HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-10, Page 2IFF -1- -1 - � I— I- - I, ­­­­ - __r - � - ­­.­­­; 1. I .. . ­ - - � ., . � . - - . - I � 1. � ­ I - _ .1 --1-_-_- - ---_---_--.1 � ... -11- -111I.-- . ;_��;ir­711111R�1. _­­ . . I I I 1101_W'1�11_­ i, � 'r I I � � , I _ , __"q", 0 . � . I I . I I ; I i (9 I . . 11 � . ', I I I . . . . I a ! _ , - .. . � 11 I �. I . I . . I _� , , , , . . � , ,. . . . , . . �m _.- 11 � . . . ! I 7 WOTTISHNIEWS- W418 rialimcrEss i6ovitsic. _ A108NEXENT HORIKOR. WEA W,ABLIE VOSSIP, . . Nov. 10'r �Lssll � I I . � . . I . . t - STARTING A NEW PAPERt . "'s . 4, 3 . An -sit . db , - 1perAl 0 W,k.10 VP.40y List . ... � Am s4p . qx Account of new in re opp Wpoptoop vir . i . . 1 .4 to acounsol . LrOUL L. --cold toaps, A,deaa languao% ' L I - - - I I edenjin2tedonce Bai . altion, I Ne- Work -AL IFIre Drives Theng Out i L better make a compromise ; ask I _Lcallsome people, Pawnbrokers, . . riobeoy Did It- , � ihe craaie.- whioli Attatoke Lo Y,era ,her what she will take." . Counsel-" My, Anent t1tispubjech Dr. Dupuis, of Mug. of 11he windown. , I I I it'oracked Itself, . . I 1� - L . Ssratoge, has a 01 Dilapidated Silk Hat I post phel , . of Pet T,he(>ri40. L good woman,'Hip Lordship asks what you sica WS as f9ilewp., . . 41 Nobody Woke it ,, wilteis to the Kingston No A despatch from Now York anted last - .. it was clear way up On the top , f I -A 0-10.01 11.1 . I-1)'rhaps the kitty pst know$ I " will take,11 Whereupon the old woman, Dz.AA Sm, ­I notise tl , ornI09 . I . gat in your isogo c?f Thursday) night says: This in . I � L I . L, a I T_ I I . L �. . . .. - - L res-otoiey --'Cigarbrowu is trimmed with c9pper. Sjy.g poor little,Ned, I with a curtesy, replied,,, 41 I'm much Tuesday -evening you excuse .the. long ', to oudilenly broke -out in a tb � � I - .. . , , _ With his ears as, red DR. TA I 9 TELIB HOW To Big . i I .111119 , . 19 A FORTUNE. ,blo,ged to His Lordship, A's he's omo kind 00 ,. As the heart. of &,damask rose. .1', , abBea 'ofthePrinoessLo petrout I L ui - Canada, ton West Mit street, built in court, ,iiolored satin. : I -1 � . I Rev, Dr, Talmage preached in the Brook. I'll just ttik, 4, glass ol.opearits." I I 1by stating that she was oerlotlsl� Ill from S.;!=by six- storey brick tenements; -13al Ad is, a nice girl to'bsWe at a, VNobodylogtitl IOQXOfullY . . .. And not ton feet from either, picked with dinner,, if she's Vol! arosse4. � . lya Tabernacle on Sunday on the modern Twelve Aberdeenshire, proprietors reply. the effects of the bruise which she received . . . y cap just where it pught to be, . ate. inito.a, circular from the Farmers! Oom- -h Fit from her sleigh. I was 01a,4. people. J. Psrkerson ,wife, daughter I . .. � Put M newspaper props, paying it a. hightrib 11 an throv . , , ' ' " 6, siba 9 . . A ra , Itisn't ablud, the door#) I . I I . --.,, penny edition of 64 Uncle Tom .. � L I IN9, 'respecting the reduction of to sea that you had the facts of the case, as N'.Onri A and Queenle, the baby, lived � And it went and,hid, He stitea that the newspapers of this eon. mittee meeting', L . . L . third I CAhjuL " has beau published in London, . Why, of course it did, . L I 11 L. anypersougan ,so enewspaperoinclige 1 91.1 the oor, The only way to gab, . . L I For titiout were pre-emiliently the educators of rents, as!& they woro able to deal WithL I - . up or down to tho. third floor , *&a -The man who would figurein the world ' .. 1. rve hunted ark hour or 1490., I the maosses. He regarded the starting of their tenants without outside intoqferenco. to b. inIou that she, made use of that . I . . I . I I . L r . - I I . a, .must not potillne himself to ci&era. FONobodytoreftl YoUknoff things Will . a newspaper as the beat w;LL 7 IN pretext for.balug ab'sent froin by wooden stairs outside , the h .. I I . r I - Said he : L � y .to I sink a The Free Churoh In Oreebridge, H eat � , . 11 1 I Ous 1. -Btpne still . igh- a lads. ible to state on the best of While the. Parkersons were in. bad -The p1pular 44 Tom, and Jerry " comm . Tear it you,r6 -sitting just stock fortune. , laudso4 Scobland,1 J.2as.b , Ban on A wrangle L A 1 a a, . , I I L I I � I was Vat Jumpingoverthe fence- � * * 0 1 think I could aro I authorit that she was liuri so badly It at 6 a.m., the house- took firg by drunken bination, will. 806n put in an appearance. ] . .. 11 I use your ap" on the. posture assumed in prayor, Sortie . . � I y the . I - , bere'A some spikes on top, , acolden, that her ultimate recovery from Inmates of the lower floor upsetting a Shelby, PL111traft & An4:you have to drop . preciation of thifigreatbleLsoing if I told you, are in favor of sitting, agaiiiat which many L � . I I I . . . . Hamilton's .circus . L, I .1 I I . 4on8idered lamp. When the Parkersons were awakened I I Before you can halt commands." of the money, the brain, the exasperatic, 3itening -that it the com. its After effects was for a, time ( ' L ' ' `WiTl go into. winter Auartera At Stq Cath . . the anxieties, the losses, the wear and I t 41, prot�sted, thr4 "' L I . I I j,,l, doubtful. In July last, at the Royal College by the amoke the whole lower part of the - . ­ I . . . . I I . . Bar munion were handed. to -them under i . . . Armes. � , Nobodyl Wicked Sir Nobodyl . . 11 . LS house was destroyed, the outside stairway . L Playing such tricks on my ch dre4 three' of heart strings iavolv 6f Surgeons, I was. introduced, to - Erasmu I . I � ad in the publication conditions; they would fling them into the . -A wisp saw . Don't judge a mau'a chair. . . I L ii , I ,of 9, newspaper. On L I . ' ' L ­ ' I Blain burned down, aud there were no inesue, of If I but eat my eyes on you, The theory abroad in Wilson, one of the oldest and moot ent I . . I I elders' faces.. . I - .. , : aoter by the rieEi. it may I ns.ofPingland. As000naolieknew a except through a window down into - . I . , umbrolla lie� ear ' , Yea should And what you've lost; the world. - that anybody.oart make one 7Until quite recent data old women in the , 1t1hU:9t11IO I - I lt'beampn'arrow . space between the burning not be. his. I I I . . I � But that, to my coat, 0 inexperiencea capitalists. every year are I . -was front Canada he entered into a I I - I never am like to do I - L L Orkneys and Hebrides made - ti'living by I t&11L tenement adjoining, the -The, Toronto Ministerial Association . � -00tober Wide A -Make; , entering the lists, and, it is a simple ststis- BellingL $,.fair Winds "to conversation respecting our couatry.,� In the. , house gpd the L I condemns the Credit valley Railway for .. . . � " . sailors -a knotted, co walls of which were red-hot and the pave. . L . . . I I . I -, I I I L . tic that there is sji,Laverage of a delta 11 . I urge of his remarks he spoke something . .. - . . . .- I I ' being givenAP'the mariuer,anaA as . follows; 11*1 . meat, below covered with embers. Parker. running 0. Sunday train. . newspaper every day of the year. Garter- I L � always. like to moot . L * I � EILOP MIE14T EVVENTRICATIES. . L � =1 sh strong, wind, or a gale being suP' Canadians; bub'I tell you I sh ' n L I hinks 11 the doohrl . . all not thi it eon throw two bed -ticks down.to break the �Dr., Thomas t no of - ally three or four fortunes ate, swallowed Eose 0 L I . . . to folio* the loosening of attain i � so much; of them hereafter if they do not fall, audAbefore they could burn. up dropped � evolution to probably right and can easily, - .. nob� , Love philtors could be'purphased then ­his a, ­bo-mmolited-by-a-belie rinthoUble'l- , ­'­­"­ -­ . . - 3119'1y� .R19ple", naye qRt Jiltid of Vad" up before.m newspaper isestablished. The a. alrable FaitWei; . I I I I . L Fife down, - daughter A-nni I vs . - nud Got Othei Ones, 'large-pajaza swallow .up th;­-small' which 'would tuin the mo .13 'usd�'ou,e"Ftiubd�gdg-bettbr--whezx W6­06imhia--v . -1 I � . I I .1 . L I . . I . . s -one whale taking down fifty . .at i diffbrbat them over there," This brought up .the mud ,then boQ4 the baby in his arms and . -The average English jail-bir4 ,gets. .. , . The elopement 6f two young lovorli at paper . lover'into an araeaL suitor. " 0 1 . I . - . . I . I I I , , minnows. Although we have over . ubject I told -him that 260 outraps of food, b I , I of bar injury, and ; hung out of the winaowi preparing to arop ,hg Average paup 166- L ­LexingtOn1­Ky..J, Was. follmria. two 4AY9. . Bevan Ili usand - daalieli­ -apd, ... weeklies- � Th cot.tish Text Society I . Tlie window�aill burned off - . LL Or , . . , . 11 . _Q.A ) �vaa . with it. , -Arly, 13 . - 1-1 _1 I . _j as soon moBt.p9rP9Ae,'.hQrQ #!;pP9594 AR4_13�14A ... ........ . lilial..N6 .... f611.1 .... . ouncei" This is hardly a faif 41 diTvy.11, . , . . .. its complement * * - t , , - . , .., -later by the death of the bridegroom of in as of 300 subioHberp is 0- . � I . 'Inaft . the 0 *United States, and the L ii:6t seriously injured, nO& tha�, or absence . I ,, Mirdng. big, head against -�_Thejuuds &Iieady raised . . L . I . ax - ,ales. I . I . 194de up, will - edrt and'. publish the, to ore was caused by'her dislik t". H the hot brick wall - �ppoeite. 'With L L I for the pr , . . . Cansdas only thirty-aix of theta are a � I I . L . , .6 Q anada. a I I posea testimonial to the late Dr. Tags!% of . I . Bruce Cooper, of MoQreboaV , haft cautuij bid. The average of'riewspa. 1mPortvomt-textd1m,9%r1y Scottish literature said, 4 'Well, I know better -than that ; I , such force as to knock him senseless.. I I L I L . I . � . . .. . . Y.' eloped . M . I , 1, Wag L , I Galt, amounts to,0183. ­. . I . . . . with Mollie De Hart, agg.d I . ,but after per life Is fiva years. Most of, tfie die of down to the `7time when the written., hnovr that alto was badly injured., lor . 1. The baby fell, struck her hes4 against the . . I L � . . going & few miles repented, advised.ber to language Ugafi to� lose its distinctive char. c ' . -You'd naturally thirik police , � I . cholera inf"tuin. (Laukhter.) It'is high I L ousultoaL on lier case as soon as same 'wall, fractured bar skull, and bid bar ' .1 ruenwoUld. . L- , L � I L go home, and'aliqt1tragolf I I acteristics. The Earl of Abe dean is its she came home, , I . - I , . . . . time it were understood that themost sud� r and I pan tell check burned, off itigainst the hot bricks. plsypbas6ball wall, they so thorou . ghly . I . I A n1arrie.d farmQr of XUOX� County, OL" easeful way'of sinking a fortune and keep- patron, And the leading scholars. and man youi air, that she wag very seriously, When Parkerson. and the baby reached the understand running mort,in, ., . . .1 . 7 . � . L I 0 . I - 11 � I L . -old gold or amber. mingles well With I 1= with a, neighbor'i wife, ­and the Ing it.sunk,is to start a newspaper,. Almost Of letters throughout Scotland 6,reinter.. injured." , The old gentleman than went bed-tioks the - ticks Were on fire, Land both � I .. .L .1 I . . - I I . . . I I , I terson and V4;i ti red for evening d partners philosophically obtained his life is ested III its success. . � on and detailed to me the nitd.re of the being unconscious Mro. Parl,.. . 1 4, An , . dresses. f3oAoes - I . . � - I .L .. every intelligent man during blart The' at�bjeot of the decrease of theimem- - inju I I had 'L to 'drag them out lemon or cromm color. . . I . . . I divorces mail wake married. smitten with the newspaper mmitia; 0 .ry 'And the eQnseque�ces that had daughter Annie . � I I . L I I I . I . . I I resulted fifom, ` through the narrow alley filled with burn - A baby was sent to titeNew Haven Poor 0, 118Wspaptir or have- stock in ong he must , betship in the u.i3itea Presbyterian Church it, And oonvinoea me that . -Is getting off an old joke a poor rela- . . L . . . . I I ' Vion 2 -Ar. Y,. Vx.preas. Yea; and you hive . % u m9rc , ignorantly cons I . . . House not long ago under singular - oircum. or die.' This is often the process: 4 liter- cropped . I tfian, ofice at .m. .late what we had, iidered its a in wood, and when they reached the street. I . I .trifling bruise, not knowing the faota, *was, al four were aflame, their clothes having L L"Tlio 9. y poor relatio ' ' . stances. Both its parents had 0 ary man has hn idea, moral, social, political in I Nhejldinliurgh *1�resbytery of . . f L I m,great in n . L ns.� . I . ­ loped, the .1 � . L I . . the �. . .1 . . father with auothor man!o wifd' -the or roligioub, which he wishes, to ,ventilate. 'that denomination, Land while carping an injury of grave import: And he further ignited, and the mother and daughter heart 'of I . _­ I and Ho. .haw�no_ . . L )i -71i 'L t L ersiy r . I . inforuied me that it was by the advice Jboomme unconBoiOus from exhaustion. All' , L, youngster will. be - ­ I , - mother-witlranother-womaulo-bufibana,---, � eyl-ol is owp . 'L . - " _Ai­­a�,­­_­­'_­ ­fh­-­ of _gladdenid.-­Chestnuts-_ , in -- the, wholessio -, - �, - - -­­ - . . . . m,"n � . _ ofer6no6s were made to the cpr;esp9ndenq0 me i4A. a visors in o er frf6fiaif 'wdid*tik6]i-.t6-tE,d--Ho-ij�l-t-a --Tlv frame- dj-­_ d, I men seldom &*6�bttt he talks big- idea -which had tsken place on ihe subject, Mr. It I 11 4 F 6 - malrkets dowii East 'are rapidly falling in., - - . .. . A married.woman eloped At Farwell, . o, confidential. Irieudd, and . forthwith J, Dick Paddie; M.P., hud, others Admitted ihi6t ihe; remaiiiedat hmp.' Also, muother building had been condemned by the Build. . � . . . . , I . . I aniong, . � I . . Price. . ... ., � . . . . . . . J Mob., recently,j and took train for. the they. are fallamed -with the idea, and that the fact was undeniable, the member gentleman' who is pers6illy- acquainted ing I)opirir�ent, three years &,do, and they , . I I " � , I . � I . I I .1 Wng up fioin h" * . East with her paritmour. "Thanklic'myon, they buy type and Press and. ' rent. for the* Rilmarnock . District of Burghs with.tbe Princess. informed me that sUe . had ordered it tofa down, but the- landlord --Jones, ge, . is, dinner, in -a .. I . I'm in time I" yollod. the husband' as � � , I 1. , . 11 11 q t way remarked to his landlady that he ,, I I I 11 I I .- attributing it. to the insufficietit repreiaen. V`99 anxious to have returned to Canada, had influence, and continued. to have it i 'lie . I . lie galloped up to the station, entered the a composing room, and engage a, corps of I ad found eyerything oO the tmbl6-�Old . . .. ' - - editors, mud then a. - prospectus, - which tation .of the, lay element in the courts of, but on account of the serious results that ,remain and be picked with tenants. except the ice-cream. - . - : I . . I * car, placed her child in the cowering. threatens to conquer everything, goes forth, the Church., . , . . . had followed the severe bruise she received . ,. " a �. I � I . I _ . . . I woman's lap'And r6de')iappily away. ! and 'then the first issue is" thrown upoit the ' . - 1. � laws, speaking i 'onthe aide. of her' bead her friends and Ladles In Xroond.ed. Milk. Tron'sers. . .. _14-Wb,t.is.y6ur income?" was once-,. , , I . . . I I . John Halvey and Mrs. . Anthony, of Al. attention of -at, admiring world.- Aft I or a The Bishop of St. Andr � t ipedical. advisers would not ,allow' her to .. i hile board and � read of . the If LadleO' _pmkea of a n6ted-Bobamian. 14 It is hard . . - . . ­ a diocesan eynod.st Perth the other day on , ., - bion, Miss., were..about to elope. Each few weeks -or months &,plain stockholder . vaturn. I think, therefore, we should not I .to tell," was,the reply.; 11 but ,in good yen;s - � * . . I I a Is no 'aspects .kevohitiqn, 'the subject of the -revision of the Now . I - � . . . � ) . had four children, but they concludedtliat " . I . I , motives -of our 'Princess nor Dress Reform Assodiition," with theVis, I gan borrow at lems�.01%000.11 . . . . I � -finds that ther Testament, in which , he took a part, said ,ulge the countess Harborton for its 'higlig,leptess'. *a.the heading, , ' * - -, I two would be as many as the new house. and that neither'the Bun nor the moon had. that ,.with , all his regar& for his colleagulig .,,u,, her of dislike. to Canada without hot I had no . idea tliell,�reform . I made -I.J. b. Hare on Butt,ir �' I � . � . I hold could support comfortmb�y. So they stood stihikud thitt the world still goe kno,wing ilia reasons why ih�*hms been so of an article in a country exchange. Those ' . I . ... I I I . I a on in that'work, and with the highost.estimate . . any practical progress�in England till last' � . I . drew lots and she won - and took half of lying and 'cheating. and stealing jUat'as iV , and ability, he had car long and so Badly separated from -us. when I.'actually twice stumbled who live in the city are accustomed to find . I .. .. . I .1 I .. � oftheir'-les,rning . .. I . � � . . . . � ­ -_ I 0 . � . : - her family with her. . I did before the first issue of the' New York nl� felt" that the result to'which,, as a . . . Wag" a plei.ity of h4ir ,' u. butter. . ., . Against ladies in� the . now garb in th . . . . ] . ,When br. J. 6. Thompson was. married Thunderer or the- Utzit)ersal Ga;dtte or the '5i y . � . .. . J . I b.d the revisers had deliberately" come INOW 2.00 LIVEW AVIRRE ZOST strdets. of London__17onp iii Bodd ,street e deceived by the, .. . .. � , . I � . I � ' . . I - . . . at Sedalia Mo., he noticed that Miss Hallelujaft Advpcate. Forthwith the plain showed less consi6ration for the work'of ", I and the other -in Cromwell road.. -Well, r girls. 'It -is' not cheaper for you to .get , . ,. ' . I . , I . Collet, the bridesmaid whom he then SAW 5tookhold'er. winis to Bell his 'itoi�, but' � , I � � . P . . pid arn'bouna io say I like -it. Tobasure',the marri4 hub it is mighty pleasant if she is , , ,.. : I .. I our, predecessors than it might have done --A Captalft.who'%vantid to 111ake n Ra - .1. . . . . - I � t .I . , � . I I . . I . .. .. for the first time, was handsomet.,thin . nobody wants to bus,� it, And others dis- ­ . . I r's 0 ladles- I happened ..to -see a it"were-both . young And wealbity.. .. I . I t w I t ,to 8,11 . and consequently they had less - reason o - , ­11un-Weirifile Ate�ults of k1i ]Deal ' t , . . . I %ya later, � �ust6d with the investmen An � - I w sel,�Lnck,o . , . I . . . I his wife. He tol& her'so, a few di . 9 6ouiplain. if some. 'severity was shown to , Save his VeN � f1jilel6ealis. handsome. -a ' . ,:. . . - . . 1, . I nd Well get-iiiii' carrying -Who can settle this momentous ques. . ... . . 110 � � � 1: I - , . . . . .1 and that he wissorry he had ioi kirried, -their' itock,'� ania' an enorrhous bill of a t ir own w6rk. . . . . - The court of ia4tiiry held at Cape Towa themselves'likO ci4eens. But%really-.in tion� ,if you, put. two - pareibnsAnto, theL . .1 . . , . I bar, whereon she remarked that they could* paper factory rolls in likd &a .mvilaticho, . The. Dowm&r_Ma`rP,bIcness of Lothian in- the case of the ' 'JOuion, by who a foAtider. itself there appearg' �iothing objectionable . .4 I . . I . . I ). 'same ro6m, cue, with the todthache .and[ the. ,- ,- - - , I . easily remedy that by eloping, � b,nd they. and the printers iefuse to work until they I.-thd rescue fit the Tivies in 'the ing-near- Cape., A . and the dross certainly contributes to free. I I .... .. . ., comes to I , other in love which will go to .sleep 11rat 2 ' . . . . � I - - , , . ,.gulhas over 200 lives w6re . .: . I . eloped sx�cordingly.. :� ,.... . . . have their back psy,and-thesubsbri.berR matter of."hoppiug" scandals. :She pro.11os.ti., brings to prominence certain .first domof mo'vempit and, Lshouldimagme".. . . . . . . .. I - I wonder whi their paper'dois not -come. . .. 0'rm'As� priioiplea with regard. io searnatiolifp. the ctimfort of the',wearei. it is for all-, �, -Ib Might have , been : A fishionable . . . . . Mr. Gowland, of Stockton-on-�Tees, Eng' -Lot aid tell- - ydu, oh, man,'that if yof, have poses m gigantio'Hop Harvest Rat - I . . I . . I., . ng lady accidentally dropped, one of hei '. ' . . I I . I land,*Iodged with Mr*., Peacock and elope4' Goolation, with the hop. country rhapped .wW1ch;Well-kl16wn'though 'they should. be,. .the world like� a riaing-habit. out short to you 11 . . , ... , . . with hi's wife. The husband, a . ome financial stj idea on any moral, sociali.'political or out iatti dist - rlota,00ntr�cts fo supply gangs require to be graven fresh *upofi the 'minds. just-abovb.the ankle, ' fals� eyebrows in her opera; box andpea;tly .. .... I.. . I �i ' ' I . oxhibiting inerely the . . . ious opme6kyou.had bettek.,ohigrge on 11 . 11 1. her beau, �Wbo; on' seeing it, �. . i. . . ' - . arrsuipmenta not' being cirried out, had te'lig t . of* registered b6ppers,encampbients, mis. Of .11 , I .mmandbis.of steamers. One chief extremities of the trousers. I mustmen. frig to e� � . ­ . 1. I them ariestod for the .14r �h, World t rough the' columns already aitivaried�.:hospiiAlp, _p n as , � I . ,certy -of the wo- _ qatIO-qu.s..,responsible- pint iti Jh4t *,hexe.,the_dmngei.js_pa1pable_ -tic Ih6m.. . Only.4natehil of the -dre* and --thought it was .his;.mc,uath,Ghe_ - ­' - --F_ -I � ­ �.,..!�.. � I � . I � . . . 1. - , :,. , I established. Do;,not.io,ki3th�.-la�a-so,.pr(i- I ­ ­.­­ . I � , .��.. . A I ca a -a a. dru h �1`11, 1� : .: .", � 'd . " I- , ,� nether- garments being Ili cloth; 'thoad, I ' ' Ady­ ­ 11 a At � ' " g - a. t o. r- a � w-." - ei - a , .. �­,­­­_. ___M)3*L(1W.).iosf.bu, Eat Mme.oui-thathe had-,- - ... - .,- - - Q ­- ­ , - - 11., wage-�p-inye"is"'i sii�ilujs bsuks�ho liters, trj1a6 ths, eafety�of a veaselaud%er�,oargv otight � -to " iiiint that r an 0, can no not ung r ixot to be placed in the . . , saw. were." of a blaoli.brocaded silk stuff ill y.also kept books, And - inquired of one * - . � . . .trunk to the . 11 thdioughly cleansed before use for ordi. . I a I . . helped them carry. the , else he can Bait a newspaper. It you cmum . I I , . scale against the I . And thlifir' -11H ** d 1P ` , _ �i, ... - . station and had wished, them a pleadmut . nary-firaffic"I.,16to. :It is -just coaceiV%blo lives of pgssengars'ana. 6rew; thatiell gracefully. and looked 4uiet . Of in . ave you Grote's. Greece 11 . * . journey, the charge was dismissed. .. m- , . not clibib,the hill. Vok of your house y1ou that.so vast a scheme might collapse under = -is I that, valuable as tird'a is,- laayliki, Trousers worn thus, with,. a .1 . 'No,,,,mum; . 'but-wo?ve Bound excellent z" . .. _ � , I � I I I , . had bettet bot'try the aides of. the Matter. � its .. own Wei . human lives should 'not *be imperilled by, long skirt .over them, aie-vory different bearla oil.," , - - 1'-,. - �. . 1. 1. � . . I., I . Dr. Hammond,' Of - Minneapolis', wa, 4 ow hor ght,-.or -froin.�the unwillingness - . I 1. . - I . I .1 � . -a sloop up or incapacity o Q. save au, hour. or two,. or 1�6121 tb - I . . I 6, . lg% n;. if yott. cannot navigate. f hoo-pilikere'to submit.to the ambition. t a.loud, vulgar Bloomer costume of. �Wishiug: to paj big fribuda . _. ad to niarri Mis� Bly, but, be.made the North. !liver you had better.not try to .. .. . ,. - videnoe former efforts in this direction - and itis com : ..i . � 1. . Miss Winter his wife instead. 'Nobody . therules, or farmers to pay the requisite . even half. a dity, on� 0, passage. The 6 � � luent,'a gentleman remarked', ',I 211i; I - � . I . . . � . could guess, why' he chaiig6d his matrimo. .engineer, the Groat Eastern over, to , p;i 'Makes it clear that the whole ship- just p'basible *tliat thb reform misy .spread. , *you hive'm .very industrious - wifo.w" At Yes," , i v 1:.. . Liverpool.. - T6 ' publish a .newspaper Ice for a more ordetly class- of. harvesters, given I . . . . .� I . nial plan, and.the mystery, was deepened. I I * ta i �load of'passenygers was sacrificed in the But to do so it must.come from: above, else replied his frieitd, wi th a atelanch'oly an Ile, " . . I requires the skill, the precision, the vigil- 'Taking � Orknay,sna she I n I as.separate I I . . . � . by the fact thai ' tiothixig . I . �cdiinties, Scotland ,hits ibIrty-four coup . ties. desire to plAce'the ideamer. itgelf in safety' 'society will not h&v6 it on any consideration. ' ' I . � , : I � Miss. Bly hid " she's never !did she's -always finding . I � Arica, the strategy, the ' boldness. -of a . in Siraoiils Bay. From 7.30 p�. in;,, when At the Ladies' Dress Be latiOn, f- something for the to do.", - , I .. I I . . . .. I I hard to say against him.- Thernatterwas 'in 4 a nowep - . Seventeen of these'cduntie4. have Conserva- meftiim Ai, 0 . . ,. � made clear ,yFfien he eloped with her after commmuder� .6hief; to, edi I &per tive - lord': liout she struck, till neaily'10.30 gi-m.,- when she 1110ho,seenit.specimeri of- this 11.iationaI . . . .. . . I .� � I getting possession of his wife's for tte, one geade-to be a stat6sirthn, an essayist. a eashtq, sixteen have Liberal went d6wh,. - she Was takirig In, witer at the dress," as. it is called.. - . In this the trousers ., �11 Mamma, where do the cows got their, * '.. I . I . I . , bit , gabdrapher, & 6tatistician, and, so- far as'.'a 1, loril. lieutdnanta And one. is vacauL. Whbu. I 1. I -1 . milk? t' inquired Willie. ,, Where do, y6u. ., . . ,�r,Mi ,� - I , , . -1 . . rate of eight !eat a hour and was at last are made verj�, wide, with, a deep flotmoe. at . . I . � � . . , Jacob .Ropp',' of Fine.01 nzi.i went lie . - . 81tion is concer I tied, encylopiodic.. To � this vaoancy is filled up -1 both - parties 'will a extremity, which 'oortibines, -wit. 6 .the ,get ydar -tears, 'try sob 1 11 11 Mamibm; do . ".,::z� .. . - , � . . . . out for A Walk I * with. Annie- - Ryder, - the. : , a 'Itud -to piopel's newspaper kequirei be o4tial. I Ther countivi haviiig Liberal I rd, stopped; not to a -void the danger of burst-. the lo. - the'cowshaia to be spankBil?"thou ' . , I ,Z.. I . ina . . . , . ght I - . � I . � � . . � . � I . 0 in g tho ilresay stav�d.ln bulkheads throug'4 , skirt Worn over therai so that- in'all Ord mary .fully, inquired Willie . . . I I . , . I � . . . 1. .1 1. . .1. I daughter of his employer, and ind I . qualities than any- other business on lieutenants are Aberdeen, Argyll, - Ayr, . . . 1. I I . . uced her '1110r(k I the'pressure of water at hok high rate bf situations, ao. person could possibly,,'tell I I � I . . � to elope. The gittom's capital amounted to earth. � I any -this to.save men froth bank- Buta,..Cathneas, Cromarty, Dumbarton, epbed,* but because her'.' head hod fintilly there was Any difference. from the present - -Lady lodg,il;-iour dog, - Air, is I I I . I I ' . � �; I - cents, and they lived for two'di . ' ' work dress of m� lady.- - - unbearible.; -He howls all night." Male .. - -:` . . . 4 %vs. iii an .iupboy., If youfeel ealledto'staitorpub. Elginj Fife, Invern6as, Lanark, Linlithgow, . I . � -cgi on Scants' worth c;f drack.,. lish 'a newspaper take --it for granted you Orknoi, Shetland, Suthlirland - sn& Wig- d wa till.her� screw would not' ,".!� � ondo . n Wor.ld. . - . . . " . do . _. I - . ;.. . � B�tblg� h 0 ' . . � ioagor-1 ' I , I 1. empty box . I .ad , a would no longer, Anawdr her :, . I Indeed I Well, he, : might' . . . era, when he obtained work in a brickyard, . are'thresioned wiph softening of th.e'br in town. As'tbd Duke of, Butherlatid. isLord . . ., ay's. . . I.' I he might p - .. . I � and they were getting along quite comf6rt. throw your pi �oket-book. into �'your w-f.,�, Lieutenant. of. both Cromarty. and �Suther.' helmi. - The . weather - -was - .calm 'and, I . Shaving.on Mund Worse than that I lay the, piano . . I . I it I 11 - . . � I . 0. , . � nothing!pievented all 1he passengers from . . � . all day. I.- . I . . . � . . . At the ordi . . . ably when the bride's parents found thera, � lap, and rhalil up tQ Bloc ingdale 'a u land, Lord Stair'of'bothWigtown and. Ayr- . be' nary PridayBit , , . - . . atia. Mr. Dundas b6th Orkney mud Shetland, . ing. got' safely, kway,from, -the steamer I bings of the - ­14hen a man and:m mbrasn' leave 'a I and, after .a stormy' Beene, .relented and and stirrenderyourself before you do ab a. . . Queen's Benoh-aud- Cozaintin . Pleas Divi... neighborhood because it ii, in their opinion, ' .., � . . - . but the desire to'inveli vessel of which the . . - .� - took them home. , . 1 -, thing . desperate. Meatim lie let the dead the number of Liberal lord lieutenants is ' I sions yesterday -in Toronto Mr. Fentonj the .� .1 I - 0 1 . . . . .1 I . - - ' I .:. � �. " company happelied'to bA their own. insur- populated by a, "low olass.otpeiple " 'the' , ' - ', , - . . . . . newspapers - be Carried out to their burial thirtagn, ' I - . . 1�,. . . . I � Xotinty Attorney, moved for a cortiotari to lafter generally look upon. the'. move[ Boa . a.-- . ­� .11 . � . I I . . � � . .. . I �: I -let. th6newspaper thatf - ' . , ' .1 1 I . . I . . . erew 'The fact -thab the course � -fixed before � 1663g.upAhe'evidenba1mid before thePolice . .1 I . . I .: . �, � � . . . . As the liestuarauL � *eek by week, and . � .a dark.'w as such ,%a to take. the ireasel, only a 'Magistrate, Toronto, in the Subday shaving good.onef6i the -locality.. .., � , :. �: . . I . I . �. ., yo .. . ... . ,..'Saidll-;]�ox and Flith. ... I �. ­ . . . ' . '' ' . . . gawkeye Burdette.) ; live give ur Vltal . - I . . I.. W. .. . I . . 2 con �a sugarous poin -Is . I 1. ' a crop . I . I .' .8 ips' Officers will I . I a �Tmige said: 1; The '-. (From . hi " . (From. the , . ' . In cone usio, r. the, Louisville .Couriei-Journal.) .Ole of millis:69 d i t 1,0068e 'Of the Queen vs., Patrick Graltaid, -There is less than � half an APPI ­ ' .* - ;orterhouse, is it 211 asked �. , I . , 11 . . .- 11 . evidonce of Whit risks - . .. __ _' this' yeai,`bat don't 'lid k6ollsh enough -to, � -' .1 . . ,,This is the r ­ irvei an impprtai t functiott, � Dr, T,,J. Speed, S'ecriitary of the State . . - whi6ii was disaiiised .by the ' te. . � . ­ . I the sad passe . tiger, sitting at. the -corner newspapers Be n . aes'- - run:.to gaveltitne on 'a yoyage, it,being 'The Magistrate !v,iiant,; ih 0uppoBe.that thii.will be Jollowed by -half I ,- ­ . as. tb"hron;ol�srs of pmslsing.evonts.., They. . Board. of Health, returned homeon T 11 . . believed the - � . .. weary air of . a man . I . �he, ise, but dismissed it.on the law hold- 'the" .. % .6 . . ton, where he wag. seat by the - Board to'. i4eat the. shore as ofit at Be&. A ftiAhbr b,b Sunday shaving ' pp . . . . . 1. � . . I the vvaiter, with the it of: future historians day. night from an offioi�l visit to Cov'ug- the'comst in question'is not nearly so'sbrong ing is a Work of a' lea to make 6ider.* � table in the restaurant. ' 111�.es,. air,", said - describe for the benbf . . reinembared thai the adverse ptirre t, on O' -usual yield of cider: it aoes'not it ad �, �, ,.. � � , � who was,tired of having to tell', the gains all dvaats�eooleslastical,. liteibry,* �sooial _ - I � . . 'A t it , � - LLA �ia-tempered . ma;n. Heltmalosthis .' - .', , , lie a thotisand iimes a ll&y,� ,-porterhouse political,. 'international, . hemispherical' obtain definite informationoon earning the fact whioliought to be -well noted by stiesm.; ,a, .y and refusiug to convict. . The . . . . � � They are, the resetvdiri of histbry. _- They -gre aa�&ll_p6i in,that bity., The b6it inspectors waii that the Toutba .was -case was 'distitissed -with' o�otg, and an knife'aiiii they asked. him the usual quei- . * I � � I . marlence'of i . . . . Bteak, air, samer as you.'ordered, air." 11 Do Are 'also a ble'saing in their-evarigelizing - to stated, that be. learned from the life -boa . t accommoda. order Made for s4ment Of costs again Do you,know where you Ica! it ?1� a . I I . . . in . . . he * replic . '. . I . you cut the porterhouse steak from between ­ . He tharkekily'difloient'in. . it tion : � 11 the horns this year2l' abltea the sad pas. fluences., . The Christian roWspa,per will alth Officer. . kdovington that 189 cases � a the ptosechtot, eorg6 Washington Smith, ' " lai'. ,,,of course 1,40.'..' , . 'f � had occurred from August 17th to October' . tion, 'Had the sea $6 n otherwfae than mnbbh ba�rber. . -It is a well�kaown' "Zog' yes - 91 . .do . '. . I.. �, I ,ei . I in me ei� hpntir in, these 'other.� p�" 1 I . � ganger with the intonation of a: knanwho' be� the right wipg'o the apocalyptic angel. I calm ' ' though -tha ' captpt�n's &*W. for. y e.11 . . . .1 W -L &I Sir," said th@ waiter .. . The cylindbrs,of .the Christian-prititizig 18th; of. which 41 proved 'fatal. He � made. P .all , � principle of 1. that no man can ,it to kill .tint � . : , . ... I . ''. . I . . I . anted to know.'. . I . nquiry as . o . offori� ; bad , been , � devoted to. - sav - I. I , I .. . 1. � ....._ . t . . .. press will be the frout whodla� of. thd L6fcl?s special i * " t the.oAgin of thd .. - � . be tried . twied.:for the saine. offeiicep , . . I 1, THE -33"I. ­ , ­ . . 1. . �:,.. ... . , ,; � "Itseemedt6b6a rifl6t6:nfdereilaatye&r,11- chariot. The music that it makes I' mark disease, axid found -ii. to ,be the* pre. 1139 those �' .0-16 ,. board, � - there -must- mud Grah'am"having been acquitted by the I � , Who nover-lik I . . . I . . ciartainly.have been loifi of lif6 through I this' I I I 8 a wora 6 fiey, - - . - .., .. ,:. :" I � the sad passenger went on, with the ,' ir of a not in diminuendo, but in orealcando 1.1k, . vailing 0 irlign that it was �, indigenous, . . Magis. irate the o! age cannot be reviewed by 1. Bubalw0ehashisownsirootway?. . . , � . tired than. indulging in pleasautreininiscenT . - . � . . . I 1. . . I as � no lividwice of its iatkoduation.'.could defeat ; but had'& disa6ter oocurrea,on,bho the. court,above. ', Mr. 'Feutou,. however, I ,- Mak hoiLven proiop,lhis earthly stay- . . . I . I . � ces of the psab, 11 but I remernber, it .was . � Edn voyage frdni England', when there The baby- , z. , 11 . . ., . . , . 1111 '. . . . I . * be. found. , It r I seeks by'& Bide wind to gLt the � cssp_hdfpXe_ � * , - ­­­�­ 1, . ­_­__.___ ., ,aide its appearance inj I . . .. , cub a trifle lower, down- then. Vast year '. traye'lliAk Stile. , , _., were*noarly it hundred,pasiongers morei- -.-tl-e7-66irFi.-,m-ov�in"g'�ag-ainst�--th-e" order for . __�prof. Fiske thinks tha �]] . . you out your porterhouse steaks fiozn� � ' ' . . I . andhasbeen confined to;,thevicinity.of- the situat . ion would have be . An � worse. Thd . tby, the an 6 .. 'i , . A .1 . I At London the other day a passenger some slatigirter-houses, which are situated n costs.'. made against. the prosecutor. .A the twentieth century the Engligh language* . I the.curlin the forehea and thesitloinu .found three Ries in, his tea at the -cating-' ou'4 ravi�o -into* which the offb,l from these iaspector had', howevei, passed the- Touto' pretty strong cage decided by tke House0f I Will be spoken by. 800,000,'000 p . . . I in . . I - prop�rly *equipped, and I . . � eople, and. - ' . ,` 1, . fiom the skin, but I thi k1his colnes­frOm -house. He called- the' Waiter to him mud �establishmenia' 'flow. A .sewer has been -at Southampton Ad . . Lords in 1837 it; reliba upou,,by Me, Penton .tha�t ultimately it. wilibecome the -universal , . between . ther horns. I used to'li've in a said :. 11 You'Are in . error about we. ' Y6u qoustruot�d down the ravine, which is not, . one needs.only. to Acts the, number of as � his authority for, .convicting. . The language bf mankind. . . . . . . .. I . . I boarding-house where they out the pbrtei- ,passengers in comparison with the life. � . ' the ,. . . . . I h6lifie between 'the hoing, and this one evidently think I am travelling in a special �rovi �er', outlet, * iiiid the - f, - r-Thd ,missionirles refuse- to . admit -� I . I ded with a prol , . . . .1 l9arn'ed - judge ho�vever, . refused I saying accommo a I . � . I . carmud putting on a great deal of dig. I'm doctor tkinks' that this matter, wbile,undor- � d Mon on many .well known. ceriiorarl on two.grounds: 1.The stiquittal. Chinese, .eonivoris to chureli .. . . - . , . . : . .. remitids . ine of them. Animal, dead this riding second class, Without. baggage, and steamers of well known lines between New 2. That the order - fbr costs 'cannot be, I � I steak came from ?" 6g ])sad ?11 echoed -the . I unless they give .up -opium-sniok . . . at � n1v entitled to o,fie fly., Give thi Ou sewer, produced i lowered condition of agpealed siidinfi, as by- Mr. Fenton's .1 � goffig the� process bf Aeconiliosititin "' the York f,nd Liverpool to be convinced'of the irq�. That . I r; fi of course," air,-.; he 01] o,.. - disregard' of Iffe evinced in the matter , is tight! Unles 0 . � . 1. I . � . Astonished. waits to thq,i7big-fat man at'the corner iabl 8 vitality, , ,ivhibh "rendered those � p I ersons gross , . . in 6,ion 'they, war . a imposed at his own a 6 bailoitiiaii,can give up � . I I . . . . was,butoherea,*s1r.1' 11 Butcheked to'make - f t =shipiiispeodoic. The reader mky,, I . , . . . Isn't hal 1. .1. d . . . I . . d'reetor,of,the roakandis entitled to. living near. misceRtible to the disease. The .0 A " - request. 'This initial difficultybeing in the opium and take � to whisk � By ho. � I . . f . . , . I I . - . . a Roman holidny," sighed the sad "' ' Ali well extend tbLe inference ia� all. the abo is on y a - ivi ize . 1, . , . , .. � . 9 v three flies in his tea d a dead* cockroach malarial produc� -of this. point -is. not .. o ate to out own 'Ca,nadiali'lakes . . - I way Of. the - County * Attor)aey#. his I ' -called itpon' .� I " � . I I passenger.. 1! Hi . io�ld be more likely., to between bia pancakes. I `6&niiOC#14V& -believdd.to'bo the origin, of the siniffl,pax, . - p i - . _ , . I I �. I ,resource is to appeal to the full Cotut,,,or ,-An. eccentric minister, vkA . I ... . .. . make a Roman fiviesiii "Welli it wes� time second class and uadrp' -the rights offirat, but. it ,is P, question for ,the . in di *I' " . . I... �_ - .1._. �. � a Ica, I rest o.ontentlid with 'the decision I I N . of tho� to- marry three couples at once. The parties , - - class passengers.' 'Please pags the entomo. profession ' -to decide . . , I , , I . 1 . howaskilled, He hadnl& many mord. years I whether- this - N'010 %van ii Lady. . . 1. Magistrate. .. I 7 . were .standing aro'und promiscuously. . . .1 to live on,thiioarth. 'Ali, here ig,the �rass logical musiard before you go, and get the 'lowered 60ndiri6n of vitality is not I . �. I . . . . . __­ I . . . .. Waiting for the arrivil of the minister, and .1 I , .... '. . I � tip from one -ot his horns.. Droppedii2to the At MilwsukeeoWis"., a few, evenings ago, . . I marched up to thein I � i .. I Adamantine prunes .w.licke I can reach sufficient,to .account -for the prevalence I as Miss NellibRogers wa's reparing supper from England tha;t the ,.WhOn 48'cams in he : . . I . . stemk,'no doubt�'whild, you ,were aiicini,it p I rt.yourselvest-" .­ . -. - , 1 � them.,-- Imay waut'to throw oneat tte oftho,disemise ttarie�rather thauinother two men walked .into the kitchen by the price of, diamotias bas trisoh "about 26 par OxclailaiDg,-"SO . . i Off. What do you do with these steaks . ho,d-waitei. occagionaIly to attradt. his . portions of the city notsubject:to the game cent.within the last three or four weeks, in '�11 Here's thy wife and I,". said a htld� - - I . vvh�n the guests.are through with, them?" � .back dooi and demanded 1gr -money. ,She I I . I I � Attention.` - - ' - . .. .. . . �. I influences., As ma�Y'" fourteen called took her pocket -book oixt of­hQr.pook64 pongo4tienceofthe purchase of -the great -btZlid, with m6h complacehc�, to his-ifiver ., . , , '_ h The waiteir' - lopka puzzled'. 4why, - . I � 1. - . . . � � _ , . I .. I , . " . . a taking 6 tigbtgrasp of it, refus'ed tcr - 1a) faes, I I . a 'been married. a , - - - � . _ were reported in one dayfr6m this locality-,' . a Xi berl6y:.mi it the South * African wedding guesta, 41 who ha;v ' I .. I sit," he snidi �'.Ithey ain't nothing �. The naval weakness of.the"Vaited States *but the disease has diminished,.'.-.ua6il zi6w. n divanona field, by m comp ,na ih Ali, that time . . surrender it, at the same time backing ..any; of English live-and-twebby years, a . left of 'am whonj customers get is soniathing phenomenal, Our 6aabamrd but two cases & day. ire being found.,. T4e into anadjoining room; After gettinginto 00, I . 6 . producti haverift had a single unkind w . ord�witlf-esch. . � . Ili u,h with lent, sir.11,1 "Possible?"' said the 10 . fo pitalists, whd intend t hold its 6 ,. O. a Bitthig-foom slid -. . 1 1 By -Jove I.,., exclaimed ond'of tHe - - . t to "a cities are at the mero� of even a Spaniih oxhaustIl on: of material in ity is th . went to A dressing ran advance in valiies.' Diamond ozperbN, other," . he passenger; - 4what becomes 'of fleet, mud' We have neither forii nor ships' believed to be the catise of. the deor . ease. case; tooka.revolver therefrom audordered repre6enti . ng America . U houses ii2 Europe, ta. 1, what a stupiatinte ibuinust have'.. � - ' , � . - . them?" The waiter looked nervous.. thmCcould save San Francisco fro& the The health officel, informed Dr. Speed -that, I report ifiat they now experience more aiffi� 'h','Lbd! t .. . ... . &A What?" be said, -1 the customers eat the men to leave the libuseo As quick' as - .of I I',- I. . I . . . them UP." The sa&,pasgonger looked tip ChifikaQ flotillm,of gunboats, recently conw vaociumbion had been resorted to in every lightning - the- 'burglars *wr6nohed the to. . oulty in obtaining fine stones thorb ths,11-ift , -Groceri; - and lanaloias are.f(3�d- of gay-. . . . I/ I disposing'of them at home. At the end of I I . I . ,� struoted for the Coleotis,18 in the British f thab would pefmit* it, but a�large volver ftom'her grasp, thr6�wher upon the . mg,,41b- isn)t the .butter that is ba�cl; i`6 with an air of interest, 41 Ificredible f 11 be navy yardo. Admiral Porter, in his official ""lily of 'the population ' ieAisted, and floor tind took her podket.bo�l� containing theyemr 22,000 black and 1,100 white, md i . . port � a hierely tastes of the' woo&" It would be I exclaimed; 11 cannot Accept your atmtb' k6ports, admits that the Vvjaole nayj of the wotild-a n t permit it to become gerierali oi&, Iverecinployoda,ttlieflemines, r4f .� ment without* proof; They1my.hidethQua , United 'States would' not bb a inatdli for a . 0 As they turned to leave the hdiiso 0111 the -Well, for.& cha�ge, to � let it tt�ste,, of solme, . . The disease. was, not confined to the poorer th�y fired three -shots at list, all of - which Ximborley and Old. De Bases mines . Alone thing else, Whyaot try the scheme -of the I � under their chlirs or seorat"Etta in their single English itonolma,-x. tZ Ifour. - - class, but invaded. the . families of t9e boat missed.ho. Milwaukee must be a aide diamonds to the e?ttent of 8,200,000 karats druggists who try to make medicines p4latv, . . . . napk!1,,6, or they may carky"thom awiLy in I I . ' I - - - - . 1. . Are hau�ally raised, while th6 other UVO ble by mixing-ttain .with, liquorion orpop- � : � . I . I their ockets to throw it burglarspbui I A.Lucx-z BA:uil,-I�ufui Hatobi thawell. citizelis,L. , , ' , , 0 ' .. : place to live in. � . .. I I , . - . I cannot believe -they bat , thistri.- Hav, lot . known Now York speculatori became one . . . Und, _ * . . I . . .. .. � Ininesr above hamed yielded 800,000 kafatA paribint. ,, , I . I I . . � at the will of 'an Englisliduat d6nw - I 4 last yemr. . At the diggings on, the Valil , .� 'li to the hortioul ' . . � mo see one- of them . eat this mud I'Will day in August lagto the happy father of a tractor a, legacy of 92,000 was laft by 66 do Ville ' , A correspondent write - .. � . The new Hotel of Paris, -builb on RiVej about a4o men ' I . � I believe you. Trust. tat), good..Wat§t, bmbk. He bought for him some corn an fosta,tortoltiBdo6tor,to be'paid onlyJa , were at Work last year. tured editor of the and* Asks hirii. how . . I..; -If . I . . "hou I the site of the old one, viltich was burned -At the recent Man6beater Nocedall con. to treat fowls. Treanitheem . kindly And with . . I , , . . . . r or two after his birth, and in less than . the event of the testator living for - two by the Coruffitinista in 1811,3Buow-approach. feriance Bishop Prager intimated that 'in 6i �doraiaoratiou. The aching void in the" ' . . But the latter pointed. *to it .fig.0mra a weak w profit of M,000 Was realized, years ft ' th d to 'of the .willo to b6 Ing completion. All the dataide work. his recent lottok to him Mr. GI-een, the Aitual- bre&A of the, modern hen ia'wanb of Bym- .. I . inscribed 11 PoBitivo'ly no trust," mod, went which has been 'invested for, the lucky ineres,se"a't'or 23,0'3.00 ;hOuld he live for lave been finished, Bind the fixtures of the interior , -infant in United Statesbouds. I . Jabio clergyman' imprisoned In Lancaster pithy. Always look on them with a gentle '' . . to the caohier�s desk to tell the boss to 19ok . . years -, And as the testator died P, week are about to be put tip. A novel feature in jail abatea lid W069 PrOl?mf6d to accept .eye -and great them � with'a, bright smile I out foi- that to an at the corner table, ab he Redant statistics show thab'tbe mor6a,lilty after.ataking big will the bequest of course the building will be the placing of 100 stat. ban'OrIcal obedience to big Bishop, which he Hong 6 warrgn�te& to flourish under thi's . -A on treatment, .1 . . I didn't seent to be satisfied with hig steak among the Froatilt troops in Tunis has lap -sea. The plan of contracting With a ues,.emoh eight feet high, 'a hicheO on the bad never ropudia�tedj ana. meet bin ar , .1 'and had asked for �r t, . � � ' been very great, About 12,000 hiLve boon dootor to keep his pationt mliV0 by 'Ofteting ,four faciLdea. .-Thespfitattlea Will represent. that broad prinolp1d, - ge (the Bishop) had nuil on ntwp.. I . - the giok-list since the- commencement him peouxilary rewards in no. Increaging. entinentpersona boi - in Paris, anano fewer written to Mr. Gladstone Asking whether � . Sortie Boston drutilmork are demanding- of the expedition. ana goo cases have ended tdtio for continued ,existence is one that if than forty of them villil be litekaryealebrideo, later, wily lid clown to (lie � gospel cars on railroad traius,,. They say fatally. T.1hoia fever wag the cause of generally adopted might produce the lisp. four niches will be left �vacaat, to ,Mr. Green might not be released. Mr.- - Bbtlor rub than rust. 1: - , . I . I . I -as smokers ate accommodated with 85 pet conk o . , the niortalitv . I piest,kesults. " . . I . . I Twa"Wdlt as 00006sioli May &rise, provided 33i,lio . the . * . N%t, , Gladi-tone Wrote that he bad forwarded the nark t the lark Aings in the sky I . . . I . be filld � p,s and Mr, Green's letter 'to Die When dfq t od must I ��, ' I . special. vehicles, in like manner Chrigtian - Miss Lillie Glover, the actreBav Who is! a , Yohil women.: don't monopolize. till the that the Hotel a6 Ville is not burned down Home , , I Day is waking, loaves are altaking, , , � ,; �. . ttavallers should be provided with mccom. - the - rofoosojcD&Cogt&,QfPhiledolp'hio,, by A. no* Commune. , .. I .Peoreta% asking him to conimaiii. - . .13ottorril thitavast, �. member of the stock corripmay of folly. t . . oatem,th the 0 d�Chmncollor,* and proin. , . 0 , .. I laodationg for prayer ineetings mud, religious Chestnut Street , Theatro,'Viiiiadelphim, has has had -under hisc&r6 a y�ung man Buffer. r in th6 grave ther6la sloop otiough- Intercourse. . . 1. . A widow applied to the Mayor Of A110- isea if the matter came before the Cabinet ; Dotter riab thfiaruAt, . received' a legacy, variously bstib�atdd -at Ing from the effoots of taking arsenic to body. for aid. She had not a morsel of so one of Cabinet policy his aid would )act , ,. Death, porhaps in hunget proof, - - . � . At the iall given recently by the Prince front 040;000 to'680,000, from An. undle of beautify his c6implexion. He will probably food in her house and Was about to be be wanting, I . I I . Did wbort did thou must -, . . of Walea at Abe lafe, the Queen danced -her father, Who died recently in Toro , btii, heiver fully tecovot the free use Of it's 1690, ejected for non-payment of rent. Her . Mon tire tnowingo brow/es blowing I � . r I p : Dattoi-vUbt an rafti . . , 4 1 yl M in * . . I 1 1 "' rgeth the Prin06 as hot I x The Loadou branch of the Provincial which were partially patalyzed and wastod distress Wag mot the result- of POVArty� she by his devotion to, rural purAilits. While . I a a quad ille wi Me. Gladatonole recent illness was caused , partner, ii it ­ . go who will not work $hall want I . . . � 8011601 of Art and Desigr� Ili carrying an its W the Blow sOlf-POiSO I 9, . . exp"lained� for she 'was very wealthy; and at Hawarden he went out'into the woods Naught for haught Is J�at­- I I . .,,';, The rule forbiddifid the employment bf work most successfully. Over ninety The kto 6119 of Ludlow street jail, � New she showed His Honor the -dead of - 000 to fell timber, though the wiather was Wonot do, must do, WhoU he can't, . .. ."', � ramerioa women as teachers In 1ho chiciago pupils Were in attendance on Wedudod4y York,, declare, � that D &drag of Xcutuoky land, worth 01,010, 611 stormy. The result was a cold of Bettor tub than rust, L � can xwdea,s ghost , "A " -��. 9 night. � I haunts the corridors . � � icatiotivo. - . Avdry 330601 aro flyfn� sloth to dying, 11 � 0hoolo has been bancelled. . more, but now unp , . . I �, . . . I I . . - serious o6rb. . . Better rub than rust. ,,, I . . . I � � . I I . I I . - . . � � . . I I . I � q � .. . . � � . . . � . . . � � 1. . . I � � .1 . I .1 �. . . � � . : . .. . . ! � ­ I . I 001, - 1. I � 1, I I . � . . I I . I I . .. . I I � I I I.. . I 1� I . . . - .. I � J . . I I . . . . I I . I I .1 . . . I I . . . I . - � . � I I . . . . � . 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