HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-24, Page 8'• T N NEW ERA, TircutSD>'1Y, NOV, 24, 1581.. New Subscribers to tie New Era get the restof thisyearY free on a.., in. g in advance, Weekly Globe for $1.00 to 31st Dec!, f. . uult?11 Z411LC L Anour three inches of snow fell Satur- day. Ala, \VAI,. enuar'IIITL has returned from Manitoba. Dunk: ARB over twenty-five retired farriers residing here.. ( MBsszs. S. Palliser & Co. have r•emov- tid-to the Beaver Block, THE cou: TY council will meet at (tode- rich on the (ith of December,. RANSFORD'8 cooper shop ,bas been en- tirely removed to Stapleton, HAY Is selling at Mitchell for $9 and $10 a ton; here it is fetching $14 and $10. RI?v, MR. Ronnie'rs, B.C. minister, of Toronto, paid a flying visit to town, on Thursday.. • • THE PAINTERS and others doing out- side work on' the new buildings, have 'a cold job of it, • „ ONE 'NIGHT lag: week some one tvaS mean enough to cut.The ropes of le,V Jackson's awning. - ., • M sits. R. M. Racey and D, Cantelottc, attended the conservative 'convention at, Toronto, .on Tuesday, • • Mn. .AND MRS, L. 1 EAREI ,. of She1-t bourne, are visiting their many friends in this neighborhood. DMR. A. S. FIsiina, who has been visit- ing friends at Whitby, has returned home ; Mrs, Fisher is still at Whitby. Ss.caeimE::TAI., services will be held in the Presbyterian church of this place, on the'first Sunday in December. • ALTIrotGi•1 the roads on Saturday were very bad, a large number of farmers were • in town, and business was good, • Mit. W. MACKIE, of Exeter, will soon open a stock of goods in the store lately occupied by Messrs. 'Palliser &. Co. FURCFIASE,—:lir,' Henry Young • has purchased Mr. Laurence Pearen's lot and. house on Rattenbury street, for 4500, • • Mn. W, CLDMORE Shipped, a ear load of cattle to Buffalo, by G. T. R,, • on 'Friday, and Messrs,, Hearn .`cy Co., twe cars to the same market. . WItiLE delivering bread at Holmesville one night last week, some. one stole seve- ralloaves of bread from the waggon of; . 11Ir. W. Lee. REv, I)n. URI; tilled the pulpit of the Presbyterian church here, on Sunday; Rev.. Mr. -"SteNr itrt- •prelorining; .the wee duty in Goderich. • WE ARE nleaised to see that the lentil'. of Miss McC'ulloch',•of the .lode.. Scheel, has so far recovered that she is able -to resume her duties. , A i , of vy o .go nnarrie In fi yn a few nights since .prefaced the ceremony • with the remark: •''Please . hurry up;; for I'm very nervous." FARM. SALL, Mr. George ,Scarff' has bold his farm. of 80 acres, in Groderich township, to Mr. James Whittingham, son . of Mr. Whittinghani,.of totr•ri . THE Mitchell Advocate goes for" adver- tising agencies" the way they leserve; the rule of the NEW ERA is to• dictate its own terms to •them, and to abide by them... ONE DAY recently—Rbf,"Mr. `Thomas married a couple, baptised an infant, -and • buried an adult; all unrde.of st few hours • —a tbing.he never before did in.ane'day. .IT Is SA11). that , Mr. Jelin Campbtll,.. formerly a harness maker in' this town, but a resident of Winnipegfor a few.years,, has been a lucky speculator in lands, hav- ing made considerable money thereby.. ENTERTAINMENT. --The .Literary_ana Scientific Society have .secured the servi- ces of M. Eleanor Georgen, in. some re - aspects superior, as a reader, to Mrs, Scott Siddons, and spoke••o£.by tile press' in the most complimentary way, for an evenings entertainment. In a dayor two the bills, with full particulars, will be out. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Friday night Mr. Prendergast, brother-in-law of Mrs. Whitt, of this place, met with a serious "accident at Winghanl. By mistake he got on a wrong train • and discovering. the mistake soon after the train had started, He stepped off just as the train was .oross- ingg,r the high bridge. west of Winghatn, and fell• through to the ground .below, a distance of forty. feet, sustaining. serious injuries. • Jona 3.IIi.TON AND. Ills TIMES, --This is the subject for a lecture to. be delivered' on Monday evening next in the Methodist' -:church; by Rev, 3Ir. ;McDonagh, The object is to supplement the " charity fund" of the Young' People's -Christian P Work Association, which is devoted to relieving the wants of the poor. People who liaVe heard this lecture; speak of it very highly, and this combined 'Kith the oljeet ought to bring out a large audience... ANOTHER IMPORTED HORSE. -701I Fri - day evening Mr. John Beacom, of Gode- rich township,. returned from •Kentucky: with the Hambletonia.0 stallion, 'Tontine,. he had purchased there. It stands over 16 hands high, is a beautiful bay, rising three years old. and' is Well proportioned in all points. It is said•tobe.abletomake capital trotting time, and those competent ,.to pass an opinion, proelaini itto be ahead of anything yet brought into this county. It was 'got by Belmont, chain, G'ritawe;' liv Woodford Mambrino, aBelmont hais sired five trotters in. the' 2.80 list; and 4s the only horse that has sired two stallio hs in the 2,20 list. Woodford Mambrinos re- cord is 2.21,3• %ad he has sired seven in. the 2.30 list;+he is also the sire of Prince - rip which is the sire of the dam of Trin- ket, which has trotted in 2.14, Mr. Alex.- ander, lex ander, of whom Tontine was purchased, Stas the reputation of breeding some oft he finest. her-3es in America, We believe 'that Mr: Beacon's endeavor to improve. the trotting st+iek of this Conway will be Appreciated as it should, LOOY OUT Z UTI , i .111 s"" a Zw` fi"u vi 1<A lt". 11IR,11, I' oSTER phofographcd the build- ing of 111r, W, Jackson, on Thursday morning. '►II ,T:I, J. A1trtil.aarov, formerly of this place but now traveller for 1"orbes, Rio - bort, Co,, has removed lila family from Toronto' to Ouc.ph, where he will reside in future. • ANorJIER of Cliuton'a old. bachiors, Mr. T. McKenzie, has acted wisely in tak- int unto himself a wife; there are about half -a dozen left who should follow; his example. The Expositor, •speaking of Mr. John Mills' new house in Hallett, says:—" The stone and brickwork was done by Mr, R. Haywood, of Clinton, and it reflects the very highest credit on that gentletn;u . " TICS MC)TilTR'of Mr. Thos. Fleming, of this 11)lace, died at Elk Point, Dakota, a. few days since, at the.advanced age of 99 years and seven months, She had been a' resideut of Dakota•tbr seven.yearj, Committee :—D. Dickinson, I. Itattenbury Tsu Omni of Police, of Buffirlo, has and 1), B. Kennedy, forwarded to Mr, W. J, Paisley the •Ohlef._ .._...: here, a description of a man found in the water at that city,. on the 4th lust. Any- d one having friends missing are requested't'o communicate at once, • '1.1 gll OSITY 1 Mn. Ono. OAKS, late with the Doherty Oran Co., has gone to Woodstock, where r n the - tory. it ,,. iz be has seemed a i 1 tory. Cr.ar'roN 1)isivti- +IaA,ItK;••--`i'heannual meeting of the •shareholders of the Clinton Driving Park Association was held at the Itattenbury House, on Friday evening. Mr. N. Rnbson was appointee. secretary The submitted finan- cial)r r Tli secretarysub i c tem. e t c' t year,showing a balance on band of $192,23. Directors were then bttl,lotted for, for the ensuing year,. the following being; elected: --I. Ret- tenbury, J. Copp, 1), Dickson, W. Jack- son, D. A. Forrester, D. B. Kennedy, P. Mclareii, John Mason, and 0, S. Doan.. After votes of thanks to the retiring offic- ers, the meeting adj ourned, and a meeting of the Directors was held, Mr. D. A. For - .rester was then appointed President of the Association for the ensuing year; Mr. Wm. Jackson, Vice -President, and -Mr; W. Sheppard, Secy. -Treasurer. Working • Sxuw bird have. made their appear- ance here. 1111 JAµ, SCCo'rr, liar been appointed • valuator for the Huron and. Erie Loan awl Saying •Coml,any, Mit. A. R. W11Iria,Y, formerly of this place, but lately attending Goderielr; High. :School,. has gone to Detroit. Sou fanners have profited by the ad- v' r" h ad- vice given in the Yily 'RAas r c 1, regards ds g' f' the dressing of poultry, and a decided im- provement is noticeable-.yet•there is room for More, MIs, JAs,. SHEPPA.Isn,. wlio has been in Dakota for the post summer, has returned. home. It is said that his investments in land have been very profitable, Mr. D. McLaughlin bas also returned. `•PHI, ex -priest, Father .O'Connor, will ileliver:a lecture in the Town Hall, this. (Thursday) evening. The subject will be' "1 by I became a priest, why .'ceased to be one." Doors. open at 7:30, to com- mence at 8, Admission, :16ets,, reserved seats, 2.5 cents., ---Adv. Tug I'F,ATI: rir,Ass windows were placed in position in. Mr, Coats' buildiug, on . Thursday, and give the premises 8 very ;rine appearanee; unfortunately one of the panes got cracked in transit, and will re- quire to be replaced, MIR. ANDREW BAILEY has returned from Michigan, and was so well satisfied with'what he saw of the country, that he bought 1()O acres of land in 5anilae county, Omit 40 miles: from fort Huron, at 86,50 peracre. • OIIOANS. —Last week Messrs: Doherty i; Gibbiirgs shipped nineteen of the cele- brated Doherty organs to different parts of the'country, being the largest .number shipped in one week .singe the establish- ment has been miming, • Tun HOUSE and lot -of lar. A. Duncan,, on. Rattenbury street, put. up by auction on Saturday, was bid in and subsequently sold to Mrs, Waterson, of this place, at $450. The house is old, which accounts for the lowneas of the price, but the lot is tone~ fu• this town an- : y Ole' LL KINDS • well situated, a silop." . TO -DAY r 2, FIAVI , I.O-1)Al. ()I I.1YEI? OUT IN THE STORE' LATELY OCCUPIED BY JAMES SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR, , Next .door to `tJionipso a & Boles,' Albert Sty CARE 'u T,T,y SELECTED AND ENTIRELY NEW .STOCK OF Tb:11.0NERY ' TWO GROCERY 1 Elliii WOOLS ural l dispose' nfov over $1,000 worth n[ to- !• baceo each. As a great deal inure is used ' : than what is bought at these two places, , . some idea may be gathered of the# amok ill(lll(llllr)' 'I, LIU1 l+ S 1' X11 L k' 1 itltl , '<1tteI11S• ill tl1Q, v.(11. f 1'y latest Ing and chewing habits of people in• this l , , , a neighlipthood, , . .. O 1, P.AJ' +:1. ill '1 ari011s •de- . . Cl . ".'"' Rra'ruRN;n,--Oil I rid•:v lir: 1).:Ie- signs, anii. eveiy.deSel•iptWR of IFLEECY, ZEPHYR •FINGERING - • • t'i i l E i : ;1) t)lre vest, .Ile liked"the country very well, Corvterettnned 1irm his visitto the north- WT L o Paper: and l' 'el, but says it was exceedingly cold; and pea. pie .could 'cross the Red R.ivnr onthe ice, While .in Winnipeg he bought -.a lot at I' •;1,200 and three days' after sold. it for :$1,450 A11) Pon 3I su<o1.A,-1'he Mayor and; Reeve have been making a personal ern- l;rti eSt e(litiQ'i1S tlntl.•1()1v ('St' vas, of the town fo)'aid. to the lluskui:a ' .. , sufferers., and will, raise'hy way of deux- i l)1"teE', tions of clothing aand innisey, it h"e r eii;ii-; l_ • borhood",if $125.' Parties 'war) have riot been called upon and:tvisli to contribute t i . 7 a anything, _will oblige by ft i n lidina; the t' , u cl.l t'()lls"• 'same to:the Mayor or Reese. TE tretA'rior.--•As there arc parties in town who will -even break tt iiidow t tj—t • dainty morsels min the 'shape' of, bolegnaf• sausage, we thin.; it•rs a great temptation., •. to`snch, to see poultrt of'a:ll kinds hanging , out beside: shop doors at Lite hours in the . • evening/ When there are a number- to-' Pictul'e Books, Ohiu<t 'ai1d. a,x. Dolly;"Sleighs' id ether it would be difficult tear tcgrocer to Toys of .eves y description and kind" detect the loss of one or tern.. Better take'. them in, gentlemen, Mi1NICIPAr4—in aidditii)n to tlo e hold-. ing office at the present One, the !miles of c' the following parties are mentioned. as candidates that will probably be brought. out for the next counicil hosrrcl: jf;,T iii k - son,, Jas. Thompson, i;.• E, Pay, Dr \Vfl; lianas,• John) Gibbing., and 'doubt .seine el' these will not d it e:to stand, • but ainon tliern . are some that would • make oo couircillar,.- .:1Ir Of - V forms :us that he has no intention a hat; • ever of running for the llayorality, 'as' re 131674A:87-11P7,11,: -,,44 .,. ported.=.. ' • .• , • OIIOOL BOOK$j i ioks'. .1 '('i)t.ill)1Oto stock `1 ii i•: i' &: ,1 `tti$'I,l, SITS. .LB C7•S, BIBLES, ' C:F UROH..SERVICES, AND 11Y h2'N BOOKS. am. 's OVerCoats! Ors l-lsters. • The Newest i " Goods s n the Trade; A. case of them just opened ;. sizes to suit 11t Boys from 7 to -9 . years of age. Styles different from anything that has ever been shown here before, PRICES' VERY LOW" Undershirts and Drawers. Blankets and Flannels, Shawls and. Mantles Our MANrLE ‘DEPARIlE1T a spccia y..with us, AY dr WISE1VIAN REMOVED TO EAVER hiIdren's Department;. • f lld• . hood. discount s liJlliSiUS , specially An 1 . T ,: be ; Any Iabailile 'Paper ..ol: l>c,olti p>.Y1li ht (1 (.,111 arclerecl:: •. g , Jxt rn • D "CURIOSITY ,. SHOP," • • Canso 1111(7 s.,a.! •;401ectioil of " • ' Ow II .Fsol' Girl'sawl l."ltiiali'l'u'i- wear, HE MOST COMPLETE tISSOR E'T IN IN .COLINrrt (oale .and 800 our Grand Display of Fur Cabs, • Cloth Caps, Alma Ca • s. •• .. oys Caps, 'Children's Caps, , 0InIciren's Tom O'Shanter's 'Thee. following are the names' that. have al- ready been in- scribed in- our Autograph. Book. R. Watson; Goderich. Jn. Buchanan, Carlow. .4. (iolclougli, Clinton D. McBwen,. ':Brucefield Wnr. Beigar, Jinllett J l:isloy, i3enmiller Ilirgln'Robb $oaforth 1. I).Wiltfic .`1'uckersmitl:r R. item mond v Blyth Neil Gilmour Brucofield, Wm. Bvrtns,. ('loderich t'p P. Elliott Stanley John Morris • Stapleton •W,T.Farqulrar Hullett• John 1.+ford 1'd:olmesville W. Perdue Goderich t'p Fred.Wise Goderich t'p) P. Evans Ctodericb t'p TO BE IVEN:Away, JACKS L O H U R,. Invites every \Ian ,and Boy --living outside of Clinton to call at tlie•ilote(1 Clothing Muse, .Where he has an Autograph,. Book in Which he wants every . inau, boy or strangers : visit-- ing- town, to write their name and Post Office address in it, . and by so doing havea chance or getting a Suit of .Clothes, valued at ..$18, ason get- ting four hundred names we will take and cut all the names out 1001 the book shuffle them all in a large box, and let some man (lrav one of the names out of the box,, and. whatever :name . is on the paper drawn,' man .or boy, will be •entitled to a, first-class suit of Clothes valued. at $183. So there is a chance for everybody by simply writing their naive, which costs thele. nothing, HAC KSON, The Clothier, • CLINTON, The following are the "names ,that: have ready been in scribed in; our.. • Autograph Book: : Hy, Evans . . Goderich t'p W.Tiplady Hallett Ed.Wass Stanley J. Colclough Hullett J. Pearson Stanley John Ross.' Stanley, .. .Donald Ross Stanley. itic11.13aker 'Goclerich t'p Baker • . Goderich t'p Mark Castle Wiugham' P.Deneyan 'ruckorsmjth W.Denevan Tuekersmith A. Wild ' Tuckeramith J"Holland Puokersinith H. Wiltse Tuokersmit . D.1.eacon Goderich t'p 0.1,1eacon3 Goderieh t'li• Jas,Grassick to Hogan