HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-03, Page 5NEW ADVERTISE ?ENTS. cabinet ..,..._.:._".,.,.......J..�...4002zi pad Jr Geo. piehl Go. As our tier( workshop is fitted up and going, we are now .prepared to Manufacture every- thing verythingin. the Furniture line: PARLOR SUITES Of the very latest designs initawSilk ,Judd , Bepp's, Moquette and Hair Cloth. BEDROOM SETS ,,,TS in Mahogany,Walnut,,Ash,trimmedwithWal- 4r I nut and Mabo&any, Cherry, light and dark, Elm and Basswood,. in all the newest and leading styles, and finish only No. 1. Sets 5 pieces _Bureau, good large Lqoking eines, nice close Stand, fine high Bed, and 2 Chairs,all for ONLY $13-•tloolt: again at the price --and upwards, to $175, is styles to suit every taste, and prices fitted to every purse. The pub1II3 Bhorild bear in tniLd that Dr. Thelma Eelectrio 01l has nothing in common with tho impure. deteriorating class of 8o•eatled Pladlolna101113. It $e eminently pure and real- ly eltleaoious--relieving pain and lameness, stiff. ,r. The Wroxeter pall wall has re4ehed a i opth. nese of the joints and/nuao►se, and aures or purls of ;)50 feet. , besides beteg au excellent specific for i•heuma• A couple of large deer sere allot near Bd. I thou, cough. and bronchial complaints. Ia rich on thanksRirtfig daq. Mr. Cleo, Green, f'br ) ears a nerohant of aLi)x'rori ncsuaE'r Wmghtflm, has Molted to Corrie, Nov. 2, 1.861. Wheat, fall, ifk bush, old $1 22 a 1 25 DR. CAssort's SrQMACfi .AND Coa,ern'ATIow , Spring, Itedehafi, - ' 1 22 a 1 2O illy � � neenndawe are glad to i aF tab Rife, - - 1 23 4 1 2O t e� are ra idly taking the place of those nau' Oats, - 0 35 a 0 37 woos, ,L,-Corube is agent for the Bitters. +r 0 70 a 0 82 '. 0'75 a 080 - 650 a 700 , 0 45 a 0 50 • . 0 20 a 0 22 0 17 a 0 18 Hay, - - , 14 00 a 15 00 Hides, ,---• 6 50 a 8 00 Sheepskins .� . . 0 OO a 0 75 Beef, - , 6 00 a 7 50 C1p er, - 4 50 'a 5 00 Timothy, •_ 3 25 a 3 75 Wool, - _ - _ . 0 22 a 0 24 131 are new patterns and designs—No old made or had i.n stook:. owing to present orders that must be filled, it will be some time before our stock eau be very large, but to amour modate all, we have photos and designs in full size of the loading styles, to be made to order when not in stook. SPECIAL. ATTENTION TO ORDERED O.RDER.ED WORK Anything in the Cabinet line inade on the least possible notice, and at the finest margin to live on, By strioi attention to business, with an eye to accommodate and please, we hope to see all our old customers, and many new ogles at the Wardrooms of the CLINTON CAI3INET COMPANY.. y llniterfi�lt, IErm, Maple aitid Basswoo{1, taken .in.exchani;e':Che Ash Cherry, IPurnitnre. ' Ct. Dieb r Oo,, 295 "Victoria .Sal treet School BOOKS & Stationery W1� ' .�., .. �' ... P E R S • SOME NEW LINES OF THE NEW SHAPES JG' A.''q 3. G-OODS. ":art' Mr. Taylor's new Book of Poems W. H SIVIPSON., CLINTON. STOVES. S" P Rei.. Brick Store - -Sigh of tire: Padlock,. .r,13*.RT •'e TRE C'T CLI] .601.7, We have now on hand a' large and complete stook of all the leading stoves of Canada.' We ' name a few MARQUIS• GOOK STOVE, • STERLING; CROWN. MA.RQTTIS,' NORTHERN, MILN'E WOOD COOK, TELEGRAPH, GOLDEN AGE, ' .TELEPI ONE; GOLDEN SUN,'' GOLDEN. ,CROWN; And a 4i/entity of others too numerous to mention.. Also, a fall stook" of Panton; PABLOR COOK and HALL STOVES, BAR-BURNflt COAL STovos, inoluding.'the celebrated 'RaDiA:1T• HOME, aleo the PATENT CBALLENOE HEATER, for wood,• the most economical and moat.pow- erful heater in the market: •' A large stock of HoT AIR Dailais, $TOPE •l'irz, Ei,Bows, d3c: Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to call and get prices and examine our stock, as WO are in a position to sell at low prices; and are determined not to be undersold by, • any House in the county: Bost No. 1 Canadian COAL OIL.. Also, .AMERICAN COAL OIL. • `Complete Stock : of LAMPS .and "LAMP: GOODS, Don't mistake the. 00Q:for :cheap Stoves, Red Brick Store, sign of the Padlock, 'Albert Street ,:• Clinton.. • • d. Barley, •. " Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Butter, .. Eggsf ' - 1lucklea'. Arnim Salve. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, Sores, Bruisea, Ulcers,. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ed fiends, „Chilblains, , Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles• It is guaanLoetj to gave perfect -sada; faoton or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.- "'For, sale brU. H, Combe, W. B. CRICH & CO. U'ND;IIRTAURLi have on hand d'line stock of COFFINS CASKETS; ItWBFS and TRIMMTNOS, which we are prepared to furnish at the Iow114t rates. •A SPLENtDID' IEARSE w�iail reguir d` W. B. °moil&CO, CLINTON, HOP •BI TTERS. ;(A Medloine, not Drink,) CONTAIs8 imps, BVCi1D'; 1MIMiDRAJ J; DANDELION. Linn Tens Prnas r AND P ENT NI Enw. t, QUAL( Tor,S. oc+ntt, &(o13,vvrltas. IC' •C CTTlti1+2 All DiseasCCsof [10S(omach Bowels, Blood, Liver, Iiidhtys and Urinary Organs, Net,. vousnoss. Sleeplessness and especially. 'Female Complaints, ' .S1000.1141 COLD; Will lie.pald for a ease they will-notaureer help, ,orfor anything impure or injurious • -, -, •,-,found In theta,.,,, Ask your druggist for Itop' BlIters'and try them'bofore you 51Lcp,,•!Mke no Other. 1).1. D. Is an nbsolute andlrr iststlbla ure for Drunheness, use, of opluta, tobacco and .a narcotics. Salm FOB co:camas. annoys sold by dentists. Hop Bitters Mfg. Cu., Itocbatet,'N. Y, k -Toronto, .5 ®d sr TO kalifs NIORTGAGES,- NOTES, .AND OTHER '.Good`.Securities' Plsrchased. ..'d. -O `N .V E.. Y` A' N .0. 1. W. W. FA&RAIC•. 0 Ctiltion,Mo, 9,1880, 47 s F r�i r Br sas 0i AtL:'1(LNDS,Al tHE FURNITURE.SPRING°BED FACTORY. ,t"4s 'Lumber ahtnywtakenin'exchange for 'goods:'' W. 8.: CRIG•I 1 ^& CO., `. Vic -ren" A- •S I' . GLIN rOisT. I•:k1-1f. TItotI0118. BUILDER'S SI./-PPLI ES. ( (IsDT'(,1`011:1 iPM ll.tIl', I S1"roo1 �. (MACHINE OIL.:DAR VEST31l'i rs DAM KETTLES.. ENA11121.1,E1). I CN'S, 111sT, VAt1 1: 1;vi•;tl OI''1'1:11111). 1VFIP 12 r.12AD • PAINTS.ri►1 �, ' 11;.Y111k(N'i'Lf) 0ENI'INI; .1N11 1,1)11' 1)11(ES', 1'01 1:It AND ("'a ., ••, , of d n •r I;12 1 un t f r l 1 Rt t . At t,i('1;6 APPLE A l ta)iincl , ari. nttu. t�i'P9pl�'YallERS, 11181)1.1'120 'TINWARE. 1'115(5:8 SHELF HARDWARE AND BUILDERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. PHENfA BLOCK,. S DAVIS S'cth1T0F1,0!T, •• $10 ,000 oPziK .11t5T AitlttV5'lt), Uf•' 71i11311N1*is AND MOST 11.MtNf1i`1CT•,NTI,Y f''1NifiltHO • 'Kt! l S1,AVING A311) I lel 1'7 I G i 1A f lif 11ES, Prom Oifflirent ixnnpalties, all with the latest •intprovenlotlte', n.. Wim, rz�llc a IA.. vQS and reom the best makers in the world, ebenper and better thou you can get elsewlieir.' Sr•) Info 111'clr,Trj»rs 1rpptlirrr7 T6,/,rt y)rrcc4iral lnr+cl,ini,vt. Nep(lCra;;Sl6u/ti'ee, )fl and rf;e>;,1fl6itttr tvanted.for Seaik and (Itflti»y i1f'achinea, Prersr1gnas ers for all the Ocoee,. ltomisinber •tulip pinto Joserl3 'Street, whatof MO agghrt S tions Mitt 1Pitetorjs M. J. NORSWORTHY0 ' 34.3st • POST 110X 101, ef,INTON, ONT. s TE 1 A 2 ealll/ genuine BLACl{.1'h.�t, 0016, Jar 10 teats psi pound tin uncolored 1'URE• IIL$0Y at. 1:5 cents per pound,- •- Very inferior grades, sweepings, etc., of .Tea, have been advertised before now as low as13 c. p'r pound' but, sea value as.tho, above has never before this beon offered in Clinton Thetchoapest Toa if Clintoais to be' f unl•at '8. JOHN OUNINGTrAME palmarygsvoimitoilmomisiitsiiminumainme Here, 'Mr, C. McClelland, of Exeter, has boughl. out the store and business of Mn Brandon, Belgrave. Rev. P.a. Robertson, minister of the Wing•' ham Baptist church,preached his farewell sermon on the 30tH ult. A. ii. Musgrove has fees engaged to con. dnct the senior department of 131uevale pub. lio school for • 1882, at an advanced salary. Exeter F,resbyterians have extended a call to the Rev. Mr. Thomson, of B1•ucefield, at a stipend of $300 per year and, free manse. Mr, Peter Stewart, a former resident of I,eeburn, recently had his right hand badly iinj fired by a thrashing machine at Wheatland, Dakota, Symptoms or dyspepsia or indigestion, a dull .beavy,feelinip•in.the•stomaeh• wrth-a.-frequent dispobition to vomit. heartburn, loss of mental and physical force, Da, CAns0N's,SToOIACI AND; CONSTIYATION'131TTERs is the certain ready for this distressing• complaint. In large bottles, at ,5e cents, J. it. Combe agent for Clinton: ®lir. E. Ervin, while digging a well on the farm of Mr. Wm. Yew of the 3rd line Grey, came upon two frogs at the depth of siFteen feet from the surface. Mr. G. Maedel drove frotn Beniniller nearly to Godericti'without a nut on the wheel,hav- ing oiled the,waggon the day before and' neg- lected to put on the"6ut. • The listiorne..l?iowing,Association tvlit,hold' their anuuaI..plowing-match ori ilia '8th .iniat., -on-the farm -of -.bfrr-James -Gardener,-lot 20!' North Thames (toad, et (Farquhar, Mr. Win. Perkins leas sold his farm on the Oth eon. of Usborne to. Mr. Liddiooat, of Hal- lett; for 37,900. It contains 100 acres and is one of the blest in ?Jr. Francis C'oleman, of Hills lxreeu, lies 'sold his two• car old heavy draught stallion to Mr. Jas. Turner, of Brucefeld, ror the sunt of 65,500. Mr. Coleman imported' this horse from England shout four weeks In the month of OctObilrtyplsoid'. Lilious,;and malarial Levers are very prevalent.' For a slue, preventative, take, according, to directions, 1)e. ( ItSoN'a S• roMMACH'BITTi,Rs. T1tay puri P3^ tllo. system and cool the blood. They are used to great advantage infever and ague districts.' iu large Suz. bottles at 50'cents, J. I1 Combo, bpe0lel ,tgent for Clinton.. Trgasarar's Sala of Land for Taxes. County of -Huron, 1. '10 ivit.;5, -DY virtue of a Warrantt usher the hand of the Wei,: dbn of the County of •Huron, and the seal of said Coiutty, bearing, date the sixthaiay August, A. D. lbS2, 'to 100 directed' for t41;e^emllectiotrof arrears of dn,-ow dile en Alia undermentioned. hinds hotite• n hereby given, that unless the said taxesi to„ntherwith all'law- fuyl costs and eftarges, 88 aootldr paid;"1•sha8, on- • Friday; till Sightscath day. of '•NovSmborr 1881, at the hour: of Two.0'elook P.M., at the Court house„in theTOWNWF OQDEItleff, proceed to sell by public,: auetion'th'e said,lands, or so n(u; h thexs9l„as,; may be swat:ient to discharge,such',arroars of taxes and charges thereon. •a,.' '. CO al Lot °V, .11 c.,`” �, 4 , w ti d-' Tow9srrlr oN AS ,10 nilE4o, N / of W Jl of. 2..1 B D. 50 P 34.07 .1 .58 3,2.05 841 ' - 8 W I� ,100 ' P 21.06 • 125 22,31 N14, , 8 W. D; 100. 1.111P 44.44 1.83 40.21' E part 6g,! 12 W D. 150 P , ` 87.00 2.50". 00.10 W part E * a :'.•.16 w' D. 50 P 8L70 1.28 22.08 • Towxsulr 011 C4aN,t. 30 ..;:... ...'4 100 P 25,91' 1.38' 27.29 N } 1 ' 12 50 P ' 24.40 1.33 •25.73 27, 13 100 1' °. 40.40 1.33' 48.42 28 13 10 1'.. •,40.40 1.03 48.42 20 ,. 100 P 50,59 -2.03 53.62 V LLAOE OF EilIio, ix (5010'.. N pari 22, f P 37 • TOWNSHIP OF HAY, W 10,- ....5 50' P 12:13 4ILAA0E Or LKEVIEw Ix HAY. 75 '1.12 1.03 13.16 22 :' 1-5 P • 76 75 . 1.61 V(LLaOC 01? HExsALL ix' IIA)' • 48 1c5 P 30 t8r 1.05 Towsattli' oN Iiowirn .. .• Part lot 30 fronting on side road he- . ' tweenIota 30.&31. lying,30 rods (rout NE corner of lot 3 ' , ' 1 '1' ` 5.97 88 .''0.86 1 11 100. lin P10.8,8 100 11.88 N.E partl9 ...A ' • 98 P 00.65 2:75 102.40 VmiAorF, ng,:FOnewie r 115 Howie3 ' 8.1: part 10' Mary et 1 P 1: - 0.63 • e0 ' 7.63 l'ILLAOE Or GoaR's Ix Homes ' 200, • ' 1-5 1' 0:39 88' 7.27' 210 ... • 1-5 P 6,37 • 85 7..27, 215 1-5 I' 6.23 • Ss 7.10 • N'inaral 05 2ZANWIESTEf )N 1futtnTT 1 1.5 P 2.00 78' 2.81 g 1-5 •2 - 2.011 2 78- .84: 0 ... 1.5' I' 78 7., 1.63 'J F5 1' - 2,00 78 ' 2.84 • Vu,LVIA 'OF McCOmiell I ;v 10 Block t 1' 241 i' • 3.01 McCaughey s'y49'Block C P . 4,30 83 . 5.10 • Coloton's s r 2 I' 1.24 .75 1:00 31 2.1 75 1. f0 ' - YI14A011 nN IMSNII1 t P 3.45 80 4.25 S 11 a 219* 1.32 11 2.59 80 3,30 200 } 1' 1,17 80 3.07 810 • 1'P 45,) 9.1 5.41 73'.. n , F P 2.13 7 1 . 2:01 9t, Andrew 10.''Albert st. • 1 P 4 57 85 1.42 Vf 1N 31 L v nn,n0. 1 rt 9si' t mill 9t, r 57c.o. • 8 0.07 `1ow19triv 0 "510) 219 . "1. 1 25 1 , 50• •P 0:2,4 • ')5 10.10 N 5• 8 100 I 91.78 1.33 •23.10 NI 27 8': '100' T 30.50 1.05 38.15 N part 1. 0 1 P 3.77 A:i ' 4.00' - rywssuli' t N 11G111LLOt' , The 3dlofmitten; freni,NN W corner lot i0 1 . 8.75 95 ' 0,70 1g, 411. 1• 10 1 1'4 09 1.19 15.70 - r 9aw•K9hn oI 8'rlsrri /Y 7H�j /%0-1/A��/. 9 ... lhnstet tow 3 3 4.28 83 '5.11. 11 L.�.• lir i, nE la liter83 a hrANLlst, RT3AK1 ' t r ' , ^ o1y°� 9" t 1111 1015118011505 111)EOS,1,1AV11 TO STATE 1a to the public that he has received rihoe'tho No; a larl;e tlut superior class of COFFINS,CASKETS --n:in---• Gonia Trimmings and Robes. 1 ,?s l. A 9 loadidtIL'kit83 kept, PLAIN COF's•I.Ns always n supplied ti .onh til' Oh hold. P,a � ltlsea be pp 1 n 4 al r roe ori 110" aro . • ,� soy t 'o at o0 8 a C A y y THOS. S',['P1VENSON. Atae'0y'13 old stand, Albert Sttoot, Clinton, 20. 1.5 i' 2,41 '7'z' 2.19 1 ... :,,,. 1.5 1' 3,41 '78 3.10 VILL,tirN "b Iia" cOFnaLr 11 8TAI4 S5 • NW', ,if Ti'l s1..1)t' 1 P 5,01 85Y 5,S0 Tow•941tir eN Srgimmx, E 1 o8.$ )- 11;...13 25 P 23,43 1.12) 24.73 A •of 1"1 17..,13 ' 25 :5' ,43 1.4) 24.83 N J t) 11 1i, u1 1 tl 4. ti 1 14 ., . T:1'. • tno P I,rn 1.50 41.611 1' s Vary- 50 P 15,40 1.08 14.57 111X(1 04 1 LPP.VALB IN 0'I ItS,ll)KIIY. ' 31111 1: Dub ' .19 , •rear P ,48 hf. • 9 0) 1'11 Vol •, m..;,4t1.1Y I1 It91)1d11I5. ' • ( ut urvr 1 .a. 1',2w: rt;t 4.U8 1 11 5.24 .N3 1,04 1E sl • 7 75 1.41) r14..., .,1' ` 70 g,3 1.40 1,1 t 1' 74 ,5 1.41) 211' 1 •P Vt 7:1 .1.41) 'Volt VNIell1' «4 i 314)''WAIS 1109(5 , roll part 1 40 1' 42:39 .1 .85 44.24 1 22 12 105 is 42,20 1.05 .44.11 ' Vita, cot et Nr, ltkt93fi IN til;(t1'dNn141. Archery lot ,,.1' ' (3.98 , ;i0' i."9 1"tl.t,Ae3, i'1 r1111113111. 11 Taylcrisnr «1 1.5 1' 3.29 30 , 4.00 " 91....,c.f. . ' 1.1 P .10 , 5 307 N t pi . 1.1,4 ' P 24 7,; 00.' 91o('otnell sur5 . ' 11 10.21 5:20' 29,41 Willis sur' 87:.,. 4. i' .7.08 ' 011, 8.61' $auilor•esu541) l.. 5' ,043.,...• 556 '(�13 1''rallt'1+i'n " 5. '1.28 85 0:113 -14-.6 22 ..... , , .. 1,1u P. 4.0 0 . 83 1.79 11 21 ,. 1.10 P 4,00 85 .5.75 119 ........ . ' . I.5 P14.43 1.08 111.61. 60 . o. , , .. 1.C. 1' ' .1.4.43 1.853 18.51 147 ..... , ... • 1.5 1' • Y,10 1323. 0.11 378 .. ... 1.5 1' 24 75' • 00 370. ..:., 1.5' P 40 7i 141 357 1.5 1' 10.015 .1.21 21.10 358 ' 1.-81 -P 10.06 1:23 21.11i 350 1.11 P 10.06' 148 21fte A. Sf. 1t0ai1, Treasurer County of iturou. 1County Treasurer`sUfllcb,'(lotiorloh, Aug, 8,1881, •- C ,I., IN410.N, iias a splendid assoriment or 'For L7atil ' and. ,Winter wear, which will . be sold. CA1. "ap. it ,Order to • reduce our very large stook 0 Before removing to our new premises, we ,re'SE+ 'SELLING' A.T BOOR i Tnv 9 S BOOR .BOTTOM PIt10E.:.. 0., 99 BRICK .BLOCK, CLINT.tiON S. PALLISER. HOS WHITE. • �o S. . hOe •:f: .. S �. � oma: F' tJR (SNF JA Victoria $feel ' 'Clinton. .BEAVER'BLOCK, ALBERT STREET, :C,LINTON. ALL WORK•,GUARANTEED- FIRST •; CLASS: F30R. CHOIC : • E'amily Groceries, CROCKERY & GLASSw.ARE;:. .ao moo. J. OUNINGIIAME'S, CLIFTON. _ -o GLASSWARE AT A BIG DISCOLIINT'to liiake 1'0010 for opening, up. ' a full lino• of 1315GTJ1''lTS AVD CQ\F ECT10NARY. . Choice five•.iao`rznd Tins MACKEREL, cheap, FE UITS -LetuoIM, Oranges, Apples, and dried Fruits.' FRESH SMOKED T3ADDIE FRESH SEA.•.. HERRrYNG • a, etT'N1NC1-14'A1,LT11,. !liiilt5ti' FIIRNITIIRE=r—FURNITURE Clinton Furniture '%Varerooiiis vtt. 77, Buck :Clock. Ott5ilg.0 the Increase of business year, 1 tIIN1T1111 02' I ' ' have taken a )rete lease oC'41 77 an'cwill eolstin(td•to .ilo bnsihoss as formeldy I l;A ,I,R6, hn a. , n They have oat hand as fine a stock of Purufttlro alt was over on exhibition hr this town, whilst they aro are aced t0 dell ata very small advance oft cost. As we ntauufantttre all OOP own Ql1a0S, N' ORO -1411V 605' 4100.0i)CP( 1)0)401 value than con be obtained elsowh0qo. Our goods tweed warranted to give. enure satisfaction:,, 411 our worksaee5 tindoiilhtnd their business, 1 rtrx t neat, Manager. A. A. BEN RI:T, Salesman rDo 1108 mit.f4y the lylaoe, r'o. 'r', Ckitttgtr, '9 i'a