HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-10-27, Page 7k I . . . A� .A RX1111111wUla"iba pirXIECOM ,f nill-AVIA 0ANXUAI[ol OPPIRIA96- wRAxAvietv icxaxA4Pnnxri, : . 11 I Oct -,,27, 1881. , . Tot PARERS OF LORIDOR, - . I MURDER MYSTERY UIRAVOLUD. , - — I � _", I — -VaTU011114 Mother $aid at a New. Vbwogeo In the Qntario Active Militia— Nx;qR 8 -Kew They ip-mi Their N1iox . . I I wbp; 101ve hipping 041pualt0op—whe itter And I ,. or. - � . I I V01ru Oteetl1na—mer Declarauen of mehoolto of A.Mitury Al"tropetio � A WomaWx. Xcong quo . . . a. wing alud Cod Vloobeirica a Vallaroo , ugland ob , . rtt rog jKetr� I . � . I If rich people iu, IQ OW4 seellt Plurdelred Xguabond-4he rjuir4gor . I I I . MaVoi _jV9.9*#u1j9r- Readun Proclivioev. OTT*WA, Oct. U.—In the Militia General to bring. down their 40mep.tio expenditure 10accepoefia d . . gem � I . , . ETha followin poem is Justly.occonaldered a Or A. St, John _1 lAtfe on., Bequems. tofhov � 1300ticalgemof �Igttbest order. Thoorlgpa At the, rooep .deris to -day appear the following, No s (�,Tflditjdeopatoh says the to that usual among. families of similar � . I i . I fii I �tioxl in Now York to 'Mr. , steamer Rite, from. t ,a northern part wronsea 'Wommi. Land League aelegat . ecor us bege, they i ,a Inedolo or 4 . Wong are to be q 'by Of moax . w,Q W -d very 000ix beL able - was found in an Iris US, In Trinity CP: 090, O'Conn9r. the I I I - , Mrs. � w ra. . Lmbr � I P 11 spoke As follows, � officers'nort-commiso � - ador, has, brought, intelligence of sev- not in . -'----DdblW.—Thei6"iox,uu*on-to�tbink, attho em , joned officers and men I. . erooly to recoup themselves lor tile .04 00 29th of September, 1660, jugo ,S prinittive Phrruea arne eral severe storms along the Omit. Be losses Dixteen years A Do 3*81400 Baxter left FJtorj4 " ' I . ), was written by One of thot _ LADino AND , GsNTx,x;;&,­T regret very 69 t4a active militia, when ixi uniform, , voral of several bad harvastai hub to save I go . I , . . I , vith his wife barde iii the xpisil of bloirmid, about tboo year � : uthority, except such so I 0 wrecked on the reefe, And � vast sums of money. lit our large eastern Cou*y, Xichigan,,,wi . , intending L 10,90 And was sung and chanted at thoolutgMnol .much that I came here totally unprepared without due a I uVkv vessels bruve been *1y man Wl nyth � tOL emigrate to. Louisiana.' SOMQ plaoo . i assembly of killae, chiottains, and J)vds, hold '14 to Bay anything. I can only Bay that my been gained by thosm, at Any time for oar- shoals on the northern Labrador coast. cities faun th a ing under I , , . - vice in the ,date The Kite brought in two abipwreolied 1. along the border he fall in with ,A man whq! . 41 thQf'D""Otl$4al3svI''I*ktl-'L- Tug tra thoughts ,I lace Of their Country, which 49 far ,RL ' I - . I � I - 'nolation to Love been tl , F b §25,000 so year spend, more. freely tbsm . . Mr.,Dcopovwi� A tualilisPriPt 003Py Of th 0 Lxown intd Con- L. ", Crews, a as been Ascertained gave his name I I I Englishmen with, the. same income ; but, , itywart, of Trinity CQl 0 in which respect I are to be worn in line, On the left breast. I I I I AS SO= youp.g, and Who I I was Sent b O sidare,blo. oo4fusion, I . Obtained permission to join the paxters, as . I . y Prof. �, 0 , there was no loss. of life. 04 the 5th ilkst, , . I th Israeli who fu6dw;oca it forsublicatio i o hope pope of the Irish race will copit me. Medals granted the Royal Humane thq British schooner Meta, With part cargo as regards those with incomes over that he ol the ,same ., ainied t% be, travelling in, . luel-o?"onnnerolal Ativertluor. (Applause and laughter.) But I must. Bay Society for , gallantry, and those L , 0, , QU " it is �'te Rrjot er matter. When I I B. . --tg, "i . a , L L � . I set al . grau,te4 for oldil a . of 1,600 (juintals of -codfish, struck a pro- 0 direction they wero going. Young wag .1 . I %OAU, L re rooe6 Ingto India,con- 4L C . - Like a du?naok rose you Poe, tbat I am not in the. 9 Armed. t Arms or At rifle jeoting ragged feet at Sc I Of . about 80, Plausible, 'an JUiCki, � .1 Or like a bloswtu on a tree, " ' (Applause.) I Must Say tQ'Dight matches, may be worn on the right, breast. - _juare Island, and a Its, dgey ii . 'sex osilenoed brother) I very I 'a _ . . I . I . . . I � Or like tha,dialpty flower in Usy, � . that 1, am glad that my Leon Provisionally appoin . tea I o I Aicers-except Almost immediately Bank, who Schooner t 0 fg OV . Is #1 . o us � 11 s, to expoiisoa ingratiated himsel. the. good graupes of � IL Ith a fall cargo of fish, At Ca,loutta, . I Or, like the inpriiing to the day, Clara, , Mary, N,n L Baxter and his wife. He confided to his� (]or like the sun, or like the shade. ha won the, battle.. (Tremendou' ouch as belong tOL th4 tillery, forowl'joh I I a Wtol .that lie could _ g L in a I L 41 . n . "g. . job ,Tonall made. � 0: L' special provision L' I was loot At Bear Arm, near Cape Charles, companion" everything regardin Or like the gourol. wh . cheering.) I am glad th . hap been -are per. not be comfortable under 43,000 at year, ... i'l r � Even such is 2umu, whose thread 10 spun, b L , at you cap be,41 made 16 few days -before. Many more of the and Us could not possibly, got through fin eoouroes And future plane, .and .� our brother in afflio, Mitted to wear undrees uniform on all r&40r L A ' ' I I .11 � I I D nd so is done, lip thoroughly As y . , , , Lab 1shing flee have been totall) . Baxter, in, retur I A- r n -o v, a ( ou . yr gr, , no, made a similar revel 9 rose It e - the �16000iu blastoth, tion., (Applaiiao.) I trust therefore, that 00 except on those of litate, . t 11 000. This is in A measure true of the I I , L t1le morning haptotib, a"' "" wrecked, and their flob. cargoes and gen. tion. Among Lothar things, lie inforined L I I I I . I . 0 Owor d , you will unite as one mAn,'%nd join, hands on, .Orxd.r to, proVido immediate facilities. of 0417 so portion Ulted'Stat-es. It, might be safely. asserted . . er that'. . � I I the young, man that he, had gold his farm 0, so so. a t 0 adeow Rico, for officerawho have been appointed ;1 pro. al outfit demolished. in the whole of this country there are. 11 .1 i ' . 0 O d C 11 09, the ninil-h a (lies. All, as brothers should do, And push for-* I I L of the last named Rest have wareceive for Q2,000, and that he� carried the money,, I I ward in one body, and throvy down gauntlet visionally" to Companies of infantryi to . (I to Act five persons, it as many, who spend I I i , , . I . I . CA L 'in a belt a . nowiysprungs I I I obtain ce date any authentic particulars, T - in 020 gold piecLoop, , trapped Arou I I . .. , ,, hip. fol on their establishments 0100,000. A , re" li.s waist. . , 11 .ud I Like the grass that's - . after gauntlet to the British Government rbificates of qualification, required lowing Vessel$ became total wrecks,. I I I L 1. . � Or like the, taie that's new begunt (applause), until by paragraph. 65 of ful, esti , I you'advin . the 11 Regulationa and 'Mate, made a year or two ago by Some time after this the ,emigrants . it I t000LaodtAke the L Camera, !of Pipohard'o IslAncl; Pero, of . ' . I - Or like the bird that's here tc)-day, cap al Orders for the Militia, 1879," th " 0 ersons eminently qualified to make,%. . _ . . . ,. . I � I . Or like the �earlod do . Ancient yodr country I a to" W" , Holyrood,; Georges, Toad, of Carbonepr; . 11 At 4 point between ' . , w in May, 01 o�td ' camped one mg L t � . lintry of hopes and' aspir- � ing arrangements b b I . 'L I 9 I Oinks an hour or like 4 spano the co - L ­ I . ave .can made : � Orframent, of Drigusa; Elizabeth, of. Port rougbt such expenditure up to 690,000. it D.ykels Mill, La., And Magnolia, Arlr, The . . � . ­ I . . ations in Your, ,,,,,.,,,, and vio- f ctical military In. I .1 noluded a towd ouse, a yacht, a vil 9, At Or like the Singing of the swan *,. one flue, i h I I I . . L 1�' Even such Is inan, who lives bS lireath� DeGrave, and Guide, of Catalina. The spot. selected for 9, camp w I , I . . 113 here, now there, in lifa and , 'oath. tory. �(Applausos,) You know that I striietion of cofficera of infantry are - ' Newport and a country seat. What runs , As At the headof . . ' I shipwrecked orews of the three last named I .a ,lonely glen, which was shaded on either . f . authorized to be opened, viz. : One At VeeWelo L Were ' incomes of -from 450t000 to I The rasswithel-0,tuetaipisefioled, . started a Fenian. (Applause,) I have . 9"wa h . sideby tall pipes and thickly carpeted . I . L resened. with great difficulty I I � , L, � . I I � . The Eird is fjoNooru, the dewlij ascended, Toronto, one at-311ontreal, and one at St; i 025&0w0iit. England is the keeping"up Of L . , I I . I . The hour is short the opwi not longo never gone back, but it there is any step John, New Brunswick, for the. Mar L Itime from very per lous positions, and were country seats, ho 11 - with luxuriant grass. A , spring of cle4r, � . . The rwaulis iiear acath, manos life is done, forWarod in advance of, Fenisulsm, I am I brought 'home by the. steamship Panther- , undis, hospitality and cold water . gushed from a ledge of rooks -L . L I I . . ready to take it. (APPl%UaQ.) It i go to Provinces, -on Wadriesday, 4th ,Txuu9,j;y, I game preserves.' At Pruml prig Castle, half-wsoy down the glen, and a. number of- I . I L , I - brigantines that left St. Johns for instance, one, a I I I I . Like to the bubble �.i the brook, Ireland, which I bope to do After,& li tle, 1882 ; and one At, Ottawa on Wednesday, Two English L . of its owner a ten resi- . � . . . � . t early in September, b6ond to* Fish Ear" dences, there Are eighty miles of, grass, I I I . I ­ L i . . Or inaglars much like a look, - 8th February, 1882. � Theso s;li . .1 fallen pine logo furnished ample material u -wenver,g hand,, . . while, I hope the GoVernment will 11 reason- are to bor, Comfort, "Bight and Rag ad Islands* � , I . I � . for fuel. When a shviple repast was pre - Or like tile shuttle I f cheer- bet na4intained during a period of two , drivakept in order ; at Gridge, more than It.his , I me also. (A-stdrin I to, load cargoes of I I 1. I . I Baxter r L , . Or like the wrltiug on�tue sand,, . pe . Me , L codflo for the parad and eaten, . L pipe, and � , . i. or like a t0bught,or like a drajim, abl� BUB n t% 0 months,, provided .enough Officars' come It forty, Ada, to this acres of girden and . ., ing I A di it shall',come to pass that a . . . . .1 11, diterranesn, never reached their dest' Saying he would return soon, strolladdo*n , - ; . . woman shall be gibbbtted in Ireland, I hope , tru tion. ' . ­ . . I I I� grass and the expenses of park-k6epors, and or lika, thefliding oftho strewn I . I - forward for ins 10 . . . I I L . Even ouch s man, wb � natiom In all probability they went down - . . f o lives bVireatli., that the I The Com. andants and Adjutanis Will . game -keepers, and it is easy to see where the glen. Young and Mrs. Baxter remained . . Ishoores now thcro,in life and cath,. I . astworcla she shall say will be, tin L ;seated by the blazing fire *talking about the he supplied from the, Distriob Staff, and in a gals. All ho�oio of their safety, or tboomon 11 . . The= o%P1,1 the look forgot, "God Save .Ireland, 'and God Save th , L the safety of their Crews, has been long meaft 'O;a If there is A� hunting -estab. 11 I . I The $1 go the writing'B blot', Queen." Mproario;o, cheers.) . ' � ..a two non-commissioned offi6ers,* f k each lish on. A liberal scale, at least 020,000 9, incidents of the day's travel. Awhour I . . 0 ' noloned. ,Otber vessels have been put . I . I I I passed. Baxter did not return. Hiowife, -- -­ . She thought is pask the dream is detailed jo, met, as drill @erR. . . L . t e ed. Again, -while the I , .11 L gone# � : . . L school will be aba, I . . L life is, done. - - . in t. . ir places by the. consignees - at . St. grew uneasy, and Young to quiet ber fears, . L . � . L I I I . . The watero glide, man's . . . I . ... . . geants and instructors. ' �. .1 hoppitality of an average *6114p -4p Amerl- As, he expressed it, started - down the glen . . . . . ' I . ' . . .& pergect cup of cotlec. . . Jo 1 - They are Samuel Morse, owned by can fs,vormill . I I 10 . . Like an arrow from so bow, . . . , Officers -who join finy.sohool will not be I _ y compares'with that of an 0ayinghe would bring him back. , . . �, . 'Coffeads the final issue of Eastern hospi- , B 0 ngland and- Royal "Tar, 9f Englishman. of Simi I � I I I . hewoman . . . , . .. Or like 64 swift course of waterflow, , I . required to remain ihereat longer than I eSt L I I .1 lar - means, that of the X I . . , I Or like the tinie'twixt,ftood and- ebb, , - " a itZ, Who vessels were .very broad.morea E waited impatiently. '' Ond', two, three hours . moldr web, tality-tt;Q climax of the visit. 'One iecog. necessary to enable them to Pass the L . nglishihan, is immensbly . . . . . . Or like the spiaces to I . light, being .only in ordinary -ballast went by, yet neither appeared. Mrs., ". � � � I � I .. � 111. or like n'race, or like a goal, . I. . . . nizes, on.ente,r.1"go,t1,,o sound of the �offbe required examination -f ' trim, and could, therefore, -make I I . it . tle greater than that of the American mil. Baxter was now - t I horoughly- . frightened . � -6 dealing o mortar - tor . a , pr6perly regulated The certificates- to be granted will be ­ . I .The latter gives som ,dinner i Or like th f a dole ; . ' , � y ,.. � . ­ an lionodre. I � a . I Even such is inaii, whose brittlet state -: , hoiisehold :in the East the coffed is not - 14 Second Clasoyll%as laid down in paritgraph ,6rthern pirties, and, perhapg,.�aoh, annual ball, and, .. I . . resipt ce to , the soll-conc,inering, u. I She called loudly ,for her husban ' d, but � I I 0 . Is always subiout unto fate, id, but pounded. to an impalpabldpow. .69 of said 'I � . , .blast. , I . . . . 'keep - a a dozen. . servants; the Englishman, received no response. Only the Bobo ot I . ,, . . . . I . The arrow shop, the flood won Spent, groul I . Re ulations mud Orders for the ' . I I � . I 9 � . . . Tile ' or.%' iohe4 -her ovzn.:voice came back to her, borne on." . . I . ­ - ­ I I ,- . . The time no taine, the trob Soon rent, ,- der,,-ho,ving -heron ,roasted that morning;' Militia, 1879." 1 I � I . . . . _-LabrAd utumn-harrind' A on the other hand,. besideg Constantly thi,pight wi . ud, wh � ich , , swept 11 down the val. ' ' . . . I I has completely collapsed. The fall d9d bntertaining in town, often sits down to . I . I . Theracesocou run , the goal soon won, each day. its pioovikou and �pounded -the First-class certifloates have beeitgrhutea I . ley 6mod-througli. the tops of the swaying - ­ . . . . . The dole soon dealt, man's life soon done, � .. fishery- on the Labrador is also An unnift' . . . I I I I moment it is �needed. And no 6no'who As follows, : Captain John Tilton, lat'Bat. . � k. dinner for weeks. at a time with'twenty trees., I . . . % I ! I .1 - Like tq the lightning from the sky, has no't drunk it" there can prem tallon Governor -General's Foot Gtiaras ; &ied failure, and ,the , - salmon fishery st staying, with their servants, in.his She .,Ventured down the glen, train. ­" . ­ I - . . , Or like 6 post that quick cloth hio, ' I . extending' along the whole -. season was .Cou bling, calling, listei.ing, but she neither . . stime to judge of i ng. . � y house, and feedofrom fiftyto sixty I I 1 4 Or like 4 9juay.er in a song,, . . . . . . the beverage. , in, E Captain Benjamin B., Boyd, .No. I Com- represented by an alxnoBt atsolute �blank � heard nor 'saw anything. Both her hus. . . . land we, roaht it till, it is black, grind it as pany, 32nd Battalion; Lieutenant Jdni6s I - ever da- in his servants' hall with as . .1 . . . Or like &journey throe days' long,- Destructive gg,lbe of winds that lately mue . hand and big companion- had disap�eared . I I Or like snow whou summer's 000me, we. would cattle food, b6iling it like malt - W. Koffat, No. 4 Company, 82nd Battalion; a � - and, beer as. they. please to con. as C . y . ' I I ' Or like a pear, or like a plum; I . . for beer, and we drink the bitter Seco4ol-clasdeertificate0h b4engrapted ov. ipt .over. -the - Labrador - coast were $nine,. a: a i,s, e-attimesefitei. =pletely as it the earth had suddaul. I . . . . Even such is inau, who beans up sprrow, . I � � . a I accompanied, iri eaph'Pose bi violent snow opened And swallowed them up. * Almost � . At I . � . and unaromatio'fluid which remains,and' As follows; ' Lieutenant Tchil . tafford, . tains whole 0 Is an parishes, besides. distracted,, she returned to the camp, where * . . Lives but this day., ond (lies toi-morrow. � drifts, and during,the whole of last .weak giAng.%wV-- h a s of ounda in the shape I . � . -The lightning's past, the post must jo, . saywe li�ve taken our coffee.* The Eastern' No. 1 Company, 32jadIlattalion -,'Lieutenant . she paced to and* fro .till morning carne;.. . . . . . The song is Short, the journey . . I there were snow storms - along the. coast of beef and blankets At Christmas. He sub- .., I I 1. - - so, Coffee- drinker knows All the grades of berry David� Robertson, ,No, 5 Company, 32ad , . I . The poar.dotlj rot, the plum doth fall, . kn6,A Battalion. .. .. I . from Hallan Harborto Lance au- I*JOUP, scribes, too, to every public charity in Cie then, mounting one of the hdrses, she � I � ' . , , The snow aissolvog, and SO must, all An ;epamtlo " s, si,k m6rohant � .. . . . . I . - � I I � . 1. . hastonedto t . he nearest house and aoor� had * ' - . I I I . � 1 -at . I - I . . ranging from seven inches to two feet. - county, sometimes in tw . . - -.1 . - , . . t a uality of s , ilk;'theca ejee ows th . . .. . . . � . ­ � - o or three Conn. in . � . . . Meaulationis goespopedu Storage Q J?ejr0T . 9, body of men scouring 'the.- country i I .. . . � Cornlbh ,1,Ter1dng-"'men* . t r ast it a shade beyond'the, point where . In I � . . ties. iferely tb take a single * oninple, I . - I . 7 . I . I . . � it breaks crisply under the pestle is to Spoil ! . t Ae".1u. - I .. . I :. BCeVhVr,ftUd_Wh0MR141.' ' -* there.ig L6rd Derby, with ten men ser- sbaroh of the missing men'.: The AeaTch was ` . I Picking our- way through the purplish it., and when. the slow, puWerising 'is done, � Ominoo, Oct. I 17. -The following .is 'from . (Dotr�it lgews�) . �. vauts in hig .house, .and About fort I contiiNued �nesorly a*.1oek,wi,thout'flnding' - ' ' . � . . . I., mud and stones below.* t . he Rarn we dis- �. '. I I � y M918 . ahy trace of Young or Baxter,, wheit it- wag I . . 1. . . . I 1� I each measure goes into its little copper Saturday's Gazette v There ,being, ,Some A* certain claBs of so-called'Ilberal Chris. � d0ni6stics feeding daily at his beard.. Sup- � . . - I abandoned. The m6n. engaged' in it told . ; ' . I . .. . A - covered a little old w0mait laboring. dver s Abilk, reepiveo, its'aose of. boiling water, .doubt as to whether ilia peiialiibs provided tians, i4the. head of whom is Henry Wdrd posing. tb-morrow he And his wife should Mrs ­ atly' thah the - a .1 I � . . �.. pile of unmillod *copper ore. I We had .to just ohe of the tiny cups full rests'an under. the Act,44'yio. chap. 23 could be Beio6o6k, are ,condemning ibd *XBtbodist agree tostruggle along on _Q. 1001'0001 Vyoaro� ,, Baxter -blui . ffair was , - I . . . , I � " . look twice before.ve could assure ourselves i, 'parties convicted 'of a Church for expelling Dr. T40mas, .of Chi- . h07 Could BnV6 At least 6800,000, a year; , preconcertbol,bevy4en the. two i�aen, .and - � I I I . I nstaut on the coals to restore the heat lost 'enforced IL against � , I ' ` � . . � of her sex; notonly was her dresspookplex- in the ibrik,, and W poured intobtli ' breach of regulations. eStablishe by Order, cagco,:for heresy. They do not; Attempt ,to while were' the'Dukes -of -Westminster, that hei.husband had heartleogly deserted � . . ' . ' . I ing, but there was an unreality and weird- shall . � her. The,�wqfe so strangely - bereft would ' -,: . . . . 1. I . , eao 0 a eag: a , Petro- defend Tbonl%wt from the spedifio charges . . theory, She insisted'thAb; I I cup., and so. it came to to upin in -Council under Authority of th I . Devonshire and. Bedford to do likewise * A nose in her person. She was very small, a gold enamelled holder. The. rule ia these Wuixi -Inspection Act *of.' _ � I 14pol do but main- the!r savings would be still greater. Sup- not accept.this d been murdered by . Isaac� ., � . . I the, previopo year, I, which 'he was expelle� bar husband ha . ... � almost dv�atfish,,wi,t.li bent shoulders and , labols Seems to be'that few. things Are .worth an Order -in -Council has beeii pa, )sing Lord Derby to szve� at, thi ' ' ' ... I . _. sseddeclar- tain, that'whateoever doctrines he Might Pc s rate for Young, aild that time Would show that . - - � i wrinkled hands and face ;.'her skin had the I doing, but these few are' worth doing Wall, ing tbatt the regulations under the firBt- have .held and preached, he Was a good; thirty years, what an arch -millionaire 'he , she was not inistaketi. 'Acting on this ..F . � I I I . I texture of parchment, and, was Curiously and there. is no waste of life or material by - named Act shallbe re-osstablisheo1as foillow"B:, a, noble, an eloquent man,..-apd that would, become. TvOenty years Ago there � . . � . . � I 11 . . �1� mottled with blue4 her hair was thin and, O'ver-bsgte.L-�-Toall.ffall Gazette.. . . S' 0 died a queer old bachelor; hord Digby, who Supposition she returned to h6f . former - '- . I ­ . I . 2 � I � I. lit. In eltibs wid towns w&ro ilicke are muht. -it i - die reditable to the , Methodist home, .And, gathering all -her available , ' ' . . I . � iry. 'She seemed very old, but her eyes � ,: '. ., . - . opm , ,, , I .11 cipalrQuIationsorIaws respecting the storage Churoh. .that, it could tot have . foqund ow.nea. Ralbigh',B ill-fated home of 9her- . � . " ' . 11 . . W . I . � means, instituted a thorough search. She .4 .!- - , I � had -a, shrewd and penetrating quickness, I � 11 of petroleum and the productotherecof, petrolouni r6orn for him. . Hone t MeQA�dists, .bi)w. borne Castle. He was Winost liberal land - .. � . . . movements were ut�6rly Without' - Scnudlna*inn' UbSpitiality. 0 � b ' adveTtioel.employed. detectives, scattered . ' . . . � , 1. . and her * ana niplotha, whici� have been inspectod-as lor4, ut did not care, to spend more tha�.. ho 110 . decrepitude, Indeed,"ghe applied herself The most striking - qualiti. of Scandina- :roolitired, , by Act 44 Vic. chap. 23,,and the Inspec- ever,'will not be apt to disturb'. themselves some 035,000 a year,* and. 1 I at big monayg .abi ith Accurate descriptions of her . 1. . . 1. ..., I r � . tion fboa . aid, may be stored in any buildih or �seriously ,on account of these Acoritidisms" . � 0 . husband and Young, but All to -no. purpose. .1 0 . .., . _.. of i, vian character seems 'to be hospitality, g . I place whic is in cofiforrnit� with the ijaunic list . -_ . . � . I to heV.w6rk witb. the willing vigor Throughout X6rwa�, Sw6doon'snd the, far � 9 on rolli ' ng 'up, investing "it all in th I fit, And the affair seems ' . ' ' . . . , I The glory of the'Methddigt Church and the . . strongyotuAg,panno 'an, athe Work consiated of b regulations in that behalf. I ... . � I 6 3 Per Nothing came 6 d' . . .. � ' I . , , -'2nd. In dttios 4ud towns where there are no corner -stone of its gteat ,success �,viith *6 cents. - Els income w.as not .ii fourth* , a .3ppatery which, no human skill could . . . . . I I . . .13113B.4 . . - . ' 'DerbJv's, Nit he left . - in I . I I . 1. � . I I shovelling the heavy blocks of ore into a North the author wag heartily received' V . such municipal lawo or regulations, anain all mabo6s has been its dodtiinol honesty. , It of Lord unravel*. 1 . 11 . ..; I . . I 11 . . . ". , rag ing on' * every one, from the king: in his Palace. to I . the funds .64,500,000. ' 'As -.a'. rule, . . . _. . . , � .1 I I waggqn, ti -a temporary tramway. villages and places Other than cities Or tO*ns, presents to,�the simple mind, groping for � .. a. '' Yparo.went'b' . . , , .., " , I ­ , :1 . . Shovelful after phovblful- , was thrown in the Laplanaler in his tent. , During Aive retrole'um, and naphtha, If in quantities exceed. Poe): leaves comparatively little lsehind , y, and still'Bhos-remained In � , '** * � � - . . �. I . , Ing wobarrelo.c Asdlid spi4tuaV,footmgi a Clear and tin- � ,her mountain, homioj hoping'and praying,. , " - .. , , I I . With -an.._pa§y,)npSOular '9wing, and with years of almost, incessant travel, in the of, refined petroleum, or ton gal- .1 ­ � - __ ­ . . . I . .. I - an' . course of which every part -of the penin." lonikof naphtha, shall be Stored only- in isolated mistakable body of doctrine upon .which him;, 61,000,00.0 would be regarded An for tidings of' her - missing `husbv,n&-*r _ , - .. . . ,� mitich .more a.ctiV1if,yL, th the.' aiverage � buildlugg or. romises which. are at least.,100 the soul finds i�at - and reposes in undis- unusually-- large, Bum fpr so .man. -with even a blew that ,would. point to his fate. ':' , . . . . i " 44 n5vvy 11 ever- ekhibits..'- Her. petticoats Buis, Vag visited, Mr. Du ChaillU Wag 60011Y yards distant From the next nearest bWldtng not � ;00,000 a year to hatei'and thpre is -but - . treated only once. The Swedes and* No turbed nd undoubting 'confidonco. To �4 . . r- owned or III the occouffation of - the liers6n - to' to tify �& . The ouspehae- in ill these yemis has been* * ' ' . ., - ended above the ankle, - and were� itained- * whotn'tho petroleum or. na�htba. beloings.-, Pro-' thl . faith- .in' the - tniod, 'of 9nospase on record-4hat of Lord . Dysarti . . � .., . . . . .:. . . I I . I ' I wegiang hate tb6 reputation of. being th� 'an ebeen � � trying. Since that memorable night §h6 . .t I � with the hue of tbo� copper ore ; her shape- vided always thaVa license o hate in posseAsiod ' a doubting Christian,. not. to,, increase tricreeluse of -a peei leaving over old woman. , By ' " ''' . . I I � .. less legs ward mu I ffled up in. woollen , reserved and cold, but this lo.true of them and to. storo naphtha shall in each. caqb. have his oldubta, is the. --business and duty 67,000,00 personalty. *On ivory largeproL had become an the sale of : . ., - I � .!. . . . I .wraps, been previously Obtained from the Inland Re. � 9 the SUrPlU6: i1IdOIoG_-1A. 'ChW Y' nearly All the effects whioli remaindolto 1 I. . . . I I . and her feet i.noased.in substantial brogaus. goly when they meet siraiIgers of the class of the - Methodist olerg M.en.; ,and, it is , pe0id. . . . I fi her'after her husband's disappearance . - - - . . . . . - 1 - To yeniie Dapartnient and every such license shall' _ . . . . appaiboily' micomfortable' best suggestedby the. word 11 tourist." ' ex . il'ohe . , I . . She -was not �. . any one whose intdregt� -in them cannot be be coudit;oudd that such nalobtlia shall only be, because they'haie,.with few exceptions, , . Thpe,nae6d�in very c6stly improvements. had been enabled to' buy & little ,cabin and I . .. I i bodily, but her, fare had in it 6 Iooic of I sold or, used for the purposes blentioned in. the done this that they have exerted -a power- u b uke of ,Dotovoiishire liks. 1;ouilt- . I . . . . . I I . !neasui!1 . . 1. I mine y: � . I . I I . " a. few.acres of ground �oud hkve'MO,udy . . ... ��, , uncomplaining suffering,' of .unalterable A by a stare- or two "and'so* few Actab6ve cited, n h ' whole so'beneficent, eon Eastbourne and much of J�uxton. the . . . impertinent questions they' are: uns,uRpi- . L For use1orilluminating purpo-as, Instrei't ful,and On 'the � 64fthremaining t6 keep-Abr,ilthol6gV ' ' . . I .. gravity, of a habituated sorrow - which had . - . I lamps In Vhich only the' vapor is burned. lit infl . . �60plos. � It Is .not � by. Dukapf Buccletch II4 axp6nded thougsonas I 11 . . . � .. tleiidehmong,thoq�' I . econ '; . ... . extinguished all possibility of a,sn3jle'. Not : oious and bommidicative, as well.no c6rdial, dwellings; factorios-aud other placesof business, , learning, por,'iosveii by �'eloquenbe, that. -the at Granton, and both have put -vast .'suras omy, from actual want. - -And alone, in � ' : , � � . . . . . . to this verge of allotion. 'Mr. Du Chaillu wbon vaporized in secure under 6und t nk on - , I � I . . tfiat little cabin she wmiite� for kidings* of ' . .. . ' . . . I , - I understanding -a question which we putto , gr a a t int6-enterpriseg: Onnedted -with B ' I . � . ,. want among 6em. frqely, conversed. with, side the building in which the vapor go generated : Methoaist.1titierant,. or 'the itin6rant of arrow' the mati t6 whom ,she 'had linke'd her fate; . . . I . ,her, she used the Wordei 11 Please, air V- them . in their, langfaage, wore. garments is used for lighting. , . . � I � Gbrist!s time; Who ;vviv,very like. him;'. con- in:Fuiness.' About- 016,000,000 of. Lord Last week startling news. reacbed.that .. . - ' - . I . . ... . 1 a form of int6irogatibif ivhioh woo -often 2 For use for znochmnice,lorcliemicali)iirposes' quaked the upbellef-of the pe2lo,.but by Butels.has goiae into docks at Cardiff. ..The ry.woman in her.mountain retr6at. " - . .. 1. . f beard in the neighborhood of Redruth. like 1their. own., and took part.in their' in 'buildings fiotf inhabited as residencesjor .the a � late. Lord W-astmitister" built .And rebuilt solita � I . , . . . . . . . . . , labors, Fj�oorts and c6remoniso. The treat- -family purvQoes. . . . . . I I *i a proisolfing*ofthe od-Man who It came in., the shape of 6 lett ,er wiftten � . . , .old for 9tich hard' . .1 . . . . I � I . : probably not less,thg�n- o'Ae thousand !louses . . . "You seem. to. -he I ' . I . , � . diedllll�i -ary for tho'salvation of Elu- . l. ) .. t � menthereceiivedin return catsea.blinto - . . ' oil Ca1v - only last June, and - dated . At - Melbourne, , . . i work,, we .rape& ad , �' ,"Deed air, I . . . . . Semi,- ilia .ners. Itwibathe earnestness bf his own III Londono; 'and Nortbumberiand and � . ; .. I � � don'tkn6w how old Y am, but i'viebeen .,speak most enthusiastically in praise of. . . . mely Truths. I ­% ' . Sutherland . kefle I ct on all sides the generous. Austriffla. The- writer amid. he � had that ..'� . I . I � . at it this forty years. , I'm not young their sociability An& kindness. 1. � . .Few are ilia know when to, faith and the paisiobate. vehemence of bxpen of, the dukes of their n � day Assisted to bury a man. of the name 62 � , * . y ' . . I � . � . - . I . ".. h - in a - stop talking. . ' . . . . .. 1, �. I I big assertion t�it :-barridd Conviction 'to iture in � 0 ame; Saunders, but whose papers, - Which -the. : .. ... 1_ I As in all other countries 'that retain . a Ini 'a' d' that would While 4 - Dom . .. � any longer, that's Sure,., a a answered I y.pimfiive, ha�its, li6spitalib�, in Sclindi-- Strong langua�4. ut rly, failo to bolster,&. th' "noile, n hearts . � .beautiful Churches, dibus writer had bben . 6harjea - - to , examinct, � . reely aii o -Are. � , .� to . � � ; ­: , . � . . .. . . Clear v6iod WAL Be&' . , " " . ., � . . . I . .. .1 have tutiied boldly' a Y from the hard ochools'and handsome hooine Ptemas soon � b,ovai-I I ,.tj , 1 . . . -� , . , , 1, L , ,ya - deent. havia .1 alw'ays implies eating and drinking. weakargumeab, ' , . . - . � I . .1 wob . � ,showed b sand Youngz an Ameribi $. -:,:.. - . . � � . I . . h , , , a . , , Out ' i ho i if the Prossbytor" ' . to . , -you,mirkied,? 7 - 1i No, air ; nobody would - 01 at me he will 0910 Q inform the traveller in-Wiltabiroi and Bed.' . . ... . .. . � I . I ion, or the- beautif ' ul and who bodfessed a horrible ,'crime. ' . � ­_. . I ­... ever. 'ave me,11-she continue with . The poorest farmer Or Asherman Always ' ' It you play With a � to I . , 1, gaaj 'for4shire that he is oil thoo'broad doinkiri ot det 'he' , - . , � . . . . . . I . . . an�c of A - - . I an ailed -acdounb of..t . _ .� ' ' ' pla, ad. : . ell be Avoided ios`uie� . . - . . . . " relaxing from'her gravit'y' or delaying: her has .'something to: offer the iisftor,. and yviith you �abro I- I forms itioni , n4l . 'Th foll6vved a. . . . 14. vo. lack of -appetite is' generally 6onstrued Ab a .When:you face a diffioulty never1at it There WAS'& h to tid , hio,iovZ the Earl of Pembrokebr the Duke Of Be& night In, the gldii, sixteen years ago;o - - - . - , - I . . . , - I. I . . I work for a moment --7 .nobody would ba . ' , I . . io be gaihed,;an he infinite ford., Had'the'vast suing.thus spe'pt heap I � 11 ... . ---;w . : Blight. The author mentions one 'occasiob stard you out of.dountenance . � _t d there was t . It seems Yoian� had made up hi's 131ind to � . � . . I . . I . me, or go -with me, as I- always, was subject on whidh,tor A, � . - - - - - :y love and mercy and §aorifiloe of it i-I;ainly put into4itocks. Or bonds and . mort" iob and murder Baxter from the - time be * . . . I . . . I I . � to fits -terrible they- are� .1 still h�ve 'am vold hurting any 61io's.. feel- - %Itian't.00very -man who smokes thirb . -God who, gages, the . piesent holders of the'la . nols .. I . . . .. . ings, h6 ate thitty'iim�s in.two :days, and cigars a. day that dips wortfi 02,000,000. .WAB always--'), biothdr, ,01fich were the way learned that, Baxter had §2,000. Hdjol- . . . I .. . .. . . � bncebrtw.iQoo a we6k,'eomotimes, alwAyB, 0 1. . � � might have been ric] I I I . 1. . drank thirty4onr cups of'-ooffeeo; Often. . Nd prin ble,'.as',ther&'iS and 'the' life. It was this'simple story, - her .inch;, but. the lowed �im quietly down.thb AIOIX, stolaupod � . . - . � I . I I !i ." . I . withsohingoin tb6 moon,!'_11HOw-'do - . . , )0�is more no country would'have beeii in many respects , - - ' � I . strong che6se is offered .just b6fore- 6, meal nonemoreltol , than..that of - true obi, told by mani who believed it with all the as, OW - . . � it?.t!.. 44-Why,'bafokon�y . . y I . . I . I him unawar and otrucik him a bl with .� .., , � - - - . 'I- , you account for . -the citi enco. . . . , . � �. .. . , , . .If. their 'nature', ,who -felt it Alis loser;-ana it �Ivvbuld be a wideiy different a sti6k,of wood which killed hirp� instantly' . ' I . . . I ovd4g,iPoetito; �And in as: a di* , passion I i - - 24th year.1 was -in the service ofi lady . to Pr in.. every. .- puls looking region from what it is*to'day� XIOW to . secure the in an I . I .. .. . . I . I wn, f"Maldinneiris prec6dedbya sn' .. G�ar pleasani thcu�hif5 in your ation., of: theii . hearts, I . � C;iey ' d bury the body I . .- . I who. throw 'Ind -do- stairs, and that torgas,.Or nor'. up I .: YoAsyn. . . , .� . ..., I . I . .; . . . I I " , , , I . -a ,m6on lunch, at,,a table crowded 'with alleged mind, for pleasant thou take Pleasant Phat planted, and Jortified th6 Modtho , , I I . . ­ I ., 1. under some loose earth and stone's vras the � - - - . � changed my blood; s6'wbeh th . . .. . . 1. ghts.ni . I . 11, . � . .. . . - I �._ V. I , I I . . . I Appetizers, - On a sdingle 87hm-gas table the . lives' , . . . .. . diet Churchl in every village in the west. * . . - Work of avery few momez!W, and b6ford . . . . I I . changesI-have.-fits.' 'Little caixbo done for � ., a , . , . Consumption . . 'the author 'noted' smok,ed reindeer. meat, '.Not a mother, not�io f . 'Without a - beaven, a hall and a Divine . .0ropfulfl. � . � I . in when' ,the blood?o ohangod"I This, ' .. .1 I athek,por any other - - I . . '. Mrs. Baxter had startood-:doivii the glen ".. , ... � I . . a; matter' ,of piof6un - eggs; raw .relative, will do so -much*for s as a _.-well- Moodeerner,' there is no'-sueb. thing as , Not till. 6no reads th6 statiitio� *ill 6 rwis mileg away'".:'. Ele, ' . I . ratition w' a d embkoid salmon wi'th.'. poached'. I u 1. . ' . no Young hastened to . * ' � . . I pupe Mi her . . . galmon � freshly salted, hard -boiled. eggs, 'directed minCT. , - , I � ... I Methodism. Whatever progrdes it.makei, form a, good idea of the 'extent to which. Now -Orleans, 'took passage to 'AustYalia,... . ..� I . faith wi I but otherwise bar manner . . I No, man wag � -get higher than Christ. Itcanpot opium is -imported and used in this country.' changed h . is riame andspeculatecl wit I h his . ' - L . I . , was remarkably I intelligent. She' told us caylare, tried smuso'gej Ailchova,'. smoked born wise i.:but - wisdom A canhoot . .. . -- I . .% . ibandon His divj�ity without sobandonipg The 11 into . goose breast, cucumbers., raw sAlt barring, and -virtue require a tutor, tLough - we . can ! npoitations of smoking 'opium ill-gotten gains. Re"proopered amazing], . that her wmg0_wer6 ,fourteappence- I I , � .yo* - � , _. , , . . . . twe s, day; andwhen we Several kinda- of Cheese and.. as 114jany. of easily learn. .to 'be - viefious without -a liselL He Who'presiches. any other d6otiine Am eries have steadily increased during the and, unlike the traditional Inurderer,. died. . ... I ' . I . . . . . I pty-eight: Cents- - herring, . ioeabher, ' I I . . than this may be greater or less. -than a ' last ten years, and thi;feturn for 1880 shows undetected and Wealthy. . � . . . .. , ; , . 111113 ecesoatily Baia, that .she must.be tired bread, and 0, Salad made of.pickled % . . ' . I boiled. meat, potatdwo.. eggs, beets and. Ear-nestnesgii the -Path to immortality Methodist, litit her is ndt a Methodist. Nor tile. enormous quantity Pf - 7.7,106 *pounds,, , Hadirecto6d that ffis;Baxter be found., if . I I I . . t of w6rk ai such a price, she answered in a Onions,, There Wo6rd also thiose kinds of .-thoughtlessness the path ..,too'* death. . is it .honest or manlY, for him to call him- valuedLat 0773,79,6, .imported, " a6aiiIAt living, and * paid 02,060 with interest from ... I I—. . . . . . , bitter tone, ' 11 No ' uBe- ,beivg tired .- when spirits on the table, pond. from. thesd - and' Those who ars'earnqat do not die ; those self a-Methooli.st. Societies, religious aawdll 37,824 pounds, valu d at �35,3,234, sent here the date of the murder', anahe bagged-ber - .:. .'' . . . - 'a . I., you are tired, tlierb's the rorkho�se for � 6blishod 'for in . I , � . �� the various clighod the guests helped them- Who are thoughilc4s.'are as if dekol already. aB civic or e6mmercial, are estr 1871, b6injg jan increasobf 17,000 pounds Iiim'. This was all -that the letfor . . �.. I . to to iv . - , I . c Common purposes, gle year, and this increase not being 1. ' t" t" . I . YOU." - - . I w2a. b9. who abandons in 0, Bin oo�.tragiuee But subsequent Inives Iga ion She bad nearly filled- the waggon- by -this selves -bountifully, and thbil did justice . Mutual affection anA respect. and con. . � . time,'ana twoyounger' womeno. dressed- as .to art �exc&lent AinIioior.-John Habberton, gogial Itastes always have bg6ii'�aud. Always the purpose should in honor, abandon , the attrl4utabla to the increase of China i . . .. 1. L 11 . I I , � . 'immigration SW proved il.'to be true.' Baxter's'bonibs were. I . . . I � she was, but more vigaroug-looking, Came i?.i 11,arper'8 AthgaVne for Novewber. , .. must be the"tthe basis of dobjugal happl.. society iliftead of. remaining in It and - at.' that.,. The 'number of' found at the foot of the glen and decently . . . . . I to help her, -mud 9,fter spitting on their � . . I I . . . . . . . nesq, w1fatevef the views of philosophers . attempting to wean others from its rules Chinese, smokerk in the-ebuntry is estimated buried, and the, Australian patty turned . . . . . . . . I � : . I � . ry., . A , .. 1 .. . - . . . " anathporists to1he'contra" . .and objects. If a Methodist clergyman it 10,644, and calculating upon the 'same out t6 be Isa6o-Young, the murderer. ­ .. . handsi which were-aB large And as.hard-as. England 'woiild as s66n assent to the - , . I I . . . . . I ' . . '. . � ­, . 0 ce'of Ireland - On the terms I . - . .— .. . . ects the divinity of Christ the .Unitarian, estimate as. in the Americaii cases, they, - Mrs. Baxter de6lined .the: money, with . : . . � � I � . any man's, th,eY o,pp ' lied themediv s.with inaospenaen NVIlat es ixilsele ? ., I rceEk.1.4. .Pa.'. to hira', If 116 1060tifl- the :consumo 50o240 Pounds bf' the dtug..in a * indiknation, bu - . . ... .. "hovels �o a. heap of. ore, falling ifito a demanded by Mr.' Parnell. as Amer . . # -she may yet conclude* to �. .th - ice, to dddtrine o�i hell 'the UniversaliAt com- year. bombinedi the conigufription . . I . .. . inmohine-likio..swing 6f the ,body,'as- th Long ago it, used to be Bu , osed that take' it. . ,.. ' " . ... '. . . . ... I . ,...,. * , I * BY the: ifideliena6�ca olmaine.6 texas. We- � or , 'P in"* The story id, ia,# range as . itai , 3 .true, . . �. :. . . . . �. I I . . . -th ion is ready to receive lifin. Dub: to 1he' Startling . . . scooped up -the heavy tock. Two in . ose who w 0 from Childho,ap inured . to - . hgure, Of' 69,240 Pounds, I . . . . I . I , I . I . . . . an. ate. not cereiin that even. independence bard work and coarse living Were'ljoalthier :reject .Mothodisni and still label hinigelf making the C'ost,for the total .IiIaulgehoe '. . . , . I . . � - ; . I Afterward -joined the m, and When, the wag, w6ulabe (if value t6 Ireland. ' Ireland is that, the 011613seA.who --- enjoyed more ease as "'Methodist" i6'hypo6ritical; to- preach Jha� enormous sain of over 02,900,000 , A . .y . ' . . . , 1. ..� � � - gon whs loided,'theypropelldd.�t along the not a Rch cou4try. - Her 'r'BaourCks are . . . 'Unitarianism and.4raw w Methodist sa, I lary - t* . . A�,e. Ziectrid I'lghts tucendfur ?., - . - .� I . � . . . . . track toward the mill, the womou sharing. limited. I well as more .culture, investigation and . quan ity of the opium usea is also smug_ 'on that the recent mill'fire ,.- . I . . Her people are' pitstoral. Her experiment has Proved t1a dialioneSt; to m4intallyabanaon Method- gledo, .And is not included ih the Sbove eSti- . I The sugniox ,. . . , - , .manufactures' are feeble. Slid has little _1�,]ii notion is Is . the work equally *iththd m6q, U.1iftl6ed . t . in PhilW@phia was 6�used'by the' I ' I.' - ' : they did nqt use Oven grdatarlqkerti6nA. - commerce. As a part of m-greut empire groundless, At the Is , 64 of the !"in And White at being bodily cast out of it, mate, and some of it is also 'mPure'- light opens up a wide field of anxie6teyolkolor I 1. . ' ' . .1 , , The employment Of womon unaefgriouna . : British Association, Professor' Leoni Is Contemptible. . . .1 . . . ... . I Upon these data,Jho Now. York Vines unde'rwilters. It is asserted by . I . I . , I .4 ., I . I Ireland could be rich and prosperous and .AGVi,' i Op On i]3d 6 motion Of. Mi. I ... � __� Z_ . - . 1. arguee that" the. injurious *effects ofthis I _ an Edison : � 1 � . I is now forbidden by, law, the degradation.' beautiful, btt'independenh slie'-would be Ite1jurrectio"Ims Tathl 1 . partisan that I I with'the Maxini or Weston I . . . resulting, from it having been p6roosived by' like some fOROrti Roumania oi Bulgaria, , a to for" I ..& tinei.it - of tile . . . I c a. "Iblve 400rP8,06"! .consumption is th,us �ii6reased,,Mreatlyj Vate6ts'(which use the aro lights) there � �- . 1, " * ' . I , '7 1 . -to-iuspi:ve respect, at1he - -It 6 it Be Bad - that the, - ;& Duch 3, t , being, bad enough when, the. Pun drug. . . � . . . English legislators only when it had become wit'hout'the power _... i __ ­ .­____ - a.----,.. _...,_,._d.,_P,ra8tnewi papor gives anaccoun _.___ 1-3_1 _­­t_.i,_­ . may be � bard substances in the, carbons ­- ---- - I - - - : .-, I. -11, � 6 % �j , __­ . I ., I -­ F6 party of yeauiioctiiiiiiifi, J -alone is employei ,, as I eaves - 33 per - fal I - ,. I 1� flagiti6us; but bf 13,000 personis engage In mercy of.any enierptisi�q rival. Irojand, ecoilo . i 0 . I i � of T& a had�muol P "t 0, olugs O which .1 off And Are likb hot OOZE(. . . thi mines, about 2,010 , 0 ate women, W . to O. it -t r - a t *re and - weight. " Ifi whose crime resulted in joy to &--bdreaved '0011t, Of usho, six grains only of. which is When these fell . among infla,mmabl. . . � . I . . f . , 'f the* 4C are ivith %'Proper local, municipal- self -govern, support of the.statemant hid, gave the fol- fabdily. A yoUnd woman who was engaged- etfough to paralyz6'a rabbit wh6n hyp64o44 substances t . . . I a , I . . Cm1plbyed7. in vaijous parts o procbbs li3ebt, &a apaitol the British Empire would . hey .set Are to' them. , . . 1. . . ' otdresging`thoore.. III the simpler pp&a. enjoy all the benefits 'that come frbm ,a lowing figures: Town artisans _appeared to be married hA apparently died of small� mioally injected. The last point to be 'While. lie was averse to givinj 'an , . . . . . I . � I . I � tions ver I y young-glilk are useful And at relation to a vast, 'riqh. -and powerful from the rbtutno to'be of an average height Pox, And g 10 police regillatiots, noted is that the re�ulsive spectra of the opinion on, the-subjeet, he iMoitain that p . - . . Possible* emaciated, cadaverous orealire to be found this had dcouired in a number. of ip4anees. . the mill we found a large.number,of them monuchy.-Neit) York Varald. ` . I of 66-56 i-, the laboring class 67,16 in.,'t�c the body was buried ,�Vitlj the least � . I . c6mmorcial class,67.10 in., And the profes. dthvy. In conse4tence of her betrothalo everywhere amoiIg Ohines6 votaries is . � . . I � . -the -daughters of - miners tisually-some 11"ITS OF, Tii� Onixrltwoux.�Tho habits - I "'- -So .far as he knew, this might be the cause I . . . . . . of them -pretty And all Of the"' boAtly -of 'the cafiker�worm, are peouli i f a sioual class 08-70 in. * .Iir weight the'- town hat relatives he'd solohleoi the corpse - with ,dom if ever Been among Arnerican opium- of the fire at the mill." - Another Ab6ory . . . clothoa and 'intelligent, even porb in 'mail- * I ler. that I 1 ar- Ili - artisan again stood'loweet, with 180-2 lb., the jewels which had beenpresentid,to Lei.. smokers. Nor, again, is the smoking Of the was advanced thab. the wires wore - over. � . . 1. I . . ' nor. They can 9.11 write and they have An , � g the egg for the worm., com- the O*tlior st�tiAticg being -laboring class thkeo individuals resolved to rob the body. drug 130 Injurious so manner of introducing. Charged, mud that they had tranhwittdd 'a I . . . . . a Cos CO ing . I I . , oqt &Ib6 ground as soon The graire was opened, the body- taken out it into the System! as the mothod of eating flaa��.tothos dry bovurdg and Bet them on ' ' . & ite of tholdolplits. I B it be ins to thaw in ilia 'spribg, and 10-8 lb., commercial 145-0 lb.,. and the I it . . I . ApTeeltina ofoorrt lileratatrhoey devour in penny professional' Class 1521 lb. The general, ,and the iiinkeis removed.. During the _or inj . acting it bypoderiniokily". . fire. An exVerb said that this migbt also . . ­ \1 i i oliatel crawls up the -tree and lay's . populatibn had an avorsae weight of 14151 sacrilegious proceeding one of the robben . . . . . . fire. . . 1. I . I , 'I 8 in aud on the bnoloy which batch as lb� and a stature of 67.63 in. was acoused-by his companions of coward. . . I , , . �. instalmobts,whon their work is Black - ,It a of Irclubdi - be - thd cause of the I � � . TV. H. Aidaffig, in '11a?:p6's,.31aVazhZC .�Or go 0 0.13 thetree begins to leaf,wheit its .. I . . I . . Who, National Colook . ' lor . - I . .1 1. - ., , NoverAben . . ' * I I - I I ice, and'iti bravado struck the corpse in the . Touching the * Irish national CO die- . Mr. Edward Marston's letter !Xom Stan.. . . . illerg are haral A S.r;ao1qt,ntn no xj?roAxgx1ox,�­Whon the face. 'The girl at once sat up and begged assion, a, cortoopoholent writes': ley, the African explorer, announcing his - , , .,' , . � work begins. These mi � y d Any ,. � Capt. Maxwell, a British naval offic6t, over seen inflie, day time, and thby neyer fire marm soonaed on Saturday afternoon for mercy, which so frightened. the robbers responsible . lieralaio autliprity-4ok 4 Of & half two -unsteady gentlemen, whose walk indi. that they fled. The poor girl'turned' bar instance, Sir Bernard Burka, Vistek Xingw limb the tree extept-at night.' F recovery from his recent dangerdus illheag, . who has beon ibruising with his ship in the 0 � as dated from the Congo River, . . 'to an hour after sundown they appear to pop catei that * they sought to coujitei-aet the Joobio steps towaids the house- of the ab-Ating-will inform you that the Ilational * July 4th, I . � , wastirn Pacific, writes home that a striking out of the gtound and start Straight for the. coianons of, the wina-by tbo use of sundry ourate, to whom she told. her story, The color of Ireland is azujod (Sky blue). So, 1881. He says he was seriously ill all. I Poo niliatity Of the E 1 lice I'slaudofs is the tr through the month of May,,A'ad on the 15th � ' entire absonce of arine among thjbi lie 00- The female bag "'Wings, and gets hotpotationS, were heard to exchange the robbers were allowed to- go free in consid. paradoxical &sit may appear. the " Wear- thought he had reached big last day. ilia I . did not i6o a olub.or spearo, - or n stuck in the tar. of printers' ink that should following yem%rkH: ­11.nuhav, Baia one, oration of the valuable adivicoo which they in ,of' the green 0 by an Irishms,41, as friends wore Called to hisigiad -and fie spoka � � � be Applied to1ho trunk of ovary treo, aud , %, What)a afiro, now, 1. wonder.." -1 That I had unwittingly'rendorod � � . ingiob,tivo of thoilatidnal color, is incorrect. whatevo�r, either in the hands of houses of . I . . . I , I his far wall to thom. "But the crisis ... � 'those natives,, At Ponspi, in the Carolina. that is the and of it, . , . . .. � . I Ain't no fite,11'replied the other, Is the bells . I — The banners, toot of the Ancient kings, iond .1. re te� . . in 1?bilM1 sound to we as lf'Ahey�Wa& tolling," "Aft" ,'I Want Bilver," said Jane XpAhson; of chieftains of Xrelana wereazure, especially 119.8god'o"'hO'oontinties,"O,iidlv4m%U yet ... Islands, he �wa�% greatly imPtessea with the Thirty murderers are in Jail I and at progent,otrong And hearty. yet 1 . . . I magnitude and gelidity of the residences of aetphis.a.walting trial, and it is thought what should they be tollino for? Anybody Louisville, in demanding the scitloment of Oil 6116h Occasions as that of a national ,I. . . Iotinor'ohiefsf nobw in ruins. On one !Blot that not IbYjg than half of them Will be - doadVI 4d Not Lis I know of " I reckon !longer's board, bill. ,,I ain't gotno'silver," I demonstration either of Church of Stato or know what real Aickness is now and what � . he found fout complete sqoakea built one i n edriviatecipf murder ij2 the first degree, re, 6allit' in the Straw hadg," . And the angry man retorted, 11 but I'll give ou I Of battle. . The tI Green Flag " is an Africs is when she is in earno6t,". - - - I 0 . thev ion being voted satisfactory the ail the lend you Want," and he shot Mi '13 comparatively moilern, and . -A poor exatioe is better than none, mud , 11 . I . . . this other, With walls, some of them �thi�ty� -!Kings Ate stacked up like cordwooain tM as inuovatiohoo.i . . I . . . I . the Pyramids. Cord,O.rolg, its it wave. I Opinn.movea on, . . btillotosinto the landlady. I quite uhatjthOr!ze1,.. I the game may be said of 0, alnuot. . . . . five. feet high And twelve thick. I . proco8sio 1 I . . . . . I . . . I , 1 -.4." . . I . . . . . , . . . I . 1. I I I �. I . 4 � . . . , I . I I . . , . � I .� � . I . � I . : . � .1, . I I . I . � I . I ,. . . . � . . . - . , . . . � . . . � . o . ­ . 1. . o6 � . . . I on -the othe h' . . . I . " 11 � to a "I us lX0 12 ouln I he hus Y; W rexh in I. t � to .. n - enter o'nin' k , od, er or ee ' np I f W ' 11 staying, _ W. � S B 0 ir house , a P� r _ I' i - b 0 v Ur _� By 1, in h � . uch and le, an .. M t " o ' th n 0 t, In , 00 . ino wh I. 0 sivi Bow , no evy hun I I I. : . I I '. . I . . . . . . , � , .­/ I . ,' . . . . . I "I I . . I . . . . . . I � . . . I . . I I . � .. . � . . . � . . . . . . I I 1`_A .. � . . . . . . � . I . . I . ,o . . . � . I—- . . . . � . .. I I . . . . 1 6 . . . . . . I . �. , . . � - . . � I I I . I . . . . . I I . . I I . . I ,, . . I � I � � . . . I I I . . I I 1 I . . . I ... I . I . . - I I . . ., � . . . . . . I . I . I . I . I I ! ,I. . . . . . I . I I � , ,. , .- � 11, . I . I—. I - ..., .. I I I I . ­ .. � it , . � � 11 I., ­ ... . - . � . !__ _, ­­... . . I 1. ­ ... - I � - . .. . ... - . � ... . 11111� �, � I ..''.., ... .1, -1 ­ .11 I., . .­ .. ----.--1 11 .- , 11. . I .111, ­. I.-.1....".."'. I—- .. .I �. . 1. .1 ­ .1 1.