HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-10-27, Page 31 �..., 11-11, . .1.11 I -1 I I � I - . 1. . I
I �, III
'. -1--..1.
-1 � , .— — " , - - ... . . . I 1. . -- - . -
- � , . .. � " - ,,- '1111 .. . , , � � , .� I .1 . . - � � .1 . - , � Z — Z - 1. � --- I.. . . . .
� ,� . - .. ..... I .1 --- -1144
. � I
Alleniconts. W -by They Shopla, Not 00
. . I I
. I
. .
I . � W .
. 11
. .
. . . �
6- . .
. �, . � I I
I I � I . �
1. I I . I I
I - I
I r4 I i , . �
I 0 c, t. 27, :L$81.
. .
, -7
JPUX,rJi* sevolax'Awitgros.
* —
I JFavaired by Wertane.
TP* WAH.Xr4�— ' . �
. �
I .
green ribbon belongs. to the Order 14119 I
.1 .11. -
Who I'atedit 15"len ftlectc4 by 1,eading
lWilugerif. .
Alleniconts. W -by They Shopla, Not 00
An aesay of are from A. new atriko in. the
Safe mine, near $All Rafael, Lower Califor.
. I .
' -- I
—A 11 monobibe " 'a tile latest 114111040T a
. . . . � ,
Thistle of Sootland. ff , ,
. TRE R.
. � GARTE.
�� . �!
4, Virot shape has the Alpine crown
covered broosded
I Xtaidulged In. ,
Prof. Robertson Smith, evidently, has no
. 1
n!&, about eighty miles from Ban 'Diego,
yields 017,972 per ton.
Into drink. . �
—Prof. Ring is againthummilig 44 U in
The summorbat is off the oopo4 �
Nc wren Around the aoor-otep , hops, I . �
The .ero n Irin .
his ore `
, . �
VictiorlaIs Royal Fayor Bostowed U
. , pan
with gray plusb. The
cleap brim. -is covered
. �
, witha, handsome
Sympathy with ministers whose
vaniiy leads them to carry their opecula -
Fifteen years Ago Jamps B. Orman, of,
, p
aBallooll, Days],' I I
bao ba 11
The I 0. )I o ftying AlCaps, I
b kwh 0
Th. no o tea 0 or vision tops,
� -
. Alfonso, .
� pearlbemaed wati6rod silk whio
I I . h is also
rolled. Around the crown and mingled with
I ,
tions and their novel �iews iixtothe pulp 10.
di er
'Though, insome respects, in views ff
Pueblo, waht to 0olorsdo a poor boy, To-
I I � I
-day he employs 0,,0Q0 men and owlis and
—Ab X f you d
, aine balls I ,,, I yon
w ast order 41 tonic, il . opirp lager
. .
C t gd I
Th IN Q4 ei ustora drops,
An o - or zoo an
djwo by lit 011s
wit b. roaril so SAU15
, I . .
&'Small bunch of, sage and cream shadeil
ostrich tips oxione side. Tha strings are
- , I
from those of his brethren in the Free
I . I -i -
Church, he says: *'I mover hit,oduceil
works?,2,000 bead,of in lea And horses. .
A, ixegleoted but, wealthy uncle of two
—Makes A bolt for bu$bxesq�T.jIebIaok-
, Sinib b. . I . . �
, a �
40 -
And x3orcialo obops.
' -711 I'm a very Sick man," observed the I �
. I . . �
tramp languidly as he, Anchored binpself at I �
. I I I
� The P4;inp and Pageantry JLlaceadling she
of cream lace with large, lozenge shaped
11 .
data, And ore caught Oil on
I a side of che
. . the pulpit, Positive
, questions in �
truth—truth which can 'be prevent.
girls who bad lived, as Servants, in the Rusb.
House' I Pittsburvil, Pa., has unexpectedly
—potatoes plautec, . eyes.
� must have their
� about. them. it tbey are to come
� UP.
a., restaurant table, 11 the doctor I , �
I- . I nay$ I I " �
must have strengthening. food, Give we . ,
. : -1 -- ,
Inyr, Alicia k��-*'CrIPIAOIA Pf li"O"Irea'"10
'hat with a transparent gr%sohapper� - �
. �
- A 11eidelburg Shape has 9, square crown,
illustrated, applied—oan be found sufficient
to occupy all a rbipiatcr% time in,
mad, theta h ,be Surrogate of Sau
ap y. ..T
man a
FranoWco has 900,000 of thin dead i '
' —Dark red in Small quantities saftems,
I �
something with plenty of !ran in it." The I
, ,
and InsIgula. I .
� I .
crushed. down until it resemliles a gentle-
. - public
. tion, and employ lai his abihty In
money, and. is looking for Caroline And
. I ,
dark browil.gooil
. 9.
11 .The more advice a,m%xx
wi4ter Shaded the a of his mouth ..
Witb his bsn4a.and then bellowed ill oten. . .
MADRID, Oct. ,—The investiture of
. I � .
, King Alfonso. with the Order of the Garter
inan's high hat that has bad a
. I , 11 . misunder-
standing with Several low ceilings. 'An
I �
its illustration... Such ppaitive truth,'aud
such only, has pow.e
I . r to turn men to
� I
Mary Clark. .
, af ter his a
In less than six weeks . rrival in
gives the lea
Popular is be with I , 8
bio fellow$
, . I
toriam, tomes; A, One koo of nails I 11
0 .
. �
— .
Clea,xilinessis not only next to. goan-
I . took pla?s thin afternoon. Alfonzo,- XII,
, I
bag received many 'marks of oympatla
. y
. � .. I I
imspeAn breast and heao ornaments one side
. . I I �
of tItis picturesque hat.
. �
righteousness, and to coull rm and edify
them theroill," If Dr, Thomas, of Chicago,
Colorado, Dr. W. J. Bean, of Columbus, O.,
located two mines in the, Lake. City mining
—September -gown, wheat
.. in thriving
finely undOr tile recent r inn.
I , ,
xxess�it is the foundation of bealthfulne I so. . ,
Dirt is a, disease. The
%;am Queen Victoria,. but none more agree-
A tprba,u of dark bronze plush is arms,
and oomer bearer home, who in past years
and At the depth of t*enty-five
-Whealan 014 maia is Well #4 preser�eclfj
germ of fuxxd%�
, 1.
mental truth of sanitary sclence-m 4is,
Able tliantlie. high distinction once before,
jik this century conferred on another
mentedwith a small green parrot. The
muff which accompanies this is also of
bav6 got. into, diffigultiee, had
. .
observed this rul a and confined them-
feet struck the , pecimens of silver
finent a . . ore
ever, produced. lie bag refused �100,0.00
6 ,..
.he ought, to be sweet enough to king, �'cQvery
, .
I ,
of modern time -is that . 11 filth I is, . I
, I
� I �
. .1 � � I I ., after
Spanish sovereign. Lord Wellesley .
I I �
bronze plush, lined .with cardine
. I � ,I, satin,
, ,as, in their ininistrations those
for the mines, .t .
-Vennor promises that a bright 4.ovam,
bar will &toxic for the October gloom, '
the M086 fruitful, if not the sole, sourco of
�.11 ; I
4. preventable'dioemse.11 40 Clean things
the great Peninsular war,brought the Garter
to Fardinanil
I , VIL, grandfather of Alfonso,
and has a parrot with cardixxa� ribbon
around its throat, oil tile outsido�
. Wthere was'9
great truths, in whic subatati-
tia,l agreement between them and ths,
the ribbest specimen of quartz of I a size
ever -taken out of any mine on the Pacific
-Wouted-Natme of the western town
*that hasn't ,
� I ,
alone aris. healthful,,, says Dr. Gregory, . . I ,
Preside I 11
rat of the Illinois State Boardot
I I The relp,�tionscoolpil between Spain and Rog-
landduri4g ieenleabellso'ereign,while'tho
A Gainsborol of marine blue plush has
ostrich plumes of the same for lace brim.
Churol.cies to which they'. belonged, their
congregations would have last -no I
thing, and
Calfi;j is,
coast is on exhibition at Noble's " 11
: street, Sait Francisco. It weighs 214 pounds,
made giant at'
rides. -
' ' ;-Dresses. are now worn io Short that the
. �
Health; "clean -6a,ter, bleat food, clean - -- I
"'M I a
Ili, and. ol anliness of the whole
famous t marriage policy annoyed, thb
a 4,2 � ..
ming as well' as tbe.cutaide. The left
� I
both they and the Chu . oulah%vis been
. roll w -
And is valued by .an assayer at 0201000.
I . .
street crosai are seldom cleati..
� � I .
I person, .. , , - I 1
and tb . I
, whole life."
� .
-British Government. DuriiS the revolu-
.9 .
side of the bribi, is caught up. and hold with
Saved from a great deal of tro
I uble. No
taken from the Rainbow .mine in,
was .
- I I .
-Ad%m. ought to- ,have said 11 Hardly,
. . . i
. I I
Little Bo-Reop awoke from her sleep . . ,
� I
tion of September, England, ever Slow to
. � I
recognize governments like those of .Area.,
I . .
P. buixWot,re'dWand purple plums.., �
I I I . . .
A thea#a�hat of .qlWd -chenille and plush
man, certainly, ought to teach an ything
which he does not believe, but "it does not
Sierra County. .
. .
1 "
�01v&," Nixon he Was -tomptei I to bit;, the
Apple. - . . I
- . i
Her eyes operied*Ide and wider, I . . !
. _ to .
lPor bhe found herself s n . . I
0" a gra's I
. . I .
dens and Serrano, was among thev first to
-has & bunch of shaded, chenille flowevs,
I. . - I
follow that he ought -to teach all that he
� A-ous4T deal of, interesting 1 formation-
� .
. I
* -The prize-Aghter ieela before be
.. I
With an old Sheep' .1'.xididg)b �Idp be,. . �' - I I I *
. . . . . ,
� I ball'the restoration of tb 6 b9i'prince, w he,
slightly mixed with gold threads. The
� I -
does believe, imless he-bbligvee.-it to be
. I � ,
be gained from7tbe Gerxinau', Aust riam,
I I � I .
strik6, but the bel 4 as al
I I 1 0 m6`bPe' 'untOlt'6
I Littlo,13o.reep,11 said the good old shoop, , . . 1, I .
, . . .
" How
. . , 6xile, was called to ,big
1--1. when fresh OQni
I I throne by �Ibhe dari�g General Martinez
Strings are of, reversible .plush and satin
I .1 � .
ribbon. � � . . . . . .
necessary to salvati on. There were truths
I which the Lord Jesus not on
and Russian mauceuvres- recent ly held,
e es the alone inspections And
. . ..
struck. . . I
, � . . . . . , I :� . . .1
, I
91ILd I Ann we've found you, � .
we are�raxxxs, and sheop, and'lainbs-, . , . . .
. I
11101 fleeki., up .. .
I � -.;..L-*- - -�, - ...
...... a P , . .
�G fiftib*- -ThWfd16b5th'6--ff ' Hgh� �o&% .
. pani co -
- -A— I,--- I—— 4--
, � � � �, - iiS0w,eff'0th*Ixi1i6fi pliiiiiuie' &6 ifiliau6,6ii,
...... A 1 enie k
. 1r, , -Pa, e-.4 I V
I ,ha .6 ith brim at -
U b ", -,
ess eig Ito as wi a, is a -.ric -n -
jut - " b '' "'d ...... f UK' utb-r�4
, I .
beli qbecl but-knew;to be"suab �
0 . H I
L 114i
' did- as we & i- -I- -
t7fe- c '16- li -
:70M7M4.qr9*C-.*4;;,lrFva AWW;r,p1-W9 i4�.
Wnsarmbia,at'Kanitz in Hanover,
. --=No, Melinda, you err. A man mv
-M�Fe—w-pTer on th& Iir-gWfy-eT-i;6'e- VS-1'jt;f1'jiW-
%round I
� , � you,,- .. .
. � - � .:,-
— . -11-1- ,:�= -J
.� I I - .=
'Y Y-61rbte—RiSf5e�qp7l' —said-Iiiiie B;7�Zej� —. — , ...-I
. . 1 4
. . mentAhate, sW'ecial on.v9y.extraordinary,
. one I
of,grigle a most
. . , I Ancient Peers, ch.;ef
bx�q.cadea jelvet. Two pheasa-ta wind
around ther cone shaped crown it upposite,
I I . .
uscipmB, 6=01i
because theyivere-not pre Pai6d to receive
them. There may be truths which are
. .
. . I
It .
And the ohikuges made in regimental
so- oontrembnt a will be seen, -The Germans
. .
to burst into tears.
. . I
- -The middle at' the hour glass, Says
.. I .
been worried to death about YOU." � , a'
" We've been sea:rching ,for you," isi* ills. good ' - - . I
11 . . . ;
. .. old She . . I
' " eel
� of he old H se of Commono, and himself
� . �Qu
directions, fastening the roll of Watered
.dimly perceived even now by a few -groat
have, -developed a more rkpid plan of.
the Boston Gomimercial,'Is a wadst of time.
, �
Wo wQkildn' goholnewithoutyalip . . . .
� . I . . . . . �
a knight of the �Gartor, would come as
ribbon striped i�ith Satin, .which' is eon.
thi�nrkopsl, .
which will.. be brought out into
I .
. I
attack, and ifshquld.be added, of defence
---wNear- Wiarton, in the - Georgian Bay
I -
-He carad home I . I
- L late the, o�her night - - . *
� bearer'of this royal preseit to . Don A onso.
. ' . Jf
Tile G orzte a 60 roll b
Ir ounts � � n Lit$ P ' . Ut
tinned at each aid a to form the strings.
L ,
A gendarme blue velvet has two rows of
qla or ight when .t
. ,bey ar6 neeAed 'to
meet th . . .
a, necessities. -of oaminA geners-
-than. has been known before.
also,* Tlxa�
haie 4doidiad again to use artillery in
, ild .
district they have ripe w strawb�rries.
11 L L . .. . .
ran,d big*IfaLWoke lap and foun-d hik n With I . i -�
- .
�. burning -in�ial'tryino to light the faucet - .. �
I .. .
I . twenty -five -knights, wlio are ofEngland'sl
I . .
velvet, box plaited around the. brim outaide,
. L
tions, which Would be hurtful rather than
. L I
I .
. I
heavy masoca, as, against batteries and
.. 7 -Gray hair looks wall under lilac flowers
in a black or a white lace mantilla bonnet.
I .
,6 ver the marble bagin in his dressing room, ' ' .
I .� . -, I
. bluest blood, with thb 'e1cbptioxx of-foid
. ,
. - I
. VqAconsfield, who entered, the poble obap!
With.tw6 impeau birdsoroaged and mingled.
. .1. . ,
with the r6ll ot'velvet, .arolmd the croy n,
L' I
beneficial to the piLesent state of - intelleo- -
tual,and spiritual - deypl. .
.1 qpmeut��-Chrft;tian
. I
half batteries manoeuvred, by isolated
. .
ytaiph-.- and thby arereported
insibreandat, .1 .
I ,
. '
.Rich dark brown tor winterive fir will
' Supersede the fash I
. Ames," she Said, ,I that is not the gas . .
I . . .
. . . �
burner." 14 I know4t no*, my love," he . .
. . ter by right of talent .and exceptional
Strings of reveirsi616' velvet and satin the
I . I .
I I .
Guardian. L
. . I .
to. hAVa come to the conclusion that
. , I onablp. gray of autumn.
replied; unat6vidily L L �.
; I' fact - isp' I've :been
. . i3ervions to, the Crown. The foreign knights
. must be crowned'heads, or b )ire apparent
same shade. - � I I . . ; �,,. I . . .. .
Mourning haf� .Are quite elaborate,.
I . I . ..�-.
� I .. .1. , -+ a L ,. . .
- . .
jo 11 '" f9b '%Vuler 'on Lake
.cavalry will' henceforth play more
. It a
t 11.1 )art than .6ver -I A the. operations
Some1splandiil mushrooms have been
. g&T .
hered in, the vicinity during the past
.Overworkea,'and tha's r eas dn made mis. , . . . . 1:
- I
tako2l 14 Yes,'�oxr look so if you had been,
I I . .
at least, to obtain the Garter. 3KiugAlfon6o-
1W L
especially those for half. mourning;, Oneof
X040 .111 .
� I ' I , w, .-T
L . all ellor, . -
I I P .
;mpor.a . . I . �
�f.. war,. So,� booi- with the Austrians:
few days. . .
. . . I
lifting a good deal," .-She quietly answ a �
, at d, , - .. I I
. bAd'signified his acceptance ofilaeprbffered.
. I
order, L and had fixed Ootdber 11th as the
crapd and 'gros grain silk has -the front
finlahed with dull and .. bright jet beS(.L *
I . . .
- I I I . I
I I .
. , It I- not usual. -at this season 6f the.yqar
'L '�,
Becognizing the fact that their artil lery
, . I .
WaA.'extrowely usel6so an handled in. the
'�A n,oble-writer onge said: that truth is
L .
contagious.- He waswrong;Jb is lying that
. 11
as She returned to h - I . .... I . � I I
. I pr PIRO . L. .
L . W . � .
I !. , ,- L .
I . day foi investiture in his royal palace. The
onvoy, - prid, a brilliant',follow.ipg
� . . I
while Eb grebe's breast is mingled with - the
folds a*nd flat bows of crops ind silk that
I .
* .erlexxc,�ahbavy rain fall, our. 11 wet
1"Outh 11 being June. Thic,.S' , ,, however,
. . .
last Turkish war, they have decided to
reduce the. range at wbioh.pri�qtice ii,to be
. . - L
18 Istolil.11g.. L. . . ,. . I
- - br�Ad or .
- Bonnet Strings, long or, a barb,
� ..
... . I . �
. I I A Bourbon Anecdote. . .. .
. I . . . . . I . . I
J6hn J. Crittenden .
to tell this
. not Qn'the day'when the King left
j ,
� for Caceres to receive the Xi I lig of Portugal.'
trims�tbebri'xxxi- Thestriligsare of heavy
-four-111oh gros grain ribbon. . I
I .
via With Jvne for da
, . imp
weather. Thislargeamoi ,,--'of water from
I , .
made, And in future. their.guhs, will ;6ime
into action At from 1,000 to 1,mo
. .
narrow, are worn in the go-aa-you-pl ' 0
� eas .
style.. � '. 1. I
used anoo. I . . . , I . L' .
dote to illustrate the fidelity q . . I
* L, . f his people *
, . . .1.
Long .befor6* the' appoint d hour for,
the ceremony the -iiiiiiatiti.ire
. -- . I - I � .
!Important Fa0hitaii -ry .
the clouds b as bden'thought to be the. cause
of the highwater in' La a
k Superior. The.
never further 6S,than the latter dints. moo=
� .
- ��Aluxxatio has,aet "Beaixtiful�Snowfl
. L
wine of the dountry2l A leading L . . . .
to the .
I .
I . : -.
pi�ljticiau of the State iug , � I I
. I . I , (Kentug'ky), sioppi . I
. . of guards
of ,
honor' - with bands , and colors
took up i�eir - Station in -the palace-oourt
�..' . I .. . . 1. .
. . I
Le Fo?let: ,"Coate and bodices with
numerous small d66ka along the bay'fiont,
whi,11 are used for' lending froxxi pleasure
y b ornatin close to the
a 'a"
ey in" gp " Ally W
8 line - e.i hen it' is -broken
enemy ' N I I
b heavy .ctry
to music. 'The RocheAter B xyress charges
I . .
it to Guifea� 7 L . I .
L ' .
for the bight at the house of a c . I
I . ouixtrywan . , .. *9, .. , '' * IL
in one ofthe southeastern � _ .
L . .. counties, found ', ' `.' I .
. � . .
opposite the -State entrance, �apd i
qrowds near the.� `tLpIiroachegI
babits-basques, i, e., shoiter in front than
. . I .
at the back, where they .take more or 1
. 1 .688.
boats, obtaining water, ate., and which
have generally . been a Pout two feet above
y m,,L Ire. . .
, . L .. L .
Ix Boston, where .intelloctual.%wo
I rest
I ,.
-There is -a certain, time ofyear' When
. L
alaxio�t everybody feel" laq;.And; so I big
. . . I
the entertainment begot more Satisfactory I , . �
because of A barrel ,of very'res�ootable . "
� .
. . I gathered
I despite the efforts of .
. bors6* and f0OtPAtrOIg-
Meanwhile fime'-Stlite drawn by,
the f6rm. a, gentleman's dress, coat, are to
be worn ihisWixltar�. Man�. of. these will
are af th . I . .
the level, a present time entirbly
submerged. - In fact, the L water is so high
have ., long held away and blue stockings
have ruled blxe.roost,it We can credit what
. . a
6alled'Ilidian suininer. .. . .
. � .
-A takegmaro in.a
whiskey having been just brough. 1�. - .. , . I
I t I . ,�
I .
Returning a month afterward from. all. . � - '.
. carriages,
fine teams of Andalusian hotaes, plumed
. . � L
be in different maiterial to the .'rest of the
I . . .
dress, and may be worn with a variety of
, ths the stea bor MilAto' I
.t ba 'wag enabled to
we hear, woman whp -, lihe Miss Lelia J.-
Robinson, are denied a license to,,practi,e
. woib4n pride
. pr9tty
foot than anything also; And,a man thinks
. �.
electioneering tour-, and L . .
... . �
%, �
—disappointed in not . . � , 1;
being able to 6ven he '. - * '-
. , Wert with the
I . and brilliantly harneSsed
. I
Marquis del Vallee the principal infro-
I .
shirts. The Ilaquette LaimIlkile in One Of
go, up River Katainistiquia, without any
. I
difficulty.' This extraordi occurrence
at the bars*of the ,
courts need no license to
,$,Well traili;d. me st.,
u ache the qn6 tiling
. . L I . I .
desirable. � . I
got &.drink, reminded " � . I I
I L ' � . L ;L
. L
the liest, with some impatience, tbAb on 7 I
' *
ducer of the Ambassadors;, to tho Hotel dq
L .
the newest of these ,4 it, is tight fitting and
I . .
�y- i1o. means long in the basques,,resembles
took �,Iace on Monday lasZeri"I'd. being the
first time a steambr has been thebar
act L 'AS- ofiloe . counsellors and �dvise,
-about' the settlement or bringing of suite ''
,'. .
. . . . . , does tlll: . , -
�'-When 6 mania drubk he Aga,
a month ago he ha,d. a fall barrel in his . . . . . . I
. I
pantry. The look that PxeoeaedL the . I
answer � I I :�
Paris. escort wa a formed by a Squad -
. I
. ,
von of Royal-,Hoxie, Guards. - The -Marquis-
I � .
In fact.the bun Wag jackets ladies, -used to
in, the eighteenth 'century. It Is
it has caused the' people over there to feel
. .
through I ,
Wh6l. regularly admitted,lawyers. Th
field -of
we, Are 'told, that lie
- is ashamed of, and
whom -he soba4.a ui� he es
tii to thihk
. this reminder, was composed'bf surviise I I 11
to .
, . . I I .. 1.
. I . I
of Northampton, and Sir Alberbwooas,-,
. Garter.X�iog-�t-Arn�s, and tlib of
,weir .
alwa� a of a, 'color contraiting With the
lbas depressed thauttatial. An effo t i6'al 6
being made to ixidU I
qp the Steamer Sovereign,
of conveyancing, drawing.
wills and.of arbitration is'freely open to
. I
. w'lik�t
. ,
they ate. -, ., I L . . . . .. 6
and resentment : LoOkee here,'n1y friend, . , � .. . . ". .
aoyousL)eot one bar'I ol.'whiskey.-to I last L - . . I I ,
L . �
I the mission Were. dri�ell:16 thOP�Iaca
Skirt and is made of cloth or velvet for the
-street and velv6t for evening wear ; in the
pow ill 08 L
iloAding L rkilN at Prim Arthur's -
Landing,to'dischaige a* small'
women, - Miss Robinson aforesaid ,has
opened an .office in BQ4t6m and, th�� local
-Mrs. Win. Danxi'has'grown a man.'
-strous potato on hot farm, Waterloo -Town-
. 11
I . q I .
. L I
altvays,' and 'specially --,vhen a man 8 got 'a - . .:
wife and sii children, and the cow's -gone � ' I
Ahrough crowded'streets, 'S they
. . .
reabhed the palgee-they were linfled .- ith
. I w
lattdr case ii made. qen t �t tlie throat
en &eur, and hag - lialf long Sleeves, all the-
at the 'toW L'Plot ' linder -Bay
.1 11. .. 27i] :. ,
I cargo � :
. _
c4ionidlers �ixxform us that hot �: law
chambers are not only,equipPed with the
. . L .
Alp'. It.does�iiot'labkauounce'ofvieigh� .
. .
ing- two - " I..., I � �, �
. . . . ".
dry,aniltbey'vegotubinillt?" I'Noverl"� . I . ,
, L : .
. �
answered -the candidate-1,19ertaigly. '
I a rov B rit4
- .. " - - - saluteand.-4bb.�., -%:hmxithw4l.L
. WilO luLtr6ya-,
. . . 1. . .. i : � gibif w-61, i�tih6a,1,i, - rm E * - z,
. . c
. I
--edgep7bam0ri:mmm&,with -,"chisowlaid-
11 I
-on 110 and turned- upward. - - This jaq-u6tLte
. . . . .
- .
. . -- . - , '' -
. bra,ry,�-
-traditional: ddAks,'pigoon-holes- atrd� I!
including Stool for.
pounds. I 1. I
- - , .
- t.--,-z.=�,, � -1 . - .., .1 ...
. .; _. �:
�. I" z -,
� '-::ZT 6rd WFi p great in6ny wild4iichi; ati
L .
not. '
, ' L , ' -
: I dida'f' undiirstapd--Aie�'-situatiou - .:
� � ''
�-�— .—
';,-or' I.'d!-- - .
L , ., .1
. . . t a members- of the hofii6hold, and others.L,
. Last came the Marquis of Northampton,-
is"a'drairably adapted for m6t - At the
. . I tr
theatie, beilig in Style, though- so
.. . oral IneptIludes.' , .
. Ch, . ..
� .
. Rei genial and witty
. i. E-.* P, Tboney, the
a of repentance a
. . ''
messenger boy, but with lace curtains- and
the loWer*exid of the bay,.but�they a,rd.
io,tlibr. aby, '
and Sportsmen 4nd it-haird. to .
never have asked so foolish a qu9stiob. This. i ,
. . . . .
Indlasses-and-water �p=wellj% W. 0, SIMPI . .�. , I.. .
- - y '' . . .
. I � 4
. I
. . .. . .
an aged'and haughty'Llook'ng Pbdr, .&)ad
. .
. on his left the Garter M-ing-rut-Arms. in the
I I .
. ; quite.-
e: ffective. In �io,let de Lorraine, amethyst
I � . - i is very
or ruby,.overvream Or light gray, i
I .
President of'Ooloiadb College,: Was at one
- binia the belov6d Pastorof the'dongregational
canary birdai Furthermore
ins,n 6ok'fourth honors -I I a .a class of
Rc� ,
tbi i -
ty tw b graduates ab the, Boston Lmi
- 0 .
ge-b:&..sb6t at them. .. I . . I .
. . . .
- �SirXohxl Lubbbok.s6ys that bass lovd
- . . L
splendid." Bditor's Drawer, i7i Harper's . .
. Napazinifor Xovember�� - ' �
� ., - . . �. . .11 4. . , . .
. . . , L I I .
mantle of his, -offieg, I carrying Queen
. . . �
. Vic-
I toria's letters, of creaeuce. : The Ring,
elegant; violet over w, sappliir��
. Persian Jill
OVqi pale blue Satin or .66r6h,' and bla,,k
Church'in ioa- 6aat' town in Massachu-
� .1 a 0
130tt -
6 , To 6Lke 6ub his ,salkry,L his people
"i. . � I .
19.1i BatBost�u need hot boast herself
. I
overmuch. v`o6k Judge'llandley, at
Lblue..' It is -k pity that.the, man w
. ho takes
hold of:one of thelpaver bo gently does not
. .. .� I .
. 7 * I ' L I ' , I
A, momunient � wa's erected over th *0 a. . 11. . 1 .
- .. ,. . � . . L
- those.. of - 4aribald.1`6 bana'who; '
. th
standing in 0 hdborc(iers' uniform, . U
. . .
. Witixo t any cross ok *stiLr whatever on %it.
. .
over rea..or coral, are also combinationi of
". 'L' . .
. coloi much admired.'!, .' . . .
we -him a'doxI9,fJon.p&rty, Among the L -
,,gl I Pre
,sentg,boimia,finqme* dreSs-'coat for the. pas-.
Sorantoil, Pa,, upheld. ths.right of a -woman
(Mrs. Wintbil, the wife Of LA law.y'er of that
. .
have blue fingers. L. . . ' . '' L �
L I . � .
-'-'1wb.xi �,Oxi haVe aLoomplaint to'make,
roinalris of- , �' L . .
were killed on the, field'of lffoxxtaxxa� . The , . .... �
municipality confided � the bare of it 6 4aii ` '" ' � - .
dark - tunic, -awaited �- the mission, �
. surrounded by the Court - .,6f Ministers-.'
. . ..
I .. 11. - . I . I.. - . .
I - � �. . ... . -
-'.- � . .:,. 6.4 1hexul 11 Inatanity.., .
L . .. ... .
ter,. and a tasty bonnet"
L . for hisbatter half.
. �
On the following Sunday', Aa tfie.y.walked up
. . � '
.city)cto act as One of a board of a' %toks
%�d Against At'renuous objectibbB not. only
do it in 4 buBineBs-like matter'. Don't
write three -or four'pa'ge's' of f6blsciip v;beii
' L . .
_ ' ,
-ex-Papal gendarm6, wholi's made a prao- -' �. . L .
tic6, of selling thii- bombs tatour- . 1. . . . �
. . Qu6in Christina StOOdL on the left'of the
. King, and at her we'ie 'the -ibfsntas.
. . .
The " I crankiness " of Guitteau, hai rdosb
L .
thd aisIbill, blieir,-noWL .h&Wimepti,� th*
. I
,hair Inadvertently- struck, , out with
, sustained bar jurisdiciti6n but ,bar � aW 'aid- I
. . . . .1
hall a Page, -would sUff[ee. : * .. .L *
� . . .�
patri6ts' . .
;I to, AS lbern L , '' ' I � . '
. 8 entobs. ' Two persons sent . .
� I I
' ',
L ,Ipft
. . . The Marquis of Niirtha mipton ad�axxeek to
empliatidally 6 "method" innib, , He Wants
I .
the voluntary, iiiiiell. to 'the, discom_
WbiChL was oiugularl e4uitable. � ..: - � .
L L ly . . .
. **
-The t*ndor -for'the ereotionof a new
. * , *.
* , ,
from . Rome .-to investigate repr�tse dea,,, : , - '
. oat of the throne and; in Fk nob. i
. the I
L . .a 0n it
L �
.. abory address bxplaineil, the: the.
to be,.'defexided* on tbeL PleA.of "LlegLalL
I .
.. .
Ins 19nity.11 only, not as. troubled with
- .any
, .
fituro of tbd , 'sonsitivd". iijlp
. rgyLMan
-And- 'his. 11 W -. thesb
I The -petty -Duchy of. Baden is.a, unny
little it ligdom, with �&'fimxiy, a litile
Ill By
Pan offic St. Kitt.. hafl, 'been
in .
let to
MOB �,Ttlrlex��&S,itzei,,'otthat city, and'
themselves. as tourists to the "'. is, . . - .
L .
th d , I � .
Sold li , , * , : � .
who em.re 108, �, . .L .
! I . . - . , :. , ,
. object,of
misnion. The , King ,4eplied. - '. Lord '
at her kind. That'speciei of inianity means,
' 'in
.wife I . are'
' L .lie
m1right army? 71. At the �same�church, a,
. .
.9�hrt, . ren: - equip6 Yes -
. as , full of;, ce iony, .
k I
' ` 'd 'a`.LWjgS
'I *L � I .. �
'the ablofint is 28,000.* .. .: . .
I .. I � . � I
.. .t. ��
. � I .
* L., . . �
President Arthur in �u- expert fishatmaxI . . . L.
I Northam ton. iind'the GartiirKing-at-Arms
.we should'say, just what. *ill clear A a U`
ew week6ago, ilielimeral ot.& prominent
L.* and
liverie pow are * elaborate
. .
, -Never .despise aii old friend beckuia he
. L
And' is very food of -fishing as an kinuse-',',`..' I ., I
. . I . ,,. , , - :
. . I
. - approached the. *,.King* and -buakIdd tbe
. .
. � garter on the.left log'of His, Majisty below .
bf.thei particular crime for , which he is in
I � . ,
dangbi,.sond him to prison where he can be
&�d I I
highly respected citizen of the town, by
th� name of Knig
ght pocurred, on which,
ligtn:011 anj of the -big..nourts'.of the
Qorman-.Empite, And L ItSparallel is.n66
happonatobave grown rich, Go tobim,'
take -him asidii tell. *him gently of Iiis faults -
Ment, and he bakes to. piscatorial literature ' * - "
1, � . . �
aiiv pastimet -now and - then. Diiring the . - L
* ''
. 1. -
. . the knee, Ahe Garter ''IRing-at-Arms
I reading an admonition. -.;'Afterwards Lord
kept o4t 6f the reiloh, of popular fury till his
offence is half forgotten and than &IIOWehriM
. L . L. .
' occasion, by's. 'singular -'C0n0etem.pd,, the
as, their
choir gang . "first selootion'. the�
hard to find in Offembach's sprightly satire
poxi - .
0 the dbinga-in the'GraDd Duchy of
I .
and ask him to) lend you 4106. * � ... : "
. . - I .
- ths;tL L ft'id ..
Session o'f Selliste,,iiM e he Was Vice- '' '
- Il . . � I
Presi . L ..
"dent, he frequently spent an Itouror' ' � .
- . ., Northamp L t I on' . sticbessively
. invested .the
King With the .ribbon .,' mantle -'and
forth and begin a new bare
, of
. Wickledhess-4berbaps &more carefulote,a d'
1. 74
usually fitting hynin,L A' There wilCbe .
night theie.'��' The effedt,,.ss. soprano, alto..
Gerolotein, HoweverlittleblieDuchymm'y"
hat it is -"largely . I
. . connected, lox. its Grand'
� ,
, Say'
. , who 0
Ji t'
healthy to sleep Ili the daytime &to robakbil
. .
by a-teligious journalist-, *he so ,that the
so in iiia lilirp6ry, -of - (36tigress Poring over . �' - . L . ,�
I . . . L I . .
the bo6ks.on fishes Andlishing. L... � ,� .
. .collar, hat and- foather : and- star, ..of. the,
. . L
Otder., The King. on.receiving theswora
therefore more, dangerous one.to,tlao'public.
It mugVbe c f6saod.thit our:cOurts have,
� � on
and toxxor.iiuccessivdly id;k tip 'the refraixx,'�
� was iyelf.calculatedto excitd the risibles -of
is Son,Of!Princes6 Sophia of Sweden,'
- . ,
and his -Wife, Louiso,'is daughter -of. the
. .
. . I
people who attend church he a
I gv .rerna�rkab.13,
goo d health. - .,. ' - . . ..
I �
rerty is 'uncoinfortibfe, as. i can I i
I , rOl , .
certify; but ninii'limes out of ten the bost ',
mubtickled -his own., �nd t ' L
gave., it 0
.1 . tl�e
1. Gaiter Xing.at-Arrriii. . Vhe fol .
lowing is
often recognized just the,tdogLree of insain-it
1 Y.
' I criminals under that
aixa.� acquitted f�4x
. .
red " ''
,thoSe. . Who'.� had * gathe in, any. but a
. I
; humoro' . ..
us spirit.-Editor'.S Drawer,` in
Emperor of Germany. The -ducal pair
aving married a . September 20th', 18S6,
, 'the
L � . .. .
. ,.�So . I � ...
_ me of the, now. styles of bats for
7 -
. . I �
thing that can.lin'ppen to a, y 'to - - .
.oung min is
be tossed'overboard and: coi�pelled to si�k - -
. L'
. L
the , deSdr-1PT14-nof�`f6e - -insignia r The
garter is made of links of massive gold. on
,very exbuser.. 'This carelessness,' igilgraliept `
foolish geniinixentality or ,V,h&taVer t , he causb..
gazine.' . ' - , 'L . � . . ..
pe..�s 31a . �� .
-. -,.:. I . .. . . L ' . ,
7-7— � .
Will of� !a$' mi ontil, .Was their silidt
'ng, .
weddl and it *%a celebratadL in conneow
. L .
'me)2 Ar, . . . .1 I L
a perphed - on U6, Very b the:
11 L i .. . 't b, -
* head and look As if they were going a ow
* . .
�' L ,, ' . .
or swim'for himself.-Gener4l Garfield. I . I
. .
I " ' --
. blue Velvet, With bixoklej�
. - collar And .
I garter, 9, rebresent4loia at St. George kill-
ba beoii, bit of course
-of Suo I b action M4 ve S With
16" t6the'noxxxxxxis4ion, of other brime
I L". , , 1 .
I . :
, �, , A. , �, '' . i
.. B1 ck(bot Belle. -
. . ut . I
" ' ' -
tion with the gorgeous marriage, of their
daughter to Prince -Gustavus .Adolphus. a
. ,f
I .
Off' 'L.And thd.16nger youylevifthein'tille
we y L W.Off .
mi� - Ou'wighthat the would blo .
. . 'y
- Masim,* t6nor, Is engaged for the St -.
. 1, .
.Petersburg season. . L .. I
I . I
. .. ing-'tlio dragoiti being Splendidly designed in
the. hope of 'similar. results. Perhaps thin
L. .-.The', Toronto Globe's cotrespOn4ut out
, I .
Sweden-' .. ' - � :� . 1. .' . .,..
. I 'L .
. -A.b. � otlious. co , I �, 0 of' the
,� I .. mparison: me
.:'-Thp ,,,books Ili thwrunning 'brooks" , I I
I .. goldi The Rniglills. mantle in of -blue silk
loophole of escape 6couired to LGxtitteau'i I
WeStwith-Lord.Ltdrxie gives this delripti011
. .
- Tixx�� Oj�Z'MEdij '
Ai;10 'Blntbil) IN WEST-
md'st d1saor6eable tbin a iii the World is
I ome -under'the -head:of ciurr6d - L . I
I .
1 . . '
- . velvet, linen and white satin,with buckla of,
. .
o hen he was mbdii
lepraved mind w bstiiigliis
of th a costume Blaokfo6b belle. It The
OfLa .
. . -
. E NO �- -
UiNswnxt %% AR6 Y.� twithstinding; - * 3 ind ,
--- I
.tl - -�-,Z - , -
is I -the �� Will'! L at' the,
- . . al -
I L, . � ---'--
. . . . . I .
- . . , .. .. I .. L".
. ..
. I '-'-' L, " , , -
. solid gold. He Wears a quairit* hat and
dreadfuldeedi' This 6hance of impunity'
. ,L
upp6i portion of'her face, including fore.. �
land?i enormous indeb d a to r
to il as 'he
I r .. marx iage coral on ;i�h,'
no with � the L " I Want "
'7--Emersofi boys .,I a man.passes for -whab-1 - - . :
. feathers-: Those ixx�ijnia were, car,riea on
'nay have turned scale When he Wis.
he&d,-.'eyeb,*%nd checks-, wai. Painted i-.
:meell�nIcs,-'�. but, one mechanical worhibg�:
after that dvelit.- ., .. . - .. . . L
� - �
I .. -11
heisworth." No,hedon1t;.he pasSesf6r
, red velvet- cushions with the exception of
. the award. The bethniiisions and letters
Weighingthe'pleasuke of.thd notoriety -he
. .
W`uldgaia by plqnging the whole woild'in.
,bright 6hr6me yellow; tile lower portion of
' '
her'face Was scarlet,. -she woie -a sd6rlet
- man has ever boom honored 'with- a burial
. ill.WestininstekAbbey, and thit was Gra-
. .A . . .
&ir maiden, who ed at a bellows.
'� .d
� Had lovers;. so sho use tollowA. .
. . c us. ,
. .
the sake.of. getting � no* truin]?O .- ' ' ' I' - . ." .'
. .. .. . . ,� r, . , ,-
. 4. . I
. of.credencew.,ere written on fine ve luin
. . .
signed -by 'Queen Vi6ioria, herself. The
in I
ourning against ihoprobibletconse quences
, of his..imeditatea, Act. L, It Lbgal '1" -insanity
blankel b thrown loosely wier liar slioulder; L
aild,-under thin Was a long Ideas
I , blouse mad&
. L
a *
ham. the clook-'mSS,S�. '- Grall in made
0 ay -Posilble by ' I * *
exact soften 13 b s- greAt
. When asked what 9 do .
h ,hat
To keep oraWaiaStko, L.: . ., ,
. . .
. . .
.in . I
. 'LShesI Ply replied, "Make 'onijollows.",
. . ,-------O— .
, ,ui hair filling L , 1: .. . . .
. � ''.
. is yo out 'or your ,sea p �. � . . .?.
diseasod? 'Ch,rboline,adeodbriiodoiLtr"t.-'� ''
� . . . .
following is a description of L the costumes'
. worn by the members ofthe missiom':'Lora
Ought :661iid. in Guibt6au's' caad such -s'n
. . �
e3 .
:posure and condemnation as will.makeian,
- out of bodark' navy b1iie blanket and trire- .
. I
-mea .with parlet 'and whit
pipings of a . 10-
- jaVerpents in time
imp , � . . .. _Pieees. He invented
I the dead -beat escapement and thegfidirdn
. . .. I I ..
, .
. -I Luo � ille". re . news � 1� the old ,questiim
it in to take a. bird
. . ':. I .
as now -improved ind' per- .� . - . I .
a' pe'ro us .. I
.. L. ,
eurill' the aftiole.you need., Bu'y M . . . I .
� t
feet Aj
I . Northampton was in admi al'suniform,
his sons am:d the. tw -t *other members a
,6 r i
end of it—Bochester Ex'pres& � �.
. I -L I.
:, * � . � . . .
-This blouse .was fastened at the'waist with�
a leather belt fully eight inches brog,d and
compensating pendulman,and. lie.waB the
first.to make clacks that would run- for
in your fingers. .We can only refer her to
to us . ing . it . . .
battle and, like thousands wh6 I �
a , 1, I
over the lai2d, yod will' value it the
. I
the mission being In diplomatic dress.
, I
W. Int. 0. JL.,ia Una Bay') wv�rhi
- . ,
literally co,Verea:with, large -head' I
. O
Oil. her
. � .
` i
many days 'Without windixxg�', Grabarp
the proverb that a. birdin the hand is worth
two in the bush. - " � , " . .
all L as � � 11
Choicest of, . ... . I I ... I
all toilet piebaj�ations. . . � . �. I .
I .. Lord Down and Coldiiel Eliot were' in the
. Guards' uniform. The Garter Kiing-st-Axxxis
At the recent convention. of itle Y, M.
C. A.'s in 06bourg, Mr. A. Safidhara read
polished.brass. neck Was &�.tx,illg
of brass beads'aB large as chatries. me of
Wei also'e, maker of grea it quadrants and
i4aiiijiments of that -sort. His funeral wai
I �
-20strie'll , fqathere on a soft muslin
I I .
I .. . I . . : I
� . I I - - � . . 1. .-- . 1. . . ... .
I I . . - � �
. and his, 6fficers wore magnificent tabards
a�apdrbuth(3subjeebotbo�va'wi)rk; Mr.
her bracelets consisted. of a coil. of heavy
Atten .
dedby all thii members of the,Royal,
grouna'are used as a, sort of high: collar on
. -
L I . . . . .. � L. : - . ... f . � . � : I
. I ... ,.. I .
. and coats with the royal irms embossed oil
Bryant, of Brampton, said. he was anxious
brabs *ire that -Would weigh not loss - than
. L
Slooibty.-$cienti . . . .. . . .
fie Anterican.
adress of myrtle g wid,x.-satin
. ,
� I .
them. For two days -past Sir AlberbWooas I
and the Spanish chainborlal,zas Vave been
to learif. something about the mod - a of treat-
ing be . ys in small to . wee. Inhis:town there
at pou nil and a "If; while,the*otber,-which.
was of nearly the -sante weightj was made.
. ' . .
- The question has beexi ra'isod, Whether n;
- ' , , . .
trimmings of the -so, L a itle. Whiliff lace
I ,
in P.Iorxtifu]13� use
. OUL P,e a irt.. It Is.&
. 11 . I .. I ..
. .
. � �. . I . '. I 1
X0 . . I
. I
discussingettiltiette. The misil6n. was ta�kom�
was a- lacrosse club Started for th It
a boys. L 1.
'of large brass beads ; several of her bng�rs
man ha�s a co
f pyright in his'face,.- aud'osin
orbid the photographers. to sell his par-
dinner aressi , - , L - � � ,.
-11 ' --
. . L
.1 -. I M �- 7 , I I .. I
4 ��- 1. 1 4
to the palace as an embmbsy -extra6idinary.
Wa`S'WbIbssiJ3g last year, but'thisyearit
were,�xxoarly cover6d iiith coils of' brass
. . . � .
wireand beadaill . .
- trait. There is -one way in which these
There goo 't d LL . .,
. .
alfh'e.celebrae Mr -C the
,.. ! �
'. .. . . . . 11
` I
. - � -.-� . .. I .. �'. . I I P
"; . .
. The Queen wore a dress with 16ng valvdt
. . .
train: oover�d with'� lace. She 'also 'wore ,
had been,"a curse, as the boyffhad boom'
I '
eugagedin return. matches . -with Toronto
. I . - . I I I
. I . �. �
. I
enterprising, artists - way 'bif "I dished ".
. ' L Used to
effectually., if you'have- been.
. larne lawyer," remarked &,lady to -her oom-
panioni, as be passed' them in the street.
.. �. .
�'.. . �
. - - - .... , . � . , .
- =-.---- � .-, a '. . . �.:. � . .
. I the
. Crown -. , diamofids, L, � :royal
I . . I -
� pantie. .The lofmt9i Isibellei'was in dark'
,and the. Toronto*players had iea-the
boys into hotels,ana saloons. Mr. Maeken.'
' . .:. . qrbe..Iqemeo .
- . . I . I 1.
� Most people, would say that that imp
. Or-
1wearil4a, beardi .shave it -off; if.-.no4,,,go
. I -
into the count-iy and grow one. , The -latter.
. " Excuse me, inaaarm, amid 'he, sharply,
- .
I, you are migtAken ; a lame man, not, a,
- , - . ,�
I = !� . . . .. -
. . - - -- < � I .
:" � - � m . I � L . . ..�
'1-5 . I I
. blue brocade, with sapphires and-aiAmands.
2io, of Hamilton, resumed .tile ,discussion
L �
I .
. �Pht iterala6r, the nose, was placed exactly
urge has been t�ken by President Gravy.
lama lawyer.',? # , . . - .
. . I
. . .. 1� . .
. I I . L . . I... . 1. - . .
I I ..
The Infantas Gaz and. EvIalie i06I.Lin
I paid blue velvet and pearls. - - The Indic of
on b6ys' work. He 66�iclered. that the
workamongb6ys described inthe Paper
in the contra of the face-, but it is asserted
that, I as a *matter of fact, .it. is rarely or
in'his retirement in the Jura'; slid, accord-
In to 9, French he' has
- �AwidoWat-tbew6st'i�tel2ditigto:ouo-
'ceed her -husband In . the vxa�agelnint of 9,
, . . . . .. � , . � . . .
� . .� * , I I 1* . 1.
-Urri, ''
. J the court wore decolletees drosses With dis..
. . . ',mantle and. to traits- The
read by Mr.-Sandlism should be ctinfined
to the homeless. It should no� be extended
mover found., thus, place d; it is almost.
invariably 6 little of the 11
a, ',
b oind so altereuix appearance that b,
*The, 'Photo_
hotel,' iavertliep that 41the hotel will -be,
:. . I L
0"".'T ' I L I .1.
O.A. �'%' L IF . I . ..
. - . .1 .
- I * grandaes And
I courtiers were in full. gale, costume. .The
.to boys in Christian homes. The work 61
out squarel" and.
, the fact of its being so in often that #hIch
portraits will be, iinsal6able. -
gra&ers will hikpilly cla;im a right of action.
. kept by the widow of thelotmer landlords
Mr. Brown,. who, died last sum2*6 on,a,
. . . . ,. I .1 �- ! .... .
. . - I . . — .. i . . I . . 1. .
. . I
. ceremony of investiture, Including ihe .
. address of the Maiiiuis �f Northampton
bringing.boyo awayfrom their -homes Where'
they,had good, ,C)iristian inStructibn..and
:lends a peculia�r oxgression and' piquano �
�ta the face., A bx0diO&lL Writer points Y
.:krs. . �javlded,j'
- Garfield, 16 now Well Or—
' -
newand'i proVedplan.11 . ..
L . P31. - I . �
' � to?"
' 4
Hla ', L . . .. . L . . � ... '
. 1. I
T 1,
. and -the King's andwer; listed for twenty-
I three -minutes. The �nissiob. 'was' 6nter-
Christian surroundings, wouivnevot be
blessed. , A meeting for, such boys, say Once
that there. are anatomical ress�ms why a
�Plightdevllstioxi fromthb true contrarlino
an- income, of, lit least 012,000 a- Year ifli
alre4dy'secured.,? If She obtains 0, pension
What will.tbis come writes it
new poet on the margin of a swedthibg he
dying for love'.
L .' . I I . - . .1. . . I L . 1. I . . . lt.. - I I . .
I I �
. . I
11-111 - Food , . . I . .. ; �,�
Thorlel's lm�r*d Horse
I . tained at a grand banquet � in, the. palace
to -night. 11 ..
I a week, would no, doubt do good,. an it
would ixxtoxi6st� them in association,'wo* rk ;.
way be expected -i and., that the bone'whidix.
is thug accuratefy 9traightbetweentlib -two
. of -0,000; her. regular income dtirbig h;rlife
- oax�hot: fill short of 015,000 a, year. In: dddi- .
.sent us about a ydang man
- �
, '� I
. It won't,conxe to anythidg,'young man. ' It
aid wttau 8 .. . 11
- .. . I
11 .. I .
. � . . . 1. . .
. I .
. in ' I .
. . I I . '
1 I I
I = I . - ,
hub to take . those boys from their hbxftea�-
eyes 14y, after all, be considered an abbot.
� .
ijon to..*this the widow will doubtless', hav 0
abodt Q100;b00,,ind in a pecuniary point L of
more. propsrly�spe .
Will go, I . mking, -it hap
gone to the waste basket. , � . .. . .
I .
Manufactured 6 nly . ''�
Is' Its , * I .
kanxiltoix, Opt. .
11ririvalled.qgbeoso has callodJorth a number of ` 1. I I I. .
' .
'plit"'ons' he
Tim 'Paris Sie'cla now calls th President
mightly was reall' y not good.. - .. i
� ; . *,, .
mal on r-
6; & only. ab8olutely true. and co
root ordan being, -,in fact, that
I � �
view, ebb will be vastly better off thin the
I , . I . . . . .,
A STORY ron T1113 TOUN0.
selling mainly on acknowledged . I �
of bur Food. Notice carefully,our I .. . I , 11
I ". "ti -xi I
of the United States Mr. Arthur Chestbr---!
� placing, as it were, the cartbefore the horse.
.1 L.
- WnA� is tQ..b'e done about 41 corners?"
the Now Vour. The
deviates 9, little to the right Or left. ' I
, 0 , �
. widow* of the lamented Lincoln who has I
§8,00 per annuin. ' .
.- 7 A quf�t'��oiinj map fror�* Shanghai �
�Udulgeil in a piedi) Of-MI1106. p5h
tmpdt. ..,k slid when ordering be sure you got . . "
TIHORLEVIS Improved Cattle Vood Irani our , I A
L . L
I . .1
- Thin ii hardly'as good as the London Daily
. .. Telegraph, wliich in the course of an inter-
.ashg York vast aeoun
ulations of 'capital and the commercial
in I
. . .— .
Titic, , .
womderful progress made in China
The brother at. the (101. Wildman Who
. �
, .. ..
Hfs life work Is O'dr, .
, ' . His forlp here to moor. I..
. * I
' " ,
. 11JULINUFACW01M, UAURIELTON, 4631(wd I , . . : .
.: . .
eating itticile on ibe relief. of:' Lucknow
! .1
. spooks of 11 Jeanie Deang, .who board 66'
U86 -of the telegraph make A possible for
00 'Vo ida business eon-
rt9in 'fin' *having w
has been emphasized of late by the Rev.
Griffith John, a long. time missioriar
bought Vewstenil from -Byrom died three
weekeago:. ]:!a w&SLbrother-In-IawbftJAe1
�L , . .. �
-Gloves Ate indi�beftsablo to a gamble.
should be &ISO
.1 .1.1 ;:....- L. . L I ., I
—IL . .1 . .
. I 0 1 INDXGES L .
GTION And0O9tiVdJI00. X6wromod .
., distant pipes playing I-Th6 Campbells ...
Coming."' Thisoonfusion of Sir Walter
IlGeti6ng td 906. up corners InL Articles Of
immediate use by All mankind, ()me
the London Missionary Societyi wh%of
beet visid"ndin'this 6ontry. Forty years
of Canterbury6' Nowstead,
ititnensely, improved from the miserably'
man's toilet in*Europo, and
' We thou
fix, Amoriom-New f�4 Star, ght
y, Sam -
plo 10 dent mailed for Stamp to Ab art of .
iiftedfitatdg. AddronoW. mAltx �
Uatada or! � q,
. . Scott's heroine with m, stage -pert roade
cotton corner kocemMy-lovied.. WWtp..'.4pon
� ago it Wag a, crime for ii foreigner, to learn
ecaye lace it 'was Wbexx.� the poet knew
. . .
there was, soulothingwtong about that son,
Druggist, Toronto, . .
oburning by Mrs. Agnes Boutiosult is of
. kill to the I'lieterophemy" of, a grave
.the, entire, oatton mantifacturlixg ipterent of
Grist Britain, Another cotton iSorner has
the Chinese language, or, for 9, Chibaman to
teach it to him; and though the Nanking
it, is 0 . W
ore in the'niarket,'a,nd itseeMI3
a it t at t o'young. Lord Byron cannot
': - -1
tonce,and now *,a know what. the in�tter,
!a, . the first letter Should have en I
I .... .
� — , I
M 0 N I
. historian who makes Sir Per 6grino Pickle
,beenform6a to affect the Liverpool mar-
treaty was made in 180, ,when Mr. John
recover it for, the family. I
' .
I --juside a drug store a day or two ago a
.1 .
- --
pall-be4rer at a distinguished .Warrior's
hat. There is a� corner In beam . 9'. In this
. I
. Went to China, twonty-five years ago, there.
. In most S�stos'tbo Jo*s and, Seventh
-man. was having 9, bit of dust taken from
over 760 8tabamorerg have been 6urod.b 110
during the pasi; three years T68timobio,thlrow
funeral, in the Pima of Sir Peregrina Maib-
land, and. should not bo'attributiid to the
connection- the Arm cer it
In pork I
YO%r will be recalled, as Well #.a the-subSO,
wore only five places it the vast empire in
which a foroi
'guer might dwell, 'The gr6at
Day Bp,�tiaf;6 0,
, to by law exempted from
keeping Sunday, provided they -keep Satur.
yp,thdred, He loft and
his eydt A crowd g �
soon forgot the dantimnil the visit. But tho
All parts of the U. S. and Canada. Address . . .
T don, Ont.
exilaielte ignorance of ,66tish lore. &md
quent corner Ili laid. ;The late speoulatio n
r was 0
interio still 16ned As none might go
day, instead. Pennsylvania is one of the
crowd elustaroa there foi an houri gaihilig
. I�Xlo
1. � . .. b 0
local 1140 Which entrapped many Liberal
in grain in Chidago is probably the, greatest .
further that., could.he teache,
I in twelve
tiODS, And ill several
OxOQp I .061111tIGS of that
'a few pec ,PIG, evoky minute and losing a,
. .
ri , I . .
Journalists two years ago into celebrating �
e6rnor known to modern commercial opers-
, .
hours from 0, treaty porb. . The whole
State the Sunday law Is vory rigidly.
fow. 'No pormon seemed to linow what he
. .
" . .
. .1
ihoweldome prepared for Mr.'Gladatone,
by the Earl of Rosabovy to the "I Hoart
tions. . . . I
William Dsvi6a,*of Shrewsbury, England
I in '.!a is now open,. Thirteen out of
0 pil tile
eighteen - . Provinces have' boom, actually
6 nfore6d Against Seventh Day Baptiste. A
MOVOmebt t0-chhugo the at tilteistobo
. 61 � .
wlta there for. .
,L,�gcLay .
I off' your, overcoat or you woxi!b
. I .
I S 0 - U tiv I -
B'die, A ti cong MP . .
. . of Midlothian," the - Said 14 Heart " beirig
,�vtWso ianfortubMtS recently AS to hAvd* hil
occupied by missionaries And their fami I lea,
made. I . . . I
feel it when you go Out," said the landlord
. the bid prison of the TolboQih long -Since
wife elope with aneighbor. As if to 'add
I .
the gospel hag beet preaelidain no6rly.all
'Sir Samuel Ushoraxid, his wife nailed for
s. WeAtokii inn to a gue6t 06 was sitting'
� I . I
. rblk . I
. � . .
. dexxxolisllo�d I . . . I
Mrs, Garfield is tallying from bor, affile-
insult to injury, the womania new compaii,
ign caused the husband to be arrested for
'the principal offlos and towns,. and., the
Bible and many'fornis of ChriAlan Mora.
Earopdyeoterday. Lady Bahorexpionsed
Amazement at the politexxaa� and dc�cncy
.of �
by the fire. 11 That's w1fab I'm Afraid of,'
returned the n1ilft. 'tTha.ISSttim0IW4s
. �
- I 1�
tion. Mr.Brown, the late Vrogidont's
threatening him, Poor Davioswas found
ture are oirotilato&ovory,where, I
: of men It in the ordinary walks of lifo,, it,
bats I laid, off wyovereost. I didn't feel
- W-1400plavo-collyem, .
. I
I private Secretary, hears that she Is busily
tilty and bound oVor to keep the peace,
g u
Lord Selbarn6lo illness is of 'such a
this country, Bless hot ladyship I wd are
lb w1lem I, Went Out, And Ihavaillb, Ialb it
. 0 ROM , - - . I I � . .
, I
", engaged in bar domestic duties, anc�expects
. to remain in Cldvelafid during the winter,
and finding no sureties, was sent to prison
f r three months, �
tharaotot As to tender it extkeniely
probable that he Will Aeon retire from t he
ill lin those Walks, eteeP6 9, few million%ire.d
;Whom nobody ever tbi� its of -
n . SprinWipld
Billed." I . 1,
'. -Stra%afy enough, green Is, t6b the
'. I
This old established tereedy can be wltb dowl
. . I A-11 the personal oftects of the late P I
� real.
, . dent
. Thoild IS a young woman witH two beads
woolffack. ,.Cho reversion is sure to be Lord.
Republicaft. . . . .. .
color of t 6 ribbon for the Order of Sb.*
donee ved6intionded foi. the Above domflaints
Tny IT. if your weroho'bi has not . go it,he .
it toi
at -Washitigtiin are be V
� I
boxes And will be forwarded to Mrs. Gar-
tion in Now York. 16 must be
difficult for her t6 agree on the subject of
061cridgo'so. and politically there Is he doubt
that tbd oh&ngo*ouia be welcome to the
A. Denver paper has .a libol suit W 'Italy
beetwoo it refort6d to h deacon as ,I a woo
Patrickl but sky blue. Why Ireland Should,
not have its tMional color for Ito. Order iQ
oaft get you, .
, . JOVN4 W. BICIEW3 . . . .
I . , i . fielil Whellovor sho may, desiro, .
I . .
.� - 11 � I
I .
bonnoto. � . � . I
. .
I .
abhuced section of the ,Liberal party, . .
I .
. .
old rooster#" - I 4`4k - , , ;
. ,
. ,
is hard to goo, but still it is a fact that the
. I
. (FO2211orly T. Bickle .& 00111,
namilb6a Ont&lo.* , . X* 1 .
' . nr Ober.
. . I .
I I � ! - . . . .
11 ,
. I I � . . . . . . . � .,
, � .
. , . I
I . . .
I .
. . I . I . I
I I . .
. . I . � . I .
4.. I I .1,
. . ... � I . . .
I 1. I . .
I ..
� ,,, .
, �* , .
, - . . . ..
I � , . . I .
. I . I I
I . � .
I . . I
. . I
. .
. I ..
I—— . I I
. . � . .
. I � . .
. .
.. . . . .
11 . . . .
. .. . I .
. I . .
I . .
. . . .
. I
I P, . I I I
� I
I .
. I
I I. I
, � . ��
,, , , I .1 �. .1 . I I . - . . I . I "dilillibi� I 11 I 11
. . i
-1 . I - - - , - . . " I I.... . I . - � - I
. .
I e . 1�..
I . .
� I
t- ",. ... � ..... . � .. ..... . ... . .. ..--- ... ...
� �
? I ..
. I I ,�, I I 1. ... .1.
� .. �. I
,- � . ,��