HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe New Era, 1881-10-27, Page 1grofoo.1601 .n4 otAt.t. 04v4#' MONNY TO LEND IN 'LARGE OR SITALL saute on good mortgage seeuritY, moderate retell of interest. H. HALE Clinton • A teeticl'autEd ItN1113 IN IIURCE FOR SALE 131t the =dentine:. r trii,rod; be °eau 0,4 the °Moe of nton. Air as. WHITT, TEACHER OF MU8ZC, PUPILS .17-11. attended at their OM reeidence,Uneoessery. Be. Oraege etreet, near the Huron Road, Clthton, DH. DOWSLEY, M. D., 114. B. 0.8. Eilarainn, • Physician, Surgeon, dm., Office and reeidence next Molson'a Bank, market square Clinton. Ta R. APPLETON.- OFFICE -AT RESIDENCE on Ontario street, Clinton, opposite the /MO& Ohara. Entrance by side Bate. OYOUNG, M. B., (GRADUATE OF TORONTO eUniversitl.) SOrdeatt. &Po reatdame at Us. Manning's, three doors east of the Temperance Hall, Londesboro, Ont. rts-nn6J1E.-OrEICE_.BATTENOURY STREET', J-Jimmediabely north of Se.nsford'a book store. Reel, deuce, opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron Street Clinton. Mae hoots froxn 8 sae. to 6 p.m. D13. STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE MEDI- - 0AL Department of Victoria University, Toronto,tor, martyr of the Hoepitals and Dispensaries'New 'York Coroner for the Couuty of Huron, Bayileld,Ont. lejl'ARRIAGE 140EN8E8 AND CERTIFICATES, -WI-Apply at the Beaver Block,or at theresidhnee Of the aubeeriber, near the Lendon, Huron & Bruce Retinae, JAMES SCOTT, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Clinton. D W. WILLIAMS, B.&., M.B. GRADUATE OF -1.11e.Toronto University; member oithe College of Phy- instant' and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE a. Resinenoz the boulartoYfatirbencottpied-by-Dr: Reeve, Mbar -street- • Clinton. A H. MANNING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLI- -a -AA OITOSAH"OHANOHRY, Conveyancer, &C., Beaver Stook, Clinton, Ont. All busineas promptly attended to. Office !mum 9 a.m. to 8 p.m, Hawkshaw's Hotel, Blyth,. every Saturday. Tall. WORTHINGTON,PHYSICIAN, SURGEON -1-"Accouttheur, Licentiate of the College ofPhylician- and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provinoial Lieen, tiate and Coronorfor the County of Huron. Ofileeand reeidence,-The building f ormerly ocoupted by Mr. Thwaites, Huron street. s Clinton, Jan.10,1871. W. E. CARTWRIGHT, SURGEON D runty, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of fantail°, has opened rowne 10 the Victoria Block, Albert street, Clinton, where he will constantly be in attendance, and prepared to per- form every operation connoted with Dentistry. Teettt extracted, or Alled with gold, amalgam'or other !tiling materia. Artiflotal teeth ineerted from one to a tall set. 'iris a.. INSURANCE . • On all Descriptions of Property, AT LOWEST RATES. 40 C. RIDOUT, Clinton. S100,000 TO LEND, A T a PER CENT. Coats lower than any -t 1. other agency. FABAIS BOUGHT AND SOLD. MARRIAGE LICENSES. CONVEYANCING. • COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS. J A IVIES RAITHWAI TE, LONDE own°. &MLLEMUTUAL.' FIRE INSURANCE CO. THOS. NE1LAN,S, AGENT,, fiat -mom, olwr. Farmers wishing to insure will find this Company ne of the best and cheapest to insure in, and will be waited on at their homes if information be senttotho Agents'ofilae. 4y EDWIN KEEVER, L. D. 13 IC 1NT 'X' S rom the office of Trotter & Caesar, leading dentists Toronto. Second Honor Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons. OFFICE, BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON, °vett POW1iER & SON'S JEWEELERY STORE. THE MOLSONS BANK, Inoorporated by Act of Parliament,1855. CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. Head Office, Montreal. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. 74.74. MoLSON, . • - Vice•Pree. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Itoneral Manager. Notes discounted, Collections lecure, Drafts issv,ed, Sterling and American ex.change • bought and sold at lowest current rates. • INTEREST ALLOWED ON LIDOSITS. M. LOUGH, Manager. easet•Seb. 17, 1881. Clinton. JOHNSTON, TISDALL & GALE, BANKERS, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONT. II1RANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINES . -1.1tiodey advanced on Mortgages and Notes of hand Dratte issued payable at par, al all the edifies of the Merehant'e Bank of Canada. New York .erehange bought and Bold. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO COL. LECTIONS throughout Canada and the United States. SALE NOTES BOUGHT at dose rates, and money advanced to farmers on their own notes, for anylongth of time to enit the botrower. All marketable seetni- ties bought and sold. BANKERS IN NEN PORE. AGENTS OF,THE MERCHANT'S CANE or CANADA. INTEREST ALLOIVED ON DEPOSITS A. JOHNSTON, T. TISDALL. T. A. GALE, S trathroy. Clinton. • Elora. J. PENTL AND TISDALL, Mammon Oalo 1. Fisdall, loiters, Elora. A. JOHNSTON, T. A. GALE, 1. P. TISDALL, Strathroy. Clinton. Elora. T. A. CALE, Manager. Correspondents in Canada, Bank of Montreal End all their agenclee. In New York, W. Watsen end A. Lang, 19 said 61 Wall Street. • - Go't o COOPER'S POR IlEAP GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, &c. Oatmeal awlCi1 akays. oil lintl, ALSO Potty's oelohrotei English Breakfast hoot hong clear Bacon, Sugar Cured Rams, And No. 1 LARD, .4.4. prises Welt cannot be beaten in,wti. HIS 60 C. TEA A SPECIALTY SOLE AGENT FOR Bobbins' ELECTRIC SOAP i'ST REcEIVED, A LOT OF GEM FRUIT JARS. VOL, 17. NO. 42. TPSMS - $IAS For Annum. • t.9 CLINTON, ONT., THI1RSD4.Y, OCT, 27, 188).. • • •Farm, to Rent evi• Tag .87XTF1 00$0aSsion ()F Ave miles from Clinton. Apply to • • DE. REEVE, CLINTON. Farm for pale, subscriber offers that - very tionventently. situ, ated_property, knoWn as BelnlY Plage farm, for sale, 'OH the Hum Road, Goderieh township,* miles from Holmeeville. e farm contains 80 acres on which is the growiugpvn oe Clinton, and e of ndle from erected a goo house, two banoi, horse endow stableig all well watered, and 11 acres of fall Wheat. Possession given 1st. of January, next. 40 GEO: THOMPSON; ClintTon P.O. • promisee Lot 30, nth' coneeseion of 'Mullett • NMI gi4tIttigtingnf$. TAmas.See'rr, DARRISTER, SOLICITOR OF THE t1 Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, &e. - Mee, in 13sAvite, 7414101, ALBERT ST., 0110014. Xeir, nag., of Clinton, IT. Hunt, ▪ req.., Clinton, IT. Cook, Esq., Cieclerich township. ELIO of the above gentlemen have just purchased of M. J. NORSWORTHY, magnifigently finithed Warmer CI Sewing Machines, at the handsome sum of $80 each. These machines take first prize and highest bonen! et all the leading elthibitione. Berkshire Rogr for service HE subscriber will keepilering the season, et. hie IAEA 1\ra 'I' 0 13.A. • .1.4..011)S FOR SALE In the' Pernhina, lifeautain..iteek Lajce.; -Littli-Saidtatellevran Distriote, located • i• as followe . ' .firit-elass Berlishire boar. Terms, $1 at time .ef service. JAMES SHOBBROOK. I Now tin. to do Tall Planting. — W. C. SIC4.141-aq Tp 6, It 7 W See. 7-6e0 asirels. Offera a quantity of Gripe Vines and Currant busheit Tp 5, R 8 WI, See. 33-640 acres. at 10 mite each. Bulbs 'or fall planting- Tulips, Tp 5, It 8 w; 8 to an.LN w 3.4 see, is _go /two now Drops, Crocuses, Hyacinthe., &c., at 5 and le Tp 4, R 10 W, 8 3.i see, 31-820 aeres, eeittil retain. Orders talon for ell hinds of 173,11IT Tp 16, It 20 W, NW .34. See. 80-160 acres. IJ1ITES. Having an agency for one of the most, vet Tp 16, R 29 W. NW 34 See. 17-160 fteree. 8rilloolpet lvbieriNiisrn s. 4es inad -Cana, parties can Pa eappliecl Tp 2, It 7 E, NE See. 23-160 acres. ft Tp 11. It 9 W, NW tfi and N Of 0 W Se. -8t ' -240 aeres. Also, the following CLINTON properties TRAYED frotti the premises of the undersigned, the 10 following' six head of cattle: Ono whtte yearling heifer,' one red and white yearling heifer, one yearling heifer, red on tho skies, white belly and white on the back and tail ; one yearling heifer, red, with carefree - en haat ; one yearlingsteer, greyish roan e one two-year 'old steer, red with white star on forehead, and end of tail off. Any one giving such inforrnationan will lead to their tem:ivory, will receive the above reward. . 1st, House and lot on Princess Street, ocett- pied by the undersigned. • Howe centains11 rooms and wOodshed, hard and. Mort water; good garden of choice fruit trees. , 2nd. Double house atid lot on Vletorla, Street, rentiefor $d per month. ?rd. Brick store on Amert !street. next door to R. M. Racey's Hardware, ut present oceupied by Broad foot az Box RS furniture wareroont. Will be sold subject to lease. 4th. Easterly of lot 174, village of WinlIblus containing %the of an aore. Perfect title guarantied with often parcel:- Ternts liberal. Apply to 0, R, MENZIES, Clinteu. STORE TO RENT: STORE TO RENT, now in the course of oreetion; , .......... lie_charge of 010, Inkiness of the eountre. ntif informed, but it must be a good man if 1r E$DEitii will be received' by the untleraigned tip k; h. erneets to defeat "Cabe " 'AI j li 'R t ents transpiring during the recess have showh the the Stationery Stock of W. H. Ransfortl, • consisting of to 4 p.m., of:NATI/RDA re Nom. osn, fee -wise= of your labors ot last session, end dye various '''' - . intends , . • e. -0-n -ea: the objects, fdr which they wore formed. . again Mt' contest the Deputy. 'enactment'. you then Passed have abundantly fulfilled 914 i Books • Paper. Fancy Articles , , , , Wall Paper BerlinSome stops have been taken towarde the formation heeveship ; hut chancels of elect on are porta n. ! and the shop . furnittlre,' ate., of moo. Wools,Newspaper Butiness,-ate., amounting to $1,700 •Tho higbeet 4 of an Intonational Tribenal for the settlement of all ly ahead of any previous year'a, and it would IN THE THRIVING TOWN or. CLINTON. Ex- peetod.to •be completed in aliout three months. SIZE 85 BY 20 FEET. • • mini !JACKSON. - . . Por Sale, * . •$'1Ci ReNVard. RAL : 424 - • I ThereEe Beauty that Never CHU Die - - Lines suggested on reading a poem in Mr.. A. M. Tilt'- . lor'e new honk entitled " To an Old Maid." • There* a charm that no tka4 Mtn erase- • It not of the fonn or the face ^ 71 m est in tbe ehade of the halit; it is not in the skin, ooft and fair ; 11 10 not in the blueh oe the cheele, That the freshnes0. et youth dot); bespeak. Ah np 1 '115 not any of Sheet. - These outward elluremeuts that please.. , It is found In the heart that is true; in the mind that is pure as tho dew R Ls seen in the eye's tender light ; That falls from tho heavens at night, it appetite that a Jamb belonging to Mr. Chinn COMBT.—In the ease of Fetticher va. Gunn, .. T1 th prier: oi illoverl°e trhmeme vtlest ni i ePa'S m a a' 0 I It. ' , got into "Mr.1Feuleher's flock, and on the Undimmed by the years as they reit- farmer going for his fireperty, a dispute arose -.----71t; the beauty that dwellirin the SOUL GUSH Not being. satisfactorily eettled, the as to which was the kWh belonging to Mr, case had a hearing before a j. E, on MeindaYt October 17. liVatiaercliiicinglaiat for Plaeienntifefr.eoed aio the sides of the Benmiller hill, opposite the reeidence of Mr, T. •Gledhill, • Es 1101.11E10 at SON . Foblisbers. • t TAANA, S'Insema,-Mr, Thos. I,ee, of Varna, ahip- pecl a oar load of offecte from Brnoefield, on eTuesd'ay, for the northwest, and went him- self the next day. Bintvices.-Rev. Mr. Cook hes beep, con- ducting Especial services in the Metlaodiet Churola, Verna, for some time past, vEhich have been well attended, and Met with good euceess. COLLIORNE. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. The regular meeting was held on Thurs- day eyeningjast, in the Sothe' ty'a zoom, in the Beaver 13106k. The President elect, j, Turnbull, Esq., took the Abair. He addressed the members in a short speech, in which lie thanked them for electing. him Presiaent, and spoke Very appropriately upon the good work the So- mety was doing. He looked upon such institutions as almost necessary- appen- dages to the educational sy8teln, aff they performed a work which could not be done in the schools. He referred also to the opportunities such societies offered to young rnen who would soon be called to assume the responsibi I i ties, of ci dzetish to properly prepare therneelves for then' ifature work,. Mr. Ti ,1..,i1'... addresci was i(itilicl and practical ---the members giving nurgu 1."4'' 14' 'i5' 3IcKfil°1'. 41,111 a hearty reception. Mr. A. /I, Man- hti+ ping, on behalf of the Society welcomed llory stock 17 6 or nations regardino• the mode in which it Malmesvnle circuit have decided on repair. 1 •- the new' President, and made seine expla- . the ibllowing speech from the throne, and ing it, tis. was at first intended. Mrs, Geo. Butt, who has been visiting her parents here, left for her hiime in Weet By City, Mich., on Monday, lath bast, -Mimi* CODER' CH TO WNS . • . Seine Sturdy youths had a rough and tern hie bee lately, on the 71.1 con.. Who fired up a steam thresher and tied down the whistle, so that the people webo alarmed on the 7th con.? • - • nesan.-Mr, John Wigginton, of the hay- field Road, lost a fine boy between -6' and 7_ yeaVe of age, on Saturday, by croup, • Sohn Menougal, on the Ottt Line had a yield -of '2,6 bashele to the acre of the 'Lost Nation apring wheat. It was raised after a erop of. turnips. Fix,iNG A Cyjogetr, - The Methodists of was conducted; bile President then read' ing the Tipperary Church, instead of remov- . • lie House adjourned ; • ----- . .M.UNICIPAL ltiATTERS.-11 48 mid that op, ESTATE OF W 11 FIANSFORD THIS CLIrrOti Hoven:op Cotntors. position will be offered Mr. G. Eiliott m the • ; • CT T • I am mutt) leaeed to eail yon together alfaili for the' next' municipal tainted ; who it will be we are • ,OT 27, COM 14, Township of , Hultett, .13$ acres- -1-4on gravel road, 10 miles froth Clinton, and one from Blyth- this place has been recently cleared, termed and new htildiege erected thereon, and the 'soli good, well watettid by spring creek and would make it' good stobk. and' wheat tam, Liberal termegiven. Apply to ' W. W. FARRAN, elniton, Sept. '21, 1881. . 1 any tender not'necessarily accepted. . not surprise ne . lee:Mons arising betweee natione, end my Government to see John elected.. Mr. Jae, vripir 'at an' early day bring down it measure r lad Laithwaite, it is said, will be a candidate for All parties indebted to or havil claims nal. le t 4 t e do. abet? estate, are requested tsreett e the swim at once, , Upon the great teencanle questions of Free Trade and •.joug. ExocluT, Aweee, • •Protection, which are now occupying the attention, of 25-, 18K, ' the world, iny Government will ask you to,ronounce S.• • SO 7 BEAVER BLOCK, CLINTON, Have on hand a (shade ateidittitent of* CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELLERY and, PLATED WARE ot • all kinds, CloOloilfatchn, IA, repaired on short notice • • Arz. WORK WARRLNTED. Port THE Best Straw Cutters made „ALL AND SEE THEM AT THE PHC.ENIX CARRIAGE WORKS LoNn O. .A full assortment on. hand, ail alises.'• AlgO, two four and six horse -power GRAIN cullsillas &TURNIP. CUTTERS, all of the make of David Maiwell, Paris, • JOHN.' BRUNSDON, • ' 4t;n1 PHCENIX CARRIAGE WORKS.. , • ' 1 h order that in the fortheentiter" World's rade CO - . 'T...... ,....• . ,._ ..._,.... • . • ' ventiou the delegates of this•couritty may know better IP J11_,. ,,,„.111 •9r. et. A :',.rei * Ci§, I how to act ln accordance with your iseotiments. / „. '0- A bill for the entire peohibition of the pebliention, inportation and tele of Infidel JR:wet-um; will be lid I before you. '• • 1 Believing that the necessity for the maktenitnee of 1 s., eecond Legislative Chamber 114 this country has pees.' 1 cd away, my Govirnment will ask you to agree to is I petitien salting the Homo Government.te amend tho, '1 Britieh Werth Amerion Act, by repealing the same so fir as it relates to the Senate of the.Donilnion. I A confplenir statement of the past year's receipt.] and erponditures will be laid before you at an eatly•da.ti, Ise cam ileum with the etitions so numer I •-••••NineriCan datform Scales T R..• M RACErSi. councillor. He was one of the best council. lOrs in the township, nnd the no:MI° should insure his election next January, . LONDESEGRO. . • . , . _ 'The shooting match, ..as announced IDA Week, cable og on Thanksgiving Day; and. resulted in favor of John Smith's side, by 200 points. The score stood 3,225 to 6,426, Edward BelEmaking the largest count, 725 points. A good supper Was partaken of at Bell'a hotel, antreverything went off quietly. Mr. Jimmy has sold the black sthith. shop. formerly • oeoupied by John Haggitt. •Tbe . . . eigned au sent -in, you. will ' Eiked to considei e, and ha- y it e i the people of the'Dominion will, .then sorae PrO,prietoe• is rneVing. to the villag • chantin the mode of Belittling a Governor-General ' •tende . . starting business right _away. There j be allowedlo elect the Chief Exeoutiya .ofileer.' . .... , , . . . . tstly."8.1 Ought to be a good opening fur him. . . .... It hal; been Thaba'expedlen t to make some• ebanges t Farmers have "inamthenced • taking .up that. 11 the edueatiouni system,. and the establishment of a National -.ITnieereltyi:iinii.e.,measure embracing thee turni0 nd Me - h changes will be suhnutted-to you, .., ' '• ` . 'The preaent legislative wants of the country are net•. titer many nor prosting, but to those I have enumer-* ated I aek your earnest attention. 'trust your labors : may bewmtnently.aueeeesfulcand tinito the promotion • 'et the welfare and happineos 01 the whole country. . . Notice to Creditors • MON AND. HARDWARE ,MERCHANT, , OP • JOHN THOMAS.' COOPER.. .1 Of the Teem of Clinton. -In the County of Huron, Raker, Grocer, &e. 1111.1E above-named Jelin TrionAtt ConItat having mule an assignment of all his estate end, effects' to nee for the benefit °this ereditor,s, all 'tenons and eir- porations having any claim . against the said -Joni THOMAS Coormit,• are requested to :semi, to me 011 or before the Wills cloy of November, lifiSI, the particulars of their Matra bidetail, giving dates, items and amounts, accompanied by -a, statutory de- claration verifying the, poweetness of suok,elairn and particulars; and, further, take notice that after thq said day, I willproceed to distribute the assets in my hands, haring regard only to such -claims have been proVed before me. And all persone indebted to the Wad JOHN THOMAS C401rAlt, aro hereby notified that the amount et their indebtedness mesa he petit to' me torthweVe boolm of account of the MOO JOHN T. COOPER, 11 my hands, and may be inspected. . • Dated at 1 0 Town of Clinton, tisk 13th day of Otto- er, A.D., 188 ,, • . • " a. IT.; MANNINO, CLINTON'. ••••• • • . Servant Girl Wanted: (100D fretieial servant wanted 014 11)110. An - vs ply to 2X13.8. B. RANSI ORD, StAPiet,011. . . . House •for Sale. - , . • • reWELLING' Deese fee sale on Mary Street, Clinton. -La Nine rooms, hard and solt, water,. ono -quarter of an acre of ground. Price low. Terme ' to tuit p01- hser Apply to J.. A. NELLES, Guelph, or .. ' _ W: FARRAN: • ' • • '; Stray Pig:: ..r.: . . TRAYED from ittbseribeFe prentleel • lot 24- ./".3t6( colieession Goderich Township, aboat the ith Jae.' • - wiirrz SOW, year old, With a'bIttek spot Mt the Notice •tO Cr• editors * A side. Any one- returning it; or glebe; infditnation where she May be found, will 14sititably rdwahled. - OF. , . JAMES BOWDEN. , WILLIAM HENRY.RANSFORD, Of the Town of Clinton, the bounw of Huron, , Booksoller,.Statiotiet '&e. TITHE above WitoAtt Iferity ItAxerosia having made . an assimithent of mil Ms estate and effects. to mo for the benellt of hie ereditors,'Ell persons and corpora- tions having any claim against the said Witritsm limey Remain are requented to eend-to me, on or 'before' the First cloy or. December, A.D., 18815 tho particulars of their claim, in detail, giyin4 dates, items intd. amounts, accompanied by statutory declaration . verifying the correethess (shell Maim' and Mrticulars. And farther; take notice, that after the irst day of December -I will proceed to•distributo the. emote in my halide, having regard only tb such chime as have bum *roved b fo o1110. Dated at tho town. of Clieten title atli day of beteher, MAHN Clinton P.0-. _ ToThe Public. . • . A.D., 1381, . HORSE eon SAT.17. -.Any ono of throe horses for sale, as one eon be disposed of. . Prise, $7e, $40 and $36, 104..zDesC4filOdT6IgidILS VCR SA LE, -Any quanti ty to • 'fit ALso•2 STOVES, ono a good waiting' end elm email box stow, the above cheap fee cash. - • Any person wanting stove 'piece velearing 001531 apply to the undersigned. dObte dee the estatO of Mary Sartori, in,thcopedling account and otherwtte, twist ho paid by the 1st of November, to save coete. All applications for homes, Minium, stoves and stove pipe% to be made to Clinton, Oet. 0,1881. Clint°11' IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING- - • try .4:1TRAYEI) froth the pretniges of ob,leriber, 1-3about thobegineing ()fauna last, four head of year- lings past, one blue and white steer, one red steer, 0110 fEll and whiteheifer, and one White heifer: Any.per- son Wm nin•glee such infottnationas.wilfload to' their roeoyery will be suttahly rewarded. • 'JOHN FAItcyllITAII,-Cletion, Clirtion; Cet, 6, 1581. ' 4' ' . • • • Stray Steer. •IiritAYED 'from the premises of the sttlinilYer, near 1.-.7 Clinton, Mout the Middle Of 'hilt letit„ a spotted roan -earlbig Stoat Any. ORO RiV111 such informatimi as:wi 1 lead to ite recovery will bete rewarnal. • , • • A. MAY, Gotietlith townehip. House to. Rent.. 1-rmitr. well•siteated house on Albert Street, -L, oceup ed y Mr. 1)..bleCorvie, is offered to rent on reesonable arum. The home) has two romnit upstairs, alitl live rooms mei pantry downttaira ; splendid 'teller, bard end soft water, goOti atabling, and half alt acre Of land,...Apply to W." 1V, •FARRAN, Clintonr t ' • . Or C. SPOONER' Farm. for Sale. • '11111 uisd0roigsed baing lot fe .:°:rittet1r411: ttrielaleV town - 50111. ship. About 70 acres eleerma, and in splendid state of cultivation ;Ibalance goodhardwood. On.tlieplace is it log home, frame barn, etable;`&e,, abotifil acres of au orchard, two good Nvolla and running 'stream: Twelee aeree in felt wheat, Situate on itgood road, only mike from the thrit•ing 'twit of Clinton. Will he void ' en.reasonable terms. JAMES 11011ERTSON, Clinten P.O. ' =1 • , . . o : FOr. Sale,. la tho, Thriving. TOWn' of Dlintoni . .. 1110$LACK811ITH' 8II0P, 70018 AND.,GOOD 'WILT.. J,0 of no old established lutsiness, a first-eless MM. I--li Also throo.lete, quarter acre, each, with god frame Dwelling nod Wood Home, hard Mid soft water, 05 - hard and large frame etable. Will be sold altogether, orseparateke. Terms easy. Fos' particulars apply ld A. MATHESON*, Owner. EAST X WEST 0 CASH FOR EGGS. 'THOMAS COOPER, Winn 'Ttekr18 A LBEIRT STRNET CLINTON Jas. Thompson, Town Agent LTA. • Minton, Oe(. aothert erops ; ,t ey are not very 'heavy. • . ' • ' ' • The foundation under the temperance hall is very slowly progreseing. The time is past that it'ought to be finished.' • ,Ilir. Haggitt has..bonght the linage proper- ty formerly. occupied. by Wm. Walters and •Geo. Holdstoole, and intends opening up a shoe shop. If he does his work as cheap pre: portionately, as be bought the property, any .one can get their beets mended. There is quite a number going from here to the lumber woods, this *Inter"; wages aro good there. • . • • 1;10,1tR,B;SPONDI1N.611. AMUSEMENTS ALM ENTERTAINMENTS, l'6"•tAe. Dlitor.of the Minion, .Yt5' Era. , • . DEAR Sta.-Any one tesiding here' but a short time, must -have.. noticed- the evident. ltiek of amusements or oelertainments of a public character. . The town was at consider- able 'expense in bnileing a new market, ih which is •a hall capable cif holding it paying audience. We 'rend -el other towns being visited by troupe of. various .characters Of per- fOrmancee, of theatriefil, kora, of votial and histrumental inusiciana, and of tho. leading lecturers of the world, all of which must tend' 'to eninge tie well as instrtiet. 1 bilieire.there nre few amusements' or entertainments which do net possess Sane -lesstjn. for good, eome moral, which; if rightly diVerted; leads to ilfl. provement: Parlor guinea and amusements are proper in the extreme souse' of the vic4, but they all are not within 'the reach of the masseri•smreetbing Shouldbe lien° to enter- tain an.i instruct thio class. Strange to isay, end Snati, no doubt, have noticed this too, that lecturers raroly draw a: full 11 °nee in small plate** and conAesoendy do not Ray those who make the y eau: e • in 'bringing them. "'rliis, tnust evidently show .a lack of doisiro for culture , in that Way:...I.PAiling to allinse (for no rational woulc • object to amusing the young or old) the masses, by hie- tnree, other rneans must be .adopted. But hew. is it to be done 2 -By 10°81 talent -yea, if there. is enough of it, and if not, than by foreign; but by whoreand by what means is it to bebrought about,. If we have a hall capable of holding a paying audience, and a stage therein, on which a respectable company can perform, tlie fault is not there. Oar. facili- ties for such is not known then, ,find whose fault. is. this. • Evidently thatio who ,expected our halt to bo a revenlie prediMer,' and in building it had that in. view .astheir main object, hut take no pains to Make it ktiontp.• The writer, then, .;to be brief, would saggest the appointmatit,fif an intelligent few to coin- nineleate with companies vishingthe country; lay before thein the facilities we have, and induce them 'to crime here. The swettest. of . • Mr. John Eell intends living it shooting match en the 51h of November., , Seastess,-Por'some time past Rev, Jr. Iltimiltcorrof this circuit, has been holding speci)il tehrices connection with the Kin - burs Methodist church, which Mire been very largely attended, and nmeh interest manifested therein. A greet amount Of goggl has unqueitionably resulted from the meet:: oarwheinaing majority of members, and -singe; both to the older niembers of the Church, I litilieto that: in 1883, if :the Reformers .and many 'of tliose who, up io this time, were dotheir dittatait Will find the victory of • not members. . ' • • of 1874 repeated, 1 quite admit what the.. Minister said in that speeelf with. regaittc. No- Mr, John meL3eotodfahnafrb.aen re.eagagea as tpoerstohue cianyertabee of organization. No• teacher of S. S. No. 9, Morris, for 1882, at a in this Protrince. Withonebei g' Struck by • )took at7.the rettilz et election. ' 110-14erfoiti. Yonft0M3T. In addregoing his constituente at %et- inanville, last week, the Hon. Mr. Blake went at length into the policy of the Ow- ' ernment„ exposing the injustices Of their trade policy, showing what will be the ultimate diefistrous result of turning over the northwest to it monopoly, and dealt ably. and logically with the patters per, Mining to the political interests of th.e country. In the course of his remarks he indutged in the following forecest, which, it is to be hived, will be amply fulfilled. He said;- • The First Minister (Sir Atilt) said Ito would have a Majority in each of these Provinces, Well that a matter of opira- ion, and my opinion differs from his. I have used the very best Meana at my COM, mend to estimate the state of political feeling in thoee Provinces, and I feel eon- vinced that the present tone is mien that the Lileerals would secure, were an Oleo - tion to come upon.us at the earliest prac- ticable moment, a majority in each of these Provinces, and rice no reason to believe anything which can happen in the course of the time to elapse be- tween now and the' time of-tho next elec. tion, if it takes place at the expected time, „ will alter that forecest. Tile First Mjuj- ter pursued his political predintions, and referring to the Province ,of Q tebee. ea,ts1 Inmelfict have an increased inajorny there. New, I confess that .1 think that xathor greedy. 1"think a.rei now master about fit- . teen only out of sixty-five members front that Province in. the Rollie of Commons. Yet the Premier is not content with .that, but calculates npon, taking; some of the few remaining to ue. Well! gentleman, I don't think he is able 10 (10 it. I tliftfle on the contrary that we will be Stronger in • ,the Province of Quebec, when we appeal to the people than we areto.day. We are not as strong there as all true Liberalede- • • sire. In the retUrns to Parliament I admit . .we'are numerically weak compared with our opponent, also • compared with the popular force which those who represent us exert. We have had serious dittlen17 Hee to encounter in the Province •of Qtte- • bee from various cauSes, and for a beg time. 11,or many years certain 'Tory poli- ticians have prostituted the sacred name of' religion, ancl have ' misrepresented. the . views of their Church, and have deceived end embarrassed a nattirally devout peo- ple by declarations that no member. of the Liberal party could be It good Catholic, and that LiberalRefertners as such were -condemned by the. Church. These Mea. were. hi 1876 rebuked by the supreine head of the Chinch, ,but .1 hey tontieued their cdtirse Of roisrepresentatidn, and, " within the last few weeks another dealer- ation has been 'recelited frotn the head of Church) which, besides repeating the for-, per message, gees on .to -state that the Church does • not intend,. in Condemning ." a technical in anpli- dale. tobertain:v.iews.held in parts ofEu, rope. on questions aflectingthe Church; to Strike any of the political parties. which - • mity'be balled Liberal, and 111.110 do wrong • who declare. condemned by the Church. one of the Canadian politidal parties cal- • led the Reform party: The publication of this decree must 'produce a good effect • upon the minds .of thousands of .devoitt ' persons who own allegiance to the'llornan., ., • Catholic Church, and who,.sympathizing, with our -viewenn public questions, have. • yet in titneepast,•. been embarrassed. And Misled by the representations to whieli I , have referred On the part of these Tory •••' And producie.g,,, such good ' effeets, I do not doubt that, in due 'fieffson you Will find real Liberal and Reform. strength in Quebec More fully manifeeted at the polls than it hae been • in former • . liar. The Premier proceeded to sax that , • Ontario would- -maintain its majority , in his: 'raver. As to that • we judge for • ourselves. ••• am speaking of the • Pro,. .vince of 'Ontario, and among: t -hose who are ;able to take a tolerably just IiHS7 of :the conise of thought. and feeling -in On- ' tradO. The Province in. 1874' returned ' the Liberals to power • by an eferwhelit- • ing majority of Members at any rate. In • 1878 it returned the ConeerVativeff by an : Overwhelming. majority, at least. of mem- bers. 1879 -it returned•the Liberate in the Local Legislature, to power, by au• salary ef *425. He is an energetic teacher and Is jiving good satisfaction. ' , • Miss Dick, who hastaught in No. 1, for the loot tvvo years, has resigned and accept. ed. a situation In Mullett: . • •••••••••••••••.•••....., ' • • • • EA I' Fitenui. Ptifxim.1-Itev. Mr. Patterson oecupied• Rev..111r. jAvingstone's pulpit on.Sabhath evTen05.1114.;iFIALL.--. The frame- work. of the mueh-talked-of town hall; is now erected; and workmen are rapidly completing it. „, , THANKAGIVING.-Thursday ;Vett duly observed in this place. Services. were held in the Prekbyterian Church only, and in the evening, thus -allowing the leading P1051 of the place to- spend the .day in duck shooting, .".Thef action: of the Shooters lyas severely criticised by the. ttey. gentleman in the evening, „ iternuerr. Reerno.-Mr. Upshall haft rented his singers, the Fisk jubilee Co. and the Ken. ferric's on the 2nd con,, to Mr. R. VanEgmond, Cirsime.--Mr. Wm, Best has put- nedy's, the host of instructive, amusing andchased from Mr. Jenkins, of Goderich town- ettertaining.leeterere Mon to be in the field, ship, 200 mires of land, being lots II and 12, will pass us by, as well as the great variety. of 10th con. Hallett; for the sum of 86,000. Mr. musical, theatrical and minstrel coni anies 1.-0001d enlarge Intleir more -fully Orrthiff AO- 'aBleetistrodiu.48 now 300 acres is? which:180. are. leot, but will not for the present. Yours, ,ke., • PEA011EA le.mkon.—The trustees of, achOol Mcsr-cos, section No. 6, Hullett, have engaged Mr. Newton, of Howiek, as their teacher for next year, at a salary of 8420. Mr. Newton has it Bre,iins.--Mr. V. field has been rbpairing IITANLEri second-class certificate and is said the bridge over the creek oppealto lot 29,se, be an The side et the new bridge; is a excellent teacher. There were about 20 tip. fCrldecowIlo'cic. of cedar and when properly coy. Dikants f" thfa "11"1. ered will be a tierviceable and lasting -bridge. Sofa W. Cook tried to sell his (atin on the fourth eon. of Stanley lately by public notion. The lot ontaine )00 fierce Ana was bought in at $4,500. • . Filver told Ague. ' Are yen troubled with Agile, Chills and rev er, Bilitouti Fe ver,Honlitterit or Intermitting Fever, Night SWeate or filly disease that genies front Malaria or disordered Liver and Het Suns If • Front the Iluts:, HO, Proettre it bottle Of Green's Ague Conqueror, Willett hi EM acetic ettraet of etronk tame roots, tembined with Sulphate of Magnesia, oto., and There iS p01155115 no tonic oirered to the pee- poeitively &Attains no Quintile, Arsenio or other niti that 1)061408SM; ag real'intrinsic value peleene. It mirifioe t he bleed, eleattsee the an the Liop Bitter. Just at this Year, when the liver, spleen and other aecretito °mime- so e)f- stoinfteli 1100(14 011 appetizer, or the bleed neede fectually that the chills Will not return. WO nitrifying, the eheiment anti betit.remedy tit HOP hare never found. any ease of raver and Ague pittere. An &Mee Of prevention is worth a it wilt not euro. Priee 60 cents and $1.00 per nomad of cure don't 'Wait until yeti are prom- bottle, 'One large battle had cured as many AA treed by a (usenet) that may take months for flvo 1n 0150 demereoveo „iv/ire. g , yon to reeoyer in,-Boaten (globe, • the' large -ntrinber of .edustituencies iit which political sentiment is almostequal- ]y In these constituencies the party that organises the best has the beet chance of carrying them. If with inch a Cause as ours and such a state of feeling' • as 1 believe pervades the masses Of • the Liberal party in Ontario we are prepared .• to do our duty toofir country and to our: • party, to engage in 0:,reasonable'effort . fore the election in the direction ofsystem-• , f,atic andadept organization, I have. no. doubt this Province will do her duty again" as she did in 1871 and 1379, and will he, far, far indeed from, fulfillingthe predic, Hone Of the First.Minister. With regard tti British Columbia he claimed the Whole of that Province, and as he has given Co- lumbia a large pOrtion of Canada in eflbet I dare Say the Province will be gratefui. enough to,give him all herself. shall not quarrel with hie view in that respect. Coming further bast he'claimed Manitoba' as a whole. I admit'he has bid high for tho Province, because so far as lay in his power he las given to lIanitelea, a large part of Ontario) and Idare say he expects forthat and other favors the undiVided support of the I'rovince; but theinforma- lion I pave received leads ma,to tho con- clusion that the views' expressed by the Opposition- as lo What are the true inte- testa' of the North-west with regard to railways and settlements are sympathized with by large numbers of people in that Provinee, and that if there be, as 1 hope • there will be, it full and freerexpre.ssion at the polls of the sentiments of the ppople,,, they will not return an undivided support to the AO:ministration which is engaged in carrying out, so far as they can, ,views which I believe are detrimental to the interests of the Province. Generat gunm1i0n-6. Neetives swill a rush uniti't; for any drag Stine 158 ie Wet 'at J. IL Combo for a trial bottleof Dr. King's new discovery of Con. sumption, Conglis aed Colds. All persons afilieted with Asthma, 13ronehtha,lloarsonesa Myer° Coughs, or any affection of tho Throat and Lungs, can got a trielbottle of this reme- dy free, by calling at tite above drng store. •