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The New Era, 1881-11-10, Page 5
M4 NESV ADVERTISEMENT& , . C1LUNIC01% AAll IWJEra. Nov. a, 1$Sl, Wheat, full, VIJl bush, old 81 23 a 1 25 M Spring, loedchaft, 1.23 p, 1 L06 Fife, Oats, . 0 30 a 0 37 Barley I - 0 70 a :0 82 Peas, . ; �, 0 Aj 50 a '0 80 Of.1qNNAr10TE,-& ... ,.._0Y1 I' Flour, , G • ti i 00 o ,. Potatoe4, A 40 oA 0 b0 �3 c Q° utter, • 0 20 a 0 22 � 17 V � � 1 gggs, D 1.7 n 12 18 :ilay 14 00 1It 00 BORN', _ . . - o __.. . __ .._ ft WutT1'IN TON.—•Tn Clinton; on the 23rd Qct'., ju: tho. wife of Mr. (aeo. 1Vbrtt:ilgton, of a son. — ja A. m 7 xr�f� —` 4 : N I =Z' IIITxI,,0T0N.. la Muskoka, on the Gth off ' s. j: m - - Oet., the Wife 0f Mr. �1►n). ;ti'biitington;, of a son, RlssrEc'x.-TLD (;coy iiuire of 0)d sine deinand I'' " . anti aliould reuelve re9Doat-hut alto n th "Y' a ° '4Cx'_j TN W4 T!v 0% u "A"11le fielrZlrie atlentinn, lu the way ' of uaitt9 c)n wl, I e•[Iair xonewofi. Sold by ail. dfiugglats, 50 cents l,er 40ttle. , • Hides, - , . - G G0: a 7 00 Are sllowin very silo lines in faslaioa€sblf! Sheepskins . G 75 a G 50 . DIrELI;ox- CMMURIED Dill iL y 1.IE11C�1(� iLSSOI-�nlent of Hid skins 0 75 a i 00 , Beef, 0AljETT,--ln .Blyth, on the 87th . • 4 50 a G 00 of Ot t,, by the Rev. A„ McLean Joseph Il. dress (roods, Caslimeres, Serges, Diagon ls,, . �;o;Qtb,y; ' „ - . 3 5 A 3 7� n1.01&1oy,to l�IliouCorbett,bothof Ilia town- ° 4 tvnoh 2 iejlllS� f,XCI: _ . 0 22 'a 0 24 , $bill of X0rria. 1.MIiRItILI-Tttl(i$g,--IIt Elle residence of thu AN EXCELLENT GRECIAN C(0I£D AT 7� CENTS, ��—�'} brid'e'sfather, ,A the 2ndinst, by Rev, It. Thomas, Mr, S. Merrill,. to,, 4f iss 1<I, ;Tatvfe QRS FULL LINE OF NVINCEl'', PLAIN AND CHE ' 0 CDT : C�Kk U; both of Godericli township'.' 4R QQTc _ / : Plain and Twilled GREY' CHAMB.LY FLANNEI:,S. Fine asci Heavy check . - 1%fC'UTA1oY»•-ConitET,x,—lu Blyth, on the 27 til . FLANNEL SHIRTINGS. I For Sale, of Oct..by the Rev. A. A1CI,oan, jest H. V. .. Mc.Buoy to Ellen Corbett, both of Morris, 3FQr IF�Xx mud ��'a,ixtoir' 1'vlp,cLlt`a .vN-111 Mack French Worsted. and Melton til.nths, for Ladies Cloakings.. Tbeso I •have a lar,o amount of Corn for sale,; And Will C4UFF .-•: K LI„—•At the residenoo of the `: • -• - -are reall• ' •oxoPllen�F.alu.e ..ana_ llollld bq. §eel}. �!;y, el',ery lzgly who l'e4 utiles'. Dods . have a stock on lia34d rill the tht)o. bridegrgoui'e brother, Nov, 2nd, by the Will be . � ole e11 Pte, ?. ' 3L r l _, far that 1)nlpo�o. 11f. ZT',.il, Pl:ff}IIN,-CTi)i <ul; i' f eafrrh'1u11-to lsri• .-• , w_ •, a _ rnilyil%yle, both oeafort ”' e' - C1om lite assortinecit of CLOUM .ANv NVOOL-,SQUARBS. JQJ1W$T0N-.-ELLIox^c'._ju Belgrave, on 'the J . . _ - John iVtcGarva � p , P of Oct,t, b leen, Mr, Phflli a Mr. ,TDs, LADIES FiTil��E'1'S, nail I,AVIF,S and CHILDREN'S Cai'S; large vai iety, !Johnston,oh, to by eldest flan h er of ihhu ,.t .HOSIERY, M>O.17TS, GLOVES, F`1t1T,LTNG, LACES, FRINGES, Sic, i ( � > � Elliott Ls 'all of EatitlWawangsl1. '_' -- - ' f�� . Sr�L7lA'N UT'AC,1 UREIC, n' . • e . , .. I BOOTS & SHOE'S—Full, lino in Ladies kind Children's, froin beau . �r .Buuca-Itti:Gktaali..-Zn Brussels b Rev, S' ,,4..0 ^*., _ - �;� _� y ANS• W.lLiM IN " Jones, on 2nd Nov: Mr. Alex. by to 0 -P Rlj) to flue k re11c11 Ia 1t1, a' a ! 1tliss ,1s110 nlpGregor; bout of `VaSvaposh: W „ . GROCERIES ANIS "OVISIO l ` (( "' «"I�LCII—GIleE11,TAt t'ho 1}Ietliotist' church, rF __ The TA.ILORIN' G Department �, ,. r. y , NS, y " �) cy - �- =-.,: - a 20tH, Mr. A, Welch, of Ytoxoter, to hires. - Gerrie, b the lieu, T hos, lion h on Dot, pI 1fL 4tl GPf? r, - *': Has get all ateanl tUrl�rJrl.Ati,.•a11C14 J�ej)t 111511t17Z,' by n nlflmlll�Ce11.2i880rt1nel]t Of 3 ,� )<C�' lia>, ioTa., eldest daunhter. of Greer > _ _ CAN D)<AN slid SCC)'CC1I 'a'Vt'lFL1S: said. OYEI%C(2.47,[ A fewdoors AVut), �r the t>nst VlNca. of Gorrio. , meq' Fes' / ' A NGS, • .. �._ _ Very Choice Lardl Hams, & Bacon? -. �- A large line of RE 11-Y 1 IA DR OYir'.RC1OATS, in Etoffa anti Irisk.Friezo. _.— t.. >'. 11taoCartliy, 1yLolnar110 nn(l ret tit - . Car saloaiE7riWc t i,rtccy, t I)ru«. ('� _ s i� ©. Verb Heavy aI1(l 'e (collent value. ' gist; Ottawa, writes: - t was antieto4l wiElt _ _ • I�CaI l)aitl.fur Farm Vegauets. QIlrontC BroneLltla Yor tloluo sal:s, but h vo - -• , �. , r )I'll calnpletelyenr0d bytlle Itso oPI)r.'Plloluas' ter.+ I p X17 J, 11lc CT�iltti A. IJctectrle 011iud0s0aof five dtOps olt sui;ar: t _ A 1lta,Llge Q Cloth and F'tlr, Caps. Clinton, April l4,SXb1. Lttt3 also t,1C(+auto in reootiintenain; it a8 nIi .' . -- = . ;�l . -� �! Range of �TOO� a,YlCl,'ur'A,S, - __ __ 11 cation. ofo�itoxnntus0, enthro .ric. A' Range of Shirts • and: Drawers CRICH C WWI! R. c Co.Co■ r;� j� s . Bt.IIh. �R S SIJPPLtES.@r)I•�•01, P[l'E9 iliED. A Range of Heavy. WOOL NiL1�ii8Y'S, .: ; . FAIwx:ll4vt, Iu Mullett, on the Jtlt 'ust.; `� A Range, of. Cardigan Jackets'.. wife of •7,h r rgtibar, used. 4s ilrllt�'J.sT Tool,y;MACHINE - .01LE rrAlt} I•ST •3rIM. Jane, . A Range of. Kid Mit$ and Gloves. zA years. . . . I3 et I , ", . . .. . . v,;sF,,n-•-Tn FIullet;, ou Nov, 1, Jalie, be-: - ItASS S■ NINAS[k:LLts'I). • II E'�"'f' 1. E A mange pf White and Cold .Shirts.,' lovoTwife of Mr. Withnrit Towneend; aged • . Gt' Ta, iIF T VAL('I ItVjg1 OL2"1:It1ii)- 1; . . '... A Rang$ of Neck T10S, EW yenra, araal inothor of Urs. Juhn llaysoni A Ran e of Silk Squares...'. -0T , of Clintntl. P141 h1`6� R orn. 1 J.An. ,, . O1:L;5. .. � g 0' )i_l x> 1l1 rrr,L,-.-0ii-tha IGth do%, :Goderiali .1- . -.1 _� � -- ,Ran e of Cloth L,ea.her towns ill, on the ,7th inst., Dora iiasker- .. wAimix,ri-a) 6m-'rINE, A\D f,OW PfgCI:S,. g . r ' . CL • We h1t'c on hau,1 u f ni• kt st k of COFFINS, a,. (',lSh t:1;�, villa; let the ]Silt yOar of her ar e: > B. >s . [ Alil:ii