HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-10-27, Page 2� I I - I .1 .
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Oct 9711881.
it not away juit an We are, Alkout to sepAr. ,.
him with irresolute eyes. 11 I forgot wy
i - ,
. I I
has to be obare4 by that dark boy It, There will -be then more time In wbiqli
1. .
- nAliamps OR Xmmme"Awif
. .
strange at*e," she Murmured ;, As the tool
I .
yet e�on in such A dose, I will be -revenged, to show ray love to you. How b
, � , V,Vpy Ohio
- Wile X vidVpk Cam. 4�4 7iiiiiii,twx 6toix in
, I -
,, That Must be light love, father,, which
taken ;no for the I
,, Air lady ; he thiuko� I CIA
. .
upon, him. He has missed big turn; but we be together, and h buth
I . ow long I
. 10
. I . .
. .
A V X N G 1P. D AT 1� A'S Wo .
. .1 -
, , . an
is so. lightly loot," returned the young In
I � I
sorrowfully; "aud though I prize it --being
,xblnger of de , were it if I
the he Ath. How
really be -so 2 , my father is agm, said
wheamyturacomes, rotaud, 1004to your- sweotab I we -4.04 a
, how sweet it in . fter
monc ,
melf, Ray .1 Clyffard I No man shall youth there is the prime t mad then beyond
. . 4 -
, AP11154900
I -_
A, Story ot 1(4qve UP4 varlog.
all that I May OlSbal, It seema.-I;et will I
be, Perhaps Ilia boart has killed him, as
I , , , . _
make Me %)Ale as yea have done, And live the prime is that whigh I have read As, beat
� (a. a. 110010� In -Couvainvor"Tltavfew-�
riak its forfeiturg , . I les I will
he always fhought Wwoulil. If so, All may
to boast of it. I Would that Gideon wore, of all -the valmaoutent -of tried and fElith.
The height ,of the Great Pyramid,
By the 41itbor f IdWhat lip -cost H04"
give you lesve to hate me; nay, it I do apt
, y word is as go oil as Ray.
'Yet be well M I I
here, or Ca,tQr, or even the poor co ful love, two hearts bound up in Que,with
� I I I � 1. . . , ,
tomb of Xhu fu, or Cheops, of the to
110 I a �o . . �
I we I o1lIXp IjKvvost,tp mud otbor
pro ne that I speak truth
..., then you sh%,H
� ,
IA -Wo. WhowIllbelievoon idle,tmlell4e
Clement. This Mildred is ooaToe safe,; she joys, regretp, mud memories' 14
.. .. - Minot,
. 00
dyna,sty,was .originally 480 feet 9 Ir
1 - � �AQ
* . lqr novels.
hate me still-,' .
tbio, vouched for but by a dead man an
. I , ,,d a
. U ,
. we, but ,it is with U49 9. I y b d, my full-bloopote4 flower -my r
Aerve,ii gr ixi� f X Osei
feet, It ,
And tha Base 764 Is virtoal
.w. Prove, what, uAymo. nar.as d the old
I . ke
boy. I will put bythis masquei �
.44ing geAr,.
.Rupert liVeB this bqat,lie Must be,m4rriod whose taded leaves, (it yea loan fade) shall
' , I
mass of solid raitoonry, for the rook 10
. ..
man with kindling eyes. 44 Tr:st me, having
and play my Own jart of A
., tender wl a once
to. her, Ica , a tho.oad, ibi bow
- � I . I
, Ad or sane. It she. deniob, him- . be odorous and, precious t ,
take up but a. small proportion of the ir
. IXIM .
said oo.muoh) though 16 grow near to mid-
More, It I haver ths- I . � � . �
- smoothing of'Ralplt
let her, too, look to berseM I have not I love you P ,. I
!or,. and the obambere �nd passages I
Where aro some men, whom ime cannot
nigbt� and I need my rest, you shall say
. . ,
Clyffard's pillow, saother dawn shall never
gone so far to turn back now ; and though I Mild.red's, heart sank within' bee, It she
no approcioble relation to the mliolo b
help envying, that will a%rosoilly execute a
, . I .
;il.;) . I
Above his, hoarse deep tones the, organ,
trouble big vexed ooul again."
'Hastily.she put Away her bl ok gar at
A me
be Alone, 1 am yet % Match for all of them, had been, hia wedded. wife alre%4y, the
young man coWd scarcely have uttere I 4.
The Material ohlefly employed 16 the li
stone .on wbi4la the structure ata
. I
. Painful autyas, center a bone fit otpleasure;
_ ,Zvfio' feel no. orabarrsoment whatever at
I'll I
arning like A god in Pain," was heard
I ,
I d secret place, muciattir6a he -
a Bate an or
. ,these words with a m4ro a
� ettled faith.
. eared Away to a
which was in part ol
having to nay a . disagreeable thing, mud
aQility for managing unpleasant.
Whose f a
44I will prove then, I ther, thatthe god
� . .1
84.0if luthodress she ha.4woru. tha,taveuiug;
, then -stepping forth into, the now vacant
" I . �
Tall =13!4=1) PAOUISIA. I Why speak of this, which we wave not
Rupert Clyffard was very ill, and near to speak of, Rupert T1 I ..
4 level platform; but the finer qua
used fov'tho . caging stones, and guln
matters with 4 high band should command
story of our race,. a d its. ourst
I .4. P; �, bag been
made the handle of deceit And, fraucl; that
ery, tack the way . be, chain.
gall _, that, led to. t
bar Where. her huab.444 had suppe4, And
� . , 1 Because, sweet,, thore is be. longer Any
to death; but for his step -mother's oun- , �
. reason the Man.
� . for keeping silence, I Am
Passages, was qua,rrie d on the other
the river, no
11 arly tan miles away -, and
itself (and yet somehow fails to do so) to
� .
daurat on, Thbre are others,
a I
the vision which yoit have seen so often is
, �
whence the ,sauna of many -voices and the
, aing hand, which bled him --are theleeola
, _ ter of Clyfla now, ind there I,% none to say
could reach the castle, Asympnd would . . I
red granit
_ I a, also used tot inner ossing
, , . ,
. rttblic
again, who shrink from giving Pain to their
no illusion 1poleed, but worse, the. cruel
' : klok of a guileful woman; that the Fair
. amp of r _ . y feet coul
. iian d now be heaxq.
, � . me nay,! when I say Yea.' Moreover, I
� I .
I I . .
surely, have been heir of Clyffe ; while Af ter- haive learned that., -my good father gs,ve his
for the sarcophagus, was 4uarriea at sy
. I I
at the e:fL,tr area south of Egypt, nearly
P, surgical opera-
tiQu on themselves, not necessarily from
Ladk .of Clyffe"-( ',Achieved is, the
Glorious Work I' here broke forth j ubilaut
I — I . .
. I 1.
wa-ras the sick mau would have ounU bad I I - .. �.
� �
. . . . �
it tot been for her niece, Ong weeks consent in private to purupiou, go the, very
- dead will smile upon our nuptials; While
bill on. away by the course Apt tho river.
must remember that the Third Pyra
high, or even benevolent motives, but
because their natures are sensitive, delios.6te
Mud fall, and gtormea about tbeii ea,ra I n
. ' I
I *
wild acolaim)-11 that the haunter of our
. , .
.A 'XIM 15ODY. �
. ,, I
elapsed before his bead could the pil-
. l
low, where it lay. calm And patient, while your Aunt Grace— Nay, that% I will not
. I - I mention.ber, since youdislikeher, but i
. . 1.
now 203 feet big I
� �, was eased in part
wholly,. with granite of 13yone. Hovif
and .Bolflah�who are moral 15picureaus.
Ralph Clyffard =on
house is flesh - Add blood; nay
., is 'the
In the.. same room Where father and son
, -
Mildred was in his chambers' and restless ' trustwo*tby friend to me,
I I has 'been -a - .
was absent
tb'o E ptimes contrive t6. tratoport
� �
Although I . was a good
(as good men went in those days), he- was,
woman whom you, have made yo w
. � At its, to
, dupe and fool`�ou— Strike, fmthe�,if You,
bad talked together. of parting , a
minutes back, Ralph Clyfford 1%y, upon a
, whea she -
with rbving eyes I Ive was low
Mildred. When the light of lo
Her voice revived his f ailing strength like I within my' cheerless heart, I she., ganued Its
. I
raise tt'goo *not blocks of at one ? Le
look at the whole process. First, the I
one of these. He lied a kind heart, Paid
� 1. . I . y's feelings, if
. would have wounde4 noboil
will, but. listen. Way, then, do but use
your. eyeal.11 R . -
aymond - opened a, little.
littlb ,Couch, with I �Aymqua ,kneeling by
his side. Another sort. of parting than
. . I .
. I embefs
wine;. bar ho.na upon bia,brow was as the . �
with encouragement,; not that
magnetic charm which beckons away all.
I I I she knew *by they were -so, faint and pale;
of qusrpying, without any of the we
I � .
side of blasting, must have. been anoint
he could7have belpea it; bui if . . - �
itust -peeds be offered the cold shoulder,
door in thd Turret chamber, and Rung it
� -
wide. "Follow me," oried he � 11 and
that of which they had. spoken was taking
plaoe,aud�be stiffening fingerscoald ri'ov even
Amin, ,and as. the precious drug, which �
� not that she guessed the . sooi6t-.4h, you
dowers the oltillefit with delicious - dreams. . . I ,
* h4vle.notforgotten it,,Isee. Ihoped you
especially -when the .bard red gra
which n de, ot
it was not likely to be that person upon
` �,w Mo Mi -s -ow -HI APPI1003-una-cOmfOrb � '
I -
- I I oa,st me
down upon the, stones of -yonder qourt-yard
-Tr a O -xi oT—.11 � _11-1 ---d-j y r --1 ,�
I my wor a
return the lad's mute pressure In -token of
� I
t%rowPll,,_T.h_6 Mi lit cheat of the Master
9-11t, Ouse,
It pleased her well to �e of service to him; . I ,
I there is no-beed to remain.
had, Mildred; � �
she gave up rest, Mud exercise, And �leasure bar it May. moro�. By you,101ir oaint, that
modern steel. tools, mad yet was ou
11 -
� bronze ones, had to hewn. -Out
cipally depended ; it was not likely �o:'be
I I I . �
. I I .
� leafit, of All Expediency Anol
. that person .
. I
. prove , I
� . . . - his hair
With hasty and uneven steps,
streataing. in the autuirm wind, his bronzed
- a , �tMM-i�bpvexj'
of Clyffe still' io�61 la�e ,
. I I
spasms,. as though his gloon1y mu� was
ft't�-tu I - mjgfit-�t-..Ray� .
-0y-&lTVff . - I -( _ q,1sj6i%fj6d,-J�#opb-.1, --c-
&bu,o _.,
wite ber.company"all. M M 4. g _6,,
mond � bow. have be " _uto,-'thdUgh'-
His vex a, a o q o,'a_ ol bi nit'h i t 4.
�bs I I I
, shaped Into aactira ,
to blooks .-Tbej
. qultraud�
"Peri-fo eii-Over-wagrIiet alya
convenience, as well as doting fondness, all
. ,
. comblued togethdr. to.,make Ain wifWa will
. I I ,..
facepale with rage, and'in expectation of
he know not w list, 'the .Master of U.1yffe
struggling to flit Around : stood
. . , �
� � any P, serving man and maldi summoned
in I I .
, . ,
day 2), with cheerful readiness. She .was I . ,
. , ow and Weak, bore wayarod:,%nd broke off,
glad at beArt that she had'itiolt such o per, .
. . . � P hiciole
His hand, w would have carried tb
descent On rafts during 'the Kigh
would have met no risks but fro in 8
I . a law unto him, And to cause him to look
. ,
coldlyupon whoinapever shobadc0t out
. . ..
followed close upon big younger son. The
moon was small, and, hidden at times "by
by that 'MYsterlotiq wessefiger misfort ane,
that fl,ies so, swift and far, And to
.. whom
- towaido ,
tub,itiaq of 'proving. her good � will -nil sank
I , . ... , , � __ � hiiifor-bead,falled by thoVa,y,A
. ;/-��!.""r' - 7..M�s- it happoied,. upon hera; than
' ele &-il/C.'r
banks. At this period of the year
- I .
rafts would have been' brought by m a
from her good graces. But, at''the same
-knowingly have
the flying clouds,.* but there. was flaht
. the nig4t 14, as day. Scarce one -of there
�, ,�, . 2
.. ��.. ir
�v iw . .f., -;. -�- , .. I I
!t Ir ; As though - revived, Abtaiub�
very near the site ot the Pyramid
time, be would never porn-
I mitted an injusitlee' ' to please her; And it
� I
enough, from hand from th6 .attire to show
the vast expanse of roofing, diverse in form
had ever before ventured tointrude upon his
Privacy, but new they witehealaiin with
,., qway,
.1 "I, . .. . " ..
', . . " Ao� - . . .. - I ,., . that. sweet c6ritact; ,he spoke again.
_U . . tan me woo 'you, since. I loved you,
cauSeway, of Which there' are rom
would baivii made tba iana transport
was v6ry painful 0 him even to do , what.
. I
was harsh. Thus when he invited his: - 1360-
as any frozen'se&�horg level, there ridged;
. .
her6 *rising fou �
r square, Abate shooting
reverence, but wit46ut' fear, oettitig forth
I . . . I
Upon, that journey whidla-rich And poor
- . ,
I/ _ i, : ,*: _�'? 4�
: . . -0t I- -k%.R�0�4/:,. -1, surely was no .evil., counsel,'
'.. � L 11 . . I �Mti
I , , , . 1. . d when,I found I o!d,, she
difri.culb. Bat it muot ba -remembered
thOotily made of .moving great. Masso
. A
ond son to sup witli him his.own turret
pliamber, with.the object Of 'telling him
. . L I . I
� .
Into'. pinnacles and gables. Who, Voitaus
.. I
must'slike make. One groom lima alrea,dy
bepn diapp.tote'a ior"adootor, another for a
. . 1 . . .y
. . I �. 4 .4o
-,,�,,�, , �' , (:::i'e, � ,�� , : is 'Press my atat-did ,
. .0 '' e e,�.J,�T44 . . - , I .
� . . -�L Wwas Lto: . ..
" e.L'Wt,.�," that seat Me. on
land waii by re can
.1 . a of sledges dra�va
mea kind oxen. , So fa,r We see on,
that lie was not w%nted at home, the
Master of Clyfte did not look foxwara to a;
Periods of the stately place *ere' pictured
, . - I
there to the ant . lquariwia I eye in the hoil.
priest; butsomehow it w . as known to all
that ill ' ,lord L L
air would never open big proud
she - YOU
. � 1 . . . I. ... . L I L L . L
, .
It 1. . : . .1 < . ." . e , I I . . I )kning to her pgivate chamber—"
-, _ " . � .
; � -1. 11 - �rlgxa'voly,
vast expendituie 04 almost unaided la
how �vast ke do not apprediite� 40
His conscience pricked.
Eleasant evening, .
'in and the millp of human kindness
zDnts1 section; not a ray. frol�n within,was
to be seen amvii in one spot, to which, they
eyes again. They ha4 'been, kind eyes, for
� I .
their hushed for-
,r,t4 U the gi
11 . _ I ; .,,;�" -, I 1,,; t � �_ . )ewi ,.
._t'� - . �Itl . ., , � a /, 0, * int yea, -too, to Ribble Cove to�
. I . �11 � 1, 01 "
Im".. .
I . I . spy
is beyond fionsgination, to mastor.
flowad forth fron, the wound toward poor
were rapidly drawing bear -, this shone
through a sequestered oky-lighb,'sat in th a
all Nr14t-�-tbo.Vojce, now
a I veri ha been a gracious biti. to - all his
I . . I - I . . . I . I . . pur brother ' .' , ' '. I I . . .
1W � ; L . � I I 1dreoll" .1
,tremer.dous work; we' are. cousta
. . .
confused9 by aur being unable t6
Raymond. Throughout the.
. I . interview, he
was patient in listening to what the young
. .
right spglp, formed by the junction of two
towers., Three'
household. Some honest kemrs'were fallw
Ing. ,, There had never, At leastj been so'
' . .. I !I � ; , . y,Ruport; she came between Ray,
. - � ,,, I
__ - I . .��- I 01 �:l , and his own father, and now fifie
Away Ahe iiaodern nations of fac
a to which wd, 'are acoustomecl. All
I man had to say -for himself; and even
L L. .
hideous .gargoyles .leaned.
from their stono. bases, as though to
good it Clyffard as this last. ' . .
nothing � 4.1 his weastmess, an' "I"I" ivoulo:L *come b6tween Raymond. and you.
,a).r2lif ivary labor was folloWed. by.
when that defence. took soinothing of the
form of accusation of Mrs. .Clylys,rd herself,
peep down at the'ec6nes below, and grinned
' . . : -
, "Where is mybrothei.; Rupert?" askea
'Raymond huskily. - I 1:
nil lit coedited to his recovery. But when Sheis the go,between, of bate, abduct of
, . OV .
ths, color a � - a back to his checks, andL 10 , 6ffi?oS &]Ze I ,
Ve r il Mud not The
. work o
A biaildio.
. , g. *The Great F
midlo not a rhalss Of piled -up stones ;
. . he stiffer . �
ad him to say on. . . .
. 11 I do not deny, son Raymond," rejoined
approval.', , L . . . . .
11 One moment, father,".oried Itaymopid,
. .111toldhim what had happened, air.,"
returned-& domestic respectfully; 19 Snahe
, ,.�� good.
soinii y0gor to his limbs, and he could sit.up a mercies of .the -wickAa, Rug, 'are
and talk. to bar, Mildred almost. kegretted uder . I
L I. I
a Model of, constructive shilli A. shee
. I
paper cannot be Placed betweeu, the ca
the old man, 'Pacing the little chamber to.
and tro with his hands behind. him', 41 that
laying his hind upon his,arm "I have
taked all on, this, ,and must go tlargugh
.1 -
th' w dix his dressing gowia, and started
re �
hither as soon 413 1. Ile took theL' passage
cruel." L
,herpAstkitc1ness. Hewsagratefulto'h6r," , ''
11 She is u6i'cruel' to Me, �Mildred but
of ,coarse, but L with his expressions of grati- , 114
hind," returaed the man mud
0 we c
- tones, "kild �in scarcely imagine
. ..
,any mortar was spread on their aides.
you have something to complain Of_ Your
ifep.'mother .hao', 11 'fear, been somewhat-
with � -, but it is for yotir sake I have done
it, iur .much, my, morie' than. for MY own,
, 'L L
by my Udy!a room, meaning to 6&U hot by
thewpy � But her6is My lady,� air.," .
tude waomingled something warmbr, which � . young ;"L
-not affect not to .Understand, and stran a it * at, , pug -a 6 stands iot
she; could . . . .
in our fa is for our an, eonlyihatshe
sagas present no roughness that 0
Pas .
arrest the sarcophogan. E�erytbiug
imp rious; while.you, Ray, on the other
hane, are not of a. coinoiliatory, disposition.
YOU have a right to look there; but though
she Were Jezebel � I not.
I . . herself; I would I *
. . .
Mrs. ClyffiCra'outered'very Swiftly, With"
I drdes only half fastened, and her limit
her �
' , .
yet which in Mrs. Clyffard's probence she at s.i, .
. I L or her I mvd no More
dared not utterly reject. .Though her'sunt .. . '
. . I 1� I t an t e. ilor bit 'or the biting
I . I I
exquisitely finished. Allowance wits in
. I I
for� the pressure of the vast� mass.
There are troubles eibugh thteatening this
house aumn�b of thioL
without the' couti
opy without her'litifiband's leave.b That 'a
Nis,, Clyffmid's private chamber air 11 -
I It . I
disheveled, like one suddenly aroused in.
I .
bar for - retiring 'to bed..
felt satisfaction at piesentwithher condubt,, . n so favo lug We is beniing
the girl well knew that. oul� io mudli'tte I L
L great chathber of -the sarcophagus ha
unnatural disoension-X chnnot bear it.
. .
11 She is not upo" ketu�nfa -the Old 1118, , .1
ld,What is the mattar?",:eried ilia. . .1
L i f rt a i's a for . avou.- -She would
greater wouldboher-hate and fury when .
- ' wreek me if it suited -her -Purpose, I doubt
- thaa five Ams,11 phatilidra Above I
lightdii the aup6rineumbent -weight -;
Ihavecome otheconcluslon. that,forthe
pres nt at least, it Would L be better that.
-hoarsely ;,. 11 she bade .me I good:night ' er
youjoined- me at the suppiir,table." . t.
.. I . I
'. No one answered, but 9,11 -made. wity for
hero�mau& it was stra age to� sea how -all
, L
.she came, tolearn the,trath.." Nor,was MR.' not-, but since hat'interest and my happl.'
dred to I , " , . .
'L bla,me for this. dissimit ation, It iheos irelellow p6sengers-1 I, � .
the egtranco`6f':the.firat passage two g
. . . . I
stones'are placed iti,a.-Vaulted. position
. ,,you shoula'abseut yourself, travel is aa.
excellent thing for A young . man of . your
" She -to up, ,father; that in hek, light, I
bufning as bright and purely as though it
be' a conse'lous at O!:nce'of their relilfive
positions," now thAtL the , mistress- had
L . I
wits not a matter with which 11 moral opur. - ,4 Be L notaostireofthat, Dupeit�Clyffard,';'
&is ". had omytbijag to do. To have .con,. L I
brokii in Mildred earnestly. "Bewarb ld,st
.the same purpose.. lacousequencenot
bag given. way. Oiir real difficulty bo
age; spend, therefQre; the next few months
or 9, year abroad. Whett.you. were -quite a'
w0reau &Itsr-caudle in tbe oh-%�el yonder�
She is dressingfoi fier part ta-pi-
glit. Look!
� . .. a..
Arrive .. S4me even. left tho� room, aw�,k- ,
eue,d ' ' o
-L,to the tionsolousuess of bi ' r n
fessedi'll I cannbt wed Rupert, since: I hayo � tfi,re ia no pleaiant 02ore - awaitffig you,
pledged ity, faith to ' Raymond;" I
� - would - Wes of
. I .
when we enaeavdr 'tis. explain any n
by which '166 'grdit blocks ot
- lad, you 'used to- be very am bitious..bt
. � . I _
" . . � I I .
- . �
... lookr� ..'', I .
For An 'instant the Master 'of. V�ffe
: ' ,
biisibosa there, and 'foAring.p4arp- rebuke.
' -
. ,
- :7-ihe-
. no paradise�-beware'rather tha,
have been to - Rroduce a. catastrophe such
� : ,she i4-�otdrivin*g,y6u.6nthe"rooks. Ifahe
�fgo n6f-ev-e1F-9i-oVffetW - - -hvv it. - - _-__._Fei_3M_XYi.
th i, .
, ]� d I '
am isbuiltwere place In.,p
Y�t .
. I a. - coon.
. military hbnor4--wbmt',,smy. you to,
leaned the, his
.great space
Quite* 9, -was� left between a
L .
01,16 aiie'a- ae . ,
.. I
I , -repragai&d_
ate .What poor oil a -
_tt6 h at h�it. . -heights, untit-the
- - Various:
Mission in His Majosty's root Guards?
.heavily upon shoulder of
iia'lf-'circl& of ouilous::domestios ai�&. the
its cdb�equenceswouldvertaifily ba ' vp I -paid you in this sickness In any. �U�tFit� li,g%vh,t,
_ - -
gtoN was , put -Uppn' t'ho- summit, and
Money, my dear Ray,. you way � be sure,
will never be a subject upon which we shall
' 'yoiu�
son; - then with a great effart be. str6de- for.
� .
.-ward rapidly, but firmly, aud'gaz�A down-
L L . �.
: couch where the young man was still kbe�!-,
hig by his father's. side. '. Had Ray'baond
extended t 'L It " . .�
O her lover. She feared ri than. ksterly affectiola and - * ill-Lif
reason for � his .Very life; ahol'so.th .� �
L . e. poor she has dared, whether by h Ir. out,
.. .. � �
work Of 'a sing, completed 'the wond6r.
would has y:to find a mothod if it
disagre6. � At my death, Will, at, On_
. .
succeed toyour moth6r's little Portion, and
.the'oky�'Jight Upon
.through , what Was P&ss-�
ing'iu'the' room 'beneath.. ror.-a--few.,
anolien Against 4ei yet, ot had hot -husband
I .
t1a 'voice.to spealol :-HA4-the.1 servants
girl temporizedi buly.tod wel ware'of the . .
-1 I . . - � . - ppoken word, to plight my troth fo. yours,
passion with wbibh'Rupert %oloonsurned ;. I
, to pr9xk-wedMe, .-theA has, she deciiived
. , - -
not ent&il'S!aM"uch- labor ,as the'buildin
' -itself. .
� . PyjAmla L
. ;gejecbing: iiny a
thrice as much again. - I befflo'notforgotten
you in my will, Rayl and in the Meantime
momouts there he stood, � unmoving, With
eyes that daiourad the -scene, then over,
I .
aly &tL,L
*ithdra,wathas'sudde'l , herapproach
from lothiug'or�tiom respect? ' ". ; .
a would never
that ilae'flain you -nay more ,
both me. and , Tsbo'bas
gain such head but that boir"no"M.1ast a a ,. u that I,16ve joll oh6. big
v r
.0he , L . I
Ti&Wthe most reasonable conjecture -
.6sh be offered is 'that iiaollned planes
I -4 wish YOU to wimt for nothi ejo Are
ng -h .
., Acton to. a-cousiderable amount ... ls... .If
his face a.slid,dow fell, as ialls on
. 11, L , L ' lint who
at t ,,a graVOL'S. Mouth# lo�k�,.his very last
. -
, � What bgs.,
L , � , .,happdned to my own depi
husband 2?1 baurmurea-sbe, falling, upon her
,told'yo . . . I
mil:,,htqiienoh.*it',*�ortt.aU-ovents proqras L
, I - lied I I H '. tone, which.had been vabo.
I .
,tinstei as before, the evil day. . The �cubg -melted
ineitit And almost:. fierce, bore Into
.alorig the'sides - 'of. the giant steps in w
'the pyramid -was built, Ana thattho at
%th;r,; aiii I to Cly-Od'aa '
"What I f.
. once T Even a servant is no' t-thusturned
upon the -Wife he � lov6s'.,., and4,utte
. I.. Al . I I .ring 0110,
great cry'o %naudSh, he, prbissed hid hand
I L,
kneeelipside his pillow '' I I
. ."UtIrderl" r.6tUrae;y:Raym?nd, .tinder
1. I
I ., L
mu.nWillness.while it weakened his physt- . pert, X love you .
cal si;ebgtb, seemedto�have*fioaled 'his pity, as she a,dded, 0 Ra '
- - ",.� , . . I.. . . ..
were dragged up them By the we] li
. r men'
,is necessary here lo note that. when
out-of-doors warning Ill � I
I . .95 meant nottlisfi;'a weei.
. gak, lad, I I .
against his.�br4eu "hegrt,., i4a falrback-
� L
. , . . '� ; .
ward '
.. I . �
t a . I .1. . . . I �. .
.hi bteatl�' I � . I
, She did r not hear. him so much as to 'Be 6
I � . 1, .
uqt,� i � . .
mental Inialady.7 There was'noithing now. 4a� (Irq be Coatinlied.)L �- , ��
toAnspire her ,kth sppkelaabgi�n,in his 1� ...�. . .. �. I I . I 11 :
L � . - .
. I OL
mummy Of th king had.been placed in
.. .
Repu l6liral. 'clap,mber, the entrance pas
hence, nay, at month, if you will have it -so;,
there shall be . no ha'std,"Ap. haralm Aps..
' 11symand �Pi,iag -' towaids him, and,', as
he did s6, could.not but see thwt'ohich had'
� .
the- Movement Uhis lips, butevan without
. .
I I that'his'stern r . eproachful eyes. *6uld have
, .1, .
; .. . .
lookbosido its love. and ifteturning reason ' , - . ,., .
UiLd been indeed,vottialifisted -him, surely, . '. . - Wile Ele0ric, Might. . .. 1:1
. I * , :the
- �bgroi 'oWbr'io in
. I
wag permanently 61686d;'4124 heavy I p
'C itillitioa %.weied at intervals -,- this nee
I There ate arrangements to� be made, of
course, friends to 166 *ritte4 to, interesi to
go Moved his'fathek. . In, a sinall room,.
� . I L
wiadOivless * gave, lot the sky -light. Which
given her* the, like an - _.L �
swet., - ,
-��,Mypooj; po&j Ralph t" exclaimed III 6:
With his natural keneroinity'io second it, he . are sixteen , laiaps�
'Laborhtoiy, pepartmiifit -of the Woolwiall
., would wit0draW--m-wh6ft bei, dread boui Of . . . .
great Mechanical skill, The chapal att6b
tb.,,.'iisch� ,pyramid ibi the.
. . be Made. . . . � .. _, �1. .. ..
. Ra,yinond lboked at his father - with a a - ad,
hid betrajed 'her,, stood Mrs. oyffara,
with. hei oyescast. up in.terror and dismay -1 '
`Widow�f6r death Was,already soitting that
blank, Which is its. signature to bur release,
. �
'confession catoie�from �his Univelcome. arsenal'. The wotikmeii, while apprecimtingL
.suit.' So lIethitig like. thiii she'. frame I d t6 thie pure� atiaosphere refighing, from' thi
. -0
. aitable di
rites Was built�'at a; 'a Istano
'froat�of it, contrary to the practice in
. -mud Pitying smile; he was not ang�y',
ly grieved; hi well knew that
though deep .
they ' met her . busbitud's downward
gaze -At the very momdotwhen sho, in the
. .
from alk--worldl"y cares; upon, ,the, slowly'
. Ati - herio,'Ia -
flenWd face 1.16nd. ani I o4ly
c6onfort �.bejmelf with;'.'but it somicely,.inothod- ot'illumfustion; complain, of the
. Y8 - sli'lidows castUpo'n their work, and also that
�'fulfllle& its dffice; ,She could not. iilwi
tombs ,bf subjects around, in which
chapel was. constructed in the.mass of
the old'man was - mentally contending,- not
quaint ,black robe in Which. she was � went
time to cloge'thine,.eyes 71, . . ..
I 1. . .;
forget how.. insecure was the foundation of the intensity R the light impairs their eye
� .
Aftaficnry, or hewn in the rock. �;Tho f
with hinz, but with Another not. then p re-
I .
� sent. . . . I . . � . .
to play 1er guileful'part� and' -with her
. I
blackhairlboise, and*iallen to -her waidt,
. "Touch, him nott" ,hissed Raymond
fiercely. . 11 Have you not heard that, when
�:-- . .� " .- I �. I .1
this hopeful faith; for. not only might, night. ' . . .11 ..
Rupert's seemimg� calinneid be untrust. �, The Journhi. of :64s iightiit� says, "'.In.,
I .
.. .
I I . .
.0,3,ng O,-�every pyramid, whichwas
Unive,sa., oustonii - is
Ralph mistook, his g�laup .. i, Is .the
, a
I .1 monpy not enough, &61 lad.? Then let
. I �-
wits pr6pti6ing her rda before,the fire -glass.
The shioud':'Was 'in one, had., and needle,
A, inurdiroid - man is touched by the vile
hand 'that 1316w.him, .the -blood -will flow,
. . *
GlaFigow the committee of - the co rpo ratio! 2
-Wortb�,, even as matters. Were, but a revela. I .
, .
tion was at. present witblasla from *him -tO 'wh6m a proposal to iiatrodace ,.electric
. I , -
.An ,important
1 � -i
Which' :,rh to disprov
a -in itself enoul �
scientific liekboy, according to - whicli'd
. m. lenvot known;. I . have
a double it. -.I . .
. .. .. I .
theen6thing." .
. and;. thread ilithe other, whilphei. f see
. . wore
- raa -Whi --'would-
h lo9k of 'triumphant lide idli
alrdsliltom nia.drained Wounds ?,-.Bewaie,'
" , I' La,y -but '&�'flngor-'Ou his sacred
which was likely to :try' it,soreiy..: He "a' lighting into the city *as recently re erred,
L of hisA.thoils.' hive rep6rted-advers* thereto; oft ,.the
as YaCbeen talc . death. - - -
- �
. secrets were'conceal6d In th . a heart PU
. , ,
grudged - I
11 Nothin but yoiXrlovo,father,�' returned
. 9 11
have'uninasked. 'the foul h6nd hiijasolf,*
though in One
*blob you have belped�to wrinkle,
.not . , -
gro I n
a that th . i __'__d__ - -
3y-6 to"s filei6at c6hfi7
-When.,glien to'Understod that ,he was ,u . - - .
donee in any og the electric light sy�febIa'
Groat , nligi � _013i,
,.for Ahe __q ]it _
:of --remote'.diinerationo. P,rof.-, �.- P1
- .
' '
the young Man reproachfully; and pd,w;
.. you have it - not to give, it tome. I trust
clad. angelic. darments."
, . .
instant, she stared upward as thoUgh! spell-
and I will take yea by thp throat'. at&pm
claina. your crioneW . . - . 1. I I
ill; he had received .'the information with.
. . I . � - .
.. . . .4.1 . no�W'biiforg-tliwpublic -, ,�12d tbb:ide6 is con.. I
quiet sorrow 'but without ..surprise,
'Smyth", does " uot� - consider .' .
red -granite a 4
. .
. that she who has won it� all,. o,way
. from me maynot );equite ypil--ill *.for so -
bound, Ana than quenched tfie ligh oi,.- I
- Mrs.. blyffard had ubtseen - -herhasband
..^He ho,duot, than, ab,pres6ft proclaimed
"it; the precious time this fool had Wasted
- .
knowlt,"13aid he�-oalmiy, evidently with'. .Requontly t6'be put. oYinaenniteiy?r,
. -
reforduceto the imniteiliate caujaeof his i* �i 4.'&,6rrosPondont, of.' the. London Times,,
� I . -sarcophagus.'
coffin, like every.otlier sarcophagus
E - but a divinely-iippoiated 'ad
. . . " .. . .. _
mudh good7fortune. .. ,
fall I bolt there Were SOMG precious moments
were golden moments to -her indeed., Art
� o*,n.Ailmeht. all Allusion to, which was � of '.*ritiag of; the Parii Exhibition' of Electil - ,
standard, oonnectin the ancioufmome
aymo' d *6d do me wrong; I love
. ,,R n , 'y a'
you, boy ; bow fifibuld' I not h vo love for
baf6roi her �et, -she knew. Swiftly she.
-entered the next chamber, which was her'
� .
accusation thus delayed wa�s already kobbed..
-of -half, it I �
s'aafiger.., Y�hy. had Ray)XIond
: �Q"Ity, btehiiians .several novol.6ppii�aticnsibf
'69urob avidded, I He meant. to say. thii 11b ', , the electric currett" mar &,'motive' power.
had seen -the herala of 6alMikity in the V air
. I .9 .
with, for instance, the E nglish inch.
more here, siail - in othoir.`paitii � of
. :.
my,own son?" - , - - 1-1 I _1- �
. . I ' '
own, and seizing a farge jewel case fiom.
' p . .
81�9,lred'her? ' - ., � 1, � . . ..
' . .
.1 - of.. M. Menier,.the
Lady :-6t. Clyffa, and wag prepared for � The, . . . . .
y,loughing machine
three feet in diameter,
. .,
. *d' h f ' ' les that he abes the iha
pyrati2i ,. 9 ate
I 1_Ay_,bO.7_ should yb� notT turned the,
� . rb
man I bitterly. 11 The babe -You
young ._ I I .
the dres"gin"g"' babi-ei-,6 on-ptied -its glittering
coutonts, into her pocket I from a small
; , pt 1. my.. - Utber's :sake,!' said tho'
. I
. young Man,. - anoweriiig . through -, his - set.
a0mostio m, isfoitune. .. Still, it *&B btrango, pikou at saw A stone
that bb never asked after his 19,therr-4aid ou.tiet Ana .electrical, hammer of. M, Plitt.
. .
tioba of' pr"ofound
� .
, t ..
which were Unknown 'to. the old Egyp 1
d.n..d upon your kneta so oftp.n-your
blaekbirdiel The child' �ou took'bef&e
� locked dmwiar'iti -the gains table she took a
leatherii - V�ise, fluoia tightly,. iviW bank-
teetli-lar unspoken question, III-1ave
spared you lififlarto,; not becillaii I love
'attract considerable attention. - There. hre
ilohg since by the si - de of. the Clyffirds mad' - . . . ..
lwd sane, in ilia chapel vault ... Lnbivemarked Ma6hines for: purn . piug, water mud rook-.
� Th 'a phantasy la�obeewpushed t6the 1612
01 Iniking the pyiinAd, a6w.alone"s, tec
you U on our poiura6t tot many 4 breeiy
notes, I I I did not driiam When I - began
fair dev'llj-Lbut, tbat.1 would not
. upon the . sable suits all &round him. -Thii a6lling, besides a. number for sewing and.
I ... .
of an anoient.faith,bilt matone p'rophea
ride? Tee boy whoio light. heartea iaugh,'
'thigboard,"Sho muttered, 11th&t'th0da 3r
should know how this -great -and
net I embroidering. . 1. .. ; '. �
- was not, b owever, b- ' . I he .� . �
I ,eomuse
1he agas to come, An 'Egyptologist..
you sai4,-was the only music you oared to
listen to? How shofild, you not,"" indeed.?
whereon to use it was. oo near, or it would
have been thrice as.'l&rge',10 Had the clay
bohl beg,rt was 166loa-
or wbere ; io'RgKrt,.
. .. , � '.. I
211 .. - .
wQMmn , �: I I . 1.
. . . - I .
observed thom,� -One morning, Mis, 01Yf , hmE .. I
IT -L general: ,pposbd ,.that the
ty beeii sti
fara, doubtleo by design, having left the - .
ridicule -a theory* which .destroys the�.w
value of his- labors �,a logiciall may
� � And yet yoii haXel forgotten all these.
� . .
.really. come? Wits the game quitd,lost?
ilia her
Voxi the first tirce' in her lifd,.GreAe
. exhalatirou. .61 carbonic acid -ga�3,fi6t?,.Clia,
-room, aid thle sick man And Mildred being . ia
composing bodies. makegreside
. .. I
test against the. selection I of one p
things 211 1 . I .. ,
She paused upon threshold of
S I . .
Clyffard quailed and obuddeted ,I the don-
left a [one ftAgethbr, he addressed her thus. , . - - f"a cometoky inealubrlous."�k
'to 'vicinity 0
Mid on ;wlich to -found a hypoth
tbd, No, Ray, no -1- have - not forgotten
ena," answereff the 'old man hurriedly,
chamber, worried her own fair lips
with her sharp tooth. Xes t Utterly lost.
centrated passiop, with'wbkh .the .youb�
mah epoke',wafi-t�ftiblo. to. listen, toi She,
'it ws�e,',6fi first day"he was - able I leave ,
e.V4ular 13cienceMbnShly sho*z
his bed, and ,that bnl y for & sofm' " Hon writer in th , .
and the rdjeoiion. of all others, and
Of befit
. Eatting the sitipling's hoed with big great, -
The expression 6f ber husband's. face had
. -able love
. was arrp6d 6t.all points to moet bate and'
iheir -not
error' Cal6UI&tiono Show
that this Is an .
soon, think you-, After a man hai died; may 9
the,t'-tho combustion of illuminating gai
' - I .. . I. I
Choice InGiLliurements. which
the evolution of the fanciosof the appo
' I
0,11 d, ,,You are still very dear tome; you
� are iudeoX. Dbir Ril6y 1 -dear Ray I Never
unmistak. -faith shatterbil,
' ,placed', unutterable - pain And . shame,
gtilewith .6wh. woapbas, but the ,
physical fury whicfi� Was reieslea,in he
. .t
his son marry, Mildred?" �'. . - . .alonein-paris produced,- last. year'a; quan-
. tity of carbonic MOW thirty -11
She was in, tfid aot.of hauding him -0, cup � Ive')auidted
, tot; -but the true. answer oaa only be
I I . . gi
by good matIxematiolians. They con
. I weep, lad; that in not like -a Clyffara.11 -
bad 1 pictured there. He,had been
,6ou 1 . '
tones of her.. Btep-son. Sh6 -Ujap,w- that
of brothi and bar tremulous fingers Almost . ,
times more ..Considerable thanall the .dead
, 'Of the PiOPOrtiOns,wh
Plain the reasons 1.
,"Who has. seen me weep, -sa�e,you?ll
rettirnedtheyoung mangemionately. ' "But,
utdooeived Witfi a vi3ngonce. - That other'
form, too, she had been ,visa RaYmon'Wi'
she stoioa:ju, danger of thpilt awful some-'
thing ivhosd shadow waa otk- Rayinoka
refu, god their OMQ6,. As sho�liatened to big r five . years
. . .. I buried in the cernotoixeg, -during
wOrdg,. , I . . .
have been interpreted. away'lrotd' tl
originq purpose, And show how easy It
.. I haivo a, . heart, *hiola soma have niot,bellovii
her sworn enemy I it waii. to him doubtless,
Clyftard's face -that if a he -dared to insult
. exhila.
�15ow soon, Mildred?" saia,he aggit. ' coUld give 01be- maximum rate
. . tion. The Grand opera House odone -give a
� I - anylliing to the ,uninitiated'
to 'Prove
I me, who, emu weep when they please." '
, -
that she 'was lud6btfid for this, evil, ,turn.
- '
that f6iiihead-already"loosin"g' Its"' pained
69 That is's questioin, Rupert, i6ieh I . . I
outevery, Year -thirteen *timeii 'mord'-par-
than 6 11da,agerous playthin'ga," numb
Ralph Clyffardknit hiabrowe. . _.L1_RushT_'_
� '
She had been baffled, beaten by that
'That '
look, and growing calm and cold, with her-
odnnot answer. depends upon the �ova..
. bonic Acid' from its, gaiilights'-tbau could be
which At lant deceive* the theorist hims
. .
.. .
I _said�he; ,,that is.-Mildrea playing. the
hatef III boy. w* as the bitterest drought
fAlso'lips, Raymond would surely rise and
.that the son bore hlglithbr." , - I 1, disengaged from All the � cemeteri69 plit I
Sir Henry Jams a-, Royal 1ingineer' .
organ in the ge'llery,"Is'it not2 'How
grandly it swells -forW into the summer ,
in All the cup, How came he wandering
on the leads at, midialght it this fashion ?
peihi%pa -strangle her, She did . not mind.
whafthings they might say' against her-�-
-I I am thinking of 'one. who wouia bavii, together, even if all their carbon Were con I I
.loved his father Wall, it iherehad been ' ! '
-Prof. Weekerbarth, of Upusla, have' t
abundantly iefutea -the extraordin
night.; somethh)gdtilneseems gathering.
in my soul, yet nct *ithoat - Pain." He
So, doubtless, however, it -had happened,
audeoeing-whst lie- saw,�-be had,broiI.01at
bar chief peril in that respect - *is passed
-but she feared his powerfui fingers. Once.
. tod litio gas. , -
room withiii big heart;, but th I ere *an * no, ver . ... I
r6o= There was space for nothing there Lady Brassey's record of the �unbemuoilo
fancies of Prof. Plazzi $myth, , .. �
. I .. I 11 .
placed his'- hand- upon. his. heart; �n&
his' father to - look likewide� 06rad, the
round her Itl6omt, they might not part �vith
btit-lovii ior the �irl who was to be his -wife voyage has, perhaps, had ag,w1d6 a fWa as.
AZy'recent boo )k of travel wtitteh by a
300, 06ituds oU-Nitro-61yeertne Se
131 .; with his
sighed, then listened in... ftenaq
eyes turned to,tII6 unshuttered window mad'
ounnind boy 7 Ana Yet, . a not laer��
self to blame, running the risk -'she dido
ib.aggkiii ; it may be that she judged him by.
Urself in that; but certainly, 'dark liay�
-Xoti'tremble, dearest. Pretty flutterijag '
dove.' How soon, how Soon$ sweet hdart 2" woman, ana,31i.roLigh'hor deep interest in
� I
116bbeles Jint Aterall'yo
carel"Of 0
. . , . �
A despatch from Bra�loi�,�Pa., sayl§
. the darkling sky , . ; . I . �
41 Father, since I AM to lo'aivo you," von�
, ,
however small, of such unmitigated ruin ?
Why had she not put, up a blind? Why
moad had' it look she wall might fear, - She'
had'oned'se6n -;Cyril at the D6bei look at hot
Ilia languid -eyes looked oii her earnestly, .the' welfare .of the working olks6es, the
'world bc6a just been permitted.toget a cheap-
but, without a traoli` of doubt, as one who I
terrible and mys�orious . nitro-glycor
' mo,n earnestly, "
United the young .1 trust
have used 9, light'. at.r all? could xiiarea
brother Gideon I�iftch liko:that, just ere he
'in an orchard watches for thii ripe fruit to edition of it, Which is v, remark ble incident
Of Bnglisb'bObk-ib4kiA9,' It-ba"acia
explosion occurred last night. - A -he
i6 irge; as .of artillery,*;is.boird,
all hl
. .that you will listen to a' few last words,
be the very" last that wJ
which may Ill over ,
WOO, botimyed her? � Aer fair face blatk.�
bedat the tbou&6� No, sli'd
0 dared, not
te teir. hat liti�b from linib.'
.She bad ,no le Gideon had,
fall between -his. Palms., While, another
; , ught out in wonderfully dlemi.type,
qhakost'hetree. ,4Whatoweet.rovengeyOU bro
lowed by a long rumbling eolro, wh
to Aake houses in the
. .
pus between us." I I . . .
,-They nifty bo'bAdeeil,"'rotlarned the
have done it. Eloe trembling fingers, boa
BhobtiouptivYt6th6schAmeft could, never
to beat: such an assailant back. ..
"Away, a . ,way, fiend I" muttered, her stop-
have, taken ou'youtself,for your pretence of with some sixty woodcuts reproducea Wall
cruel hamduess, in thie 1611g kind tendanoo; from those in the-o5riginal ad ftiqn, ,and 611 is.
nod 9,11
8001 "
Nvogtigoilion -showed that' the III
016 Man! -stil night, "-the"
b%vo -b0a,t6u- out' those organ thunders,
son furiously, "your presence is pollution
I . .1,
-to be my nurse boforo'you are ray bride oold.forasixpeuce. . I . �
glycerine rhapzine belonging to
Roberts! Torpedo 'Company,. in Ica
time is drawing bear *1een.1'shall be �ut'a
yzhidh even now were swelling through the
-your work is done here. . That, peer,
:-that io rare. indeed, I will not think Two.Balotburgh sorvaht�girissuaathoir'
. .
rodm 2.1 miles train the alty, snao,ontain
I memory p youi Raymond -, -then think
Me as tenderly an you c&n.11 . I
Wasp.- She woo still'playing, and ther6w
. fore hot Aunt could not make her exit, as
abused fond ear emu drink in Ilan he tiore,
Away, I gay I I I ; � . I I .
at Pain itself iiould shadow that fair onaployor for wages,. One of the p5unds
Vt qw, . or shrink that dimpled check; but of complairif . was that. they aid. not g I at
do Of. nitrtS.glyceriup, had bxplod,
— _Aon
. clasy not ad-)fmthot, you ale yet-stxong
gue had rae�ut. to do; through the great.
, Mrs. Clyffowd &rose froin. her knees with
if ever it doth, my-Mildrod', Iwillwaittipoll proper fooaas Oct. contract, the Meal given
tot -rodg in. evokY'ditootion
t0toi up as it by an eartlitpako. Huge tr
a net Zo I any
-ad hale; I tv are In .happy
gallery. She Opened another door, tua
as little hmato As $lie dared to uset. An she
uloa- . -Wef. Domestics: in
.you dayandnight, tiountin4alltoilas theta beitc, earned
0 11
war a out 4own. Small pieces 6f 116ah
. years � 11 � . I . . I
,1 Happy P intdrictipted the Master of
bt oat'thence. She did not Wish to mocM
& hilMO-11 being I She woula leave ClYffe
did so-, a female servant touched bar on the
shoulder,, 11 Mr. Rupert is taken very ill,
% &B b1m eta , Atl.ions Must .surely be in
sure, all Woltiheri ,eliji kost.,'�na ,,the mod
while Yet% have strength *to smile, -be ovef� - clover, when they can turn tip their noses.-
a eck§ of gatmonto..were Picked, up.. V
Zar than this has
� ,
. Clyffe with a quiet � soorn - ,*how should a
'Clyffatil having & sob, be bappy 2 I speak
Mud all it hold 'begin life again OlAii.-
where, She was fair as ever,ana not poor,
madam, XisaMiI0o,d is With him, * and
has belpi but she hia me toli'you as SbOn
paid indeed. . Smile- On me now, mad seat I at corned-boof which is an acceptable item
,at, liotels, On
you by my side; for as some eastdrii king on the bills of fare of the, be
tot2ug b9o; fott
I I .
The indieg,tiotsare that the magazine
not of you, Ray, yo�t light and wayward
I nature me&y. be somewhat out of tUte with
as she ,had ,been at firfit-but also I bore
was Rupert coming, and - at speed, in the
its passible. - She Wai coming hither her.
obito Wad ca,me upon hitia lying Upon the
delights in hearing his own grawtuess pro. thin aide of the ocean. .1 . . . . .
to hidown ear, so yearn 1, Mildred;
beink - robbed by
on, . used the dynamite to explode. It is o
mine, and may vex and anget, othetai; but
bitttow Passage; thbre could, bo*,no avoid-
floo): ib the P*Sgag� along by IIIA own dd6r,
.0laimed Mr. Tan Maybee, who lives in the town-
to hear you say, �1 loVo I You,' although ollip of Hawiltou,. littely'received a tho4uev :
tain, at leastj that -two Men Wero blo It
atows. , I
youtocause the.00fient
� theta in nothing I .
. of a. fa,ther's blioa to fteeze, .
do of him.� I I Malta haste 0 dtiod he
,an -
to quibk-quiek I" He spoke imPatiOutlY,
.in & fit or something." . .
A' DO You 4e&r this new nasf6j:tuao,R%y.
=6*kilowa you o so.wall*aa L" His for over nine hundred dollarg forsorop of
nery less hata closed on one glossy�. gurl, i
0 little gem eas that grow On tan acres Of
- .
Within the past eight Years th6 ii�m
I ,,Not in Ruport.6ithfir,-1, answered. the
young, Mail.. resolutely, while'the drgem
seemed scarce to kiiew to whom he
Was.sposking, or perhaps he already know
, mona-21, sobbed Mrs. 0, lyffara.
4, .AY, go ,Yet% to my brotlaar�ll returnea
carried it to his. lips ., while, lapped no hig
Ana !And, ty dollars par more is a middli
less in the sweet assurance of reciprocated X,nop
for like
f schools in hootigaid has incre
6 aged 119
4. poaleduad thundered; 11 Although it may
. '6 father
bd.aorao bb$$ interest to mAke bl
611, and madressed her thus impariousiyt'118
One upon whom courtesy- .and all fair
11 . .
the young, man sternly, I ,: .
. And, at she moved Away, With auguishail
good return a Wooden countkY
love -than in the calm content that copies Canada.
to the X60OV43ring frame long racked by I
conttr that lof babi move than doubled,
the country is now said to be thoroug
think so. , wh&t.i wduia say to youitather,'
has reference to thin very mattei, and Ara
demlingwoula be thrown Away. It Quick,
'I gay', WY father is ill -is dying; bring a--
.but teakless eyes, Ana firmi swift,tread the
byatsiders Murmured to one another, 11 How
sioltuops" he waited to)! hdr knower. Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Chioigot says of Ilia
o Ruport," said she, 1, X* thought that the eXpulgion froth the Methodist den6minAtion
.supplied.' Annual grants woto made
year ... to 3,050 schools, which uffara sac
words of *amibg, not of hate, upon Zaino
A —". 11 Running towards her in hot hasto,
wise and - ott6ng she in in all this trouble I
for heresy.: 1, This Hebrew Isfiguage. bag
Iggb time weepoko of-tho. libfit time, that the Oatotool which trauslatea means
modAtiob for 600,000'VaPils, Ana show
average 01t0haabee of 404io0o out
honor�ll 1 . .
"beingthu a roolaa6ted, Idantiot refuse
calling thus, hot speech .and Motion
leilb�ea to fail hil Ll�-,-
I , . *11 upon 0, sudden, with
How dutifully sholeayog the beloved dead,
10V Whom ilia can do * to tend the
no more,
is,tbiiisubjeot.w4s t6uched upon by you, , pbrasV
I to widt' %while before it *we in the out,' That's where I P.m." to
We' agrool I 0 independent
'When 'oaia,
634,000 on the rolls, During the
the attendanco has N
thoo, Raymond , let remember that It lathe
mouth agape with torror, and eyag starting
got who wag go dear to him r
resumed, I than i You are will organize on �coflgtagation.
qight years more
d6ibled. Thowholo population of Scott
I last attight which leaves its flavor on, the
J?alato, and Man who Would be pralsed for
from their sockets, he stood dumb, then,
ohrinking from botord her with fgAr And
In 0, fit Or something," toliloqtii2ed the
Lady 'of Clyffe, as she liurri6d to Dup6rVii
still very young, nupert,,,x aiall6l mean Madmido Modjdsks has dommefacca a,
too young by weeks or even months but series of -farewell pdtformowiae�g at the
IF, Only it little over -3,000,000.1 .
0 . .
their gocia wino, offer *!lot their friends its
loathi%, as, from soino terrible Ana un�-
toom ,i Heaven fordfona. that I should
years." I � I I.. I CitystallWo.00, London, in the.courao of
-A large proportion of the i
board oi
1661i at patting. My heart is towatanyou,
01.0 .
.n tgi flea. .
ng, he furbod Mud
have frightened the tool to Adathl XY
id he
T1 amid he, i
',Am I go, Young, dear girl?" sm which bhowill qpoar as d'utiet and Fjou.
along, country roada Advertise Inou ol
. . . Rttythobd -, 14 is Wood. i pray you turn
to, wpitahea
Pot a moment, 0 do olyff'ard
I tOnUrd Cly'90 10 � VAIII01000 indeed it &I
with & tonaor smile. "I thank beavonfot r, rou, . .
. . .
ago failecl id,4uginoog, - I
bee, - I
ly a . 0
or, .
Ave .
Me- I
lityl .
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and .
one, . . .
we .
, or '. I
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and . , I
I , ,
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Aber, '
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