luck.suppee and euchre on January 31, Supper will beat 7 p.m:'with cards to follow Darts are enjoyed every Saturday M 7::50 p in:;There is also a •• spare ribs and' sauerkraut supper- on February 7. A bus load of Comrades from Exeter Branchi11 also be visiting Branch 156 on -' February 7. Come out and make them welcome. . There will be a bus leaving our Branch:on' February 21 Saturday fqr a beet' barbecue and dance at the Mitchell Legier). The bus • will be leaving Seaforth`af 5 p.m. The tide • there and back is free. Please sign up on the list on the bulletin board and.take advantage of this invitation from the Comrades ' in • Mitchell. • . • At the going {sown of the sun and in the morning we will remember them, 'WATT 1 would like to thank all my teammates, friends and relatives for visits, cards and - gifts while 1 was in since coming home Seaforth Thanks Hospital Seaforth Hospital nurses and staff, kitchen staff. Drs. Underwood, Dr, Wong and special thanks to Or. Rodney for help at the Arena and attending me at the hospital. Thanks to Joe Steffler my roomntate,for making my stay even mote enjoyable. Michael Watt 39.04-1 ROSS We wish to say thank you for all the beautiful sympathy cards we received, for flowers, donations and the people who took time to visit and telephone us in our time of sorrow. Your kindness and prayers will never be forgotten. Sincerely Alf and Vera Ross 39-0'4;x1 FISCHER We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends, neighbors and relatives for the flowers, memorial donations, cards, food, and personal • expressions of sympathy received during our recent bereavement. It was truly appreciated We also thank the nurses, Dr. Malkus, and staff of Seaforth Hospital for their wonderful care. It was greatly a'pTifetiated. Edward Fischer and Family 34-04x1 40. IN MEMORIAM FRY: In loving memory of a dear wife, daughter, mother and grandmother; Phyllis Fry who passed away January 13, 1985. Sweet m'e'mories will linger forever, Ttnie cannot change- them, it's true, Years that may come cannot sever, Our loving remembrance of you . Sadly missed and lovingly ren em1Jered by Yelp faint r. ,... 40:.04.1 S'TOLL: Edgar A. who passed away two years ago, Jan. 28. Your leaving us so sudden, Was such a shock to all, But we hope you're happy where you fest )n God's care you will be blest Sadly missed by wife Beatrice and fanttly. . 40.041 SYOLL: in. loving mennery of a dear. father who passed away January 28 1985. Always remembered and sally missed by soli' Jim, 010,Tarnlly and Wayne 0440 ARTICLES FOR SALE ,PIANOS: We buy pianos because we restore, refinish, lune, repair. Refinished start from 5550: soles from 5395. Delivery included. Village Piano Shop. Elmira. (519)669.2280. 0.4 • M'A CHERIE Home Fashion Shows. Est. 1975 lout our successful family of independent representatives in presenting quality lingerie and lersurewear at In• Home parties for women, , Coll toll free at 1.800.2634183. - 0.1.4 MANAGER/EDITOR required for small well STEEL BUILDING -WINTER WORKS SPECIAL Help us established weekly newspaper in Central Southwestern Ontario. Previous editing experience a keep foctory busy 'during slow winter -months • Savo Thousands • avoid upcoming price increases • limited must; managing experience proferred As part of on steel-. phone Pioneer, Econospan l.800.387.6896, -0•d Independent chain wo offer an excellent benefit package and support system. Please reply to Box E. 9.04A.Bo* 451, Oakville, 1.64 5A8 ' 0 4 FRAGANCE 8 HOSIERY CONSULTANTS WANTED 'Market Seasons exclusive Repltco Pure Perfumes & Fashion Hosiery. Earn hundreds saving others thousands.. Spacial -5315, Retail Sit- 549, 1.800.3877§7.5.- 0.4;., • , MONTREAL- MILITARY SURPLUS: .Workshirls..S2.7S, workpanls 8350, workbools 515. For catalog, send 52 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243. 5t, Timothoe, Quebec JOS 1X0.-0.2.5 • , S55 SACRIFICE SACRIFIe�,SSS Buildings priced fqr fpr. t mediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40,14 x8 53.996. 40,60414 56,500, 460,11 59,250. 70,90x24 $21.789, Various sires available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll Tree 1400.387.2115 or 1.(416) 858.2446.-0.4 MIRACLE SPAN WINTER -WORKS PROGRAM on steel buildings while supplies last. Example 3240 54,887. 46x87 59,887: 70x120 527,887. Other sires available at similar discounts. Coll Miracle Spon till free. 1.800.387.4910, -0.4 NEVER FORGET • to turn your HEADLIGHTS OFF AGAIN! Make your ear more visible on the road without warty of o dead battery. The headlight reminder simply pings into lute pane! 89,95 plus tax Include 57 shippingihandling, Vlso MC. Call 1.800.2633735. Weekdays 9.9. Stewart Specialty, Box 905. Cobourg, Ont. 59A 4W4. Orders shipped Same day, --0.4 A FREE HUNTING. FISHING. CAMPING CATALOG (S5 Value). Send your expired hunting or fishing licence (Photocopy acceptable) and 5.1,8. will man a free 372 page (over 6,50 Hems) 86/87 Sportsman Catalog. 55.8, MAIL ORDER, Dept. 161, 1863 Burrav`s Avenue. WINNIPEO. Manitoba. R2X 2V6. Offer expires February 28, 1947,-0.4 USED DESKS. files, storage satinets, stocking. office chairs. steel adjustable shelving. store displays, Blairs New & Used, 21' Alex Ave., Woodbridge. Phone (416) 851.8100. Near Hwy 7 & 400. Man • Fri 9.5, Sol. 10.1. •.0.4 FARM WINCHES 3 Plh, Log Spline's S h.p•, 2 stage. .•Special forrh'price S1,295 at Canodo oral Show, Toronto, Noll 4. Monette Soles, Carleton Plate, (6)3)•• 857 1661,--0.4 HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home sleety course. Fast easy method, Guardnleedt For FREE in. Ion -notion. write: Popular Musk Systems; Slvdro 45. 3284 Boucherfo Road. Kelowna B.C. NI2 2H2,--0.4 NORTHERN FOOD TREES. Old fashioned apples, peor. apricot, nut trees, throbs. evergreens. seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable pricer. Catologue 5T, Golden Bough Tree Form, Marlbonk, Ontario KOK 2L0.-04.13 , GARDENERS: Greenhouse 8 Hyd4opomc Heil tower prices on all your needs. 1000W Na13de ST/9. 400W 8105. Complete 15 plant hydroponic garden including light 5630. Greenhouses front 8149. Thousands of p46 ducts. New cototogue.S2. Western Writer T -arms, 52'44 Seymour St;, Vancouver. B.C. 1/68 3849. (604) 682 6656.-44 SATEU3TE 01814 OWNERS. Tired of scrambled than, nets? We hove DESCRAMBtERS b 'Josie with or without monthly fees. {705) 789 7262 all troy, 0.4 VACATIONS 1.ORALEA COUNTRY 1148: Toned winter break and go skiing, SnovYr ii-bs iTng'T8ii1'6rs`ovaitabli"•), ire-Trshiigvt skating in rite Ha1R3otto,4 HighTan'ds or lusf refer( hi front of year firepfaee. Ail tfiis and two ho6hri:cbtiked 500015 daily. Spatial •rrfid-Week ralei. tea free' 543041.464. WI. 0,4 5 DAYS 05 SpoctasuTd'r` s'teisery chit -Ong' R1de-a0r Or Trent•Severn' Mbteriertyi On coeii(A'or�t,,�able crbite ship W • KAWARTHA ,VOYAGEUR, Write ntarVo Waterway Cruises 80s 1540. Peterborough. 10937147. 0%4 wA11TED TO' BUY OLD WRISTWATCHESWANYED Any Make Mews only One or ono- hoicked. ofd ROLEX wyt'slw0Yth'ei wonted Aldo wanfed Eatons Y2ba7Yer eOhleiry' wive a wrk1,IWalches (24' yedrs servltel:'Waa pay 5950 end el* I'd* 4.15 wa84%, WIT 0Fso Sey'Stra r,'Crys a s, p'orts eft, fay' old wrisrw•6'tches tali it, 9alsh 14416) 365.72400r wsile iia-Ooeaw St. E. Tririshra OPT. 'MS,l is/, 6.4 REWARD. 550' 70 5100 pad for Addison Two Cotour plo511c radios: Sorry. node needed Wilk white plastic. Call colYacf(416)6a1•Id20 04 WANTED. I will pot up l'aS150 CASH for 19404 Ary BISON 2colour plastic r65dtos Celt (5'l9) 647'.28$3. or Write Don Ellis RR 2 tyadeltOdt TR fid •O4 1MELP wAiiitte TRAIN TOR`A J0`t9 With 6 lotvyc:,,4s118 lritounty Truck oriv'P"i' YramTng: J6b Strunk os'ttsl'ance +1tfangE(8141baSo1I. .ord350 Cofbot66E 756.501414 Braihr- (519) 756.5225,+.• •4' OVERSEAS -POSITIONS. Hundreds of lop paying post. tions. Attractive benefits. All occupations Free details Overseas Employment Services., Dept C A Box 460. Mount Royal, Oue, H3P 3C7. 805114555 OPPORTUNITY Exciting HOME SECURITY BUSINESS Could be your door to excellent profits and personal security 59, details an becoming o dealer contact flop -50501114 Systems, 1251 Northside Road. Burlington Ont 17074 1847 or phone (416) 336.7747 04 SERVICES OFFERED FARMERS WANTED who are payrng too myth to. of are not using all the tax breaks't:affable Phone us todoyl Appointment 11411e4 ovaifobie 10 prasess 1986 ins returns m your home. Form Business Consulionr, 2109 Oxford St Lost London, NSV 229 14100465.1002. -0.4 PERSONAL BATES GALORE. Per art ages & unattached thousands o f member's oristeut 10 meet you. Prestige Atquorn tontes 4611 tall free 1.800.263.9163 Hours noon till 8 pm. 0.5 ' AUCTION SALES ONTARIO'S LARGEST Form Machinery Consignment S ale. Norwich. Ontario Friday. Feb 13 198-240 o m (Sates conducted second Friday each month) Appveu Imotety 150.175 Tractors plus all types of form equip merit Constgnrnents wetteme rot more mformohon roll (819) 821.9498 or, (5191 424.9093 Proprietors K 5 Harnuletki $ Sons. 0 4 • tElEICATIONAS FREE. 1987 guide to study.at home toetespartdence Diplons teurses fat presligiaus toreers' Accovnrmg Atrtanditioning. Bookkeeping Business Cosmeloto'gy. ETetlronis, Legal Medrsal secretary Psychology. Travel, Gron'ton ISA) 263 Adeloule West Toronto 1.800-268-5121 0.4 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER 83 haves at instruction Next class Morch 14 -21St, Contest Southwestern On folioSshootof Auctioneering, P,0 Box 545 tnnerk,p ' Ontario 5(0/1100(559)4695456 (559) 537 7715 0 4 • BECOME AN AUCTIONEEP Canadian Chompton. m structors. Classes start Marsh 1987 /ardor8 McLean School of Aucrrbneering. Box 94, Ktrstoly . Alta tab 210. (403) 845221 T. (40'3) 437.5558 0.47 CASH IN ON INCOME TAX Een6 Money doing tax returns Learn money sov,ng.rox ups. Free brochure U 8 R cox schools. 1365 Pembina Hwy . Winn -peg M8 R3T 286.• 04 r ' BECOME A CERTIFIED DOG TRAINER by rat respondence.- B C. Government registered prn;ate train ng inStittite North Awer,con Obedre,rce and Geced D'og Academy: 1481 Pipebme Road Port Co. qu,�`ifa,4T1CC V3t6vt. tit4 COMING 69614(S KINGSTON wf'NTETt ANTIQUE SHOW. Kingston On fa'ri6. Feb 71h orad 81810 a ni. Drill 5 p ni do8y Port sn1'auth Olyrnpr2 Har6orrr S,Te 48 selec'te'd deafer's Iron+' O'nf. o'rid tisooEec. 038 :is' � sts ®' � els is'rs ®Geis a •ear _.... The Only way to get YOUR 1 ad In ZS mifllon f otnas 1 . th eel ada for 1 • 565110 1 1 or hi 1,241,801 homes i 1 in Ontario for 1 'Sig6.0 " Place your Blanket Classif ie3d Ad • c'al iit8'oul' hetlpfufclassiti9d 1. i Ad viSOrs•e't • 1 Oiil'_e, • I. Osito ` t 527 U240� ®torr c®rri®d,®'rites®®® I