HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-10-27, Page 31 �..., ­ 11-11, . .1.11 I -1 I I � I - . 1. . I ­ I �, III '. -1--..1. -1 � , .— — ­ " , - - ... . . . I 1. . -- - . - - � , . ­ .. � " ­ - ,,- '1111 .. . , , � ­ � , .� I .1 . . - � � .1 . - , � Z ­— Z - 1. � --- I.. . . . ­ . � ,� . - ­ ­ .. ..... I .1 --- -1144 . N . � I . . .. . Alleniconts. W -by They Shopla, Not 00 , . . I I . I I . . I . � W . . 11 I I I . I I I . . I I I I I I I . . . � I . . 11 � 6- . . . �, . � I I I I � I . � ­­­ I 1. I I . I I I - I I . . . . I I I I r4 I i , . � . I 0 c, t. 27, :L$81. . . - r0w, VONNAWS AND MATS. , -7 JPUX,rJi* sevolax'Awitgros. * — I JFavaired by Wertane. . - TP* WAH.Xr4�— ' . � 00filsir. . � I . green ribbon belongs. to the Order 14119 I .1 .11. - - I I I I ­ I Who I'atedit 15"len ftlectc4 by 1,eading lWilugerif. . . Alleniconts. W -by They Shopla, Not 00 , An aesay of are from A. new atriko in. the , Safe mine, near $All Rafael, Lower Califor. . . I . ' -- I . —A 11 monobibe " 'a tile latest 114111040T a . . . . � , Thistle of Sootland. ff , , , . - . TRE R. . �­ GARTE. �� . �! ,.. 4, Virot shape has the Alpine crown I covered broosded I Xtaidulged In. , I I Prof. Robertson Smith, evidently, has no 'those . 1 n!&, about eighty miles from Ban 'Diego, yields 017,972 per ton. Into drink. . � —Prof. Ring is againthummilig 44 U in The summorbat is off the oopo4 � Nc wren Around the aoor-otep , hops, I . � farm The .ero n Irin . his ore ` , . � VictiorlaIs Royal Fayor Bostowed U . , pan with gray plusb. The cleap brim. -is covered . � , witha, handsome Sympathy with ministers whose vaniiy leads them to carry their opecula - Fifteen years Ago Jamps B. Orman, of, , p aBallooll, Days],' I I bao ba 11 The I 0. )I o ftying AlCaps, I b kwh 0 Th. no o tea 0 or vision tops, � - . Alfonso, . I � � pearlbemaed wati6rod silk whio I I . h is also rolled. Around the crown and mingled with I , tions and their novel �iews iixtothe pulp 10. _ di er 'Though, insome respects, in views ff h Pueblo, waht to 0olorsdo a poor boy, To- I I � I -day he employs 0,,0Q0 men and owlis and —Ab X f you d , aine balls I ,,, I yon . w ast order 41 tonic, il . opirp lager . . C t gd I Th IN Q4 ei ustora drops, , An o - or zoo an djwo by lit 011s wit b. roaril so SAU15 1� - , I . . BRILLIANT CEREMONY AT MADRID. , . &'Small bunch of, sage and cream shadeil I ostrich tips oxione side. Tha strings are ' - , I from those of his brethren in the Free I . I -i - Church, he says: *'I mover hit,oduceil 'such U works?,2,000 bead,of in lea And horses. . - A, ixegleoted but, wealthy uncle of two I —Makes A bolt for bu$bxesq�T.jIebIaok- , Sinib b. . I . . � , a � 40 - And x3orcialo obops. - ' -711 I'm a very Sick man," observed the I � . I . ­ . � tramp languidly as he, Anchored binpself at I � . I I I .. � The P4;inp and Pageantry JLlaceadling she of cream lace with large, lozenge shaped 11 . data, And ore caught Oil on I a side of che . . the pulpit, Positive , questions in � truth—truth which can 'be prevent. girls who bad lived, as Servants, in the Rusb. House' I Pittsburvil, Pa., has unexpectedly ', —potatoes plautec, . eyes. I � must have their � about. them. it tbey are to come � UP. a., restaurant table, 11 the doctor I , � I- . I nay$ I I " � must have strengthening. food, Give we . , . : -1 -- , Inyr, Alicia k��-*'CrIPIAOIA Pf li"O"Irea'"10 'hat with a transparent gr%sohapper� - � . � - A 11eidelburg Shape has 9, square crown, illustrated, applied—oan be found sufficient to occupy all a rbipiatcr% time in, mad, theta h ,be Surrogate of Sau ap y. ..T man a FranoWco has 900,000 of thin dead i ' : ' —Dark red in Small quantities saftems, I � . something with plenty of !ran in it." The I , , 'rest co, and InsIgula. I . � I . crushed. down until it resemliles a gentle- . - public iustruo . tion, and employ lai his abihty In I I money, and. is looking for Caroline And . I , dark browil.gooil . 9. 11 .The more advice a,m%xx wi4ter Shaded the a of his mouth .. Witb his bsn4a.and then bellowed ill oten. . . MADRID, Oct. ,—The investiture of . I � . , King Alfonso. with the Order of the Garter inan's high hat that has bad a . I , 11 . misunder- standing with Several low ceilings. 'An I � its illustration... Such ppaitive truth,'aud such only, has pow.e I . r to turn men to � I Mary Clark. . , af ter his a In less than six weeks . rrival in gives the lea Popular is be with I , 8 bio fellow$ , . I toriam, tomes; A, One koo of nails I 11 0 . . � — . Clea,xilinessis not only next to. goan- I . took pla?s thin afternoon. Alfonzo,- XII, , I bag received many 'marks of oympatla . y . � .. I I imspeAn breast and heao ornaments one side . . I I � of tItis picturesque hat. . � righteousness, and to coull rm and edify . them theroill," If Dr, Thomas, of Chicago, Colorado, Dr. W. J. Bean, of Columbus, O., located two mines in the, Lake. City mining �diotrlcb, —September -gown, wheat .. in thriving finely undOr tile recent r inn. a I , , xxess�it is the foundation of bealthfulne I so. ­ . , Dirt is a, disease. The %;am Queen Victoria,. but none more agree- A tprba,u of dark bronze plush is arms, and oomer bearer home, who in past years : 'only and At the depth of t*enty-five � -Whealan 014 maia is Well #4 preser�eclfj germ of fuxxd%� , 1. mental truth of sanitary sclence-m 4is, Able tliantlie. high distinction once before, jik this century conferred on another mentedwith a small green parrot. The muff which accompanies this is also of bav6 got. into, diffigultiee, had . . observed this rul a and confined them- feet struck the , pecimens of silver finent a . . ore ever, produced. lie bag refused �100,0.00 6 ,.. .he ought, to be sweet enough to king, �'cQvery , . I , I I of modern time -is that . 11 filth I is, . I , I � I � . .1 � � I I ., after Spanish sovereign. Lord Wellesley . I I � bronze plush, lined .with cardine . I � ,I, satin, Selv , ,as, in their ininistrations those for the mines, .t . -Vennor promises that a bright 4.ovam, - bar will &toxic for the October gloom, ' the M086 fruitful, if not the sole, sourco of �.11 ; I 4. preventable'dioemse.11 40 Clean things the great Peninsular war,brought the Garter to Fardinanil I , VIL, grandfather of Alfonso, and has a parrot with cardixxa� ribbon around its throat, oil tile outsido� . Wthere was'9 great truths, in whic subatati- tia,l agreement between them and ths, the ribbest specimen of quartz of I a size . ever -taken out of any mine on the Pacific - -Wouted-Natme of the western town *that hasn't , � I , alone aris. healthful,,, says Dr. Gregory, . . I , Preside I 11 rat of the Illinois State Boardot I I The relp,�tionscoolpil between Spain and Rog- landduri4g ieenleabellso'ereign,while'tho A Gainsborol of marine blue plush has ostrich plumes of the same for lace brim. On Churol.cies to which they'. belonged, their congregations would have last -no I thing, and Calfi;j is, coast is on exhibition at Noble's " 11 : street, Sait Francisco. It weighs 214 pounds, It made giant at' rides. - ' ' ' ;-Dresses. are now worn io Short that the . � I Health; "clean -6a,ter, bleat food, clean - -- I "'M I a Ili, and. ol anliness of the whole famous t marriage policy annoyed, thb a 4,2 � .. . ming as well' as tbe.cutaide. The left � I both they and the Chu . oulah%vis been . roll w - And is valued by .an assayer at 0201000. I . . ngs street crosai are seldom cleati.. � � I . I person, .. , , - I 1 and tb . I , whole life." � . -British Government. DuriiS the revolu- .9 . side of the bribi, is caught up. and hold with . Saved from a great deal of tro I uble. No taken from the Rainbow .mine in, was . I - I I . -Ad%m. ought to- ,have said 11 Hardly, . . . i . I I Little Bo-Reop awoke from her sleep . . , � I tion of September, England, ever Slow to . � I recognize governments like those of .Area., I . . P. buixWot,re'dWand purple plums.., � I I I . . . A thea#a�hat of .qlWd -chenille and plush man, certainly, ought to teach an ything " which he does not believe, but "it does not - Sierra County. . . . 1 " �01v&," Nixon he Was -tomptei I to bit;, the Apple. - . . I - . i Her eyes operied*Ide and wider, I . . ! . _ to . lPor bhe found herself s n . . I 0" a gra's I . . I . dens and Serrano, was among thev first to . -has & bunch of shaded, chenille flowevs, I. . - I follow that he ought -to teach all that he � A-ous4T deal of, interesting 1 formation- . 'will � . . I * -The prize-Aghter ieela before be .. I With an old Sheep' .1'.xididg)b �Idp be,. . �' - I I I * , . . . . . , � I ball'the restoration of tb 6 b9i'prince, w he, slightly mixed with gold threads. The � I - does believe, imless he-bbligvee.-it to be . I � , be gained from7tbe Gerxinau', Aust riam, I I � I . I strik6, but the bel 4 as al I I 1 0 m6`bPe' 'untOlt'6 , I Littlo,13o.reep,11 said the good old shoop, , . . 1, I . , . . . " How I . . , 6xile, was called to ,big 1--1. when fresh OQni I I throne by �Ibhe dari�g General Martinez Strings are of, reversible .plush and satin I .1 � . ribbon. � � . . . . . . necessary to salvati on. There were truths I I I which the Lord Jesus not on and Russian mauceuvres- recent ly held, e es the alone inspections And . . .. struck. . . I , � . . . . . , I :� . . .1 , I . 91ILd I Ann we've found you, � . we are�raxxxs, and sheop, and'lainbs-, . , . . . . I 11101 fleeki., up .. . I � -.;..L-*- - -­�, - ... ...... a P , . . - �G fiftib*- -ThWfd16b5­th'6­--ff ' Hgh� �o&% . . pani co - - -A— I,--- I—— ­ 4-- , � � � ­ �, - iiS0w,eff'0th*Ixi1i6fi pliiiiiuie' &6 ifiliau6,6ii, ...... A 1 enie k . 1r, , -Pa, e-.4 I V I ,ha .6 ith brim at - T U ­b ", -, ess eig Ito as wi a, is a -.ric -n - jut - " b '' "'d ...... f UK' utb-r�4 ,Christ , I . beli qbecl but-knew;to be"suab � 0 . H I L ­114i ­ ' did- as we & i- -I- - t7fe- c '16- li - I I - :70M7M4.qr9*C-.*4;;,lrFva AWW;r,p1-W9 i4�. Wnsarmbia,at'Kanitz in Hanover, . --=No, Melinda, you err. A man mv , -M�Fe—w-pTer on th& Iir-gWfy-eT-i;6'e- VS-1'jt;f1'jiW- %round I � , � you,,- .. . . � - � .:,- — . -11-1- ,:�­= -J .� I I - .= 'Y Y-61rbte—RiSf5e�qp7l' —said-Iiiiie B;7�Zej� —. — , ...-I I "I've . . . 1 4 . . mentAhate, sW'ecial on.v9y.extraordinary, . one I of,grigle a most . . , I Ancient Peers, ch.;ef 1 bx�q.cadea jelvet. Two pheasa-ta wind around ther cone shaped crown it upposite, I I . . uscipmB, 6=01i because theyivere-not pre Pai6d to receive them. There may be truths which are . . and . . I It . And the ohikuges made in regimental so- oontrembnt a will be seen, -The Germans . . to burst into tears. I . . I - -The middle at' the hour glass, Says .. I . been worried to death about YOU." � , ­ a' " We've been sea:rching ,for you," isi* ills. good ' - - . I 11 . . . ; . .. old She . . I ' " eel t � of he old H se of Commono, and himself � . �Qu directions, fastening the roll of Watered .dimly perceived even now by a few -groat , I have, -developed a more rkpid plan of. the Boston Gomimercial,'Is a wadst of time. , � Wo wQkildn' goholnewithoutyalip . . . . � . I . . . . . � a knight of the �Gartor, would come as � ribbon striped i�ith Satin, .which' is eon. I thi�nrkopsl, . which will.. be brought out into I . . I attack, and ifshquld.be added, of defence I . ---wNear- Wiarton, in the - Georgian Bay I - -He carad home I . I - L late the, o�her night - - . * . � bearer'of this royal preseit to . Don A onso. . ' . Jf Tile G orzte a 60 roll b Ir ounts � � n Lit$ P ' . Ut tinned at each aid a to form the strings. L , A gendarme blue velvet has two rows of qla or ight when .t . ,bey ar6 neeAed 'to meet th . . . a, necessities. -of oaminA geners- -than. has been known before. also,* Tlxa� haie 4doidiad again to use artillery in , ild . district they have ripe w strawb�rries. 11 L L . .. . . ran,d big*IfaLWoke lap and foun-d hik n With I . i -� - . �. burning -in�ial'tryino to light the faucet - .. � I .. . I . twenty -five -knights, wlio are ofEngland'sl I . . velvet, box plaited around the. brim outaide, . L tions, which Would be hurtful rather than . L I I . . I heavy masoca, as, against batteries and I .. 7 -Gray hair looks wall under lilac flowers in a black or a white lace mantilla bonnet. I ­ . ,6 ver the marble bagin in his dressing room, ' ' . I ­.� . -, I . bluest blood, with thb 'e1cbptioxx of-foid . , . . - I . VqAconsfield, who entered, the poble obap! ' With.tw6 impeau birdsoroaged and mingled. . .1. . , -f with the r6ll ot'velvet, .arolmd the croy n, L' I beneficial to the piLesent state of - intelleo- - I I tual,and spiritual - deypl. . .1 qpmeut��-Chrft;tian . I half batteries manoeuvred, by isolated . . ytaiph-.- and thby arereported insibreandat, .1 . , I , . ' .Rich dark brown tor winterive fir will ' Supersede the fash I ILI J . . Ames," she Said, ,I that is not the gas . . I . . . . . . � burner." 14 I know4t no*, my love," he . . I ' . . . ter by right of talent .and exceptional Strings of reveirsi616' velvet and satin the I . I . I I . Guardian. L . . I . to. hAVa come to the conclusion that . , I onablp. gray of autumn. replied; unat6vidily L L �. ; I' fact - isp' I've :been ' . . i3ervions to, the Crown. The foreign knights . must be crowned'heads, or b )ire apparent !E same shade. - � I I . . ; �,,. I . . .. . , Mourning haf� .Are quite elaborate,. I . I . ..�-. � I .. .1. , -+ a L ,. . . - . . jo 11 '" f9b '%Vuler 'on Lake H . .cavalry will' henceforth play more . It a t 11.1 )art than .6ver -I A the. operations Some1splandiil mushrooms have been . g&T . hered in, the vicinity during the past .Overworkea,'and tha's r eas dn made mis. , . . . . 1: - I tako2l 14 Yes,'�oxr look so if you had been, I I . . at least, to obtain the Garter. 3KiugAlfon6o- 1W L especially those for half. mourning;, Oneof I X040 .111 . � I ' I , w, .-T L . all ellor, ­ . - I I P . ;mpor.a . . I . � �f.. war,. So,� booi- with the Austrians: I L few days. . . . . . I lifting a good deal," .-She quietly answ a � , at d, , - .. I I . bAd'signified his acceptance ofilaeprbffered. . I order, L and had fixed Ootdber 11th as the crapd and 'gros grain silk has -the front finlahed with dull and .. bright jet ­beS(.L * . ­ I . . . - I I I . I I I . . , It I- not usual. -at this season 6f the.yqar 'L '�, . Becognizing the fact that their artil lery , . I . WaA.'extrowely usel6so an handled in. the '�A n,oble-writer onge said: that truth is L . contagious.- He waswrong;Jb is lying that . . 11 as She returned to h - I . .... I . � I I . I pr PIRO . L. . L . W . ­ � . I !. , ,- L . I . day foi investiture in his royal palace. The onvoy, - prid, a brilliant',follow.ipg � . . I = while Eb grebe's breast is mingled with - the folds a*nd flat bows of crops ind silk that I . J * .erlexxc,�ahbavy rain fall, our. 11 wet 1"Outh 11 being June. Thic,.S' , ,, however, Sep.tomber'can - . . . last Turkish war, they have decided to . reduce the. range at wbioh.pri�qtice ii,to be . . - L 18 Istolil.11g.. L. . . ,. . I - - br�Ad or . - Bonnet Strings, long or, a barb, � .. ... . I . � . I I A Bourbon Anecdote. . .. . . I . . . . . I . . I J6hn J. Crittenden . to tell this . not Qn'the day'when the King left j , � for Caceres to receive the Xi I lig of Portugal.' . trims�tbebri'xxxi- Thestriligsare of heavy , -four-111oh gros grain ribbon. . I I . via With Jvne for da , . imp weather. Thislargeamoi ,,--'of water from I , . made, And in future. their.guhs, will ;6ime . into action At from 1,000 to 1,mo . . narrow, are worn in the go-aa-you-pl ' 0 � eas . style.. � '. 1. I used anoo. I . . . , I . L' . dote to illustrate the fidelity q . . I * L, . f his people * , . . .1. 11 Long .befor6* the' appoint d hour for, I the ceremony the -iiiiiiatiti.ire � . . -- . I - I � . !Important Fa0hitaii -ry . i4e the clouds b as bden'thought to be the. cause L of the highwater in' La a k Superior. The. yara­s�' never further 6S,than the latter dints. moo= � . - ��Aluxxatio has,aet "Beaixtiful�Snowfl . L wine of the dountry2l A leading L . . . . to the . I . I . : -. pi�ljticiau of the State iug , � I I . I . I , (Kentug'ky), sioppi . I . . of guards of , honor' - with bands , and colors took up i�eir - Station in -the palace-oourt �..' . I .. . . 1. . . . I Le Fo?let: ,"Coate and bodices with , numerous small d66ka along the bay'fiont, whi,11 are used for' lending froxxi pleasure y b ornatin close to the a 'a" whi'at� ey in" gp " Ally W 8 line - e.i hen it' is -broken enemy ' N I I b heavy .ctry to music. 'The RocheAter B xyress charges I . . it to Guifea� 7 L . I . L. L ' . ' for the bight at the house of a c . I I . ouixtrywan . , .. *9, .. , '' * IL , in one ofthe southeastern � _ . L . .. counties, found ', ' `.' I . . � . . immense opposite the -State entrance, �apd i qrowds near the.� `tLpIiroachegI babits-basques, i, e., shoiter in front than . . I . at the back, where they .take more or 1 . 1 .688. *of . boats, obtaining water, ate., and which have generally . been a Pout two feet above f y m,,L Ire. . . , . L .. L . Ix Boston, where .intelloctual.%wo I rest I ,. -There is -a certain, time ofyear' When . L alaxio�t everybody feel" laq;.And; so I big . . . I the entertainment begot more Satisfactory I , . � because of A barrel ,of very'res�ootable . " � . . . I gathered I despite the efforts of . . bors6* and f0OtPAtrOIg- Meanwhile fime'-Stlite drawn by, the f6rm. a, gentleman's dress, coat, are to be worn ihisWixltar�. Man�. of. these will ' are af th . I . . the level, a present time entirbly submerged. - In fact, the L water is so high have ., long held away and blue stockings have ruled blxe.roost,it We can credit what .. . . a 6alled'Ilidian suininer. .. . . . � . -A takegmaro in.a whiskey having been just brough. 1�. - .. , . I I t I . ,� ­I . Returning a month afterward from. all. . � - '. . carriages, fine teams of Andalusian hotaes, plumed . . � L be in different maiterial to the .'rest of the I . . . dress, and may be worn with a variety of , ths the stea bor MilAto' I .t ba 'wag enabled to the we hear, woman whp -, lihe Miss Lelia J.- Robinson, are denied a license to,,practi,e . woib4n pride . pr9tty foot than anything also; And,a man thinks . �. electioneering tour-, and L . . ... . � %, � —disappointed in not . . � , 1; being able to 6ven he '. - * '- . , Wert with the I . and brilliantly harneSsed . I Marquis del Vallee the principal infro- I . shirts. The Ilaquette LaimIlkile in One Of go, up River Katainistiquia, without any . I difficulty.' This extraordi occurrence � at the bars*of the , courts need no license to ,$,Well traili;d. me st., u ache the qn6 tiling . . L I . I . desirable. � . I got &.drink, reminded " � . I I I L ' � . L ;L . L the liest, with some impatience, tbAb on 7 I ' * I ducer of the Ambassadors;, to tho Hotel dq L . The the newest of these ,4 it, is tight fitting and I . . �y- i1o. means long in the basques,,resembles took �,Iace on Monday lasZeri"I'd. being the , first time a steambr has been thebar act L 'AS- ofiloe . counsellors and �dvise, -about' the settlement or bringing of suite '' , ,'. . . . . . . , does tlll: . , - - ­�'-When 6 mania drubk he Aga, ' . a month ago he ha,d. a fall barrel in his . . . . . . I . I . pantry. The look that PxeoeaedL the . I answer � I I :� Paris. escort wa a formed by a Squad - . I L . , von of Royal-,Hoxie, Guards. - The -Marquis- I � . . In fact.the bun Wag jackets ladies, -used to in, the eighteenth 'century. It Is ofer it has caused the' people over there to feel ' . . through I , Wh6l. regularly admitted,lawyers. Th field -of we, Are 'told, that lie - is ashamed of, and whom -he soba4.a ui� he es tii to thihk L I I I . this reminder, was composed'bf surviise I I 11 to . , . . I I .. 1. 11 . I . I of Northampton, and Sir Alberbwooas,-, . Garter.X�iog-�t-Arn�s, and tlib of ,weir . alwa� a of a, 'color contraiting With the lbas depressed thauttatial. An effo t i6'al 6 being made to ixidU I qp the Steamer Sovereign, of conveyancing, drawing. wills and.of arbitration is'freely open to . I . w'lik�t . , they ate. -, ., I L . . . . .. 6 i and resentment : LoOkee here,'n1y friend, . , � .. . . ". . . aoyousL)eot one bar'I ol.'whiskey.-to I last L - . . I I , L . � members I the mission Were. dri�ell:16 thO­P�Iaca AS,$0OUL Skirt and is made of cloth or velvet for the . -street and velv6t for evening wear ; in the . 'it. I pow ill 08 L iloAding L rkilN at Prim Arthur's - Landing,to'dischaige a* small' women, - Miss Robinson aforesaid ,has opened an .office in BQ4t6m and, th�� local i -Mrs. Win. Danxi'has'grown a man.' -strous potato on hot farm, Waterloo -Town- . 11 I . q I . . L I altvays,' and 'specially --,vhen a man 8 got 'a - . .: wife and sii children, and the cow's -gone � ' I Ahrough crowded'streets, 'S they . . . reabhed the palgee-they were linfled .- ith . I w lattdr case ii made. qen t �t tlie throat L en &eur, and hag - lialf long Sleeves, all the- parto�lxek at the 'toW L'Plot ' linder -Bay .1 11. .. 27i] :. , I cargo � ­ : Sentinel., . _ c4ionidlers �ixxform us that hot �: law chambers are not only,equipPed with the . . L . Alp'. It.does�iiot'labkauounce'ofvieigh� . . . ing- two - " I..., I � �, � . . . . ". dry,aniltbey'vegotubinillt?" I'Noverl"� . I . , , L : . . � answered -the candidate-1,19ertaigly. ' I a rov B rit4 - ­.. " - - - salute­and.-4bb.�., -%:h­mxithw4l.L . . WilO luLtr6ya-, . . . 1. . .. i : � gibif w-61, i�tih6a,1,i, - rm E * ­ - ­ z, . . c . I --edgep7bam0ri:mmm&,with -,"chisowlaid- 11 I -on 110 and turned- upward. - - This jaq-u6tLte . . . . . - . -,11-----.--— . . -- . - , '' - I . bra,ry,�- -traditional: ddAks,'pigoon-holes- atrd� I! I P including Stool for. pounds. I 1. I - - , . - t.­--,-z.=�,,­ � -1 . - .., .1 ... . .; _. �: �. I" z -, � '-::ZT 6rd WFi p great in6ny wild4iichi; ati L . not. ' , ' L , ' - : I dida'f' undiirstapd--Aie�'-situatiou - .: ­ ­ � � '' �-­�— .— ';,-or' I.'d­!­-- - . L , ., .1 L . . . t a members- of the hofii6hold, and others.L, . . Last came the Marquis of Northampton,- . is"a'drairably adapted for m6t - At the . . I tr theatie, beilig in Style, though- so .. . oral IneptIludes.' , . . Ch, ­ . .. � . . Rei genial and witty . i. E-.* P, Tboney, the a of repentance a . . '' messenger boy, but with lace curtains- and . dounsellot, the loWer*exid of the bay,.but�they a,rd. io,tlibr. aby, ' and Sportsmen 4nd it-haird. to . I never have asked so foolish a qu9stiob. This. i , . . . . . Indlasses-and-water �p=wellj% W. 0, SIMPI . .�. , I.. . - - y '' . . . . I � 4 . I . . .. . . - an aged'and haughty'Llook'ng Pbdr, .&)ad . . . on his left the Garter M-ing-rut-Arms. in the I I . * . ; quite.- e: ffective. In �io,let de Lorraine, amethyst I � . - i is very or ruby,.overvream Or light gray, i I . President of'Ooloiadb College,: Was at one . - binia the belov6d Pastorof the'dongregational canary birdai Furthermore I ins,n 6ok'fourth honors -I I a .a class of Rc� , tbi i - ty tw b graduates ab the, Boston Lmi - 0 . ge-b:&..sb6t at them. .. I . . I . . . . . - �SirXohxl Lubbbok.s6ys that bass lovd . - . . L . splendid." Bditor's Drawer, i7i Harper's . . . Napazinifor Xovember�� - '­ � � ., - . . �. . .11 4. . , . . . . . , L I I . ; mantle of his, -offieg, I carrying Queen . . . � . Vic- I toria's letters, of creaeuce. : The Ring, elegant; violet over w, sappliir�� . Persian Jill OVqi pale blue Satin or .66r6h,' and bla,,k Church'in ioa- 6aat' town in Massachu- � .1 a 0 130tt - 6 , To 6Lke 6ub his ,salkry,L his people "i. . � I . 19.1i BatBost�u need hot boast herself . I overmuch. v`o6k Judge'llandley, at Lblue..' It is -k pity that.the, man w . ho takes hold of:one of thelpaver bo gently does not . .. .� I . . 7 * I ' L I ' , I A, momunient � wa's erected over th *0 a. . 11. . 1 . - .. ,. . � . . L - those.. of - 4aribald.1`6 bana'who; ' . th standing in 0 hdborc(iers' uniform, . U . . . . Witixo t any cross ok *stiLr whatever on %it. . . ublue . over rea..or coral, are also combinationi of ". 'L' ­. . . coloi much admired.'!, .' . .­ . we -him a'doxI9,fJon.p&rty, Among the L - ,,gl I Pre ,sentg,boimia,finqme* dreSs-'coat for the. pas-. .Last Sorantoil, Pa,, upheld. ths.right of a -woman (Mrs. Wintbil, the wife Of LA law.y'er of that . . have blue fingers. L. . . ' . '' L � L I . � . -'-'1wb.xi �,Oxi haVe aLoomplaint to'make, roinalris of- , �' L . . , were killed on the, field'of lffoxxtaxxa� . The , . .... � municipality confided � the bare of it 6 4aii ` '" ' � - . dark - tunic, -awaited �- the mission, � I I . surrounded by the Court - .,6f Ministers-.' . . .. I .. 11. - . I . I.. - . . I - � �. . ... . - -'.- � . .:,. 6.4 1hexul 11 Inatanity.., . L . .. ... . ter,. and a tasty bonnet" L . for hisbatter half. . � On the following Sunday', Aa tfie.y.walked up . . � ' .city)cto act as One of a board of a' %toks rbifr %�d Against At'renuous objectibbB not. only do it in 4 buBineBs-like matter'. Don't write three -or four'pa'ge's' of f6blsciip v;beii ' L . . _ ' , -ex-Papal gendarm6, wholi's made a prao- -' ­ �. . L . tic6, of selling thii- bombs tatour- . 1. . . . � . . Qu6in Christina StOOdL on the left'of the . King, and at her we'ie 'the -ibfsntas. . . . The " I crankiness " of Guitteau, hai rdosb L . thd aisIbill, blieir,-noWL .h&Wimepti,� th* . I ,hair Inadvertently- struck, , out with L , sustained bar jurisdiciti6n but ,bar � aW 'aid- I . . . . .1 hall a Page, -would sUff[ee. : * .. .L * � . . .� IL patri6ts' . . ;I to, AS lbern L , '' ' I � . ' . 8 entobs. ' Two persons sent . . � I I ' ', L ,Ipft . . . The Marquis of Niirtha mipton ad�axxeek to 1. .� empliatidally 6 "method" innib, , He Wants I . L the voluntary, iiiiiell. to 'the, discom_ WbiChL was oiugularl e4uitable. � ..: - � . L L ly . . . . ** 'fi, -The t*ndor -for'the ereotionof a new . * , *. * , , I L I from . Rome .-to investigate repr�tse dea,,, : , - ­' . oat of the throne and; in Fk nob. i . the I L . .a 0n it L � .. abory address bxplaineil, the: the. to be,.'defexided* on tbeL PleA.of "LlegLalL I . .. . Ins 19nity.11 only, not as. troubled with - .any , . fituro of tbd , 'sonsitivd". iijlp . rgyLMan . -And- 'his. 11 W -. thesb I The -petty -Duchy of. Baden is.a, unny I I little it ligdom, with �&'fimxiy, a litile Ill By 't Pan offic St. Kitt.. hafl, 'been in . let to MOB �,Ttlrlex��&S,itzei,,'otthat city, and' themselves. as tourists to the "'. is, . . - . L ­ . th d , I � . Sold li , ­ , * , : ­ � . who em.re 108, �, . .L . ! I . . - . , :. , , . object,of . misnion. The , King ,4eplied. - '. Lord ' . ' at her kind. That'speciei of inianity means, . ' 'in .wife I . are' ' L .lie m1right army? 71. At the �same�church, a, . . .9�hrt, . ren: - equip6 Yes - , . as , full of;, ce iony, . k I ' ` 'd 'a`.LWjgS 'I *L � I .. � 'the ablofint is 28,000.* .. .: . . I .. I � . � I ' .. .t. �� . � I . * L., . . � President Arthur in �u- expert fishatmaxI . . . L. I I I . I Northam ton. iind'the GartiirKing-at-Arms P .we should'say, just what. *ill clear A a U` I, ew week6ago, ilielimeral ot.& prominent L.* and liverie pow are * elaborate , . . , -Never .despise aii old friend beckuia he . L And' is very food of -fishing as an kinuse-',',`..' I ., I . . I ­ . ,,. , , - : . . I . - approached the. *,.King* and -buakIdd tbe . . . � garter on the.left log'of His, Majisty below . ' bf.thei particular crime for , which he is in I � . , dangbi,.sond him to prison where he can be . &�d I I highly respected citizen of the town, by th� name of Knig ght pocurred, on which, ,,,,,g,.,. ligtn:011 anj of the -big..nourts'.of the Qorman-.Empite, And L ItSparallel is.n66 happonatobave grown rich, Go tobim,' take -him asidii tell. *him gently of Iiis faults - Ment, and he bakes to. piscatorial literature ' * - " 1, � . . � aiiv pastimet -now and - then. Diiring the . - L * '' 'the . 1. - . . the knee, Ahe Garter ''IRing-at-Arms I reading an admonition. -.;'Afterwards Lord kept o4t 6f the reiloh, of popular fury till his offence is half forgotten and than &IIOWehriM 'to.come . L . L. . ' occasion, by's. 'singular -'C0n0etem.pd,, the I as, their choir gang . "first selootion'. the� hard to find in Offembach's sprightly satire poxi - . 0 the dbinga-in the'GraDd Duchy of I . and ask him to) lend you 4106. * � ... : " . . - I . - ths;tL L ft'id .. 'Physicians Session o'f Selliste,,iiM e he Was Vice- '' ' - Il . . � I Presi . L .. "dent, he frequently spent an Itouror' ' � . - . ., Northamp L t I on' . sticbessively . invested .the King With the .ribbon .,' mantle -'and forth and begin a new bare , of . Wickledhess-4berbaps &more carefulote,a d' 1. 74 L usually fitting hynin,L A' There wilCbe . -bo night theie.'��' The effedt,,.ss. soprano, alto.. L Gerolotein, HoweverlittleblieDuchymm'y" hat it is -"largely . I . . connected, lox. its Grand' � , Duke , Say' . , who 0 Ji t' healthy to sleep Ili the daytime &to robakbil . . by a-teligious journalist-, *he so ,that the ya: I so in iiia lilirp6ry, -of - (36tigress Poring over . �' - . L . ,� I . . . L I . . , the bo6ks.on fishes Andlishing. L... � ,� . . . .collar, hat and- foather : and- star, ..of. the, . . L Otder., The King. on.receiving theswora *, therefore more, dangerous one.to,tlao'public. It mugVbe c f6saod.thit our:cOurts have, � � on , and toxxor.iiuccessivdly id;k tip 'the refraixx,'� � was iyelf.calculatedto excitd the risibles -of is Son,Of!Princes6 Sophia of Sweden,' - . , and his -Wife, Louiso,'is daughter -of. the . . . . I people who attend church he a I gv .rerna�rkab.13, goo d health. - .,. ' - . . .. � I � rerty is 'uncoinfortibfe, as. i can I i I , rOl , . certify; but ninii'limes out of ten the bost ', mubtickled -his own., �nd t ' L gave., it 0 .1 . tl�e 1. Gaiter Xing.at-Arrriii. . Vhe fol . lowing is often recognized just the,tdogLree of insain-it 1 Y. ' I criminals under that aixa.� acquitted f�4x . . red " '' ,thoSe. . Who'.� had * gathe in, any. but a . I ; humoro' . .. us spirit.-Editor'.S Drawer,` in I Emperor of Germany. The -ducal pair .. aving married a . September 20th', 18S6, L , 'the L � . .. . . ,.�So . I � ... _ me of the, now. styles of bats for 7 - 'tOPL . . I � thing that can.lin'ppen to a, y 'to - - . .oung min is be tossed'overboard and: coi�pelled to si�k - - . L' . L the , de­Sdr-1PT14-n­of�`f6e - -insignia r The garter is made of links of massive gold. on ,very exbuser.. 'This carelessness,' igilgraliept ` foolish geniinixentality or ,V,h&taVer t , he causb.. .Rar- gazine.' . ' - , 'L . � . . .. pe..�s 31a . ­ ��­ . -. -,.:. I . .. . . L ' . , 7-7— � . f-11 Will of� !a$' mi ontil, .Was their silidt 'ng, . weddl and it *%a celebratadL in conneow . L . 'me)2 Ar, . . . .1 I L a perphed - on U6, Very b the: 11 L i .. . 't b, - * head and look As if they were going a ow * . . �' L ,, ' . . or swim'for himself.-Gener4l Garfield. I . I ­ . . I " ' -- the . blue Velvet, With bixoklej� . - collar And . I garter, 9, rebresent4loia at St. George kill- ba beoii, bit of course -of Suo I b action M4 ve S With 16" t6the'noxxxxxxis4ion, of other brime I L". , , 1 . I . : , �, , A. , �, '' . i .. B1 ck(bot Belle. - . . ut . I " ' ' - ­ L tion with the gorgeous marriage, of their daughter to Prince -Gustavus .Adolphus. a . ,f I . Off' 'L.And thd.16nger youylevifthein'tille we y L W.Off . mi� - Ou'wighthat the would blo . . . 'y - Masim,* t6nor, Is engaged for the St -. I . 1, . .Petersburg season. . L .. I I . I . . .. ing-'tlio dragoiti being Splendidly designed in I the. hope of 'similar. results. Perhaps thin L. .-.The', Toronto Globe's cotrespOn4ut out . , I .­ Sweden-' .. ' - � :� . 1. .' . .,.. . I 'L . " . -A.b. � otlious. co , I �, 0 of' the ,� I .. mparison: me .:'-Thp ,,,books Ili thwrunning 'brooks" , I I I .. goldi The Rniglills. mantle in of -blue silk loophole of escape 6couired to LGxtitteau'i I WeStwith-Lord.Ltdrxie gives this delripti011 . . - Tixx�� Oj�Z'MEdij ' Ai;10 'Blntbil) IN WEST- md'st d1saor6eable tbin a iii the World is 9 '�Sqhrpaiifion:- I ome -under'the -head:of ciurr6d - L . I I . =a. 1 . . ' - . velvet, linen and white satin,with buckla of, . . o hen he was mbdii lepraved mind w bstiiigliis of th a costume Blaokfo6b belle. It The OfLa . . . - . E NO �- - UiNswnxt %% AR6 Y.� twithstinding; - * 3 ind , --- I .tl - -�-,Z­­ - ,­ - is I -the �� Will'! L at' the, - . . al - I L, ­. ­�­ -­--'-- . . . . . I . ­ - . . , .. .. I .. L". . .. . I '-'-' L, " , , - . solid gold. He Wears a ­quairit* hat and dreadfuldeedi' This 6hance of impunity' . ,L 'the upp6i portion of'her face, including fore.. � land?i enormous indeb d a to r to il as 'he I r .. marx iage coral on ;i�h,' no with � the L " I Want " '7--Emersofi boys .,I a man.passes for -whab-1 - - . : . feathers-: Those ixx�ijnia were, car,riea on 'nay have turned scale When he Wis. he&d,-.'eyeb,*%nd checks-, wai. Painted i-. . . :meell�nIcs,-'�. but, one mechanical worhibg�: .' after that dvelit.- ., .. . - .. . . L � - � I .. -11 heisworth." No,hedon1t;.he pasSesf6r , red velvet- cushions with the exception of . the award. The bethniiisions and letters Weighingthe'pleasuke of.thd notoriety -he . . W`uldgaia by plqnging the whole woild'in. . ,bright 6hr6me yellow; tile lower portion of ' ' her'face Was scarlet,. -she woie -a sd6rlet L . - man has ever boom honored 'with- a burial . ill.WestininstekAbbey, and thit was Gra- - . .A . . . &ir maiden, who ed at a bellows. '� .d � Had lovers;. so sho use tollowA. . . . c us. , k ­ . . . the sake.of. getting � no* truin]?O .- ' ' ' ­ I' - . ." .' . .. .. . . ,� r, . , ,- . 4. . I . of.credencew.,ere written on fine ve luin I I I . . . signed -by 'Queen Vi6ioria, herself. The I in I ourning against ihoprobibletconse quences , of his..imeditatea, Act. L, It Lbgal '1" -insanity I I blankel b thrown loosely wier liar slioulder; L aild,-under thin Was a long Ideas I , blouse mad& . L a * ham. the clook-'mSS,S�. '- Grall in made L 0 ay -Posilble by ' I * ­ * exact soften 13 b s- greAt . When asked what 9 do . h ,hat To keep oraWaiaStko, L.: . ., , . . . . . . .in . I . 'LShesI Ply replied, "Make 'onijollows.", . . ,-------O— . . , ­,ui hair filling L , 1: ­ .. . . . . � ''. . is yo out 'or your ,sea p �. � . . .?. . diseasod? 'Ch,rboline,adeodbriiodoiLtr"t.-'� '' � . . . . following is a description of L the costumes' . worn by the members ofthe missiom':'Lora Ought :661iid. in Guibt6au's' caad such -s'n . . � e3 . :posure and condemnation as will.makeian, - out of bodark' navy b1iie blanket and trire- . . I -mea .with parlet 'and whit pipings of a . 10- - jaVerpents in time imp , � . . .. _Pieees. He invented . I the dead -beat escapement and thegfidirdn . . .. I I .. , . . -I Luo � ille". re . news � 1� the old ,questiim . W16jb0k,jt,tsbI,'- it in to take a. bird . . ':. I . as now -improved ind' per- .� . - . I . a' pe'ro us .. I .. L. , eurill' the aftiole.you need., Bu'y M . . . I . � t feet Aj I . Northampton was in admi al'suniform, his sons am:d the. tw -t *other members a ,6 r i end of it—Bochester Ex'pres& � �. . I -L I. :, * � . � . . . � -This blouse .was fastened at the'waist with� a leather belt fully eight inches brog,d and compensating pendulman,and. lie.waB the first.to make clacks that would run- for proper . in your fingers. .We can only refer her to to us . ing . it . . . battle and, like thousands wh6 I � a , 1, I over the lai2d, yod will' value it the . I the mission being In diplomatic dress. , I W. Int. 0. JL.,ia Una Bay') wv�rhi - . , literally co,Verea:with, large -head' I . O Oil. her . � . ` i many days 'Without windixxg�', Grabarp the proverb that a. birdin the hand is worth I two in the bush. - " � , " . . all L as � � 11 Choicest of, . ... . I I ... I all toilet piebaj�ations. . . � . �. I . I .. Lord Down and Coldiiel Eliot were' in the . Guards' uniform. The Garter Kiing-st-Axxxis % At the recent convention. of itle Y, M. C. A.'s in 06bourg, Mr. A. Safidhara read polished.brass. neck Was &�.tx,illg of brass beads'aB large as chatries. me of Wei also'e, maker of grea it quadrants and i4aiiijiments of that -sort. His funeral wai I � -20strie'll , fqathere on a soft muslin I I . I .. . I . . : I � . I I - - � . . 1. .-- ­ . 1. . . ... . I I . . - � � . . and his, 6fficers wore magnificent tabards , a�apdrbuth(3subjeebotbo�va'wi)rk; Mr. her bracelets consisted. of a coil. of heavy I Atten . dedby all thii members of the,Royal, grouna'are used as a, sort of high: collar on .. . - L I . . . . ­.. � L. : - . ... f . � . � : I . I ... ,.. I . . and coats with the royal irms embossed oil I Bryant, of Brampton, said. he was anxious brabs *ire that -Would weigh not loss - than . L Slooibty.-$cienti . . . .. . . . fie Anterican. adress of myrtle g wid,x.-satin 'a . , � I . . I I them. For two days -past Sir AlberbWooas I and the Spanish chainborlal,zas Vave been to learif. something about the mod - a of treat- ing be . ys in small to . wee. Inhis:town there at pou nil and a "If; while,the*otber,-which. was of nearly the -sante weightj was made. . ' . . - The question has beexi ra'isod, Whether n; - ' , , . . trimmings of the -so, L a itle. Whiliff lace I , in P.Iorxtifu]13� use . OUL P,e a irt.. It Is.& . 11 . I .. I .. . . . � �. . I . '. I 1 X0 . . I . I discussingettiltiette. The misil6n. was ta�kom� L was a- lacrosse club Started for th It a boys. L 1. 'of large brass beads ; several of her bng�rs � man ha�s a co f pyright in his'face,.- aud'osin orbid the photographers. to sell his par- dinner aressi , - , L - � � ,. -11 ' -- . . L .1 -. I M �- 7 , I ­ I .. I 4 ��- 1. 1 4 to the palace as an embmbsy -extra6idinary. . Wa`S'WbIbssiJ3g last year, but'thisyearit were,�xxoarly cover6d iiith coils of' brass . . . � . wireand beadaill . . - trait. There is -one way in which these There goo 't d LL . ., . . alfh'e.celebrae Mr -C the ,.. ! � '. ..­ ­ . . . . 11 ` I . - � -.-� . .. I .. �'. . I I P "; . . . The Queen wore a dress with 16ng valvdt . . . train: oover�d with'� lace. She 'also 'wore , 'and had been,"a curse, as the boyffhad boom' I ' eugagedin return. matches . -with Toronto . � . I . - . I I ­ I ­ . I . �. � . I I enterprising, artists - way 'bif "I dished ". . ' L Used to effectually., if you'have- been. . larne lawyer," remarked &,lady to -her oom- panioni, as be passed' them in the street. .. �. . �'.. . � . ­ - - - .... , . � . , . - =-.---- � .-, a '. . . �.:. �­ . . - . I the . Crown -. , diamofids, L, � :royal I . . I - � pantie. .The lofmt9i Isibellei'was in dark' , clubs, ,and the. Toronto*players had iea-the boys into hotels,ana saloons. Mr. Maeken.' .1 ' . .:. . qrbe..Iqemeo . - . . I . I 1. � Most people, would say that that imp . Or- 1wearil4a, beardi .shave it -off; if.-.no4,,,go . I - into the count-iy and grow one. , The -latter. . " Excuse me, inaaarm,­ amid 'he, sharply, - . I, you are migtAken ; a lame man, not, a, - , - . ,� I = ­ ­­!� . . . .. - . . - - -- < � I . ­ :" � - ­ � m . I � L . . ..� '1-5 . I I . blue brocade, with sapphires and-aiAmands. 2io, of Hamilton, resumed .tile ,discussion L � I . . �Pht iterala6r, the nose, was placed exactly '. OO* urge has been t�ken by President Gravy. lama lawyer.',? # , . . - . , . . I . . .. 1� . . . I I . L . . I... . 1. - . . I I .. The Infantas Gaz and. EvIalie i06I.Lin . I paid blue velvet and pearls. - - The Indic of on b6ys' work. He 66�iclered. that the workamongb6ys described inthe Paper L in the contra of the face-, but it is asserted that, I as a *matter of fact, .it. is rarely or in'his retirement in the Jura'; slid, accord- In to 9, French he' has - �AwidoWat-tbew6st'i�tel2ditigto:ouo- 'ceed her -husband In . the vxa�agelnint of 9, , . . . . ­ .. � , . � . . . � . .� * , I I 1* . 1. -Urri, '' . J the court wore decolletees drosses With dis.. . . . ',mantle and. to traits- The read by Mr.-Sandlism should be ctinfined to the homeless. It should no� be extended . mover found., thus, place d; it is almost. invariably 6 little of the 11 -correspondent, ' a, ', b oind so altereuix appearance that b, *The, 'Photo_ hotel,' iavertliep that 41the hotel will -be, . :. . I L ­ 0"".'T ' I L I .1. O.A. �'%' L IF . I . .. . - . .1 . - I * grandaes And I courtiers were in full. gale, costume. .The . ' .to boys in Christian homes. The work 61 out squarel" and. , the fact of its being so in often that #hIch L portraits will be, iinsal6able. - gra&ers will hikpilly cla;im a right of action. . kept by the widow of thelotmer landlords Mr. Brown,. who, died last sum2*6 on,a, '. . . . . ,. I .1 �- ! .... . . . - I . . — .. i . . I . . 1. . . . I . ceremony of investiture, Including ihe . . address of the Maiiiuis �f Northampton L bringing.boyo awayfrom their -homes Where' they,had good, ,C)iristian inStructibn..and I :lends a peculia�r oxgression and' piquano � �ta the face., A bx0diO&lL Writer points Y out .:krs. . �javlded,j' - Garfield, 16 now Well Or— ' - newand'i proVedplan.11 . .. L . P31. - I . � ' � to?" ' 4 Hla ', L . . .. . L . . � ... ' TRADPI, SHOULD NOT r, ORGD, W THAT . ,'.' ", . 1. I T 1, . and -the King's andwer; listed for twenty- I three -minutes. The �nissiob. 'was' 6nter- Christian surroundings, wouivnevot be blessed. , A meeting for, such boys, say Once I ' that there. are anatomical ress�ms why a I �Plightdevllstioxi fromthb true contrarlino an- income, of, lit least 012,000 a- Year ifli alre4dy'secured.,? If She obtains 0, pension What will.tbis come writes it new poet on the margin of a swedthibg he I dying for love'. . L .' . I I . - . .1. . . I L . 1. I . . . lt.. - I I . . I I � . . I 11-111 - Food , . . I . .. ; �,� L Thorlel's lm�r*d Horse I . tained at a grand banquet � in, the. palace to -night. 11 .. .. .. I a week, would no, doubt do good,. an it would ixxtoxi6st� them in association,'wo* rk ;. way be expected -i and., that the bone'whidix. . is thug accuratefy 9traightbetweentlib -two . of -0,000; her. regular income dtirbig h;rlife - oax�hot: fill short of 015,000 a, year. In: dddi- . .sent us about a ydang man - � , '� I . It won't,conxe to anythidg,'young man. ' It *dri aid wttau 8 .. . 11 - .. . I 11 .. I . . � . . . 1. . . . . I . . in ' I . ' . . I I . ' 1 I I I = I . - , hub to take . those boys from their hbxftea�- . eyes 14y, after all, be considered an abbot. � . ijon to..*this the widow will doubtless', hav 0 abodt Q100;b00,,ind in a pecuniary point L of more. propsrly�spe . Will go, I . mking, -it hap gone to the waste basket. , � . .. . . I . Manufactured 6 nly . ''� Is' Its , * I . kanxiltoix, Opt. . 11ririvalled.qgbeoso has callodJorth a number of ` 1. I I I. . ' . 'plit"'ons' he Tim 'Paris Sie'cla now calls th President . . mightly was reall' y not good.. - .. i � ; . *,, . mal on r- 6; & only. ab8olutely true. and co root ordan being, -,in fact, that I � � view, ebb will be vastly better off thin the I , . I . . . . ., A STORY ron T1113 TOUN0. I selling mainly on acknowledged ­ . I � of bur Food. Notice carefully,our I .. . I , 11 I ". "ti -xi I of the United States Mr. Arthur Chestbr---! . � placing, as it were, the cartbefore the horse. .1 L. - WnA� is tQ..b'e done about 41 corners?" the Now Vour. The -which deviates 9, little to the right Or left. ' I , 0 , � . widow* of the lamented Lincoln who has I §8,00 per annuin. ' . .- 7 A quf�t'��oiinj map fror�* Shanghai � �Udulgeil in a piedi) Of-MI1106. p5h I tmpdt. ..,k slid when ordering be sure you got . . " TIHORLEVIS Improved Cattle Vood Irani our , I A L . L I . .1 ' - Thin ii hardly'as good as the London Daily . .. Telegraph, wliich in the course of an inter- .ashg York vast aeoun ulations of 'capital and the commercial in I . . .— . Titic, , . womderful progress made in China . The brother at. the (101. Wildman Who . � , .. .. Hfs life work Is O'dr, . , ' . His forlp here to moor. I.. 'VilkviUblobeto.theal. . * I ' " , . 11JULINUFACW01M, UAURIELTON, 4631(wd I , . . : . .: . . .1 eating itticile on ibe relief. of:' Lucknow ! .1 . spooks of 11 Jeanie Deang, .who board 66' U86 -of the telegraph make A possible for 00 'Vo ida business eon- rt9in 'fin' *having w . has been emphasized of late by the Rev. Griffith John, a long. time missioriar bought Vewstenil from -Byrom died three weekeago:. ]:!a w&SLbrother-In-IawbftJAe1 Atolibishop �L , . .. � -Gloves Ate indi�beftsablo to a gamble. I I should be &ISO .1 .1.1 ;:­....- L. . L I ., I —IL . .1 . . . I 0 1 INDXGES L . URD F R LIQUOR CRAVIXG, . I � GTION And0O9tiVdJI00. X6wromod . ., distant pipes playing I-Th6 Campbells ... Coming."' Thisoonfusion of Sir Walter IlGeti6ng td 906. up corners InL Articles Of immediate use by All mankind, ()me . the London Missionary Societyi wh%of is beet visid"ndin'this 6ontry. Forty years of Canterbury6' Nowstead, ititnensely, improved from the miserably' man's toilet in*Europo, and ' We thou fix, Amoriom-New f�4 Star, ght y, Sam - plo 10 dent mailed for Stamp to Ab art of . iiftedfitatdg. AddronoW. mAltx � Uatada or! � q, . . Scott's heroine with m, stage -pert roade cotton corner kocemMy-lovied.. WWtp..'.4pon ' � ago it Wag a, crime for ii foreigner, to learn ecaye lace it 'was Wbexx.� the poet knew . . . there was, soulothingwtong about that son, Druggist, Toronto, . . . oburning by Mrs. Agnes Boutiosult is of . kill to the I'lieterophemy" of, a grave .the, entire, oatton mantifacturlixg ipterent of Grist Britain, Another cotton iSorner has the Chinese language, or, for 9, Chibaman to teach it to him; and though the Nanking it, is 0 . W ore in the'niarket,'a,nd itseeMI3 a it t at t o'young. Lord Byron cannot ': - -1 tonce,and now *,a know what. the in�tter, !a, . the first letter Should have en I I ­.... . � — , I M 0 N I �-��� . historian who makes Sir Per 6grino Pickle ,beenform6a to affect the Liverpool mar- treaty was made in 180, ,when Mr. John recover it for, the family. I ' . I --juside a drug store a day or two ago a .1 . - -- pall-be4rer at a distinguished .Warrior's hat. There is a� corner In beam . 9'. In this . I . Went to China, twonty-five years ago, there. . In most S�stos'tbo Jo*s and, Seventh -man. was having 9, bit of dust taken from . over 760 8tabamorerg have been 6urod.b 110 during the pasi; three years T68timobio,thlrow funeral, in the Pima of Sir Peregrina Maib- . land, and. should not bo'attributiid to the connection- the Arm cer it In pork I YO%r will be recalled, as Well #.a the-subSO, wore only five places it the vast empire in which a foroi 'guer might dwell, 'The gr6at Day Bp,�tiaf;6 0, , to by law exempted from keeping Sunday, provided they -keep Satur. yp,thdred, He loft and his eydt A crowd g � soon forgot the dantimnil the visit. But tho . All parts of the U. S. and Canada. Address . . . ATAMMnBINO INSTITU 19 n T don, Ont. exilaielte ignorance of ,66tish lore. &md So quent corner Ili laid. ;The late speoulatio n r was 0 interio still 16ned As none might go I day, instead. Pennsylvania is one of the crowd elustaroa there foi an houri gaihilig . I�Xlo 1. � . .. b 0 1 local 1140 Which entrapped many Liberal in grain in Chidago is probably the, greatest . further that., could.he teache, I in twelve tiODS, And ill several OxOQp I .061111tIGS of that 'a few pec ,PIG, evoky minute and losing a, . . ri , I . . Journalists two years ago into celebrating � e6rnor known to modern commercial opers- , . hours from 0, treaty porb. . The whole , State the Sunday law Is vory rigidly. � fow. 'No pormon seemed to linow what he . . " . . . .1 ihoweldome prepared for Mr.'Gladatone, by the Earl of Rosabovy to the "I Hoart tions. . . . I . William Dsvi6a,*of Shrewsbury, England I in '.!a is now open,. Thirteen out of 0 pil tile eighteen - . Provinces have' boom, actually 6 nfore6d Against Seventh Day Baptiste. A MOVOmebt t0-chhugo the at tilteistobo . 61 � . wlta there for. . ,L,�gcLay . I off' your, overcoat or you woxi!b � . I . � I S 0 - U tiv I - B'die, A ti cong MP . . . . of Midlothian," the - Said 14 Heart " beirig ,�vtWso ianfortubMtS recently AS to hAvd* hil occupied by missionaries And their fami I lea, . made. I . . . I feel it when you go Out," said the landlord .01rup . the bid prison of the TolboQih long -Since wife elope with aneighbor. As if to 'add I . the gospel hag beet preaelidain no6rly.all 'Sir Samuel Ushoraxid, his wife nailed for s. WeAtokii inn to a gue6t 06 was sitting' � I . I 'O . rblk . I . � . . � . dexxxolisllo�d I . . . I I Mrs, Garfield is tallying from bor, affile- .1 insult to injury, the womania new compaii, ign caused the husband to be arrested for 'the principal offlos and towns,. and., the Bible and many'fornis of ChriAlan Mora. . Earopdyeoterday. Lady Bahorexpionsed , Amazement at the politexxaa� and dc�cncy .of � by the fire. 11 That's w1fab I'm Afraid of,' returned the n1ilft. 'tTha.ISSttim0IW4s ­ . � - I 1� COUGHS, COLDS, ASOV1101A I . tion. Mr.Brown, the late Vrogidont's threatening him, Poor Davioswas found ture are oirotilato&ovory,where, I : of men It in the ordinary walks of lifo,, it, bats I laid, off wyovereost. I didn't feel I - W-1400plavo-collyem, . . I I private Secretary, hears that she Is busily tilty and bound oVor to keep the peace, g u Lord Selbarn6lo illness is of 'such a this country, Bless hot ladyship I wd are lb w1lem I, Went Out, And Ihavaillb, Ialb it . I . 0 ROM , - - . I I � . . , I ", engaged in bar domestic duties, anc�expects . to remain in Cldvelafid during the winter, and finding no sureties, was sent to prison 0 f r three months, � tharaotot As to tender it extkeniely probable that he Will Aeon retire from t he ill lin those Walks, eteeP6 9, few million%ire.d ;Whom nobody ever tbi� its of - n . SprinWipld Billed." I . 1, '. -Stra%afy enough, green Is, t6b the '. I This old established tereedy can be wltb dowl . . I A-11 the personal oftects of the late P I � real. , . dent . Thoild IS a young woman witH two beads woolffack. ,.Cho reversion is sure to be Lord. Republicaft. . . . .. . . color of t 6 ribbon for the Order of Sb.* donee ved6intionded foi. the Above domflaints Tny IT. if your weroho'bi has not . go it,he . it toi at -Washitigtiin are be V � I boxes And will be forwarded to Mrs. Gar- tion in Now York. 16 must be difficult for her t6 agree on the subject of 061cridgo'so. and politically there Is he doubt that tbd oh&ngo*ouia be welcome to the A. Denver paper has .a libol suit W 'Italy beetwoo it refort6d to h deacon as ,I a woo Patrickl but sky blue. Why Ireland Should, not have its tMional color for Ito. Order iQ oaft get you, . , . JOVN4 W. BICIEW3 . . . . ; I . , i . fielil Whellovor sho may, desiro, . ­ I . . , .� - 11 � I I . bonnoto. � . � . I . . I . abhuced section of the ,Liberal party, . . I . . . .1 old rooster#" - I ­ 4`4k - , , ; . , . , is hard to goo, but still it is a fact that the . I . I . (FO2211orly T. Bickle .& 00111, namilb6a Ont&lo.* , . X* 1 . ' . nr Ober. . . I . I I � ! - . . . . ­ 11 , . I I � . . . . . . . � ., , � . . , . I I . . . I . . . I . I . I I I . . . . I . � . I . � . 4.. I I .1, . . ... � I . . . I I I 1. I . . I .. � ,,, . , �* , . , - . . . .. I � , . . I . �, . I . I I I . � . I . . I . . I . . . . I .. I—— . I I . . � . . . I � . . . . .. . . . . 11 . . . . . .. . I . . I . . I . . . . . . . . I I P, . I I I . � I I . . I I . I I. I , � . �� ,, , , I .1 �. .1 . I I . - . ­ . I . I "dilillibi� I 11 I 11 I . . i -1 . I - - - , - . . "­ I I.... . I . - � - I . . . I e . ­1­�­­.. I . . � I t- ­­­­­",.­­ ... � ..... . � .. ..... . ­ ... . .. ­­.­­.-­-­­-­­ ... ... ­ � � ? I .. ­ . I I ,�, I I 1. ... .1. .. � .. �. I ,- � . ,��