The New Era, 1881-12-01, Page 9Supplement to tlie Clinton. New Era; Deo. 1881. • HURON ITEMS. Miss J. Butcher, of Exeter, takes the 7th department of Mitchell school; at $300 a year. IV Ir. Win:' 1 Wkaliziw;"a:f Esti e'r, jraa" taken1oasession of the Royal Hotel, Wing - ham, vzhrehiie has rented. Rev. Mr. Mefoah; of Bayfield, was•a few evenings since presented ' with a valuable robe and fur ofercoat. The farm of 117r. A. Boller, Hay, con- taining 70 acres, has been sold to Mr. Ho Heyrock, at $3,295. The Runciman foundry property in Sea- forth has been sold to Mr. Henry, from Newmarket, for the sum of $4,000. While in church, a week. ago, Mrs. Vos burgh, of Wroxeter, had' the misfortune to rupture a blood vessel and had to bo taken. home. Mr. J. W. Sifton, of Winnipeg, former- ly of London, sold his residence • there a few days since to Mr. Joshua Calloway,„ a former resident of Stanley, for $14;000. • Mr. Peter McGrath has rented his farm on the 6th concession McKillop, to. Mr; -.1grry Stapleton, fora term of six years, for fhe sum of $286 per Annum. The farm contains 100 acres. A few days ago the Rev. Mr,. Danby, of Varna, was made the recipient of an en 'ormous load of potatoes and. oats,contri- bated by those who attend his monthly services in' school section No: 4. H. F. MacCarthy. Wholesale and Retail Di ug- glst, Ottawa. writes:—"J was afliicted with 'Chronic Bronchitis for some years,. but have been completely cured by the use 01 Dr. Tholiias' Euleotric Oil in doses ot•ilve drops on sugar. r have also pleasure in recommending it as an embrocation. of external use. • Mr. J. W. Hendricks, for two years pro- prietor of the International Hotel,. Gode- rich, has sold out his interest in the busi- ness to Mr. Thos. Sturdy, for a number of yearsnight watchman in Goderich. Mr. Angus McDonald has sold his farm of 100 acres on Don. 13, West Wawanoah, for $7,000, to Mr. Wilson, from Terra. Mr, Wm. - Barhour_a1so•sllld lo—the slants#-.. gentleman the adjoining farm for $4,500. Mr.-Robt. Robinson, of Tuckeramith,. lot 10, con. -8, left this part of the country on Wednesday last for Brookfield, Lynn Co., Missouri. Be has been a resident .of this part for over thirty years, and.hasrebt- ed his farm to Mr. Robt. Winters, of Sea- forth. set fire to the barn of Mr. Brawn,on the first con., which was burned.somo time ago. The case•canie tip before Justices Gibson and Wilson, in Wroxeter, who after hear- ing the.evidenee, at once discharged' the prisoner: Dr, Carson's Stoimtoli and Constipation Bit- ters, are rapidly. taking the place of all other purgatives,cid yet efectnnland Powders; certainl Dore for -all bilious complaints. in large bot- tles at 10 cents. J. Ii Cuinbe special agent for Clinton A distressing aooident Occurred at the bore of'Hugh' Patrick, on the boundary. between. Hetrick and Grey, on Saturday. evening last, by which hisinfant daughter lost her life. 1VIr. and Mrs. Patrick had gone out to milk, leaving their •four child- ren, the eldest of whom was abirut seven years of age, in the house as usual. In some way the youngest, a bright little girl of two years, managed, unnoticed by tho rest, to open the lid of a flour -bin and soon. toppled head foremost ` into about 200 pounds of flour. Aa' soon as the other children discovered it, one of them hastened to thobarn to inform her parents, while the two others managed with difficnity to lift their little luster out, but,not until her lungs had been filled with the tine p'arti- cies of flour so that she was past reat>scita; tion and expired just as her father 'enter- ed the door. Woman's tree Friond.' A friend in need is a friend indeed, This none vain deny, especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely •afflicted with disease, more particularly those complaints and weaknesses so common to our .etnale population:- Every wotnan•shohld: kjlaw:that Electric Bitters are woman's tree friend, and Will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial. always proves our assertion. . They aro pleas- ant to the taste and only cost fifty cents, a bottle: Sold by J. H.- Combo. . The public should bear in 'mii.d that Dr. Thomas' Eolectrio 01l has nothing in common with the impure, deteriorating class of so-called medicinal oils. It is eminently pure and real-, ly efticaetous—rellevin'g pain andlameness, •atltr. nese of the joints sad muscles, and sores or hurls besides being an excellent Specific for rheuma- tism, coughs aad.droachial complaints. . Mayor Campbell, of .London, has sent a letter to Goderich, -asking to have a place and date named for, the holding of a• ji,int mooting' of delegates from Goderich and. London, to consider the feasibility of • ex- tending the Great Western Railway from Brucefeld or Clinton to Goderich. • Mr. Dien C. Sullivan, of the Wingham" Times, has buried his eldest•son, Frederick Eyre, aged twenty-two year*. Death re- suited from typhoid fever contracted. at the University, Toronto, , a few weeks. ago, Deceased was a very talented and promla- ing young man. The council of West Wawanosh have let the contract of cutting a large drain• from. the township of Colborne to near the 0th• con. of West Wawanosh.. Tho drain will be between four and five miles in.lepgth, eight feet wide at the top, three feet wide. at the bottom, and averages about five feet deep. It will cost over $3,000, - • For Dyspepsia or Ilidigestion, habitual Cousti . potion, tliousness,'Liver or Kidney afhotlonp,- the safest and best remedy is Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, the great family medicine. They can with perfect safety be given to the youngest child as they are pure-. ly vegetable 111 composition and mild in their action. Sold in large Danei bottles at Ge Ceuta J. H. Combe special agents for Clinton. - Mr. Thos. Rolph, of Corrie,. was arrested on Wednesday last On a charge of • ha'ving ) The Ladies' of Clinton And the surrounding country, are. Invited to come and` see LARGE' STOCK. OF 1�� tir.Mi11ini• r VII4S d Incl Store—Sign of the . Padlock. LAND- BROS �s G�'.T1Y JC f)117.; We have now ou hand a largo and. complete stock of all the loading stoves of Canada. We thine a feie:— 'MARQUIS COOK. STOVE - CROWN MARQUIS, MILNE WOOD COOK, GOLDEN 'AGE, •GOLDEN SUN. 9 NORTIIERN,�' r1'ELEGRAPI:I, TELEPHONE, GOLDEN CROWN .> And a quantity of others too.numerous-tic mention. Also, a full stook of PAltl.on, PAnf on 0ooK and HALL Srovas, BABE BURNER COAL STOVES, inelading the. celebrated'ltatew Heats, also the 1'.t'Jab'r 'CHALLENGE RE:n'Tatt, for wood, tho'most economical and stoat pow-. erful heater hi ` the market. , A large stook of nor Ain Dn,t;tis, ;STovg.lrli g, ]tLflows, etre... Intending purchasers will Mind it to thele advantage to call and get prices and examine our stock, as we are in a position to sell at low prices, awl are determined not to be undersold by, • any house intim county. . Best No. `1 Canadian COAL; OIL. Alto, AMERICAN COAL Old... Com !eta stock of LAMPS .and LAMP GOODS, • Don't mistake the place for cheap Stoves ,,..Red Brick -Store, sign of the Padlock, Albert • Street Clinton. " • Before ti .tu�_.their'settson, parchasot.botio'ing lt. will be to their advluttige, as 11 id fjoei,knnabld anO rea- sonable, comprising all the newest shapes and materi- als, selected in the best market by M-ISS.1tOWglit. who ho4 charge of the department, and will be pleased - to vee all her humorous casstonlers. - . . Staple DryGoods All persnnw .regnirhiit• Hach articles will do well to?9ao' • the etoet, as they will he sola ohuan for cash. . TWO. 01t 3 APPRENTICES 'W..ANTRO to learn the Millinery baslaoss Also luso or liven , " mated to,leaur the atratr'ttprk.• ` • Straw ' Iladtr,,:Ilonnet t, and - reit Hats - over in alae most fashionable styles. • lt, liE'If`SL-1) ,\'IC'rl1l11A1'STItEET, CfINTON. HOP -B-ITT. RS. ''(A Medicine, not n Drink') . ' ti0xTAIN8 SOPS,. •I1t7CII10,' AIANDQi) Ii:L:`, DANDELION. ' ANTI van PL'nnsT AtD BEST MEDWAY.. Q rALT• . flue ()FALL oruElt BITTER}}. 30 Cox x+i All Dtseasesof the Stomach, Aowelielllood, Ltycr, Kldni'ys,sad Urinary. Organs, Ker-. vouaness Sleeplessnessaad:espeefully Female Complaints. $1000 IN GOLD.. Wfll be patd for case they wilt bot cure Or .. help, orfor:anythinghnpure or injurioub,' tound1tn thein, Ask your druggist for Ilop 'Macre and try them • before you sleep. Take no Other. D. X. ti laattabeoluteand irresistible curb for Drunkeitese, use of opium, tobacco and narcotlos. , SEND Fon.,orma LAn, All►bene,old' by dntg�.6a, Hop Hitt.. M41. eo., itocbe,ter, N. 1.y k Toronto Oat• BEAVER BLOCS,. ALBERT STREET; CLIRTON.Q ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST ,CLASS r.� Boots an Ali:•.,. oes .FELT :BOOTS�CI caper than- ever. • p. [lorse ' la,nki ts, .;8>l�i ilc►: and Goat Robes • •at I1ottoin Price .-iirl>CtO riga- • 3E110014 Clinton. M '