The Wingham Times, 1904-12-29, Page 5"VWWVWWWVVVVVWVVVVWW ane+ . • The Blue Front Store BIG RARGAIN3 AT DROWDER'S --I N— Overcoats Suits Air Odd Pants UNDERWEAR, ETC. SPECIAL NOTICE. 7 Fur Coats at Bargain Prices. BIGGEST OVERCOAT BARGAIN IN HURON COUNTY 14 only Overcoats, sizes 34 to 46 chest, light and dark colors, short or long lengths, regular prices $8.5o, $9.00 and $r2.00. Bargain price, while they last - - $6.00 Yours for high quality at low prices, } t 1 1 1 R. H. CROWDER CoJ Wingham's Greatest Clothiers VVVVVWVWVVVVieVYWYVVW VVWVVWWVVV WVVVWVWW We desire to express our appreciation of the liberal patronage extended to us during the past year, and take this opportunity of Wishing one and all a happy and prosperous 1905 L. A. BALL & CO. The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING Brick residence, 5th house west PHONE from Hamilton's Corner Drug Store, where night calls will 61 receive prompt attention. CARPET LINOLEUM OILCLOTH vlvvvvV7vVVVVVVvvvlvvvvvvv VVVYYVVVVVYYVVVVYYYYYVVVV, kyrt ....., .E ROYAL GROCERY ; wt‘ ;r 1 a 1 4 W e thank you, one and all, for 1 . JA Emaking this store's holiday1 , shopping the heaviest we a :p have ever had. j Es Wishing you all a prosperous and happy New Year. 4 r 1 kT GRIFFIN'S. 3,. r►1/kilhAAAr,M►AAAAAAA A41,AAAA AAAMAAAA&AAAAAAAILAMAAAAA TUE, WINGIh ( TILES DECENI3E11. 29, 1904 NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. What Wideawalse Times Correspondents Communicate — Other Items Clipped From 'Our Exchanges. MYTH. Mr. and Mrs. George King left On Fri- day morning for a month's visit to friends in Flint and Detroit, Michigan, Mise Edith Moore, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at the home of her parents here. Mr. George Haggitt and son, Harold, of Unionville, Miohigan, are spending Xmas with the former's father at Lon- desboro and with his brother, Mr. Ed- ward Haggitt, of Blyth. Last Sunday morning Rev. J. Holmes preached a special sermon appropriate to the Christmas 000asion in the Metho- dist churoh. In the evening there was. a,song service. The annual meeting of L.O,L., No. 963 was held in the Orange Hall on Monday evening, when the following officers were elected:--W.M., Bro., N. B. Gerry; D.M., Bro. Fred Haggitt; Chaplain, Bro. John McGill; R.S., Bro. A. H. Plummer; F.S., Bro. Joseph E. Taman; treasurer, Bro. John Wilford; D.O., Bro. W. A. Bryant; lecturer, Bro. Richard Pratt; committee—lst, Bro. Robert Vint; and, Bro. A. McNally; 3rd, Bro. James Gibson: 4th, Bro. Arthur Sims; 5th, Bro. Absalom Tay- lor. The auditors appointed examined the books of the officers and found the lodge in good financial standing, A. Man Hates Himself When he wakes up with headache and bad taste in tho month, Something is needed to settle the stomach, clear away the dull heavy feeliug and create a heavy feeling and create a little appetite. Just get a tumbler of water, some sugar, and pour in a stiff dose of Nerviliue. You'll pick up immediately and feel tip-top in a few minutes. Nerviline hasn't an equal for a condition of this kind. It stimulates, cures the headache, re- lieves the sick feeling and fits you for a hard day's work. Try Nerviline. Largo bottles costs 25c. mouses. S. T. Bates, of Winnipeg, Man., was visiting his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Fralick and cousin, Miss Alice, last week. Mr. Bates is a prosperous young man and speaks highly of the West. Miss Hester Armstroug, of Bayfield, was a visitor at Township Clerk Clark's during the past week. She will be the teacher in S. S. No, 1 for 1905 at a salary of $300. Miss Isbiater, who has taught successfully for the past 4 years, is re- signing and will teach in the home sec- tion, No. 7, known as the stone school house, 2nd line. From the annual Financial Statement we note that the township receipts for the past year including balance on hand from the year previous of $3,678, was $15,167. The expenditure ou Roads and bridges was $2,0415; Miscellaneous, $253; Officers' salaries, $735; Printiug $79; Board of Health $113; Schools, $4,257; Charity, $12; Interest $9; Lamont drain, $546. The Co. rate is $2,361, In the case of Farrend vs. Munici= palities of Morris and Grey, re claim of the former. The case is as follows:— Plaintiff is Isaac E. Farrend, of lot 16, con. 3, Morris, who asked that damages by way of compensation for interference with the water privileges by reason of passing a By-law for the construction of a drainage work, known as the Lamont dram, in a natural creek running through the lands and leased by the plaintiff and having its outlet in the little Maitland river in the Co. of Huron. Lawyer Dickinson appeared for plaintiff; R. Vanstone for defendant, Morris town- ship, and W. Proudfoot, K. C. for de- fendant, Grey township. Referee Ran- kin presided. The defence put in 17 objections. Referee held that the only right to which plaintiff is entitled is a declaration of right m the stream on his own lauds and the lands leased to put up a dam and operate it. The question of costs was disposed of by giving the plaintiff his costs in the Co. Court scale and the defendants costs as between soli- citor and clients in Co. Court scale also. Tho posts will amount to about $450. There will an appeal. 96.0 Established r879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitic Cough, Grip, Aathina, Diphtheria Cr.eofono is a boon to Asthmatics ("CCsotr in Is n Ion. betihliehe,l and .fondant rowdy carts rave the al Yen. for the diseases indlrated. It c, lrr e r dared strongly antiseptic Is tartlet stat the diseased ma, ,• Lratth ivin faces of the bronchial tubes t s with evrr r ,a a prolonged and censtsnt'treaiment. Those of a coneurirp. ttve tindoney, er sufferers from chronic bronchitis, rind lmruedlete relief from coughs or Inflamed Conditions of the throat, Vapo.Cresolene Is told b> druggists er sent pm paid en teceipt of price. i1 Vapo•t'retotene out, h,din bottle fit 1n C a of g Cresotene OA. Send for freer liluetratrd bookl t. e terettta aims co., tad., Agbnts. 28$ lit. Jatitq At, Montreal, toned& tits glti•,Y. Miss Kate Telfer is home from the Model School, She will teke charge of Walton public school after New Tears, where we hope site will do well. About 23 years ago Wesley Heapy, who married Miss Grace, daughter of John Hill, of Brussels, moved away frons Grey to Nebraska, U. S. They own about 1,000 acres of laud and farm or ranch on a large scale. He hits 200 head of cattle; 40 horses And 160 hogs and is prospering in a most satisfactory style. The old friends of the fainly will be glad to hear of their success. Mr, Alexander Alexander, a pioneer of Grey township died at his home ou the second line oil Tnesday afternoon last week, in the seventy-third year of his age. Ho had ,been failing rapidly fcr some months past, his many years of hard work since the early days telling on even his iron constitution, The deceas- ed was a native of Aberdeenshire, Scot- land, and came to Canada as a young man, taking up land in Grey abort forty years ago, and clearing up the bush land which is now the homestead, lots 56 and 57 on the first coucession of Grey, This has been bis home ever since the first settlement and here, on the scene of his labors, where his toil couverted the orlgival forest into one i f the finest farms in the township, he passed to his reward. It Toy Don't Sleep Well It's because your nerves are in a weak irritable condition. Ferrozoue will make them strong and cot rel the trouble causing your insomania. "I fell into a state of nervous exhaustion last fall" arites Mts. J. Stroud of Dexter. I was run down, couldn't sleep acid felt per- fectly miserable,—tried Ferrozone and was quickly benefitted. I cau recom mend Ferrozoue to any one suffering from over -wrought nerves and sleepless - nese." No tonic is better, try Ferrozone. Price 50c. at druggists. EAST WAWANOSH A number of the members of the Sab- bath School in S. S., No. 9, East Wawa - nosh met at the home of Mr. A. E. Lloyd, Wingham, on Friday evening and spent a very enjoyable evening. The object of the meeting was to present Mrs. John T. Linklater, sec.-treas., with a beautiful couch as an appreciation of her services in the Sabbath School. The address was read by Mrs. J. G. Fyfe and the conch was presented by Mrs. J. J. Kerr on behalf of the Sabbath School. Mrs. Linklater, although taken quite by surprise replied in a feeling manner, thanking her many friends for their ,kindness as it watt totally unlooked for and hoped that they might long be spared to be co-workers in the Sabbath School. The remainder of the evening was spent in music and gamesaud all departed for home feeling they had spent a very enj g- able evening. The trustees of S. S. No. 9, East Wa- wanosh, have engaged the services of Miss Elsie Clark daughter of the Morris Township Clerk, for next year. Salary will be $300. Miss Clark is just home from Model and she will make a good teacher. She had offers from five schools but chose this one near Wingham. We wish her success. Cures Cold& in One Hour Many cold cares are dangerous be cause composed of deadening opiates. But fragrant healing Oattarrhozone cures colds in one hour and is both harmless and delightful to use. Even the worst colds, sneezing, sniffling colds with running eyes are stopped very quickly when tho balsamic vapor of Catarrhozoue is inhaled. Catarrhozone acts like a charm on colds, kills them outright, prevents their return a few hours later. For colds, catarrh and throat trouble use only Catarrhozone. Complete outfit $1,00; trial size 25c. at all druggists. • LOWER WINGIIA\\I. S. S. No. 11, Turnberry, report for December:— Sr. 4th—Fred Johnston, Georgina Phipps'', Lulu Carrie, Ernest Linklater, Frank Calhoun. Jr. 4th—Emma Forsyth, Earl Reid. Roy Netterfield, Annie Finnen, i<faieie Lediet. Sr. 3rd—Earl Groves, Ethel Manson, Laura Calhoun, Willie Lockridge. Jr. 3rd—Mary Currie, Maggio Reid, Lizzie Lockridge, Anna McDonald, Eddie Lookridge, Edna Finley, Aggie Finnan, Willie Styles. Sr. 2nd --11 uby Forsyth, Carrie Weeks, Eva Linklater. Jr� 2nd—Frank Lediet, Willie Srigley, Frank Lockridge, Ethel Free, Sr, Pt, 2 ---Susan Welsh, Minnie Saunders, John Rogers. Jr. Pt. 2—Alfred Lockridge, Beatrice Johnston, Ralph Weeks, Albion Groves. Sr. Pt. 1—Jessie Currie Gordon Rd n a n• a sent Sammy Styles, Ross Forsyth, ,Aryrtle Looitriytige, A. Hold, IsTames are in order of merit. M. D. *Wreath, Teacher. . t. Consurnption J There is no specific for consumption. Frush air, ex- ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil- lions of people throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous, We will send you a sample free. J Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- per of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists Toronto, Ont. sec, and :II; all druggl.ts 1V HITI1CIi1QROH The public examinatinn held in S. S. No. 10 Kinloss last Friday was an un- qualified success in every way. Fine weather brought out a large attendance of visitors, upwards of 1:50 availing them- selves of the opportunity to eujoy the day's proceediugs. Teaching continued all the forenoon, after winch a daiuty lunch was served by the ladies. Among the teachers who attended were Messrs. Beaton and Eaglestoue and Misses Heury and Troy, each of whom is au ex -pupil of this school. After lunch, another hoar's teact,ing followed dealing with different classes and different subjects. Tha remainder of the afternoou was taken up with entertainment. Mr. H. D. Henderson, one of the pioneer teach- ers of the section, was elected chairman and filled the position ably and well. Instrumental music was furnished by Mr. Robert Carrick ou the accordeou and by Mr. Thus. Gauut's gcaznophoue. Bright interesting recitatiuus were given by tne pupils, while rousiug speeches from Revs Kaiue and Dunn and Mr. Juo. A. Taylor helped to vary the pro- gram. The most pleasing teature of the afternoon came when on behalf of the pupils Bina Henry presented the retiring teacher, kir. Lavery, with a beautiful watcli•chuiu and loukot accompanied by the iollowiug address read by Nettie Cuttle. Whitechurch, Dec. 22nd, 190.4. MR. W. G. LAvxtl;Y, Dear Teacher :—Having heard with feelings of deep regret ut your intended departure from our midst, we reel that we could nut let you go without,couvey- iug to you, our appiectlttibn of the excel - lout wurk you havet duue in our sohuol. We shall always look upon the time spent under your tution as among tne most pleasaut ami profitable of our school life. We shall miss very much the personal magnetism of the genial, kiudly, sympathetic aisposition, which encouraged us in discouragemouts and the ready tact and good judgment which prevented us from minim); mistakes or correcting those we had Made. We are sorry to have withdrawn the elevating influences which your moral iutegrity and strong, earnest, christian mauhood have exercised upon our lives giving us higher ideals of living and teaching us to be better boys and girls. As a taugible evidence of the love and esteem of the pupils who have been helped and blessed by your work in this com- mnniiy we ask you to accept this watch - chain and locket, believing that it car- ries with it our beat wishes for God's richest blessing on ,your future life wherever your lot .may be ,oast. We hope that in wearing it your mind may be filled with pleasant memories of the happy days we spent together in the schoolroom of S. S. No. 10, Kinloss, and that it may remind you that you are be- ing helped by the careful, prayerful Of your former pupils who shall hail with delight the announcement of any and every advancement you make in life. Accept also onr sincerest wishes for a Merry Christmas and runny happy, pros- perousYears. u New peroSigned on behalf of the pupils. 1 ta et Mabelett MorriGott son Bina Henry. ttery I'hyekkhan kiriown About: the great merit of Dr. lIamil- ton's Pine of Mandrake sButternut which cleanse the system, cure oonstipa- tion and piles. Use only tit. lialnilton's Pills. Prioe 25e, Isard's TNS LEADING 8tQRE The Talk of the Town. Y We're going to make our Alteration Sale the talk of the town for the next couple of months, To get rid of a big stock in half the usual time means big selling—and our way of creating large sales is to go right after the prices. We start in among the Furs, and offer Ladies' Fur Coats, Men's Fur Coats, Caperines, Fur Caps, Ruffs, Muffs and Gauntlets at wholesale price. This is a grand opportunity to secure a real good Fur Coat at a great saving. We handle only the best rnzkes of Furs. Ladies' Jackets. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloth Coats to clear at cost price. High-class Clothing. Two thousand dollars' worth of Men's Youths' and Boys' Ready -to -put-on Clothing in the basement at wholesale price. It will pay you 'to drive twenty-five miles to buy clothing here during this great sale. The clothing must positively be sold out, as the end will be torn out of the building in order to extend the store back, so we must get the basement cleared out and ready for the builders. This is. your chance to make great savings on MEN'S OVERCOATS " SUITS REEFERS PANTS OVERALLS Ai BOYS' OVEROOATS " SUITS " REEFERS " PANTS, short and long MEN'S SHOCKS 'all to go at wholesale price. A few Pobes to clear out at cost price. No room to quote prices here. Please come and see goods and prices together, and we will satisfy you in every respect. CARPETS Buy your Carpets, Oilcloths and Linoleums nOW, and see what money we can save you during our Alteration Sale. This is a money -making sale for our customers and a stock reduction sale for us. Dress Goods. Silks and Trimmings, Knitted Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes—at cost price. TERMS OF SALE:— !GASH OR TRADE. H. E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices. County Council Candidates. The complete list of candidates for County Council, and those elected by acclamation are as follows:— No, 1—Ashfield, Colborne and Town of Goderioh—Thos. E. Dnrnin, Dungan- non; John N. McKenzie, Ashfield; Henry J. Morris, Colborne; Edward C. Attrill, Colborne; Robt. McLean, Gode- rioh; Robt. Elliott, Goderich. No. 2—Hallett, Clinton and Township of Goderich—D . Catitelon, Clinton and Robt. Ferris, Hallett, by acclamation. No. 3—Bayfield, Stanley, Hay and Hensall—Wm. Lamont, Stanley; J. Mc- Naughton, Stanley, elected by acclama- tion. No. 4—Stephen, Usborne and Exeter Hugh Spackman, Exeter; Robt. Gardin- er, Usborne, by acclamation. No• 5—Tuckersmith, McKillop and Seaforth—John Morrison, Seaforth; John B. McLean, Seaforth; John G. Grieves, McKillop. No. 6—Grey, Morris and Brnssels— Wm. Isbister, Morris; Edward Bryans, Grey, by acclamation. No. 7—East and West Wawanosh, Blyth and Wingham—A. E. Bradwin, Blyth; John T. Corrie, East Wawanosh; M. Lockhart, East Wawanosh; Wm. McQuillan, West Wawanosh. No. 8—Turnberry, Howick and Wrox- eter—Robt. Miller, Tnrnberry; Semi. W. Ferguson, Howick; Andrew Doig, Howick. in this division the four candidates have been conducting a very active can- vas. Mr, John T. Currie has been in all parts of the division and has met with much encouragement. Mr. Currie should poll a very large vote in Wing- ham and the northern part of the divi. sion. He is the one candidate who is nearest resident of Wingham. Messrs. Brad vin, McQnillian and Lock- hart k - hart ate condnetin au active campaign, Mr. Bradwin- Mr Either orM Q.nillan woltld make a good representative, In No. 8 we would like to see the old repro- ' uentatite8 re-elected, Mr. Miller is one of the oldest members of the County Council and if he is re-elected will in all probability be elected Warden for next year. A Big Surprise. Another big surprise is announced in. the Family Herald and Weekly Star of this week. No person who knows anything of the value of such a story ss Ralph Connor's latest success "The: Prospector," could ever imagine any Canadian newspaper strongg enough to pay the price demanded for the exclusive rights to such a sto 11'evertheless the Family Herald by y of a Christmas present to its readers has actually secur- ed it. "Nothing too good for the Fam- ily Herald readers," seems to be the motto of the publishers of that great Weekly. We predict a greater demand tban ever for the Family Herald, and. few present readers will now want t es have their paper stopped. It will be re- membered that the Family Herald had exclusive use of "The Man of Glen- garry," now it has the new and great story by the same author. POUND AT LAST. A Liver Pill that is small and sure, that acts gently, quickly and thoroughly, that does not gripe. Laity -Liver Fills possess these qualities, and are a sure euro for Liver Complaint. Constipation, Sick Headache, etc. For the best makes of Pianos, call sad look through D. Bell's stock. Prices to suit purchasers. They are the best money' tan procure. Remember the stand, near Bell's factory. No'ttoa---I have arranged with tbo Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me ou notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any. time after falling doe.Remem r f4 ter fbe you need not pay until you are requesteu do so by me, I thank all those who have done business with me and wish yarn 1411 every prosperity. ROM. treINDOCrs