HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-17, Page 81 0,.................m.,,nee0.**•00.....00.•+.0*.vra •••+..0 .enen0....nn...00•00.......0,e0.. OLINfr ON NEW Eli A MR. JOIIN JOSLIN,, WhO a. short time ' 1 shice,returned from, Manitoba suffering THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1881. with intim:nation lilt's eyes, and has since _______•...---,.......,-------------7— been, laid up therefrom,has recovered suf- giceutly to be out again. New Supscribers to the oisi,Z,r 101,:rs)reND that 51iss Maggie , . teache'r for 1V)pae,earyhacblel:leirogdeearig New .Bra getthe rest of township) for 1882. She is one of recog- this year free, on pay- nized ability and will, we feel sure, give perfect satisfaction. ing in advance. , • A •otion STAin.E.—Last spring. Thos. ' Oorrell, son a Mr. A. Gorrell, of tbis place, secured 320 acres of land a few Weekly (*lobe for $100 • miles. froin Crystal City Man. at a cost of Woo, After putting in. a summer's work to 31st Dec,, 1882. - therein iie sold the same for the sum of • __.______—.------,---- $8,000. He has since gone west of Bran- Vri 0 IV it Figliti01- don. ,. ME, (+no, Tuoreson, jr.,' son of Mr. Gee. Thompson, Huron road, Goderich, or See firct pagq for other local matter. ' Itown.!;114), ealled. on us on Friday. Ile is Tnn wire of Mr. 'R. Irwin returned now in business in Ingersoll, and although from St. Louis on Friday. he has been home occasionally, scarcely A cAa load of sleighs for Mr. A. Call- passed through this town in doliglat in ander, Emerson, were shipped frail. hero the past tea years, He was jaaah, stir. by G. W. R., on Friday, p.rised with, the progress Clinton had made ME. J. BEAcOM left by G, T. J -t, last since he left it fourteen years ago having week, for Le.xington, Ky„ for the purpose been a elerk 'with Cameron & 'ROSS at of purchasing a stallion. that time, WHEAT FOR ENGLAND. — Last week BOOK PAVEMENT'.—The Clinton NEW Mr. R. Irwin shipped by G, T, R, about ERA strongly approves of our remarks thirty cars of wheat for Liyerpool. . about block pavement and stone crossings and recommends them to the earnest con - MESSRS. Stiff, Doinville and Hobson, sideration of the Council of that Own. officials of the 0. W. • R.,. were in town Owing to thedifference in the nature Of on Thursday last. Their visit was brief, the soil, the main street of Clinton is not ON FninAy morning. Mr. T: Coillson nearly so costly to maintain as is the Main street in this town, but even there we are shot a magnificent specimen of the grey owl, breaking its wing, thereby capturing. convinced that blonk pavement would. be • V`Thein air's our sentiments too," ' it alive. . • ' veryknnich cheaper and lietter—Exrsitor.. t A FEW Da.Ys since Mr. EA Baer, while working at a circular sew in Cooper & LICENSED VICTUALER'S AssoCIATI6' Cireulars have been issued by the Seere- McKenzie's factory, lost nearly the -first . , try of the ProvincialLicensed Victuallerle joint. of his index finger. ' ' ' ' Association, calling a ,meeting of all hotel MR. H. F. McNALLY, travelling' agent keepers in the County of Iturou, to be of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and lani- teld in the town hall, here, on the 25th toba Railway, was in town in the interests inst., for the purpose of taking measures of that road, on Friday. . . to oppose the passage of the Scott Act and The circular winds up MESSRS. Thompson & Boles shipped by °Iran" mea.6ureB• with the:• suggestive 'announcement that G. T. R., on Tuesday, two carloads.. of' 4 the meeting has not been called for. the turnips to New York. This. is a new field, • purnok of raising funds, but -to establish for produets of thie nature. • • the neW association on a.firm basis." •I . MR. A. WEIR, who. has' been residin„,.,e .SnADE TEEM—After the Telegraph here for a short time, recently purchased Compa.ny had disfigured the shade trees a farm in the vieinity of Arkona, Lamb- .tin the Huron Road it was thouoht that , , . ,, ton Co., and has moved there. • • • . - something would 'be done by.the property . MR. JAS. JOHNST0N, formerly.'issis- h7oldeis in the'way of pruning, so as to., taut 0. W. Br. ageat here, is, no* agent.. take off the ugly look of the'trees. ....Soft-. for the Nertherh Pacific Railivay,..at.Bis= ing having been.deine.in that ivay, 110y.i8. muck, Dakota, tin a good salary. . the thne to•lmve itdone, .either b.v' the council or the property. holders. We oly- 'MR. W. WADE and son, of the' Base serve that Mr. Searle has been.trying lis Line, Joseph Coventry, (Minton, and Mr, band °nth° one in.• front ollIr;:...Steven's Little, of Londesboro, left by (4...W.A., 'new.dwelline; which .has improved itS aP- last 'Wednesday, forAlie li-erthivest. •. ,. pearance. • fn a &tort time all the trees,- . Mn. C. OUNNINOHAME Will leave for if 'so pruned, Would' look more 'shapely Dunville in a few days, when, with his father-in-law, Mr: Jamieson, he intends to eivage in the butchering busines.s. ' '-. , . ON.MoxnA.y afternoon Mr.W. S:Spiet• er, general superintendent of the , Grand Trunk, and Mk. Larinour,-aSsistant, passed . up to Ooderich, returning. east next. day, • Mn. SMITIT, (SOD 'Of Mr.' James Smith) who went to Winnipeg a few, weeks1 sinee, and has been laid up with fever,tas wear° nleased to learn, recovered there- ron • . . K EN-NED-V.- COMINC.,— r.. Ke anedyi , the well-kno.wn Set:itch Vocalist; has ;se, (aired the own hall.here, for the..20th of Dec, when he will give one anis. pepular. entertainments. • REv. A. A•sunnws, ecKineardfnei preach in the. Methodist thurch, -on'Sen, day, morning and'evening•;• Rev. Mr:Ma- Donagh goes to Kincard'ine preacli missionary sermons. • • • . • • • DEPUTY -REEVE SHEPPARD left 'for Manitoba, by 0.. W. R.; on Tuesday..•" has.been negotiating for the lease,of ato•:;.;• tel at Portage la Prairie, inegoeS to. coni- plete arrangements, if satisfaatory. • • °Goon Cows.—Mr. Thos. Stanbury an ordinary mach. cow Ifor Which• he re:. fused the sum of 1$80. • Last week Mr, J. Leslie sold one at $50. COWs at this fig- ure should be good milkers,. anyhoW, . , than they now. do. ••,. - Mu. FtSiMli, Who 'now -Tesid i the neighborhood of Portaee la l'rairie > • ,,,iinatv.Rwifolot'4.1WasiaLmaigiassoucertassialsir,„.. -jACKSON, BIG .PAIVES rill—IBI. V.A.IVICYLTS .,i. . BIG•DRIVES IN H DRESS GOODS , an if, ,...........„............_._i.G,,..._,............. ,, , ‘• . ,, t, p BIG DRIVES IN f . •.:, • WOOL GOODS CLINTON. Ladies and Gentlemen's BIG DRIVES IN -BIG DRIVES IN „ pIG DRIVES I1N* OUR' STOCK OF FUR GOODS IS NOW ONE OF THE BIG D'RIVES IN MOST COMPLETE IN THE WEST k L.adies &Erik -paps. • L.adis • S;eal Caps. Ladies Persian Lamb:Caps... 'Ladies . Astrachan' Caps Full Range of Children's Caps. Olathe: 14 Pciiiin Laid ad Bgivor Boy's Alma., Plush and Fur Caps. Children's Fancy Tam O'Shanter's. 00 J7H.ALC-7.:EI:B but Ni''as a former resident ofth"e,2nd con, • • ofStariley', and has• lately been Visiting • .A.„,..ent • his Huron friends, gavens a call on: Sae: .2-0. • • urday. He 'has been 'in the northwest ' . eight Years, and -likes it well although. the • • . summer season. IS Short, •This year he•and • 1his three.sons raised about .5,000 .besliels .of wheat; he received word -a -few days• f • . ainee that While esing 'steam thresher . • THE FAMOUS HATTER AND FURRIER*, CLINTON, ; on the farm,. his sons had a stack contaiu-. ing about 250 lmshels of wheat destroyed by a spark from the SLUM.. 'When. Ile and 'his familY. first went to that toantry, they went by the Dawson route, find it took: that a month to reach Winnipeg -i -quite difference the time required Iipw -to reach that city. ' Ile returned to the west this week. , • • • . MusRoE.A. SUFFERERS..L-The ineeting; called by the Mayor on.belialf of the suf- ferers by fire in Muslielca, took Place OH TREVIRy evening, the attendaece :being smaller than it would have been, hadnot the. TIOlin'an troupe, perffirmed on that evening. The meeting was called to" or- der by the Mayor being: voted to fill the chair, who 'explained the Object of the meeting and tinder What pireumatances he called it, mentffining the fatt of reeeivinel. •a eireular froin, the Braeebridge .Coutteili requesting assistance for the sufierers either in •tli shaPe of inoliey or, clothing. After a, Short discussion it was moyed by; Mr. McTaggart, second.ed by 111r. Rale, add carried, that. the Mayor and Reeve be a committee to canvass the town for sub- seriptiOns, either iii.money or clothes, to aid said sufferers. Any one desirous of contributing elothing can either. leave it at the Corn Exchange, 'or word where -it may be sant for, arrangements being inade• to cellect ip. NARROW EscAinn.-70n Thursday after- noon, as the wife and daughter of Mr.Eby Rumball of Goderich township, were drip; ing home froin this -131ace., they had a narrow escape from what might have been a serious accidett, jiist outside of town. One of • the lines catching beneath the horse's tail caused it tti become unmanage- able and jumping about, snapped off the shafis; Mrs. Rumball held on to the lines, and wag pnlled over the dashboard until her head rested onihe whiffietree, in- which dangerous position she was carried about one hundreilyards. The buggy- Was over- turned, and the initiates severely bruised, and had it not been -that parties came to their assistance the results would in all probability have been aerions.' In its course on the road the buggy came in con- tact with that of a man driving,in an op, posite direetion, breaking several spokes therein, but instead ef the man stopping to render assistatede, he 'Caned the unfor- tunate women. CATTLE.—Last week Mr.W. Craig ship- ped a car of cattle by G.W.R. to Toronto. • He also shipped a car by G.T.R: Mr. J. Simonds shipped a car by G.W.R. to Bre, con. Mr. Freeman, on Satniday, shipped a car of sheep to Buffalo, by G.T.R. , • , SATURTIAY. 00114:dile 1-L114/ay Lake. information against a man inimed•Brown, on a charge of selling. stationery, .ete., without a license, winch is contrary to by-law. He was tried before Mr: Mc- Garva, J.P., found guilty, and fined $10 and costs. . BuittirAnv.Sometime late on Stinday night last some one broke a pane of glass in the side winder"? of Mr. Robb's store, and took therefrom about ten pounds ef bologpa sausages., apparently More desir- ous for that luxury than for several other articles of more value, which were close at hand... INsTANOES.otsuch honesty •as the fol- lowing are exteedingly rare, and merit mention. *A ladY town had dn account sent her, which was somewhat lower than her actual indebtedness. When she call, ed to pay it, she directed. attention to 'the mistake, and insisted.:Uptii) paying the full amount. LITERARY SOCIETY, The debate in the Rouse of Commons, on free trade ya protection, was Continued ,on Thursday night, by Messsrs. Jas. Scott and I. Taylor on the part of the oppoSitiOn) and Messrs. Fisher and Martin ore. behalf of the goV- ernment. The latter has the floor Air this evening. • ' ., LARGE AmOUNT OF 1.4LEIGIIT.-1..dst week the very large amount of 624 -tons, ,. of freight, of one kind and anothert were' shipped from the Grand Trunk station at this place. This will give salmi idea of the enormous business now being done here, and there is every probability that) oven this amount will soon be eclipsed. i tIOMPARLSONs ARE ODIOUS.—On gun - clay a train with 17 empty cam wentup to Goderich,the place that is so desperately in need of railway a,ecommodati n to fa- % cililate its enormous business: As none of the ears Were needed at Groderi h, they o'er° all brought baek to a small, unim- portant way station called Clinton, nod thirteen of them left ht thiS little plaee, tO -partly supply the (lemma for "more cars," The inference from this fact is so plain that " he rwho runs may see it" • • . • riEtEPI-1.0.NE • WHITE STAR LINE STE.41\IERS: , STA:TE LINE OF STA:MERS• — • • • • • 1.1 • • IMPORTED HORSES. — On Sunday Mr. T. .1, Bell, of I,ondesboro, returned from tbe old coontry with two splendid Olydes- dale colts. Re started from th'o old coun- try with three, the third having been pur- chased for Mr. .T. Visher, but unfortui- nately it died on the voyage; this makes thelfifth entire horse that "Jo" has lost by kleativilnuldition to -the brood mares he luis4bst.'It was insured for ,t200. Mr. 13ell's colts are fine bays, large bone, and give 'promise of being very fine horses. Mr. tell bad been on the road froM quo-. bee for several days, and unfortunate*. arrived at Stratford on Saturday"' night, It also happened that Mr. Attrill, of Goderich, arrived at the time with- some itriported Cattle, among thent a COW said to have cost $2,000, and not caring to trust to the uncertainties of a G.T. way - freight, he proeured speeial train, and brought bis stock up, together with that of Mr, Bell. We learn that it is Mr.lish. er's intention to send for another _horse. • palwoomogrnStepOrerapacsliwag4L4ftnixuppiactselpit MANI' S BLANKET LADIES FURS GEN T'S FURS Overcoats, Illsters,-Shirts.and Drawers, . 'ALL BELOW, LOW WATER MARK IN PRICEK PAY WISEMAN. The Dry Goods Emporium of Clinton, '• „ ° , E In order to red-ape...0.dr very large stock of • Before removing t$' -Our 118W iiremises, Are SELLING AT. ; • ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. " • " " . • .` 99 BRICK BIJOCIK -CLINTON S. PALLISER:. • . • "0.2•.%•, ; THUS • . . . SA Cik SON SACKS ON • SACIi.' SON . JACKS ON • SIII • To-pAy -OPEXED OUT 'IN TRE STORE LATELY 060U1.;IED BY -JACKSON JAMES SMITH VERCHANT TAILOR ' • .T.A.cks ON To JA.C.LcS ON Next..dook• to.. Tholtipsoik. • • . , , ,.. • • . . , . . • , .• A CAB.E.F111...LY SELECTED Al%T.D. ENTillEI..1y NEW STOCX • : • • '...... 11111:: 0 • • • Including. LADIES PA.NOY NOTE PAPER in various de,. signs, and every description of Writing Paper -and Envelope. And Patterns in the very latest colors. . ' FLEECY. -ZEPHYR FINGERING — -STA_ SCHOOL BOOKS A eomplete stock. & MAKLB SETS Latest editions and lowest ' • . • price. ' ALBUIVISI BXBLES, . ClitTROEC SBRVIOES,. , Books ! Tr;irIVIN .BOOKS. do • Children's Department 'Picture Books, China and Wax Dolls, Sleighs Toys ,of every description and kind. , • and band discount looichcrs Ionics a st)ciallt,", Any Magazine, Paper or Book published, can be ordered. jACKSON lijA.C.KSON BE 'AcKs" JACKSON, THE CLOTHIER, IA-Q1cso* JAMON ' • . •• • THE CLOTHIER THE: CLOTelliEB, - . THE •CLOrPHIER • • „.• • ptorrAIEE, T 'CLOTHIER THE CLOTHIER - rHE _CLOTHIER THE -CLOTHIER' THE. CLOTHIER THE CLOTHIER . • THE CLOTHIER THE CLOTHIER. . THE -040TRiElr ' .• , • • ; . • • • • : • ' • ' • ' j-AcKso N. Invites every and 134 living . outside of Clinton to call at the noted Clothing llouse, 'where he has an Autograph Book in which he wants every man, boy or strangers visit- ing town, to write their name .and Post Office address, in it, and by So doing have a chance of getting.a,,Snit of Clothes, valned'at $18, aS bn get,: 1.3 P. ‘-;",4-411•IER JACKgON , • . tingfour hundred names we will take JACitsON and cut all the names chit otthe bdok shUffie them all in a largo box, and. .A6/0„.„,,.! let some man draw ono of the names out of the box, and whatever name 4Acics ON; .,ivsitoin,btehe paper drawn; man Or boy,' entitled to a first-class suit of Clothes valued at $18, 'So there is SAcKsoNi a• chance for everybody. by s-iniPlY 'ME cLoTTHER 'writing their name, which costs them . j-AcKsoxi "thi"" Tnt ()Lunn -vat ..TACJItS0 N THE fOLOTHIEli', • THE Trt.E 61.40THI THE 0 LoTiirgR trilt ourritrva :jA.CKSON, The Clothier1,41114: ubonritIt 403L.41-**OVON.IJAcitsoxi "oLo .OURIOSITY SHOP," , CLINTON,