HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-10, Page 6—r,
Nov.10, 1881.
At Church. . -
Bo, Harold, you wondered, you.gay, at my smile,
i.-e•lis.Y,reY sneers? Wenr ray faith, yore
not wroug-i
We that eiegaetiady swept up giro' the, aisle
And.kneitiu-the front pew so long:
lihe was very devout, and se liberal, toe -
How freely she gave of her gold
'When the raissiori plate passed for the heathen
'PM= the longs to bring into the feldi
'get, Harold, I know of a grand life gene out
In &madness et pain mut despair,
Because of that woman eo sweetly eievoet,
Tbat Christian whe knelt near us there.
And Ilmow i yoenguife who has death in her
The' the smiles end striveshard to seem bright.
Whenevershe looks on the beauty and grette
Oast robbed her ef what -was her right,
Bo, Haroid, you see, if sneered 'had cause,
At that ohristian in velvet and furs;
And Twoedered whet pagan or heathen there
Whoa chances were poorer than here. ,
NoturdaY Night Thoughts.
Agricultural ploamplay'r Theta:We We'
harvest is to reapIIISTe than you sow. Sow
an aot and you'reap a habit; sow a habit
and you reap a character, sow a character
ana you reap a destiny. ,
A religion that is false is usually intri-
cate. The only two rites that oliaraoterize
the religion of Jamie are noted or their
• simple beauty. The Christian worship
comes out of ther Soul and out of symbols.,
The wrongs we inflict on other o follow us
like our shadow. •,
• Cherish thy friend, and temperately
earnonish thine enemy.
Fortune often makes a rieh feast and
then takes away appetite, • •
Never excuse a wrong action by saying
mime one else does the same think.
Spare when yon are ybung and you will
be able to spend when you are old,
It is good in a fever, and ranch better in
anger, to have the tongue kept olean ana
!smooth. .
• Order is the sanity °Vibe mind, the
health of the body,the peace of the oity,
the security of the State. • • -,
Real friendship is a slow grower, and
never thrives uniess'engrafted upon a stook
of known and reciprocal merit. , •
Instruction ends in the sohool.room, but
edimation ends only with life. A child is
given to the universe to educate.
More hearts pine away in secret -anguish
for the wantof kindness from those who
ehoald be their comforters than for any
other calamity in life.
The essence of :true nobility is neglect -of
self. Let the thought of self pass in, and
the beauty of a greit action is gone, like the
bloom frorn a soiled flower.
The liuchess oi•Edinhurgh.
The Duohess of Edinburgh. has made
herself very popular with the •Sootoh peo-
ple, and in England is a greater favorite
than she was. The sympathy felt for her
-- cumeta,nces attending the second marriage
of her tether, and then his terrible death,
• :have donemaoh to remowithprejudices
that once prevailed against the Duchess.
• Then; again, she has proved herself an.
• excellent wife and a tender mother and
these a,re qualities that alwaysappeel to
the large heart of the English nation: The
day is at hand When the Duchess of Edin.
burgh will be one of the most popular
ladies inEngland: Pier manner in private
with. those she likes is ohatming.; but she
is a good hater, 'India uncoraprombilogly
haughty and cold -With those who do not
please her. She 'thus makes'enemies and.
• keeps them ; but her warm ,heart, hidden
' under a tether cold exterior, as it is, makes,
;her plenty of Itiends.and keeps -them,. The
Queen is muck attached to this Imperial
• daughter-in-law. • " • .
Total/ to Prevent Diphtheria. •
In riew of the prevalence of.'diphtheria
in varione Parts of this Proyince, it is
interesting to note that the authorities at
Sydney, Cape Breton, have oet afoot severe
measures in order to restrict the spread of
diphtheria,' which has been prevalent there,
Here are mime ef their ordinances:
1, That all cases of diphtheria be completely
'isolated and that the headsof famines:where the
disease exists display a yenoW este not less •than
twelve inches square in some conspicuous place
on the dwelling. s. That the medical men of
the town be respeetfuny requeetedto notify the
Secretary of this Hoard of the appearance and
itmaiity .of any new - ease of diphtheria corning
Linder their' observation, B. That any person
coming into the Town of Sydney from any dwell-
ing in which diphtheria exists, shall boilable to
a penalty not exceeding one hundred 'dollars. A.
•That all householders shell hevetheir premises
• thoroughly cleaned and put in good sanitary
condition, and that the Health ' Wardens -and
Health Inspectors be instructed to see that this
resolution is enforced. • . , •
Death Caused by Piercing lifer Ears.l
• Eugenia Arignea Ruymon, 1 month and
6 days old, died at 243 East Twenty-third
street, NewYork, on Satutday;bf erysipelas,
produced bypieroing her ears in order that
she might wear rings in them. •
A strabge explanation ha i3 been unearthed
of the mannerin which certain freenaen of
the borough of Giarneby, in England, 500
of Wham hive just been struok off the roll,'
originally had the privilege granted to their
• ancestors. When Queen. Elizabeth .visited
the piece she was so struck by the excessive
uglbaess Of the ladies of the borough that,
out of cornpasisioaler the poor men who
had to marry them, she put 'aside a piece
of land, to a share of Which 'each Dative.:
born women was entitled On marriage, thin;
giving to the bridegroom "a portion," and
a consequent right to vote at Perlianterttary
elections. The land still remains, and the
freemen have voted for 800 year, but they
have now becorne a thing of the past as far
as voting is ciMeerried.
At the recent visit of the Prince of Wales
at Mar Lodge there Wee sgrand torchlight
ball. The procesipon of the guest's .from
the house to the danoing marquee, Widen
took -place shortly. after /0 0'01001Z,WAS very
picturesque. Precided by four pipers came
the brilliant artnY of guests, at the heaa of
whona marched Hie Royal Highness the
Prince of Wales lia full Highland ecestume,
ofl .his arm being the Duchess of Man.
cheater. The Duke of Albany, also in High.;
land dress; followed next with Lady
Lonodale, the Earl bf Fife an a the rest of
the guests, among whom were the Marquia
of Hartiegton and Lord Rowton, following,
the company, being escorted by Highland-
ers bearing pihe torehee. ' ,
john IL Berinett, after living reputably
to the age of 65, at Bloomfield, Inds, sud-
denly ohanged hie sedate 'ways to theoe of
a profligate. In fonr years he sinfully
atMandered 025,000, and about a week ago
found himeelf penniletse. Hie neighbor's
did not think poverty a sufficient punish -
•resat fot his bad conduct, iso they forined
mob, tea him out of bed, tied him to a tree
and flegged him inhunianly.
The friends of Profeesor Roberteon
tallith at Ediubtirgh have, presented Mid
With 4000 Werth Of leeks, and hoe also
• raised a Bun" Elitfficient t preauce him a
lager salary than he teceived trona the
Aberdeen Prefeesorehip whit* 10 wail
forded to reeign.
Rafael() linbattints, the groat steamehip
ovaner of Genott, Ugly, is 'dead.
WEIN atialvieleaNa. ,
Pulitocat Covered With Courvitig ilea a
stable Pitted Whit OfforPOIS.
(New York Nun.)
The palaces that are building for the
Vanaerbilts along Fifth avenue, between
Fif ty-firot and Fiftyasighthstreets, do not
appeer to be mu& nearer completion than
they were a year ago, but that le Weems°
semi& work has been reqaired upon them
that twelve months of steady application
by the workmen. as altered their external
appeitranee bat littLe Cornelius Vander.
bilt'a magnificent stable in Fifty-eighth
• street,near al,adisori avenue, is finished
and, n use. It breaks a. long block
• of handsome - residences. Althoegb the
interior is like a, gorgeous temple in which
the galleries are need as hay late, and the
'stalls are where the best pews might have
been, the front is the .front ef a stable.
Soft, fringed curtains and stained glues
panes darken tbe stableman'sverb:mats
on the second storey, and above are bugs
terra, matte, Agures by Xemeys, the Parisian
sculptor. The huge head of the Siberian
bloodhound is in the centre, and the mastiff
and bulldog eye it from the sides. Five
tiiifieiitbonier-Wein- broogfirtb-alie
• stable yeiiterday morning, and the work-
men paving the street in front of the hand-
ing infermed the San's' reporter that they
reached their stalls' upon strips of carpet
laid to protect the newly varnished floor.
on the corner of Fifth avenue and Fifty..
eeventh -street is ,(iornelbus Vanderbilt%
mansion ef carved marble. A dozen
sculptors are yet at work carving the fiend
oreareents and figures that almost cover
• the ezterior . walls. As soon as the little
bonservatory of iron and glass in the rear
is finiehed. the .substantial Marble railing
around the house is all in its place, the
• windows and doors ate put in, and the
carvers hair° done what little remains of
their work, the exterior will be oorepleted.
In the great rooms that can be seen from
• the street are piles of bricks, tiers of bar-.
rels and stacks of lumber. ' The fire -proof
floors and ceilings are nearly coplIaleted.'
Yesterday the workmen were slowly
setting a flagstone twenty-two feet long
and fifteen and a half feet wide in front of
the main entrance on Fifty-seventh street.
Ne such flagstone, except the one in front
of William' H. Vanderbilt' e mansion, was'
ever quarried in this country.
Wm. K. Vanderbilt's" enorinotis dwelling
• on the corner of Fifty-second street and
Fifth avenue is equally far advanced. The
fact that its "style of architecture is "in
the form that marked the transition
between Gothic and Renaissance" but
feebiy characterizes its appearance. Itis
an immense, tall, yet wellproportioned
structure, bristling with gargoylesrturrets
and gables, and littered over with grotesque
•figures and fanciful phitures in 'stone, • Cats
with hewed backs, dogs with obtrusive
vertebras, dimpled babes., sleepy Owls and
hideous satyrs perch on the•tiny pinnaolea,
protrude from cornice joints or jut from
olaitnneY "Sides. High above all the life-size
pgure of a peulptor, malletin hand and
-weating.his-whigraprenviaits ilt-dizzrsolt--
• tude looking down upon tis triumph obis
art. The meet enjoyable of all thebits 62
• (Serving; perhaps beeause it 'is nearest to
.the spectator from the Area, is the panel
picture called the " EnjOyment of Life," in
which chubbyurehins portray' the delights,
of food and drink and musio under the
semi-eirmilar bay -window on the side street.
Seine of the .windows ate in place; the
marble railing carved likb ihe house is
la d
going up, an a heap of greatoxeoner e_
• Fragile " and "Frem Paris "lying in the
• street suggest 'what is toeonaeh but'the
seme.beaps ef Woks and stacks of barrels,
Mid the. scaffolds of the inasons that are
seen in Corneliue Vanderbilt's house, ehow
that the interioria yet all confusion: .
In the Siamese joint :that combinefs the
brown stone mansions that are building for
William H. Vanderbilt and his married
• daughters, the rear and side wallsOf the ,00r.
• ridor that forms the entrance to both houses
present a:eoating of neutral' colors with
touch of gold above -them that maybe
formed of tiles er ma' be done with paint.
It is impossible to see It Well' from the
astreet,And it is imposeible tO approach: it,:
beeetinie 'S Admittance ." ILI:sainted up
everywhere and men are there to enforce.
the rule. These,houses : are further,
advanced than.the thene. The -window
lightif stein; big bronze lamps' of ornate
design Otandin front otthe corridor, brass:
.soreens 02 great strength -And beauty :pro-
tect theground floor Windows; green grass
is -growing between :, the railing and -the
• building, and a blaze of gold and tile work
in gime of the hide doorways givers a hint of
• how the,interior may look..
- •
Love's Oung Dream. •
• Seated by the .rfirldjr. light qf .the grate
fire whose flickering eerves onirto illurnine
the room with the dildhalf . light that one,
-sees so often in one of Rembrandt's best
works, or a beer saloon after12.p.na, Mabel
Was thinking. The door bell meg and in an
instant a 'servant lathered into the room a
fair-haired young resen'whom Mabel greeted
• cordially. ' They talked Of commonplace
subjects fot a while, but finally. George W.
Simpson spoke the words that 'had•beenin
hie heart so long -told Mabel of his stten4
deathless love,for her, and how he should
neyer be happy until he felt' that it was
returned. Rising from the their in which
ashebad been seated, Mabel went to him,
and, plaeing her hand in his,. said in a low,
tremnlous voice.", Yea,Geotge, I am proud• '
of your love, and I love you an return:,
, George drew to his heart the beintiful
• girl who had said their; sweet- wads; and
together they walked "deafly to an open
window., and were soon standing on a:vine.
embowered porch.
"Here, sweetheatt," said George, "hero,
With the. stare in all•their-mirity looking
down upon Us, let =le give you cntr betrothal
Nirhile these „wet& were Whig spoken
Mabel's father had come silently into tho.
parlor, and,Seeing the open wincle*,:had
stepped to it and heard all, •
'Five tninutei later George was on the
:corner waiting for a:street car, A„ friend
'came up: " Are you going to the hall this
evening,?" he odd.
" No, ' answeted George, while a pained
look flitted across his feature's, "I am going
to the county hospital."
The box -toed boot had done its deadly
'work well.
DAsrAsar WOrtx.-Senle human fiend
broke the look at Marshall's gravel pit
switch, near Putuarn, on the Credit Valley
extensiOn, and tuthed the switch half way
so ab to throw the train off the track, but
fortunately the sot was diecovered in tinae.
There is no clue to the perpetrator of the
• The strange practioe pieVelis among
some &tones of London pawnbrokers of
taking Bank of England Mateo in pledge. ./4.
Vanden paavillariaker's manager recently
admitted having taken In pledge from one
India:Waal two netee for t100 °alb, beeidee
one for t50 end font fot'45 each, advaimiag
upon the whole Al only. The explanation,
given was that the customer had
aadunteered this stake:lent- that he metely
desired to plea% theta temporarily in este
keeping. Ad a foot, these note e Were the
produce of rObbery.
Bus V$211"Crentti AllOo7011111/1:auttiolfla 84:""Iiird
(New TOOK Oraphi0.)
TO1114 WOOlall, y0111% woman, You've
come to tide great wicked city to get
"something to do." Do what? Oh, " any-
thing 1" Young woman, "anything" is
nothing. Anything is hardly a legitimate
cocupatiop. YQU12g women, there are
5,000 or 10,000 young men and women who
have come to this (Ay from all parts
of this land and even from all other ends
of the earth who are willing to do any.
thing.. Yousag women, you are by birth
Anaenca.n. You have been well bred and
well educated, to lige the current expres-
sion. But what can you dot Music?
We have music teachers starving by
the thousand. Painting? We have the
best and Soothe of them who can't make
room rent. Amanuenois ? Armies of
them are on the street ey looking for
work. Stenography? Ditto. • Telegraph
operator? The towp is full. The fact is,
young woman, the few comparatively easy
employments have long been monopolized
by young ladies like yourself, -who came
here ready to do " anything," but eould
only do and were only waiting to do a few
things. Can you cook? Yes and no, and
a little that your mother taught you at
home, and' you don't want to go out -
to service, of course; and small
blame to you that younhould not wash to
or become indignant at the idea of Alicia a
• thing as sinking to. the level of "hired
help." Yes, it's loss of caste, my dear,
and social ostracism and a great gulf
'twixt you and your genteel younglady
00°1 -friends. Could you assist in
a family as nurse .or houeekeeper or
step into rnany.a place now open for some-
body whi
ich nvolves labor of the lower
plane of respectability? No, you can't,
young woman, for though the adage runs
in thislree and happy land that all honest
labor is honorable; exaot truths doesn't run
quite that way. You can't do " anything2'
Your high !lobed edinattion. hasn't taught
you to do "anything." '3/ini have spent
many years in learning to do w few things,
along with thousands and tens of thou-
sands of.yOung women all over the land,
and the resultis that there are a great many
more 62 you able to draw and paint and
play, and .00py in a nice fair hand, than
there arepeople who want to pay anything
for drawing, painting, playing and copy-
ing. But what are w6 going to du
about it? . Where is the vigilant
far-sighted watchman on the towers of our
Modern Zion who shall ory long and lond
that our schools and collegee are yearly
turning out tens of thousands of educated
young men and women for whom the busy
money -making, bread -winning world.. has
little or nothing to do, or if they get
"anything" to de will pay them little or
nothing. A skilled oyster -opener makes
his $5 per day. A good bricklayer wants
$4. per day. A good cook gets naore than
many college professors. But these are
net.genteel 9.991gletioneOu-veantio,lbe.
genteel, and you 'are right in aspiring to
-gentility and refinement,. but, young we--
rain, the world in this town -don'tplace a
high cash value on genteel occupation's.
Ida& 'sordid, aour world, this, maileMoiselle.
Dramatic Notes. '
Gilbert and Sullivan are engaged on
• another new opera.
• Frank Mee, agent for Beverly's
• Strategist COnapitny., is at the' Rival Hotel.
• C. lit; Gardner, Elliott Barnes,: Milian
Cleves and "Only.a Farms:it'd Daughter"
...Coinpany; areat the Royal 'Hotel.
• Mapleson pays Campanini,.the teeor,
05;900 a mouth salary:. He only. sings
twelve nights dering that Period, • .
There have been set up in the Grand
•Opera Heim t Parisa number, of mirrors,
measuring 45 by 52 feet, and weighing item
1,200 te 1,600 puede: ' ,
• Booth often makes $1,000 a peat:Min:ince,
McCulloch nets $60,000 a year, and Barrett
in a recent eegagement-sectied a personal
profit of $1,000 a week, .
. Mr, John S. Clarke was last Week in
• Cleveland and drew excellent houses. •
Miss Kate Claxton will begin a tour. of
the 'United Statee on the 22nd of December.
IL.Roienfeld has Written a farci-
cal sketch in four aets for Mr. Sol Smith
Russell entitled "Ways andlzteaps,", •
It is said. that the:receipts of, Late hist
week in Philadelphia frotn her new play
"Boli amountedto iipviards of $11,000.:
Louise Pomeroy,- from Whom Brick"
Pcmeroy, the howling Western editor, was
dithreed because she would bean actress,
is said to have cleared. $40,000 On her Aus-
tralian tout. •
Mary. Anderson 'says ; " SOme girls are
• horn fat; some achievefatness, and some
fix themselves up with old newspapers and
things." •• , ,
Among the recent arrivals by the steam-
ship Parthia from Liverpool • were .." The
Royal Hand Bell Ringers," -who ate..te
makea six months' tont in the Cnitha
Mateo and Canada,
That highly popular political riovol, " A
Fool's ErranC! hat.',.1 ailed as a play. The
venturawati made in'Philadelphia, With all
the advanteges of excellent .acting and.
extensive advertising..
The death is announced at Prague of
• ',The
P.refessor Franz Hilitiar at theage
of 79 years, Profess& Hilmar has the
credit of being the inventor ' of the polka,
•It is Said he composed the first polka that
ever appeared in print; both the musics and
the step . being ' taken from a popular
•Bohemian ocluntry dance. In Caeola the.
word "polka" meanshalf ".; the analogy
of meaning is Oviedo. The first polka
ever written was the "'Esmeralda Polka."
The Rochester Denzoerat relates the fol-
lowing incident of the. production of "The
Mighty Dollar" hi that city "Bather
a funny inoiderstecourred at the Corinthian
-Atiaderny last evening: In the middle of
Miss Travernier's best scene a large dog
walked on the stage, and just at that
moment the lady's linee Were, And
sir, leave me instantly." Site was
posed to be talking to Itotand Trance, but as
she eaw the dog she gave the Words' with
such Pre and spirit that the brute 'seemed
;to oath their meaning at once, and turn-
'ing he retired as • quiekly as he
appeared, amid the laughter and applause
• Of the audienee."
flwatiArivise t Toorimuni.-joim H.
• Mobliillen, of the auditor's Office, EleVated
RailwayNew York, returned to his heine
in this village about two weeka since in very
feeble health, his New York physician hav-
ing advised him that 'his disease was
Which prognege Was appar-
ently verified it day or two after his arrival
by quite it severe hemorthage. A fewdays
later, however, during a fit of cdughing,he
threW outabout half °fie wooden toothpick,
Ohio° which time his oondition has Steadily
and rapidly improved, and he is confident
of opeedy restoration to his luanistorned
health.-Eiteneille (g. Y.) J614,4141.
Mr. A. A. MoTavish, the retiring Math.
eniatioal Mader Of the GaielphAgticultuial
College, Was entertained at a farewell dik;
•her on Tuesday.
• The Suequeliaania Rivet is lower than
Osier before known':
aalllf.inatut 13111111t. TRADE& ,
A warning **meta.
4 writersets the.- figarea at 100„000.per,
on per annum in England alone, killed
from comma in eouneotion with the inf
filletriat '00Otirfiti011a in which they are
engaged, Am
si uchas six -tenths aro.
acestibea to mining .acciaents. Tido aggre-
gate is suffieieatly appalling, and ought to
be inquired into in gala country as .Well as
in England, but It is difficult to prescribe
efficient le.gtelative measuree- to Meet the
08.50, It is probable that the diffueion of
technical knowledge among .411 .classes. of
laborer's and artisans, and especially
the foremen and managers of Indus-
trial establishments,. would do more than
laws, not only - to decrease. tee- number
of violent deathe, but to: ameliorate , the
sanitary condition of: all establishments
where tole or reachiime a Any kind are
used. The welliighted„ well aired and
roomy workshop or factory, moreover, pro -
metes, the predoction of more and better
products than can be expected from dark,
damp and dingy oellare and crowded, 111.
ventilated., dirty shops in densely peeked
neighborboodo.;-Eventhe dismal min e may
be nsuch improved by the eleotrie light and
more effiefent ventilating appliances and
tbe natural 'result le more safety, better
health and a greater. yield, eo that once
understood no .thqughtful manager would
need to he driven by law into the adoption
of sanitary meane.
The provincial eteausision question.
The Exhibition Committee of the
Toronto City Council met yesterday. A
letter from the Seeretary of the Provincial
Association to the Mayor, informing him"
of the decieion td hold the next exhibition
in Toronto, was read, when the advisability
of holding it at the same time as the
• Indnstrial Elthibition was discussed. It
wail resolved that the Exhibition Coirn• .
mittee invite the kaustrial Association to
eend representatives to confer with the
committee for the tamps° of ascertaining
if the holding of the Agricultural Exhibi.
tion at Toronto would be to the benefit of
.the Industrial Association, and if it was
decided that it Would not be to the benefit
ofthe association that 'they Write to the
• Provincial Association that they had no
accommodation for them.
Canada Temperance Act.
A despatch from Ottawa, says:.In the
case of RUssell vs. Woodward, to 'come
before the Privy Council.of England, the
legality of the Canada' Temperance Aot
will be. fully , tested. The' respondent in
the case is a ,Frederieten policeman, who
0,i:tea merely in the taublio interest in'
eniciroing the Act, and _Ilea no personal
intereet in the natter. As it questions
the right of the Dominion Government to
pass' such a measure,the Privy Couneil of
• Canada have passed an Order -in -Connell to
'indemnify bothappellant and respondent,
. so that the validity or otherwise of the Act
will be established...The respondent, it
.shouldbe-statedte-was--14nwilling-tce incur --
any expense opposing the appeal, hentes the
pram:et:action of the Government; s
shooting ,vvisa a Vengeance!'
During the ' 'past shositipg .season the
"'hag" obtained by the DniveiaVarcilton
-and-his-friends in Arran.. amounted to
about 6,800 grouse, an enormous number
of hares, 'rabbits and •black game and
twenty'fine stags. This island is, ofcourse,
nthdelegaine preserve; being twenty miles
•long and twelve broad, and ail the wretched
teiiants being'as absolutely at the mercy of
their landlord as though they were eeris.
among the Steppes. To judge froth the
abject address they recently presented'to
the Duke,; they seers' to have been crushed.
into:• a, truly satisfitetory State p1 Submia:
Sion, which; however, savors more of the
sixteenth century than the nineteenth.
Possibly His' Grace,may find even the
•Sootch land laws udergoing a startling
transformation when her -returns from his
Meditetranean druiee. ' •
.Charocterielic Dresses'. .
The Colintesii Bective, who is tall, and
handsome, and with ta, • lovely figure, ls
trying.tO inake British alpaca popular. She
wore lately;As out. belles did a. dozen 3;ears
ago or so, 'a white alpaca evening gown ;,
but qn, the •occasion of her visit th the
Bradford manufactories she wore a bleak
alpaca gown with' a flounce of wide bet
. pleats, eaeh bok carrying a atriP of watered
ribbon edged with gold braid down the
middle; the 'flounce had a. harrow gold
fringe, and fell over a kilt of pleating at
the bottord of the skid; Willett WO;S loeped
at the be.ok with a large water -silk bevy.
The Jersey•was laced with gold oord ; the
elbow sleeves were tight, trimmed with
rows of gold braid ; the .collar was of
watered silk, with a standing frill of gold
fringe inside it; the bonnet was of blaok
and gold, with bunches of 'carnations.
• Dr. Ciiyier writesof Canon Farrar that
he " attracts greet drew& every Sabbath
that he preaches inthe Abbey,. Americans
always contributing their'hare to •the.
throng. He ie pe tall, Manly, intellectual
looking persOnage in the'pulpit, andrilefiVete
his brilliant discs:sures with much empha-
sis. EVerYWhere and always Farrar asin
dead earnest. But his .superb thlutineli ort
Christ and St,- Paul, and his 'fearless elo-
quenoe. aaitinet: the ,drinking magas have
won for him the enthusiastio admiration of
tens of thousands. He is a large -hearted
• and lovable Man, with a- prodigious cape- '
city for work. Amdng the • Ministry the
ArchhishOp of Canterbury and the Arch.
• bishop of York are widely regarded as the
two strongestmen in the Church of Eng.
lanclobut among the laity Canon Farrar
and Canon Liddon are regarded as the
two twist brilliant preachers."
,The works undertaken:fallen:se to isolate
the Pantheon froin the modern buildings
'which have hitherto shut it out Irons view
are being carried on. . Already the exeave,-,
tions have bought to light the greater
Portion of an exedra, with its marble pave -
Mont still kited, as well as two large frag-
ments of •a, rearhle °plume. The 'digging
out of an a,ncient road lying at a topsider
able depth below the modem street resulted
also. in the diseovery of several broken
Omit" ef Ibailan sixteenth-oentury majolica,
including some Faanzawere. , • '
Three ears filled with corn were ternol-
felled and an engine 'badly smashed by a
oollisioreon the Great Western at' Gleneoe
on Friday Morning. No. 20, in charge of
Engineer Brown, neared -the swittili ts twe
freight trains were approaching from the
west Owing to the frosty &sedition of the
rails the train could not be stopped in gra°
to prevent a collision.
The only lien on erfatin of which a Nor.
folk, Vat, roan died seized, and whieh he
left to Mis two SODS; was a claim of 43,0The
heirs wanted a division'so the mixt
Ordered a sale of the farm. Itbrought $000,
and was placed in the hande of commis.
Moneys for etttlentieut. It Oak six yearti to
°loots matters, When the eorntnisiliohers had
abeorbed the entire pkoCcede by expellees':
The oleek presented by john Weeley to
the Sohn Street blethodiet Chbreh, New
'Fork, 115 gest' ago, is Atilt keeping tiine
fpr the wer,shipperis m that ettrictuttry.„
- A14TTEI$1*
What Toronto Daetari Irbiuk of Von-
be /awing, from A Toronto paper,
with reference to a Board of Health meet-
ing bei d there may be instruative
In connection .with typhoid Pr. Ogden
delivered a lengthy speech, showing the
distinetion between typhus and typhoid,
fever. Typhus, Which was the
only kind of fever known pre.
views to 1840, was intensely hike, -
tams, Typhoid fever had been
found after extensive experiments to be
non-oontagioue M the same seines as 'scarlet
fever and smallpox. It could pot be corn-
Municated by touch nor by the atmosphere
as thee diseases could, but its germs were
capable of propagation by neglect of proper
sanitary arrangements, want of cleanli-
ness or impure water. He regretted
,that the City Cguncil had shbwn
so little appreciation of the import -
mice of providing a proper water supply.
A difference arose between Drs. , Wright
• and Ogden as to the contagiousness of
whooping cough. Dr. Ogden w°1 opinion
that thirnialady'vtaentitiiintiigial in the
:same sense as areal/pox, and for that rem -
eon it had not been incinded in the clause.
Dr, Wright differed, and proposed the
amendment of clause 6 by the insertion of
whooping-ceugh. The amendment was
agreed to. •
A Pawl Falt io Leap -pro*. ;
In the catalogue of games known U. the
• average boy. there is one that has aIvrayis
enjoyed extraordinary popularity, yam-
monly called leap -frog. The peculiar char-
acter. 'of this game is suffleient to indicate
that it was intended for the Male sprouts
of the rising generation exclusively. The
• °moiler had a sad case to dispose of yester-
day, which demonstrated most conclusively
that the girl who plays the game doeii it at
the peril of her life. Elizabeth'E. Zeller,
young girl' residing at No. 2,001 De Kalb
Street, left her borne gay and happy last
Saturday afternoon for school. In the
evening she came hoirie with'o. bruise on
her forehead, which she said was only a
scratch she had sustained While playing
leap -frog With a number of other girls.
'110 girls, sheexplained to her, mother,
arranged themselves in a row, and she sue -
seeded in making all the, leaps but one
without the slightest difficulty, When she
attempted to leap over the shoulders of the
last girl in the row her dress caught on the
girl'!" head, and caused her to fall head
foremost to the ground. Nothing more
was thought of the accident by her friends,
and the leap -frog gime was scarcely men1
tioned until Tuesday, when it was recalled
to memory by the girl's anxious mother,
as soon as the girl, returned home from
eehool in •the afternoon ,and complained
of • a severe headache' and. began to
vonait. •These symptoms were fol-
lowed by a chill. On Wednesday 'nothing
the severe pain that shot through her head
opiased, her to moan and :weans, sn'great
,wss, be suffering—She lingered ,with„ -ie
consuming fever until Wednesday , neon,
when she died. The", .eotoper. held an
impost. oci lietbody Yesterday, ancl;„ren.
,dered as his verdict thetthe decesteed demi
to her death from ccmgestion of the brain,
following accidental concussion. It was a
sad ,enough case to .warn girls agaidet leap-
frog in the future. The girl Was on the eve
of her eleventh year, a. bright child, affec-
genetic, kind, beloved by all her, °Associates,
and idolised by her grief-stricken mother.
-St. Leuis 1?epublican.
.The sungovrer in xerosnions. •
,c'The °sunflower is now one of fashion's
favorites. Good authority' tells us that
•btheades 'are . wrought with these luige,
glaring flouters. The trains of some ef the
new evening dresses .are literally strewn
with them, and olueters Of the golden and
brown blossoms are placed at the corsage
and eliewhere on the toilette; even 'a
spray of the gigantic flowers,. in slightly,
modified size, is arranged for the hair?'
The baud/we:test artificial' clusters of sun.
flowers are satin antique, wonderfully
perfect in their imitation 9f nature and
very expensive, it single spray, costing
from. $10 to $12:.. These siusfloweis , of
graduated 'sill will probably bae. popular.
corsage holiquet all winter, though there
are many other .flowers that rival them -
nasturtiums blotched with brown;'
the laves touched crimson and gold With
the autumn frost Huge pansies in purple,
white arid gold, golden rod, esters, °ivy-
senthemums,tulips, great lilies • and
orchids are all fashionable- Itt the fancy
fp i flowers of splendicisizeand color it is
:quite poslitle Marechal NirZ, Taegaennaot
and other roses will for a time be thrown.
aside. Holly hocks, which are coming into.
favorin England, are not yet popular.
• Sir Henry Havelock Allen has been
.attitolsed with insanity. ' This Melancholy
event removes for a time it. conspicuous,
il ure ,frora. Military and politicalslife in
Mid. SirHenry wee the eldest son of
' the fe,mousiludian !officer and he inherited
the haronetoy which was conferred on his
father in the last days of his eventful' life.
In the last Parliament Sir Henry was mem-
ber `for.Sunderland and an active mereber
of the Radicatwing, of the Liberal party.
Some time since he added. to the nem° of
Havelock that of Allett on receiving:a rich
beoest. • Sir Henry, like his father; was a
prominent member of the Baptist cam -
munion. . :.
• After the pee rmanee of Coup'S (limns
in Griffin, Gs., bile the elephants were
being driven 'through the 'streets, some
person gave one,of there a piece of tobacco.
The elephant had no sooner received the
tobacco than he became infuriated, and
made a, dash for his teaser, right through a
orewd. Everybody scattered, of course,
and the scene represented a frightful stam-
pede. Fortunately no one was seriously
hurt, and the . maddened elephant Was
finally captured. • Things looked rather
squally lora while, as the elephant was in
thorough eartteet, and roared and bellowed
with terrific rage. •
Tun Cottrinescs Questi.-Berthe, Hey -
nem, who has earned, the police eay, the
title of The Confideuce Qtteett'" by her
daring exploits during the past fear years,
and who Was • recently convicted, it
New Yerk of „at:de:leg Damn& by false
pretences' front Theodore W. Marriv,
was arraigned on Saturday to receive
her sentence. She Wag Sent to the
penitentiary for two Years. She received
the sentence with 'apparent unconcern.
'Phis is the woman who attempted to swim
dle commercial men Ms London while She
was stopping at the Tecumseh House.
Jean Manner was it popular aotrese
fifteen year's ago, drawing large and
adiniring audiencee, and receiving a great
,salary. She" now earnit poor -living by
teaching eleoutiori to ambitious seekers foe
fame on the stage in Buffalo, Where she
lives in a miserable tenement.This is
what carnal of beings lirstrate sotrese.
At a meeting of the Senittils a the VW-
versity of Aberdeen, it Wag reeoltecl to
center the degree of LL.D.. on Lind
Itosebery, the preeent Lord Rector of the
"Oh, yes; he ' bask' My hand in mar-
riage," said a Philadelphia armload, testify.
Ing itt her brae& Of prObaied 'suit. "
The Cashler and n Customer Arrested
A Queer Way at Conducting ilusinese
De(oletttioa,.. purr the ante
A 'Newark (iNT. a.) despatch reports in
reference to the closing of the doors of the
Mechanics' Bank of that place that intense
exoltemeut prevails there. The bank is the
largest in the State. A meeting of the
directors was held yesterday, The cashier,
Dlr. 0. L, Baldwin, stated that the
ties were on great that further attempts to
carry en the huffiness wotild be useless.
Mr. Baldwip has been Arrested on the
&are of embezilement. The lose will fait
principally on tbe stockholders, It is
thought that the depositors will be to a
great extent ohielded from loss. The
bank's last statement showed a surplus of
1400,000, It is reported that the 'entire -
assets, 02,000,000 to 53,000,000, have.
vanished. It Weald that Baldwin calmly -
told the directors they had their safe left
and. nothing mere.
C. Nugent et Co., Morocco makers,:
sustained by the defunct' hank,"-Eb,ve.
assigned. Other failures are expected.
Baldwin, the cashier -' is a leading member
of Trinity EpiscopalChurch and a vestry -
It is now expected that the batik will not..
pay depositors more than 40 per cent..
Another report ia that the 'meta will not
be over 10 per oent. of the liabilities. The
Wing agAmet Baldwin is bitter, •
Christopher Nugent, head ef.the rctorocco
∈ was arrested thia evening:on 4 charge
of aiding and abetting 13alciwni in embez-
zling the funds of the baults.kle gave 425,000
bail. . . .
Baldwin is prostrated. and confined Ohio;
residene ,e' but was waited on by the United
States Distriet Attorney and Commis-
sioner arid adnaitted to $25,000 bail to
appear at the Court ciii Nov. 7th.
•Baldwin :stated Voluntarily that about
the year . 1873 ..aie began to mike
loans to C. Nugent it Co, morocco
manufacturers, witheut security or the.
sanction of the directore. Having begun,
he was in the petver of Nugent az Co, and
continued the itocounriodetione, sometimes
allowing them 550,000 in a 'sleuth; till tha
total warincreesed to it ruinous amount.,
Nugent assured hitu-that he had a large
property, and a cepital in the business .
which would make .all the loans good:
Nugent was well aware that he ,(13al4win)
was using the bank' e money, and always,
proznise.... surrender hie property in case
of tronble. 'Under these circumstances
' the loan was increased till it reached crier.
:02,000,000. Nugent Would give drafts on
friends' in. New York, Which be credited to
him as cash, and Baldwin would use the
bank's money to take up the drafts when
due, The books were falsified to show
• the accounts correct. Finally, however;
the Fosses were placed in the account of the.
Mechies' Bank in New York, the agent
of • the Newark bank, an that While it
appeared that the Newark bulk had laims
the fact is the Newark bank owes the New
York hank 8200,000. This, difference is
almost whollY due tothe irregular tranime.
tions with Nugent. In conversation with
the Distrint-Attorney,Ditlawiu eaicl be had
speculateevera little, bud lest nothing in
• that yeey. The Diettict-Attorney says
• Nugent can be held' liable for his part of
the transaction under the revised statutee.
The' rutnor that Nugent had made an
assignment was premature.. His 'iiccounte
are involved with the banks and • await
• Inrther developments. •
WuAr begornes of all the gold .and silver ? •
. .
Prof. ..Lbestbeer, .. of Gottingen, after
elaborate researches coUeludes that the .
annual..losa- oil coins by friction alone
reaches' 1,703 pounds ot gold and 101,384
pounde Of Blister. He estimates the yearly
loss of the preeious metals in the .arts at.
164,630 pounds, of, gold and 1,038,084
pounds 'of silver. He • thins calculateathat •
tbe-sits have censuinia in -the last fifty,
yeas neatly one-third of the total produc-
tion of One metal aud over ono -fourth of
that of the other: ,
The ex-Ereprese Eugenie; . it' few days.
since, paid!" visit to Milan, and was not
recognized any one, the hotel -keeper
• even not suspecting her identity. On :the
night of her arrival a fire broke out 'in the
hotel, and :threatened to assume serious
' proportions. :The tx.E.Mpress displayed
extraordinaryself-possessien and refused
to go to another hotel, being :satisfied with
changing her tepee,
WATT & CO,. Agente4 Chinon.
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