The Huron Expositor, 1987-01-28, Page 2Huron xpositor •I • SINCE 1660, SERVING THE.c6m.muNiTy FIRST . , Being poor could be a blessing So you thiosyou've got it tough? No .. money? tots of bills? You stretch.: your paycheque a fat as you can Until it finally l'neurnorating .. gritsscis eost . ' .., , .. ..:• 10 Main Street69 BYRSKI, General Manager -6?7-024O - . , • Rublidhed in .. 2. .. . Sc A.ro nTI,I,-01-41.1AR I 0 . :H EA7,1-1.E.H.jtiteJLW.04,1T,ji, -,Ert I ter • ' Every VVednesday morning : . ' .. , . Tne:EXpOsitor is broughtqo you each week by the efforts of: • Poi Armes Bessie Broome. 'Marlene Charlers, Joan Guichelaar.., Anne:Huff. Joanne Jewitt, . Danne MCGrathCLois• Mcllwam, Bob McMillan and 'CAthy, MeladY: • . , • . _ . • Member Canadian CoMmunity. Newspaper Assoc. ' Ontario Community Newspaper Assohlation Ontariu,'Press Council • Commonwealth Press Union - international Press institute ' subscription rates: Canada.$20.00 a year, in advance • Outside Canada $69.00 a year, in advance ' • Single Copies - 50 cents each „ • 1NEUNESDAY, JANUARY 28; 1987 • .Spon,q8 class mail regiStration Number '0696 BLUE RIBBON AWARD 1985 •01A " 4WSN,PEAS L LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1 ....Christmas bureau Says thinks:.:. We are: wiiting to you on behalf of the Beare of Directors, staff, and clients of Family and Children's Services of Huron ('ounty the Children's Aid SocietyPto thank you for your expressions of care and concern ' (his Christmas time. • : - • , Many ,of you contributed to our annual Christmas Bureau. which our Agency admin, isters,and coordinates throughout the county. This yearwe assisted about 275 families and • (125 children with -food, clothing and toys. This is. a major effort of cooidination, matchingthe needs of families With the resources available. It is truly a community. Resident writes . NOTE:This poem, written by E. Melean of Seaforth was submitted to The Expositor last week. it reflects one reader's feelings on smoking. "BUTT -OUT" Its "Butt -Out" week, I've been told But smokers. on this. have not been sold. Of me and others have no fear,, And look on us as if we're queer. in hockey rinks, the air is blue, In this place our ehilthen's grew. Puffinparents in chorustoar,' IMOdearie me. can't see the score. • effort, funded entirely . by donations and staffed by the many volunteers. throughout the Owns. To all of those people who contributed to this program, the Board, staff, and clients thank you. The generous expression °tearing demonstrated bylocal residents at this time of year is most encouraging and appreciated. Yours very truly, (Mrs. Audrey M. Royal President Board of Directors Michael Park Board Member smoking poem Of emphysema. they don't know, . As our lads skate into the foe, • But: someday they'll wonder why, Their eyes blood -shot and mouth so dry. • • Publiceducation surely lacks, • .The average guy don't look for facts, ' Though the smoke is second hand, My throat. she feels. I've swallowed sand. But if this irritant were less, - • And we find, teams goons, fighting less,. How much happier we would be,. *' To -come on down. and see..aird see! • E. McLean from the Archives IN THE YEARS AGONE Mare dies of diphtheria JANUARY28, 1087 A splendid three-year-old mare belonging tb Mr.' James McClusky, of the 4th Concession of IdeEillop. died of diphtheria. en Thursday Iasi week. The animal was valued at $250. Mr. Varivalkeribtirg, whir has been working Mr, MeTaggart's farm iri Hulled during the past year, has rented the Proctor farnr on the !toren road. just west of HoltnetVille fora terra of six yeats. ltcontains 135 acres. and he gets it for $200 for the first .year. last fall when' packing apples, Mr. R.B. itleGewrin, of East Wawanosb, happened to wonder lino whose hands the fruit would eventually fall, and acting on the impritse, plated dilate in one of the bartek, asking the purchaser to return information as to the •tentlitiori of the trait whin opened. Werd was -received frorrilleriryW, AMA!, fruit and pea • salesman. Spitalfields Market, London, England, stating he had opened the frilit becember 31; and that about one bushel of it was rotteri, but that the remainder ot it bore. tuunittakable proof they were good sound apples when peeked. Two or three diagrteeful rows have occurred on Main Stteet ithin the past week. Our authorities should' stainjroutthis to-wdyiSm and punish the effenderselse our town Will be getting an Unenviable teprita- deo.. At the lest meeting of town Outten, Mr. P. llolmested was appointed High Sehool. Trustee. ifie right man in the right,plare: MNUstRi2, 19(1 The Hibbert ligan and McKillop Rural Telephone Conipariy is a good payitig institution. One Of the beg This Of* OT the • Orin -try. , 47trit heaSt M. The. dapital Medi " -hire-SIM in S1.1006. and this bag earned 84.500 after paying all eXpergeS, Or a " divided in 2212 pet. cent. The centtrtrefiell • Wert is proceeding rapidly arid the WO* is being paid forent Of the earnings Of the brie. The company is managed by Mt •JPhn • .1:ferule:vas. of Drothiagen, which in &rine measureno doubt gamut& tot its pretprality. • The annual meeting Of the tett Huron Agrittiltirtal Soidety was held in Dross& on Wearies- day Of last week TheanditOrt' *OS thoWed the total reedipta for1910 to be 81.509.19 and the ditlitimetirents S1,410,40 leaving a balance Ort hand of $30.80, A membership of 10 hat lYeed . eatited ever to A speal Meeting of the tOwricoun Ciwas held on Monday night. The HO -Mee toriinit-, tee's report mei:Milne- iiding the payment of accounts to the anrinnit 61566.0'5 Was-..fiaSteit Mt. j.P. MelAren Was re -appointed Markel eleilt and caretaker -Of the tiivirit hall at $3.33. per month. Mr. Janet Mc.Leatr, Of the Mill Re' ad, Trickermindi and another' rah; had anatntiki , escape being killed by.the one o`c.todt trainWedrieSday. they Were (kering info town' in a Otter and wean leading a beaky horse behind. When they CariM t� the track theyweiewatddrigatreight, whidr•Wat standing oh Ike siding •itt front et theatatidir • • • house. and failed to hear the one o'clock express approaching, and just as they got on the track the train was upon them: Fortunately the horse they were driving shied and went up the side of the track. The heavy horse they were leading becoming frighten- ed, jumped inte the cutter and upset them, and they fell out on the side away from the . wheels of the train. Nevertheless, the train came Uncomfortably close to their heads. • JANUARY29. 1937 Edward Powell, aged 56. Tuckeismith; was instantly killed at noon Thursday when the truidt in which he wa &Whig Was struck hy a CNlttrain at the intersection of No. 8 highway and the Stratford-Ooderich line of the CNR, near Coderich. M its Concluding session Unita County Council .refused to increase the salaries of. County Engineer T.R. Patterson $200, Treasurer A.H.. Erskine $200 and County Clerk J.M. Roberta $100. Miss Mabel Turnbull was re-elected president of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute Alumni Association at its annual meeting held in the Yining Liberaltdub rooms • on -Tuesday. • Whitcskatingon a pond near his resident* one evening recently, Mr. James Fetgustai Ecu heavily, Manning in a freetared cheek bone and seriously ertithing the antrum. Ile was immediately taken to Victoria Hospital, London. by. D. Donald Steer, for an emergency operation, The Many :friends of Mr. and Mts.. J. Cairns. of Btireefield, *Meted the* With a reception in Wathert Hall on Thursday evening, sianualy 21. 'Die evening was goat in darichigAirith 11 30 when Mr, and MM. Cairns Were calleiltO the front Aacl.f00ent00„. ratk JANUAllY25,, 1962 Heed for additional housing in Seaforth' was revealed this week as a *Suit 01A-S-OrtY4 Of Seaforth indtrattieS. . Stott* weather diming the past week, whidiredtreed visibility on area mads to heat tettrited in a rash of minor articleMa, according WOW Constable Al Dowering: Huron County has been certified as a brucellosis free atta. with effect to Septem- ber L 1964„ it was announced this week by Dr, J.C. MacLeannan, Health Anititak,. &MOH& ' $illawaeletiettedlehiiari. at the niangutal meeting of the Seaforth District High School float& on Thar -Way; thdi beginning his third 'Writ as board tread, Vite,Chairinan 18 C. Edward Dearing, and W.D. Sirtitligate,itaticletteatritet.„ LEittortlICarditt•rliginbe7 forPairliarrierit for .11tireri, was riarried. gatittarit 'ter health Minister I. Waldo Monteith,: A..brithday party at (he Queensway Nursing Hen*, Ifeasall, will celebrate the 'birthday of Mrs. AgrieS Baird, a patient. A placiil dispositionand kinglived antecedents are the best recipes for a ripe old age, if Mis. Agnes Baini, Of Itensall iS any indication. Mit ROM will be 102 years of age. - ROM THIS ANGLE. snaps back to hi' actual size, causing your 7 1 ., personal cheques to behave like ru141s bber 7 by. Patrick Raffia Clieer'up! coulr:I be %verse. You could he rich and (amorist From all eVideriee, the lifestyles of theitch • chronicle the anguished response of Joe's and farticius have been over -glorified, partly family. ' due to such ' things as the creation of ' • "Unemployment Insurance wpn't last. television programs such as "Lifestyles,of the forever, says Joe's wife.".: "1 knew. be Rch and Fainous,in&partly-clue,to-the-,---eeulithe-muitard,proclai • ' average person's desire to hold onto the • boss ' "Itold. him 'Joey, be smart, become a fantasy that all our problems would clear up ; doctor,' reveals Joe's distraught mother. —Instantly • 1 out hands on a j kind of headache the avera e .erson few million bucks. • just does not need. Toclear up these misconeeptiens, one need Life is net alt flash and glitter, even for look no further than the many wejl-known and non -royal celebrities. Prime Minister Brian , wealthy people who ate. constantlY. popping :I' Mulroney could no doubt be considered rich up in the news. In fact, that's one of the and at least sena-famous. But, when was the pitfalls, of being a celebrity, you , are last time you saw his Irish Eyes displaying a constantly popping up in the news. • truly sincere shine, He would no doubt trade When Britain's Prince Andrew zecently . a goodly portion of his fame and fortune just decided' to resign from the armed forcesof. , tO hear a: good •word about him, or his that country, the' media pounced on it. government, by anyone but his own public Headlines proclaimed that pacifist prince a relations people. wimp and •a crybaby and detailed the ' Hock musiestar Michael Jackson may well , reactions of .friends and family members to be the richest and most famous person oh the his decision. planet, but does he appear to'enjoy it? When How Would you like that kind of attention to not performing, the man is afraid to go out in be placed on your every career move? "Joe public eXcept in disguise. When Jackson's Blow resigns from factory!" the headlines presence in'a crowd is discovered, he must would screarn. "Claims he's tired of,9 to 5rat promptly "Beat It!' or face a mobbing that, race!" Lengthy follow up stories'. would could take several hours to disperse: • • • 14. f • Modem history isfull of examples of the well-to-do who, in the end. did net do tow t well. Elvis Presley, Marilyn *intik, John Ig , DeLorean, to name only a few.: The only • V. • II •• • • • • ••1 imicand sobial elite that appearto be aving any fun wit I 'Air wealth .1 and status are Bill Cosby and Harold Ballard, in and even the latter does seem to have his off rr •ays. " Wealthy peoplewill never know the simple': • , thrills that Most .people exPerience, like making the last in a long series of payments, '" or finding a long -lost $20 bill in a seldom worn • jacket. It would be enough to make them cry in their champagne, if only they knevi, what, '7'1 - they wergmissing. • What bazar* circumstances; you might ask, would inspire this occasionally -lucid "..; • I columnist to string together a $eries of ,k • , paragraphs denouncing the' hazardsf opulent liking? ' Well, the bills are piling up,. I've got no moneyand my paycheque has been stretched ' so fat it no liangersnaps back, but merely las limply On my desk, refusing to do anything. Oh:well, at least l'in not rich! -c! OKI Y°I111; 25°r#1 Aor.k 154)001Z/09ep tig MEof Abu! alE CaeLP 0A/Zy5ir7Le akiRLD u/Afl WAY' • Still checking out the cookie jar !don't know about you, but the first thing 1 do when I viSit Mum and Dads place is check out the fridge.. the. cookie jar and the TiERE'S THE BEEF by Carohume Doig A Herat Ispentmangyears in their home and cupboards. guess it's just tome -of habit. a goodly portion of t at time was passed with my head stuck in the refrigerator and my lingers in the cookie jar. could never be too ingenious when it came to making the goodies last until the nexfgrueery day. Sometimes the old „hiding 'trick backfired on her though. Once shed forgotten the bananas were hidden in the oven arid when Hedy Colder said ' 'preheat" ...well you can imagine the mess! Other times one of the infamous sniffer etifer$ would discover a cache and keep it to thernserves. Many a fin* 1 would find the ehaneei. -That"Storthebakesaler Haliould a .00lues in some ncliculous place purely by have known) or 'ttvere A hriught you iterrientherdistinetly how I would try to get the fridge,door opened arid shut aS silent as possible. Oh it was easy to get the cookie jar lid off qUietly, but not so easy to get that darned ceramic lid back in place without someoneone discovering My weakness. I wau forever' getting caught and reprimanded. "rot ruin your appetite for sapper!" (Fat (brie that Mum invited the neighbors over for tea and you.guessed it, cookies! The same thing used to happen with cartons of lee cream. bags of oranges and those wonder/01 Varieties of Christmas tookies....so web hidden, but so worth the search! Itwas frustrating to be constantly hcrunded in everytime the unchies hit, Someday I'd have my very owe kitchen with my very own fridge afid'W very own cookie lar. then rd diet!" (That one was the killeo. "accident, Once they were hiddon irt the spare - eat as numb ice aearn and as m any trioldet as suitcase underThe stairs. just have One; t wanted. Nobody would tell me what and It wasn't easy with font brothers and a after all who's going to mitt jutt one cookie? when to eat. Well that day hat Arrived. My sistir making sill* that aa-alla got 4$ the days went by the cookies finally cupboards and my fridge are boring! To be anything more than anyone else. Mum would diminished until groping around in the 'perfectly honest I like nothing better than hide e0okiei, bandies:aid fruit in all kinds Of suitcase I tealiZe that an that weskit was the beading over to Mum's and checking the strange places. Atter all with six kids you empty box. This was usually about the same cookie jar! Things have been moving ahead Hi. rm bat*. • Str*hat'srlew, 1.et'ssee. 0hye, theresa newlittle Wassink running &Mind. He's to mirtitliteld and his bailie it fan. A goad Dutch nanie don't you thbIld Eitougb of this personal Stirff. How's life been irtSeaforthl It lOokS 111W -it's been' pietty good judging by the Activity On Main Street' and theneiks reports Fire been reading 10 the paper irriayliate left Seder* two years ago to pursue otherintetests, but that dneSn't Mean 1 Irak-aft been keeping in touch with the goings on in this 'community. On the most 044 1 must say things have been moving ahead Sure,tirei e's 4ilitheceresticiit of g dump. But who's ebtriihng anymore? 'think rte. lest traelt of the ritiiiibet et sites that hive been investigated 8:.1 potential daft* (Wan) aiteS. 1. thought things We'M looking UP When I heard ifitat kooglin Site. but afinarelitly that avenue haS been Closed. Menden landfill siteS, and you're opening up a whale eari of worms. I Ana AMUR, I wouldn't w8t1t�ne of the Suck -eft in my badtrard either But what are we going to der abrint out garbage - start dumping it back in the swamp mrd bush like We Used tO do? Will everyone have their inthiptirtatesinindgenOt in their backyard? I'd hatillythink St1. The Seafortir-Tackeratnith landIlil invetti- gation has been ongoing ever since the town Was toldit had tO.Cloteita Sitebehfiai the golf dilute. That was five go, fe been Ohe sbus ling bt�bk alto another, itsOOflkIliti , br08kd�wn-of costs a fed, weeks ago, was i agree With Mayor Hitia.. A new landfill Site Would bankrupt the itictit BM+ Often wonder how cities like. New' 'ori, tended tEnglarid) and Anitterdairt handle their garbage. Surely they doe' t *Mid it into the Atlantie Ocean or the North Sea If realize ineirieration Seerrit tobe a bad . „, AND NONSENSE by Aoli Artitgsb* around here. But 1 wohde4 is that: the ultiiiMtedriSWet. I alsortilestion the future of IandEill titet, as they pertain to individual Perhapt Huron County should be doing what Wellington County did a couple of years ago - leek at a county wide system, whether it be laridfillirig. Separation ttirr„_:paper, glass) or a coinbinatinit iff landfilling, separation mid Melt -reran -Oil, Just think of the energy created tirch SyStern. *Mild be griecl competition for the trete Energy Park uses -waste Stearn from the three Nuclear Power Developtrient, • In the Mearifirrit, we Still have a garbage problem. We. have garbage mid really nowhere toput it-ekcept in a landfili site that' is basting the seams. Perhaps the Dbiga. *Mild like an added attraction tit their golf Coritse. We could Create a ski hill at the present site. All we'd have piling up garbage,cOvering tiVer with a layer Of dirt when- it got tobe feet high we would' install a. cefieleof Chair lifts, You know, cloWrihill skiing IS the pits in Miran County, Just- Mink of the tourism Vie torrid Create, OncerWe get the tourists,dried go' gatigbiistets with the doWritown heritage revitalization programand Atte* sortie new birtinetses. FeoPle like attsperaftsy type stores. That and the Van. renettafirili. After speaking with people in town, they Said that project once again ago. , As for the rest or mato ttiett Fin impressed. The eobtlieteim Hotel WIN graati,- as does tire Bank of Cenurierte. Of course, ken Oardrio has &lite wonders with Caitina'S;1141, gut ttitideratatid fie'S bavhig A piebleirrwitii-those-bfastedilagaieVeSAt BOMB they want his Onion Jack dap, blIt dOtileateted much about the Canadian flag, t WO bad ten* periple dont TeSPeet arietter:s prepetty. Maybe we could Start a fend -raising campaign, buy Sortie nogg, and donate Mein to the petit arreker Who drift afford to buy hit Egitiond IforiSeo, We'd be bristling' to keep tip: With the den* Speaking of heritage, I'm kind ofis" OW- "What to see me perm on we town haii..Pi , thought when 1 left. that issue had bee'rt Settled and. the town was going te set air errairiple by piing eireartvkith that heritage " The gas stations now tilted of theti4liave alt completed Maier renovations. 1 dirn't recognize the buildings and must say they sure improve. the town. 1 only have one • reqlreSt, 1 need diesel fitei fermylittle ear. Impressed is an understatement When it saw fidtV the oki &Me school had: been hanSktrined WO a senior citizens consptex Fran Hoak, ailiiiirtiattatorr, of Maplewood Manor, should be thrilled to Work hi a Wilding that looks unbelievable haik-tlintlidiffererit a building can look ifterit has been teniikated. ;riot say rni pleased -to be Se:alert& I' rir tore Readier wili appreciate an , extra pair of hands in the fre!:$•departriiiii‘ hopefully See -many --fatinhat faceS, as .• • urIcethe rounds to the arena, find streets. %the*, week, have4 Rik doh* winter. • e,