HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-17, Page 1Troteootooht anti other krArdo oiNEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR SMALL ILL sums ,un good mortgage Security, moderate rum) of interest. H. HALE, Clinton. _ A LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FUR SALE BY the Canada Colin/411y, may be seen at the elliceiyf the undereigned. H. HALE, Clihten• ‚I RS. MUTT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS .7attended at their own residence, if necessary. Re- sidenee orange atrett, near the IL on Road, Clinton. H. DOWSLEY,.11. D., M. 14IC.S. ENGLAND, 1J. Physieiau, Surgeon, Ste., °Mee and residence next Melsen's Bank, market equAre Clinton. DLi. APPLETON. — OFFICE AT REsIDENCE un Ontario street, Clinten, opposite tile Lpallsh •Chureb. Entrance by side gate. JAN Es scoTT, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 01."flIE Supreme Court 4J °Mario, Conveyancer, tte. office, in 1111% Kit BLAAIIC. A.1.1IhRT T., C11111,441. j'A YOUNG, II. B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO • U iversity,) Physician, Surgeon, Ire., residence at Mr. Mantling's, three doors east of the Temperanee Hall, Londeeboro, Ont. RATTENBURY STREE-T: immediately north of Raneford's book store. Real, donee, oppopite tbe Temperance Rail, Huron Street Clinton. White hours from 8 a.m. to 6p.m. DSTANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE MEDI. Ar.. Department of Victoria University, Torento,for, merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York Coroner for the County of Huron, Hayfield, Ont. ILIARRIAGE LICENSES AND -CERTIFICATES 171Apply at the Beaver Blook,er at the residence of the ambecriber, near the London, Duren & 13ruee Railway, JAMES SCOTT, limner 01 Marriage Licenses. Clinton EW. WILLIAMS, B. A., 31.B., GRADUATE OF • Toronto University; member of the College of Pity. Meiling and Surgeons, Out. OFFICE tk RESIDENCE the house formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street Clinton. A B. MANNING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLI - CL. CITOR-IN.CDANCERY, Conveyancer, de., Beaver Block, Clinton, Ont. AU baeinese promptly attended to. °Bice hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. At 13 awkshaw's Hotel, Blyth, every Saturday. nu. WORTHINGTON. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON -1L/Accombenr, Licentiate of the College ofPhysician. a nd Surgt(ms of Lower Canada,and Provincial Lieen, tiate aua Ceaocorfor the Comity of H,uron. Oiliceand reaidenee,—The building formerly decanted by Mr. Thwaites, Heron street. Clin+m#,Jan.10,1871. W. E. CARTWRIGHT,Seneeom DENTIST, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, haa opened maim in the 'Victoria Block, Albert Street, Clinton, where he will constantly be in attendance, and prepared to per- form every operation connected with Dentistry. Teeth extracted, or filled with gold, amulgara, or Other filling Innterita, kitificial teeth Inserted from cte to it tall set. 11 i• DWINI liEEFER, 1#. 10. S., 11,1 nue the oftlee of Trotter dt. Caesar, lerellia.0 dentists T...route, Second Humor Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons. OFFICE", BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON, (mat Fowheit Sex's JEWELLKAY STURM. • To The Public. HoltioE Fon. SALE.--Any-ene (.1 three horses for sale, ns one run be disposed of. Priee, 170,040 and $35. oLD •CLOTIIES FOR SALF...Adly "(timidity' to fit siZet3 and ages. A I.Sti 2 STOVES, one a good rooking and one small b,xoteye, the above cheap fot. taish. Any person wanting idd stove p1 .l clearing away apply te the undersigned. • NOTICE.- All debts due the estate ,1f Mary 'Marten, in *be polling account and other% Ise, Must be 3 aid by the 1st ,d November, to .avo, eusts. All applications Ir 11,,rse,, el, d hes, stoves and stove plites, to be made \V. 31AltTEN, Clinton, Clinton, Get, 5, 1881. 4 INSURANCE On all "Descriptions of Property; AT LOSVI:ST RAT ES. 4J l'..141D01.-t, 1 linton. THE .MOLSONS BANK, 1 aeorporated by Act of Pai4ttment,1855. CAPITAL, 82,000,000. Head Office, Montreal. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. 1.14. R. MOLSON, . -'- F. WO LFERSTAN THOI '''' General Manager. 2'I,('e (1 tleo ted, ('o1lectol8 mali, Draft -o , is.ottod, Storting and Anuriroin o,Oohango l'oxifht and sold at lowest earront rat's. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. LOUGH, Manager. Feb.17, 1881., Clinton. JOHNSTON, TIMM, & GALE, BANKERS, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONT. MRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 1 Money advaneed on Mortgages and Notes °Shand Drafts issued payable at par, at all the offices of the Merchant's Bank of Cenada. New York exchange bought and field. PROEM ATTENTION PAID To COI, LEClIONS throughout Canada and the United States. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at dose -rates, and money advanced to farmer(' on their own notes, for anyiength oflime to snit the borrower. All marketable semi- tiee bought and sold. BANRERFI IN NEW YORK. AGENTI3 ON THE MEROKAIre'S BANK OF CANADA. / N TEREST A 1.01V ED 0117 DEPOSITS A. J,..01113Nt&Tur,orNo,y. I . P T I ICC; intonT. A. DLL!: J. PENTLAND TISDALL, Manager. Johtton, Galt I riadall, Baum, Eon. A. JOHNSTON, T. A. GALE, J. P. TISDALL, Strathroy. Elora. Clinton. T. A. GALE, Manager. -- Correspondents in Canada, Tbb Bank of Montreal and an Weir agencies. In New York, W. Watson mit A. Lang, 59 mad 61. Wall Street. iDisipow,s American Cross Cut VOL. 17 TERNS - SI.1$0 tier Ammons. .44-W1 1-4t41 CLINTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 17, 1881. New AtirertieetlItnt0., Stray Sheep.. rwin into the premises of the subscriber, lot 03, 11th con„ Hullett, about the middle of September, two Lambs. The owner is hereby notifiecLko prove property, pay charges, and take themwy aa. 451 G. C. WOW). IoNIPORTANT CREDIT AUCTION SA.'LE 010 7 Farm Stock & Implements TBE undersigned will offer 'for salelay Public km:- tion, OD iirelinegOdItY, N v. =rd. 1881, on BONNY PLACE FARM, 1Ult0 TOAD, GODERICH TOW.NSHID, . (about 2i miles west of Clinton) thd following articles,' • ids:- 3 working horses, 1 colt coining three, 1 spring colt, 2 cows in calf, 1 faVeow, 1 three-year-old heifer, 1 steer, coming two,/ Heifers, 2 calves, 5 ores, 1 ram, 2 fat hogs, I sow, 8 young pigs, 1 new Massey reaper, 1 aew Massey mower, 1 new sulky hay rake, 1 limber waggon, 1 buggy, 1 light sleigh, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 land roller, 1 fanning mill, 1 hay • rack, 2 plows, 1 set Iron harrows. 1 set wooden harrows, 1 • stuffier, 2 .set double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 stoneboat, 1 grain cradle, 2 scythes and math% a quan- tity of hay in barn, a quantity of straw and chaff in barn, it quantity of turnips alai mangolds, about 100 bushels of potatoes,- a quantity of cedar poste, about 15 cords of short wood and other articles. , . Tgams.-;810 and under, cash,. over that amount 11 months credit will lie given on furnishing Approved joint notes. A discount Of" 10 per eettt. per IITLUIII given for ea8h on credit amount,. • The farm will be sold ai the same time, and consists of 80 aeres,iill cleared and in a good stote of. cultivatieB. Situate about 2i. miles from the rapidly. growing. town of Clinton,' and is in every respect a splenSid farm. Good stone house, two barna, stables, Several acres in orchard and 11 acres in hal wheat, 411 watered; pos- session given 1s8 of January. To any •bne wanting a Good farm in splendid locality, on a .first-class gravel road. this is An miasma opportunity. • TERMS VOA rim Emitt.-SIO0 on nay a ough to make one-third in thirty, days thereafter, bal- ance to suit purchaser. • • • • The Farnt, Farm. Stock, E.;le•., Positively be sold WITHOUT RE.s'E.,R VE. SALE TO COMMENCE 12 O'CLOCK, NOON, SHARP GEO. THOMPSON, Prop. JAS.1101YSON, Auct; minsamminstinemonesermanne. Berkshire Boar for service 'T11E subscriber imep during t -he- so scan„_at.lds, proatisos, Lot beffiaes'sithi • OrcliffietS: •first•cless.13erkshire-bear.- Teritts,.$1 Itt thritref'serYie • JAMES Sii0DEROOit. • •• st,e e Platform Scales A T— R M. RACETS, For Sale, ONE Dutcher Waggon' With. raek, one.. ,Ktiteller • Cart, one Buggy, one' light Liiinber Wnggen, iron . axle, single or doilbie, one ,Cuter, eno 'Pleasure ' Sleigh.. Will he sold cheep, - • . J. DAYMENT,,..Clinten.•, . ' ;I• •.• • School Teacher Wanted New '.;8.1drertiontrat.0,•. . . . Wanted, A SERVANT entr,, immediatily. Apply to - MRS. TRW. JACNSoN, To Rent: • DWELITNITrer Ate ApPliiie PALLISIllft & CA, Stray Heifer. OAllE into aubscriber's premises, Lot 10, Maitland block, Mullett, early in October, it Red and White HEIFER, coming two years idol. The owner le hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, and take it :man 45-0 • JOUN Berkshire Boar for service VUEsubscriber will keep a first -Mess Berkshire Baer, bred by A. McArthur, oaf Lobo, for service. Terms -$1.00r, paid at thins Of service, WM. MAY. • 45t4 Huron Road. Stray Heifer. ., czTaa.Y.D froin the premises of the subscriber, lot 23, 1081 con. of Mullett, but twe months ago,• stnall-sired, redcheifer, coming' three, with a small hole In her ear, and a !moo in it when she left... Anyone giv- ing information that will lead to her recovery will be suitalaly rewarded. WM. MARTIN, 45* Londesboro, "P. O.. l'ay Bull. into the premises of the subscriber; lot 77, . koi Ma:Mount Con. Goderich township, about the end of Septeniber, a yearling bull, rather small for his age, The owner is horeby notified' tei prom property pay charges and take it away. , A. R,. GOODWIN, , 45*4 Goderich township. Ho:use and Lot for Sale. OR SALE: a converdently.situated House and tot on Rattenbury St„ west of the Methodist church. The lot is mie.quarter ef e0 acre, well stocked with' ehoice fruit trees, and has splendid ,well and soft .water thereon. The house contains seven miens, petitry and good cellar. Will be "Sold on reasonable terms, For particulars apply at the Naw Ens (Mice, . 45 _GRISTING. Melville's fall, •Hallett. THE .nno,,, Mill haying receiVed neW bolts, and• in .7- -other a5ti blibitifiiriirflirst-class repair, and tlia• •-sabseriberhasing-aistoaeettred theserviceirof-MrAebt Orr; a firideclass be ia now prepared to do It kinds Of Gristing with CID ,,,oreatest deSpatelt, loud guarantoeS satisfaetian. FLOUR Asn•Fgeo on hand and .for sole at all times. , . _ • 45• . A, MeKERRAL, Proprietor. . . - • ..--. .. ,. .. ., . .. , . IXTANTED 5-011. 1882., a 'reacher far .Sehe 01 8 eetion .1`..Y No. lu, Godurich Townshtp.••• SMITal lir ..tbird VIION Ctrtitiente. ii:cept ed, but 'sOeotta preferred;-.:Sers viocs to ccinmence Jantiary thlii. • Address...A.) fo Nor. 2114,rtatui„., &miry, to .. . ,- i -e. (''LE, SeciettrY, Garfield- KO, • ' . • . i . House for Sale. . . . um. 5.r salt .01 My fitreet,'Clintom Nine romos, hard and 4.,,ft .30 ttcr, one.quarter of oul 4,000 of greund. Inc le... '1"erms to stilt .pur- eleven.. Apply to j. A. Nttl-LKS Guelph, or • 33 -W. FARRAN.- . MON A 0 HARDWARE- MERCHANT; CLINTON. •L Stray Heifer:, " (YAMS 110 subscriber'spremises'lot. 34,1301 con. Ilunelt, about the last of Angust, it light red I I oiler, with, small white siu,t in itsface, small. for - it, a,go, coming 2 3 ears Md. The owner is hereby notified to pro\ e property, pay charges and take it away. . , : ; ROBERT' 13kUCE.' • New llouse arid Let fey, sale FOR SALE, that conveniently 'situated new house on James Street, next dor,r to the Presbyterian Church. Has eight good rooms, ,goial cellar, .hard anti soft woter, mai. centrally lecatol. Price do%V.. .T0:flag ca.oy. Apply the premiteS. • W. cateit cantori. • Land for Sale. . 61111E undersigned Mims for sale the south west pert -L of lot 16, }Won ROO, GOderieh Township, about* 3 1111101 frorn,thortown of Clinton, centaining BO acres, about all clearedin gooti state of cultivation, and Well watered: Small frame house; 18 it 24, on the premises:. Will be sold On Yetisonable Lerma. : . , „ ALEX. OSBALDESTON, 43 . • 1101meaville P. O. House and • Lot for Sale. milE subscriberafere for sale the House and lot oc- cupied by himself on the corner of King and Fulton' Streete, a short distance from the Presbyterian Ghtritila The house contains 6 rooms; the lot Is about one-third of an acre,iviand has hard and salt water and stable thereon. ill be sold cheap, as the proprietor is Mov. Ing to Manitoba, 46 JOHN BEESLEY, Clinton, House & Park lot for sate • TilLuot'dlrliGitr:lboothnkt ortrelgeaVer itiavtee on the London Road, just outside cliaton corporation, for sale on easy terms. The house contains 5 tocinis, With good well raid cistern, and good 'Stabling on •the lot. The lot contains a little more 'than 11, acres, end is well planted Witli fruit and ornitthental trees: 44.14 .JOSEPH STEPHENSON, Clinton nigh School., ENTRAeNtt i63LABEINA.VION. THE next Entrance Examinatidir tia the Clinton High School will be hold in the Model School, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 21st; and 22nd of nt Decobor, beginning at 0 am,, each day. In, tending candidates must notify the hiSpector or the Head Master not later than the 218t Of NOV. Per any further information regarding the Mattnination or the School, apply to JAMES TURNBULL, Head Master, MORT.C47,A.GE:, SALE • Valuab.le..:REAL Estate,': • .. In the.coenty of Huron. , ruder gatt by Virtii6 of the pawers of ole contained in ;the inertgages hereinefter referred.t0; default hivin,t been mode intim payinent thereof, there. stild , by public ivuetion At the Conomeivisti' Hotel, Clint en, in the County.of Doren, by-dolittC, (rnle ' Anetloi8OV, t " • . FRIDAY, NOV.25, 1881, At 1 o'cleek prn., the follawing Real Kstate, PAI(CtOb 1.—Cnder a Mortgage' dated the 1st daY of August; AA). 1678, aucl matIC by Henry Norseworthy tb Charles 3liddleten, Esq., and by hiin we:J*10d to the Vefidor, the west part of beet number eighteen, in the Town of in the mid County (Al Loren, eontain- 'Mg seventeen pereheq 'taut seven tenths' a ft perch; more or less, and wliteli'snitt 3and is fully described by metes EilitIODDAS SSW RIOTINIINA Oil the nretnises is a large ' two Story fraine' banding' 40y.25, comprising tWo shope and a dwelling with kitchen attechadialSo a good frame stable and woodshed. • • .1.ltC01 No. 2...--,•Untler • Mortgage dated lffili May, 1878, Made by James quiglely, to the Vendors, Village Lots 17, 18, 27, 25, 80 'sod 81, survey, 14 the Village of :Maneliester,' in the County of Enron, con. tattling one aore atot one halt of an acre of land, more or les,, alSo thatpart of 010.01.4;1nel allowance for road 'adjoining Om satillots end More.,fully described in thc. salil mortgage. There is to mall orchard On Lots SO , 14 81 and frane. building formerly occupied as en Rotel. This is' one of the best sites.hil. an ifotil !MhCounty. .o TERMS. -Ten pn; cent of.theoperchase money lo be 'paid to the Vendors Or, their Solicitors en the thy of sale, when agreement for parches() to be sliniedrar- rangement for the payment of the balance of the per- chasernoney can be made at tho time of sale. row turA therparticulars apply to If. Hale, Esq,, Clinton, or the Vendor' ': . • , JOHN C. CURRIE,: Auctioneer. . • , • DAVISON & JOHNSTON, .60,icitora frt Vender. • • Farm for Sale. rime undersigned offers /or sale his !anti of 80 new, 1 being lot 45, Bayfield concession, Goilerich town- ship. About 70 aeres cleared, and in splendid state of cultivation ;balance goodhardietiod. Ofl theplace it, a log house, frame barn, stable, &o, about li, acres of on orchard, two good wells and running stream Twelve &area in fall wheat. Situate on it good rood, 01213'miles ftom the thriving town of Clinton. 'Win be sold on reasonable terms. • . JAMES ROBERTSON, Clinton P.O. 'gown Tropteg. CLENTO:Y..311,1CIIANKSP 1NSTITIMB. A meeting of the directors of the Clin- ton Mechanics' Institute wita held in the Library Room, on Thursday evenitig, the President, Dr. Hale in the chair. Mr. Robb, of the High' School,..was unani- mously elected -a director in place of Mr. Weir, removed. Mr. Turnbull Made 4t. verbal report of the Evening Clasa Conunittee, in which it was decided, in accordance with recent government regulations, to hol(1 addition- al evening classes to those the Institute had been in the habittof holding, Messrs. Robb, Taylor and Manning having Offered their services as teachers for,different de- partments of study.,. The report was adopted. ,The Lilararian handed in a list of sub- scribers tylio were in arrears 'for the pre- sent year; when it was resolved that the list be referred to the Finance Committee, with authority to take stens for the im- mediate collection of the same, (All sub- scribers in arrears should see that the fee • is paid, as the Institute need all the mo- ney they can get to procure books, etc.) • The following accounts were , ordered to be paid :-Jas. Scott, qrs. salgry and evening class fees, $49.50; D. McGregor, binding books, balance of account, $19.25; J. H. Combe, coal, oil, ete., $5,10; the account of j. Ridout, assignee ,to the es- tate of W. IL Ransford, was laid over. The book committee were authorized io purchase bookato the amount of $100, and .prepare a list of periodicals for the corn- ing year. It was also suggested that sub- scribers 'hand to the Librarian the name of any book they would like added to the Library... The committee were also an- thorized to offer the fotir odd volumes of Encyclopcedia 13rittanica to the High School Board, on dondition that the Board purchase the complete edition for the nee of the High School, and allow any mem- ber of the Mechanics' Institute the privi•- lege of consultingthe same atany yeason- able time. : • After the transaction of some- other mi- nor business, the peeting adjourned. SOCTU lTIJihON COERVAT1VE54.„ A meeting of the South IIuron,Liberal Conservative Association was held 'at Turner's hotel, Brucefield, on Monday, 'Nev. 14: -th at. 11 a.m., .f9r e purpbse of nominating delegates to. attend the Con- servative convention and banquet .to ,be given to Sir John A. McDonald, in To- ronto,eonamenci lig in Tuesday; the 22nd of `November, ate), p.m. The nominations were as follows :- . • ' D. II. Ritchie, , Stanley en...Goshen P. 0.- G:E: ,Thelfsdn,Tuck'ertiraith, Egnionclville 11, Pacey,.. Clinton, , • Clin ton P. 0. • Dr. liol4nr7s, „ Uredi ton,. U red i to n ..P. 0. II. V, Elliott„ , Exeter, ....Exeter P. 0. I. Carling, ....Exeter, „ „Exeter P. 0. Win. Wilson, „ Re y t'p, „. Hen sal I 'P. 0. Dayid lills, ....Usborne WinchelseaP.O. Lebt, Poi ter,- C'stiorrie „.. ii.irkton P.O. • EVENINO QLASSES.-4110 kildnagpment of the night kiwi -A • Li in the hands o' Itobb, TaYler and Manning, and any of them are prepared to, receive nanies of intending scholars • AUCTION SALE 05' A VALUABLE FARM! In the Tot:11314 of Hullett,.(lounty of Huron, • . lnarsuant'to thiatorder of Isaac Francis Toinselgaquire, Jadge of the County Court, of the Comity of Huron, made in a certain suit or matter of Sundercock t;s..Brinistlen, bearing date the 5th day of November; 1881,.there willbeoffered for tale, with the op:- probation. (A the, real representative of the County of Huron, 00 •• 811.1111RDia 26th -OF EOV. *1881 .. I " At the hour ef TWELVE O'CLOCItilmen at. Bell'slintel in the Londnsborn • , • • In the County of Huron, lay James Howson, auctioneer, The following valuable lands, namely :--Lot number twenty-seven, in the eighth 1.1°600840n of, the toWnshir of lItillett, BIC Coupt' of Huron, containing by ae- measureinent one hundred acres of landonore or less.' The above propety la WM111.01111 111110 And a half el the thriving Village of Londesboro, 01 881810) tin the London; Huron and Bruceta ItailWay, ut 'within six miles. of the Town of Clintoia, and 1 only hail a Mile from the gravel road. rhe soil le a good clay loam. Tliere is a never.failing spring creek end a god(' well tan the promisee. .The fences are hi good reps, , Tho. buildings are in first-class Condition, and cons st ofa one -and -a -half stoty brick dwelling holise, with train() kltelien atteehed, 10 frame 'barn 60/40, said a frame stable 110124. There is also, a yoiing orchard 'contalmi Mg throe opiarters of au aere, .mtio• purchaser will be entitled. to 10 acres of Fall •wheat how in the ground; Full poettession will be give,* on or before -the lot dny- of April, A.D., 1881. • • Tgit5t84.,-Teir per • eent down at the tittle a .tole balance in 00 days, 'without interest. in all other re., spots the conditions of sole will be the standing Oen. (Rim's of the Court of chancery, Mid \lin *Heim& known tot the time of ogle. , For furthoor patio:data apply to 8,- wfAt,oti.ttiON, „n G d CAMSISON, HoVr CAM11L8O, T Vettdor'a Solicitors, uoderich. W11.4101' hICHARD ScttIlint, Iteal Itcpresentative... ; IMP Farm to Rent, co THE SIXTH COSCIASION lit'LLUTT, inlIes from Clinton. Apply to . . 111.111VE; er,nrrox. For Sale, ' 1_ . • Stray Cattle. In the Thriving *NMI of Othiton.• BAcmsNirilt 8110r, Toots AND 'GOOD WILL L'ITRAYDD from the Auh,vribtes rIbmit tbo of nn Old established busineatt, a first-class Stand. 7 Alan three 'lots, quarter acre, each, with geed frame Dwelling and Wood House, hard and oft water, or. (mord And large triune stable, Win be sold altogether'. or separately. Ternis easy, For particulars apply t • A. MATHESON, Owner, Clinton, Oet 8,18%1, SY; (3'g3Ti.ar o'14 ifei1110104 f e r88*'.ee erS oedober tw Sega- 1 heifer red and white, and 4 red steers. A:11 are branded on the bore with the letters R. D. Any one giving Such infurtnildon, AA will load to their recoVery, will be suitable rewarded. 38 , CHASEY . DISNEY, Ifolmeatvilic; • • • f 11. ErolrArcs SON Publishers. T!.vora Wit; NEED no more than call attention to the card of thanke of Dfr, Stevens in another column, as the promptness of the ConfederatiouLife Associatien, in Meeting claims, la so well known, as well as the agent, Dir. R. Manning, who so well looks after the interests of the company and its clients. WE min pleased to notice that Dlr. R. Lee, formerly a student of Clinton High School, has been re-engaged as assistant master of the Nor wood High School, at fill increased salary. Ile is highly com- mended for his past connectione with the school. Barus. -The continued open weather will shorten the length of time that cattle will require to he housed, -and of those short of fodder, is an acceptable boon. The Editor of the Seaforth ,Expositor who is personally acquainted with Mr, Chris, Dickson, gives him a rattling good send off in the laskissue. W, Potts, formerly an employee in this office,died lately at Cincinnati; he at one time published the Howick Enterprise, and was noted for his well-develeped powers of exaggeration. The machinery for W. 13, Crich & Co's furniture factory has arrived. A. postal card mailed at Poter'e Hill, on the 7th inst reached this office on . the 12th ; in order • to accomplish this wonder- ful feat, it mat. have travelled over a mile a day. Miss M. White left by (+. T. R.on .Monday for Philadelphia. An alarnsi of fire was given On Monday night, caused by Mr. Kenney's chimney being on fire; no damage was done. A, recent issue of the Rocky Mountain News con- tains a notice of the marriage of Mr A. Jamieson, (formerly of the Huron. Road) to Miss Wilson, of Denver, Col. Mr. J. Lee of Seaforth, (brother of Mr.Win. Lee, Olinton) who mistained•severe injuries by falling off a building is recovering. New Subscribers are being .added to our list daily; they are voluntary 914e3, too. "Joe” Wheatley, our genial buss driver, puts' in pretty long hours -,every day;• iria-ingses are inharness from 7 a. M. to 9,30 p. and sometimes later. A gentleman in town some time age.Sad-h,00lsuM•of- no ney-lay-thoinkmmatiein given him, in a local paragrnpli in theiNgw. EnA-ari- etkei, ustration of the pewer of the press. Wewai. °beery° the 'Kincardine Marble . waggon in town; there should he no necessity for this, as there is good marble works here, and we dare say people could getjust as goad and as cheap an 'article of this nature at horne as abroad. 'We believe in parties transacting business in their own town, if at all practiefthie, no matter .whether it ht, groceries, dry goods or tembestones they want, and are inclihed to think that many who believe they are doing better because an. article is purchased away from home, are labor; lig under a delusion. A fall of hail on Fri- Mn: o. DICKSox's change of advertise- • ment was received too late- for this issue. He announces the purchase of a new stock. of sellool books; alhumS, bibles; hymn books, new editions vii.or ,.: poets, fancy goods, etc., etc., " OT..n CuntosiTY SitoP."."-- The new advertisernent of H. Foster & Co., will be found in .this issue, and it speaks for itself. We have had the pleasure of visiting the establishment, and so far as, we could judge, the stock appeared first class in' every. respect. . Ma. J. A. Nimialsi, formerly of this place was the defendant in a livery, suit at Gifelph a few days since. Driving a horse further th*aii it had been hired' for, and the horse suffering therefrom, he was sued for $50 damages; the Judge decided against him, and gave $40 as the damagea: COURSE,. OE LwrimEs,- -The Y.P.C.I.J. Associationare arrangingfora series of lectures dining the winter. It is hoped to have the course embrace lectures by Res'. Dr. Williams, Rev. W. J. Maxwell, Warring Kennedy, Esq., and Rev. Mr. McDonagh. 'Arrangements will, if pos- sible, be made for the first to be given on Monday evening, the 28th -.inst., by Rev. Mr. Mcl)onagh.. His subject will 'be "John Milton and his times." YOUNG PEOPLE'S .V.rinfs'riArr WORK ASSOCIAMN, 1-• This 'is the name of a new Society formed in onneetion with the Methodist Church here for -christian • work. Rev. Mr, McDonagh is President with Mr. H. Stevenson and Miss Mary. Callender Vice -Presidents, and Messrs, F. Fisher and.W. Beesley Secretaries. The Society is 'to meet every Tuesday evening in a religious meeting and for the pur- pose of devising schemes to curry on and enlarge church work conirnittees have been formed to look a ter strangers com- ing to tOWit who belong to -the Methodist church to visit and care for the sick and to hold religiona Meetings, at'stitted times th ,plirtN of the town reuxoyed from the , thurcheS: i 1 801117f1lt1',ci \ V Ito (.1 1 oh ott o'lls '1.00 .. #1*2 a •JI ee .41 a young lady engaged in mr.. tiorhett's 1 Mill here, was summoned hy "Arr. van - Borland nf Seaforth to appeitOiefore a Seaforth S. 1'., ibr leaving his employ without notice: The young Truly went to Seaforth and appeared before ttie .T. P., but'after nearly a 11 hole day's lost, Wile and a great deal of annoyance the case was diainisseds,and the prosecutor had to foot the costs, what made the ease particu- larly hard was that the yming lady in question was arrested, and but !Or the in - 1 tervention of 801110 friends, would have been detained i)1 custody an !tight. Tile ' sequel, however, is that she has instructed 1 .Mr. 'Maiming to enter an action fir danx- agesoo tile end is not yet. • da ttlie heaviesti.1110. 1 sft'coUr'nr t of ot ,,,,,,„aesdo o. couple of large dogs got fighting in the store of Mr. P, Robb, the other day, and succeeded in,breaking a window. Mr. G. ILWright has nearly finished the internal enlargement and improvement of his store, and has 7110011 improvedhis premises thereby. On Monday last Mr: W. Jack- son held a telephone communication with, Goderich, the strains of ay:Kiln-I and .the conversation at the Goderieh'end of the wire being plainly heard. T. Jackson of-. fere to give away a suit o'f clothes, par - 'dealers of which will be found in his ad- vertisement. Mr. W. Coats has tempo- rarily moved into one of Mr, ,Jas. Smith's stares, and Messrs. S. Palliser & Co. will; in a few days, move into the premises va- cated by Mr. Coats. 18 11 aaid that Wood- stock offers John Watson, of Ayr, a bonus of $50;000 to get bhtito move there, in which case Woodstock is likely te get him. The farm of Mr. George Thompson, on the Huron Road, which- is to be sold by auction neit Wednesday; offers a 'chance for some one. The Goderieh delegation to the railway meeting at Exeter, on.T.nes- .day, was exceedinglyketleent as to what was done,'on their return: The weather on Monday night was as wild and severe as in the iniddle of winter. 'On Tuesday Mrs. O'Neil left by G.W.R., for Vargo, Dakota, where shi e ntends remaining a short time with her daughter, Mrs. Johns. Although a large quantity of hay is being marketed here, it still commands a pretty high figure. A. couple of Amerkans are buying horses in this neighborhood. Mr. Mackie, of Exeter,was in town this week looking. for a business stand; if he can mitke'suitable arrangements he will open out a stock Of general dry goods, etc., etc. The Holman Opera Troupe, under the auspices Of the Cricket Club, played to a fair house on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Sale Register. Palm stook, ,103., of Mr. Kenzie Grant, lot45, L:11. S.. Prnekersmitlif on Saturday, Nov. 19, at 12 o'clock, noon, J. P. Brine, mot. 'Farm stook , eze., of Mr, John Taylor, lot 34, OOP. 11, Itullett, on the 25th inst. Jas. Howson, auctioneer, harm stook, ace , of Mr.,FI, C. .0 ihnour, lot 23, ard bon, Of Stanley, on the 28th inst.: J. P. brine, atiotiencer, Fenn, farm stook, -to., of Mr, Geo, Thomp-- ton, Huron Road, Goderich township, on the 23rd inst. Howson,. auct. Olt, ME, 41[A:its, r.,Ecirrite• AS aunaineeii in last issue, Bev. Dr. Wil - hams, of Goderich, deliveroll his lecture "1110 tour to the Old Land," in the Method '1st church, Holineeville. After the usual de votional exerelees; Gni Lev. W. •NlcOone,gh. was called to the chair. The night befog somewhat inclement, and the audience small- er than anticipated, tlie choir was requested to sing an anthem, so that late comers might have SG opportuuity of bearing the leeturein 48 entirety. They responilen by rendering a piece very sweetly, af Wt. u Welt, the chair - 01a0, in a few very appt op, late remarks, in- tnalueeti the vette) all doctor, Ivlou 101/130 for. warll and torn) assunotd his not uncommon Posture---" hands deep down in his pockets, 8050)'10 you please." lIe counneneed by stating that nothing of notorhaving .Occurred on the voyage, he would not trouble them with adeseription of it, but merely say ha WAS 13101t, so the andionee were at once car- ried in imagination to Tony Island, off tho• ooast of Ireland„ 300 Mtge front Liverpool, for which they were bound. Ireland soon tippeared •in sight, where tbk grasp; grows green, and on the other hand Scotland's lefty promontorietetvere visible. Steannid past the when the Custom Roue° officers appeared, A41. bile of Man, up the Money to Liverpool, inquiring for spirits or tobacco. We passed, and Were soon strolling along its famous docks, eight miles tong -took up our 'abode in - the Washington Temperance Hotel, opposite St. George B.'lEall. Had a fiyIng excursion through the Railway Hotel, RH large as the Roam Queens, ,Tectunseh, Walker.,House and Windsor, taken together: • Attended a popular concert in IVintac Hall, admission 3d, two bight horse-nower engines supply the' monster -organ with wind. Started for Dub- lin via Holyhead -arrived at night-1104'0We): city -illuminated partially by electric light--; paraded ()allege Greau --- inspected menu- , ments of Grattan, Goldsmith, 13nrke and. :Chatham -boarded the ears' and off WO .go to Belfast, calling- at Di•oghoda on the Boyne - speculated On the result, politically; religious- ly. and &tidally, supposing William 111 ,had failed. Hurrah for Balbriggan! and its merry hum of spindle, nowt Besbrook,owith its 4,000 inhabitants, and not one., tavern, pawn officeor policeman engaged our attention., and we ,sighed for the time when all plaees would go and do likewise, namely, banish the accursed grog entirely from our Portadown was next visited, .corner4oafera. being trump here. • At . last w reach the Athens of the North, and spend two days ; • but, ales, some magic wand obscured- from view tife beautiful MothodIst Co11ego-70ar*-• lisle's Chitral, one of the most beautiful non-' chtiformist churches bathe world, and, erected by one of the noblest of Methodistic; laymen, to the memory of lfict•son. We retrace nar stops and,stop at Armagh, behold its splendid • cathedral and marvel at its free library, then hie away .to'Hublin On the Liffey. Discon- tent is in 'the very atmosphere, Land Act acceptable' to the majority of. the people, Tint • ". Iterated Saxon is .there in all his martial . pomp.: Ye gods! not a matilo..10. seen in the - 41fith37 na erls.lisoliintloweayilthaun yelieisetislepf.thet .try and.return. to Liverpool,_.enjoy its.:Satur, -„ day night's wonders-4861MM: ablazowithgast• `flokeytPokeY I six Oakes for knennyl'.. • exclaimed.'ono .vendor .of taffey-7' it six' stay laces,:, a yard and: a halflong, all. for one , penny,"' said .another -gin shops galore, .witIj. their fruiti,. girls and boys •reeling and swag - goring • along, the thoroughfares,yet we are informed that 400 of its policemen are God- fearing men:- , Sunday inorningsbe that bus running -hearken tothe lusty shout of that .fialitniniger crying fresh mackerel -..there you • may buy a paper, • and we concluded Liver- pool!thou art not •noted particularly for Bab- , bath ke ping. Yo! ho and away We go. to • London, the metropelle of the werltl,' hy Way of :Derbyshire. • Beheld' "..The Peck", most picturesqueentered into eenversation On (Mr. way; when One exclaimed, on making ,known • to him Our place OfTesidence. `"Pon my soul, e you talk good English.' New for *London, put up on.• Bishopgate Street -visit Thames. Embankment -view .01eopatra's apect lionsef' °U.:Parliament, .with it'a grand staircase, Queen's robing town, imfuense cor-• riclorlIonso of "[lords, half.as large again .tts ..liolmestille Church cofridor. on whose" walls, were.' &Splayed; crayons of the principal points of English history -,-House Of Common, with its .eeate 4114..desks covered, with brown leather.; Woes to Kensington Museitm, with its winged bull from Nineveh,. .and• Other etc'e. too numerous temention, then, . She Nationit Gallery. with its pictures7-Tra- • fidget 'Sanare-•Westminster Abbey, there the Poet's eorner,•here ,Henry VIII's 'chapel • and wonderful Ceiling. Wo linger'.'by Dean Stanley's grave and meditate Over. Lit/Ingo, stone's; cast a glance at monuments to •the memory of • Watt, • Steplienecin and Brnnell, the statue of Palmerston: Visited St. Paul's where lies thepemaine of England's -heroes, noted the acoustic properties of the whisper- ing gallery by one enquiring "Does your mother know. your out f", Inside of dote°, 76 feet !press 23.0 feet from 'floor.to gallery. Across a Moat wo lifiiiiiirenier the Tower and: behold the armor; there sea 90,000 stand of • arms ready for use. Enter the chapel, hewn Out of rock, in. Which Lady Jane Grey . Said her Forayers - gaze with aotonishinent at the relies of the past, YieW with. horror 'the. • thumb 00rew,, knee pan, pincers, etc.. Again enjoy the •benefits of city life on Saturday, night, aimeciating with the .costermonger and hits donkey -do ShiraOrieidii,te..,ehalatibbycaltIreaddiatifotner to hmitiVileedBiaed6fhere. Seething as the wickedness was, yet there Was a redeeming 'feature, for ' even . here were two or three engaged. in preaohing /the . gospel.. Burnley -go to St: Paals-choraleervic.e•:-underetood not sword -3,000 in the congregation ; now,St,13right'S church, Fleet Si., capable of holzling.4,000 people, only 50 present; Westminger,Abbey --,another choral servio$, caught every. -syl- lable, Canon Dookworthpreached,-oil to the Tabernacle -passed Newinan.Hall-obtained a ticket from pelieenian-dropped a shilling into the treasury -had a .good seat, and soon' our °yea rested on the Jolly -looking, light- hearted mani who held enraptured,- • for three (platters of an .hour; an 'audience of five thousand, With big diluted Galvanism-. passed Out and turned into a supposed -tent. peranoe ineeting, but which was in reality a Bible antigen Love feast ; found here a St. Themes friend aud .assisled in meeting.' Welookeci into the City Road Chapel, and viewedthat galaxy of Methodistic heroes, Newton, Lyeett,Bunting,. Clarke, 'Wealey, Pletehey, eta, and for half -an -hour or -Were being introduced to the big lights of that Methedistie army which sat in solemn eon- etinclave in that chapel, sacred to the mom. oiy of the greatest man of his day and geim• ratkiircli. Was theraPid flight Of a .verY setae audience in the Canada Methodist. Chino' 1101Wesville, lad Monday night. .The Votes of thanka were passed, to the, leetu and elittirMan,with that blandelantende Whielt this people are bedewing noted. conclusion we mist say it was and id so Many missed AO fiefs a treat. • 1)0 loMilitiVILI.E, Or rictAi. the last quarterly official meeting of the Holinesvillo HethodiSt. Church, the meal Madera were apponited for the circuit, viz:-Stewarda, It. Eliot() Stanley, W. Tebbatt, 11. Gook, ,lohn Sturdy, Alex, Taylor and George 'Miller. H. Elford, recording steward, It Wa13.also decided' by vote, to engage a young man for tlie remain., der Of the year. War, Dr. Williams oceupied tho chair, Rev. W. htcDonagh, Clinton, and. Rev. T. Hadwin, London, wore present :awl ably assisted by their cetiusel.atul advice. " ;MIA any les the itieest thing If ever used for the teeth and tirrati,, f onyx everyone having . tried " TORifinittiV," the new tnlht gain. (.408,it Relit sample, 42 1131 • 'Prom the There 18 pechape no tonic offered to 15 pie that possessed as much teat intriume no the 110/o Ditterti. Joitd at this year, who atOtnach needs au aPpetizer, or the bhual it parifying, the cheapeitt arid best romcd.y Bitters. An 0111lee of Prevention is we potind of mire; don't wait until you aro trated by a dieefille that UNIT tekti 111011t1 you to recover iii.-Thadon Globe, •