HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-11-03, Page 1t'
grotoOloital and Oho; (544110
-13-11-. 'Mina RA lenod Mortgage ftenirity, moderate thtes
'ot intermit. fl, MALE, Clinton,
41' 1tIC 002446 001uPtiuY, may be SOO14 Si the °Mee of
thiundersIgned. IL HALE, Clinton,
Attended at their own voidance, if nutmeats,. Be.
indenra change street, near tac.Enron lioadtcLinten. ,
H., 11, IL C, NGI,AND,
?Mat Molaon's 1iakur,114:344t Office aid residence
• en °Moritz etreet, Chntorl, opposite the Englith
• nut*. Antrauee by side gate.
0 Court of Ontarto, Conveyancer, dte. ,
Ofdoe, sa. BLOCK, AL#10727' ST, CIOLOTI,
• un1versit7.) Phyeloian, Surgeon, &c., rdenee at
Mr. ManoIng's, three doora east of the Temperance
I,ondeeboro, Ont.
DT4,11BEVE.--01070E, RATTE111111113f STREET.
north of Riineford'a book store. Real,
donee, oppoeite the Temperance Hall, TInron Street
Clinton. Office home from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
B. CL Department of Victoria 'University, Toronto' To, r,
merly of the Hoopitala and Dieptinsarlea, New York
Aloroner for the County of Huron,Bayfield, Ont.
_ •
sail -Apply at the Beaver Blook,or at the residence of the
othinniber, near the London, Mama 4 Bruce Hallway,
JAMES FICOTT Issuer ot Marriage Licensee. Clinton
160Teiviato University; number of the College of Play-
• hicisnisind Surgeons, Ont. Omen & linimaznag the
home formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert etreet
, Clinton.
CITON•IN-CTIANOERY, Conveyancer, 40., BOSTOr
Mock, Clinton, Ont. All business promptly attended
to. Office boort, 9 am. to 0 p.m..
At Hawkshaw's Hotel, Blytb, every Saturday.
.1./Aooduehenr,Lieentiateof the College ofPlaysician.
a n d Surgeons of Lower Catlitall,and'ProvinelalLicen,
tiate and coronorf or the Ocutztty of Huron. Offloeand
residence, -The building formerly occupied by .ME
Thweites, Huron etreet.
(Hinton, an. 10, 1871.
Graduate e Royal College of Dental
SnrEeons of Carlo, has opened room M
the Viotoria Bleck, Alb rt Street, Clinton, where he
will constantly be in atlendanoe, and prepared to par -
8m every oPoration connected with Dentistry. Teeth
extracted, or filled with geld, amalgam, or other filling
material. Artiflaial teeth 41g$Tfeil from olle $O h
,fail set, •
JWEEFER, 7. D. s.,
E isT
rom the Mee of Trotter -da Caesar, leading dentists
Toronto, Second Honor Graduate Royal College
Dental Surgeons. s
To The•Pu.blic.
HORSE FOR, SALE. -Any one of three horses for
sale, as one can be disposed of, Price; $70, $40 and $35,
OLD CLOTHES FOR SALE. -Any quatitity to tit
all sizes and ages. . • ••• ' ,
ALSO 2 STOVES, QUO a good cookingsind one small
box stove, the above cheap or cash. • S s
Any person wanting old• stove pipes clearingrietaSS
apply to the undersigned. . • .
NOTICE. -All debts due the estitte ofaiffary *Marten;
in the pedlIng account and otherwise, must be .1 aid by
the let of November0o 'save costs. ' All 'applications
for horses, Clothes, stoves and'atove pipes, to be made
to •• • W. MARTEN, Clinton, '
Clinton, Oet...6, 1881. f 4 • ' • •
Onell: Descriptions epeyty,
• 40
C. ruDoum, Clinton,
. Incorporated byAct of Parliament,1856,
CAPITA.L, - • $2,001);000. • .
'Head Office, • Montreal.
THOMAS WORKMAN,........President.
J. M. n. morzon,. • - *• Vice -Pres,
• k'. WOLFERSTAN TGOMAS * GeneralManager.
Notes discounted, •Collections ,ntacie, Draft,1
issued, Sterling dud Anterkan eultonee
• bought' and sol4 ht lowest •
current rotes.
M. tott10, Manager.
Teb. 17, 1881. •Onsiton.
• •
• -----
Money advanced on Mortgages and Notes of hand
Drafts issued payable at par, at all the offices of the
Merchant's Bank of • ballads: New York exchange
LECTIONS throughout Canada and the 'United States.
• •
SALE NOTES BOUGHT 'at dose rates, and beoneY
advanced t'o farmers on their own.notes, for anylength
ortime to suit the borrower, .A.11 marketable necuri-
tie s bought and gold.•
• Moriarrares BANK OF CANADA. •
A. soHNsToN, 'J. P. TISDAI,L, T. A: GALE,
Strathroy. •Clinton.. • Elora,
Johoton,• Oslo Bail:4'1'1110ra,
Strathroy, Elora. 44,, . Clinton.
• T. A. GALE, Manager.'
Correspondents in Canada, The Bank of Minatreati
and all their agencies. In 'Now • York, W. Wataon
and A. Lang, 59 and 81 Wall Street.
, •
America)] Cross
Pla*rm. &ales
V60/... iNTO• di.
%%wogs re*Apligno,..
TELURSD.4.7", NOV, 3, 1.881. '
'-11/f AMINES -4, Muir, Esq,, .of Clinton'Hunt,
IY zaa,, Clinton, 11. Cook, Lel., Gaderiell townehip.
Each of the above gentlemen haVe lust purehastd of
M. J. NORSWORTIIY, magnificently finithed Nranzer
0 Sewing Machines, at the bantistine sum of $80 each.
%smog INSChilleO take Ara Prize and higheat holm tit
all the leading eshibitions
• Farm. to Rent
live miles from Clinton. Apply to
• Farm for Sale, •
g • • •
Teubscriber offers that very conveniently site.-
• sas HE ated roperty, known aa Bonny Place farm, for Bale,
on the Iluror, Road, Goderich township, 2* miles from
the growing town, of Clinton, and of a mile from
Tiolineindlle. The farm tontains 80 acres, OD which is
erected a gototthouse, two barns, horse and cow Stablfel;
111 well water , and'. acres of tall wheat. Possession
ven 1.t if Jariu&ry,Ilext•
40 ogo. THOMPSON, Clinton rm.
• 10 Reward.
TRAYED from the prendies of the undersigned, the
following six hea.dof cattle? One white yearling
heifer,. one red and white yearling heifer, one yearling
heifer, red on the Bidets white belly and white on' the
back and tall ; one yearling heifer, red, with ears frog.
„en back ; one yearlingsteer, greyish roan ; one two-year
old steer, red with white etu onsfosthead, and end of
tail off. 'Any one giving such inMr41tpn as will lead
to their recovery, will receive the,slins p:wward. •
_AIALPH TuonesorrrillziA. ' •
424,4 • . Huron Road,
CZ1LOVOTIllad flitE iNstiaAlc:
• nitiax.00i, ONT.
,Fartners whining to insure will find thie Company
ne of the best tind (Meanest to insure in, and svill be
waited on at theirhornerilinformatien be Bent to the
Agents'ofli op.
s. X.r110WI soiv,
trav,e on hand a choice amortment of CLOCKS,
• all kinds.
Clooks,..Witohoo, aoi, iepairod on short notioo
sloo,ona TO LEND,
• P.El
• .
A w 6 lt CENT. • Costa lower than 'any
4-1., other agenoy. ••
Stoo it , , tom
01,1bITON. • • •
• —
711ENDE1lS will be received hy the undersigned up.
to 4 •p.m., of SATURDAY, NO.V. StM, for
the Stationery Stock of W. H. Ransford, emisiating a •
Book's, Papers, °Fancy Articles, Wall Papers -Berlin
Wools, Newepaper Bunness,"&c., amounting to $4700,
and the shop furniture, &e., of $100. The highest or
any tender not necessarily accepted, •
AU parties iodebted to or 'neVing &Slim against the
above estate, are requested to settle the same at once.
RIDOUT, Assignee.
. „Clinton, O 4°11
ct. 25, lftes. '
Best Shull/ Cutters made.
r..oistpits.noct. .
kind assortment on hand, all sizes; Also, two, four
and six horse -power• GRAIN CRUSHERS & TURNIP
CUTTERS, an of the make of David. Next:yell, Paris.
Notice to. Creditors
Of the Towil of Clinton, in the"Co of Huron;
• •Bookaeller, Sta:tiono
. •
rPHE above WILLIAM HENRY OBQ having made
an assignment Of all his estate and effects to ine
for the benefit of his creditors; all persons and corpora-
tions having any claim against the said WILLIAM MESSY
RANSFORD are requested to send to in% Mier before the
Flynt day of INeeembert A.D., 1881, the
particulars of their claim, in detail, giving dates, items
and amounts, acoompaniedby. statutory . declaration
verifying the correctness of such claim and particulars.
And .further, .take notice, that after the first day of•
'December I will proceed to distribute the assets in
hands, 'having regard only to Finch claims as have boon
proved before. Inc. •
Dated at the sown of Clinton Om Otir (14 of Octobe:ts
A,D., 1881. • . • ,
.1011MRIDOIIT, Clinton P.O.
011: SALE.
lu the Pembina .Mottutalti, Reck Lake Mid:
• LIttict Saakatelielvita Histriets,.theated
, • as facials :
Tp 0,,E' 7 117. see. 7t,540• acres:
Tr It 8 W. See. 33-040 acres, '
S9N NV; 5 and N W 1,4 Sec, ia -480' roses
it,sE'10 W. S' See. 31,320 ocreit. •
TIG, R 20 W, NW Y,t Se. 30-160 fteress
Tp 10, R 20 W. NW 34 See, 17-180 acres.
TP 2, M 7g±..KE Sc. .03-100 ocroa. .
Tp It 0 W,' NW 34 MOM' ?i's of 'S W soc•-21
-240 itcrea. '
the following CLINTON .prtinertioit•
1st,. 1iOus0 and lot an Princess Street, oents-
pied by the unaersigned. House containa 8
rooMs and woodshed, hard and soft Water: good
garden of cheitie trait trees.
2rit8, Double honse atid let on Victoria. Street,'
rents for per month,
3r0.13rick store on Albert Street, next door to
11. itt,Racey's Hardware. at present ecennicd
by Broad foot di tox QS a hirniture Warcroetn.
Will he sold subject to tease.
16. Easte_rly 94 01 lot 174, Village Of. 'Whighapr
Containing sathrseif nee. •
• Perfect title' gttoranteed With oath parcet.,-
'Perin s beret. Apply. to • • .
emgDItMENZIES, ClintonNw isthtidraPlaneo'.
„t 14. 1101.111ES dc SOR
I uRifle Assoeiation
gew •Achicrtiotiatuto, No.wro ovitoN TE.Acititus, Hron
A• SERVANT GIRL, immediately. Apply to
Servant Girl 1
GIrtgergte.linglae 413• 1
1The regular semi-annual meeting of t
orth Huron Teachers', Association was kel
wewell attended.ateWwinegham°nthe 27th and 28th ult., an
The President, after calling the amour
than to order, and making soine introdne
tory and, explanatory remarks, proceeded to
read a paper on Chemistry. The esaayist ex
ialained the fundamental qualities ent1^,daws
inherent to and governing matter; WI Chid
phenomena Of physical and chemical Wien
among the moleculea of bodies, end dwelt for
aome time upon the importance of cheniical
combination and evolution in overcoming the
poisonous elements of many of the moat don -
moo articles of food., Healso shOnted the
charaderistio qualities of chemical MI MO.
chanical combination. The arbitrary division
of 'the elemente 'into metals and non•metals,
with 1$01120 of:the dfitinguithing properties,
was explained, and the chemical nomencla-
ture briefly touched. In the absence of the
apparaths necessary to the performance Of
actual expetimenta, Mr. Clarkson explained
many weft! experiments.
The next sabject on the programme was'
"Introductory Geography," by Mr. A. H.
klopgrove. 'This was taken up in an interest-
ing:manner ; the Method of. introducing the
olase to the Valletta geographied terms, and
the divisien of land and water, was illuatrat-
ed by blackboard. drawinge, and was very
clear.Mr. Muitrove would early acquaint
hie chin with looal geography, thereby being
enabled to make the subject interesting and
useful to them. After taking the elm over
the geteral geography of the world, he would
return to a mere exhaustive and extended
study of local geography. Whenever it is
possible, he associates history, manufacture,
phenomena. etc., with topography, and uses
blackboard freely. •
Soya Anolval..- Info:Motion area received,
a few days since of the safe arrival in England,
of Mr. Thee. Bell, who Went back to purebaire
a horse. It is to be hoped he will not be so
lalfertenate when coming baek, as he was the
itaios8ut4wtitilwilecE•tre M83ectsh3oliefintbe8hUrveiheee: ifl tcblinneler.-
euit, will be held at Hinhurn, on Sunday
11OPTINGI sh.00ting match will
take place at Bell's Hotel, here, on Friday
the Ilth ingot, Geese and. turkent—ritioe and
shot guns will be the programme.
The Temperance Hall is still uucompleted,
and if the present contractor deep not get it
' awe soon, it hue been intimated thet •
aonorleeilsselownigli ohinacvee ptoR,otf,oarnt4heittwimuei tneolit advaetiot
have il as it is all winter.
A rather exciting seen° took Place here, on
Tnesday last, in trylug to weigh. Boni° ;Attie -
Almost, every scheme was tried to get them
'on the platform, but all was of no avail 1"
when two ropes were placed on one of them,
with the biggest ,part of Londesboro and. the
faro from around the village hold of them,
but Still the animal got Jodie from all the
crowd, and they were past (hiving. At last
ropes were placed on them in all shapes, and
they were dragged on the platform, amidst
blood, mud and awearing.
A festival of the Canadian' Order of For -
resters took place here, on Tuesday night, in
the way of a luneheon, in the Temperance
gen, ei
nil being well attended: At about
eight .o'clock the nner man was attended to
and all seemed to have a good dppetite. • The
-chair WUB caken as soon as the disheaVere
_removed, whim the °hair opened the ifflellec-
tual Part of the programme by dosing
"Safely tbrotigh another year." Speeches
were then delivered by Bro. Robb, from Clin-
ton, ROY. Mr. Hamilton, Lonelesbort, and
Bro. Wilson, Auburn. The choir eons seve-
ral pieces hetween the speeches, and added
greatly to the.pleaaare dnd profit of the even -
mg. Mr. CA/hinder gave a pod reading; Bro.
Bennet, from Clinton, sang two.Of his comic
songs, which were well reeeWed by the oom-
•pany. After the ustfal votes Of thanks, the
meeting was doffed by singing "Cod save the
d tion ca,me off 02 Tuesday, on the Athol -
e The tenth annual match, of this associa-
d cote Range, in Clinton, and, as usual with
the meetings of this society, was a great
" success, The weather was exceptionally
fine for the Moon, both light and Wind
being everything that•could be wished for
°hYcgItaingafter year this association has gone
on increasing in numbers and usefulness,
and it gives us pleasure to note that the
outside public are taking an interest in
its prosperity, as shown by the large num-
bers present at this meeting, and the
amount of funds at ,the disposal of the
dace bearers.
As the following prize list Will show,
the amount distributed at this meting
was $90, leaving, we are glad to learn, a
good nest egg still in the hands of the
Treasurer, Captain Shepperd
Jit MATCH-S•shote each, ape te soo yards,condned
to membera of the Association, 30 entries.
Stray Heifer.
nullets, about
into"subscriber's preu hies,• lot 34, 13th eon. the last of August, to /feat red
Heifer, with small white anp,t in its face, email for ite
age, conning 2 years olds,s'ae owner ivnereby notifle4
to prove preperty, pay Ohirgen AM take it away.
New House alla Lot tor sole
-CiOR SALE, that conveniently Situated new house.•
mi James Street, next door tet the Presbyterian
Church. Has eight gsfod rooms, good cellar, hard and
loft water, *id centrally located. Price low. 'Terme
easy. Apply on the premises,
W. R. ORICH Clinton.
House,and T,,Jot for Sale.
m HE subscriber offers for sale the Mcrae and lot oc.,
st- copied' by himself en the corner of King and Fulton
Streets, a short distance from the Presbyterian Church
The home containis 0 room"; the lot is about one.thirsi
Of an item, .and has hard and eoft water and stable
thereon. Will* aoltlthetip -aft the proprietor is moV•ts
Mg to Manitoba.
: 43 JOHN BEi5I1oY; Clinton. •
Land for Sale.
nndersigned offers for sale the southlwest part
°Plot 10, Huron Road, Goderich Township, about
3 miles from the town of Clioton'containing 80 acres,
Omit all ele,ared, in good state ofeultivation, and well
watered, Small frame house, 18 x D, on the premises.
Will be sold on seasonable terms.
43 ' •, Holmesville O. '•
11 Lost,.
A 'LA1tGE•S1ZE pup about 0 months old, part New-
fonndland and part Coolie. It has two very email
brown spots nut above the eyes, brown legs and black
onrly back, answers to the name of Hero. Any person
harboring him after this date, will be prosecuted. Any
person giving such information as will load to its recov-
ery will be suitably rewarded. It may be left at the
store ot Peter Robb, or with •
43S4 ALEX, MORRIS, Stapleton.
Berkshire Boar for. service
MEE subscriber will keep,during the season, at his
premises Lot 30, 12th concession ' of Mullett, a
first-class Berkshire boar. Terms, $1 at time of service
House for Sale:.
DWELLING House for sale on Mary Street, Clinton. -
Nine rocs, hard and soft water,' one•quarter
011 'acre• of ground. Price Mw. Terms, to suit pur.
chaser, Apply to J, It. SEIZES, Guelph, or
38 . . W. W. FARRAN. .
• .Stray..
STRAYED from sobseriber's premises, 1434, 13th
conoeitsion Goderich Township, about the 5th inst.
A mime sow, year old, with, st black spot on the
side. Any one returning it, or 'givin6 information
where she Inasbe found, will be amiably rewarded,
• Stray.Cattle.
5,2.ERAYED from the premises of the subsieriber,
S.Jabout the beginning of Jane last, four head Of year-
lings past, one bine and white•steer, olio red steer, one
red and white heifer,' and one white. heifer. Any Per-
son who ca o give such Information as -will lead to their
recovery.will bo suitably rewarded. ,
Clinton, Oct, 6, 1881. 4* •
.8.tray Steer.-
TRASED from the' premises of tbe subseriber, near
Clinton, abbiat the middle of July, last, a spotted
road yearling Steer, Any one giving such Information
as will lead to ite recovery will be suitably rewarlied. '
• • 38 A. MAY, Godtrich township. •
CsiTo'RE sTO RENT, nowin the course of emotion;
pected to be completed in about three months.
• SIZE 85 'HY. 20 FEET. ' • •
IOT 27, eon 11; Township of Mullett, 188 acres -
on gravel road, 10 miles from Clinton, and one from
Blyth- Ude plate has 'been recently cleared, fenced
and new bindings erected thereon, and the soil good,
well watered by spring creek -and would make n good
stock mad wheat farin,. liberal terms given. Apply
to • ' W. W. FARRAN, Clinton.
Clinton, Sept. 21, 1881.
House to Rent.
risHAT well -Situated house on Albert Street, lately
.L•occupied..by •Ins. D. MeCorvie is offered to rent on
resSonlible,torms, The house has'two rohms upstairs,
and liverootos and pantry dovrnstairs ; splendid cellar,
hard and soft water, gomi.etabilng, and half an acre of
land. Apply to W, W. FARRAN, Olinton
.••1 • • • , •• • Or c. spoonnit.
F'arra or Sale.
1 71123 undori,ignea,hiyer4 tor mb hnsfarni of 80 items,
• being lot 45, Beytteld conetselon, tholerieh teem -
Kilns *out it) aeles cleared, and in splendid state of
enitivittosii Snairtneo goodhardwood., 011 theplace is a
logitottitc, frame barn, Stah1:44ns, about 14- ogres of ail
orchard, two good wells and terming stream. Twelve
acres in fail wheat. Sittude on a go(si t,.ad only
miles from tho thriving toWn of (Mirth. Will bo sold
0)1 reasonablo tonne. • s . • , . .
JAII IthilERTSCN, (laden p.o.
For. Sale,,,.. • • '
In the Thriving Toni of 'Clinton.
tp, LA 'KSMITII 81101', .T00/.14 AND (1001) IVILL
otki eittablisheil hied:toss, a first-elass stand.
Also t quarter .aeres each, with 'good :same
Deviling Anti Wood. Mouse, hard and soft water, or,.
chard and large frame stable, IS bo sold altogether,
• or separatoly, Terms easy, For particulars apply So
• ' • A. ,NIATIIESON, Owner.
Clintim,Uct, 5, 1881,
. . W. C. 1,4411./4.111.41:0
IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING Offers a.quantity of 6rapti. Vines• and Currant buabea
lei at 10 cents each. Bulbs for fall.planting -- Tulips,
Snow Drops, troeusses, itynoiathos, eze., at 5 and 10
:4 cents a dozen. Orders taken for all kinds of FltrIT
0 TREES. Ifaving tut agency for ono of fba most re.
aponsible Nurseries in eanada, parties van be luipplied
VAST let WDST at low prices.
Money at Low Rates,
Mr. Cameron explaithd his method of
teachiug decimals, showing that he thorough-
ly understood his subject, and also the na-
ture •of the young mind, as well. as•how. to
present knowledge simply, clearly, progres-
lovely and. interestingly. •
Mr. McFaul read the prepared by Professor
Daniel Wilson, and read before the Ontario
Teachers' Association. • 4 .
An excellent reading, by Miss Bryers, was
given and loudly applauded. •
After • a few remarks. from Mr. Clarkaon,
congratulatory to the member -a present; the
meeting adjourned. .
It had hien duly announced that the even-
ing meeting would be a publicone and long
before' the hour ofcommencement the !Town
Hall was' crowded,' The President 'occupied..
the chair and many prominent mea of f Inc
town were present. Mr. and. Mrs. Dixie
Watson rendered soma excellent ttocal selec-
tions, of which the audienCe.iihowed their ap•
predation by hearty applause and,seieral en -
chores. The evening wad principally taken
up by an address delivered by' Mr. A. 11.
Manning,' Barrister, upon '` Steps." . The ad-
dress occupied over an •hour in delivery and
was attentively•listened te throughont, • We
had hoped tti have been able to stye a .synop-
sin,. but 'tier report has not etnie to hand. At
the close Mr. Shaw Moved and Rev:- Mr.,
Barr. seconded in a highly eultagestic apeecha'
vote of thanks which, was carried with great
applause. " The meeting closed • with the
National Anthem, ' •
The' convention resumed work on Friday,
at 9.80 a.m., Mr. Clarkson in the chair. In
the absence •of Mr. Hick, who wasto have
taken “Matheniatical Geography," the Presi-
dent called on Mr. Turnbull to take up- his
subject, " Richard II." After a few prelinii.
nary remarks, dwelling upon Eke iniporta'nee
of literature, and the necessity of the teacher
becoming well acquainted With the subject;
be referred at senie length to the 'personal
history of "'":-.0 manarch,. and the Autnor of
the'play,'explabling that a 'thorough know-
ledge of the same id pecesisary to a clear con. '
ception of the play under consideration. The
extract, beginning with "Of comfort no man
speak," was taken up in detail, and an in.
tereating and profitable discussion on the .
parsing of the more difficult words in' the ex:
tract,. and in similar constructions,
' was elicit-
ed.' The conaideration of the snbject occu-
pied an hour and a half- and war; disposed of,
in 0 very .imitructive and satisfactory' manner.
Miss Ybuhill then • gave a reedits, which
was well received, eliciting load. applause.
The subject of • "Mathematical Geography"
was then taken up by Mr: }licks, and .was.
handled in a.masterly Inanner•
Mr. Matta, delegate to the
Association, gave his report of the meeting
of ' that body, in Toronto. He commenced
by stating • the object of the. Provincial, its
officers, etc., •etc., and thenproceeded to deal
.the dress of •Mr. Mills, on agriculture
in our Public schools,in which Mr. Mills stat-
ed that reading was not properly nor. saffi-
ciently. taught In. our 'wheels, and that an
elementary text honk on the sthject shOuld
be 'introduced, , • • . •
Next came the resume.of Mr. Alexander's.
Half-time 'systera,".. the principal points
being; all 'pupils attend - during' the.whole day,
and while one division is reciting, another is
playing, and thab. it had been found to be
very benefit/al.
Mr..liughes) addrees on " industrial draw,
wag then summarized. . •
' Mr. MeAllister's paper OE Over • supply.
of teachers" was then touched upon, in which
he thought the tirae spent in _the Model School
*as toe limited. : • . •
" Physical Education," by Mr„Illortisoe,
•of ,Galt; was next taken up apclbriefly nes
'tieed. .• ,s,. •
‘-otes of 'thanks were tend'ered 'the several
teachers fot their 'papers and readings.
'The aoriventirea; on the whole was an ex.
cellent die. the subjects being dealt with and
dismissed -in ft practical manner. Muth probe
ia doe to Mr. Clarkson for Ins presidency
•over the meatier; and hit unvaried conrtesy
throughout. The associallon has become an.
•established inatitution and it would be cliffi-
cult for, the teachers to get along withont it.
.;•! t51' !TEE COUNTY OF ITURON has at present about
•. ./.• $200000 to lona on first, Ntortgages, on farm
• '' ss-lestIOY YOUR l'IoNETS knOtt..--...• property, at bow rates of interest. Ap ly to
, .
Jet. ThbOpsoN Town Agent O.T.R. Gociehich, J ono 30,1881, tf • A. 5 t.(4,8rie/Muier,
• WIsmue ann; tr/tilted,
A friend ift heed i friend .indeed 'DI -,a
310 can dopy, espeoially when assietanee 10
petered when one is sorely afflicted ivith
geese, more partkularly tnose complaints
d weakneases so common to our Amide
pulatioir. ,Every woman should know that
ectrio Blade are ,woman's true friend, aha
11 positively restore her to health, CVO
ell all other remedies .A siagle trial
ways proves our aesertion, They are pletts-
to the taste earl, only cost Idly cents
Itle.,Sele1 by J. /le Combe.• •• '
$8 00 1 -Major Wilson, • - 43
6 00 2,-N, Robson, - • 40
5 00 3 -Lieut. ha, Young, - 40
4 00 4 -Lieut, I. G. Wilson, • 39
00 Hawthorne, - 35
..., 50 6-E. G. Cotirtice, - 33
20O 7-Captaio Sheppard. • . 33
1 50 8 -Hugh Scott, 32
1 00 9-1. A. Wilson, •- 32
1 OQ 10-1'.- McLaren, - - 31
2114 MATCIII-5 snots each, 200 to 400 yards, confined
to members, 89 ebtries. •
oo 1—Stuff Sorsa A. Wilson, - ft2
6 00 2 -Lieut. Young, • - • 41
5 00 3 -Major , • - 41
4 00 et -N. Robson, • - 41
3 00 5 -Capt.- Shepperd - • 40
2 00 6-E. G. Courtice - - 39
2 00 7-1. A. Wilson, - • • - 38
1 00 8 -Hugh Scott, - - 37
1 00 9--Sergt. Thos. Itiggart - • 35
1 Oq 10-P. McLaren, - - 35
3rd MATCH-Coneolation, 7 allots eaeli, 200 yards.
' 1 -Mayor Forrester,
2-W, II. Raneford,
3 -Dr. Young.
4 -John Johnston.. ,
5 -COL Seigt. Mercer.
6-0, Pennington.
7-S. Fairbawn, •
8 -James Westeott. "
9-Col,_Sergt. McDonald. ,
I9 --.Corporal! Wright..
Th"e office bearers for the current year
are -Pres., Major Murray; Vice -Pres.,
Lieut, Jas. Young ;,,,,Sec.-Treas,,, Captain
Shepperd ; Managing Committee, Mayor
Forrester, N. Robson and P. McLaren,
A AttETINo of the Huron Rifle Associa-
tion will be, beld at the Queen's Hotel, on
Tuesday evening, to wind up the affairs of
the Society for the year.
The.folloWing arc t—he awards �( the judges
for4the West Riding Society'd refit crop Coni-
petationf-7. •
Best acre of SWeed turnips. C. L. klaIntosli,
1st; John Washington,
'2nd ; , Robt. Match,
3rd, Besti acre of of carrots, I„ Jas. Dick -
SOU ; 2, C. L. McIntoth; 3,, J. Salkeld: Best
acre of•Mangolds, 1, C. L. McIntosh 12, jai.
'Diakson..s Best acrenf potatoes, 1, John
Salilelti '; 2, M, 'Gordon ; 3, Itobt, Buchanan.
The McNair prize of a Patterson seuffler
for the best acre of turnips; f acre of •carrots
and ,1 acre of marigolds, grown from seed nor -
chased troin McNair; we award to Mr. C,.1.."
Ibrnit the.fdhlwing Pa'irtieulars aft. -get.-
ing our awaidis di above given; C. L. Mein-
tosh, 'of lot 8, 0011. 4,:CroderiehteWnshipi soil
o dark login,: broken. from : sect la'st year
Manure used in the drills at 20 loads to the
acre.; mangoldi, 9 drilla, weighed 1f10/ lb's:
or 4,3321inshels.10 the. acre ; turnips 51i lbs.
.or 1769 beehels to acre ; mongol& averaged
O little over 10 lbs. each; oil? • to the three
rod yttlrnipi average 21 in the rod, and oar.
rots ji5a..3D.
ickson, lot 15; on 2, Tackeramith r
sojl a clay loam; barley' last year ; manureti.
in the fall With 22 leads to acre -broadcast ;
500 lbs of 'Balt to the trete; 8 drills to the rod;•
a single red in:drill of marigolds Weighed 158
lb. : or 3370§ bushelper acre;'81g lbs. at
1744 bushels to theacre; and turnips • 59
Ibtr..or:1258?, beads par acre. The turnips
were sown June 10th and the marigolds and
cartons April 261h. The carrots averaged
54 in single rod, mangolds 27, and turnips 19.
John Washington, lot 23, con. 6, West
'Waviariosh ; 8011 Clay loam ;'fall wheat last
year; Manure& 18 loads to acre broadcast
8 drills to the"red ; a single rod in drill o/
tozape 91.1b*.or 1317A bushels per acre ;
average 16 in it ted. OW trail sowed 12th
Juno, and the other 20th' June; the• former
by far the best; did net tun sarnuct% to tope
wa saR7lislibl:4;11sreeiol fectl Ile; ye 8 rlolatt yUisaa8; ImV a4••."
fatted: in spring, broadcast, 25 loads to acre;
8 drills to rod ;•single rod averaged 59/ lbs.
or 1260/ bushels per acre of tornipaT yawed
"Jtzne 2d, averaged 19 in rod. • ,
John Salkeld lot 5, con 2, GOderich town-
ship ; soil dark loam Withday aubiloil; fall
wheat laet year; Matured, in fall 12 loads to
the acre broadcast ; 7 drills , to the red for
potatoes and turnips, 9 for .eatrots, and 16
for mangolds potatoes; (late istitio) 22 Ilia; to
rod, or 410/' hushels•to the Sero; turnips 36
lbS. to rod, or 672 brishels per ride, and men..
gelds 951 lbs. to rod; or 2646g. bushels pot
acre: Turnips averaged 20 to the rod; car-
rots 52,•and inangolds 13, .
Samuel Bissett, lot 5, ton, G, W. D. Col.
borne ;, soil, clay loam ; pasture lad year; 116
inanute ; 8 drills to the roti; single rod ave.
raged...150 lbs. or 3,200 bushelper acre for
Marigolds, 18 in rod, sowed 22d May.
M. Gordon, lot 16, con. 3, Qederich 'town-
ship ; soil, dark /earn with clay subeoil; late
rose 'potateefi, itt orchaed ; not mamma ; 7
drills to red ; 15,1be. lo rod, or 2.80 bushels
1o13ndoinan, ltdt V. con. 8, W. P. Col-
borne ; Soil, light loam ; 24 loads: Of manure
to acre ; 8 drills to the rod ; 11 lbs to the teal,
or 234,Fs. bushels per aere for potatoes: .
Urff,trAM YOUNG, "
Front the Hob. .
There if; pernaps no tette altered to the pea
ple that noseessea aa inneh real intrhasle vent°
as the Itorallittera. Juat, at this year, when the
stemaeh needs an appetizer, or the hlood needs
purifying, the cheapest and beat remedy ie Hop
slitter/11, ,A.tr orifice of pteventioa 15 wort1i4a
ponnd of.enre; don't wait, rintil you ate pros-
trated by a disease that may take months tor
you to 'reliever In. -Poston Oldie..
• gY
Callander has just
returned from a trip to the North 'West He
with hie father and brother-in-law hoe taken
up over 1200 acres of land, some distance
from 'Brandon. ••, ,
Scatuarr•Fzynn,.-Scarlet-fever has made
its appearance on the 3r4 con.; no lees than
five in one family have been taken down with
it, but all are recovering, and it is hoped it
will not spread further.
FOR MANITOBA. -1\10. Hugh Gilmour
left last Thursday, by G. W. R., fdr Mani-
toba to -make prephrations for taking his
family out in the miring. He was Amon -
Ponied by the wife of Mr. Robt. Yuill.
Mr. R. Yuill Went out to the west some
time ago, and has sent for his wife to wine
out also,
Pam% Sem. --The farm of Mr. Brurtneil,
ion the 2nd con, of Hallett,' has been sold to
O Mr. Millar, for something it the neighbor-
hood, of Kola it centime 100 acres.
• GOGH Wonic,-,—Mr. Thornton Wallace, of
tlie itli bon:'arid four Children; gathered and
housed 850 bushels of turnips in one .clay.
This is an unusual day's Work.
..ACCIDENT.--Rinhard Ghvier, son Of Mr. J.
Golder Of the base line, Hallett, mot with a
painful accident a few clays since. 'The team
he 'was driving became unmanageable and he
was thrown off the Wagon, and had his shout!
der .dislocated. ' ,
'TEACHER ' Radcliffe,from'
near. St. Helen's has -Veen engaged as assistant •
terteher for U. S. S. No, 5, Ruilett, for the
.ensunig year. • .
'Elam $hilefs has rented
the fade of A.Watl, sr., near,HarlOsik, for five
years. Dame mind says.he is going- to get .•
one of Hullett'S 'estimable young ladies to. .
share the comforts of .1118 ,new.hople, •
Rarnatren. -Mr. J. Bunion whO has been
living up at the Brace Mines, retina:if:A with
his wife and family on Tuesday, to Willett, • ,
where he formerly lived: lie does not .speak ,
very favorably of the country. . •
DEA.TEL-Mr: Jaa. Tietniers of the 214 con. •
hist a proinittinglittle girl; . aged. four yedrs, •
by:oreup rad'diptheria, on l'rriday fist. "
Awn= SAr4.-4..e john Mason is
giving up the Orritifordj farm, (which he hild
tented) he Will have It sale of stock; &c.) which
includes tWe Clydesdale stilliene, at his prem.,
ises lot 25, eon: p, on, the,15th inst., • • •
WILL 1tEIXAXN,-Mr. Thos.' Millar, of •the
Union Schad, Manchester, Who haddome in-,
teationof taking a School at Listowell; hair de- •
tided to remain here fey another year.. • •
• 8ALE.-4,Mr.; P. 4. Tamblyu having givellit
up the farm rented on the llth con-.
cession, Will have a' sale of his stock,..te, on,. •
the 8th ,inat. He .goes to Manitoba, in the
sprieg. •
, GOBEIt1011
Coal-mfr.-T.11e Council will meet at Holmes-
villeofixt Monday..
. MrittArtv.-klr.John 'Beacom intends to at-
- tend the Kingston Military School,. next Jan-
tiary,rfor ene term.
Retitni).-Mr. Geo. Ilainaball has ,rented
the Cook property on the Haton Road, (about
two miles from Carlton) for $50 a year.„There
08. a good house, orthard and .five acres,.
. ' Goon Pniczs.•-•At the auctien Bee of. the '
stock of Mr. J, Maltrnan, 911t din. last week, •
condinited byjOrnIns. Howson, calves sold at
from $12 to $111; yearlings at $20; and ow
wentaiShigh as $50. -e
Esisfionn.-,-.Mi.. Thos. M.Higgins, Ilas been
re.ringaged for Porter's Hill ached, etn eat-
ery of $475, beitg•an increase. of $5q, That .
lie is a geed- teacheizirvaidenced by the tact -
of hid re•engageineiiktnt a, inoteased salary,
' Scuoor,.-4The folldwurg is a list of. names
Of pupils of trienchocil:4211theI5ill COII :Who
received the nighesti Untidier of marka as -re;
corded on their reptirte of the month of Oc-
toberi-,-Ist elass,fa dividon, lst section; lit
0. Deeves, 2nd .1. 11. Rthertson 2nd section,
1st M. Churchill 2nd, H. Jenkins; 3rd section.,
vision,. 1St secton; Ist 1.1. Parker,
lst W. Connell..2nd j. Geo. Conne2110.d 01.1hadtt
i .
Walker ; 2nd 'section, let L. Viriggrnton, 21111 ,
G. W. Churchill. hider II, lstikf. A, Sharp; '
2nd D. Churchill. Senior II, let Eva S.,en-
2fid Annie Jenkins. Junior HT,' list
Sara lizard, and Clara Yenkins. Senior III,
1st Mary 'Jenkins, 2nd Clerry-sltobertaon.
A:fort/tin' oon IlnateZnt Gene. -Last week
Mrs, Rebecca Canteloti, Wife of Mr. Samuel
Outdone of the 8th con.. passed peacefully
aWity, at the age of 78 yenta. She was
among the earliest of the settlers inthis town-
ship, having corrie here, with her husband,
finial Toronto, nearly fifty years ago. She •
waa'a conaistent member of the Methodist
Chutch for &Mut 40 yenta, but her feeblenees
prevented her attending much of late years.
She leaves a large family to Mourn her leatto
lfer funeral, orr Saturday, to the. Clinton
ceMetery; was very largely attended. On
SandaYafternoon, Itev. Mr. Edwards preach.
ea her funeral sermon, in the Shama ehurOh,
to a very large gathering of Sympathizing
f dentist.