The New Era, 1881-11-10, Page 10Supplement to the Clinton New Era; Nov. 10 1881.
Happenings through the County.
The railway station at Exeter was broken
into last, week, and $83 stolen therefrom.
A thief stole a box containing 40 dozen of
eggs, from a Blyth grocery, one nipht last
wet k.
W . J. Thomas, made 52 barrels in eight
honre, at the cooperage of Mr. John Atkins.
of Goderich.
Mr. Robert Govenlock, of McKillop, near
S3nforth, has had six valuable yuuug sheep
killed by dogs.
Malcolm Black has been engaged to teach
the school in S. S. No. 6, Morris, for 1882, at
a salary of $380.
Mr. John hlills, of \Vest \Vawaunsh, ]las
Purchased the tannery in Dlahchester, former-
ly owned by W. J. Davy.
Mr. Jonathan Carter, Tuckcrsmith, has
sold his stallion " Old Wellington" to a Mis-
souri buyer, at a good figure.
While 111r, John Sherrit, sr., of BIk th, was
returning home one evening, he had the mis-
fortune to have three of his ribs brokcu.
Tke many frieuds of Mrs. John Waslring.
ton (near Auburn) will be hleasad to les,n
that she has recovered from her;ate illness.
R. H. Cullis and Luke Armstrong of Mat -
chaster., have returned from Manitoba. They
have bought a section of land between them,
The barn of Mr. -John Driscoll, near Lead -
bury, together with its contents, were tot•rlly
consumed by fire on Tuesday morning last.
Mr. David r. Durrance, has been engaged
by the trustees of S. S. No. 10, McKillop, as
their teacher for next year, at a salary of
Mr. James Dickson, of Tuckersmith, has
sold his fine yuung.Dnrhaw. bv11, "Young
Duke of Elmhurst," to his brother, Robert
Dickson, of Grey, for the sum of $150. This
an: -nal is just 8 mouths old.
On Monday afternoon as Mrs. Wm. Har-
bottle, living on Lot 33. con. 3, Grey, was
pausing around a plats of apples to Borne com-
pany she dropped down dead on the floor.
This last death makes five in sixteen months,
only two remaining now.
A few days ago as a Colborne farmer's son
was returning home near dusk with his teem,
on the Lake Shore Road, he met a herd a
nine cattle, driven by two men. He noticed
among them a missing steer, and (litectly ask-
ed who owned the cattle? He received in
reply the question, " A re any of them
yours ?" He tied his horses to the fence, and
faced the fellows, who after a few words, 11 d,
abandoning the beeves. The young man
drove his own property home, and the next
morning the other stray cattle were noticed
on the road.
Woman's trate Friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. This
none can deny, especially when assistance is
rendered wheu one is sorely afii cted a ith
disease, more particularly those complaints
101(1 weaknesses sit common to our emale
population. Every woman should know that
Electric Bitters are womau's true friend, and
will positively restore her to health, even
when all other remedies fail. A single trial
always proves our assertion. They aro pleas-
ant to the taste and only cost fifty cents a
bottle. Sold by J. H. Combe.
inent'near here for some 'days' past. ' It ie•
quite likely be will ooutq to this country to
reside permanently.
By the report of the Mountain City fall
show, in the same parer, we see that the
Rnronites take quite a cumber of prizes. In
grade cattle, Mr. W. Sou thoombe takes two,
•nd Jas. McLean, ,Jos. Wallace, and T. Rag'
yard, one each. In other classes'''. Hagyard
takes 19 prizes and Jas. Whenhnm 2: The.
whole list covers as witch epane and appears
to have as many entries as any of the Shows
in Huron.
A General Stampede.
'Never was such a ruvh made forany drug
store as is now at J. H. Combe. fur a trial
bottle of Dr. King's new discovery. of Con
sumptiou, Coughs and Colds. All pereous
afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, 11oarseiuss
severe Coughs, or any affection of the Threat
and Lungs, can get a trial bottle of this reme-
dy free, by calling at the above drug store.
It to clahned by high authority that Percher -
on horses are possessed of more endurance, are
capable of performing a greater amount of
hoick, heavy work, are more tastable and easi-
ly broken than any other breed of barge horses.
And that the colts, the produce of Porcherou
stallions, partake in a greater degree of the
qualities of their sires, .and from their great
value 1/1111ghie tier prices MI the markets than
any other of rho large breeds. These are facts
that will be appreciated by the public. It is
wet t'mown that of all countries where draught
loonies are raised, the French people are the
only ours who make a practice of leaving .all
them les entire rand of working them before
and a
that h
of yet
of the
From a late issue of the Pilot Mound, Mani-
toba, Signal, we take the following items re-
ferring to persoos from this immediate neigh-
The northwest quarter of sec. 5, 3.10, (W.
Cockerline's pre-emption) has changed hands
at $1,030.
The school house it: the Londesboro settle-
ment, has been completed and school has
been opened.
As yet few farmers in this vioinity have
tried to raise peas. Mr. S. McLean, 3-10,
last spring sowed ten bushels and the crop
will average twenty bashele to the acre.
It is estimated that there will be a surplus
of 15,000 bushels of grain in the Londesboro
settlement alone this season.
Mr. H. Fitzsimons, formerly of Clinton,
Ont., has lease,. and refitted the Dnfferin
House, Moantei.. City.
Mr. Geo. Ruddel, of Londesboro Ont•, has
been visiting friends in Londesboro settle -
ter the season of service ends, a practice
s been 111 vogue to France for hundreds
's, and to whichmay be attributedmuch
supofior excellency of the race. Every WA that the only way to-saeure•.a high
physic% or mental development is to adopt
a judieie s and systemati a course of exercise.
And the g and results attained by the French ;
have beenI •carrviv outiheltrinciplectf.Ureed. z.. .
big Ervin cert and hitters beth• developed- shy SC ME: -4s -t`-OP SEN"ES OFA: THE---NEW—SHADES.
sically to the •:;best degree by constant use I," ,
such work as t air progeny would be caller'
upon to perform. /�
Thus system practised conntlually, has In -
creased the Prepotency of etrch generation and
concentrated Into trausmieanbie qualities all of -
those valuable elements developed bytheJudie-
training of ages. Therefore in. their proleneyy �,/� ;
are found the docile and willing workers, With Mr. . Taylors neer `. Bo:ok of Poerns
a super1or•nnallty of muscle, a density and•
Boots &Shoes from S19511p
"FOB.,OW F 310NTj3,.
"Viet uric,...'Block, Clinton.
school BOOKS �i Stationel:y:
toughness of hove, a'general vigor and tower-
l organization that cannot be obtained from
scaly race whine sires have been for generations
wholly exempt from even the most *ordinary la-
b 'r; and whose temper has been irritable by
constant confinement, In ntosreases in -an isolat
ed stable. Then, If valuable. good-tempered
and healthy, hardy work horses are desired,
breed from those that possess those finalities;
transmitted through sires cud dams from, the
remotest ancestry. On the contrary, If soft,
loose muscled, spongy -boned, ill-natured horses
aro wanted, breed from tllniio whose sires or
progenitors have never known what the collar
15. nor have never developed by aetuii l service.
—National Live Stock Journal, Chicago.
• Woman's Wisdom. -
'• She insists that it is of more importance that
her family shall be kept iu full health, than
that she should have ail the fashionable dresses
and styles of the tituos. Sbe therefore sees to
it. that each member of her family is supplied.
with Hop ]litters, at the first appearance orally
symptoms of any III health, to prevent a at of
sic lcuess with its attendaut.expcnse,,core and
anxiety. Mi women should exercise their wis•
data in this way."—New Haven Palladium.
Crockery, Glassware, &c.
Oatmeal and Cornmeal. always on had.
A S0'
Potty's celebrated . English Ereakaad Wm
Long Clear Bacon, Saga?. Cured H.ame,,
And Aro. 1 LARD,
At prices which cannot be beaten in town.
Red Br ck • Store= =S'xgn of•:
At.I313 U.L' STRE T, CI.I'N'ToN.
We have now on hand a large and complete stock of
name w few:— •
all the leading stoves of Canada: We
�A�id a.gnantity. ofothers too numerous to mention. Also, a full 'stock of PARLOR, PARLOR
V , .
oo end HALL STOVES, GASB BURNER COAL STOVL9,. including•the•-celebrated RarnAN•r
HOME, also the PATENT CHALLENGE HEATER, for wood, the most economical and most pow-
erful heater in .the market. A large stook of HoT AIR Daunts, STbyu PIPE, ELBOWS, &c.
Intending purchasers wifi find it to their•advantage to call and get prices and examine our
stook as we are in a position to sell at low prices, and are determined not to be undersold, by...;
any H`onsein, the county. • •
Best Ho. 1 Canadian . COAL:OiL. Also, AMERICAN 00AL OIL. Complete
stock of LAMPS and LAMP GOODS,
Don't mistake the place- for ,'cheap Stoves,: Red •
Brick Store, signof the Padlock, Albert Street,
• Clinton.
13 -A -p01 -1A -ND BIOS.