The Wingham Times, 1904-12-22, Page 44 TUE WING1[A . TIMES, DECEMBER 22, i9O4. mow, sir wee.. ,ww.,,,,,Ate ►1,►�!�^ iAW/everW1 KERR' JNOI&JH. TQ ADVERTISERS Ttitaiaae olf obanlea most be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. Tice copy foe changes must be left meat latex then Monday evening, ("laerlttl advertisements accepted up to noon. Wedimeday of each ween. Hl8T.ABI4SHI D 1872 Tim WINfiliAill TIMES. B. le IIILLIOTT. PII ilatalHR ANpPROPRIETOR THURSDAY, DEO, 22, 1904. ROSS GOVERNMENT AND AGRI- CULTURE. Conspicuous is the record of progress of he Ross Government in the excellent I2nt tagement of the agricultural depart- meat. Giant strides have been made in teetering and developing the great y:iltural pursuit. All branches of the tadustry have received the most carerul attentiou with decidedly practi- eat ..:tion as the invariable rule. (� editions have been watched very c1ue••,y and whenever some new course was seemed advisable to bring about a bet tee state of affairs, it has been under taken with a will and a thorough know- ledge ot whoa the result aimed at should be. Agriculture has been placed ou a more scientific basis and while labor has, to a very great extent, been sunplifi d, the revenue has been increased. By liberal grunts, and in various other ways, a keener interest has been awakened iu the posibilities offered by agriculture. The scopes ot the Ontario agriculturist has been broadened by methods iutro- duced by the Government, which have placed Cauadiau products pre-eminently in the lead iu the foreign markets. The Government has at all times hastened to the assistance of the Outerio farmer with experiments that promised to be the meaus of bettering his condition. The Agricaltural administration is one which every Ontario farmer has found beneficial. To it must be given the credit tor opening up many avenues that have led to prosperity. The dairying branch has received very importaut attention. There has been a wonderful increase in the number of cheese factories and creameries and the quantities of cheese and butter produced indicating that the advancement has been of a solid nature. That a great interest has been created in scientific methods of agriculture, is evidenced by the great increase in the number of Farmers' and Women's Institutes. The Government has the supervision of the following institutions for farmers; Three dairy schools -Guelph, King- ston and Strathroy-attended by 2,240 pereaus. Pioneer Farm in Algoma, one hun- dred and fifty miles west of Port Ar- thut'y for the purpose of testing the soil and climate of that portion of New Ontario. Experimental fruit stations located at fifteen different points in the .Pro- vince. Agricultural and Horticultural Societ- ies. 479. Fourteen different eseociations, such as Fruit, Growers', Dairymen and Breeders' Associations of different kinds. The Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, with an attendance in 1903 of 728 students. The Sir William Macdonald Insti- tute, Guelph, for instruction in Domestic science, opened this year, and attended by one hundred and seven farmers' daughters. The above makes it clear that the Government has not been idle in re• spect to agricniture, but conditions emphasize the importance of the work widertuken by the Governmeut in this direction. day, was Thursday appointed General Secretary of new Reform Association of Outwit:, The new official will not do any organizing which the ridings them- selves can do. Hie chief duty will be the superintending o1 the oeutral office work. There are cashdeposits in• the bauks of Toronto to the credit of the Pro- vincial Treasury amounting to $2,952,- 272. This was the statement made by Premier Ross, who is also. Provincial Treasurer, to the newspaper men who called on him after Thursday's Cabinet meeting. The amount standing to the credit of the Province on the 31st of December last year was $1,994,679, and the surplus of assets on that date, after deducting all liabilities, was $2.549.164. It is quite evident, therefore, that when the books are closed at the end of the year, the Government will again be able to point to a Proviuce not only free of debt but with a handsome earplug. The following is the vote polled in the County Council election in 1903 in Divi anon No, 7: - NOTES AND COMMENTS. s" 0,23 ra to a a es Wingham 235 251 137 109 Blyth ....... 3.4 81 224 33 East Wawanosh 186 178 286 186 West Wawanosh 50 336 158 428 505 876 805 756 In Division No. 8 the vote in the 1903 election was Fergnsou 839, Miller 825, Doig, 785. The vote in Turnberry was .Miller 478, Ferguson 220, Doig, 203. The fees paid to the Province for the incorporation of companies will be about $102,000 for 1904, or about $18,000 less than in 1903. The reason for the fall- ing off is the absence of large mining companies incorporated. There are thirty-six Liberals and two Conservatives in Nova Scotia Legisla- ture. That Province did not elect a single Conservative to the Dominion House. From the Quebec Legislature the Conservative party bas about disap- peared altogether. What's the matter with the party anyway? With the payments that the Ontario Government will make to various Coun- ty Councils as the result of work done this year, the amount distribated from the Provincial Treasury in aiding in the construction of good roads will amount to about $250,000, or a quarter of the million dollar fund which was originally set apart for that purpose. Mr. Fred G. Inwood of Toronto, for the past five years one of the license inspectors of the city of Toronto, and who resigned that position on Wednes• flyer's You can hardly -find a home without its Ayet s Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what is does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up tl cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. Thr nit aKhpsaoa ei*SMeas1ebmoney ern 1sy 1As1. tiebeetar"Ot 541.0011 rat2, Sttatc4MLad. rrntco.. ad for Throat, Lungs Catarrhal Deafuess is Caused By a thickening of the liniug mem- brane of the middle ear owing to a pro- longed inflammation from catarrhal germs. The only cure is fragrant heal- iug Catarrhozone one which is carried by the air you breathe to the remotest parts of the throat and ear; it reaches the source of the trouble and cures deafness permanently. Every sufferer from im- paired bearing should use Catarrhozone which has effected many wonderful cures. Y:,n simply breathe its healing medicated vapor, -very easy and pleas- ant. Do this and your hearing will be restored. Catarrhozone never tails; it is guaranteed. Two months treatment for $1.00 at druggists. idve Steck Markets. Toronto, Dec. 21 -Trade at the western yards was active again to day, the de- mand for butchers' cattle monopolizing the attention of dealers. There was an exceedingly brisk ingairy for fat, useful animals, and prices maintained a very firm tone. There were no fancy cattle on the market, such as composed the bulk of the arrivals early last week, and the high prices of that period were not reached, though one sale was re- ported at 41src. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. heavy $4 50 $4 60 Light 4 25 450 Bulls 3 50 4 10 do., light 2 50 300 Feeders - light, 800 pounds and up- wards 3 50 3 60 Stockers 2 50 3 25 900 lbs 2 75 300 Butchers' - Choice 4 00 4 25 Medium 3 50 400 Picked 4 25 4 50 Bulls 1 75 2 50 Rough 1 25 1 75 Light stock bulls 2 40 3 00 Milk cows.... ,..55 00 65 00 Hogs - Best . 4 80 Lights 4 50 Sheep - Export 3 75 Bucks.... 2 50 Culls 200 Spring Lambs 4 75 Calves, each ... 2 00 4 60 4 10 3 00 3 00 5 40 10 00 Direct importer I D. M. GORDON. 1 Highest Prices for Trade Xrns Gifts. Just one week till Christmas is here. and as usual the perplexing question le, "Wheat shall T dive for Xmas ?y" Now if you will allow us, we will help you to decide and thus save you a great deal of worry. • HANDK.ERCHIEFS In Handkerchiefs we have the moat complete range that has ever been shown in the town, By trying t0 deseripe them we feel that we could not do them justice, so invite you to call and examine them. We have them for 10 for 25 ets. Fancy 10 fine lawn hemstitched Handkerchiefs for 25c Dainty swiss embroidered fine lace trimmed and hemstitched and embroidered ones each from 5e to $2.00 LADIES' COLLARS and BELTS For Ladies' and Girls' no more acceptable present ean,be given than a dainty collar or a pretty belt. Before purchasing come in and see oars in the very latest shades and newest styles, made espeoially for our Xmas trade. EXQUISITE SILK SHAWLS These dainty, useful and handsome comfort giversmake very sen- sible Christmas gifts, in blaok and cream, only price each $2.00 FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! This ie -the season of the year for Furs and our house is just the place to get the right article at the right price. Coats, Stoles, Ruffs, Muffs and Gauntlets in all the latest styles and best qualities of Fars and you will find our price lower than others ask. We have very interesting information to give out in reference to our latest stock of Ladies' and Childrens' fine Cloth Jackets. It will pay you well to ask to see them and get our prices. Groceries Have you purchased your fruit for your Xmas cake and plum pudding? This week we have opened up a large stock of the very very choicest raisins, currants and peels, also nuts and flavorings. Besides these we have a fresh stock of canned goods;° corn, tomatoes and peas. Try a can of our. pont and beans, they are delicious and all ready for use. We always carry a large and fresh stock of tea, we invite you to call. D. M. GORDON. 1 +++++++++++d+ d• •i• .l. .t. 4. WJNGRAM MARKET REPORTS Wingham, Deo. 2Ist, 1904 Flour per 100 lbs.... 250 to 400 Pall Wheat 10010102 ipring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 date, 0 30 to 0 33 Barley 0 38 to 0 42 Peas ...... 0 55 to 0 60 turkeys, irawn 0 15 to 0 15 3eese, " 0 09 to 0 00 Ducks, per lb•0 10 to 0 10 Chickens, per pair 0 40 to 0 75 Butter 0 16 to 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 50 to 350 Hay , per ton6 00 to 6 50 Potatoes, per bushel 0 40 to 0 40 Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 05 Lard .. 0 13 to 0 13 Dried Apples per lb 0 03 to 0 03 Wool 000 to 000 Live Hogs, per cwt. 500 to 5 10 GRAND- TRUNK SYs EM Winter Fair, Guelph Single fare for round trip. Good going December 3rd to 8th. Valid returning until December 12th. The Grand Trunk has the mast convenient service to Guelph. To California and Florida Spend the winter in the delightful winter re sorts of California and Florida best of Pullman dining, and parlor cars, and dlrectconnections. Mount Clemens Mineral Oaths Unexcelled treatment for rheumatism, ner- vous diseases, etc.; situated near ..Detroit {{s�ickly and Qoinfortiabty i'ohciied by tho i#rand Trmrk. :fdecure flluatmted booklet lam Agents. For ticketi, illustrated literature and full information call on L. HAROLD. Agent,Wingham. ;1, PHOTOS!! 11,6FINaraIBAeND oPnErAwkCiYn3stAmen, ttThe latest styles of Mounts always on hand. 11 Armstrong & Co's Studio tl WlNGHAM HELLO T. A Merry Christmas to Everybody and 125 Souvenirs of Wingham and other articles. The choice of one piece will be given to each purchaser of $1.00 or upwards. memo WE HAVE A DANDY STOCK OF Watches, Brooches, Chains, Fine gold Gem Rings, lockets, Bracelets, Silverware and Novelties in great variety. These goods make the very best kind of a Christmas Present, and we are selling them at right prices. 1111111111111111111111111111 Halsey Park JEWELER and OPTICIAN -MF•. -b .1. 4. .1. .p 4 t 4 •1• -l' 4. •i- -1• 4 .1. 4. 4' •1• -l- M 4 •8' 4. .p d• .1. 4. d• •l• 4. d• •1• •1• •t• d' 4. 4. •i. 4. 4. 4. 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4.+4.4•+4.4.+4.4.4.+4•+4.+4•+++++4.+44 meoliftwomiimorommanas OR. OVENS, of London t Stnealr ns, DENTIST, SPECIALIST DISEASES EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Visits Windham monthly. Glasses properly fitted. Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Win�ghum Office -W. McEibbon's Drag Store. Landon Office -225 Queen's ave. Hours 11 to 6 p.m. FARM FOR SALE. 108 acres, adjoining Winghnm ' neventyfive acres under cultivation. ' Geoff house ; new hare. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALf'RED E. ELLIOTT, Winghetn. CANADIAN ORDER WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Camp National, No. 139 • 1TTOLb their regut r meetings on the 2nd, tend 4th Friday in tach month, in fellows' Odd - Hall. Alt visitors we;como. R. MAxwios t, C. C. 1t. n. Cnownan, Clerk - o. J. MAGU'IRE ACCOtlNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rants and Notes Collected. Con. •ranoiri apps. A'J oz --In vagi Ions Block. Saturday nights (rota 7 to 0 o'clock. The people's Popular Store THE BIG STORE Interesting Store News For the holiday Season. 1 1 Everything spick and span. Every depart- ment loaded with holiday goods. Come in and see our grand display of Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy China, Holiday Fruits, Christmas Gro- ceries, Shoes, Slippers, etc. Plenty of room in this big store for all who come. When you are here don't be in a hurry. Take time to walk around through each department. You'll then see what a large assortment of goods we carry. We'll be pleased to add your name to our list of customers. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES You will serve your in- terests by placing your or- der for Christmas Grocer- ies with us. Crosse & Blackwell's Peels are the best in the world. C. & B. drained Lemon Peel, 150 Ib " " 1i " Orange " 20c lb Citron " 25c lb Mized 20e lb 44 44 /1 1. 44 ,1 44 4, New Nuts •Peanuts, roasted, per lb. Almonds, soft shell, " •' New Walnuts, " 1' New Filberts, Brazil Nuts, 44 1, 11 44 Mixed Nuts 15c or 2 lbs for New Shelled Almonds, Walnuts and Peanuts. Icing Sugar Pink Icing Sugar 15e White Icing Sugar ib. 10c the kind that does not get lumpy. Icing Powder in package, 10e Chocolate, Lemon, Vanilla, Orange, ote. 15c 15c 15e 153 20c 25o Chocolate Cowan's Chocolate, sweetened and unsweetened, per package 5 and 10e Cocoa Bendrops, Van neatens, Bakers, Epps, Webbs, etc. We keep only the best. Blanc Mange Delicious Fruit Flavored Blanc Mange, Vanilla, Orange, Chocolate, Strawberry, Lemon, etc., per pack- age - - - 10e Olives Do yon want to help your appetite? Eat Olives. Eat them freely, They're good for yon. Manzanilla Olives, bottle, 10e to 25e Spanish Queen, " 25o to 500 Club House, extra selected, 75o Oranges We're offering big values in Christmas Fruit. California Oranges, Navels, and sweet Sonoras, Mexicans. All Ladies', Gents', and Children's heavy,aweet, juicy fruit, per doz Slippers 15o to 50c Ladies' Fino Shoes $1.25 to $2.75 No 1 cleaned Raisins and entrants, Gents' Fine Shoes, Dongo:a Kind 8 lbs for - - W 250 and Box Calf $1.50 to $3.50 AU clean new fruit. Special valve in Boys', Girls No 1 seeded 11Xasoatel Raisins, 1 lb and Children's Shoes. Plain and packages full weight - 10c Fancy Rubbers. FANCY DRY CLODS For Christmas Gifts. Ladies' Fancy Collars, Silk, Lace, Embroidered and Applique. The very newest styles, 15c to $2.50 Perhaps she would like a pair of Real French Kid Gloves. Oar Kid Gloves are perfect in every respect and guaranteed to give satisfaction, $1.00 to $1.50 Beautify your. Homs Bay your wife a handsome Rue or Mat. We have them in all styles and sizes and they're very pretty, - - 50e to $5.00 No doubt he would wear a Scarf or Muffler. black Silk Mufflers lined with colored Satin, or Way's All -Wool Muffler in black and colors 350 to $1.00 Gents' New Silk Ties String Ties, Four -in -Hand Ties, Bow Ties, Knot Ties, Puff Ties, Derby Ties„etc. All new pat- terns - - 10c to 50o Christmas Candies No. 1 Royal mix candy 3 lbs 25c No. 1 Brown " " 3 lbs 25c No. 1 Cut Rock mix " 3 lbs 25c Sterling Chocolate Drops lb. 15c Chocolate Cream Dates " 20e Turkish Cream Figs " 20e Cream Dates - " 20c Maple Creams - " 20e Cream Almonds - " 25c Maple Walnut Cream " 20c Choc. and Vanilla Cream " 20c Peanut Taffy - - " 20e Vanilla Marsh Mallow Drops, per tin box - - 25c Za Za Fancy Chocolates, large fancy box for - - 35c Rich mixed creams, fancy boxes 1{� lbs 15c-1 lb - - 25o Mixed Creams, per lb - 15e 2 lbs for - ' - - 25c Toblera Swiss, Milk Chocolate for eating, per package - 5c Shoe Department Gift troubles cured here. -You'll see so many hundreds of Pie3e8 91 RICH CUT CLASS AND FINE FANCY CHINA that in a short time yon can choose gifts for all your friends. New goods arriving direct from the manufactarers every week •add to this department variety, beauty and wealth. "La France Rose China" is one of onr latest arrivals, and it ranks with the prettiest and best of Fancy China. It is fine china, tinted green, heavily gold stippled, with a bunch of roses and rose buds painted on each piece. . Prices are much lower than this class of goods is usually sold at. Large Salad - Bowls, each $1.00 7 piece Fruit Sets, per set $2.00 Chocolate Pots, each $1.00 Chop Trays, 11 $1.00 Cracker Jars, handled, each $1.00 Large Cake Plates " 75o Celery Trays - $1.00 Sugars and Creams, per set 75o Chocolate °upend & Saucers ea. 50c Tea Cups and Saucers, each 50e Moustache Cups and Saucers 76o Spoon Trays, each - - 50o Milk Jugs, each - • bOc Rich Cut Glass Cut Glass ranks higher than sil- verware at present. We have now in stock an exhibit of the very finest of Cut Glass. It's Weight alone speaks voldmes for those who un- derstand Cut Glass, while its color is the purest flashing; crystal, Our low prices will surprise you, if you are familiar with the usual price of Cut Glass. Pepper and Salts, silver top ea. 6C0 open ea. 35c to 75o Knife & Fork Rests, pair $1,50 to $3 Bail Vases, each- 25c to 40c Cologne Bottles, $1,25 to 33.25 Olive Dishes, $2,50 to $3.75 Sngar and Creams, large, set $9.00 Butter Plates, Water Bottles, Bowls, etc., $2.75 to $22.00 each. Cut Glass Tumbers per dos, $2.00, • - X1:.50, 39.00