HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1904-12-29, Page 1Si
VOL XXXIIL-•--NO. 1716.
Wear Greer's Shoos and Rubbers
1101 a Game
of Chance
When you come to trade with ns
you take no chances with your money.
Bank deposits are not safer than our .
guarantee to you of good value or
money back.
To know what real solid clothing
value is—Buy Ilomuth Bros.' Suits
and Overcoats. We are showing
some beautiful effects, made in latent
style and best workmanship. at
.$16,00, $18,00 up to 225.00
New Year
and all
R, A. Hutchisoo
Goods delivered promptly. Phone 59
Xmas Gifts.
In Neckties we have all the new
colorings and styles in Puffs,
Derbys, Flowing Ends, Bows,
Strings, eto. Really the finest
assortment ever shown in the
county, at 25e, 500, and .76
Be sure yon bane one of our warm
Mufflers ; materials of wool,
also silk. These are the great-
est value we have ever offered.
at 36c, 600, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25
In Gloves we have a very fine as-
sortment to select from. These
are good fitters—by the beat
makers; all sizes; $1, $1.25, $1.75
In Hats, Caps, Underclothing, Sus.
panders, Handkerchiefs, Armlets,
Colored Shirts, White Shirts,Hosiery,
Collars, Cuffs, and in fact everything
in Gents' wear.
We invite you before buying else-
where to call and have a look at any
rate, and no doubt yon will go away
from this store well pleased.
A pleasure to show goods.
Hoffluth Bros.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, X` To. 28 victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0,00 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profits $ 3,414,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added toprinoipal 30th June and 81st
December each year.
D. T. BEPBUIDC Manager.
;t..'q' nstone, Solicitor,
iiapitill lid nP, $2,250,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $2,000,000.00.
Total Assets, $25,000,000.00.
President-- Nott. War, Guises.
'hies-Ptestdent and
General Manager—3.'7l`uaNisttxr,.
Assistant Gei. Manager I. L Vetoes
latItte'r DRS
Jahn Geo, Rutherford, Cyreg A Birgeadrie,
1slspectot B,*Wad woo
Real Estate Notice.
Would you like to make 10e, clear of all ex-
pense on your money? If so, l ask you to call,
and see me and 1 will show you bow to do so.
Others Lave taken advaetaga of it, why not
you? 1 have investments that are paying 10
And lick clear of All expense, and I would like
to get you interested in them.
Start the New Year by making a good safe
investment of your money.
Farre and town property of every description
and price; for sale at your own terms.
Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent,
VANirooa ULoos. - WINGHAM, ONT.
Mr, and Mrs. Joh
ford, former well-
Wingham, celebra
nivexeay oft their
13th of this month.
k indly with both
lands and their
Wingham will wisl
returns of their we
ietereet spewed on deposits of 21.00 and alt
4014 r Voend
vetj �a ' l oin slit 21Mnd
fa Z p:Atte atm relieved at entreat
elates ointerest
ColflotrLD, Amt
DICKINSON & lioriatas, Selleleoii.
Mrs. O. Young
accident on Thurs
crossing the stre
hotel she was ove
Forbes, who was
in some way Mrs.
on the road and
fiicted on the top
from the horse's
were necessary to
are pleased to le
about the house
Neelands, of Brant-
nown residents of
ed the fiftieth an-
edding dayon the
Time has dealt very
and Mrs. Nee -
any old friends in
them many happy
ding day,
met with a painful
ay afternoon last. In
t near the National
taken by Mr. Thos.
riving his horse, and
Young was thrown
a painful wound in-
t her head by a knock
of. Several stitches
close the wound. We
that Mrs. Young is
The Royal emplars,
Wingbam Count 1, No. 114, Royal
Templars of Tem • .ranee held a very
successful meetin s on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Elliott, of to onto, Superintendent
of Agencies was • esent and delivered a
very interesting : • 4 instructive address
on "Life Iusuren e," A membership
contest is now go • g on and the members
are very much i • erected in it. The
Connell is growin . so rapidly that it is
now necessary to •ove to a larger ball,
and hereafter the ‘. eetings will be held
in the Canadian F . resters' Hall in the
Gregory block.
Pringle & Groves are piny the high-
est cash prices for sh ereakins, hides and
tallow, delivered at 66 tannery, Chap -
man's old stand, W ham.
Dwelling Bur
On Saturday eve
Mr. James Wilson,
stroyed by fire, to
the contents. Mr.
ham at the time of
known of his loss n
his wife and child
fire is supposed to h
a defective ehimne
ally covered by ins -
is a 'son of Mr.
Shuter street.
d in Culross.
ing the dwelling of
of Culross was de-
ther with most of
risen was in Wing -
he fire and did not
til he reached home,
ing at home, The
ve been stated from
The loss is part" -
ranee, Mr. Wilson
homes Wilson, of
We have been tre
weather during the
nrday and Sunday
snap and on Monde
mild with heavy
morning came in ve
wind and Snow flu
able weather done
telegraph and telep
munioation with th
partially cut off for
were more or less d
weather conditions
passenger trains.
Death at
After an illness of
Mr. Wm. F. Hel
Triday night last,
donee, Main street
ness and an inter
cause of his deat
born in Magdel
17th, 1842. At t
enlisted in the ar
man in the Hus
service in 146
aian 'war, and al
Sian wat of 187
viae medals. H
many in 1872,
came t0 Canada
in Stratford,
semen years, and
wel, himself an
their home here
three years.
maker by trade,
in the glove war
barring, induatri
ed, and was a
Lletewel Stan
father of Mrs.
istowe I.
over two months,
g passed away- on
eo, 16th, at his real-
est. Heart weak -
al cancer were the
nrg, Germany, Zan.
e age of twenty-one he
y, and was a cavalry-
& He was active
in the Austro-Prus-
71, receiving two ser -
Vas married in Ger-
nd three years later
taking rip his residenee
ere he remained for
then removed to Lieto-
for tbe paet twenty.
Melling was a glove -
rel worked for a while
here. He was rams.
us and kindly dispos.
Deceased Watt
WachisMuth of gibs
ted to a variety of
ast week. Op Sat-
e had a very cold
and Tuesday very
rains. Wednesday
cold, with high
les. This change -
nob, damage to the
ne wires and corn -
outside world was
time. The trains
layed, cubing to the
nd the heavy holiday
We are positively ole
and Ilien's Snits. Ove
$8.00 and $10.00 goods
ress Goods
ts. See those
axing at $5,00
At the regale
Encampment, No
'fellows held on
following officers
ensuing term :
Elliott; Scribe,
next meeting of
be held on Mo
9th, when Mr.
of Exeter will
the officers. Al
to be present at
ent Officers.
meeting of Minerva
47, Independent Odd-
onday evening, the
were elected for the
J. Alderson; Treas.,
the Encampment will
day evening, ,Tanuary
N. Taylor, D D.G,P.,
be present and install
members are requested
he next meeting,
Hockey at L cknow,
The Wingbam junior • ockey Club won
their firat victory for th seeaonatLuok•
now on Monday night "; ben they de.
feated the juniors of the
tune of 8 to 2. The loo
very proud of this victory
to repeat it in the return
players for Wingham were
goal, Hanna; point, Taylor;
McGillivrary; toyer, Ho
Murray; right, Elliott; mut
Place to the
players feel
and promiae
game, The
follows: --
over point,
son; left,
Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London,
3rd door East St. Andrew's Church.
glasses supplied.
Tuesday evening,
date of the annual
held under the aus
Scotland. This arm
forward to by a lar
in this section. Th
promises to be one o
in Wingham. The
Mr. H. Ruthven Ma
well-known to a
Lillie Kleiser-Paine
best sopano's and h
the principal places i
Donaldson, Scottish
of Scotland and has a
calved wherever she
Fax, comic singer, he
will be here with
Mabel McDonald, Hi
Piper McDonald will
as they have in past
Hanna and Mrs. IL
will preside at the
prices will prevail.
for seats and we wan)
theui early at Walton
store on and after To
January 10th is the
cottah concert to be
oes of the Sons of
al event is looked
number of people
s season's concert
the best ever given
rtists are all good.
donald, baritone, is
one of Toronto's
s appeared in all
Canada; Mary C.
ader, is a native
ways been well re -
as appeared; Jas.
s no stranger and
w songs, Miss
land dancer and
lease the audience
thven Macdonald
'ano. The usual
here will be a rush
advise securing
McKibbon's drug
sday next.
News from the Nort west.
Mr, James Gilmour, a f rater well-
known resident of Turuberr in renew•
ing his subscription to the T .. , s, writes
from Oaron, Assa,, under d to of Deo.
18th, in part as follows :—" ' ` e have had
another very good harvest, :! though not
such a large yield of grain a last year.
I sold a 1000 bushel car of heat, No. 2
Northern, 80c clear and ve another
oar yet to sell. We are h ving lovely
weather. Hardly any sn w and the
roads are just perfection. an take from
80 to 100 bushels of whet at a load.
Just one night we had it below zero and
then it was 22 below. We do not feel
that weather as cold here' as Huronites
would feel 10 below zeroPrices were
good all summer and they ;were good yet.
Potatoes 76o to $1 per bus,el; batter 20o
to 25c per lb.; eggs 800 per doz. We
got coal $5.80 per ton in oar load lots,
which is not high, o.nsidering the
advance in price the la t two years.
Caroli, my market place • s two general
stores, blaoksmitl; shop hotel, two
livery stables, flour and f d store, post
of toe and three elevators. One elevator,
owned by a company of f mere with a
capital stook of $7,500, h a capacity 0t
45,000 bushels. This one elevator has
received over 180,000 bus • as of wheat
since the tet of October. on will now
have an idea of the kinof a wheat
oonntry we have here."
Eight Candidates
Seats at th
in the Field for
Town Financial
The Treasurer's Fi
for the year endiug D
wore printed at the
week. Prom Deo 152
1903 the total recelpte
chi fling a balance on
the expenditure for th
$4045.56 which inolu
hand of $279.07. Fro
till December 152h,
aniounted to $38782.2
lows:— Balance on ha
$14930.65; weigh scat
$113,54; town Heels
grant, $275; debentu
Collaneous, $1280.08.
for this petiod ansort
which was divided as
and allowances, $1651.
titling and stationery,
$210.78; rdads and t'
charity, $92.17 t de
cetipoue, C732.50; bill
interest, 2103.50; Wat
mice, $908,50; wheal
minty rate, 012,95;
158.05 loan to Walk
22, 'which left a bat
603.94. The Mate
assets and liabilitie
08.57 of assets o
ancial statement
comber 15th, 1904
Tents office last
1903 to Deo 31st
were 24045.56, ha-
tted of $3850.40;
/311/110 time Was
es a balance on
January let 1904
1004, the receipts
8,1613296.49; loaus
etery, $128; IBIS*
The expenditure
ted to $31178.27,
178.21 ; town hall,
eWalks, $749.22;
three, $2316.70;
payable, $5600;
cemint, 8397545;
s, (blending $90
tide on hand of $7,-
ent Of the yearse
leaVes balance of
Nominations for t
Councillors and Pohl
for the Town of Win
held in the council oh
Meaning from 7:80 to
at the end of the ti
names had been slated
ofllces of Mayor,
School Trustees
am for 1905 were
mber on Monday
:30 o'clock, and
e the following
Thomas Bell—by 2hos. Arntstrong and
D. McDonald,
W, F, VanStone--by S. 1•= 'Rebell and R.
W rr;. Holmes—by Dr. P. Macdonald and
D. M. Gordon.
W. F. VanStone--by Tipling and
Thos. Armstrong,
G. Miihkiu—by A, E. L oyd and John
Wm. Holmes—by D, Bel and T. Arm-
D. M. Gorden—by F. Bu hananand H.
James Stewart—by T. mstrong, and
Thos. Bell.
F, Buchanan—by N. S. urwasb and H.
A. Cosens—by F. Buoha an and Thos.
S. Bennett—by A. E. Llyd and D. M,
David Bell—by Thos. : ell and Wm,
T. L. Jobb—by C. J. T ornton and S,
W. J. Greer --by D. ;ell and Wm.
Thos. Armstrong—by J s. Stewart and
W. 11. Hale.
Thos. Gregory—by A. J. Irwin and
A. E. Lloyd.
E:xaminations for No ember and
The following is the re rt of examin-
ations at the Winghaut school. Sub -
Geography, Physiology, Chemistry.
Maxhnum, 600.
Davis 427
Maude Troy 403
Maggie Troy 401
Rintoul 891
W Linklater 388
W Stewart 388
*L Ansley 368
0 Cruickshank 850
C Sheriff 346
C Currie 340
S Hutton 338
G Troy 319
M Hart 304
3' Perrie 206
y. 295
*G Cruickshank 261
*L Dey ell 205
*M. Ross 205
*0 Elliott • 203
*C4 Gregory 201
*0 Ferguson 183
*A Posliff 143
*V Holmes . 117
E Davidson 466
13 McPherson 424
E Glenn 399
0 Nelson. 888
CT Adana 373
T Wilson 364
0 Manners 846
*E Musgrove 339
)3 Marsales 337
Vannorman. 282
*111 Stewart
*1' Patterson
*X Swats
We have a well assorted line, aed
every article full vane for money
asked. Call in and see thein.
tERIPUMES—In fancy pack-
MIRRORS—In ebony and rose-
wood, etieh 50c to $2.50
BRITSIIES—Ilair, Cloth, Hat
and Hand— eaeh 25o to $3.00
130N 130NS—Ilowney 'a best, in
fancy package& 250 to $40
Leather Goods, Paseo, Cigar Cates,
Walton Nib*
Neat door to Poet Moe.
County Boar
A. meeting :of th
Examiners for the
was held in the pub
on Friday, Deo. 23r
of the Model School
ter routine business
tion waa passed: Th
admitted to the Mode
not obtained the n
sional standing; appea
admitted, but in case
not sustained by the
must cease attendance
has been sent. Such a
credited stnttents at.a
Students are required t
ing and produce oerti
fortnight after the b
term. There was a iarg
students this year,
thirty-five and Goderic
All succeeded in passing the examinaa-
of Examiners.
County Board of
County of Huron
'o *shoe'', Seaforth,
, to finish the work
xatuinatiop5. Af.
e following resolu-
t no students he
Schmitt who have
sary non-profes.
$tridents may be
sir apoeale are
apartment, they
soon ,psnotice
endance may be
ucoeeding term.
report stand -
cater; within a
inning of the
attendance of
linton having
tion. The pass mark thi
50% of the total, The h
Best, Minnie A Manz
Cooper, Olive McDo
year Is 560, or
nor mark is
or list:
e, Clara,
old, Pearl
Clark, Elsie Naftel Florence
Henry, Elizabeth Leppa d, Harry
Howard, Winona White, Clayton 8
Armstrong, Hester White Cora
Chidley, Elizebeth Willis is, Maggie
Grassiok, Lottie Wilma . Hannah
Graham, Mildred Wynn Pearl
Gaetzineyer, Maria YOUll Loretta
Healer, Maria
Kelly, Mary Aike
Kelly, Helen Ale
Kilpatrick, alarg'et And
Koehler, Clara Can
Milligan, Katherine Co
MoDougall, Isabella Oa
McKay, Isabella Our
Murdock, Grace E
Penhale, Maine Fr omen, Win.
Park, Ariel G. G lines, Arthur
Parsons, Mary II my, Oliver
Purcell, Stella M •Dermott, Wm.
Robinson, Ruby M
Shemin Ada
Smith, Annie
Telfer, Kathleen S
Webb, Katherine A
Welsh, Agues St
Ward 1—J. D Long— Thos Abraham
Ward 2-3. Homuth'
and T. J. MoLea
Ward 3—A. E. Lloyd
Millikin and Re A
Ward Irwin—
Returning officer 3' Ferguson an-
nounced that as more 2 an the required
number of candidates l ad been nomin-
ated, a poll would b necessary. The
ratepayers were then : . out to disperse,
when Dr P Macdonal. arose and asked
if there was to be no :xplanation from
those who had been g. verning the town
for the past year of w at had beet: done
during their term o offi.ce, how the
money collected in ation had been
spent, and also questi ned the council in
regard to the runni g of the electric
lighting plant.
At this,point, tar 8 M Gordon was
appointed cbairruttn, nd a discussion of
municipal affairs too place; the prin-
cipal subject being th electric lighting
Mayor Vanstone xplained that the
council had endeavor d to run the sys-
tem on as economical a scale as possible
for the first year in co er to see how it
would tarn out. Th users of electric
lights were now pa ing on the meter
system, with the =option of some
seven or eight, an meters Would be
placed in these place by the end of the
present year. The r tam they were not
all on the meter syst ta was that there
was not a sufficient umber of meters,
and the council did is • t wish to go to the
Considerable disc ssion took place,
the principal ptarticip nts being Dr. Mac-
donald and the Ma or, during vsbioii
some information in egard to the town's
affairs was brought i tit.
satisfaotory state . the sidewalk in
front of his propert , and asked if it had
to be siecepted from the conttactors in
that condition. T e Mayor, in reply.
stated that the viror was guaranteed for
five years and if it as not satisfactory
1 the contractors co Id be compelled to
None of the tend atesavithdrew their
nanies during the Initiation bout.
stone resigned their candidature within
the required time, 1 aving Mr Thomas
tell elected Mayo y acoltimatien.
Of the candidate nbminated for the
Connell the followi g ate its the field:—
Meests Thos Anna reng, la Belli 8 Bern
Stone, Prom this 'at the electors should
have no trouble i selecting suitable
The retiring chool trustees are te-
nder, Chas,
mon, Wilbur
eron, James
resell. Herbert
ie, j Elgin
rrance, IL A.
The following who
age, will not receive
testi' they are eightee
Henry, Elizabeth S
Kelly, Helen
alcEwen; Annabel
Lerman, Rod k.
ylor, Alfred
gers, Oscar
ott, Arthur
erwood, Ernest
there, John 0
re under the legal
their certificateo
ftel, Florence
rsons, Mary
ith, Annie
ite, Cora
To the Clitizens of W
On behalf of the B
the citizens of Wing
port during the past
for the generous cent
There was a Iarge
who owing to the lac
clemency of the weat
able to call upon, but
one will feel slighted
The total contri utions received
amounted to $146.95 Moll far exceeded
all expectations and 11 encourage the
boys to more earnest iforts and assure
the oitizens of Wingh m still better ser-
vices in the future.
Again thanking all ho so generously
supported us and wis ing yon the com-
pliments of the seas() .
You s truly,
General Montt watted.—ApPly tO
nd I wish to thank
m for liberal sup -
ear and especially
'buttons on Xmas
mber of persons,
of time and m -
is hoped that no
that account.
Thank you
We made a bid for our share
of Mr. Santals trade, and we
get What we were after. We
are abundantly eatisfied with.
the Clarietnas bueinees dove
weeks before the eventful day,
which int:refuted until last Sat-
urday, which was the crown.
ing day.
We heartily thank onr cus-
tomers. and wish all a very
Happy New Tear.
We are now selling Holiday Goods
at 20 per cent. discount to
clear them, with a view to
ordering new stook for an-
other year.
AgliMcCall &Col
Druggists and Opticiana
A Famous School,
This school has a continental rept-
tation for thoroughness. Oar conrsee
are up, to -date and practical, and th
teaching is done by experienced i
struotors in eatib. department. Tim
IS NO BETTER sonoon rie CANADA. e
would like to give full information
concerning our work to anyone de-
siring a Business Education Or Short -
band Training.
Write for free catalogue.
Winter Term opens Jaen:try 3rd.
rit and Tory
cret the same rates when
insuring in COSENS'
All kinds of Loan, Real tstate
and Insurance business
To" -
LeadinA 6hoe Store
We wish all
a very Happy awl Prosperous New Yea.
have on hand a few broken lots of
which, in order to clean up, will be sold
at a sacrifice.
Fresh supply of Trunks and Valises.
Shoer to the People.