HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-10, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA, CHANOID WEATHER.—The early part of last week was as mild as summer, the THURSDAY, NOV. 10, `1581. ' latter part as wild as winter. On Friday a snow storm set in, with sharp frost. Oa Saturday it rained all' day long, Monday and the balance of the week so' far has been fine Indian summer weather: 1111M7 BOU TR ILIUTON. 90 Cfl6 From now•lintil the 1st of January, 1883, to new subscribers, for ' $ .2.50- gown sotto. M. C. CAMERON, ESR„ M. P,, was in town last week. • Mu, E, DINSLEY has a second crop of Windsor beans, self sown. FORESTRY.—The following is a list of the officers duly elected for the ensuing r...,. wore term in. Court Clinton Maple Leaf No: -3G, Hum/ C. GILMOUR, of Stanley, Canadian Order of Foresters: —� Chief Mi . Ranger, A. Bennett; vices Chief Ranger, was registered in Winnipeg, on the 1st " ,Halo; Fipancial Secretary, W. Shep- pard; Recording Secretary, W. Muir; THE WIFE of Rev. Dr. Davidson, of Treasurer, J. Junoor;r 'Woodward, Senior for • Woodward, Tiverton, is here visiting her daughter, Cart Powell': llS''en ornBead e,' 111r.'Moore; Ju- nior Beadle, 1'v...Dennison; Chaplain, E. Hull, AciitICuLTURAL, WORDS,—We are in- formed that Mr. John Watson, of Ayr, well known as a manufacturer of agricul- tural implements, has been corresponding with parties here, with a. view to moving hi establishment No better opening in Western Ontario can be found than this place, as it is the centre of a splendid agricultural country, accessible by•rail- way from all the cardinal points of the compass, -and one of the. most healthily sit- uated towns in Ontario,- • 'flan MusIoi:A Surrrnl.Rs.= Mayor Forrester has: received a coinnrunication,. signed by the Reeve of I3racebridgo and others, asking the municipalities of On- tario to render: what assistance they can in relieving. the .distress fu Muskoka, con- sequent on the disastrous bush •fires ex '•perieneed this 'fall, He has, .therefore, -called. a ,public meeting, to be hold in the Council Chamber, next Tuesday evening, when it hoped that the charity of the people. will be practically displayed. The room will certainly be Open this time. STOCK BOiTOST.—Mr. Chris. Dickson has bought the stock of stationery, &e., belonging to the estate of W. II. Rans- ford, and has re -opened the store contain.: ut Ing the same, It its his intention toput in a large quantity of new stock. The th the!" new blood"store that that is entering intos should hum flow, it. A. O. U. W, :This society which was instituted a short tirws ago in our town, commences' under most favorable circum- stances,several of our citizens having al- ready anded' in their applications for membership, being highly impressed with the benefits it possesses. The Clin- ton Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen meets in the Forresters' Hall, on alternate Friday evenings, - MESSRS. O011.0., e& . E111erson. had some sheepiedby dogs on -ridgy night. `T' Mrs. NeWton. ' ON MONDAY Messrs. C. Cryderman and E. 3: Hill, of Porters? Hill, lift by on a prospecting tour in Michigan.. MR. D. A. FORRESTER, last week ship- ped his eighth car of flax seed,• this, f 1 - fhis represents nearly 100,000 lbs, AFTER paying all accounts against the Rifle Association, there is a balance on hand of $50; a good start for next year; PLATE GLASS.—Mr, John,Jackson has ordered from Germany, plate glass for the store being erected by him on Albert st. THE FRIENDS of Miss McCulloch, of the Model School, will be pleased to learn that sheis recovering'fiom her late illness. MR. GEORGE 'FULTON, it., of Mount Clemens, Mich., was last week visiting his many friends hereabouts.. He looks as hearty as ever. • THE WIFE of Mr. T. Jackson, who has been visiting her daughter at Fon du Lac, Wis., returned home this week.. airs. Laing returned with her. • Mit. W. H. COOPER recently received an order from' Bruce Mines, for a head- stone. Another .evidence of the excel- lence of Clinton 'products. MR. SAM. Coon informs us that he has• raised ducks for nearly 30 years, but never knew them to continue laying' late hi the ycar,_.as-they-are now_dorng • • _•.. BOTH the Wingham papers speak. very highly of the lecture, delivered by Mr._A.:. 13, Manning, before the .North Huron' Teachersg ° iation : last s eek. Assoc ., X . Sunday •the yYoungest SCALDED.—On son of Mr. 13. Webb, .aged about three .years; scalded. itself severely on the legby. pulling over a teapot filled with• boiling water. CATTLE.—On'Friday Messrs.; Hearn & .Co., shipped by G. T. R., a car load of cattle for Buffalo.. • On Monday , Mr. W. Cudniore shipped by 'the same, a, car to Toronto; HoWEvER much'some they :disagree with Rev. Mr. McDonagh's •sermofi on. Sunday night, there was a very. large at- tendance to hear it, many being unable to. gain admission.. MR. G. RENTGEN returned from Michi- gan last week, without haying taken up any land. The appearance of the country completely. 'discouraged hire, 'and he. felt glad f!S•iget back here. . MR. E. HARTT (third.'son of Mr. -0 A. Hartt) has •secured a good: ;situation as: short -hand secretary tothe firm of'alessrs: Staunton & Co., Toronto, and left. last: week to enter on his duties. . THE annual meeting of the members of ' the Driving Park Association will bo held' at the Rattenbury House, on ;the evening of the 18th inst., for the transaction of business connected with the Society.' • .. THE remains of Mr. Haslem, of Bay- field, were taken from here to Elora for interment, on Fridaylast. - Deceased was the step=father of Mr. Fred:Wood, of that place, and had reached' the age of 86•years. UI,Tsini•; 'fE; imio 1l. -A good . deal of grain that used ,to be 'marketed. in this. town is this season being teemed. tq Clin- ton. This is- not as it should: he. There must be somethingwrong somewhere, incl our dealers and business men should'look'; after their interests. Once trade becomes diverted from a town, kis pretty :ba.rd, to`dr`awit bacleisgairi - Sea'forth Expositor:•' (Testimony of this kind,-in'favor of Clin- ton' market;, is' of especial value; and Will carr -inore wei ht than.. i f .the same •words' were used :by a local paper. Fanners 'all 'over the county;.even those living cloie,to. other towns,' 'are marketing their grain here; a positive proof that Clinton is the best market in the county.. We might repeat the advice of the Expositor, and say " business men' should look after their interests" --now that new trade is corning. here,ltthey`should make a :determined ef- fort to retain it.] We extract th'e'tollownpg items sof news from a private letter fi om Mr, Rich. Connell, Glencoe, Oregon, where he has: been' residing several years, sinde he left the township. of Goderich. After 'speaking .of the bountiful. crops of all, descriptions, especially wheat, he launehes out with severe invectives against, the dealers' and shippers' of wheat, who are enfeyinga perfect monopoly of the trade, the freights having. risen during the last eighteen months from about $10 per ton'to $23 'per' ton. IIe says that in consequence of the law prohibiting the purchase of foreign '.built 'ves- sels, to sail under the American flag,.the- country* looses: $300,000,000. The people of that section discuss with glowing satisfaction the construction of the Panama canal., Wheat" brings from 95 to 07•cents a bushel. Wheat averaged 22 bushelsto the acre; and oats 35 bushels. The grain is heavier than in Cana- da, in consequence of,the length of time it takes in ripening,_ some six or seven weeks from the time it heads Ont: Land is rapidly rising lin value, as, the prospects are good for the completion of the Northern Pacific Rail- way through to Portland' in two years. Pri.' cee of'farm produce are about the Sarno they are in Huron, except for butter, which is 36 cents; per lb., eggs, 32 cents per dozen, and chickens from 50 to 70 cents per pair. Ile speaks highly of the country and is well sat - Mit. F. P. KEEPER, of Bridgeport,Oonn, fished with the experience he has lied of if. (brother of Mr E:Keefer) has been in this vicinity for several days buying up apples, potatoes, and turnips, for expert to New York. He ships several car loads by G. T. R. to -day. • MRs. Taos:. NEwfaXRCIi 'left on -D.Ion- day, by G. W. R., for Portage la. Prairie,' Man., where her husband' has secured a, good situation. Like many.. others going wesit, she subscribed for the NEw ERA before leaving ' ' MR. J. R. STEEP; of this place, has been engaged as principal of Benmiller ' public school for`next year, at a salary of $450. He is It young inan of ability, and has ,given good satisfaction where pre- . viously engaged. Mits. DExrrls,m6tlier of Dlrs..d. Sturdy, y, who has been suffering for some time from the effects of a;tumor, is 'very ill at pre- sent.--Goderich Signal. [She is .an old resident of Clinton, and her friends here will regret to learn of her illness. ! ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. -,The next entrance examination to the Clinton High School will be held here on the 21st and 22nd of December. Intending candidates must notify the head master' or inspector of their intention, riot later"than the 21st inst. MB. W. J3. -Moon , (formerly with IL Plumateel & Co.,) has. secured a good situ- ation in a Cleveland dry goods house, A question that requires explanation is, "how is it that promising Canadians seek the United States in preference to Cana- da, when looking for a situation?" HOUSES BOUGHT. Mr. H. Jackman has bought of Mr, H. Stevens the two houses and lot on North street, recently purchased by him of Mr. Samoa Sherman, Mr. Jos, Copp has bought the house, and half -acre lot near the flax mill, owned by Mr. Pugh. Mr..P. McLaren 'has bought the houseand lot adjoining the 'Queen's Hotel, frbin Mr, ,las, Ferguson, .' $CIIOO1, TRUSTEE 1F10..i <M The adjourned meeting of the Scheel Board was held on Wednesday evening. Present, the chairinau and Messrs. Leslie, Kenney, Bidout, Thompson, Cooper, Cun- ninghame and pay. The minutes of the previous meeting were read .and adopted. A communication from Miss Callander was read and laid on the table. Moved by Mr. Kenney, see. by Mr. Les- lie, that Miss Corbett's salary bo raised to. 0 ...60 and'f sherefuses to that I x u s accept, the secretary be instructed to advertise fora teacher for her division. —Carried. A report from Mr. !Malloch was received, showing the number of pupils on the re. •. with the average attendance for the nine months ending 31st October,, as fol- lows. The upper row of figures opposite eacli name represents the No. on. Roll; the lower row, the average attendance: g' 4 4 4' sr to 0 d. fa rn m, ,o 8 O a 3 C ,� •• y 134, C :g. Town Connell. • The regular meeting of the town coun- cil was held on Monday evening; mem- bers all present except Coon. Coats. The minutes ofd. �irevious meeting were read) and confirme 1•.• THE FINANCE COMMITTEE'S ItEVORT As follows recommending payment of � the following accounts, was read:— Account of G. Rentgen, work, &c., 3 ;Stevens, s ort &c. 20.20 ; J 8 8 H.v $ $, Wheatley, quartersalary, $17.50; Mc- Cartney, Thompson & Scott, 31 loads of water, $3.10; T,J.Wilson, lumber, $24.05;. W. J. paisley, sundries for cemetery $8,95; A. Jordain, teaming, $6,00 ;'J, Ross, clean- ing well and fixing pump, $5,00; Thomas Connel, sand and gravel, $,8.50; Ransford estate, sundries, $3.60 ; JFerguson, fixing tank, &c., $14.25 ; J. Callender, er, quarters salary, sundries, &c., $63.21. In reference to the account of F. Jones, for blacksmithing for Fire Company, your committee consider the charges too high, and refer it to the council for their con- sideration. Moved by Coun. Stevenson, sec. by Coun. Jackson, and carriedhat, l,t,the re port be adop"ted. - Moved by Coun. Twitchell, sec. by Coun, Corbett, ,that the account' of F. Jones be referred•back to the Fire and Water Committee,—Carried; a, J,Cia,ua0ta.ete,teza.0tenmeno January O, e7 O Cil F+. W V t;i1 is G'i ..••• C LV w C7t oeo0-a.vtvewwa.enco Fehr ' ary i- FIRE AND WATER COMMITTE'S 'REPORT. ,,pp m' Ce,T,, a,p u,,p.r,,tt 0t �' w' cn cn °' °' oI March Your committee beg'. leave to "report .PN4 W tF••,F4lam.N.+r&Slelto that we saw •the Chief Engineer of the w vt7i%.1i to o ci to cam. a°'oco il April Fire Company regarding: the renting of the room in the town hall, and .find that company wish to retain the same for their meetings, and to have same furnished, ,; M, e„ o, , e„ c,.',,,,,- C�1 1,. c, 0.3400 r- We would recommend that a 'suitable -i N r+ t o • w �• c est cs c, ne table'and stove be,procured for the same.un IQ et w w o �' m On motion of Coun. Morse, sec. by Co.' ,s s, ua -4 ,f- Q, .. o -41-• o ea s,., July Jackson, the report was adopted, A communication was received from the to enC,•Q,1P.•ts+ia. , .AGhUtC,fq�., biPoq p,rw,p a4N-�8?eF no en t^Sca..1I �' ay. re"P• al d o. er„ et ni'r v o 4' o `�' r cl5ept'ber ' Secretary of the band asking the remis- . sion of $5 charged the band for the use of hall. After some discussion, it was mov- ed'by' Coun: Jackson, sec,. by Coun. Morse,' that the sum of $5 charged the band for the use of the..town hall, be refunded them —Carried, Mr, W. Moore asked for the remission of $5, paid.as license fee while running a r r Camp conveyance to the Ca n oand ' c Iaimin that iwas unjust to cr charge him while others wvere`allowed to run without pay- ing, a license. This matter occupied 'the attention; of the council for a good while, but no action was taken, as the council interpreted the by-law as giving power. to. impose a fee;:ted they stated it would, be enforced. in the case of others. . The council then adjourned. wa.�ene:� w.wa.0atob•er �10 hiN�1Y CO CO Ca C,'C. tv Ul C. OG Y • Moved by Mr. Cunninghame, see. by Mr. Leslie, that the following accounts be paid, viz,: Craig, •llacwhirter & Co., $1.35; John Wiseman, $�,� 5•; Jas.\Valber, $3.18; Thos, Holliday, $l' 24; Geo, Potts, k'":6.—Carried. - The board Hien adjourned. a. • MA•ci twritATEzs CAs4Ei'l Wore liiwersllip'the ,3hiyoi•. On 'Wednesday evening last, A. Dill; .1. Cruickshank, lt, Newmareh and G. Cross, were tried for using insulting -.language and being disorderly :on the streets, and the charge being proven, tho first three were fined $1 and costs, each, and the lat- ter $2 and costs, BRIEFS.—Mr. Howson:says'the sale of Mr. Tannblyn's stock was agood one, two- year old heifer's; in'ealf; bringing: $39 and $40. The roads- are getting pretty bad. The balance of this year free to new sub- scribers to the NEW ERA. Will some of our subscribers bring us in some wood,at:. Once. •:What about street lamps ? A postal card received at this office was ad- dressed. "Eew Arew Office," ;we never' thought the name of our paper was so hard to spell before. Our business men intend' to make .unusually great attractions for the Christmas trade. Regular meeting A. Y. & A. M. to -morrow evening, •Mr. W. II. Cooper is agent for the portraits of Sir John A. Macdonald and Queen Vie - tom, and appears to be disposing of quite a number, A well-known bachelor in town's -as • lately looking for a house to rentWwhicli surely indicates that he is go- ing to'got married. Quite a number here- abouts; who ears easily pack up their efforts and move,' intend going to Mani toga in the spring, Rev. M'r, Edwards of. Iolmesville preached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Owing to the rain, the football match between Olin - ton and Seaforth :High School clubs. was posponcd until next Saturday. Messrs. Cooper & McKenzie having purchased the old salt refinery building, have moved it over to their planing factory to be used as a storehouse, The scarcity of cars is very. greatly felt by Shippers here. The grain continues to coins in pretty freely. Read the supplement with this issue, Our busi- ness men are quite jubilant over the large amount of•trade that is done here this fall, and are being amply paid for the large stock which they have laid in. The minu- tes of Stanley township council were re- ceived too late for insertion this week, As the almanac would say "now•look out for told weather," The wife of Rev. A. Stewart is visiting friends and relatives at Toronto. A, meeting of the South Ho, ron Conservative association will, 1 ri hehl at Ilrucefield, on Monday, 14th Inst. On Thursday Mr, 'C. Cruicksliank. wa trie'1• for assault and fined $5 add' osts. • On Friday •J. Cruickshank was tried for 'assaulting the.Chief of Police, and was finec111-f and -costs• riefore:thc Mayor•and'J. nt:Gh,m, J. 'l', :On Friday Mr. (4. Swartz was •tried .for disposing of liquor on Sunday. The - evi- dence was' very conflicting; lir.. Swartz testifying that.' he did not know what •w as disposed of. The trial • lasted all. after noon,;which was concluded by imposing a fine of $40 end costs 1'l. , Swartz in tends to appeal L. & 5. Soc u:'rY.-The regular meeting of the Literary, end Scientific Society•ivas held on Thursday evening, 'and there' was s. a good attendance. ' The Society .resolved to bold shortly- an entertainment of some kind, and the Managing Committee were instructed; to procure the services of the - Fisk -jubilee Simiers or -some -other sing cis of note, for theoceasion. ' .In the.Bouse, of Commons the •debate:.on free trade vs: protection, Was, opened by Mr..W. T,. Weir . in, and • continued' by Messrs, 1?. Fisher, as•H:.Manning and J: P. Martin. 'Mr, 'Jas. Scott moved, the' adjournment:of the .debate; and has the foor'for.this evening. •The Society 'has lately received .several new menibers,.and' is' progressing.well; . BIG DRIVES IN DRESS ' GOODS S WOOL GOODS MANTLES BLANKETS.. BIGDRIV1'"-"..:: , ..... ..,,.... LADIES FURS' GEN T'S 'FURS Shirts and Drawers, Overcoats,Ulsters Sh s ravers BIG DRIVES IN BIG DRIVES IN BIG DRIVES, IN BIG DRIVES IN ALL •BELOW LOW WATER MARK IN PRICI S. A. , WISEMAN The Dry Goods `.Emporium; of' : Clinton. `01d Curiosity Shop, :+race. Foster . • Will, in •a few' .days open up a NEW; W ELL ASSORTED, AICD C AREFULtT.. ' SELECTED STOCK OF FANCY .GOODS, STATIONERY, BERLIN .WOOLS, BOOKS, ..• FRAMES.-&-MOULD.ING .:P.ICT`fTRE TOYS, &c:,: &t;. • STAN D—BE VER BLOCK.,; Store ,recently' ot;eupied• by MIB..Jaa. 'Biba, Merchant' Tailor; who has removed to his nes premises. Stook newly purchased; and • Will comprise all the latest nbvelties of ;the season: Further particulars next' week. L. .xrr�r H. POSTER COTL+ R & •l I o�.' . I PAMOT S T N Ladies and: ,.entlenien's 'R GOOIDS. OUR STOCK OF FUR "(FOODS IS. NOW ONE OF THE MOST' COMPLETE IN THE WEST.; L, ad ies - Mink • Caps. Ladies Seal • Caps Ladies Persian Lamb ;Cas. . Ladles Astrachan 'Caps. Full 'ange of Childrenl's Caps. S.PersLallyI 41t*Ii9i•��1, aall .. ettirCis. • Boy's. Alma, Plush and'..Eur... Caps. Children's Fancy Tam O'Sha ster's, Doo. 'THE FAMOUS HATTER AND FURRIER, CLINTON, At ei t for • BELL, TELEPHONE CO. TELEPHONE STAR LINE STEAMERS, STATE LINn OF STEAMERS. ct?• 1V QJcri )v' :cb' c (2) g ,C4 Xn .tie - ,&,i . �o o�' c' . ity 4%1 v' **49 off ti. 47,49 btc, Z4,) 0 'b.& t c4, sty 7. 4. o Q� /j?fQ'0syo BOY'S CHEAP SITS, F11Q1( $7 TO $12 • : ' MEN'S CHEAP SUITS FROM $12 TO $16. BUY YOUR OVERCOAT NOW, WHILE THE S7'OCIi 3S LARGE &.CQMI'LETE.