HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-29, Page 6Itioney Maack with, Sunlight Soap Saallght Soap is guaranteed perfectly pure, genuine, and free from. L —A1k dealers. are authorized to return purchase money to anyone use for complaint. efora ycu lustye nothing by trying Sunlight Soap send you will agree with trillions of other women that the Sunlight way is the only way to -wash clothes. $3,otta.00 reward will be paitl to any person who can prove that Sunlight Soap contains any form of adulteration or contains any injurious chem call. Just nth Sunlight Soap on your clothes and let them soak in tepid water, then tense out in fresh water. It is equally gond in hard or sett water, LEVER BROTHERS LiMITED, TORONTO loos The Sunlight Maids do not rub and bolt their clothes to shreds—they wash the easy Sunlight way Kernels from the Sanctum Mill , Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The London Advertiser this fall of- fered a prize of $5 for the best laid out house in Huron County, and we learn that the prize was awarded to. Mr. A. Johnston, near Fordwich. There is no form of kidney trouble, from a, backache down to Bright's dis- t ease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. If yon are troubled with any kind of kidney complaint, give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial. Two wildcats were shot by J. Wlil. amson, of the boundary between How - ick and Wallace a few days ago. The Post -Office Department draws at- tention to the fact that private and pictoral post cards are being mailed in Canada without having any postal stamp affixed. None of these cards are forwarded to their destination. iJ d• FOUND AT LAST. A Liver Pill that is small and sure, that acts gently, quickly and thoroughly, that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills possess these qualities, and are a sure • core for Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sick Headache, etc. The Harriston Pork Packing factory under its new management will employ it is said, upwards of one hundred and fifty hands. It is the intention of the new owners to establish a beef abattoir in connection. For Cholera Morbus, Cholera In- fantum, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dys- entery and Summer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for nearly 60 years. A countryman gave the following rea- son for not subscribing to a local news- paper: "I will get all the news there is. My wife belongs to a woman's club, one of my daughers works in a millinery shop, and the other in the delivery window at the post office, and I'm the village grocer. Gained forty rounds in Thirty Days. For several months our younger bro- ther had been troubled with indigestiop. He tried several remedies but got no benefit from them. We purchased some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them. Inside of thirty days he had gained forty pounds in flesh. He is now fully recovered. We have a good trade on the Tablets.—Holley Bros., Merchants, Long Branch, Mo. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. CATARRH E$ APED A OAN0E8098 SURGICAL Op e'1TM 276 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Can. VIE OXYGENATOR CO., Toronto, Canada. fienttemen,—I am most pleamed to certify to the earltireproperties of Oxygenator.' T first to tieing it for Catarrh in the bead. having sn ued this loathsome disease, I then turned my .attention to a large Polypus that existed in my right nostril, which wag suceessfuuy removed 'by tba,loetl application of "Oxygenator" therel:y eating much pain, danger and expense bad it been retnered by surgical proceed. I haws used your remedy in my family (of 8) for *bomber of years, and can highly recommend it for fevers, colds and throat troubles—ea a gargle, bleat waramd, itis inwalpriab. relrlatti, fears truly, G. II. ROBINSON. OXY CNAThR A GERM MIER OYG1t =11N:ATORt i3'ti• a Toronto faThe Water Commissioners of Strat- ford figure out that as a result of the installation of meters nearly $2,000 has been saved the city in the past year. Wherever there are sickly people with weak hearts and deranged nerves, Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be found an effectual medicine. They re- store enfeebled. enervated, exhausted, devitalized or over-worked men and wo- men to vigorous health. The Berlin water works department shows a net profit for the year between $9,000 and $10,000. There is an excess over liabilities of over $50.000, It's not the weather that's a fault. It's your system, clogged with poisonous materials, that makes you fell dull, drowsy, weak and miserable. Let Bur- dock , Blood Bitters clear away all the poisons, purify and enrich your blood, make you feel bright and vigorous. In a court at Minneapolis a father 100 years old appeared and yanked his son,80 years old, home by the collar. The young fellow had been arrested as a vagrant. GET RID OF THAT COUGH Before the summer comes. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. The grim reaper, death, visited Gorrie on Sunday, Deo. 18th and claimed one of the residents in the person of Mrs. Thomas Ellis, at the age of 24 years. Deceased leaves a hnsband and three small children, one about two weeks old teen ourn her loss. Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and flannels,—you'll like it. 32 Mr. Chas. Leppard who has been principal of Gorrie public school since the summer holidays has resigned to accept the principalship of the Harriston school at an advance of salary. We under- stand that Mr. Eedy, of Harriston, has been secured to succeed Mr. Leppard. For Over Sixty Fears. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea, It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists iu every. part of the world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its value is incalculable. Besure you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take nth other kind. On Tuesday, Dec. 20th, James Hagar, one theion p Eer farmers of Hay Tp. passed away at his residence at Hills. green. Mr. Hagan had been ailing for some time but for the past while seemed to be impiioveing till about a Week ago when a change for the worse took place and he Seccumbed. The deceased was well known as a genial warm hearted Irishman with a keen eye to business. He had a large family of which he was very fond and exceedingly proud. His Widow survives him. IIe was a sincere member of the Roman Catholic church and a Liberalin polities. MANAGER WANTED. Trustworthylady or gentleman to manage business in this eoftnt and adjoining territory for well and favorablyy known house of solid financial standing, !OM straight cash binary and Iixpeeneeee, paid each Monday by cheek direct {rote headeurrters.l•;xpenee' money advanced. Position permanent. Addretat. omo Ploelr, Chicago Illinois TItE WI ►*G1!AM TIMES DECEMBER 29, 1904 The rentable at' the late Mrs. Eugene Scheele of West Branch, Michigan were brought to. Mildway aud taken to li'or• n osa where the interment took place, on Tuesday morning, Deo. 2Oth. Mrs, Scheele, nee Mies Phoeno Erick-, was married about a year ago. Her father still lives a Formosa. Sore and swolltn joints, sharp, shoot- ing paius, torturing =soles, no rest, no sleep—that means rheumatism It is a stubborn disease to fight, but Chamberlain's Pain Balm hag conquered it thousands of times. One app]ieatioir gives relief. Try it. A. I. McCall & Co. sell it. The Lake Huron and Manitoba Mill- ing 0o. (Limited), of Goderich. contem- plate enlarging their plant on May 1st, 1305, to 1,500 barrels of flour daily, and will also include the handling of all kinds of Ontario wheat, oats, peas, bar- ley and:flax. A modern chopping plant will be installed for the manufacture of all kinds of feed. An Attack of rneurnonla Warded. Oa. "Some tints ago my daughter caught a severe colt]. She complained of paius in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to school. I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail," says James Pender- gast, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, West India Islant:e The pains in the chest indicated an approaching at- tack of pneumonia, which in this in- stance was undouhteoly warded off by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It crunteracts any tendency of a cold to- ward pneumonia. For sale by A. I. Mc- Call & Co. The average age of the seventeen in- mates, who died at the House of Refuge during the past year, closing on the 1st of December, was 76.4 years. The old- est was over 100, and the youngest 67. Dr. Sbaw made 86 visits to the institu- tion and treated 947 cases during that time. ,State of Ohio, City of Toledo, l ss. Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Oo., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said than will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Oure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.D., 1886. A. W. QLEASON, (Seal.) Notary Publio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mu- cous surfeces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. One of Mildmay's oldest residents passed away on. Thursday night, Dec. 15th in the person of Peter Diment. Mr, Diment has been in delicate health for two or three years, and death came as a happy release. Deceased has been a resident of Mildmay for many years, and was at one time proprietor of the Railway hotel. He was about 55 years of age. The Beat Remedy for Croup. (From the Atchison, San., Daily Globe.) This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are al- most as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in, case of burglars. There used to be an oldfash- ioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup, but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time,. Give this remedy as soon as the eronpy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant aud safe to take. For sale by A. I, McCall & Co. Baby's Supper Mooney's Crackers are as• easy to digest as pure milk, and as nutritious as home- made bread. Let the little folk's supper be Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas and see how sound they sleep and how plump and rosy they grow. Air -tight lar them to your table as crisp, andiriviting os if fresh from the BROKEN AND SAO WEARY OF LIFE. GROUND TO THE DUST WITH WEAKNESS—TOO NERVOUS TO SLEET' ---A PITIABLE WRECK! IiP OZONE BRACED -- INVIGORATED. TONED AND STRENGTHENED. Men and worsen, married or single, whether old or young, will find abuu• dance Cf health in Ferrozone. It cont pletely vitalized Mrs, F. Levine, a well- known resident of Puiut Alexander, Out , who writoe: "I was on the verge of nervous prostration. When I got up in the morning I had to force myself to go ro work. "I felt blue and depressed, took uo real comfort out of life. •'Draggtug weakness and lank et spirit seemed to he killing me. -'How I wished for streugth I "Kind Providence brought Ferro - zone to my notice and 1 commenced to take it, '1 he change was wonder- ful. I picked up every day. Strength, developed, appetite increased. 1 grew cheerful and strong. Ferrozone made me feel like a new woman. My cure is complete and I recommend is as an un- snpas,-ed." The one medicine that's sure to lift you from a weak, miserable condition it: Ferrnzoue. 50 per box, or six for $2 50 at all dealers in medicine, of Polson & Cn., Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., and Kingston, A new gasoline engine installed in Mr. Bradley's shop, Belwood, to run a chopper, had only been running five days on trial`, when the piston stook on dead centre, the head of the cylinder coming off, causing the machine to stop so suddenly, that the fly wheel burst with a report that could be heard down town. On Monday morning,' Deo. 19th the grim reaper visited Gorrie and took one of the old residents in the person of Sarah Russell, at the ripe old age of 85 years. Deceased bad been in poor health for some time and about two weeks ago she was taken worse and never rallied. Mr. Thos. F. Cain has disposed of his hotel business in Lucknow to Mr. W. F. McCaughey. of Clinton, who took possession of the business last week. Mr. McCaughey is an experienced hotel man and goes to Lucknow well recom- mended. John Small of Grand Valley is dead. He was born in the County of Antrim, Ireland, on August Oth, 1800, married 64 years ago, and and moved to the town ship of Erin, where he had lived and voted Conservative ever since. Four sons and four daughters survive. He was probably the oldest man who voted at the last Dominion election, The home of Mr. John Rogers, Huron Road, Goderich township, has suffered a terribly sudden bereavement by the death of his estimable wife, which oc- curred some time during Wednesday night or the early hours of Thursday Deo. 15th. Mrs. Rogers had attended to all her household duties, apparently in her usual health, up to the hour of retiring, and Mr. Rogers, being awak- ened by the return of their son who bad been attending the annual meeting of and supper of the Rifle Assrciation, was horrified, on speaking to his wife, to find that she was dead. Chief Game Warden Tinsley has re- ceived from the Canadian Express Co. a return showing that the company carried 2,522 carcases of deer shot in the province during the season which closed last mouth, weighing 285,847 pounds, Last year, which was record year for sportmen, the company' carried 2,950 deer. and the year before 2,286, The largest number shipped from one point this year was 499, from Burk's Falls The returns from the Dominion Express Co., which usually carries between three and four hundred deer, have not yet beef received. The garden is a great medicine chest. Be your own doctor and look to 'your ailments. If you are wakeful, eat let- tuce; for affections of the skin and yel- low skin, eat onions. Onions are also good for colds, coughs and scrofula; for torpid liver, eat freely of asparagus; for malaria and general break -down, eat cranberries; if nervous and irritable, eat plenty of celery; for constipation, eat fruits, ripe and healthy fruits. Fresh fruits are good; so are figs and dates. Raisins are beneficial. When the body is in good condition keep it in good con- dition by denying the appetite what has once injured the body. One can do everything for himself by eating the right thing and not too muchof it, and by leaving alone the wrong thing and all of it. He can do more than the doc- tors can do for him when he is flat on his back in bed. `- ' Rare of Lobsters. - - liitoat curious are the ears of lobaterr. Each is a Mack or bag containing fluid Abd. "ear stones," these tart being tzar. Hetet of miners; matter, or, in Monts cases, particles of sand. They loam.' the vibrations set up by round 'Waith,' Which in dub season impinge ou the, delicate cells of the ear, which sOintain the ends of the serve of hearing. moo last in toad ton'ey the impreesiots td. 'what serves i."'abater by Way 01 * brain, and fr- r ctabit tlarj.ow multi, it it: Vott,rtehtp In New Qnbsea. Courtship in New Guinea is begun ou very different lines from those of the ('aueasitny. It Is the girl who takes the initiative instead of the youth. When a young than falls in love with a Papuan belle lie does not loot; at her and whenever possible abatis her company, If she appears grieved at such alights the suitor per. Corms various acrobatic feats when• ever he thinks site is watching. He will leap into the air, stand on his head or knock down some smaller youth. Should the girl bo fascinated by these performances she employs a little girl to carry .1 nut to her lover, and on the nut she will paint certain emblems indicative of her passion. The nut will also tell where she will meet hint that night, At this trysting place the two will eat the nut together and make spelt areal; ements as are nec- essary for the marriage. All the diffi- culties of proposing on the European or American pion are done away with 111 NOW txulnen, Knockout Drops" In. a Ring. "A knockout ring," said the detective. "Look at it well. It belonged to Jim- my the Kid, IIe was notorious," The ring was of gold, and it contain- ed a huge dark blue stone. "Now, watch the stone," continued the detective. And he pressed. with his thumb a spring, smaller than a pinhead, on the gold loop opposite the setting. Instantly the middle of the stone slip- ped back like a sliding door, and out of the opening three or four drops of fluid fell. When the detective ceased to press the spring the stone closed up again. "See how it works?" be said. "I sit with you, and there are two glasses of liquor before us. Talking away, I draw the band with the ring on it across your glass, and with my thumb I press the spring. Then into your glass there falls enough chloral to put you out of business." Took Hie Mettle In His Cabin. An Australian millionaire, Mr. James Tyson, left behind him ,when he died a fortune of £8,000,000. One of the many stories concerning itim tells how on one occasion he was a passenger on a Queensland coasting steamer. As usual, when traveling he declined to undress at night and lay in his bunk fully clothed, boots and all. He had taken thither with him, . moreover, three loaves of bread upon which to subsist for forty-eight hours in order to save the expense of meals. The stew- ards complained to the purser of the crumbs which the millionaire's ineth. ods caused in the cabin. But nothing would induce Tyson to eat his loaves elsewhere than in his bunk. Great was his rage when at the end of the voyage he was charged not only full rate, but one-fourth extra for having "taken his meals in his cabin." 'Artificial Eyes.. The trade . in artificial eyes is ex- tensive not only from the number Of people who need them, but also from the fact that they only last for about a year in consequence of the action of the secretions of the eyes upon the enamel. The process of manufacture involves eight distinct operations, which call Into play considerable artistic ability and patient skill, and for this female workers seem specially adapted; ' The enamel has first to be fused, then the globs is blown. and colored, after which the shaping, tempering and polishing have to be attended to. The minutest details, even to the coral veins on the sclerotic coat and the broken colored iris, are so faithfully reproduced that the imitation can rare- ly be detected save in times of great emotion.—London Standard. :A Titled Dandy. At the court of St. James in 1773 Lord Villiers appeared, according to a writer of that day, in a coat of "pale purple velvet, turned up with lemon color" and "embroidered all over with S's of pearl as big as peas, and in all the spaces, little medallions in beaten gold --real solid—in various figures of Cupids and the like." In that day the dandies rouged and powdered and car- ried nosegays as big as cabbages. Wal- pole records an occasion in the ]louse of commons when, to hasten the ad- journment, some of the exquisites vot- ed oned against their own opinions, "because the house was very hot and the young members thought it would melt their rouge and wither the r o egaysl" Suffered Forj Number of Years From Dyspepsia. • •i iY That is what Mrs. Mary Parka, i•i'r Cooper, Ont., says, and there are thousands of others who can say iy 0.1 the same thing, iv lt't 'BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS I +n cured her, and will cure any- W T one and everyone troubled with ~+r tit Dyspepsia. Mrs. Parkin writes as follows:— vi G�! FOR 00011 HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people ---but to the plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend 1n need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard lam.. .kr remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est r•:ln'-:dy 'with`" a long and successful record, to, c• -r; 'n:l]gest?rtn, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn .o'' ,i 1pation, t .;Tensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, oi' ation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular iatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- ..'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up i ! -dawn systems, restore pure blood, good appe•• sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives con .tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans 7.,.b1.11es., Your drl'ggist sells them. The five - cont packet is en .gh for an ordinary occasion. The Family Botts( 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. • Myr J4•, "F rNr:%Y2:tra4.t. h+I: ':5'4 F.ripf lyY ,: ;i /,' .�',i t:W+t +i'r Do you want to add $320 t© your income? It will only require a few minutes of your time every day to earn $3zo a year. You can earn it with a Chatham Incubator. A No, , Chatham Incubator will hold from too to rzo eggs—according to size of eggs. Eighty chickens is a low average hatch—users of Chatham Incubators will tell you so. Chickens are always in demand and the supply is always short, so fifty cents is the average price secured. If you only take off eight hatches in a year, that gives you an income of $3eo.00. Wouldn't that extra amount be useful to you ? ¶ Best of all, you can buy a Chatham Incubator without one cent of cash until October, 1905 The machine pays for itself many times over before that time. There couldn't be a fairer offer than this, We ship a Chatham Incubator to you at once, freight prepaid by us, and your first payment is not due until October, loos. Write us to -day for full particulars. The Chatham incubators and Brooders have every new improvement worth while in an incubator or brooder. ,The incubators are made walls, case within casewith, otwof dry ma- terial that has been seasoned in our lumber yards. They are built solid as a rock and will stand any amount of usage foryears. The sooner you accept our offer the soon- er will the Chatham Incu. bator be earning profits for you. We sell for Cash or on time as you desire. THE MANSON CAMPBELL CO., LIMITED DEPT. 108 CHATHAM, ONT. Manufacturers of Chatham Incubators and Brooders, Campbell Fanning Mills, and Chatham Farm Scales Distributing Warehouses at Montreal, Quo,. Brandon, Man., Calgary, Alta.. New Westminster, B.C., Iialifax, N. S. 9 000000000000•00•00000.00•0 4i•00811110•••••••••••A•••••• ev • • • The Times 0 49 Moor sp•t••• Job Department. • EMS • • • • • 0 • • • O • • 0 O • • • • • • a 2 • • • • w • w i w Our Job Department is up-to-date in every particular ; and our work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates cheerfully given. Our Specialities. COLORED WORK LETTER HEADS LEGAL BLANKS NOTE HEADS PAMPHLETS BILL HEADS CIRCULARS BOOK WORK VISITING CARDS ENVELOPES' MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO THE TIMES ,is the best local paper in the County of Huron. Subscription: $I.00 per, year in advance—sent to any address. in Canada or the United States., An advertisement in the Times brings good reslUts • Address all eominnniaations t0 r"I suffered fora number et Mars • from Dyspepsia,and tried al:frame. THE WING ISM TIMES dies, but withott an relief y�'til, cit l7fDce Phone. Na 4. the advise of a !dental. shitted tonne Residnnee Phone, o, 7�. ING1fA�I, ONT• oBurdockWit Blood Bitter, for*sing one bottle I Wad pleased toad that w,µt relieved Of the dreadful airs I • •M•!w•N . •Hp•O •••••••••••••••••••••••••t �. wlrire& I tlye all maitre to B. tB, for • the t 1 hate rieetyed and I hope • ... ..,., _. •all tm rers from Dyspepsia will tiny this wonderful remedy. If they do I ; ! En sure that they will have the sane ,.'w, 0 49' 0' 0 s' s` s •a • a, • •` •, w�. • •' • , •. •� • • • •;- • a, 0 w• • •• 4i experieaoe that I have had." Tsai T. inti $oltztr C'o:, Loam, Toronto, Ont. 1 Have you renewed your subscription for 1905 ?