HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-17, Page 10Supplement to the Clinton New Era, Nov. 17, 1881.
'rOWN•1I11) (1)UN('IL'-.
T.tN ilio, l'uravan) tg adjournul( lit the
cout:cil met at Varna, on November 5th, it 1
o'clock p.tn.; all the members present ; the
reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous
meeting read aull signed. Tho clerk read a
communication from the chairman of the J. I1.
l'ommittee, Gudetich, calling attention to the
proposed scheme for building a branch of the
Credit Valley R.R , from Woodstock to Goderleh
vitt Exeter, and asking the co•u e:wallel) of the
Stanley council in the matter, also reyuestiug
that represontativee he Neat to theoneetiug to
be Iluld in Exeter, 0u 1001 Inst„ to discuss the
subject. The scheme, which certainly deserves
the attention of the Conner(, more especially if
the Ilge be built through the western purlieu of
this township, was talked over for some time,
titter which It was moors by John Torrance
eeondod by Peter Douglass, that the reeve and
deputy -reeve be appointed to act 1.s represcuta
'tees at the tneetlilg in Exeter, 118 aforesaid.—
Carried. Moved by Geo, Castle, seconded by
John McKinley, that the account of Dr. Woods,
*;. for sery lees rendered to Mrs. Bartley; ac•
count of A. England, $6.19, for groceries furnish -
111I Nome, tins 1tCellllllt Or Elizabeth Ifrowntree,
attending same, be paid.—Carried. Moved by
(i('(1, Castle, seeolldetl 11,9Peter Douglass, that
the account or GudCrieh Shur for publishing. by-
law, $1.70, be paid,—('arried. Moved by John
Torrance, seconded by John McKinley, that the
following gravel accounts be paid:—,f. I)u11us.
:11.20; Mrs. (1. Erwin, $13,02; Thos, McIntyre,
11:1.50; 'Phos, Baird, $10,14; Win. Grant, $4.08; J
Alexander, $1.20 ; D. McDonald, 84.80; A. Fos-
ter, $2.40; J. Johns, breaking stone, $3.12,—l'ar'd
Moved by Geo. Castle. seconded by 3. McKinley,
that the clerk get out the necessary notices for
the municipal elections for this township, and
that the following he returning oll(vers:-1)Ivi•
shat No. 1. 'rhos. Kennard ; Division No. 2, (3eo.
.4tewart ; 11iyislom No. 3. Wm, Rath welt ; Ilivl•
slue No, 4, JNA. llrwur.._(.':u'rirq. The by-law
for the disposal of the read idle wanee ht the
4th and 5111 11011(11:4N1'lItN, Wins read and signed.
('much( then adjourned to meet on Saturday.
Dec. 24, (i, STEWAH'r. Clerk.
GODERiC11, ('00uoil met at Ilolnutsville, ou
the 7th Dist, 'numbers all prestut. minutes of
brat meeting read and adopted. By-law No. 7
or 1881, read and passed, moved by J. Cox, sec,
by Jus, \Whitely, that the nomination tut' reeve,
deputy -reeve cud 1hrel. councillors, for this
township, be held in linux's hall, 1Io111111svillo,
on the hist Monday in December.—Carried.
moved by J. Whitely, son, by 3. (:ox, that the
nutnielpal election for this township, fur the
year 1882, be held in the following pieces, ylz :
No. 1 subdivision LI Orange Ball, 4)1100n. ; No.
'2 H. D., in Orange Hall, SDI cum„ near the rail-
road; No. 3 8.1).. house of `('hue, Harrison ; Np.
4 S. 1)., house of With Herbison, sr.; No. 5 14. D.,
house 01 Ilibbert Elford; No. 8 S. D„ Ktltus's
1L111, Jtulmtesville; 11180 that the following per-
sons be Deputy -Returning olticers, viz:—No. 1 8.
1)., S. Joliitston; No, 2 S.D., NIxou Sturdy ; No. It
1.D„ T. 1farrisou; No.4 8, D„ SVlu, Ilerblson, sr.;
No. o H,I) , Herne rt fiford; No.0 S.1)., A. ('ante•
tom—Carried. Movtal by .1. Whitely, sec, by J.
Beacom, that the arrears of taxes 0u S. part of
lot is. con, 8, for 1878 be cancelled, as receipts
have been produced showing said tuxes paid In
full.—Carried. The following accounts were
paid, 1'17.1 John Trew'artha, gravel, 17.00; ,Jas,
McDonald, gravel. $10,40; S:unuel Cox. gravel.
811.20, Sannlel Rathwell, gravel, $11.20; Wnn,
('oumnlly, gravel, 820; James Alexander, gravel,
820; John Proctor, culvert,131 000..28.00 ; select-
or's of jurors, $9; J. McCartney, gravel, $2.30;
Henry Baker, gravel, 1E00; C. Baker, culvert
AL('., $7.50; J. Alollvatm, culvert tat Con., 03.87's:
J. Kirkpatrick, ditch, 1st con., $1.72; Wm, (nor•
dna, rep. bridge, 1st con., 50 c,; 1I. Mcllwaine.
illicit. 1st ran. 80 0.; C, Blake, dito11 and pipe, II.
11., $13 ; W. Ross, gravel, ('ulvort. 111111 repairing.
0110th eon., $40.84 ; C. Lovett, rep. culvert. 11,
$1 ; It. Allison, rep,. bridge, ILL, 80.70 ; Itow•sel
.A• Ilutchiusen, municipal election papers. $7.70:
John Weir, gravel and outlet for water, 87: John
Elliott. gravel, $18,01. Council adjourned le
meet again first Alonday' hn november.
JAttts I'AT"1'UK,
%L'omite's 11•Ile Friend.
A friend in nood is a friend indeed. This
none can deny, especially when assistance i.e.
rendered when ono is sorely afflicted with
disease, more particularly those complaints
and weaknesses so common to our _('male
Population. Every woman should know than
Electric !titters aro woman's true friend, and
will positively restore •Iter to health, even
when all other remedies fail. A single trittl
always proves our assertion. They are pleas-
ant to the taste and only cost fifty emits a
bottle. Sold by J. II. Combo.
Nibs Drummond has resigned her position
in the I lo(lorielt school,
A Christmas cattle show will he held at
Myth, on the 1-Ith of Dec,
Mr. 3)ey, blacksmith, ?fatchrster, has
bought a farm in East \Vawannsl',
Mitt. A. I,. brown has liven rt' engaged as
teacher ill 1411hn0l erti'n ',o,
Dr. ('arson's Stnmuu'h :11141 ('nuslip11U0n Bit
(1'1'8, are rapidly taking the 'davit of All other
porgatives,hu'Inding fills, Powders, etc. Their
at't ion n8 mild yet ('fleet !inland tlll',l' 111'35 a curtain
'' 11•e for all blllous ('(111014111)18, 111 large bot-
tles at 511 e0nt4. J. H. Culotte spt'eh(I agent for
I)r. 1Vi1d lectures in (Ioderioh, 0u' the 30th
duet,, on " the (i reat Pyramid and 1882."
Mr. Habkins, jr., of Grey, broke his leg
last week by a horse power falling on him.
The wife of Mr. White, an old resident of
tate township of Ashfield, passed away last
I)r, Hutchison, who (las been practising at
Manchester since last spring, has removed
to Dungannon.
John 1t. McC'assey, f nosily of Sunt.hiue,
has been engaged in S. S. No. 4, Derby, for
the ensuing year, at a salary of $:350,
People are bogimmmng to 11is out the trite vir-
tues of Dl'. Carson's stomach and Constipation
Bitters, and they are becoming the favorite
flu0ily mediellle of the Canada public for till
derangements of the stomach. Bowels, Liver
allot Klduey. inharge but ties at'50cents,spclrlal
agency for (Milton at J. It. Combo.
Mr. Wm. Downs, of Carlow, has purchased
the farm formerly belonging to :t1 r. It. Downs,
near Manchester.
Mr. James Purvis, of the lith cou. of Morris,
has purchased the farm of Mr. John Mair,
being lot 20, con. 12, 'Turnberry, containing
100 acres, for the sum of $8,000 cash.
Mr. \1'm, Lynn, son of Patrick Lynn, of
(:oderich, (formerly of Morris) left this week
for Monterey Co., California. Ile will join
two of his brothers who are already in that
Mr. Jas. 11. Linklater, of Lot 20, eon 11,
'Turnberry, who fell from his barn a taw days
ago, is progressing favorably. The arm which
was disjointed at tho elbow, bilis fair to be
shortly all right.
Por Des4tepsia or Indigestion. habitual Consti-
pation, $iIIt,tsiltts, Liver or Kidney affections,
the safest and (hest remedy is Dr, ('arson's
stomach and constipation Bitters, the. great
ft&itt 37lnedicine. They can with perfect safely
Du given to the youngest child Mt hey are pure-
ly vegetable in composition and mild in their
notice. Hold it ltlrge panel bottles at 50 cents
J. 1L Cotton, special agents for Clinton.
\I r, (lobi. Landsborongh, of the 3rd eon. of
Tuchersmith, had two valuable sheep so bad-
ly mangled by dogs on Sunday night last that
they had to be killed, and it third was ao se.
vorely bitten that its recovery is doubtful.
ND. Robert Lang has sold his fartu
on the town line between 1'uckerstn'it}t aril
Gsborne, near Rodggerville, to his brother
James, for the'sum of $37,600. 'The farm con-
tains 85 acres, Mr. Lang intends to remove
to Missouri, where his brothers-itt•Iaw, the
Messrs, Wells, reside,
Mr. John Wilson, who at present resides
on the farm he settled on as an immigrant 27
years ago, is tho first settler in the township
of Turnberry when the whole' surrounding
districts were'one howling wilderness ; Wing -
ham hail then neither a habitation tier a name,
and tloderieh was then the nearest post office.
)Votnae's Wisdom.
"Slit' InnistSthat It ISIn1more tmpertanreflint
her family shall be kept io full health, than
that 81111 s1101111i have /111 the fashionable dresses
ltd styles of tit' times. 8hn DINel0re. sees t0
it. that (.1(4.11 member 0r her family is supplied
with Ilop 1ii1ters, at the tlrst apprar;uu't' orally
symptoms of any 111 health, to prevent tt 411 of
.Ocki1('NN with ifs attendant expense, pare mad
00510y. A:1 women should exuleine their NV IN
110111 111 1bit W113'."— New flaxen Palladium.
Crockery, Glassware, &c.
Oatmeal a tl Coma always 011 hand,
Potty's colabratad English Braahfast Bacon,
Loaf/ Plein' Nitron, Sugar Cared
And .\'o. / LARD,
At prier, which rained be beaten le town.
Dobbins' ELECT1t1(' SOAP
,ll')'r IInt')iIVim, A LOT tri'
CASil FOR x14133+.
ELVE TR(1l'U(1:;. BUILDER'S SUPPLIES). (;urD1'(,"l'utt
MACHINE- -O L.._ TL\Tti'I:ST.lfiTT$.-
Ut N14, BEST VALC1s 13'I(. OI '`?,Rill).
1%'Altx;LN'r1.1.) 41ENt'1Nli AND 'LOW 1'Il1(;Ev,
PARER, CORER AND APPLE . P j� R E RS (annul ;tut out of �n•der.
SLICER CoMISINIM.` i . ..All machines warranted,
ItF:Dl'CEli T i N A R �` 1, t'P,1C'liS •
i0, 000. .W'OP 'I
.)1'8'1' Altitl\'E11, (11'' THE FINEST ANI) JIC)11'1.`..3tAnNil'ICENT'L' FIN1SIIRU'
I rSISi;WIi0'G•
. Ihom.different comlunieq, all with the latest iulproveme1108.
.•1. 0,. thine - ?-I: 1N -C3,4 )iii `..(liZiGe A
',roil the be.t anthers in.'the world, cheaper mitt better than yoil enc get -elsewhere,
&wing blttrbines repaired by ft pl'arrit'al rn.(7rhl)tisl:, '.A'eedlts, Shuttles, .nil atu/ ererythi0')
?panto! fur Sewing told (milting Mae/dime.ITrarltj4)144(e4 f0i .all the (tbotw.,-
414niember the place Joseph hlre('4, west of lic'i't(;„,,;iirt'.0 COty 111111' Eactor8
34, ;10- -- POST .Rot 1.05, Oii1.\TO\, ONT.
arses» :...�,.m..� —
Red (,k Store ---Sign of tlro .Ndl ei .
.\ i.13'1i:1:.'.1 : L`ld,16,1) 4 r.; ;1t.' J Q\T: •
\Vo have mew on hand a largo and emnpletc stools of all.tltn li'attin;;•Ettevcsrlf Gn1lada. Wes
14111110 6 few:-- ' .. •.
And a quantity of otlicri ton numerous to,menti(i11, • Alito,'4 fillI stnek of hut Lo PAn1;OR
(10016 and I1ALI. ST05r', 13,18e: 13ufl'I11 1.10A I. S'i't)\ rti, . fltcltiding .tho celebrated Itontt"U
iluetl':, also the PATENT 1' (171.(.1.1:1( li 1(1:.('1141., fel• WOO,: Om moat'" economical'511d•711nat po4V•
erre( also
in the market. A largo stock of ii08” Any .Mutts, STOVE Pim, Pt.11nipi, &)
Intending purchasers will 'find it to their advantage to call and tint plicas nnd.esanihc line .
sttu'.1:, aw we are in a positiiin to sell at low IW108Is, and are determined not tuboundersold by :
' any 11(111140 i1)1 tine county- - . ' -
Best No. I Canadian COAL OIL. Also,, .AMERICAN COAL OIL. Coiuplete'•
stock of LAMPS and LAMP GOODS,
Don't mistake the place for ,'cheap Stoves, ' led
Brick -Store, sign of the Padlock, Albert Street