HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-12-29, Page 5L ONDESBbR le. Are showing very.nice lines in fashionable 1 - :,1,i. Dress • Goods, Casbmerc$: Seises, D#onals, &c. AbT .EXCELLENT GRECIAN CORD AT 12i CENTS. 'FULL LINE OF WINCEY,PLAIN AND CHECKED, Plain and Twilled GREY CHAM$LY FLANNELS, Fine and Heavy check FLANNEL SHIRTINGS. • Back Franch Mforltto are really excellent veld and Melton Cloths, for Ladies Cloakings. These value, and should be seen by every lady who requires goods for that purpose. Completeassortment of CLOUDS AND WOOL SQUARES.. ' LADIES FUR SETS, and LADIES and CHILDREN'S CAPS, large variety. HOSIERY',. MITTS, GLOVES, FRILLING, LACES, FRINGES; dye. BOOTS & SHOE S =-X' ell line in Ladies and Children's, from heavy Kip to fine French Kid. The 'TAILORING Department. Has got all steam turned on7 and is kept rustling by a magnificent assortment ot• CANADIAN and SCOTCH TWEEDS and. OVERCOATING•S, A large .line of READY MADE OVERCOATS, in Etoffe and Irish Frieze.' Vere heavy alyd excellent value . ' A Range of Cloth an .Fur Ca `s. a'�tg� • p � . . A Range .of Fur Hata, A . Range of Shirts ai d..Drawer . A Range. of Heavy Wool 1VIuffiers. A Range, of Cardigan Jackets. A Range of Kid Mits and (loves, A Range of White , and gad Shirts. Range A e of Neck Ties. g A Rangeof loth Leather Range of Bilk Squares. ' g . AC and Felt Boots. Large Sto.�f.: FreshGroceries, "WIRY FINE RAISINS AND CURRANTS, .TRY. .OUR 60 CT. TEA, - YO1T WILL,. PRONOUNCE IT GOOD. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE; COAL OIL, HARDWARE, 'ETC. • Commencing on Friday, Nov. llth,,we will allow- a SPECIAL DISCOUNT .of 5 per -cent -on. all cash purohases of -Dry--Goods to the value of $1. On all• purchases of Dry. Goods amounting • -to $10 or more, we will allowa cash discount of: 10 ' per cent, excepting on Clothing male to Order,'on which we . cannot al= low inore than 5 per cent for: cash:. Parties requiring. Winter Goods will stt dy,their ,own interest by inspecting our. :stock.'beforepurchasing elsewhere. • • 011:71[16101r. CANADIAN AN PACIFIC ` RA W. AYCQ11IPANY: The CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY ott'or lends in the Fit 6TI7.F MtFLT of Manitoba and tho Northwest Territory for sale at $2.50 PER ACR E.. Payment td -be made one-sixth at the blue of plirehaac,' leap the 1lalanee'In live•annual instal- ments, with interest at. Six her cent., - A • REBATE OF $i.25 PERACRE being allowed, oncertain conditions, for cultivation and other inrlprovemente. TWE• „LAND RANT ttONDf0 M the Company, which on be procured at all the Agencies of the Bank. of Montreal ;End other Banking Institutions throughout the country, will be . • RECIRIVED _ATTEIST-.ICER CENT :i?REivitu•Dx. • on their par value, with intermit accruoil,'on account of and in payment of the purchase money, thus further redncing.tite price Of the land to thepurchasei•, • . . Special arrangements made with Emigration and Land Companies, For full particulars, apply to the Company's Land Commissioner, JOHN mers.VisIt, Winnipeg ; or to the undersigned. - By order of tho Beard, • (,JIIRLES ,IAINIrWATlaR, Sieeretnry:, MONTREAL, December hit, i881 4t NO. 77, NEXi',to F.: M; RACE)PS .,ALBERT STI1RET, Is. the'•spot to buy your. Furniture, • As we manufacture all our own goods we are prepared to give our ,cnetomers a better quality > of goods for less money than can be obtained elsewhere: . A T Call n Sets,' i-..' mid in pieces • see our. Ped oo S s p .. � Bedst` 1 �asli d,:' :. sac Bureau an W taatl d. t� 95 .• $ BROAIDPOIVIV .h• BOX, 77 brick. . Hiock. Clinton. 1:11. .MMCloTxI' Hardware and. Stove Warehouse, S'It ,AS DAVIS.° C•R,COSS' Q tIT GENUINE MAPLE LEAP, 57LV1�:f STEEL,. LANCE TOOTH, DIAl11QND I-IANLAN, `CHAMPION, LANOPIP, and ONE MAN (MOSS CUT SAWS. AXES:. AXES,. �1 XE+ WA1;1 LICK'S,13[J1tI1iWS• ANi) nrX1' oitv's, i$ Alit, Tt•Ifi BE 4'.l' BRANDS BARBED WIRE, SOSTEEL, TWO: `A LIDND FOUR POINTED. deceased endured a loss of abort $4,000 cheaper ROYAL CANADIAN CLOTHES WHINGE S b chew in the shape of, hta Tarn i1;° R •, per tjger. innnttled e lunge, not avin loured medical ' h raId till too gP Stoves,T :wa a Zan late, death followed. Ho was a consistent Good ... member of the 14fothodist church. dfl t arm HURON ITEMS; t` 1[ttst ea* t 's the nicest thing I ever needier ,.._. the teeth • an. breati s," says everyone bav4ag brother of Mr. S. roil, of Wawanoeh tried "' xrzitnaR8lr," the sew toilet Rem. Oct a : !i oen>fiaample. 42 2s4 at Thereon last wash, • . DrilMnronid, •o£B10,11, tllalocated,his in jymping0 a load ot,grain, W, S. Reliably, ,of Elora,.,has been en. paged alt assistant in the Brussels Post Mr, Thos. T, McQuade, of McKillop, skid s three-year old colt last week for $200. Me. T. English, of Brussels, baa receiv- ed eceived an appointment on the police force in Winnipeg.. • . The pubiie should bear in mind. that Dr. Tito -malt' Eclsetrlo Oil has nothing in Common with the impure, deterioratingg claii9 Of So -Called rnedlcinalole. ,Ititi omingntly pre and real- lyofflcaorous—relievingppain andlarnenese, stife- ness'of the joints and Intifada, and sores or hurts besides being an excellent epeci.o for rhegma, tism, soughs and bronohial Complaints, Mr. D. Stirling, of Colborne,halt pun, chased 112 acres of the Point Farm estate for $2,500. There wore 90 applications to Goderioh High School entrance examination, but 47 only wrote. • • Mr. Howard haspurchased the property of Mr. Bawden, Exeter, and will erect a large hotel thereon.. • Mies Longworth, for 18. years a teacher in one of the ward schools, Goderic4, has resigned her position. 11Ir Jab, .Spikeinaii, of Stanley, .while feeding his Horses, received a kick which it is, feared will ,prove' fatal. MacCarthy,'Nholesale and Retail Drug- gist, Ottawa, writes:'.. "I fi¢as .•atflioted with Chronic Bronchitis fo '' ei'rrle-Ceara, but hag$' been completely cured by t ouss ofDr. Thomas' Ecleotrie'Min 'defies of A O drops on sugar. T have ,also 'pleaeurd'in'reeommending 1t as an embrocstion,oxexterraI use: ; - . s, ,, 0.,:WiIlert,. of Dashwood; has .purchased a splendid 100 acre. farm, • on ,the '17th con..of Stephen,fin.. of•$4,500. . Mr. Richard Bennet' sold his farm on the pith con.- of•• Howick;.containing 90. acres, to a German from the State of New York, for X2,900. .Sala„ las been struck at Port ;.pranks, after' awhile salt will be so cheap that' it will be necessary to throw in a chrome in order to get rid of it. • The young people of Goderich Metbo, dist church,, last :week presented Dr.. -Wil, 11ame' with a complete set of Chamber's Revised Encyclopaedia. Mr..Thos. Dinsdale, thresltnd, for •Mr. • Jae. Hagan, on the 16th inst., 24• bushels of clover seed in the short time of three` hours and fifty minutes. Messrs. Smith &.West, oflSeaforth, have. rented 'a store in Spencer's blocks Portage Ave., -Winnipeg, where they inteud•going about the lst. of Febuary. Mesere A. G, McDougall & Co., of Seaforth, have 'disposed of the dry, goods .and millinery part of their buinos toPfr. ,Edward McFaul, of Staf3a., IN'ow-"tlitirwinter'has•well'ooniniencod• wo would advise our readers against using pills containing calomel and otherinjuriou. sub- stances, as there .dangeris;greatof catching sold. after their'uee. .Air eioellent"sub'stitute for p111x• is; a Vegetable Preparation knowas Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation nn Bitters a family medicine that, 'from all accounts; will soon take the place of every other purgative' and blood purifier. J. H: Condo' is agent for the titters here. The farm of the' late' Dr. McMichael of Corrie was,sol&laat.Tbnrsday, for -$4,:009 to Mr.: Johnston; of Wingham; :.formerly of the 1st con, of Goiierich 'tod'nship., • .'.The McKinney Bros. who have .lied the maoageriiont of the American Hotel, Brus- sels,: for S. rusaels,.for the.past'.five years left for their home•near Kincardine Iaat week • Goderich Mechanics' .I'ostitute Were out. $2:90 'on _Dr. ,Wild's lecture, and only cleared .$4.20 on the readings of, M. Geor- gen. Clinton did much hotter than that with the latter. - The Methodist Church Belgrave; wee re- opened; on Christmas day. A tea meeting in connection;was held in Morley's hall on the 26th inst., which was well attended; the meeting was enlivened by 'good • speeches, good singing,, and general goud..fcoling. Egniondville Grange, held • its,: annual meeting on Friday, •pith inst., when the following officers were elected for . the. present year:—W. Murray, ..Master; A. Elcoat, Overseer; Johnl -ennah Lecturer; John Gemmel, Treas.; Jonn 5: McQuaide, S(3Acy.• political game of curling played at Wingharri on Wednesday 'morning; result- ing iri a victory' for. the Tories by =shots, as the following :score attests -Tories—: W.' Hole, 'J..Dinsley, Col.- Kent; W. T. .Bray, skip -16.- •GGrits--J. Neelands, Mc- Xonge, Walkinshaw, J. Anderson,:skip_-10 11ISPt:cr.—The Grey Hairs of of using (ingelese Hair ronewor. nld ageSold dembyandall and should receive respect—but the (trey Hairs of young people require attention, in the way druggists, 5o cents per bottle. 1Villiaru E. McDonald; Second son of the late. Wirt. McDonald, of Brussels, who 'lives near. the Pembina Mountains,: Mani- tuba; writing to•his illother says the .land" is•all taken e i up around, him. with good sub- stantial settlers, r , meetly Canadians. He thinks .that.part of the country is the yery garden of the Dominion, A recent issue of the Globe Contained• under, the ':'Educational Notes"' heading, the following reference to the well-known and efiicent teacher, of the. lielinesville school :—y paper by. Mr. .1. 'Cofinally, of \Vest Huron, on ",Incentives of Study," there are. some. very sensible'remarks in opposition to prize-givingin'schools.. Tho writer speaks froin'experience, and if there wore amongst teachers more observers equally acute there would .be less money spent hi prises." - • It is our painful duty to record the death, of Mr. Hyman 't'yerman,, who re - shied neer Winthrop, on lot 19, con: ll'Ielillop township. 110 .was a man con- siderably advanced in years, ' being about 60 years old; and always lived a,quiet and peaceful life among Iiia many neighbors. Fid was a native bf Yorkshire,ngland, and came to this country about 30 years ago, settling in McKillp when it was but'. a wilderness, About two months ago the: Millions blivenAwny. BIDES, SHEET' SKI1't FUP. i-- FTICFIfES'7.' (;ASH PI;ICE PAID, of Bottles of Dr. King's iloW Ditcov- Cr;v for uonatnnption, Conklin and Colds; stave r ►' size, given away as Trial Bottleit,of:>iheelairge.. Y►, This enorruoua outlaywould he disastrous • to tiro tiro lrietor8,were it not for the rare niorlts 19Cardwaiiie e>Irclia;n t, ppossessed. by j this wonderful medicine. Call at 1 . Combo's Dreg store, and of a Trial Bet - (1 IX J0OIE.i L'I ]Nrrorkr •tlocureree, Andtry foryour`self. It Clever fails to• • THE undersigned begs to nottay, bit;easterners and the public generally, that ha has removed to the Store next to If arland Bros where he will be happy to supply their demands. He would oleotake this opportunity tq inform thenr that he has laid in . A LARGE STOCK OF TEA'S,COFFEES,SUGARS, TOEACCOS, FRUITS: and every other grocery articlerequired for family use ALSO, rim AND FEZ a'OF ALL IOW, JUST RECEIVED A QUANTITY OF FIRST-CLASS • BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, WM. MOO1R,E Clinton; Deo, 7,1881. • J ... „Avon... :46•, Ci , li». It 'OEl O meal. and Cornoaal alwaY s: on hand: ' ALSO bityle lash tid' Ealliii` 8aaalfaaot Sad a Long g Glear Bacon, Sugar eared Hams, And :No. 1 LARD, Atpoleos which cannotbe beater In town. HIS 60 C.:•TEA.A;SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR Dobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP JUST . RECEIVED, A LOT OE ` , Flat • and Split Herring. THOMAS COOPER; • ALBERT STREET, CLINTON • The% Ladies of Clinton •And the surrounding country, are invited to come and.,.eee• • ..._- R...BEESLEY',S LARGE STOCK ,OFMicry ; Fall. sad Winr fier Before making their soao,n's.purchases, believing it. will be to their advantage, as i1 is fashionable and rea- sonable, comprising all the newest shapes .and mat'erii, --ala selected -in -the -best markertsrM18s'ROWELL;. who has charge of the department; and will be,pleased. to see all her numerous customnra Staple DryGoods Ali persdns requiring such articles will do well to sec tfie stock, aa,thcy will be soldcheap for cash. TWO. OR 3 APPRENTICES WANTED, to learn the Millinery business. Also two or three wanted to learn the Straw work: Straw ' flats, Bonnets, and Felt 'Hats made over in the most fashionable styles: '.: R.-BEESLEY,. VICTORIA' STREET, CLINTON. J: B„ID'D'LEQUMBE, Watch and Clack �` faker 1. JEWELLER',;'d c,;• 1 Would respeotfuliyannounce Co Lis enstomers and.the publics morally, that ho has removed luto•his •former building, on �.ALnER'1' SI'IL BET, . OrrosirI � TIIE MARRET;. Where he will keep on hand a select assortment of Clocks,' Watches; Jr well6l,, and Silver•zvar • q(''all itlnl: Which he Will sell atreasonable rates. 'Repairing o every description promptly attended to, a. i)IDDt'Eoo'tBE, 'ALBRRT STnan • Clinton; Pea. S; 1878. Broodfoot Box UNDERTAKERS. OUr stock ofUndertaking bro ds'is very:largo and. complete. $arsons requiring anything in this line will find it to their advantage to call and sedans, as we have just received a largo stock of Walnut and Ftosewood•Caskets, also Coffins of all des- criptions, from the best Canadian• and American manufacturers, ''Vo havo also a select stook of ROBES •arc TRIMMINGS. We are prepared to urnish those goods at bonnie price formerly charged foe the sante: ltiTo. • 77 FSRI(Cli ' Iilil>C Jf. 0• o PAIRS Oil AL1; IONDS U,. ,orso Blaiikets. A FINE SELECTION ,OF CHILD'S SLEIGHS. BLACK, WHITE AND -OBEY . FOREIGN GOAT ROBES.' silih g St.EIOI[ B1311,8 n8 CLL DESCRIPTION. • Trunks,' Valises, Ladies Satchels,&c 0 ALL COLLARS WAIt1tANTI:D'1 OT TO U IIIT. ALL WILL en sow) CIIEAP, AT ' Ej & , BBNNI NEWTON S' l\ l a i t to C ortoN. • STOYES. Red Brick Store ---Sign of the Padlock. - �'��i� ALBERT STlq`EET, CLIN`1'ON. We. have now on hand a large and complete stook of all the leading stoves of Canada. We name a few: ;1VIARQIIIS COOIC STOVE, ST LING . C.ItOWN MARQUIS,, : • N RTIIERN, NtLNE WOOD) 1 'GOLDEN .. , .. _..,.., . GOOK, .. TELEG'RAI'�! - ` GOLDEN AGE, . TR'EPHONE, GOLDEN S- UN. GOLDEN CROWN 441 squantity of others too numerous to•mention. Alen, at full :stool:. of; PARLORI. Pesten COME and 'BILL STovirs, Bass BU1iNEIt Coal; STOVES, inaludio the'.cel celebrated g e RaDIANT H aetile.. AWE, al PATENT C AL s L>N f1:E..JtI>ta ' •for ar- 'Iltlt, . wood,..thk:lfll2ilt economical and dost pow- erful heater in .the market. A large stook of Her Ani Deems, SrovE PIPEELBows, &c. Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and get prices and exainiineour stook, as we are in a position to Ballet low prices, and are determined not ;o be undereoid by. • any House in the ecifnity. ; `• Bost 11.1 `I' Canad atDbALOILAI=0!, ;R F to. COAL OIL. OIL a i01i11t1.rsool of LAMPS aad`L INP GOODS, Dont mistake. the• dace for'. , p . cheap Stoves, ec Brick Store,. sign of the 'Padlock Albert Street.. Cliiito' • •ITAR AI\TID BltO _ • T '�tF BOOTSOheaper than ev e1r 0 H i se Blankets,leu fla.lu and Goat Robes: � • at. Bottom. Prices. V c to'lr 131oc�1 :, Clin>t.toitz: FO>ri. QX3Oic an Groceries, ROCKERY` & GLASSW -RE, IIPIINGHAME'S, CLINTON. GLASSWARE AT A BIG DISCOUNT' to make rboni:for opening up, a full line of BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONARY. . ' • Choice 'Tins ns MACKEREL,• .P � chem. FRUITS—Lemons, Oranges, es Ajcples, and. dried Fruity: • FRESH SMOKED HADDIE. FRESH. SEA HERRING: • .Jt. CUNING it 4.1V1E, Clinton. abinet (� -- . a•. eo. Diehl & . Co. As our ziew workshop is fitted up ami going, we -are' not prepiiretl'• to nanufaobure every • .. thing to the furniture line, '1� U1 the gory latest designs in Raw Silk, Judd, PARLOR SUITES I{app's, Moquette and flair Cloth, in Mahogany, Walnut, Ash; trimmed with Wal- BEDROOMSR N �7+j nut and Mahogany, Cherry; light and dark, Elim and Easswood, iir'alt tbo newest and leading styles, and mush only No. 1. 66118 ti p10000 —Bureau, goodlarge L Looking Glass, nice close b tand, fine hl glBed, and 2 Chairs, all for ONLY, $13-loof again atthe Price• -all upwards, to u17u ° iu styles' s to duit every taste, and prices fitted to every puree, Alt arm new patterns and designs-- No old pilatle or ka41 lit ntook.11 ,)wnlg to reaent'ordera that must be filled, it will be sonic time before our stook can he very large, but to eee01n mediae nil, an hove photos and designs In full size of the loading styles, td be tondo to order when not in stook SPECIAL . ATTENTION TO, ORDERED WORK Anything In the Cabinet line made on the least possible notice, and at the finest margin to live on. By strlet - attention 80 husinoss, With in eye to aeeottlinodate and please, we hope to see alt our old customers; 8nd Many now ones at. the Wererooms of the CLINTONCCABINET COMPANY, Aelt, Cherry, Butternut, Alin, Maple and basswood, taken In pxc sage foil', leliir idtu*e. )01e11,1:' At CO., 2 0 Diet r�l Str6e t •